The age-old dilemma: on what date should you kiss a man?

At first glance, it may seem that the issue of the first kiss is relevant only for teenagers, but this is far from the case. In fact, today many representatives of various age categories are wondering what kind of date they can kiss on.

This is due to the isolation of many people, the inability to open up and a great desire to make only the most pleasant impression on the person they like. Let's try to figure out the appropriateness of the first kiss, enlisting the help of psychologists and the opinion of ordinary people.

The meaning of a kiss

A kiss is more than simply touching your lips to another person's lips or cheek. In our culture, a kiss has quite a deep meaning. It says that you trust the person, that you are ready to let him into your personal space, that you like him, and you take him quite seriously. Therefore, the question of what date you can kiss on plagues almost every woman. At the same time, the first kiss has the deepest meaning - it is a kind of signal indicating that the man with whom you decided to go on a date is in your eyes a potential lover, and not a comrade or friend. On what date should you kiss a man? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

The age-old dilemma: on what date should you kiss a man?

Pleasant conversation

The first date, as a rule, is quite chaotic, it is filled with vivid emotions and great excitement. It is difficult for people to concentrate on any specific thoughts; all their attention is focused on the appearance of their partner. On the second date, emotions will most likely not be so intense. And men count on the fact that it is then that they will be able to have a pleasant conversation with a lady, evaluate her intellectual level, common interests and outlook on life.

Kiss on the first date: taboo or opportunity?

Of course, for our grandmothers, the question of which date to kiss on had only one answer. Kissing on the first date was considered unacceptable. Such freedom could only be taken by dissolute young ladies who did not care about their own reputation at all. However, times have changed, and women have gained much more freedom: these days, not only a kiss is possible, but also sex on the first date. True, this freedom made life even more difficult. After all, now when thinking about what kind of date you can kiss, a woman can never be sure of the correctness of her own decision. It's difficult. Perhaps the answer to the question of which date to kiss on can be calculated with mathematical precision by psychology?

The age-old dilemma: on what date should you kiss a man?

Third meeting2

On the third date, all couples already behave more relaxed. Awkwardness in communication disappears, and finding a topic for conversation becomes easier and easier. The partners have already gotten to know each other quite well, acquired not only common interests, but also acquaintances.

The list of topics of conversation that interests both Him and Her has expanded significantly. At this stage, most often there is an acquaintance with the area of ​​interest - hobbies and favorite books, films and other hobbies.

On what date can you allow a kiss?

Here the couple begins to understand what interests they have in common, and which ones each should keep to themselves so as not to strain the partner. You shouldn’t take a girl to the stadium if the mere sight of a soccer ball makes her sick. In the same way, you don’t need to take a guy to boutiques in order to choose the next shoes if just the store sign makes him feel uneasy.

The separation of a couple is most often accompanied by an innocent kiss on the cheek. This makes it much easier to move on to the kissing stage, since if the girl is not yet ready for them, you can easily turn everything into a joke. Guys may be advised not to try to kiss a girl on the forehead or hand as this may be interpreted by them as a sign of patronizing or old-fashioned gallantry.

Should we rush?

Should you kiss a man on the first date? Every woman must decide this question for herself. Many people are afraid of seeming too available, but why conventions if your heart yearns for the person you’re going on a date with? If the feeling is mutual, then a man will never decide that you are too available and ready to kiss the first person you meet. If not, then you will only be slightly disappointed. But any date can leave an unpleasant aftertaste, so if you want to take a risk, why not?

Nice date

If after the first meeting there is a desire to meet again and a date is scheduled, this does not mean that all the worries are over. Many men worry no less than before the first date, and really want the second meeting to go well, so that there is something to talk about with the girl and that this is not the last meeting. Of course, it depends on both partners how the conversation will develop, but, definitely, both of them would like it to take place in a pleasant atmosphere.

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How long should I wait?

Many girls, answering the question about what date to kiss on, will say that you need to wait until the third meeting with a young man. Why did this opinion arise? It's very simple: the fact is that if you are invited to a third date, then the man is probably interested in developing your relationship. This is true; representatives of the stronger sex rarely waste their time on women for whom they do not feel deep sympathy. A kiss on the third date is the best option for cautious girls who would like to test their feelings and the feelings of the young man they like. In addition, in three meetings you can evaluate a man quite well and realize whether you really want to kiss him.

The age-old dilemma: on what date should you kiss a man?

Tips for guys

The basic rule that you need to follow to achieve success is to be attentive, romantic and know when to stop. It is also worth following a few tips:

  1. You need to choose the place where the first kiss will take place very carefully, thinking through all the little things.
  2. Compliments. By choosing the right words, you will be able to melt the heart of any young lady.
  3. Knowing of limits. Excessive persistence will scare you.
  4. Don’t ask stupid questions like: “Can I?” Not a single woman will give consent; she will even really want to eat it herself.
  5. Sweet dessert. It is better to move on to showing sympathy in this way at the very end of the date. Then it will be clear whether the guy has a chance or whether he failed to hit his companion.

It is possible or not - everyone’s personal choice. If young people do not see anything reprehensible in a kiss, then they should not deny themselves the pleasure.

The sixth date: the test of time

There is an opinion that you need to kiss at least on the sixth, or even the seventh, date. Why is it worth postponing a kiss as long as possible? Everything is very simple: if a man is ready to endure as long as a woman wants, he will be careful about your feelings in the future, will never demand something that you would not like to do, and will be attentive to the wishes of his other half. Such a test will allow you to learn a lot about a man, because if he “only needs one thing,” he will give up very quickly.

In the question of what kind of date you can kiss on, psychology advises taking into account the man’s personality type. Some young people, especially those who are timid and unsure of themselves, may give up trying to develop a relationship after receiving a kiss rebuffed several times. This is solely due to the fact that a guy who tries to go a little further and gets rejected every time may come to the conclusion that the girl does not like him or perceives him only as a good friend. This means that you can meet exclusively in a friendly manner and look for a woman who wants to give him her kiss...

The age-old dilemma: on what date should you kiss a man?

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you

Girls don't like to kiss in public , so she will probably look for a private place.

A woman looks a man in the eyes and pauses in the conversation so that he can guess her desire.

The girl also reduces the distance between you - in the movies she puts her head on the shoulder of her companion, on the street she walks or stands a little closer.

In general, pay attention to her behavior: if she tries to touch you by chance, looks into your eyes and is silent, then these are sure hints that she is expecting a kiss.

The heart is the best advisor

If there were universal advice on how to behave to build ideal relationships with the opposite sex, psychologists would lose their jobs. After all, it would be enough to publish a book with detailed recommendations: you can kiss only on the third date, but you can hold hands already on the second. Fortunately, life is much more complex and interesting; it simply cannot fit into a set of dry rules and advice. Therefore, when deciding on which date to kiss, you should be guided only by your own feelings and intuition. After all, sometimes happy couples decide to go to the registry office after the first meeting... On what date can you kiss? Psychology does not give an exact answer. Only your own heart will give it.

On what date can you kiss a man? There are no exact recommendations. But you can trust fate and proceed from what you feel in the company of the person who invited you. And then the kiss will take place exactly at the moment when you both need it.

When a kiss is inappropriate

If there is mutual attraction between two people, then why resist feelings? There is a catch to this. Perhaps the man will not think anything bad about you. But psychologists advise not to rush into kissing, much less intimacy. To interest a man, you need to awaken the hunter in him, who will look after the girl as if she were prey. During this, both partners will be able to understand whether they are suitable for each other. If you force things, the guy may quickly evaporate or a relationship with unclear prospects will begin.

On the first evening of dating, kissing is unacceptable. As a rule, they do not lead to serious relationships. If this is a holiday romance, then the choice is made by partners who want unforgettable emotions.

If you are in another country where kissing on the street is considered bad manners, for example, in Japan, then you should limit the manifestation of such a romantic impulse.


This is exactly the form of a second date that some men expect to get, especially if they are used to playing sports. If a partner accepts his offer to go hiking, to the pool or to the river during the second date, this will mean that they have common interests, which means it will be much easier to build a long-term relationship. In the end, most guys love fun and, choosing not standard cafes and cinemas, but the river bank as a place for a second meeting, a man just wants to have fun, and how this meeting goes will help to understand whether their characters are similar to those they like girl.

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