Advice for men: how to properly calm and comfort a girl

How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

Most men feel awkward when a girl cries. Surely, many people fall into a stupor because they do not know how to behave in such a situation. It is important to remember that we all have bad times. And at this moment I really want support and consolation. And sometimes just the presence of a loved one nearby is enough. But how to feel sorry for a girl with words? This is discussed in detail in the article.

What's happened?

Before moving on to considering the question of how to feel sorry for a girl with words, it is necessary to find out the reason for what happened. Before you say anything, reassure or take any action, you should assess the situation.

How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

If the girl is angry, then think about what could make her angry. If she is sad, then most likely something upset her. Crying means the situation is very serious.

Perhaps she told you something or you are aware of the problems that were happening to her at school or work. Then it will be easier for you to understand what words and phrases you need to choose for consolation.

How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

Some women tend to get upset over trifles. Sometimes a broken nail or a torn stocking can throw a girl off balance. Men don’t tend to behave this way, so they don’t understand tears and frustration over such little things.

How to calm a girl down?

There can be many reasons why a girl is upset. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is clearly find out the reason why your loved one is crying.

  • The reason may not be serious. For example, she watched a film and was touched by the feelings of the characters. She cries not because she feels bad, but because she sympathizes with the heroes. In this case, you don't need to do anything. Just agree with the girl how great the movie was and give her time to come to her senses a little.
  • The reason may be serious. For example, a girl has some problems at work or she quarreled with her parents. Here, real support is required from the guy, when he will not only console her morally, but also offer solutions to the problem. Hug, say that everything will be resolved, remind that nothing terrible happened. And finally, move on to solving the problem. The girl is counting on you. She expects the man to really be a “strong shoulder.” You should give her what she expects.

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How can I find out what the problem is?

How to feel sorry for a girl with words when she feels bad? First you need to find out what upset the beautiful lady so much. If not a single thought comes to your mind about this, then ask her about it directly. Be prepared for the fact that she will not give a complete answer, but, most likely, will get off with a banal “nothing.” No need to get angry about it. Be patient and try again to find out the cause of her upset.

How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

Your job is to show how much you care about her. Moreover, you are always ready to support her in difficult times.

Ask the question: “How can I help you?” This will make it easier for you to understand what happened and what actions she expects you to take.

What should you never do?

how to support a girl in difficult times from a distance

Are you thinking about how to support a girl in difficult times from a distance? First, read about the traditional mistakes of the stronger half:

  • "I'll call you later";

This is only justified if you are a surgeon. There are also benefits for firefighters. All. Even if you were a pilot three times, put down the helm and call back right away. Otherwise, you won’t be able to break through the wall of “Everything is fine” and “It doesn’t matter.”

  • “sad smiley for all diseases”;

Even if this is not a standard emoji, but a fashionable sticker, it will not replace words.

  • “1000 and 1 solution option”;

If the issue of life and death is really on the agenda, then the advice is relevant. But this doesn't happen very often.

Did your paternal aunt offend you? There is no need to offer a million ways to kill an impudent person who has stumbled. You just need to listen to the whole stream of offended words, periodically assenting: “What an old fool!”, “Hmm, you said that she wasn’t very good, but I didn’t expect this,” etc.

  • “Call Lyudka!”

Forwarding is great if you're a router. In other cases, it is better to take the blow of female emotionality. Otherwise, at some important moment after a romantic dinner, you will also be redirected.

How to console a girl from a distance?

“You’ll come and we’ll discuss everything” is a bad option. Imagine that you called an ambulance, and they tell you: “The doctor will be there in a week, then we’ll talk.” Everything would be fine, but blood is gushing from the wound now. And in a week everything will either go away on its own or develop into a disaster. It’s the same story with girlish sorrows. How to help your dear beloved?

Budget ways:

how to support a girl in difficult times from a distance

  • talk;

Don’t know how to support a girl in difficult times from a distance? The best way is to talk. It’s not for nothing that all psychotherapists use it.

There is a problem: not everyone knows what to say. Life hack from Irvin Yalom: if you don’t know what to say, say what you feel (you yourself, right now).

For example:

“This and this happened today.” I am so sad.

- Look, I don’t even know what to say. I really want to support you, but I don’t know how to do this when you’re far away. If you were nearby, I would hug you and never let you go. Or at least the whole evening.

And now it’s somehow stupid: my beloved girl is sad, but all I can do is talk on the phone. For me, words are not the most significant help, I would rather spit in that aunt’s face, honestly. Do you think it will fly from Minsk to Moscow?

More ideas

By the way, the passages about “I would like to see how you answered her, you’re fire!” or “You even swear beautifully” come in too.

If the dialogue doesn’t work out, you can watch the series together: watch on the computer, and discuss in a chat or by phone. “Pause it, I’ll go make some coffee,” that’s nice, especially when you’re in different countries or cities.

  • write a letter;

A long letter with words, yeah. C'mon, don't Google it! Clumsy honesty is more attractive than plagiarized poems about “blood-love-carrots.”

What to write to a girl about? Write how you miss you, what happened, what you are thinking about, what you will do when you meet.

You can send it by email, or you can write it on paper by hand. Seriously, send a paper letter or postcard via snail mail. There is no need to squeeze out three sheets of paper. We'll see how it goes. All the same, 95% - this will be the first time in her life.

If you’re really stuck for ideas, look through Vishnevsky’s “Loneliness on the Internet.” It is not necessary to be sophisticated in erotic descriptions. Just look at how you can communicate through text. Sometimes it happens that it is very difficult to say a phrase out loud. Writing is often easier.

  • distract with conversation;

There is no need to draw attention right away, let the girl speak out. But when the first tension has passed, you can slightly change the perspective of the conversation.

For example:

“You’re so sad today... But I remember how happy you were when we went to the park.” You come, we'll go again, we'll drink coffee, feed the squirrels... Do you think the Ferris wheel is already working?


“I’m so glad that you called me.” Honestly, I always got so mad when you told your friends everything and not me. I want to know everything! That's it! What are you doing: sitting or lying? What can you see from your window? Tea or coffee, after all?!

  • make pleasant;

It could be anything: a romantic/funny photo, a funny video, a sudden Skype call from her favorite cafe or courtyard in the neighborhood.

In the photo you can:

  1. hold a piece of paper on which it is written: “I love you”;
  2. hugging her framed photo;
  3. drink from her cup, sleep on her side of the bed, they say, “I’m getting as close as I can”;
  4. cleaning, shaving, preparing food - “desperately preparing for a meeting”;
  5. walk around her house - “on guard”, etc.

Ideas for a video (you can speed it up later, it will be cool):

  1. 10 reasons why I'm waiting for you (all mixed up - both about unbridled love and about divine pies).
  2. this is how I miss it (I eat instant noodles, lie under the blanket and re-watch the movie we last watched together, the cat is also bored - you see, his face is sad).
  3. this city is sad without you (the coffee kiosk looks sad, the ducks in the lake quack without enthusiasm).
  • start rituals;

If you don't have them yet, now is the time. There are tons of options: calling each other on the way to work or during lunch break, sending a selfie before leaving the house, drinking coffee “together”, taking photos of cups and sending them to each other, sending mandatory messages in instant messengers in the morning and/or evening, telling how your day went. The most important thing in rituals is not to skip without a good reason.

  • solve the problem of.

Many everyday troubles can be resolved at a distance. Ask a friend to come over to fix the outlet or reinstall Windows. Find a decent phone repair service. Call an ambulance or a plumber, depending on the situation.

Options for those who have a salary today:

how to support a girl in difficult times from a distance

  • come;

A person who canceled plans, dropped everything and came - this happens once in a lifetime. Of course, there is no need to run away from a state exam because a girl’s favorite cup broke. But finishing things early to spend an extra day together is real. It's always nice to know that they are in a hurry to come to you.

  • order flowers;

Nowadays there are a lot of services that deliver flowers 24/7 and accept payment by card. They also deliver candy and teddy bears.

  • send pizza;

Food delivered is better than any antidepressant. And in a small town you can find an establishment that delivers sushi or pizza. And in the metropolis, couriers will even find the desired type of marmalade in the supermarket and deliver it to your apartment door.

By the way, you no longer want to be sad on a full stomach.

  • send a parcel/gift.

This can be done quickly through delivery services, for example, DHL Express. Although if the separation is long-term, then there is no need to rush. You can also test regular mail.

Unpacking parcels is a special pleasure. It’s interesting to receive all sorts of little things: a metro token, a trolleybus ticket, a magnet, funny socks (“I saw it in a store, I couldn’t resist”), local candy, chips or coffee.

You can play: “I finished reading this book on my trip, I’m sending it to you. If you have a minute, read it, please. I’d like to discuss a couple of points from there later.”

To support means to save

Calming an upset girl is like walking through a minefield: every step can take away an important organ. Fortunately, you can “save” and start over.

Aren't you afraid of challenges? Try it. And be careful, there are side effects. If a girl senses in you a person who does not feel sorry for her, you may accidentally find yourself in the registry office. Are you ready for this turn?

how to support a girl in difficult times from a distance

I hope you now have an understanding of how to support a girl in difficult times from a distance.

Call or message

How to feel sorry for a girl with words via SMS? To reassure your friend with a message when she is feeling bad, you should write something pleasant. But besides this, your message should include information that will help the girl cope with the current situation.

If you don't know the cause of your concern, then support via SMS is pointless. In this case, it is better to call or meet. Do not deceive yourself and her, if you really want to calm her down, then during the conversation the reason for her upset will become clear to you.

When you shouldn't calm a girl down

This is just the first case. For example, you did something, she pretended that she didn’t like it very much and started a scandal. The purpose of such whims is provocation: so that you apologize, feel guilty, and, perhaps, make amends for your “guilt” financially.

Try to look from the outside at your action, which caused such a strong reaction in the girl. If it seems to you that everything is fine, then it is. Do not give in to provocation and do not take any action. Next time, your friend will know that you don’t fall for such things.


How to feel sorry for a girl with words when she is tired? It doesn’t matter whether you agree with her arguments or not, convince her that you are ready to be with her and help. Take her to a calm and quiet place where she can cry. Tell her that you will be on her side in any situation:

  1. “I understand perfectly well that this is difficult for you. I'm really sorry".
  2. “I can’t even imagine where you get so much strength from. It must be very difficult.”
  3. “Please tell me how can I help you?”

How to feel sorry for a girl with words in SMS? When your friend is tired, you can use the phrases written above. However, if you are in a loving relationship, then do not forget to write about how much you value her. Moreover, you can invite her to relax together, so you will have a good weekend and help your chosen one regain strength.


Guy holding girl's hand

  1. Take a good look at the current situation. You must understand that there are many reasons that could cause a girl's tears. Think about whether you were the reason for her crying. And in general, is your help appropriate at the moment? There is no need to interfere if you yourself are upset; a girl’s tears are a manifestation of happiness or she is crying because she is offended by you.
  2. Make an attempt to calm the girl down, talk, become a good listener if she enters into dialogue. Do not use phrases like “If I were you...” or “When I found myself in a similar situation, I acted differently.”
  3. There is no need to persuade a girl to stop crying. You must understand that tears are a release of emotions, especially if something serious has happened.
  4. Try to share her sadness. Choose the right words: “I’m so sorry this happened,” “I guess you’re in a lot of pain right now,” “I’m not surprised that you’re so upset,” “the problem is really serious.”
  5. Use nonverbal techniques. For a girl, eye contact, correct facial expressions on your face, and tilting your head in her direction will be important.
  6. Hug a girl if you know she needs it. Take her hand or kiss her forehead. Assess the need for physical contact by the girl’s behavior; perhaps this is just what she is waiting for.
  7. Don't try to solve her problem, offer your help. Show your concern for her.

Refrain from giving advice

Most people tend to get upset when it is difficult to find a way out of the current situation. So don't try to give any advice. Most likely, all options for solving the problem have been thought out earlier. And your recommendations can only aggravate the situation, since the beautiful person will once again be convinced that the situation is truly hopeless.

Let's consider options for how to feel sorry for a girl with words in this case:

  1. “I can’t even imagine how hard it is for you right now.”
  2. “Unfortunately, I do not have a ready-made solution for this situation. But know that I will always be on your side."
  3. “What do you plan to do in this case?”

Hug a woman

Hugs should be used in any case. However, their character directly depends on the type of your relationship. Yes, if you are in a relationship, hugs should be as warm as possible. If the girl with sad eyes is your friend or classmate, a friendly hug on the shoulders will be enough.

While hugging, tell her that you are worried:

  • “I’m really sorry that this test upset you. But, believe me, one mark does not decide your fate. You are the smartest person in our group, learn everything and shine in the exam. And I will keep my fingers crossed."
  • “Sunny, don’t be upset that Alena came in the same dress. The product is really beautiful. But it looks much more attractive on you. And don’t be offended by your friend: it means you both have excellent taste. You are my best."

Don't downplay the problem

Under no circumstances tell a girl that she is crying because of nonsense. Such statements may be perceived as an indifferent attitude towards her. Remember that you are there to support her or try to solve the difficulties that have arisen together.

How to feel sorry for a girl with words in this case? Under no circumstances should you say the following phrases:

  1. “You were too good for this job. Trust me, she wasn't worth your time." If a girl is upset, it means she really regrets that she lost the opportunity to work there.
  2. “I completely understand how you feel right now.” Each person experiences the same feelings differently, so you cannot know what is going on in the soul of your interlocutor.
  3. “You’ll be fine, you’re so strong.” Even very resilient people sometimes need to be weak. Therefore, do not force the girl to think that she cannot show her weakness with you.
  4. "I understand exactly what u mean. This happened to me once...” Remember, this isn't about your problems right now. You must listen and support your interlocutor.

How not to behave?

Support is sharing the feelings of another person, convincing him that he is not alone in his trouble.

However, in our culture, support and sincere care often mean completely different things:

  • teachings,
  • notations,
  • joint lamentation,
  • belittling someone else's misfortune,
  • intimidation.

By turning to such methods, you not only will not calm the girl down, but you also risk alienating her forever. Therefore, first, let’s figure out what not to do, even with the best intentions.

Be irritated, fussy and nervous

It’s no secret that negative emotions, like a cold, can be “infected”, and remaining calm next to a crying person, especially if he is dear to you, is not so easy.

But in order to calm others, you need to be calm yourself.

Therefore, first, inhale, exhale, if necessary , count to 10 before you start speaking.

It would also be a good idea to bring a glass of water for yourself and your girlfriend. And only then proceed directly to consolation.

Ask questions like “Who offended you?”

There is no need to find out the details and reasons why she was upset.

A caveat should be made here: you still need to find out why a girl is crying, but you should limit yourself to a general answer.

Reference! That is, if a girl cries because, for example, her friend was rude to her, you should not find out what exactly she said. This will force the girl to relive traumatic memories again, and this is clearly not what she needs right now.

In addition, as a result of such questions, you risk falling under a barrage of complaints and reproaches, even if unfair. In a state of hysteria, a girl can throw out her resentment on whoever comes along, especially with inappropriate questions.

As a result, you will also find yourself offended and will hardly be able to contain your emotions. And this, instead of calming down, will lead to a quarrel, which you clearly do not need.

Trying to solve all problems here and now

No, of course, when a girl cries, she often needs practical help, but later and only if she asks for it herself.

It is undesirable to impose help without asking:

  • Firstly, a crying person is not ready for active actions and decision-making right now; first, you need to throw out your emotions and come to your senses.
  • Secondly, everyone has different views on problems and ways to solve them, so it is not clear whether the girl needs the help that you are ready to offer her.

Attention! By imposing ready-made solutions on her, you are accustoming her to learned helplessness, which will not play into the hands of either her or you. It’s better to wait until she calms down and together think about ways to get out of a difficult situation.

Belittle other people's experiences

Psychologists around the world never tire of repeating: consolation in the spirit of “Children are starving in Africa!”, i.e., an attempt to divert the attention of a suffering person to someone else’s even greater problems, does not work. Moreover, it can cause serious harm.

The fact is that everyone’s sensations and perceptions are individual, as is the threshold of emotional stability. Therefore, a situation that may seem trivial to you, for example, spilled powder, sometimes becomes a real tragedy for a girl.

Reference! An attempt to downplay this misfortune will lead to the person feeling guilty about his feelings and, quite possibly, completely alone.

Give your girlfriend the opportunity to experience the emotions that she experiences, and just be there during this time - she will definitely thank you.

Making impossible promises

An example might be: “I will do anything to make you stop crying!”

Also, do not promise expensive gifts (a fur coat, jewelry, a car, etc.):

  • So, firstly, you can teach a girl to manipulate you. After two or three sessions of such “consolation”, she will understand that all she needs to get what she wants is just to cry.
  • Secondly, you should respect yourself. The most precious thing that one person can give to another is care, participation and love. Don't put these truly precious items on the same level as trinkets.

A crying girl needs a man, and there is no way to buy her off.

You should never say anything to a crying girl like “It’s your own fault!” (even if this is actually the case).

It is believed that this method can sometimes work, forcing a person to quickly pull himself together and realize his mistakes, drawing conclusions for the future. But in fact, in a stressful situation, no one is able to analyze their actions, and reproaches and accusations can only increase the trauma.

Attention! The “magic kick” is a very controversial method of consolation that definitely will not work on soft and gentle girls. Plus, it's guaranteed to destroy trust. It's hard to trust someone who finishes off someone who's down.

How not to behave if a woman is upset is explained in the video:

How to feel sorry for a girl with words when she is sick?

Compliments and encouraging phrases can always support a person in difficult situations. Sometimes you can just have a heart-to-heart talk.

How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

For a sick girl, words are not as important as care and support. Wish her a speedy recovery, arguing that you feel very bad without her.

Bring her fruit, her favorite flowers or treats. Invite her to watch an interesting movie.

How a man should act to calm a crying girl i

It's not always easy to help an upset girl. She may want hugs, tenderness and affection, or, conversely, to be left alone and may require loneliness. However, there are proven ways to try to correct the situation.

But before that, we suggest you find out the reason why girls cry, further on the link in our article.

  • Listen to the girl

After asking if the girl is okay, you need to take action, listening carefully to what she says. If she answers that she is fine, she will most likely ask the man to let her be alone.

This is what you should do, stopping further questions. However, if the girl considers it necessary to enter into a dialogue, then you need to concentrate and try not to interrupt her. You can ask her related questions, or listen silently.

calm the girl down

When a woman cries, she is releasing unfulfilled frustration, and the smartest thing to do is to listen and support her. This is the only way she can feel better. Trying to persuade her to stop crying will only delay the inevitable.

When she cries, she does not wait for help to cope with her tears. She wants little, so that the comforter will confirm her feelings and support her in this fragile state.

  • Don't ignore the girl

If a woman starts crying, then retreating to the nearest door is not the best option. Instead, without any fear of rejection, you should gently find out what caused the tears. There is no need to try to immediately start distracting with stupid jokes, since the reason for the tears may be serious, and such humor may be inappropriate.

If the girl is a close friend, you can take such a step as hug the girl, or if, for example, a work colleague, it will be enough to apologize and offer a glass of water. Problems are never the same, and the more a man learns about the situation, the more correct his actions will be.

  • Good deed

Being supportive does not necessarily mean that a man has to say the right words or fix the situation. Sometimes all it may take is a simple act of kindness, such as offering a crying woman a glass of water, a tissue, or a handkerchief.

girl crying

If a man feels that this is not enough, you can add a small joke, for example, offering a napkin or handkerchief, indicating that they are clean. Most women appreciate humor, even when they are in tears.

  • Cheer up

If a crying girl becomes a close friend of a man, then you shouldn’t be too smart, but try to distract her from negative thoughts and thereby lift her spirits. Most women will be ready to put their sobbing behind them and move on once they've finished shedding tears.

You can offer to pour her a glass of wine, put on her favorite movie and just chat with her, turn her attention to completely different problems. All a man has to do is focus on making her feel good and smile again.


How to feel sorry for a girl with words, but do it carefully so as not to upset her even more?

How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

Follow the basic rules:

  1. Do not leave. If you notice that your chosen one is not ready to talk now, wait a little.
  2. Once she calms down, offer her your help.
  3. If you see that you are unable to help her cope, then invite her to talk to a friend.
  4. Humor is inappropriate. Don't try to cheer up a girl who is depressed.
  5. If a woman keeps telling you that she wants to be alone, then give her space. But don’t go far, perhaps she will soon call you because she needs support.

After a breakup (yours with her)

This is a very difficult situation, because in fact, you yourself will be to blame for the girl’s tears.

Reference! It is unlikely that she will be able to cope with the surging emotions after the unpleasant news that you are breaking up.

However, you can try to help here:

  1. Don't blame her even in response to insults. Many people may start voicing their complaints after a breakup, but remember that the girl is now talking through emotions, not logic. Rise above it, wait for her to calm down. Then you can talk calmly.
  2. Brew her some hot sweet tea and offer her some chocolate. Chocolate improves your mood, and a sweet hot drink helps you calm down.
  3. Tell her you're willing to help her until she finds a new guy - don't let her feel completely alone.
  4. Try to explain why you decided to leave her. A little self-irony won’t hurt; paint the girl a picture in which she will be beautiful, and you will be unworthy of her.
  5. Say that you are very sorry that everything turned out this way and that you had to break up. Show your emotions and be prepared to face a barrage of responses.


How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

Some men misunderstand how to calm a girl down with words. Let's consider recommendations that will help you avoid mistakes when communicating with a girl who needs support:

  1. Most guys choose phrases that start an argument. As a result, the girl begins to get even more excited, and as a result, a real scandal breaks out with tears.
  2. Don't suddenly change the topic of conversation. Many men find it difficult to listen to the same thing from a woman for some time. So he suggests changing the subject. The girl perceives this as an indifferent attitude towards her problems.
  3. Don't ignore a woman's sadness and tears. Some men believe that only they can have serious problems, and girls simply suffer because of all sorts of little things. If you do not reassure your chosen one, then your relationship may soon end. No woman wants a man who treats her indifferently.

Sometimes it can be difficult to calm down an anxious girl, but if a guy truly loves her, he will do everything possible to prevent her from crying.

If she cries

Women's tears confuse many guys.

But it’s easy to provide support in this situation:

  1. Focus on the crying girl. At this moment, you definitely shouldn’t be distracted by anything else, so put down your phone or laptop and approach her.
  2. Find out if she wants to be alone. Some people prefer to cry alone, and this desire should be respected. However, it is worth distinguishing between a real desire to be alone and a situation in which the girl is simply offended or does not want to bother you with her problems. If you know her well, you will understand it yourself.
  3. Hug her. Most girls love tactile sensations, so in the ring of the hands of a loving man they will calm down much faster. Gently stroke her hair and say something affectionate - this will create a feeling of security and peace in her.
  4. Let her cry and talk it out. Even if, in your opinion, she cries too much and for a long time, and repeats the same thing several times. It’s better to throw out all your emotions at once than to accumulate them inside yourself, so be patient.
  5. Avoid saying the following phrases: “smile; calm down; quiet; stop doing that; calm down; stop crying; do not exaggerate; Well, what happened to you there again; so what; Didn't understand; come faster and so on.” Instead, you can say: “I am here, nearby; I'm listening to; tell me this is important to me; I understand that this is difficult for you; maybe you want coffee or tea, let me make it.”

While the girl is crying, refrain from pestering, almost no one in such a situation will like it.

Your touches should be devoid of sexual connotations. First, calm the girl down, and only then, in a great mood, she will be able to please you with a gorgeous night.

After the girl has stopped crying, do everything to cheer her up.

For example, you can watch a funny movie together or go to a cafe or for a walk.

Important! It's better not to try to console a girl with alcohol, but various tasty things may well work. Also, you should not choose noisy places and active events for a walk, this can provoke a new stage of crying. It's better to go somewhere in nature.

The video describes the best ways to calm a girl down:

What not to do

It is not recommended to do the following:

  1. Don't overdo it with humor. Of course, a positive attitude is good, but a girl may not understand some jokes.
  2. Remember that girls' moods can change every minute. Be prepared to leave her alone with your thoughts, but don't leave her completely - after a few minutes she may want to be with you.

Try to behave with the girl gently, but powerfully, do not curry favor with her.

A girl's crying as manipulation

Some men and women tend to manipulate their lovers, causing them pity. And if guys in this case prefer to complain about life, misunderstanding and lack of recognition of their talents in intimate conversations, then girls tend to use a simpler and more effective method - tears. Therefore, a guy should be able to distinguish when a girl is really upset and crying because of some problem, and when her tears are an attempt to pity her and get what she wants.

It is quite simple to distinguish from sincere grief, since in the first case the girl will definitely voice what she wants to receive as consolation, and this “consolation prize” will be much more expensive or more important than the cause of her sadness. For example, if a girl says something like “I’m crying because I’m ugly, but if you give me a Gucci dress, it’ll put me back in a good mood,” “I’m crying because you don’t love me, but if you want to prove that this is not true - don’t go to meet your friends tomorrow,” etc., then most likely she is trying to manipulate the guy in this way. If a girl gets upset too often for a far-fetched reason and asks a compassionate guy to fulfill her duties until her bad mood passes, this is also manipulation.

Having noticed his girlfriend’s habit of manipulation with the help of tears, the guy must decide for himself what to do - follow her lead or gently but decisively let her know that such a trick will not work with him. But even having noticed that the tears of his beloved are more likely an attempt to achieve what he wants, and not a sign of sincere grief, the guy still needs to first reassure the girl, and only then explain to her that he needs to speak directly about his desires, since there is no place for deception and deception in a relationship. manipulation.

Knowing how to calm a girl down with words from a distance if she is angry, offended or simply not herself can not only help preserve the nervous system, but also save the relationship if it is worth it.

A set of simple but effective rules can be compared to emergency skills, because an angry or desperate friend can turn into a real problem.

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