How to find your own business, realize yourself and live happily!

Hello! Today we’ll talk about how to find something you love in order to make money from it.

Have you ever looked at people who love their jobs with envy? If your answer is yes, then this article is just for you. We'll tell you why it's important to make money doing what you love and how to find your calling.


  • What is a favorite thing
  • Is it worth changing your usual life?
  • How to understand that you are doing what you love
  • How to force yourself to take the first step towards a new life and leave a job you don’t like
  • How to find your favorite thing - 8 effective exercises
  • Exercise No. 1
  • Exercise No. 2
  • Exercise #3
  • Exercise #4
  • Exercise #5
  • Exercise #6
  • Exercise No. 7
  • Exercise #8
  • Tips for those who are looking for a favorite business
  • How to make your life's work successful
  • The obstacle that could stand in the way of your dream job
  • Pros and cons of starting your own business
  • Conclusion

How to find your life's work: take a simple test

More often it happens that you have already been able to find your favorite business, but it does not bring in a lot of money. That's it for now. Many people fall into this trap and move on to a job that pays more but is unloved.

To dispel thoughts and doubts about your life's work (if you have found it) and confirm that it is yours, take a short test. You will immediately understand: you are doing your own thing or borrowed from someone.

  • If you had an unlimited money card, you could afford whatever you wanted. What would you be doing now?
  • Do you get moral satisfaction from what you are doing now in life?
  • Was the activity you are currently engaged in chosen independently or under the influence of friends, parents, the thirst for big earnings or under the influence of other factors?
  • Are you bringing benefit to this world through your activities?

Answer the questions in writing.

If you answered question No. 1 – “no”, No. 2 – “no”, No. 3 – “parents advised”, No. 4 – “not sure”, then you are clearly wasting your time because you are not doing your own thing. Now let's talk in detail about how to find your favorite thing in life.

What is a favorite thing

All people have certain talents and abilities. Some people turn their skill into a hobby, while others make good money from it.

A favorite activity is an activity or activity that brings maximum pleasure and expected monetary reward.

A person who loves his job willingly goes there, gives his 100% and receives moral satisfaction from this. This is a happy individual who lives his life with pleasure.

What are your strengths and talents?

Listening skills

Now try to look at yourself from the outside as objectively as possible. Think about what you are good at? What do you do better than others? You may often hear from others that you are a good listener and have a great sense of other people's emotions. Or you, taking photographs like no one else, know how to see the frame and take beautiful pictures. Or maybe you are often praised for your organization and punctuality?

By the way, your buddies, friends, and family members can help you answer these questions. But only those whom you trust, who value and respect you.

Is it worth changing your usual life?

This question torments the majority of people who want to start doing what they love. Man is created from contradictions. He simultaneously wants to start a new, happier life, but the fear of change does not leave him.

That is why most of the ideas remain unrealized. But at the same time, life remains at the same level, and happiness is so close.

People who nevertheless decide to take a desperate step, are not afraid to change their lives for the better, receive a well-deserved reward in the form of a job they love, which they really want to go to. And it costs a lot.

Think about how much time you spend at work doing tasks that don't bring you satisfaction. And if you devote your life to what you love, then you can be happy throughout your working time, be in a good mood and give joy to others. In this case, you feel less tired, you do not experience irritability, and after a hard day you will definitely have energy left for your family.

Willingness to take risks

Willingness to take risks

Finding what you love is always associated with a series of trials and errors. Any new endeavor is always a risk. It is important to be able to go for it, overcoming fear and uncertainty. This will be difficult at first. However, the more risks you take, the easier it becomes over time.

If the risk turns out to be in vain, at least you will know where not to go. If the risk pays off, you will not only achieve what you want, but you will also be proud of yourself and more confident. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you take one risk, you can stay happy forever.

How to understand that you are doing what you love

Favorite work

If you are not sure that the business you are doing is your calling, then you will be interested in finding out the distinctive features of people who do what they love.

  • They devote all their free time to their favorite activity. For example, if you knit things to order, then you devote all your free time to this activity, and you do not get tired of knitting needles and threads at all. You combine several things, for example, watching a TV series and knitting. This activity is always your priority;
  • Easily concentrate on getting work done. If people are passionate about the process, then they are not disturbed by the conversations of colleagues or the noise of children running around them. They always “plunge headlong into their favorite activity”;
  • Constant desire for self-development and acquiring new knowledge. For example, people who bake custom cakes and love their profession are constantly in search of new recipes. They regularly attend courses where they gain new knowledge that helps them create real sweet masterpieces;
  • The work done assumes the emergence of a positive charge of emotions. If a person is busy doing something that he really likes, he may get tired physically, but not mentally. The result of his work inspires and gives strength to conquer new heights.

If you still haven’t been able to figure out what kind of work you love, then try to answer the question “Does your work bring you pleasure and income?” If you answered no, then you should start looking for an activity that will make you a wealthy and happy person.

What it is

This is any activity that brings pleasure, a sense of self-realization and other positive qualities. The work may be commercial or charitable, social and creative. But today I will talk about what also brings material benefits.

It is wrong to think that employment in someone else’s company is always a bad stage in life. Not all people are proactive and born with a calling to lead. Of the majority of smart, worthy employees, at least 50% will not be able to occupy leadership positions, but they are ideally suited to their place, become indispensable, and develop creatively and professionally.

For others, sitting in an office is contraindicated; it holds back their potential, opportunities and ambitions. But most of these individuals do not know how to find themselves in business in order to simultaneously realize themselves and not work at a loss. Non-profit activities – charity, creativity, social assistance – can also become a favorite activity. Initially, they were not created to receive money and other material benefits. But with the right approach, you can put each of these principles on the rails of business.

Example: Do you appreciate paintings and love to write? Exhibit your creativity in your own art gallery along with other emerging artists. This is both practical and consistent with the morality of art.

To summarize, “my favorite thing in life” is an activity that brings pleasure and does not make me want to leave my workplace as soon as possible. No chronic fatigue or autumn depression, only pleasant fatigue and a state of euphoria from the quality and quantity of work done. Women who have not found such a place, have not been able to realize themselves, very often cling to marriage and the birth of children as an attempt to leave an unloved office.

How to find your favorite thing - 8 effective exercises

Exercises for finding your favorite thing

There are people who have a lot of interests, and there are those who don’t even have a basic hobby. But, one way or another, every person has a job that he does best and brings maximum satisfaction. The main thing is to find it.

It's not difficult at all. You just need to be prepared that the search may take more than one day.

Exercise No. 1

Take a piece of paper and write 100 wishes on it. For example, “I want to travel”, “I want to draw” or “I want to learn how to cook deliciously”, etc. Then re-read what you wrote and choose 10 of your most cherished desires. And among these 10, find 3 that you 100% want to implement.

The resulting top three are precisely those activities that bring you the greatest satisfaction. Perhaps one of them will be your favorite.

Exercise No. 2

Thanks to this exercise, you can quickly understand what your favorite thing is. Imagine that you unexpectedly received a million-dollar inheritance. Now answer the following questions, writing down your answers.

  1. What would you do in this case?
  2. What activities would you easily give up?
  3. What would you never give up?

Those activities that you never quit are your favorite ones. Pay close attention to them.

Exercise #3

Your PC will help you choose your favorite activity. Nowadays, every person spends a lot of time sitting in front of a computer, visiting various sites. View your browser history and analyze the topics of the resources you visit.

For example, you noticed that 60% of the information you viewed concerns cars, their repairs, spare parts, then pay attention to this activity. Maybe you can open a service station that will be successful.

Exercise #4

A person consists of continuous questions. He tends to be insecure and doubt things. Then he turns to his family, friends, colleagues, etc. with certain questions. But in fact, we ourselves know the answers to the questions of interest, and when in doubt, we want those around us to confirm our assumptions.

Try to look for all the answers within yourself. To do this, write down your questions and look for answers to them yourself. Very soon you will realize that you can, know and are able to do much more than you think.

For example, write the question “How to make money doing what you love?” After that, try to find the answer and write it down too. Finding the truth may take more than one day, but you will definitely get to the bottom of it.

Exercise #5

Each of us may have several favorite activities that we like and want to do. But it is important to understand which brings the greatest satisfaction and income. This can be done by brute force. That is, go through ideas, discard those that are uninteresting, in your opinion, and find those that appeal to you.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, because this is the only way to find your calling.

Exercise #6

All our interests are rooted in childhood. It is at this age that parents try in every possible way to develop their child’s abilities, sending him to all kinds of clubs and sections. Think about it, what was interesting to you at an early age? What came easiest and brought the most satisfaction? Perhaps this particular activity can influence the choice of your favorite activity.

Exercise No. 7

Concentrate on completing the task, turn off mobile phones, computer, TV, etc. Remain in complete silence. Now take a piece of paper, a pen and try to write down everything you love to do, the brightest moments in life and what brings you pleasure.

Now rate each item on a 10-point scale. Where 10 is an activity that brings maximum pleasure, and 1 is a minimum of positive emotions.

Review the items that received the maximum number of points. Perhaps among them lies an activity that can bring income and pleasure.

Exercise #8

Answer the question “How to find your favorite thing?” A simple exercise will help. Draw a table with three columns. Title the first one: “What do I do best?” Write down here what you do best. Sign the second one: “What do I like to do most?” Find the answers to this question in the first column and rewrite them in the second. The third column is titled “What are your best skills that you like?” Rewrite here the points from the second column that answer the last question.

The third column displays all the things you do best. You can combine several points and get the job of your dreams.

For example, you love society, are the “life of the party”, easily make new acquaintances, and at the same time, have the talent of a designer. You can organize a wedding agency, offering everyone to host and arrange their wedding, according to the wishes of the bride and groom.

Determine your least favorite activities.

Sometimes, an effective way to understand your life's work is by contradiction. Instead of looking for suitable professions or hobbies, it is worth figuring out what exactly is not of interest. Why don’t you want to start at all? By excluding from the list of specialties those that are not suitable, those that may be of interest will gradually emerge. Then it’s worth skeptically reconsidering each of them and again “cleaning the ranks.” As a result, there will be a couple of options left that are worth paying close attention to. This may not give an exact answer to the question about the business of life, but it will significantly narrow the search circle.

Tips for those who are looking for a favorite business

Tips for finding what you love

Those people who have realized that in order to be happy, you need to do what you love, it will be interesting to learn a few tips that will help you decide on an idea for a business.

To make it easier to understand what your favorite thing is, you need to imagine your dream job. First think about your ambitions. If you dream of being a manager, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the position of an ordinary office worker. You must clearly understand who exactly you want to be and move towards your goal.

Analyze all your strengths and think about what you really like and what you could easily do. For example, you have a rich greenhouse at home and you like to grow plants. You can probably handle large volumes, so why not start your favorite business, selling indoor plants.

What you love will not bring you pleasure if you do it in an environment that is uncomfortable for you. Think about where you enjoy working. At home, in the office, outdoors or on the road.

For example, if it’s hard for you to get up and go to work, but you like to sew children’s toys or cook to order, then the best place to work is your living square meters. Learn in detail about small home-based businesses. But if you are a sociable person and you like to make new acquaintances, then when you work in a group, you will feel like a happy person.

Learn to get out of your “comfort zone”. This will help overcome self-doubt, raise your self-esteem, and teach you a lot. If you are an introverted person who wants to achieve success in your endeavor, then sooner or later, you will have to learn to find a common language with clients, customers, clients, suppliers, etc. Perhaps you do not consider your favorite business as a calling from -for some kind of complexes. And if you overcome them, you can change your life for the better.

Where to begin?

The great Confucius once said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” And that’s the whole point.

Famous life coach Barbara Sher wrote a book about how to find your life's work.

how to find your life's work and start earning money

The author writes that each of us, even in childhood, was by definition a genius. We are distinguished from Einstein and Mozart only by the conditions of development. These geniuses had a favorable environment for development, but we did not. However, it's never too late to fix it.

I want to find my passion in life - what should I do? Let's look at the rules that will help you get to know yourself better.

How to make your life's work successful

In order to do what you really like and quit your old job, you need to find something that will bring you a good income. In most cases, this means starting your own business based on your abilities and desires.

But in order for this activity to satisfy all your needs, there is a lot to go through. Let's look together at all the stages of forming a successful business.

  1. Search for an idea. Based on your life preferences, desires and abilities, find an activity that you would like to do throughout your life. It is this business idea that you bring to life;
  2. Testing the idea. Absolutely any business can fail. To prevent this from happening, you need to test the idea. Distribute advertisements for the service you provide or the product you manufacture. If the number of potential clients is large, then you can start implementing the idea.

For example, if you plan to make furniture for animals, you don’t need to immediately purchase a lot of material and tools. It is enough to make a few units and see how quickly they will buy them from you. Before starting any business, you need to evaluate the relevance of the product you provide and the presence of competitors in this area.

  1. Drawing up a detailed plan. If you have thoroughly tested your idea and are confident that it will work, then start drawing up a detailed business plan. It is he who will help to properly organize a business that will generate income;
  2. Development course. Never stop there. Develop, learn something new, expand your business. This is the only way you will feel successful, happy and financially secure.

How to find your business in life: a set of practical exercises

Below are some tips for narrowing down your search for something you love.

Exercise No. 1. Find out if there is a market for your business

Having a passion for a certain thing is not enough, no matter how much you want it to be so.

You also need to make sure that there is a demand ; otherwise, your work will remain a hobby, never growing into a profitable business.

Identify problems you can solve. To find an in-demand specialty or create a profitable business, you first need to find the problems that your target customers or society as a whole are experiencing, and then determine whether you can actually solve them.

Exercise No. 2. Narrow down your business

narrow your scope of activity even further .

One of the best ways to do this is to visit related forums and social networks. Simply enter your main keywords and scroll through the most popular forums and communities to see if there are hits for your query.

Dig even deeper by visiting these niche groups and forums to see what topics or questions come up regularly. This can help you find something to do later (for example, “freelance fiction writers”), as well as help you come up with additional sub-niches or ideas for the future.

Exercise No. 3. Check the competition for yourself

Type in the search a query that corresponds to the area of ​​business or profession that interests you. Next, you will see one of three options.

  1. There are already tons of famous sites ranking for these keywords. This area can be oversaturated and it may be better to find one that is not as popular. (This is especially important when starting a business, since in the case of a profession this may indicate its demand if you live in a big city and vacancies do not dry up)
  2. There is no website ranking for these keywords. Be careful here - this may mean that there are many opportunities, but most likely it means that others have already discovered that there is no market for this business.
  3. There are some sites that rank for these keywords, but they tend to be smaller or of lower quality. This is a good sign that this business is worth developing. There will probably be some market for this area and the competition won't be too fierce.

Congratulations! At this point, you have chosen a case and considered the competition. Now it's time to see if this niche is really as popular and profitable as you hope.

Exercise No. 4. Check your case

While the market research you've already done is helpful, testing the market in real time can really show you if you're on the right track.

Now you are armed with all the information you need to choose your life's work, the only thing left to do is test your idea .

One easy way to do this is to set up a landing page for pre-sales of the product you are developing. You can then drive traffic to that page with paid advertising.

Even if you're not getting pre-sales, it doesn't necessarily mean you're not in a viable niche. The reason could be that your message is not quite right, or you haven't found the right sentence yet.

The obstacle that could stand in the way of your dream job


If you are passionate about the idea of ​​changing your job and realize that you want to do what you love, then confidently go towards your goal. But be prepared that after a period of elation, there always comes a period of despondency.

This period of life is characterized by apathy, lack of inspiration and self-confidence. It’s as if the person’s batteries are running low and he “gives up.” This is a normal phenomenon that is common to all living people.

But still, try to stay motivated and accomplish everything you plan. The following recommendations may help you with this:

  • Reward yourself for any achievements. For example, tell yourself, “If I write a report today, I can go meet my friends.” Such small rewards motivate and dispel boredom;
  • Don't put off your plans. If you don’t enjoy doing something, it’s better to do it right away. This way you won't be constantly thinking about what still needs to be done. You will be proud of yourself and will not lose your good mood;
  • Communicate with people who believe in you and support all your endeavors. Other people's positive attitudes can rub off on you. Therefore, avoid pessimists and communicate more often with optimists;
  • Relax and recharge your batteries. Plan not only your work day, but also your rest. If you love nightclubs and noisy companies, then relax there. Perhaps dancing, cheerful music and beloved friends will bring you out of a state of despondency;
  • Don't wear rose-colored glasses. At the very beginning of your career, set realistic goals and deadlines for achieving them. This is the only way you will confidently move towards your goal.

No matter what obstacles arise on your way, the main thing is to love the business to which you have decided to devote your whole life. It is this feeling that will motivate you and will not let you stop without achieving your goal.

When your career goes wrong

If you're rapidly climbing the corporate ladder but don't know what you really want, you have a special problem: the busy pace of your life, material rewards and social admiration are both exciting and confusing. Perhaps because of them you are afraid to stop. And you continue to rush forward. At the same time, you begin to feel that you are flying in the wrong direction on a superhighway and there are no visible turns on it. You may not know what your life's purpose is, but you are beginning to think it is eluding you.

Moving fast and feeling increasingly lost is, I think, the only thing worse than getting stuck. The unexpected and tragic truth is that in the wonderful land of opportunity, it is especially easy to fall into the trap of a fast-paced career and not be able to get out in time. If you are running at speed, achieving success at a great-looking job (even if you are unhappy at the same time), you and I know what everyone else is thinking: “This is success. You're very lucky."

But there is nothing pleasant about the work itself, except for this shine: you like the way you look thanks to it. However, behind the beautiful facade lies either extremely unpleasant work, or normal work, but so intense and all-consuming, taking up so much time and effort that there is simply not enough for the rest of your life.

A winner is a person who does what he loves. It doesn't matter which one! A loser is a person who wastes time doing something he doesn’t like

But it doesn’t occur to anyone that your life is not so healthy, and you yourself are in no hurry to enlighten those around you. I will say something that may surprise you: I feel more sorry for you than for almost all the other people with whom I come into contact. Others, even if they are dissatisfied with their work, are allowed to complain about an annoying situation. “Lucky” careerists like you think they have won a big prize and therefore have no right to complain. And at the same time, they look around in bewilderment, trying to understand what went wrong. They have no idea that they have been fooled or exploited by the culture. However, this happens more often than you might think.

If you remember my definition, a winner is a person who does what he loves. It doesn't matter which one! And a loser is a person who wastes time doing something he doesn’t like. Among my losers may be the unfortunate owner of a Rolls-Royce. Because they haven’t yet invented a brilliant contraption that can make up for life without self-realization. If you are unable to live your life, then you have lost a priceless treasure. Fate gives each of us uniqueness. Each person is a complex network of finely woven characteristics, views, abilities, tastes and talents. There is no other person in this world who can do what you can, think and see like you, create what you can.

Pros and cons of starting your own business

Before you do what you love, invest capital and open a business, you need to know about all its pros and cons.

Any activity has positive sides. Here are the advantages that your business has:

  • You work for yourself and you don’t have a boss who dictates your requirements;
  • Only you develop a strategy for your business and direct it in the right direction;
  • You select personnel and create a team with which you are comfortable working;
  • You work where it is convenient for you (at home, in rented premises, etc.);
  • The amount of income depends on you. The more you work, the better your business develops, the higher your material well-being.

Also, the future manager needs to know about the negative aspects of his own business:

  • In case of failure, all responsibility falls on you;
  • The risk of organizing your business incorrectly and being left with nothing is quite high;
  • An incorrectly selected business idea can lead to failure, and this most often leads to the loss of the initial investment.

Everything in life has pros and cons, but you shouldn't pay too much attention to it. In times of doubt, be guided by the expression “He who loves business, life is sweet,” then all fears will dissipate.

Favorite thing every day

People are born with the abilities and opportunities to realize themselves through a business they love, which will bring them satisfaction and profit at the same time.

True, you should not be mistaken and expect that you will need to work very little for this, and life will consist of pleasures. Fruitful self-employment sometimes takes up all the free 12 hours in a day.

Favorite thing for every money

I want to share one of the quick ways to cheer up and understand your range of interests. This technique can be called: “Your favorite thing every day.” You simply start every day a little doing whatever you love. As much as you can find time. Yes, it's that simple. Your mind will tune in to find your favorite activities. And believe me, as you move forward in your spiritual hobbies and move from one to another, you have no chance of passing by your destination. You will be taken to “your business.”

Reshaping: real stories from the lives of famous people

Do you know that:

  • The founder of Dell Corporation, Michael Dell, decided to connect his life with medicine. After graduating from school, he entered the University of Texas to study pharmacy. In his third year, Michael realizes his mistake, drops out of school, and creates a company that later became one of the largest technology corporations in the world.
  • Before creating Nike, Phil Knight worked as an assistant at a small newspaper and tried to write books. The idea of ​​reselling cheap Japanese-made sports shoes in the United States made Phil a billionaire.
  • The famous Harrison Ford worked as an ordinary carpenter. Only chance and a minor role in the low-budget youth comedy American Graffiti allowed Harrison to become the most popular Hollywood actor of the 80s and 90s of the last century.

To suffer for decades in a job you hate, or to radically change the ordinary and monotonous course of your life is the business of each of us.

The recipe for finding something you like is quite simple - you need to do something in which a person has an interest. Any hobby and interest can be turned into an activity that brings in a lot of money. By completely dedicating yourself to your favorite job, you can forever forget about spiritual emptiness, and, in addition to material income, receive physical and psychological satisfaction.

Harrison Ford found himself in life

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