An ideal planet for the origin of life, what is it like?

At the moment, only one habitable planet is known to humanity. We are, of course, talking about our native Earth. Scientists are constantly searching for space objects that are at least a little similar to it. After all, if the planet has the same air temperature, pressure and other environmental conditions, then life can exist on it. But who said that earthly conditions are ideal for the emergence of living organisms? After all, the environment of other planets may be more suitable for life. Scientists are well aware of this and therefore search for potentially habitable planets using previously known parameters. So what should a planet ideally suitable for the existence of living organisms be like?

There may be planets in the Universe that are more ideal than Earth

  • 2 Potentially habitable planets
  • What to strive for in life? 2 Key Aspirations

    In reality, most of us strive for two things in our lives. Whether openly with understanding or indirectly unconsciously, we all want mostly two things. Success and happiness . It is to success and happiness that we most often strive in life. It is difficult to imagine a person who wanted to be unhappy. This looks more like pathology.

    Success and happiness are two pillars of human existence, two goals that everyone strives for, sometimes without understanding it and without realizing it. How are they characterized and what do they consist of? If we generalize all the particular components of happiness and success for each individual person and look in general at what is common in the concept of “happiness and success” for all people, then we can identify several components of these states.

    About setting criteria

    An ideal life is the image of the future that a person has created for himself, regardless of the opinions of relatives, friends or other influential persons. This is what the soul, the nature of a person, wants, and not his immediate environment. To understand what you really want from life, you just need to listen to yourself. After all, a person does not always need a well-paid job to be happy. It is enough to do what brings you real pleasure. It’s not without reason that they say that the best job is a hobby for which you also get paid extra.

    What to strive for in life. Components of our aspirations


    • Internal and external harmony , a state of friendly relations with the world and people. Agree, there is little happiness in those cases when you seem to have everything, but people judge you, you don’t live where you want, the whole situation seems to be pressing on you.
    • Satisfaction with life . The feeling that you are enjoying now, in the present, not living in the future or the past, but enjoying every moment. The ability to live in the present and enjoy it is a very clear indicator of happy people
    • Thirst and interest in life . I want to live, work, meet people, learn new things, make plans, achieve goals
    • Knowing the meaning of your life and your purpose , when you understand why you were born, why you exist, what is the global mission of your life.
    • Realization of your destiny , the opportunity to embody and realize your mission.
    • The ability to dream , the ability to imagine and desire something

    There may still be something to add to this list; for sure, at least once in your life you have met such people from whom a fountain of energy and positive mood flows. Such people, like an inexhaustible source of energy, give joy and are constantly doing something, are constantly passionate about something, rejoice in the present, and make grandiose plans. With a high degree of probability, we can say that such people felt that same state of happiness, because it gives an incredible surge of strength and energy that those around them feel.

    Think about what you strive for in life? Are these material benefits, good relationships? Do you feel the need for happiness?

    Success and happiness are two pillars of human existence, two goals that everyone strives for in life, sometimes without understanding it and without realizing it.

    At the same time, an important remark must be made: happiness can only be achieved through your inner work, your actions and attitudes . People around you cannot make you happy. Happiness never comes from outside, it comes from within every person. People around you can help or hinder, but only partially. Each person is capable of independently changing his life or his behavior and attitude towards the world so as to become happy.


    • Wisdom. By this term I mean a certain degree of knowledge of the surrounding world and the possession of certain experience, which a person appropriately uses and applies in his life, achieving the best option from possible outcomes.
    • Realizing your purpose. Refers to both happiness and success.
    • Achieving the desired status/level (wealth, money, position in society, etc.). What is equally important is what is desirable and sufficient to feel satisfaction, but so that the wealth is not excessive, depressing and destructive for the individual.
    • Recognition of the achieved level by loved ones and society. An important aspect, since social distance, isolation and lack of recognition by others is not success, but rather failure.
    • The opportunity to realize your dreams, talents, ideas , the availability of funds/money/skills to realize your ideas. Agree, it is good to have many amazing ideas and dreams, but when a person realizes them, he significantly increases his success.
    • Confidence in your strengths and importance
    • Prosperity (sufficiency) in all areas of life (personal relationships, money, health, spiritual world). What is very important: in all areas, and not in just one.
    • Development potential when there is an opportunity to strive, learn and improve. A person who stops in his development lags behind the constantly changing world around him, thereby losing his success.

    Happiness never comes from outside, it comes from within every person.

    Sometimes we can achieve success in life but not be happy. This is a very sad situation. It also happens the other way around: a person can be happy without being successful. Although success rates for people differ radically. Success for one may be his own apartment and a salary of 15 thousand rubles, while for another, success will be his own business and a large country house in a beautiful place. Both options have absolutely the same right to exist. At the same time, happy people do not always strive to achieve success; the main thing in life is enough for them, although success would make their life even fuller.

    Thus, we all strive for happiness and success and must understand that sometimes one is not possible without the other. Our life becomes complete only when we develop harmoniously, realizing all the components of happiness and success, and not bringing to life partial, fragmentary elements.

    A little about ideal people

    It is also important to remember that concepts such as an ideal life and an ideal person are inseparable from each other. When planning to achieve your ideal in life, you also need to decide what an ideal person should be like: what he should have and what he should know and be able to do. Again, here the question arises about the material and the spiritual: this must be strictly distinguished. Generally speaking, the ideal person is the person who tries to do good without demanding anything in return. Do not forget that Buddhist monks are often called ideal people today: enlightened people who are alien to the desire for material wealth.

    Is it possible to achieve what you strive for in life?

    The most interesting thing is that the truly happy and successful are those who have not yet achieved this. Think about these words.

    The path itself, the movement itself, is happiness. Imagine that you have everything. Everything you want. The end point. Will there be real happiness at this end point? I doubt.

    We feel the fullness of life and its meaning when we implement our ideas step by step, when we take small steps and achieve success at a small stage of our path.

    Stopping, as a rule, puts us in a state of emptiness, meaninglessness, and alienation. Remember, perhaps you once passionately wanted something, walked towards your goal, worked, waited, believed in your future. You were happy at this time, full of hope.

    The only question is to find for yourself such goals, such horizons that you want to strive for throughout your life. What could it be?

    Rules for creating an ideal

    In connection with the above, I would like to highlight a few simple but important rules that should be followed when creating your ideal life.

    • You only need to listen to yourself and your heart.
    • The opinions of others are not important. Even if these are the desires of the closest people. Life is given to a person once, and you need to live it the way your heart desires.
    • The most valuable thing is not material at all. This should not be forgotten. After all, there is even a saying: “the rich also cry.”
    • And the main rule is that there are essentially no rules.

    To summarize, I would like to note: in order to achieve your ideal, you need to work hard and persistently, without being distracted by nonsense. After all, all the most valuable things are gained through self-improvement and transforming the world around us into something good, bright and kind.

    The most important thing we strive for

    Take a look at the components of happiness and success that I described above. Take a closer look and you will see that there is something in common that unites them. In both cases, I mentioned the realization of my calling.

    I deeply believe and know that every person has their own mission and purpose. Every person has a specific purpose. It’s different for everyone, and everyone has their own.

    This purpose is so skillfully chosen for everyone that it inspires and gives strength. If you have found your calling, then its systematic implementation gives you that same happiness and gradually leads to success.

    Your purpose in life is the goal that you can and should strive for in life.

    If you have not yet understood and found your purpose, then let temporarily your goal be to find it. Search, try, try to understand what is the most inspiring activity for you.

    By gaining an understanding of your purpose, you gain an understanding of what to strive for in life!

    Happiness and success to you!

    This article is part of a series of articles about the meaning of life:

    Part 1. What is the meaning of life?

    Part 2. [You read it above] What to strive for in life?

    The best planet to live on

    There is a possibility that in the search for life in the Universe, humanity is making a big mistake. At the moment, scientists are looking for planets whose environmental conditions are as similar as possible to those on Earth. But our planet is far from the best for life. According to scientists, in order for all animals to feel comfortable, the average temperature of the planet should be slightly higher than the current one . It is also necessary for the space object to have water . And the age of the planet should not be less than three billion years - it takes time for life to arise on a space object. After all, even on our planet life did not appear immediately.

    It took nature about 3.7 billion years to create life.

    Ideal temperature of the planet

    Most animals on Earth live in warm, humid tropical forests. And in cold regions there are very few living creatures. If you don’t believe it, remember how many animals live in Australia and how few living creatures live in Siberia. The average air temperature on Earth is about +14 degrees Celsius. This is not bad, but researchers are confident that at an average temperature of +19 degrees Celsius , living creatures would feel better. With all this, there must be a lot of water on the planet, because it is the source of life and is involved in many chemical processes.

    Tropical forests are home to the most animals

    Ideal age of the planet

    The age of the Earth is currently 4.5 billion years. But life did not arise on it right away, because it lacked one important component - oxygen. It took nature about two billion years to create oxygen-producing cyanobacteria. The oxygen they produced accumulated in the atmosphere for approximately 1.7–1.9 billion years, and only then did its concentration reach modern levels. Overall, it took our planet 3.7 billion years, or 80% of its current age, to develop microbes. And only then did dinosaurs, primitive people and us appear. It turns out that scientists should be interested in planets that had enough time for the emergence of life . Young and too old planets are not suitable.

    How to make life good?

    Life is a game. Decisions made are moves, subsequent events move forward or force you to take a step back. But only those who do nothing lose to themselves. You can earn extra points using very simple techniques.

    • New impressions . A trip to the mountains, a horseback ride along the coast, a yoga class in the forest - something that has not been done before will do. Everything that was put off until later was considered a cherished dream, an unattainable goal, an unfulfilled desire, and capable of leading to positive changes.
    • Smiles and high spirits . According to psychologists, it takes 21 days to make something a habit. You can check this every morning, waking up with a smile. It is worth drawing it on your face during the day. This will be a signal to the brain that everything is going great.
    • Time with friends and family . The support of loved ones is important. It is useful to feel like a significant part of a family or team. Heartfelt conversations, fun, and the feeling of a brotherly shoulder give positive emotions, calm, and inspire.
    • Career and personal growth . Realizing oneself as a specialist raises self-esteem, and life satisfaction directly depends on this. The development of creative abilities, self-knowledge, and physical training help you feel significant and whole.
    • Charity. This is not so much about material donations, but about helping other people in principle. Philanthropism can be expressed in building houses for cats, free education for children, looking after an old lady. Understanding that a person has something to share increases the value of what he owns.
    • Changes . The feeling of stagnation is sometimes easy to remove by simply rearranging the furniture in the apartment, changing your hairstyle, changing your wardrobe. Moving, changing jobs, quitting smoking are suitable. But the main thing is not the drastic nature of the changes, but the result obtained from them. They must change their sense of self for the better.

    A person decides for himself how to react to what happens to him. Envy other people's achievements or achieve goals yourself, please yourself with pleasant little things or complain about constant bad luck. Sometimes changing your life means changing your attitude towards it.

    Take a temperament test

    What is life?

    Life is a space-time movement during which a person develops, acquires knowledge, skills, experience, expending energy and interacting with other individuals. This concept can be considered from a biological, physical, philosophical point of view. There is no exact definition for it, and it is unlikely to ever appear. If we shift our perspective towards psychology, then this term will have about 7 billion designations, since each person perceives it in his own way.

    Life is always a game with some risk , adventurous, sometimes unpredictable. People are divided into “players” and “spectators”. The first are decisive, purposeful, courageous, making decisions in accordance with their worldview. The latter rely on chance, when making decisions they rely more on social norms and the opinions of others, and rarely enter into fights.

    Take a personality type test

    Perfect family

    And of course, I would like to talk a little about what an ideal family life should be like. What is important for this? No one will argue that you need to have your own home, money in order to give birth and raise children. But still this is not the most important thing. After all, there must be love in family relationships. But everyone already puts something special into this word. One thing is for sure: the family will be strong if people value each other, give in and think not only about themselves (which is also important), but also about loved ones. “Do with people as you would like them to do with you” - this rule also works in family life. And good, kind people always achieve a lot together, including material well-being.

    And as a small conclusion, I would like to note that an ideal life is exactly what a person desires for himself with his soul. In this case, it is important to listen to your “I”, discarding the opinions of even the most dear and close people. After all, only the person himself can live his ideal life, and not someone else. You shouldn't forget about this.

    Material goods

    Financial situation is important for a happy life. However, its role in an ideal lifestyle is sometimes overestimated. Sometimes the desire to earn more money takes everything from a person. Forces you to work at a job you don't like. Does not leave time to communicate with dear people. It does not allow the body to recover and constantly keeps it under stress and tension.

    For a harmonious life, you need to correctly assess the importance that money has for you. Determine the amount of income that will provide you with a normal existence, and do not let money blind you to the more important things in your life.

    When drawing up a portrait of your ideal life, focus only on your own feelings. You shouldn’t take someone else’s example and try on other people’s values ​​for yourself. Try to bring all aspects into balance and prioritize correctly.

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