How to answer awkward questions when leaving a prestigious job

"How are you?" - one of the most common questions when meeting acquaintances who have not seen each other for some time. It simultaneously solves two problems: it sets the direction for the conversation and allows the person asking to show their interest and good manners.

How are you: what to answer?

This ordinary question makes it possible to end the conversation with a brief exchange of words “everything is fine . Or, if a person is very concerned about something, he will present a more detailed answer, which will become the beginning of a long discussion of the problem. People rarely think that such a simple question actually plays a significant role in communication.

How did you manage to leave?

Who will ask? Everyone, from loved ones to former colleagues. The question can be very painful: you are already worried, and such comments add fuel to the fire.

What to answer. It is better to tell the truth to those you trust, because then you will turn to them for support and help. For example: “I’ve been burnt out for a long time, nothing was shining for me there.” To those whom you don’t really trust, say vaguely: “It’s time to move forward, I want to try myself in something new.”

What to do. Keep a notebook in which to write down all your thoughts about what happened for a month or two. This will be a kind of diary. If you know what freewriting is, practice it for a month or two. This will reduce the severity of the problem and anxiety will decrease.

I'm too into celebrities or fictional characters to love anyone else

If you don't even remotely resemble handsome Tommy Shelby or Johnny Depp in the movie Arizona Dream, don't try to get close to me. Who needs a real partner when I can enjoy the perfect relationship in my head?

What will you live on?

Who will ask? All. And first of all you yourself. And then - relatives (especially if you are the breadwinner in the family), friends, acquaintances and even ex-colleagues, who are not concerned at all.

What to answer. To those whom you trust or who depend on you (parents, minor children, spouse), answer as it is: “We (I) have so much money, and it will be enough for us to live for so many months.” . And to everyone else, including friends, acquaintances, former colleagues and other inquisitive comrades, just smile sweetly. Money doesn't like chatter.

What to do. Without delay, audit your personal or family budget.

Find out how much your mandatory expenses are (rent, apartment rental, gasoline or travel ticket, telephone, internet, kindergarten or school, as well as a loan or mortgage, if you have one).

Go to the bank and find out if it is possible to structure a loan or mortgage - just in case. Pay 2-3 months of apartment rent in advance, because evictions are common.

Calculate current expenses (food, clothing and shoes, entertainment), cross out unnecessary purchases and determine what level of expenses will be the maximum for you for a certain period.

You will be surprised to discover that some of the expenses were catering to your chronic stress.

After another scolding, you went to the store not only to buy something you really needed, but just to calm down. Keep this in mind when going to the mall. After all, at the first stage, anxiety about what happened is still very high and can literally push you to make unnecessary purchases. Also exclude spontaneous shopping: alas, this is a harmful and ineffective pill for anxiety. Its effect will end as soon as you find yourself at home.

Yes, you will have to plan all your purchases for some time. It turns out that most of us can reduce our expenses, and suddenly a safety cushion is formed that will help you survive the first time.

Should a man respond to SMS or not?

Most girls, especially those who have no idea that privacy is a strategy, respond to SMS in a matter of seconds. So we had to create a reasonable schedule for them that women of any age can use to curb their natural tendency to respond too quickly and write in more detail than a man. To the first SMS (“Hi, this is Steven, we met last night, how are you?”) the average girl will respond within two seconds: “Hey, glad you wrote to me! I'm on my lunch break now, and I'm going to the library to find a book that a friend recommended. My car needs an inspection, and I left it at the service station this morning. In general, today I’ve been on my feet all day. And how are you?" Such women pamper modern men more than ever before. Remember, this is just the first SMS from a new friend! All he wrote was “How are you doing?” He didn’t ask to tell him your entire biography. If you had waited four hours and written a short reply, that would have been absolutely fine. Big deal, big deal! In other words, you don't have to interrupt your physics lab, yoga class, or business meeting to respond to his SMS. It can wait! He Can Wait. But it seems to you that you must immediately write a few paragraphs in response, otherwise... otherwise what? What if another girl writes to him and steals him away from under your nose with her quick and witty reply? No, it’s much more likely that he will decide that you are busy with business and/or other men - and it would be nice if he thought so!

What is your personal life strategy?

For men, SMS exchange is entertainment, like sports or video games. And for a girl, an SMS from a nice guy is a special event, something like winning the lottery. Among twenty other messages from girlfriends, colleagues, parents and sister, suddenly she comes across one from a guy she really likes - and she is no longer able to think about anything.

Not even an hour of frantic messaging has passed before these two already know more about each other than they would have time to tell on the first date. When she goes to bed, she turns over this correspondence in her mind again and again, trying to find the hidden meaning in it; perhaps he will even forward it to his friends so that they can understand exactly what the guy meant. She studies SMS texts like a textbook or Scripture. Typically, the result is that she gets caught up in endless texting that doesn't lead to a date (and certainly not a date on a Saturday night), and then calls us asking for help. She doesn't understand why their relationship remains superficial or fades away, despite a promising start on his part. It seemed to her that she had to constantly be “in contact” and respond to all the guy’s messages in order to maintain his interest.

An important strategy for your personal life: slow down your response to SMS

Stop treating SMS as an emergency that requires immediate response. Another critical point for this Rule: when replying to an SMS, limit all correspondence to 15 minutes of time or a dozen “message-reply” Cycles. This dating strategy makes a man think about what you're doing, creates an atmosphere of anticipation and encourages him to ask you out on a date to kick start the relationship. This is all good and healthy, so don't give in to guilt!

22-year-old Brittany met a guy at a party who approached her first - a promising start! He took her phone number and the next day sent an SMS: “Hi, I’m very glad that we met yesterday. How's your day going? What was her next step? After 4 hours she replied: “It was nice to meet you too! Everything is fine at work, but I’m terribly busy!” She wanted to ask how he was doing, but we advised against it, reminding her that her main goal was to get him to ask her out. We encouraged her to be witty but taciturn so that the correspondence did not turn into endless chatter. Five minutes later he wrote to her again: “Who do you work for?” She replied half an hour later: “I am a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company.” Three minutes later the following SMS arrived: “Are you trying all the medicines for free? Ha ha! The girl wrote after waiting 20 minutes: “Here we go again! LOL." Two minutes later he asked: “How do you like to have fun? Maybe we can go to the cinema with you? Are you free this Saturday evening? Half an hour passed and she replied: “Yes, that would be great.” Mission Complete! No endless chatter, and the right girl is rewarded with a date!

How to develop a personal life strategy?

24-year-old Stacey had to work harder to lasso the guy. At 8 o’clock on Thursday evening she received an SMS from a young man whom she had met the day before in a bar: “I’m glad we met yesterday. The snacks at this bar are simply amazing. How are you? Any exciting plans for this weekend? At first she analyzed this SMS herself. She wasn't 100% sure whether he was asking her out or just deciding to chat. Given the vagueness of the questions, Stacey was afraid that the matter would end with just SMS messages and never get to a date. She wanted to write back: “No, I’m completely free this weekend. Do you have any plans? No way in the world! First of all, he did not openly invite her on a date and did not offer to meet on a specific evening, and it would be premature to perceive his SMS in this way. Since the guy sent his message after 7 pm, she waited until the next morning and wrote back: “It was nice to meet you too... Nothing definite about the weekend yet!”

Him (two minutes later): “I was thinking, maybe we should meet?”

Stacey (half an hour later): “Of course, great offer!”

He (immediately): “What would you like? What time is right for you?

Stacey (20 minutes later): “What time were you thinking about?”

Him (five minutes later): “Maybe we can have dinner on Saturday night?”

Stacey (half an hour later): “Great, agreed!”

Important takeaways from this episode: Never assume in advance that a guy is asking you out, and don't talk about your schedule unless he asks you to. Encourage him to make an agreement with you for a specific evening, and, of course, do not answer him immediately, and when you answer, choose streamlined wording and write fewer words than he does.

For example, if a guy writes: “Hi, how are you? Would you like to meet up sometime?” - you should answer: “Of course, it sounds tempting...” Don’t write back: “Of course, that would be great. I'm crazy busy at work, but I'm free this Thursday night and all weekend, and I also know a great place with discounts on drinks." Too many words and enthusiasm! Women can literally drown a man in a stream of words - for any reason. By composing longer SMS messages than a guy, you act as an overly interested party, that is, you take on the role of a hunter. The more words, the more interested and accessible you are. Less is better! Remember, at first you should seem too busy to him to answer immediately or verbosely. Let him have to hunt you.

When helping women respond to SMS, we ask them how they met the guy, how old they are, whether they're actually dating or just texting a lot, how long they've been seeing each other, and what the current situation is. But, regardless of any circumstances, the right girl should not respond to SMS before half an hour (or even later), depending on her age. This is a minimal pause! Even if a man writes to you to clarify the date and place of a date, you can easily wait an hour before writing a response. Remember, you don’t live to correspond - you have your own life!

How to properly conduct a personal life strategy - schedule of answers

Do you know how long you should wait before answering a man via SMS? No need to go far! Remember, this schedule is not suitable for responding to a man’s first SMS. You should always wait at least four hours or more before it. But when SMS exchange has already been established between you, you are not obliged to strictly adhere to the estimated time for your age group. Not only would it be tedious, but it would also be too predictable. You must “mix your tracks” so that he does not figure out your scheme and does not suspect that you are using some kind of cunning strategy. If you are 20 years old, then after your first reply you can respond to the second SMS after 30 minutes, to the third after 5 minutes, and then wait from 10 to 20 minutes. And then, when he expects the next SMS in 20 minutes, give him an hour wait to remain unpredictable. Let him grab the phone every now and then! Although the first two cases when you do not answer an SMS immediately will cause confusion in the guy, he will get used to these Pauses and understand that you are busy with other things and do not like to rush. He will come up with an excuse for these delays, for example, he will tell himself: “She is not friendly with the telephone!”

When men don't text or respond to text messages for a long time, women come up with excuses for them: “He must be very busy at Work,” or “He's probably watching football,” or “He probably has a low battery.” But a woman, by not responding to SMS immediately, is for some reason afraid of appearing rude, or cold, or a calculating schemer. Don't you have your own life? Aren't you busy? How can a guy prove that you follow the Rules and are not just busy with things to do? No way.

If you have Blackberry Messenger, iMessage, or any of their equivalents on your phone, the guy can figure out if you read his message. If he doesn’t receive an SMS after a couple of minutes, he may feel offended that you are delaying answering. So don't read his message until you're ready to respond.

“Temporary freezing” or a way to manage your personal life

Sarah, 21, a speech therapist, met an attractive realtor at a bar in Seattle who spoke to her first, asked for her phone number and texted her the next day. Their correspondence continued for two more days, but he never asked her out. She was sure that she followed the Rules, but could not understand where she had gone wrong, so she forwarded their correspondence to us.

Him: Hello, glad to meet you yesterday. How do you like Seattle? Doesn't look like Florida at all, huh?

She: I really like it - there are coffee shops on every corner!

Him: I don't go to bars that often, I just wanted to hang out with friends. But I was lucky and I met you.

She: Thank you. I'm not a big fan of bars either.

Him: You are very beautiful. I think that's how guys hang around you.

She: Thank you, you are very nice. Sorry, but I need to take a call for work.

Him: Okay. We should meet sometime...

She: Sounds tempting!

The next day

Him: Listen, you said that you love sushi. Maybe we can go to a restaurant or sushi bar sometime?

She: With pleasure!

He: I’m very glad, I was just looking for a sushi lover like me. You also said last night that your sister lives in Los Angeles. I love Los Angeles. How long have you been there?

She: Recently, I went to Los Angeles and generally around Arizona last month.

Him: Cool! What were you doing there?

She: Mostly laying on the beach. The next client came to me... I must run!

Him: Okay. We'll write to you later.

In one day

Him: So what do you like to do in your spare time?

She: Watch a movie, potter in the garden, meet friends...

Him: Have you seen the latest Mission: Impossible sequel? A great movie!

She: Yes! I really like Tom Cruise. He's so funny!

Him: I'm disappointed in my work! I am negotiating with headhunters.

She: Good luck! My boss just came in...

Him: Okay, we'll think of something.

She: That would be nice!

Although the nice realtor himself spoke to Sarah, took her phone and texted her first, and her correct replies were perfectly timed and shorter than his SMS, it was a clear case of rampant SMS chatter. We explained to her that at this stage the only way he would ask her out was to completely ignore his messages. Sarah was Shocked: “I thought a little correspondence wouldn’t hurt. Isn’t it rude to ignore messages?” No, not rude! You're just busy and have your own life. If a guy really wants to ask you all these questions about Los Angeles and movies, he can do it over a plate of sushi!

Sarah agreed to try. The next morning, when the cute realtor texted her, “Hey, how are you?” - She didn’t answer him. When he texted again that same day, “Dating a headhunter, wish me luck!” “Sarah ignored him again. That evening he asked: “What are you doing?” - She didn’t answer again. Finally, the next morning the guy sent an SMS: “Hey stranger, maybe we can meet this weekend and go eat sushi?” She waited two hours and wrote back: “Of course it sounds tempting!” Two minutes later he asked the question: “How about Friday night after work?” Half an hour later she wrote: “Great.” It is done. They finally made their first date, which was followed by many more.

This “temporary freezing” plan is not a game, but setting your boundaries, maintaining self-esteem and self-esteem. Men will take up all your time if you let them! Many women spend hours or even days answering men's text messages out of politeness, only to find themselves without a date or companion by Saturday evening. The right girls will not put up with aimless chatter. Remember, the point of correspondence with a guy is to set up a date or further relationship, and not to negotiate around the clock. But what if he stops texting you or doesn't ask you out even though you don't respond to every message he sends? Did you do something wrong? No, it's just that this guy wasn't too keen on you to begin with, he's a time waster. Next!

We understand that waiting is not always easy. In fact, it gets even harder when you're already in a relationship and he knows your schedule or sees you texting your girlfriends in two minutes! When you're together, we advise you to keep your phone in your purse and not in your hand so that your boyfriend doesn't think you're not breaking up with him. Don't show the slightest interest in your phone, don't jump up to every call and don't exclaim when you receive another message: “Oh my God, my best friend just posted a stunning photo!” If you want him to naturally accept your leisurely answers, don't fuss with your phone like a chicken and an egg.

We do not encourage you to be a hypocrite; but if you want a man to stare at his phone with all his eyes, wondering why you’re not calling; if you want him to dream about you and think about what you are doing when you are not next to him; If you want his heart to pound furiously while he waits for your answer, don’t answer him too soon. This expectation will make him think about you more, not less. Isn't that what you're striving for?

August 11, 2020 at 04:48 pm

Sherry Schneider

Where have you gone?

Who will ask? This question is usually intimidating, and not many people actually ask it. Mostly these will be acquaintances and former colleagues, because your family is most likely aware of the current situation: whether you have gone nowhere or have clear plans for organizing your life.

What to answer. Answer everyone the same: “There are a couple of offers, now I’m choosing.” It's almost true. If you decide to return to the corporation, sooner or later you will find a job. If you decide to start your own business, it will take several tries before you find your niche. There is no need to worry others unnecessarily.

What to do. This is a topic for a separate article, but as first steps it is useful to write to yourself 2-3 areas that are interesting to you and in which you would like to work.

New job

To the question: “Why should we hire you?”, some answer something like this: “I don’t like my current (or former) job.” Such a statement also does not speak about anything other than your personal emotions.

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It contains nothing about the professional qualities or other characteristics of the applicant. By saying this, you are missing out on a good chance to stand out from the crowd of other candidates for the position.

What will you do now?

Who will ask? All. And your loved ones too, because they are afraid of losing their previous well-being, because their picture of the world, in which you were the breadwinner, has collapsed. Seeing you sitting at the computer or being depressed will make them even more upset. Former colleagues generally won't care, but will ask this question out of curiosity or passive aggression.

What to answer. Answer with the general phrase “I’m actively looking for a new direction, I need time.” For some period, everyone will really calm down, and then they will forget about you.

What to do. Answer the questions: “Why are these particular areas of interest to me?”, “What can I already do, what skills do I have?” Honest answers to yourself are enough to start moving forward.

How interesting it is to answer the question: “how are you doing?”

Refrain from banal sayings, come up with a more interesting answer. Remember that your response should depend on how much you trust your interlocutor and how long you plan to talk with him. If you need to hurry, you can laugh it off with one phrase. Want to chat for a few more hours? I'll have to come up with a wittier answer. When the dialogue takes place on the Internet, it becomes even easier to compose a remark, because you have at your disposal a huge number of emoticons that add an emotional coloring to the conversation.

Use humor

The best option is to joke, showing that even life’s difficulties have not broken you.

Use humor
Examples of funny ways to answer:

  • Can I have anything to do? I'm not a business person at all.
  • What kind of business are we talking about if there is such sun outside the window now!
  • Let the businessmen do their thing, and we, ordinary people, will go have fun.
  • Cases with the letter “x”, but not good. Did you guess it? Well, horseradish, by the way, is quite tasty, nothing obscene!
  • Things are all waiting for me, they just can’t wait!
  • Can I really have anything to do with my affairs?
  • Things appear when you’re busy with something, but I have a day off, which means there’s nothing to do!

Add emoticons

Sometimes, when answering a general question via correspondence, it is enough to send a few emoticons. You can also send a short video that reflects the essence of what is happening to you. Can't find the video you're looking for? Replace it with a demotivational picture.

If things aren't going smoothly for you, a shot of a man walking down onto a beach filled with alligators is perfect. Add a meaningful caption, for example: “It’s okay, I’m falling!” (“Only old men go into battle”).

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Come up with something unusual and witty

Be witty. You can use the same phrase from the movie “Only old men go into battle” or come up with something more creative.

Here are some unusual phrases that will show how creative you are:

  • It depends on who you compare with. If with a billionaire, then so-so, but if with Lenin, then nothing at all.
  • Just great! Once you've started, keep going. I'm waiting for other questions about my life. I will answer only today!
  • Yes, I’m just jumping with a parachute, unnoticed, or what?
  • I’m sad because children in Africa are left completely without food. And so, pretty good.
  • Terrible! And all because I again have to think what to answer.
  • I'm doing great. Recently they gave an award for saving penguins from global warming; I built a bunker for them.
  • Everything is fine with me, everything is just chocolate. Even myself!

From whom can we expect help?

Who will ask? You. During a crisis, we are very vulnerable (and leaving a job or being fired is certainly the worst crisis).

What to answer. The only honest answer, in which you will not be disappointed later, sounds tough: “Only from yourself.”

This does not mean that you will be left alone, but it does mean that you have full responsibility for your life.

What to do. It is quite expected that you will count on those who were with you in quiet times: family, friends. Not worth it. They experience the same fear as you, or even more, because you have ceased to be a stronghold of reliability and stability. Don't place expectations on your loved ones. But be sure to tell them that their help and support will be very valuable to you. When you admit that you are scared and want to share your feelings with someone, usually the very help that you need comes.

Personal need

One of the unsuccessful answer options has already been given. If you say that you need a job, and therefore it is you who should be hired, then you will spoil the impression of yourself. You should also not say that you want to move and therefore the employer should choose you.

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Such a phrase also does not contain information that could interest interviewers. Of course, if you find a suitable vacancy in another city, then you need to say at the interview about where you are from and that you plan to move to the locality in which the company is located. But this intention should not be your main reason for taking this job. After all, moving is just a temporary goal. When it is achieved and you begin to live in a new place, you may begin to look for a more suitable job.

This means that you only need the company for the first time. This is how the employer will most likely perceive your answer.

And you traded a job in a good company for this?!

Who will ask? Friends and former colleagues. Psychologists classify such questions as a sign of passive aggression. The people who ask them have mixed feelings about you. At best, they envy you, at worst, they will set you up or turn away.

What to answer. “This is my choice, we’ll talk in a year or two.” Or don't answer at all.

What to do. Stop communicating with these people.
Completely or for some time. While you are in crisis, they are not your help. Look for others, those who will believe in you and will not pull you back.

Let's sum it up

It turns out that the question “How are you?” is universal. It can be asked simply when you want to develop a conversation with an interesting person, or when there are serious suspicions that everything in your interlocutor’s life is really not going well. There are still many situations when it will be appropriate and will allow communication between two people to move from the stage of simple acquaintance to a closer friendship.

The main thing is not to ask this question just for show and to show false concern.

Unfortunately, many people do just this, wanting to show themselves as sympathetic. The question must be asked sincerely. This will be very pleasant for the interlocutor, who will readily respond with good news or share his experiences.

How are you without office coffee and corporate events?

Who will ask? Former colleagues. They are in this situation and measure life in the usual coordinate system.

What to answer. Depending on the other person’s sense of humor, either laugh it off or say that you are waiting for an invitation from them. Well, don’t you really miss coffee from the machine and free alcohol?

What to do. Brew good coffee at home or give it up altogether. Look at the photos from the corporate event on social networks and remember how it was before. I probably didn't always like it. It’s exactly the same there now.

Why answer in an original way?

Trivial questions often lead to dead ends. “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”, “How are you?”, “How is life?” — a list of common expressions that are asked on social networks, over the phone or in person. You can answer in a boring and insipid way: “Okay, how are you?”, “Everything is fine!”, “They are going little by little.”

However, many people want to seem original. An extraordinary phrase will help with this. The interlocutor will immediately understand that he is dealing with a savvy and erudite person. But it is important not to cross the line; a rude answer can alienate the interlocutor or offend him.

The answer depends on who you are writing it to. If a friend or good friend wrote to you, then you can joke. If asked by an older person, you should answer politely (he may not understand the humor). The interlocutor is probably sincerely interested in your affairs.

The answer to a lover or lover may have sexual overtones. This plays out especially well when asking the question “How did you sleep?” If banal phrases were sent by a stranger, then it is not necessary to respond to them, or you can write an original expression so that the interlocutor understands who he is dealing with.

Can I have your business card?

Who will ask? Everyone you meet at an external event: concert, conference, training, etc. This simple question can be very painful for you. You are already stressed due to losing your job, and strangers are asking you about it, as if on purpose. It is enough to realize that strangers know nothing about your situation, and you will calm down.

What to answer. Since there is no new business card, one needs to be made. What to write on it - read on. But if you are not prepared, then the simplest answer is: “Unfortunately, I don’t have a business card with me today, but I’ll be happy to take yours and send my contacts this evening.” Needless to say, in the evening you should write to the person from whom you took the business card.

What to do. Today you can make a business card in any printing house for 200–300 rubles. A business card is not only your position, it is primarily your contacts. But only. Don't let the lack of business cards slow down your expansion of contacts. Therefore, if you don’t yet know what you intend to do, place only basic information on it - first name, last name, phone number, email, Skype, and so on - and describe yourself briefly, for example, “designer”, “project manager”, “freelancer” . And later, when you decide on your niche, business cards are easy to change.

Phrases in a foreign language

Write an answer to the question “How are you?” Possibly in another language. The expression will be original and different from standard phrases.

  • Very good! - Very good!
  • Excellent! - Great!
  • Great! - Fabulous!
  • All the better for seeing you! - It's better when I see you.
  • Is there a particular reason you ask? - Why are you asking this?
  • Middling! - Average!
  • Could be better! - It could be better.

There is no need to write particularly complex phrases, since the interlocutor may not speak the given language.

How long it will be going on?

Who will ask? You yourself and your loved ones. Because both they and you experience a range of different feelings, mostly negative.

What to answer. The most honest answer to yourself is: “I don’t know.” Each of us is individual, each person’s situation and ability to cope with stress is different. But the relatives will have difficulty withstanding such an answer. They do not want the truth, but consolation. Therefore, you can answer them like this: “I think in 3-4 months everything will be normal.” I warn you: this answer is a half-truth. To meet this deadline, you will have to show incredible determination. Your search will likely take 6-8 months, so it's best to be mentally prepared. But for now, buy yourself a break with these simple answers.

What to do. DO. Everything that is described in this article. You will succeed.

Answers according to circumstances

In order not to put yourself in an awkward position, it is important to understand that different responses are appropriate in a dialogue with different people.

At work

It’s common to joke with colleagues that things aren’t going well.

  1. “Like a future millionaire: there is a desire to become one, but there is no money yet.”
  2. “No better than a squirrel in a wheel.”
  3. “Like a native, I walk around naked and eat figs.”
  4. “Like potatoes: either they will be eaten within a year, or they will be planted.”
  5. “Like a ball: they cheated and even kicked.”
  6. "How are you? A lot of them. Do you want me to share?”
  7. “It’s like being in the harem of a Turkish sultan. I know that they will definitely fuck, but it’s not clear when.”

In a dialogue with your boss, it is better to be serious, answer concisely, specifically and carefully integrate information about a specific achievement. For example:

  1. “I’ve just started working on the project, and the results are already exceeding my wildest expectations.”
  2. “I read a new book and am now implementing the knowledge I gained in life.”
  3. “I learned a new skill and now I feel head and shoulders above.”

Take advantage of every opportunity to highlight your strengths: your boss will definitely make a positive mental note about you.

In conversation with parents

When you communicate with loved ones, it is better to refrain from barbs. Parents can take bad jokes to heart.

  1. "Affairs? Let’s leave them to the businessmen, and let’s go have fun.”
  2. “No changes, consistently good.”
  3. “It’s great, because I communicate with wonderful people.”
  4. “Wonderful, and I wish the same for you.”
  5. “Today is even better than yesterday.”
  6. “Everything is fine: growing, blooming.”
  7. “Things are going well, life is in full swing.”
  8. “Stable.”
  9. “Through your prayers.”
  10. “It’s good to be around you.”

Parents are absolutely sincerely interested in matters, so it is not necessary to limit yourself to a short answer. Share the details of your personal life and be sure to ask your loved ones answer questions.

In a conversation with a stranger

If you are interested in a person who is trying to get to know you, you should not answer briefly. On the other hand, talking at length can make you seem like a bore. Therefore, you can answer a question with a question in order to understand how detailed a conversation the stranger is still inclined to have. For example:

  1. “Are you in no hurry?”
  2. "And what do you think?".

You can also demonstrate mutual interest with phrases containing a response question: “How are you doing?” If the stranger doesn’t appeal to you at all, increase the distance:

  1. “Sluggish.”
  2. “A question like that is a sure way to stump me.”
  3. “I find it difficult to answer.”
  4. "It depends on what you compare it to".
  5. “When they don’t ask stupid questions, it’s actually pretty good.”
  6. “I don’t think you’re really interested in this.”
  7. “I’m going crazy with useless questions.”
  8. “I’m thinking about how to get rid of an annoying interlocutor.”

Try to respond less often with rudeness; even strangers should be shown respect. After all, how you treat others is how they will treat you.

Answers to the guy you like

If you are a girl and not a modest one, you can take the bull by the horns:

  1. “It’s like being on the Internet: click, like, and go to bed.”
  2. “Like on Mars: there doesn’t seem to be any life, but I’m all on fire.”
  3. “Great, I’m improving. Will you keep company?”
  4. "Super. I guess everyone is jealous of me, because I get to chat with such a handsome guy.”
  5. “I'm searching.”
  6. “I’m in the mood to share my phone number.”
  7. “It’s like I came to a buffet table: I’m standing there, embarrassed to ask for what I want.”

Financial issue

Those who say at an interview that they want to earn more, but this company has fairly high wages, also make a mistake. In fact, many people quit and look for a new job for this very reason.

Answering this way will not be original. But the interviewers will consider it a risky move to hire you.

After all, a person who was attracted only by a high salary will leave as soon as they promise him more somewhere.

Common words

When describing your professional qualities, try to avoid abstract concepts like: hard work, stress resistance, punctuality. From these words your interlocutor will not learn anything specific about you.

This means that saying them during recruiting is simply pointless. In addition, almost everyone can call themselves honest, responsible and a professional in their field (if this is not so, then why come for an interview at all).

Woman makes $2,000 an hour because she looks like a celebrity

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Don’t be afraid of competition: any startup is only your unique offer

Your goal is to somehow stand out from the crowd of all candidates for the position. This means you need to prepare a more original answer. But if a person nevertheless decides to talk about his hard work (or other qualities), then he must be ready to back up these words with an incident from his career in which this character trait was manifested.

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