Where to find your resource status: 4 simple ways

What is resource state

Why are we losing resource status?

A resource state is a balanced, even, calm, harmonious state. In this state we feel good, we like everything, we are satisfied with everything, we are happy with life, we want to be happy, we want to do something good.

At every moment we create our life. How do we do this? We broadcast our inner state to the outside world and thus attract corresponding events to ourselves. Like attracts like. If something is not inside, then it will not appear in your life “outside”.

If you have read V. Zeland, then remember his statement that space is multivariate and with our internal state we “catch” to ourselves those options for the development of events that have the same vibration as we have inside us at the moment. What we emit is what we attract to ourselves.

I really like this idea. In addition, both in meditation and in an immersion session, one can easily see these different versions of events when we change our internal state. Once you change your inner state, the world around us immediately changes.

A resource harmonious state helps us create a harmonious life. Logical, right? This is the state that attracts joyful events to us. The only problem is that this state constantly eludes us somewhere.

Since our internal state is a characteristic of our physical body, we can learn to turn on this state in our body , for example, in the same way that the process of salivation is triggered by our mere thought of lemon. Check it out - imagine a lemon now, and pay attention to how you feel in your mouth. In the same way, you can learn to respond by turning on a harmonious state inside through the inclusion of some image or through a memory.

Where to get energy

Big Goal.

Choose your path and follow it in any situation. Your personal dreams and goals, moving towards them will fill you with energy. The stronger your focus on the goal, the stronger you are.

If you already have a goal, you can check how much it lights you up. Ask yourself the following questions: - Are you passionate about this goal or is it just a tick on your bucket list? -Can you say that if you do not achieve this goal, then your life will be meaningless?

If the answers are yes, you are on the right track. If not, you should reconsider your choice of goal. In the Army Project, a whole block of tasks is allocated to selecting a target. Participants work with certified coaches who will help in setting goals. So that the chosen goal turns out to be the very driving force that will fill you with energy day after day throughout the entire journey.

A vision of a goal is what allows you to lead those who do not have their own goal. Knowing where you can come gives meaning to other people's actions.

No fear of competition.

Comparison only with yourself yesterday. There is no point in competing with someone; we cannot influence someone else’s results in any way.

Remember, or better yet, write it down and put it on your phone’s screensaver to remind yourself of this every day:

“The only person I compete with is yesterday’s me.”

Watch Conar McGregor's pre-fight interviews. It doesn’t matter to him at all who his opponent is, he knows that he works hard on himself, and this gives him confidence in his abilities.


Awareness of one's own priorities, interests, and zone of influence gives freedom for self-expression. A clear delineation of what depends on us and what does not. If something does not depend on the Leader, he simply lets go of the situation, otherwise he simply always remains himself.

Energy Eaters

Feelings of fear, guilt, anxiety.

If you made a mistake and are afraid to talk about it, wait, come up with excuses, then at that moment you are wasting your energy.


The less you focus on a situation, the more energy you save.


Robert Cialdini, in one of his books, publishes a study about the magnitude of choice. The point is that the more choices a person is given, the more difficult it is for him to make that choice. In the meantime, we are thinking about the right option - we are wasting a lot of energy.

And on the contrary, the more clearly you understand your needs, the less energy you spend on daily choices.

Make a short list of the things that are most important to your life and worth your attention. Next to each of them, put the percentage of your attention that this thing or area deserves.


  • Family - 30%
  • Life's work - 30%
  • Maintaining body tone - 15%
  • Friends -15%
  • Other, daily tasks - 10%

If some situation begins to take up a lot of space in your head, think about which list this situation belongs to. Is she worth so much attention?

Remember that if you spend your vital energy on less important things, it will be more difficult for you to take on more important ones.

How our body helps us understand our internal state

Why are we losing resource status?

Our physical body helps us realize our ideas and desires in the physical world. When our ideas “response” in the body, resonate with us, they become our true desires and are easily fulfilled. Without the body, we would not be able to realize our desires or even communicate about them.

In addition, the body helps us understand the world - with the help of our senses we can hear, see, touch, taste and smell.

The body communicates with us through sensations in the body. When we are happy, we feel corresponding pleasant sensations in the body - warmth, lightness, relaxation, etc. When something “wrong” happens, the body reacts with other sensations - stiffness, tension, rattling, tingling, tightness, “petrification”, etc.

Scientists have long found a connection between a person’s emotional state and the state of the cells of the physical body.

Do a little experiment

Technique for acquiring a resource state in NLP: “Magic Circle”

To replenish the missing energy in a timely manner, there is a special technique invented by neurolinguistic programming psychologists. The algorithm for its implementation is as follows:

  • First, a person needs to determine which resources he lacks in a certain situation. For example, it could be calmness, self-confidence, interest, determination.
  • Then, in your imagination, a circle is drawn on the floor, the diameter of which is about a meter.
  • Mentally, the required resource is placed in this circle in the image that appears in the person. For example, lack of self-confidence may be represented as a lion with a bright fiery mane.
  • Then, in your imagination, you need to enter this circle, merge with the image.
  • After this, the state needs to be “anchored”. An anchor in NLP is a term that simply means a conditioned reflex. By associating the current resource state with a certain movement, you can cause it in the future. Therefore, feeling filled with confidence, you can pat yourself on the thighs, or, for example, clench your left hand into a fist.
  • Then in your imagination you need to get out of this circle.
  • Mentally, you should play out situations in the future, where the desired state will be caused with the help of an anchor.

magic circle

Practice. Remember now 2 events:

1. Recall an event when you hugged or kissed your young child. Now notice what is happening inside you, in your body right now? Which part of the body reacts the most and with what sensations?

2. Now remember how you did something unpleasant for you. Perhaps kissed a wet frog? Or something different? Remember this situation in detail. What's going on inside you right now? Which part of the body reacts the most and with what sensations?

Did you feel any difference in your feelings in these two events? Share in the comments.

This experiment shows that the body cannot be deceived ; it always broadcasts your real feelings and emotions. The body is the expert in how you actually feel. The body always tells you the truth.

Do you always listen to your body's signals?

But are you always ready to listen to your body? Practice shows that we rarely pay attention to body signals.

“Our body talks to us all the time. If only we took the time to listen! Every cell in the body reacts to our every thought and every word.” Louise Hay

But if you do not understand the signals of your body, then contact with the body is broken, you do not understand the language in which your body speaks to you. The body cannot “reach” you. Often this attitude towards the body leads to various types of abuse, such as overeating, smoking, alcohol, etc. and ultimately to illness.

Read about the causes of diseases in the article here.

When we experience strong negative emotions, such as anger or others, then the body reacts with clamping, tension, thereby the circulatory system is compressed, blood does not flow to any specific organs and these organs do not receive the necessary nutrients.

When you don’t pay attention to the body’s signals at all, then the risk of disease arises, this is when the body is already “screaming” to you in the form of pain, which is already difficult for you to ignore. If you constantly live in a mode of dissatisfaction, complaints, fear, etc., then your organs will sooner or later react with pain.

Brain function and energy replenishment

The human brain is constantly working to maintain strength in order to survive. And if a person has a need to do something for the sake of survival, and not just to satisfy unclear needs, then the brain may well give its owner a credit of energy, which will be used to create a resource state. But on one condition: if a person clearly explains to him (in other words, to himself) for what exact purposes this energy is needed.

It is impossible to get strength from your body if you go to a job you hate every day, communicate with unpleasant people, or live in a marriage that has not brought joy for a long time. The resource state of the woman whose story is described in the example above will occur only in one case: if she learns to listen to her body, realizes her needs and changes her field of activity.

Exercises to replenish internal strength will be effective in any case. But it is necessary to understand that if a person is forced to deal with some debilitating factor every day, sooner or later he will again begin to suffer from a lack of energy.

Why are we losing resource status?

Why are we losing resource status?

We fall out of the resource state when we experience negative emotions or think unhappy thoughts. There are two sources of these thoughts and emotions - the external world or our internal world.

As soon as you switch your attention to something in the outside world, be prepared for the fact that this something can divert your focus to the side, towards yourself. Return this focus to yourself, inside yourself, to how you feel now, return the focus back to your body. This is the only way to maintain your inner state.

In addition, our inner world can also be a source of unhappy thoughts or emotions. For example, through genetic memory we inherit the memory of all significant emotional events in the family. Our genetic memory is passed down to us through the cells of our body. And this memory is stored in the body.

But the body does not remember everything and the body’s memory is selective . The body remembers only significant events, that is, its reactions to strong emotions, both positive and negative.

Why are we losing resource status?

An example of how this happens

It goes like this. Some event occurs, for example, a child did something and was punished. If the child does not agree, then an emotion (resentment, anger, etc.) flares up inside the child. Then the body reacts - for example, with a squeeze, or a lump in the throat, but the child cannot respond, so unspoken words and emotions remain in the body.

A person can carry this bodily memory throughout his life if he does not work with it and release his emotions. In adult life, this can manifest itself in the form of rejection of this person who punished, or in the form of an inability to speak out, a feeling of a “lump in the throat” at those moments when a person really needs to express his opinion in the family or at work.

When this “lump” is released, the situation changes and the person can speak freely. This happens through re-awareness of that situation from childhood, when a new understanding of what happened in that specific situation comes.

Read more about blocks in the body here.

No matter how much we hide our emotions, the body knows about them, it still feels them and stores these memories. It is possible to unblock these clamps in the body by going through your memories in reverse order. For example, if there is some discomfort in the body, then from the sensations in the body you can find the emotion that caused this reaction in the body. From an emotion we can find the event, the circumstances that caused this emotion. A detailed viewing of this event in immersion helps to unblock these unpleasant sensations in the body.

More information about how the consultation takes place can be found here.

Thus, everything that is stored in the memory of our body can sooner or later make itself felt, and therefore we need to pay attention to it in time and ask ourselves the question “What has now taken me away from my balanced harmonious state?” The answer usually comes - for some immediately, and for others after some time, depending on how well you understand yourself, how close you are to yourself.

Take time for yourself

Every person needs to have at least forty minutes a day for himself - otherwise it will not be possible to maintain his energy level at the proper level. This is especially true for a woman’s resource status. When she spins like a squirrel in a wheel, sooner or later all her strength runs out. Depression sets in. That is why, in order not to develop neurosis or psychosomatic illness, it is necessary to allocate about an hour in your schedule for personal time every day.

take time for yourself

It's important to remember that this does not include putting on makeup, organizing your closet, doing laundry, or sleeping. This period of time should be devoted to reflection and assessment of your life. This could be a walk in the nearest park. Or an hour spent in a cafe with a diary and a cup of coffee. During this time, you can think about your goals, write them down, and outline ways to achieve them. This method helps satisfy the need for rest, alone.

How to return to a resource state

Why are we losing resource status?

There are several simple ways to return yourself to a resourceful state:

  1. Remember yourself at the age of 1-2 years

Memories of their childhood feelings at this age are resourceful, because children do not evaluate, do not compare, they are happy with everything, they are delighted with everything, they are always happy. If you can remember yourself at this age, then use your memories to fill yourself with a resourceful state.

The freely available meditation “Journey to a Past Life” will help you activate the memory of early childhood.

Keep the focus on yourself and your inner state

Pay attention to your inner state more often throughout the day and ask yourself the question “How am I feeling now?” and if this is an inharmonious state, then return yourself to a harmonious state. Here it is important to remember about yourself , your internal state and carry out such monitoring of your condition. Make it a habit to return your focus to yourself.

To learn how to keep the focus on yourself, watch the open video broadcast “How to Dream Correctly.”

Do a meditation

Remember a vivid event in which you experienced vivid, pleasant emotions . Remember your inner state at that moment. The practice I recorded in the video will help you with this:

Remember a past life in which you experienced a resourceful state

For example, you were rich and happy in a past life, but in your current life you do not feel rich. In this case, viewing that past life of yours will allow you to feel this state from the inside. Or, if in your current life you are not familiar with the feeling of happiness from your communication with your husband or loved one, then you can also feel it through reliving moments in a past life where you had it.

To learn how to remember a past life in which you experienced a resourceful state, watch the open video broadcast “How to enter a resourceful state by viewing a past life.” During the broadcast, we did a practice - immersion in a past life in which you were happy in love and family life.

See also the webinar “Human Energy. How to fill yourself with energy"

So, in this article I told you about why we fall out of the resource state and what we need to do to return ourselves to the resource state. As you understand, returning yourself to a harmonious state is very simple. You need to remember your inner state as often as possible, until it becomes your habit and you always feel your state. And then it will be difficult to get you out of this state.

Share your experience, tell us in the comments how you return yourself to a resourceful state!

Resource Map

This resource state technique is performed as follows. Take a piece of paper and write down on it 15 of the most pleasant events in life that left the most pleasant impressions. The maximum number of these events can be any. But usually this is about 50 events - it will be difficult to remember more.

Then you need to go through each point, trying to remember this moment as clearly as possible. What exactly is he remembered for? What was pleasant about it that brought so many positive emotions? What did you gain from this experience?

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