How can you punish a dirty girl for disobedience - 5 ways

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. And today I will tell you how girls are punished and why it is necessary. But first of all, about what punishment is. In general, this is a psychological tool that helps us achieve the right behavior from our partner.

Therefore, it is applicable not only to children, but also to adults. It must be said that many people simply punish themselves, so to speak, for prevention - in order to overcome laziness, fears, strengthen their will, and so on. And therefore, if we talk about such often stupid creatures as girls, then this is generally in the order of things.

Yes, it is very difficult, sometimes even impossible, to re-educate an adult. But it is possible to let her understand that she cannot do this. She will grind her teeth, be angry to herself, but try to please you - if you behave correctly in time.

Why can you punish a girl?

Naturally, there is not and cannot be a universal list of actions for which any girl will automatically receive punishment. Everyone creates such a list for themselves. If you intend to build a long-term and strong relationship with this girl, you must know in advance what actions on the part of your significant other you will under no circumstances tolerate around you. These actions will inevitably cause discord in your relationship and disrupt your peace and balance.

The most common offenses of girls:

  • the desire to speak in a raised voice and insult;
  • the desire to constantly and without much sense argue and insist on one’s own at all costs;
  • demonstrative or secret disobedience, violation of what was previously agreed upon;
  • showing interest in another guy, cheating;
  • systematic delays, lack of response to calls and SMS.

It is better to eliminate such actions in the bud rather than live with them in a state of constant conflict.

Why do you need dates with a man?

Do you think it’s to have fun, to fall in love?


They are needed in order to understand what a man is like. What is he capable of? Does he have potential? Isn't his wallet full of holes?

I often feel like hitting some naive girl on the head who is in a hurry to fall in love with the next dunce. The one who sits with folded arms, does nothing, doesn’t care about anything and waits for everything to fall from the sky on him.

Are you crazy? Do you want your future children to wear cast-offs? Do you want to stand at the counter and think about what to save on - food or clothes? Do you want to pay your mortgage yourself? Pay the bills yourself?

Wake up!

Dating exists to understand whether this man is worthy of having a family? Is he capable of anything in this life? Does he know how to earn and spend money on you?

Understand that even a hungry student is capable of action. He can find a part-time job and take you to a restaurant. He can work already in his first year at the institute, grow in position in order to receive a diploma, become a deputy director or open his own business.

If he doesn’t have money, because, they say, he’s studying and he doesn’t have any opportunities, believe me, he will never have them!

What You Need to Remember Before Punishing a Girl

  • The purpose of punishing a girl is to change her behavior. If you are not going to continue the relationship with her, but just want to punish her for her wounded pride, it’s better to restrain yourself. By your reaction, you should show that you will continue to date her if she stops doing this. Otherwise, just end the relationship.
  • Don't hurt the girl, either physically or mentally. This will not improve the situation, but will only make it worse. In addition, the use of physical force and insults entails responsibility. The state, relatives, and friends can stand up for the girl. And then they can punish you for the wrong choice of methods of punishment.
  • If you decide to punish a girl, be firm and do what you promised her. Often, girls themselves unconsciously test your determination. If you change your mind, you risk losing respect.
  • Punish only serious offenses. Hysteria over every little issue is not a masculine trait.

How do quarrel conspiracies work?

Spells for a quarrel help change people's relationships. Even if there was strong sympathy between people, they will begin to irritate each other, often conflict and sooner or later decide to break off communication . Such conspiracies are not damage; they cannot “kill” love or true friendship. The purpose of the conspiracy is to speed up the development of events and separate people who are initially incompatible and whose relationship is unpromising.

It is important to understand that any magical effect can be quite dangerous for someone who decides to resort to higher powers. To protect yourself, you must consider a number of rules:

  • if you want to harm someone, refuse to perform the ritual . If you intend to take revenge or destroy a strong family, higher powers can punish you, and quite cruelly. You must be sure that your actions will benefit the person you are going to quarrel with;
  • Always perform the ritual completely alone. No one should disturb or distract you;
  • you must be as focused as possible on what is happening. If you feel like you can't get your thoughts together, it's likely that higher powers don't want you to perform the ritual. Listen carefully to your inner feelings to understand whether you are moving in the right direction.

For the ritual to be effective, esotericists and magicians advise following simple recommendations:

  • believe that everything will work out. Before casting a spell, try to visualize the result you want as clearly as possible;
  • do not doubt your abilities;
  • perform rituals during the waning moon. According to the rules, love spells are read when the moon is waxing, but if you want to quarrel between people, wait until the lunar disk begins to decrease;
  • Make sure you have everything you need ready in advance.

An effective way to punish a girl

How to punish a girl so that she realizes her mistake? If a girl repeatedly commits an act that you consider unacceptable (after you have clearly explained to her why she is wrong and why it should not be done), the best way to punish her is to ignore her. Let her know that if she continues to behave this way, she will lose you. If a girl shows that she is ready to change, forgive her. After this, your relationship will improve. If she insists on her way, then this is not your girlfriend. You failed to interest her. The best course of action in this case is to find your other half.

Situations often occur in which the wrong behavior of girls threatens to break off a love relationship. They often behave arrogantly, humiliate the guy's dignity and try to manipulate him. Young people strive to maintain long-term relationships, but at the same time change the behavior of girls for the better. There are several psychological methods by which girls are punished without the use of force.

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Myths about respect for women

MYTH: Men no longer respect women these days.

Nope, they didn't stop. And it’s easy to guess that such things are said by women who do not feel respected by men.

At the same time, in a wonderful and incomprehensible way for me, instead of asking herself the logical question “maybe, if they don’t respect me, then the problem is in me?..”, the woman (probably out of habit) blames all the men in the world.

But what actually happens?

In fact, there really are (and quite a few) such men who are poorly brought up, brought up by idiots, brought up by people with mental trauma, brought up by those who in general should not be trusted to raise children, brought up by a low-level environment.

This is how there appear men who do not at least give up seats to pregnant women on public transport, men who call women “women”, “skins”, “holes” and even worse, men who humiliate women at any opportunity, etc.

So, this is what I mean... Such men were, are and will be, as long as there are irresponsible parents, ill-mannered parents, people with a traumatized psyche, people who traumatize the psyche, as well as girls who, with their behavior, paint a black spot on all women in general.

And if you, as a woman, are not respected by men of this kind, you need to ask yourself not the question “what can I do to be respected?”, but the question “what am I still doing among this rotten environment?”

Because there are also a huge number of good men. Smart, well-mannered, decent, adequate.

And if such men completely do not respect a woman, then she should think hard about herself as the source of the problem, and not complain that men have stopped respecting women.

MYTH: A man respects the woman he loves!

A little different. Love follows respect, not respect follows love.

Many couples separate because one partner has lost respect for the other. And without respect there is no love.

Therefore, the logic “well, he loves me - now I can do whatever I want, respect comes as a bonus to love” is incorrect.

By the way, the expression “a man loves a woman whom he respects” is also not entirely true, because you can respect without love.

MYTH: a man should respect any woman because she is a woman!

No, you shouldn't. Just like you should not respect any man, any old man or any parent.

Because men can be weaklings and weaklings. Because old people are not always knowledgeable carriers of knowledge. Sometimes these are just unpleasant, evil people who do not bring any benefit either to the world or to their family and did not do so when they were young. Because parents can be terrible alcoholics, they can beat their children, throw them out into the street. And to respect them only because they “gave life” (yep, accidentally, drunk, by accident) is strange.

So, women are also different.

Tell me, for example, is it possible to respect someone who married a good man for money, sleeps behind his back with his friend, does not strive to develop and neglects raising children, leaving them to their own devices?

Is it possible to respect a grandmother who sits on a bench, throws stones at a cat, yells at children and teenagers, unmotivatedly calling them drug addicts and prostitutes, despite the fact that in her youth she was about the same - she did not bring any benefit to the world, she only spat poison , washed people’s bones and squinted with an unkind eye?

Watch a short video with an interesting opinion on why men stop respecting women:

But at the same time, it is important to understand that you can lose respect for a woman (or not have it in the first place) for other reasons. What are these reasons?

Punishment for disrespect

At the very beginning of a relationship, a girl can be forgiven for disrespectful communication and addressing a young man. It sounds quite strange, but from the point of view of psychologists, it works. The guy forgives the girl and gives her the right to realize her mistake. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of emotions and show common sense.

The girl must understand that for disrespect for her young chosen one, he can break off relations with her. For a while, you need to stop writing and calling your beloved. During this period, you need to stay cool and stay a little in solitude. Every action must be done deliberately.

The main task in this situation is to change the girl’s behavior for the better and maintain a love relationship.

Is it possible to forgive betrayal

A special method of punishment for treason

Treason is betrayal by a loved one. It is more difficult for a man to forgive his beloved’s betrayal than for her to forgive him. For this, it is worth coming up with a method of punishment that will allow you to teach your chosen one a lesson. The young man needs to understand whether he can forgive this act. If you want to save the relationship, then you should forget about revenge.

The most effective method is to inform your girlfriend about the betrayal she committed. She will be completely confused. You can tell her that the relationship continues, but is becoming freer. At this moment, the guy should express his thoughts coldly and without unnecessary emotions. Such moral punishment will cause her great pain.

She will regret her betrayal and do everything to be forgiven.

How to take revenge on your ex

How to teach a girl a lesson for being frivolous?

Most girls do frivolous things unconsciously (flirting, talking with another man, touching another person, etc.).

In this situation, the young man will punish the girl lovingly. To do this, he will give her a pleasant surprise.

The guy sends his beloved a letter, which sets a date for a meeting in a small cozy cafe. At the meeting, he gives her flowers, a sweet present and discusses with her actions that should not be performed in their future relationship. The conversation should take place in a calm and romantic atmosphere. The dialogue should be conducted in a humorous manner.

The girl will definitely realize her stupidity and will try to eliminate the mistakes.

How to punish a guy

A little sex

The guy can come up with a vulgar punishment. An excellent option are erotic dances with elements of striptease. You can act differently. For example, a girl needs to jog around the house in her underwear. The most explicit and unforgettable punishment is unusual role-playing games.

The guy must come up with rules of sexual behavior. For any wrong action, a girl must be punished with certain actions. You can tie your beloved to the bed and feel complete superiority over her. And for the slightest offense she will have to give her boyfriend an erotic massage.

Over time, punishments in a vulgar sense will diversify your sex life, and your beloved girl will stop doing stupid things.

Caucasian principle of education

In Islam, people live according to certain religious traditions. Caucasians are considered the most courageous defenders. They do not forgive insults, evil and cowardice. Any girl who lives in the Caucasus knows all the local norms of behavior and does not violate them. This is especially true for disrespect towards your man. Girls are punished for stupid actions exclusively morally without the use of male force. A real man does not raise his hand to a woman.

Otherwise he will be punished.

A woman must constantly obey her man and create a cozy environment in the house. She must treat all relatives in the family with respect, honor older people and take care of the younger generation.

Typically, in Caucasian families, women do not commit illegal actions that could anger a man. They perform all their duties with due respect. In families, there can be no talk of betrayal. In case of infidelity, the couple is divorced and the girl has no right to remarry.

These are the laws that all female representatives adhere to and do not violate. Men protect their family from harm and are the main defenders of their fortress.

A woman with a healthy sense of self-esteem

We realized which women men do not respect. But this is what a woman who is respected by men is like (and this is also an instruction on how to maintain dignity):

  • does not tolerate rudeness and disrespect (towards oneself and one’s loved ones)
  • respects and values ​​herself, develops herself, takes care of herself (read “I’m beautiful! Treat yourself right”)
  • not afraid that the man will leave her
  • in no quarrels does it descend into market scandals and assault
  • values ​​his independence
  • loves her life, she is interested in it
  • does not pursue a man and does not humiliate himself in front of him

And it is these above-mentioned points (or their absence) that dictate and to a large extent determine the girl’s behavior, thoughts and words. And it is precisely behavior, thoughts and words that are a reason for respect or disrespect for her.

Of course, it’s easy to say “love yourself, start appreciating yourself, respect yourself”... But some girls are not able to change their ways on their own. In this case, seek help. Take good courses or find a good psychologist based on recommendations who will work with you on your complexes, fears and patterns.

Passing the buck

As soon as a woman realizes that her partner has found out about the betrayal, she begins her game:

  • attacks with messages and calls;
  • makes his chosen one guilty;
  • becomes aggressive, constantly cries;
  • she herself accuses the man of infidelity.

You need to understand whether the young man wants to stay with his lady of his heart further. After all, if he does not take action, the situation will repeat itself, and more than once.

The female sex, like the male sex, is replete with a variety of multifaceted characters, behavior, and morals. There are women who are reliable and faithful. There are those who are able to betray, out of stupidity, out of weakness, out of curiosity. Having learned about the betrayal, the man becomes offended and figures out how to punish the girl for treason. Seeks to inflict reciprocal pain, similar or stronger than that from which he himself suffers.

Many factors influence how seriously you need to take a woman's betrayal. This behavior is typical for a girl or an absurd accident. Do you want to save the relationship or were you waiting for a reason to break up? The punishment will be a casual slap in the face in a fit of anger. Or the vengeful destruction of her entire life. While you are thinking about these questions, the need for vengeful punishment may disappear - when emotions calm down, reason comes to the fore.

When seeking revenge for betrayal, remember that it is impossible to do this and remain a true gentleman. Revenge on a girl is a negatively colored act; it can turn out well for someone who is obviously predisposed to meanness and unseemly deeds.

By indulging in such “luxury” - revenge for betrayal, you will not create the image of the Ideal Man, but you will significantly damage your reputation.

You can only go down to revenge; you can rise up with more positive feelings. Taking revenge on your beloved is cruel and mean. Taking revenge on someone you don't love is pointless. In addition, you may ruin your ex’s life, but not completely, but you will definitely get the stain of a petty squabbler on your reputation. Vengefulness does not fit well into the ideal image. A real man is generous. The strong one lets you go free. Confident - knows his worth. This picture is more attractive than the image of a weakling running after a woman, throwing lumps of dirt at the woman’s fragile back.

If you look reliable, stable, balanced, your behavior will make her regret her actions. The image of an insecure person who only makes attacks towards the weaker sex is not an attractive sight; no one will regret the loss of such a partner. Moreover, it is unlikely that at least one man will be able to punish a girl better than herself. Women's fantasy is enormous. In addition, every woman is suspicious by nature and needs support from the outside. If instead of supporting you, you hit her self-esteem, it will be difficult for her to recover.

Betrayal by a woman can also bring constructive moments for you, even if the thought sounds paradoxical. For example, if you made serious plans for a life together, then it is better to find out about its impermanence and unreliability now than after years of living together.

What are the ways of revenge?

If you choose the path of revenge for yourself, remember: such an act can convince a woman that her step is right, because your behavior is petty and unworthy if you are capable of taking revenge.

To figure out how to punish for betrayal, it is important to know what you want to achieve in the end? The solution will help you choose a method.

Decide for yourself whether you want to break up after punishment or punish for betrayal and be together. Regardless of whether you decide to continue the relationship or think about taking revenge and breaking up, cool down and think about it. If you intend to be with her, emotions will damage the relationship. If you want to take revenge, it’s also better to do it with a cool head.

The most effective way to take revenge on a girl for cheating is to be happy without her, or even better - in a new relationship immediately after your relationship. If you forget her faster than the young lady forgets you, it will be the best way to take revenge. The chosen one will be discouraged. The fact will be questioned whether she was attractive to you before, if you were able to forget her so quickly, maintaining a calm heart. Self-love will punish her more than they might want. Your own image will look less vindictive than in the options below.

Still, how to take revenge for betrayal if you are determined. Ideas will go from the least insidious in increasing order.

  • Punish with indifference. You inform: you know everything, but the fact of betrayal leaves you indifferent. With your face you express the depth of what is said - indifferently, relaxed. You can say that you had a good time together and even avoided serious relationships. That even before a woman did not attract you enough to think about a serious, deep relationship, about moving to a new level. All the words that were spoken were just a tribute to politeness and a desire to do something pleasant, just. The situation can be aggravated by words: your lady is the only one who agreed to a relationship, while several previous ones refused you. You were too lazy to spend so much time on courtship, but with her this can be avoided. In response, expect a violent outburst of negative emotions or another reaction dictated by the lady’s character.
  • A more painful way: you tell her - you forgive the betrayal, the nature of the relationship remains the same. You continue your life as if everything remains as it was before. After a while, you demonstratively try to seduce her best friend. Important: the attempt is open and visible from afar. Such behavior will be a double blow for her. This will remain in the memory for a long time, it is unlikely to be forgiven. Afterwards she will have to look for two new close people, the punishment is severe.
  • A method that exposes the former lady of the heart in an unsightly light in front of others, and therefore the most noticeable. Tell your girlfriend how you recently visited a venereologist, who gave you disappointing news - you are sick with an unpleasant and complex disease. Considering that you have only one girl in your close circle and exemplary behavior as a couple, you suggest that she also get checked - everyone is now at risk. Moreover, the doctor believes that the source of the disease is in her - good guys do not bring infection. The lie will not last long, but will allow you to rejoice in your ingenuity, watching how the unfortunate woman suffers from the curious glances of her acquaintances and their sympathetic questions. It will be especially painful to wait for the results of the tests. This method does not imply continuation of the relationship - your image in this case is far from attractive. Do you need a beauty who wants to continue living with you after everything?

For some, methods of punishment go beyond moral punishment, it can come down to fists. Men think that the most important thing in the process of revenge is to come up with an effective way to punish for betrayal. However, think deeply: the woman showed her unattractive appearance. By punishing her, will you get a better appearance? How will you be different if you descend to the level of a person with similar moral principles? Or admit to yourself: her move to the left is more a blow to male self-confidence and self-esteem than really a matter of revenge. By forgetting her, you will be much healthier mentally than by taking revenge and remembering it. Let the lady bite her elbows, but otherwise you will have to regret your temper. The rebound could be significant. To summarize, revenge is a delicate matter, everyone approaches it individually, guided by character and preferences.



- a universal tool that helps achieve correct behavior.
This applies not only to children, but also to adults. Some even punish themselves - to develop will, kill laziness, overcome fears. What can we say about such foolish creatures as girls? Knowing how to punish a girl, you will correct her behavior
the way you need.

This is a powerful tool. It is effective when used correctly and destructive in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they are doing. Punish her the wrong way and she will stop respecting you and then lose interest in you.

But everything is learned by comparison, so in this article I will show you clearly how to punish a girl in order to achieve your own goals and strengthen your union. We will look at the most common situations when a girl cannot be left unpunished, and I will tell you what “preventive measure” should be chosen so that this does not happen again


How to punish a girl: cases when punishment is required

She didn't show up for the date

One of the essential parts of punishment is to show that you are disappointed in the person. In this case, this will be enough.

Don’t bother calling her: just write a short message that should say something like this: “You created the impression of being brave and confident. It's a pity that this is not the case. I could have warned you by saying that I was scared.”

A message like this should hurt her. Here you are showing that your hopes and reality were not met, which means she will feel that she was worse than you thought.

If this doesn't bother her and she doesn't try to prove anything, it will be an indication that you couldn't interest her.

. This means you can forget her, because advice on how to punish a girl does not work if she is absolutely indifferent to you.

Method No. 2.

When you return home, call the girl and ask why she never showed up. Then make another date. Only now you won’t come to it yourself.

When talking to you, she should feel a clear message: you have forgiven her, but you will not humiliate yourself in order to finally meet.

“Ignore” your messages and calls

When she ignores you a little (we're talking about one or two messages or a call when she didn't pick up the phone and didn't call back), it's not very nice, but it's not “deadly.” In her opinion. And by the same token, you shouldn’t attach much importance to it. True, there are cases when this was done unintentionally - simple forgetfulness and being busy at that time. But when this is repeated, there is a trend.

Don't complain to her

about this (if you are not in a relationship). She will feel her high importance and your weakness.

How then to act so as not to let her get away with it?

If you are thinking about how to punish a girl in this case, then it is better to forget about it for a few days. For now, don't pay any attention to her.

, don't show any initiative.

If she doesn't pay attention to this, you can write to her. But now communicate completely differently: actively tease her, ignore some of her questions and messages (just so that it doesn’t look like some kind of petty revenge), answer dryly and briefly.

In such actions, it is necessary to use a kind of ladder: if a similar mistake on her part is repeated, each time increase the time of completely ignoring it. The second time - up to a month, the third time - for six months. In fact, this can be considered a complete cessation of communication with a girl who has lost trust. In the meantime, you can switch to others.

Shouting/insulting from her

This kind of thing cannot be forgiven at all.

. And here it is important to know how to punish a girl so that she understands everything. Moreover, such cases should never be left unpunished.

Understand that even if you forgive such behavior at least sometimes, you are guaranteed to lose her respect and authority, which should be indisputable. And if you can do it once, then it’s just possible. If not a breakup, then we can definitely talk about a cooling of the relationship.

Worse than raising your voice is an insult

. Moreover, such an insult may not be very “powerful”: “idiot” or “moron” in response to your joke - that’s enough.

How to punish a girl in this case?

It is necessary to ask her in a calm and serious tone why she did it. Even if she tries to make it all a joke. If she can't answer, say that "it was the first and last time she did something like this."

Particularly “smart” girls in this case will try to explain their action from a logical point of view. But no matter what she says, you can ask the following question: “Does that give you the right to talk to me in that tone?”

All these actions of yours are aimed at making her apologize or realize her wrong behavior, which, of course, can be seen by her appearance.

But you can also witness the opposite reaction - a complete lack of understanding of your mistake, indifference. In this case, you should immediately stop communicating

, but it’s better to leave. If this is a telephone conversation, you need to hang up. If after that she doesn’t take any action to make amends for the situation, then this is not the kind of girl who will respect you, and you should think about whether you need her at all.


This is a very common situation. You ask her to forbid something - for example, to go somewhere - but she still does it.

How to punish a girl if she didn't listen to you?

There is no point in starting a conversation in this situation. There is nothing to talk about - she simply ignored your request. Therefore, you can answer symmetrically: turn on “ignore” for a few days

or even for a week. If this measure does not have an effect, it is worth thinking about the advisability of continuing such a relationship, where your word means nothing.

Arguing with you

Don’t let her see that the arguments somehow hurt you.

Simple disputes should not be taken even with the slightest degree of seriousness. Use them to pin her easily. But if she gets involved in a serious argument with you

, you need to think about how to punish the girl.

This should be done easily and as if as a joke.

Pretend that you are offended by her, but in such a way that she understands that this is clearly a pantomime joke. You can even say something like this: “I don’t talk to bad guys.”

Usually everything in this case is translated into humor, and the subject of the dispute loses importance or its course is greatly softened.

We teach our husband a lesson for other offenses

Disrespect is not the worst “sin” on the part of a man. Often representatives of the stronger sex behave immorally: they cheat, raise their hands, insult, etc. But do not rush to destroy the family in such cases.

You can re-educate your spouse. This must be done carefully, without resorting to drastic measures.

The method depends directly on the error of your loved one:

1. Teach a lesson for treason. In the matter of adultery, do not make hasty decisions. If you love a traitor, teach him a lesson so that he never again has the desire to go “to the left.”


  • Tell everyone you know about the intimate details of your life, focusing on dissatisfaction with men's actions. When a man is portrayed as a bad lover, he is ready to fall into the ground from shame.
  • Stop having sex with your cheater for a while.
  • Get a fan. Seeing that other representatives of the stronger sex are interested in his wife, the husband will become more active and realize his mistake. Awakening jealousy is a very strong impetus for the development of a strong family.
  • If a woman has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, then tell her the secret of her son’s adventures. A mother-in-law will shame her own child for inappropriate behavior, and many men cannot stand their mother’s criticism. For them, the loss of their mother's trust is a blow to a sore spot.

2. Teach you a lesson for partying. An effective way is to do the same. Go with your friends to a bar or restaurant. Stay there until night without notifying your spouse. Knock out a wedge with a wedge.

When you arrive home, make a surprised face and say that you don’t understand what’s wrong with getting together with your friends in the company of young and attractive men. Jealousy will take over the mountain, and the husband will think about his behavior.

The second method involves filming the husband’s behavior during the party. If he behaves obscenely, drinks, then in the morning show him a photo, video, let him admire himself from the outside.

3. Teach an alcoholic husband a lesson. If your spouse is a chronic alcoholic, then arrange for him to undergo treatment at a drug treatment clinic. Show him what will happen to him if he doesn’t stop drinking.

You can teach a lesson for drinking using the following methods:

  • Experiments with appearance. If numerous persuasions and requests not to drink do not work, then “spoil” your sweetheart’s appearance when he is drunk: paint your nails, epilate your leg, apply makeup, do your hair. Realizing that in an unconscious state he is helpless, he will think about drinking next time.
  • Add laxative to food and water. A man will remember a day spent hugging the toilet forever. He will think that this is the cause of alcohol intoxication in the body.

Important! It is not advisable to experiment with medications without knowing what a person is allergic to, as it can harm him.

How to best punish a girl

There is a way, or rather a sequence of actions, that will allow you to punish a girl with the most powerful effect for her


What to do:

  1. You must be able to change your face dramatically. The standard is a clearly dissatisfied look, lack of facial expressions.
  2. Look her straight in the eye. Ask her (the voice should be “heavy”, a little rough and unhurried): “Why did you do this?”
  3. You listen to what she is trying to answer without taking your eyes off her (this should last at least a few seconds). You leave confidently and decisively.

This will make her think seriously, realize that she did something unacceptable. It is logical that she will try to prevent this from happening again.

But remember that in this way you shouldn’t waste time on trifles.

. Otherwise it will simply lose its effect. So only resort to it if she really “messed up”.

This works even during a remote conversation via messages (of course, not as powerful). Everything is exactly the same - after a short question, go completely “ignore” (at least for one day), ignoring any of her answers.

Punishment must be inevitable and unshakable

Girls know how and love to influence men in such a way as to persuade us to show weakness. This applies most of all to those cases when a guy tries to be firm towards her.

Girls love to be capricious, trying to convince us that this is absolutely normal and we should put up with it. So, they may implicitly make it clear

that punishments can.
Also, women often try to expose an attempt at punishment as selfishness
on the part of a man.

However, if we are talking about behavior that you cannot tolerate in relation to yourself, then there can be no concessions. After all, this concerns your principles.

But everyone understands that a person who often compromises his principles does not inspire respect. Therefore, be firm until she understands and shows you herself that she is to blame. If a girl is not ready to obey you, then you should think about how to punish her.

The situations I have given are very common and... But this is only a part of the cases that can happen.

However, you already understand how to punish a girl, these tips always work. Now the main thing is to take them into account and not follow her lead, otherwise you will not build strong and long-term relationships.

With the help of punishment, they raise not only children, but also their other halves. If you know how to punish a girl for her misdeeds, then you can train her so that she will fulfill all your deepest desires and be ideal just for you.

On the other hand, incorrect punishment or even lack thereof can lead to you being treated like a man.

I decided to give a few examples of punishments so that you have an idea of ​​exactly how you should behave in order to maintain respect and strengthen relationships. And you can try them on yourself and choose the one that is suitable specifically for your case. However, you should also know about other possible situations and punishment options - it will come in handy.

Here are men's answers to the question of when they love a woman.

  • when the food is delicious
  • when a woman is cheerful, obedient, does not swear and does not force her to do anything
  • when a woman caresses and “scratches behind the ear” (Moreover, each man has his own “ear”)
  • when the house is orderly, quiet and comfortable
  • when a woman loves and cares for you, then I love and care for her too

I liked the last answer. From my female point of view, I completely agree with him. Indeed, if I want a man to love me, I must love him myself, I want him to take care of me, I must set an example of caring.

After all, men are actually big children, they need to be taught everything. And then, when love has already taken place as a given, when you have found each other, you need to try very hard in order to preserve it.

Finally, I’ll give you one wonderful passage that gives reason to think about for both men and women.

Wise words about love

“A man, even in the trappings of marriage, remains the same incorrigible romantic as before marriage. Stroke him on the withers, pretend that it is difficult to climb into the saddle, and he will laugh with emotion and crouch, so that you can better pretend to be an Amazon.

And instead of that, you get a whip on the back: and then the humblest one will go berserk, throw off the rider and run off into the open field.

I judge by myself. As soon as my “tamer” resorts to the slightest blackmail like “I’ll cut your hair, and you’ll tile my bath for it,” I immediately begin to be uncontrollably drawn to overtime work and Czech beer.

And if she switches to the language of threats, I begin to look out on the sidewalks for specimens that are more smiling and “pleasant in all respects”... (According to S. Svistunov)

So when does a man really love a woman? There are probably as many answers to this question as there are men and women in the world. How many people there are, so many types of love and its manifestations.

How to punish a girl: examples of situations

Ignoring is an ugly personality trait. It’s another matter if the girl wanted to answer your message, but later, and then forgot.

It's best not to ask why she didn't respond to your message (at least until you can claim she's your girlfriend). Because such questions are an indicator of your neediness and lack of moral strength.

Then how can you punish the girl in this case?

I advise you to wait “a couple of days”, and if she doesn’t write anything herself, you initiate communication. True, this time your communication should not be as friendly as it was before: do not answer all her questions yourself and write shorter messages than before.

If she doesn’t respond to your message again, then turn on ignoring for at least a month. If she messes up again, you simply stop all contact and switch to other girls. And you can write to this one again in about six months or a year, writing down her number in the place reserved for such “cases.”

  • She raised her tone or insulted her.

This is the “jamb” that cannot be forgiven under any circumstances.

I even know several examples where a guy always punished a girl for something like that, and then ignored the disrespectful conversation. After which the girl noticeably cooled towards him and lost respect.

And it also happens when she not only raises her voice, but openly insults the guy. For example, you can make a harmless joke at her, and she can call you an asshole.

In such cases , with a serious expression on your face, ask her why she did that.

. And if she doesn’t give an answer, then give a warning that you “allow this to happen the first time, the second time and never again.”

She may also try to logically justify why she raised her voice at you. Then you ask her another question: “And this gives you the right to talk to me like that?”

You ask these questions for a reason. You should either get an apology from her or just see by her facial expression that she has realized her mistakes.

If you see that she is not going to at least somehow realize her mistakes, then it is important to leave

(or simply end the conversation in case of a telephone conversation). You shouldn't be afraid of losing a girl who doesn't respect you. Even if after you leave you never see each other again.

Just waiting and hoping for her to get better, or continuing the meeting/communication is the same as killing self-respect with your own hands.

  • I didn't listen.

You told her that you didn’t want her to go to the club with her friends, but she went there to spite you.

Of course, the club is just an example (you should understand that she still needs a little freedom). During the course of the relationship, many situations will arise when she will not listen to you.

In such cases there can be no showdown. Just turn on ignoring for at least a week. And if he doesn’t understand this, then decide for yourself whether you want to continue a relationship with a girl who does not obey her man.

  • Arguing with you.

In case of disputes, there is no need to show that it hurts you.

If the argument is completely simple, then just joke with the girl and don’t try to punish. If it’s “difficult,” then you need to make a frivolous punishment.

How to punish a girl jokingly and lovingly?

It’s enough to just tell her: “I won’t communicate with you anymore. You are a mischief. " And make a facial expression as if you are offended, but with a smile.

Often girls laugh in this case, and further arguments either disappear or pass more gently.

Don't be so quick to judge anyone

5 ungentlemanly tricks

Dishonest ways to gain respect should also be treated with respect.

1 When introducing her to friends, persuade them to demonstrate their admiration for you in every possible way. Then you have beer.

2 Print out a couple of thanks for saving drowning people, buy a diploma for the winner of a tournament in intellectual martial arts on the subway and casually stick it somewhere where she will certainly find it. When asked, answer: “Yes, this is such nonsense that it’s not worth talking about!” And do not say.

3 When discussing the exploits of any martyrs such as Mucius Scaevola, Saint Andrew or Khodorkovsky, do not forget to hint that you would have done the same in their place. Even if you know for sure that you don’t.

4 Get drunk and ask her a thousand times “Do you respect me?”, demanding affirmative answers. When we say a statement out loud, we often begin to believe it ourselves.

Eastern wisdom says that an enemy must be chosen more carefully than a friend. A man who easily labels others as “goat”, “idiot”, “scoundrel” and so on, arouses a fair suspicion among ladies that he is not ready to really fight with anyone, and his anger and contempt mean nothing .

5. Admit that others are right

It's very difficult to admit that you were wrong. Weak people never do this. Even when they are asked point-blank: “Well, now you admit that you were wrong?” - at best, they laugh and change the subject or begin to look for ridiculous excuses, which, in turn, causes irritation and disdain among their interlocutors. For strong people, their gigantic reserve of self-esteem will not become depleted by admitting the fact that they made a mistake somewhere. For this reason, they do not have such problems.

6. Feel sorry for yourself silently

There are times when it is simply necessary to resort to such a powerful remedy as the sympathy of loved ones. But normal loved ones will understand when you need it. Especially women, who are usually so generous with this feeling. There is no need to stimulate female pity with tearful stories about how you are not loved, not appreciated, or offended. And even mosquitoes bit me! Till blood!!!

You can pity and respect a person at the same time, but not when he insists on consoling himself over trifles.



I met a businessman at a party. Rich and famous, recently divorced, by the way. So, this grown-up guy, about fifty kopecks, ate my baldness by talking about how his life was not a success, his ex-wife was a bitch, people were assholes, there was no peace for his soul, as they say. And I sit and think: “You healthy forehead, who taught you to lure women like that? You have a yacht, money, power, after all, and here you are playing around with snotty Kleenexes! Has no one ever explained to you that women are attracted to strength, success and self-confidence? And we simply pick up the offended out of compassion, like garbage pigeons, but we also cheat on them at the first opportunity.”

7. Know how to do something really cool

It’s cool, of course, to be a great cellist, surgeon or mathematician, but the ability to, say, masterfully cut sausage into the thinnest slices, whistle brilliantly with two fingers or shuffle cards no worse than a real dealer will also not hurt. Women have even more respect for professionalism than men.

The ideal punishment

Now I will tell you how to punish a girl by making her a very serious suggestion not to repeat her mistakes again.

Remember the steps of the “technique”:

  1. You make a “shovel face”. Remove all smiles and other nervous facial expressions from your face. Don't be afraid to show your dissatisfaction.
  2. In a slow, rough voice, looking straight into her eyes, you ask her a short question: “ Why did you do this now?
  3. In response to her answer, you continue to silently look at her for about 3 seconds, and then simply turn around and leave.

After this, she is unlikely to repeat her mistake, or at least try to understand what she did wrong.

It is advisable to use this method live and only in case of serious “jambs” on her part (the only thing that can be considered frivolous is that she had a little argument with you).

If you want to try to punish her within SMS communication, then you also ask her a short question, and then, regardless of her answer, turn on ignoring for at least 1 day.

Give up the computer

Are you spending too much time on social media and not paying enough attention to her? OKAY BABY! No, it’s clear that someone is wrong on the Internet, and political fights on Facebook have not been canceled. But no, no. Armchair warriors are on the warpath. We put Facebook aside for a week and... and start talking to her. About her work. About your work. About the international situation. About how good it was during the scoop. Or, conversely, bad. Have a political discussion with her. Finally, talk about tanks. This will end very soon: at some point you will come home, and a smiling wife will be waiting for you, dinner and a laptop standing right in front of the plate. Because a) you won’t tell her anything new, you talked about all the burning topics during the first three dates, b) she’s not interested in dancing at all, c) now she also had to not log into her VKontakte account, not play the “dress up” game fashion model”, do not discuss with indignation how famous TV presenters dress and do not solve other eternal questions of existence.

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