Between us girls: how to confess your love to a boy at 10–12 years old

Vague hints

Dear girls, our hints can be so vague that guys simply can’t make them out. You have built a logical chain in your head, which in theory should help you achieve your goal. But men ignore your verbal hints, not understanding what you are trying to achieve.

Thus, representatives of the fair sex in many ways complicate both their lives and the life of the person to whom they send their signs, taking offense at him, or even breaking off the relationship altogether. Therefore, learn to hint correctly so that the man understands your message and does what you want from him.

In pictures

A declaration of love can also be made using a picture or postcard. Send your dear man a photo with an inscription containing the necessary words, he will immediately understand the meaning of the message. Use cute pictures to send SMS instead of a long letter if your loved one is at a great distance from you.

Making a declaration of love first is a decisive step. Women often expect it from their partner, but modern society has long equalized the rights of both sexes. Therefore, you should not be ashamed of your desire to talk about your feelings. In addition, brave and desperate girls quickly conquer men's hearts.

How to hint to a guy that I like him

Before you take any action, you need to understand how the guy feels about you and whether he is available. Otherwise, your attempts may become a waste of time.

So, first you need to just have a conversation. If you don't know the young man, things get a little more complicated. But it doesn’t matter, there are several ways that will help you meet the man you like:

  • Find mutual friends who will introduce you to each other;
  • Take courage and start a casual conversation with him about anything;
  • Simulate a situation where you twist your leg, drop something, or “accidentally” step on the object’s foot. In general, do some action that will result in you having the opportunity to talk and get to know the guy.

Now that you already know each other, the main thing is not to get confused, to be positive and open, so that the man will have a desire to meet you again. When you understand that your sympathy is mutual, you can proceed to the next step, in which you need to hint about your feelings.

This can be made clear in several ways:

  1. Smile at your man more often. Your smile is the key to mutual sympathy and good mood.
  2. Remember to maintain eye contact. Especially when the object of your affection says something. When you catch his eye, smile and lower your eyes, then look back at him. If a man smiles back or can’t take his eyes off you, you’re on the right track!
  3. During a conversation, control your hands. For example, tucking an unruly strand of hair behind your ear has a very effective effect on men. While talking, you can twirl the pendant in your hands, which also looks very alluring.
  4. Violate a man's personal space to touch him. This could be a light and sensual touch on his fingers or hand, supposedly done by accident. While walking next to him, you can take the man’s arm, explaining that you are afraid of losing your balance.
  5. Be irresistible at every meeting, take an interest in the guy’s affairs, praise and listen to him carefully.

In the end, all these signals should reach the recipient and it will become clear to him what feelings you have for him. The main thing is to show such attention only to him, otherwise you will seem like a frivolous girl to a man. Then it’s up to him. Or behind you, if the sympathy is mutual, but the guy does not take further action.

Hidden love confessions at the age of 13

You are already quite mature and independent, but it is all the more difficult to say about your feelings by choosing the right moment for this. Better yet, it's Valentine's Day.

There are many words and phrases that will tell or hint to him that you like him. In general, hints are a wonderful thing! Choose what you like about him and talk about it. Just let these not be words about his beautiful hairstyle or fashionable jeans, but your assessment of his actions:

  • I like how quickly you work on the computer;
  • I love watching you play basketball;
  • It’s impossible to tear myself away from your stories about the sea.

How to hint a guy to date

You have already established contact, so you can gradually move on to first dates and the “candy-bouquet” period. The easiest way is to ask a guy out on a date yourself. But if you don’t have the courage to do this, or you are afraid that he might think badly of you, we turn to hints again.

Firstly, demonstratively distinguish the man from the rest. These could be phrases like:

  • “In this matter, it is your opinion that is important to me”;
  • “If all men had the same character as you, then all the women in the world would be happy.”

Show your positivity and cheerful personality. Nobody likes people who are self-absorbed and always negative. If it’s pleasant to communicate with you and interesting to spend time with, a man will probably be interested in starting to date you.

If a man offers to accompany you, do not refuse, and at the end of the journey, thank him for his care and kiss him on the cheek. This will let him know that you are ready to start a relationship.

Show care and attention. Try to catch a man's eye more often, ask if he has had dinner, or casually ask about his plans for the evening. In this way, a conversation can begin, followed by an invitation to a date, and an offer to start dating.

How to hint to a guy about a pen pal relationship

The easiest way to hint at a relationship is through modern gadgets. When you don't see a person, communicating with him is much easier and more natural. It is in correspondence that it is easier for people to admit their own feelings or flirt, with a hint of a future relationship.

Therefore, you can use the simplest method: send a man a poster for the nearest cinema and ask him what show he would like to go to with a beautiful girl. Or ask about his plans for the evening or weekend. Ask a question in such a way that it is followed by a detailed answer. For example: “What are you going to do this weekend?” Depending on the guy’s answer, build a further dialogue. If you are invited to a birthday party, tell the man about it, adding that your friend said to come with your boyfriend. And add that he is perfect for this role.

If you are going to the cinema with friends, you can also invite the object of your affection, saying that he is an excellent conversationalist and your company will definitely not be bored.

How to behave to show sympathy for him

Often girls thinking about how to tell a guy that I like him gives rise to many others. You can start with behavior that would hint to the young man about feelings on the part of the fair sex.

What do we have to do:

  • praise the young man;
  • surround with attention;
  • establish visual and possibly tactile contact;
  • take the first step by inviting the young man somewhere.

Try flirting with a man. When talking, lean closer, look into the eyes of the interlocutor and involuntarily touch his arm or shoulder. This will help make the conversation more sensual and pleasantly exciting.

how to tell a guy that I like him

How to hint a guy for a kiss

Let's say you're already dating a guy (or not), but he's afraid to rush things, so he doesn't dare to have a first kiss. If you took our advice and kissed a man on the cheek, then you can take this step first. Typically, the most memorable first kiss is when a girl kisses a man first. Otherwise, use nonverbal cues:

  • During a conversation, periodically move your gaze to the man’s lips and dwell on them, especially if you are close to each other and the atmosphere is conducive to a kiss.
  • Lightly bite your lips, or touch your lower lip with your fingertips. Believe me, such a gesture will be alluring for any man, and it is unlikely that he will be able to resist kissing you.
  • If a man accompanies you home, do not rush to leave. Take time, ask about something else, looking into the eyes of your companion. At the same time, you are fiddling with the key in your hands. With 99% accuracy, the guy will take the hint and kiss you.

How to hint to a guy about a serious relationship

First, let’s give a little clarification: a relationship is more serious than just “dating.” In relationships, people definitely secure their status as a couple, introduce each other to their friends and parents, and develop joint hobbies. If you are dating, and you are both satisfied with everything about each other, then your connection smoothly flows into a serious relationship. But it happens that things don’t go beyond rare meetings (rare - due to lack of time or the inability to see each other often, since you live far from each other). And then you again have to take action first, using hints or open phrases.

And in such a situation, it would be best to say directly that you want to introduce the man to your parents and friends, that you want to see each other more often and spend more time together. But due to female logic and emotional specificity, not every representative of the fair half of humanity can say this directly.

That is why you can again simulate the situation when you “accidentally” met friends at the cinema who offered to sit in a cafe. Or you urgently need to run home because you forgot something there. And by chance you can offer to just go home and meet your parents. In general, take the initiative into your own hands.

The same goes for his parents and friends. Say that you would like to meet the people who raised such a wonderful man. Or with his friends, who are undoubtedly also good people, because your man cannot have bad friends.

Maybe you rarely see each other precisely because your daily routine is very busy? Then try to put off non-urgent matters in order to devote more time to your boyfriend. Explain this to him by saying that you would like to be around him more often.

Chapter for parents: what to do if your child falls in love at 10–12 years old?

Dear parents, if you are reading this article now, then we can congratulate you! Your baby has become quite an adult and has learned what love is. There are several golden rules for parents whose child aged 10–12 years has fallen in love. It will be useful to remember them and apply them in practice:

  1. Take children's love seriously and do not devalue it. Don’t take your child’s feelings with a grin, and especially don’t make fun of your child out loud. Firstly, there is nothing funny or vicious about childhood falling in love. And secondly, the child may lose trust in you if you do not take his first feelings seriously. It is possible that this sympathy is really frivolous and unpromising, but your son or daughter is just starting his life.
  2. Don't make your child feel ashamed. If your offspring fell in love at the age of 10–12, then this feeling also has the right to life, and there is nothing shameful in it. Do not create complexes in your child. After all, by condemning his attraction, you can completely discourage him from falling in love. Children at a subconscious level very easily record negative attitudes given by their parents. Think through every word while talking with your child in love. After all, right now the child’s psyche is more vulnerable than ever.
  3. Don't stop your children from dating. If your child falls in love with someone, and this feeling is mutual, you should not interfere with communication between lovers. Strict prohibitions are unthinkable in the case of young romantics. It is clear that you are worried about your son or daughter and do not want your child to do something stupid. However, drastic measures will not help prevent trouble, but will only strengthen the wall between you. It’s better to talk confidentially with your child and explain the dangers of early relationships.
  4. Take an interest in your child's personal life. After you find out that your child has fallen in love, do not forget to ask him how things are going. This way, you will always be up to date and will not miss anything important. Remember that a genuine interest in your child’s affairs will help you and your child become true friends. This means that your child will come to you to share not only his successes at school, but also his joys and troubles in his personal life.
  5. Support him no matter what. No matter how the relationship develops between your child and his chosen one, do not judge him and provide support. We all made mistakes in our youth, so there is no point in reproaching a child. Give him the opportunity to learn from his own experience, have a heart-to-heart talk, and advise him on something useful. The child will be grateful and in the next difficult situation will come to you for help, and not to friends from the street.

Talk to your teenager more, discuss pressing problems, teach him to show his feelings correctly and not be ashamed of them. Show how to behave in relationships by your own example. Love your child, respect his feelings and do not keep him locked up for fear of the consequences of his falling in love. Even at 10–12 years old, children have their own head on their shoulders if their parents showed wisdom in their upbringing.

How to hint flowers to a guy

For some reason, the stage of a relationship in which a man presents his beloved woman with flowers is sometimes skipped by some couples. Meanwhile, every woman loves to receive flowers, even just like that, for no reason. And even if you swear like “Oh, you shouldn’t have, why did you spend money on such a gorgeous bouquet?”, deep down (we are sure) you will be very pleased with such a surprise. And by the way, phrases of this type often make a man think that such a gift is unpleasant or unnecessary for you. He won’t give flowers, since “it wasn’t necessary.”

“I want to tell you that I love you!”

Real life situation

Friend Karinka admitted this... She prepared dinner, turned on the music, set the table, invited her to her place…. When he kissed her, she responded to the kiss with the word “love.” And this “shines” for you, and for me, if we confess our love to the one we adore, appreciate, truly love. The main thing is to take the very first step. Then life will be easier.

Oh, how I suffered with my love. Not only me, of course, but I’m selfish. First I think about what my condition is, then what it is like for those around me. I'm not always like this. It’s just that at this moment I love a person, and I cannot remain silent about my love. In general, it’s difficult for me to remain silent. The reason for this is my communication skills. But even without her I am nowhere. I feel good with this lady. She has already saved me more than once. But this is not about her. Paradox: I can’t remain silent, but I remain silent. I'm probably really scared. Is cowardice stronger than love? Yes…. Something becomes completely disgusting in my soul. And every second it gets worse and worse. How to deal with this deterioration? It's starting to bore me. Anyone would probably get fed up.

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