How to confess your love to a girl: the most beautiful and original ways

Every guy and girl at least once in their life has encountered a magical and trembling feeling. What to do if the object of your love has no idea about your sympathy? Continue to hide your feelings? What if the moment is missed and then you will only have regrets. It is necessary to open up. How to confess your love if you are shy? How to overcome fear and decide to take such an important action?

How to confess your feelings to a girl

Try not to carry out a love grab in a hurry.

  • First, before you confess your love to a girl, establish closer communication with her. When you have already reached the point of intimacy, most of the fair sex will consider your relationship to have begun.
  • The bravest ones may even be the first to clarify whether it is worth counting on their continuation.
  • However, if you encounter the lady you like only in the most unexpected situations, then you should not immediately count on receiving a positive response to the proposal to start dating. Most likely, you are guaranteed to be rejected.
  • She may not agree simply for the simple reason that you are still practically a stranger to her, about whose habits and morals she does not know sufficiently.

Is this love?

Before declaring your love, you must make sure that it is she, and not fleeting sympathy or passion that clouds your mind. Your mistake can cost you dearly, because words spoken cannot be taken back. If you are unsure of your feelings, keep your mouth shut. This is the case when it is better to understate than to say too much.

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Welcome to the student bench at the Institute of Love and Happiness.

How to understand that you are really in love? Read the following statements and determine how they apply to your situation.

  1. You have been dating for quite some time, and the relationship is developing steadily.
  2. You've already had sex and liked it.
  3. You constantly think about your beloved, conduct imaginary dialogues with her.
  4. Seeing an unread message from her makes your heart beat faster.
  5. You want to give your loved one gifts, take her to restaurants, do all sorts of nice things for her.
  6. You see her as a future wife without any reservations or conditions.
  7. Next to her, you always try to be better than you really are in order to make a favorable impression.

If, as you read these statements, you mentally agree with most of them, congratulations - you are truly in love! You can safely admit your feelings and not be afraid to be insincere.

How to properly confess your love to a girl so that she doesn’t refuse

Get the cute young lady to like you.

  • Make her dream of being with you as much as possible. Otherwise, you shouldn’t even make attempts to change the relationship in the direction you want.
  • Social networks are also not a good way to express the seriousness of your intentions.

If you start a correspondence, this can mean two options:

  • you are afraid to meet people in real life;
  • you are in different cities or countries.

Don't rush things

In any case, do not ask in simple messages whether the young lady is ready to do anything more than the usual correspondence in contact. It is better to ask such questions while looking into your partner's eyes to determine her response. In addition, such an act of yours will cause completely opposite feelings in the lady, making her wary of you.

Find out more secrets in communicating with a woman: How to make a girl fall in love with you 10 ways that work flawlessly - the secrets of a seducer

How to understand a girl's refusal

When the lady of your heart promises to think about it for some time, you should prepare for a possible refusal to continue dating. In other words, she is trying to politely communicate that she is not at all interested in you. A person experiencing reciprocal feelings will never think, but will immediately give a positive answer.

What to do if a girl doesn't want a relationship

Under these conditions, show strength of character that does not give you any chance to evade making a decision.

  • The young lady's detachment and uncertainty in her behavior will indicate the need to stop pursuing her favor.
  • Otherwise, money, energy and time will be thrown into the void.
  • Take a look around. Most likely, in your social circle there are girls who appreciate your qualities and would not mind continuing to get to know each other better.
  • Do not focus your attention on your choice when the chances of success are reduced to zero. Perhaps a more worthy replacement will soon be found.

What to do if a girl asks you to date

Many gentlemen, puzzled by the question of how to confess their love to a girl and propose a date, fall into a stupor if she takes the first step towards him. In fact, understanding what to do in this situation is quite simple.

What does it mean

  • Your feelings are mutual.
  • All that remains is to agree and invite her to a romantic dinner by candlelight.

Don't be attached to the result

If she says yes, that's cool. If she says no, don't worry. This is just a small setback that will soon stop bothering you. In the end, life goes on regardless of her reaction. Stop trying to “do everything right” and just say how you feel without holding back. The girl will immediately appreciate your courage and honesty.

What not to do when trying to confess your feelings:

  1. Don't ask her to be your girlfriend on the first day you meet . She may feel embarrassed and confused. She will think that you are forcing her to make a decision based on her first impressions.
  2. Don't confess your feelings publicly . This is not a good idea. Regardless of the outcome, she will be embarrassed.
  3. Don't hug her if she's uncomfortable . Don't grab hands. Don't try to kiss her. If this is your first meeting, all these actions can scare the girl.

The fact is that all people are different. Just like some of us don't like mushrooms or fish, there are people who don't like certain types of physical contact, so it's best not to force yourself on someone.

Every coin has two sides. Also here: a situation where you need to talk about your feelings has its pros and cons.

First date

How to refuse to date a girl without offending her

You are not attracted to the contender who has appeared. Then don't cut from the shoulder. You shouldn’t immediately disappoint and talk about it head-on.

  • Use well-known female tactics.
  • Just promise to think about it. And in the future, stop any attempts to get closer.
  • You can only say that you do not need this relationship if the hints given are not understood.

And, by the way, you shouldn’t be afraid of this turn of events or give the lady the characteristics of an arrogant and insidious person. In our age of female emancipation, which allows us to draw a parallel between the stronger and weaker sex, this is one of the ways that lovely young ladies successfully use to find personal happiness.

Some useful tips

4.1 Think carefully about your decision

Before declaring your love to a young man, make sure whether the game is worth the candle. In addition to the points that were given at the very beginning of the article, also think about whether your feelings are impulsive, temporary and not deep enough. Imagine that you told a guy: “I love you,” to which he reciprocated, and after some time you realize that the love has passed, and now he is playing with one goal.

It was inconvenient, wasn't it?..

What if the man still refuses you, and then you realize that you didn’t need him that much?

Then the game was really not worth the candle: awkwardness, shame and confusion - that’s all this idea would lead to.

4.2 Correctly recognize a man in love

Most likely, a guy in love does not admit his feelings himself because he has a negative experience in this, low self-esteem, is too much in love, is shy in himself, and so on. But you can try to delicately make sure that the young man is really interested in you.

Here are signs that may indicate this to you:

He communicates with you completely differently than with other representatives of the opposite sex.

Verbal and non-verbal signs indicate the presence of excitement in your presence, as well as sympathy for you (including body language: he is afraid to look straight into your eyes for a long time, his hands are “worried”, his legs are turned in your direction, gestures and words are copied from you etc).

He willingly undertakes to fulfill your requests for help.

He reacts sensitively to any of your obvious steps towards him: either he is very shy and tries to avoid the causes of his embarrassment, or he blossoms and becomes happier. Perhaps, not having the courage to make real changes in his relationship with you, the young man tries to pay attention to you online: he adds you as a friend and puts likes, comments on posts, writes, and so on.

When you communicate with other men in his presence, he is undoubtedly tense or gloomy, because he is jealous of his object of affection and is afraid that he will be taken away from the modest guy.

Most likely, there are few girls around a man (no girlfriends, sisters or ex-girlfriends) - lack of experience in communicating with the female sex is the cause of his problems.

Watch yourself: are you not giving the guy a reason to be shy and believe that his feelings are not mutual, on the contrary, that he is unpleasant to you?

4.3 Get an outside opinion

“Rose-colored glasses”, lack of experience, too high or too low self-esteem, lack of sufficient information about a man - these are the things that can prevent you from making a decision - to disclose or not to disclose your feelings to him.

Talk to people who can help you in this difficult matter (you can even explore the pages of the person and his acquaintances on social networks).

What will this do, you ask?

Actually, a lot.

Does the young man have a date or just someone in mind?

What are a person’s tastes and preferences regarding the opposite sex (sometimes even a guy’s non-traditional sexual orientation can be revealed).

The character of a person (how decisive and self-confident he is to confess or not confess his feelings to a girl; is he capable of hurting someone, for example, by rudely refusing a girl who told him about her love for him).

Does he have children, would he be in a marriage or relationship (if so, what was the reason for the separation).

And also much, much more. As you can see, before declaring your love, you can find out a lot of information about a person.

Perhaps she will even allow you to understand whether you want to be with him.

However, you should never forget that healthy skepticism will protect you from rumors, gossip, irrelevant information and subjective opinions about a person.

A girl and a guy hold each other's hands at dawn

How to beautifully confess your love to a girl

You shouldn’t escalate the situation in advance for fear of getting rejected after the offer. In order not to fall into despair, try to get to know the young lady you like well.

How to start a conversation

  • communicate more in your common company or just invite them to sit in a cafe;
  • Gently test the waters about how she imagines a more serious relationship;
  • know her preferences and interests;
  • act gradually and slowly, while simultaneously giving her amazing surprises.

Make romantic confessions

All these actions are necessary at the stage of preliminary preparation for the proposal of closer communication. They will help you get to know each other better and identify common interests.

Having thought everything carefully and made a final decision, confess to her in such a way that this day will remain in your memory forever.

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When is the best time to confess?

As already noted, quick recognition does not bode well. Therefore, first, let’s highlight the moments when it is better to confess your love:

  • you have been together for more than 3 months;
  • there was an intimate relationship between you;
  • you are comfortable in the company of a girl;
  • she understands and appreciates you;
  • her friends and family like you;
  • she asks you for advice and help;
  • she respects you and does not allow herself to insult you;
  • the chosen one makes joint plans where she sees you with her;
  • the lady shows care (like a mother);
  • your chosen one always hears and listens to you;
  • demonstrates his love - kisses, hugs, says pleasant words and compliments;
  • respects your opinion, interests and hobbies.

This is an example of an ideal relationship, when partners value and respect each other; if you have at least 2-3 points the same, it’s time to act!

Options for declarations of love

  • Wrap this moment in a light trail of romance and tender feelings.
  • Jump with a parachute, sing a serenade by the window, draw a love picture on the asphalt near her house, etc.

How to get a girl closer to you

Choosing neutral topics for communication in the first days of dating will help you avoid an instant negative response. It is important that they interest both of you. It will be better if, before asking a girl to date and confessing your feelings, you spend more time with her. After some time, she herself will be impatiently waiting for you to take the first step towards rapprochement.

Give your beloved a lot of attention, say nice words and compliments. Such actions of yours will lead to the fact that she will not even be able to admit the thought of refusing you.

How to prepare for recognition

You need to approach such a responsible step wisely. I'll tell you what to do to make everything go smoothly.

Decide why you need it

Indeed, why? Many guys are quite skeptical about this kind of confession, fearing that the girl will then feel her power and begin to twist ropes out of them. If you are tormented by such doubts, it is better to really hold off on such frankness.

Remember - it’s worth declaring your love if you are sure that your feeling is mutual. Never say “I love you” in response to coldness, neglect, and especially betrayal. This will positively reinforce the bad attitude towards you.

You can confess at the peak of emotions in moments of special spiritual intimacy. This would also be appropriate in response to some serious steps from a girl towards you.

Three cherished words can be said to mark the transition to a new level of relationship. For example, you have been dating for a long time and want to invite a girl to live together. Confess your love before this, then your proposal will be logical and natural.

Choose the right time to confess

The right timing can greatly enhance the effect of your confession. Please try to comply with the following conditions.

  1. Time your recognition to coincide with some significant event. Suitable for Valentine's Day, your loved one's birthday, the anniversary of your relationship. Emotions from the holiday will add to your words and make them even more pleasant.
  2. You need to confess in private so that no one can disturb you. Even if you confess not in person, but on VK, for example, try to send a message with the expectation that the girl will read it alone.
  3. You should not confess your love if you or your chosen one is in a bad mood. Wait until the clouds clear and painful thoughts leave your beautiful heads.

And if you don’t have anyone to confess your love yet, it would be nice to start by learning how to meet girls.

Where to invite a girl on a first date

Don't forget that your first date should be well thought out and organized. However, a romantic encounter should not involve any commitment on either her or your part. A fascinating atmosphere, communication and nothing more. And, when the right moment comes, you can make proposals, guided by the advice from the table.

First date: how to behave with a woman

AdviceHow to act
Don't invent a new mode of transportChoose simple and accessible phrases. They should contain the meaning you need. When it seems to her that she deserves more, it means that you have failed to study her thoroughly.
Remember her interests and hobbiesRemember all the information you were able to obtain and use it to your advantage. Interest the object of your adoration by cleverly manipulating her interests.
Remember the unusual form of recognitionNowadays, there are countless ways to hit a lady in the heart. It is important that you convey this positive message sincerely.
Create romanceIt's easy enough to create an indoor setting to wow your loved one. Burning candles, a glass of good wine and light pleasant music. You can even try to sing it yourself. In this case, success is definitely guaranteed to you, even if you sing poorly.
Order a bouquet deliveryArrange for roses to be delivered to her at work or home from an online flower store. Additionally, include a love note with your confession. Such a pleasant surprise will allow her to look decent in front of her friends.
Don't hesitate for any reasonBe confident, even if you hear a refusal in response. Perhaps the lady does not yet want to burden herself with a more serious relationship. Or there was a flash of timidity in your eyes, which is not appreciated by girls. They all, as one, want to see next to a courageous and courageous man whom they can completely trust. Also, don't look away when confessing. Such behavior is considered insincere and ugly.

Is it possible to speak in hints?

Sometimes, before declaring his love to a girl, a young man begins to make attempts to hint about his own feelings. In this case, there is a high probability of not getting a straightforward refusal, which many guys fear. Especially if the action takes place in the company of friends. However, you also need to be able to approach the desired topic from afar. If you intend to act in this way, then simple rules of behavior will help you do it with dignity.

Maintain dignity no matter the outcome

Like any other situation, you can and should hope for the best, but you must be prepared for failure. The girls are different. It is quite possible that through the rose-colored glasses of love you did not quite correctly assess the situation.

Well, in this case, your potential lover may ignore your confession, and in the worst case, respond sharply. That happens. It is worth understanding that this is rather for the better. Firstly, you are free from doubts and free from illusions, and secondly, you know for sure that this is not your person and are open to new sensations and loves.

Let's say the girl is really wonderful. But, in response to your confession, she gently and delicately made it clear that you are not suitable for each other. In this case, guys too often make one very common mistake. Exactly - they begin to pursue the girl, hoping that since there was no sharp refusal, she can change her decision. Should not be doing that. A delicate refusal or a rude one does not matter. Your feelings are not shared. Respect yourself and the other person's opinion.

Oh, by the way: girls sometimes don’t dare say directly that nothing will work out for you, for fear of offending you. So - if in response to your declaration of love to a woman, you heard something like “I’m not sure, now is not the right time,” take this as a refusal. And look around - it’s possible that another, no less wonderful girl has been in love with you all this time.

Is it worth confessing your feelings?

How to hint to a girl that I like her

RuleThe behavior of the young man
Get into her social circleIt's not easy to start building a relationship with a girl you don't even know. Try to arrange everything so that the face-to-face meeting still takes place. Find mutual friends, create a surprise effect, ask to be introduced to each other. Remember how this happens in the movies and act as the director of your own destiny. Only by starting to communicate with the person you are interested in can you achieve her favor towards you.
Actively ask mutual friends about itThis behavior will allow you to better learn information about the young beauty. In addition, your questions will definitely be passed on to her. Therefore, she will be able to determine in absentia what you care about. Don't forget that your reviews should contain only positive emotions.
Stand out among her friendsTo attract attention, try to become the “life of the party.” Over time, your comrades will begin to speak flatteringly about you, which will undoubtedly interest your chosen one. Confront her every chance you get. If the lady is observant, she will understand that these meetings are not accidental.
Get involved in her interestsYou can't think of anything better to get closer to, it's to find common topics for conversation. When a girl realizes that you are interested in the same thing as her, she will definitely want to talk with you about this topic. And compliments, help and care during the conversation will double the score in your favor.
Don't forget about surprisesGifts are perceived positively by everyone, especially girls. This does not mean at all that you should present your sweetie with an expensive diamond necklace every day. It would be quite appropriate to give something expensive and significant for a birthday, and various little things will help you express your feelings every day: a chocolate bar, a funny postcard, a soft toy, etc.
Discover the poet's gift within youIt would be appropriate to send her by email one of the works of your own composition, dedicated to the lady of your heart. If you don't have this talent, don't worry. Just find a suitable poem on the Internet that will also please your sweetheart.
Start dating aloneHaving overcome a consistent series of previous points, you can begin more active actions. If all your actions and actions were perceived favorably, then proceed to more active rapprochement using private meetings. You can come up with the most innocent reason: a new movie released, for example. Many girls feel relationships very well and understand when they really like them.
Become friendsHowever, keep in mind that friendships may remain at this stage of development. Yes, the girl will get used to the fact that you are always nearby, that there is someone to turn to for help in difficult times, but nothing more. Therefore, try to make every effort so that such relationships soon become strong family ties.

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Make beautiful confessions

Obviously, all your actions must be carried out in accordance with the current situation. In addition, do not forget that any option presupposes a speedy transfer of relations to a new stage of its development.

How to make a confession

Let's say you finally decide to confess your love to a guy.

What is the best way to do this?

It is not at all necessary to organize a full-fledged date and serenade a man in order to make a lasting impression. There are many other methods of recognition, and you are free to choose any of them that is most convenient for you. Let's talk about each separately

2.1 Letter or note

If you personally don’t have the courage, then you can confess your love to a guy in such a romantic form as a love letter. You can throw it in your bag, in your mailbox, on your desk - anywhere, the main thing is to be sure that what is written in this letter will remain between the two of you.

This way, you may not see the person’s first reaction to the news and worry more while waiting for an answer, but you won’t have to look straight into your loved one’s eyes, pronounce the cherished words out loud, plus he will have some time to think about the answer.

Girl writes a letter

2.2 Email

An e-mail letter works on the same principle as a note, with the exception that a person may not visit the post office for a long time, or the letter may go to spam and get lost among other letters. Things are completely different with messages on social networks and instant messengers.

In them you can track whether a person has accessed the network, whether he has read the message, and, if so, a response will most likely follow shortly.

2.3 Telephone conversation

In this case, you will not be able to look directly into the person’s eyes, but you will still have to talk about your feelings out loud.

You also won’t see his first reaction, but you will get an answer right away, unless the man asks you to give him time to think about it.

Having chosen a telephone conversation as a way to confess your love to a guy, you will be forced to rehearse the dialogue and overcome your excitement, but the advantage of this method is that a contact will be established between you and the young man, allowing you to speak openly, choosing the right words and adapting to the situation (mood in specific moment, reaction to a call and revelations, etc.).

Envelope with heart and rose petals

2.4 Creative message

A declaration of love to a young man can be turned into something as pleasant as possible: a collage of shared photographs, a video confession, a poem (or even a whole song or even a video clip), a drawing, a postcard, a touching gift - it can be anything, but done with all my heart and love. The main thing in such recognition is to show the seriousness of your feelings, to touch the person’s soul.

Remember that love blinds a person, makes you see your loved one as if through rose-colored glasses!

You don’t notice a man’s shortcomings, but it is very important to spot them in time.

A declaration of love is wonderful if you are sure that a person will not trample on your feelings, will not ridicule or flaunt them if they are unrequited; but will only listen, understand and support!

2.5 A friend will put in a good word

You know, it’s not at all necessary to reveal your feelings independently and directly.

There is nothing wrong with asking one of your mutual acquaintances or friends to put in a good word for you, as if by chance, during the conversation.

“What do you think of this girl?”

, “What do you think about her?

You seem to communicate well”, “I think you would look good together - what do you think?”

Phrases of this kind are not taken seriously, do not specifically reveal your intentions, but make a person think for himself and turn his attention to you.

And if a man already has certain feelings for you, you will be able to find out about this, and he may also begin to behave a little more boldly.

2.6 Personal meeting

Some people regard expressing feelings in a message, letter or call as bad manners or a sign of weakness.

The traditional and, perhaps, the surest way to confess your love to a person is still a face-to-face conversation.

Your behavior, your gaze and voice, which betray excitement, can say a lot to the person to whom you will open up.

The girl is ashamed of her love

How to confess your love to a girl in an original way

Sometimes it is not so easy to open your own heart to another person. That is why preliminary preparation of the place, time and necessary words is very important. To prevent your action from causing a negative reaction, determine for yourself exactly how you would like to confess. Perhaps this will be during a slow dance in the form of gentle whispers in your ear. Or on the deck of a rented boat to the clink of glasses of champagne.

How to surprise a girl

When you met not so long ago, you may not have to be original at all. You haven’t had time to sufficiently study all her tastes and preferences, so you may not guess with the production. Ah, even the tiniest detail can ruin a carefully thought-out plan.

  • When choosing how to confess your love to a girl, think about whether it should be a secluded place or a noisy party. However, it doesn't matter where it happens. The main thing is that you both feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Having decided to take such a brave step, act confidently and sincerely.
  • Feeling shy about passionate words, express your own emotions in the form of balloons, letters or cards.
  • Yes, young ladies like such actions, but you still have to say the cherished phrase out loud.

So, in the case of a detailed study of your beloved’s passions, familiarize yourself with the rules that guarantee one hundred percent success in your business.

Confessions of love to a girl in your own words until you cry

RuleOptions for behavior
The right environment and the right timeProvide your lady with a great mood and, having chosen a suitable place, say your cherished words. Let's say you can do this when watching a romantic melodrama, where the main character declares his love to his lady. Whisper the same words to the person sitting next to you, and she will melt with emotion.
No witnessesIt is best to say three important words to your loved one at a time when you are in a room without strangers. This will give you confidence, and no one can interfere. In a noisy company, you can embarrass a girl with your confession, and in such sensual moments there is no place for unnecessary witnesses.
A clearly constructed phraseDon’t fuss and don’t use secondary proposals. Your daily words: “I think about you”, “I have no one more dear to you”, “I can’t live without you” will not bring clarity. The confession should only contain “I love you.” This is the only way you will allow the girl to be convinced that your relationship is really worth something.

How to Open Your Feelings to Shy Guys

Having dated for a long period, many do not dare to open up to their beloved due to their shyness and uncertainty. In this case, there is the necessary advice from “experienced” men.

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What is the best way to open your heart to your beloved?

We will devote this block to all the intricacies of correctly recognizing your beloved’s feelings. First, let's define the basic rules:

  1. The right time and place.

You need to confess at the right time, when you are together, the lady is in a good mood and nothing prevents you from saying those very words. For example, if you are watching an exciting film in the cinema, where at the climax the characters declare their love or just kiss, you can whisper in her ear: “I love you.” At such a moment, she may be the first to confess.

  1. Alone.

You can confess your love to your beauty when you are together. This way you will feel confident and no one will interfere. A group of friends will confuse the lady and you, and in general, when it comes to feelings, there is no room for others. You can confess publicly when you are sure that your chosen one will reciprocate your feelings.

  1. Clarity of words.

When it comes to confessing your feelings, there is no need to fuss, but you need to tell it like it is. That is, the words: “I miss you” or “You are very dear to me”, “You mean a lot to me” will not make it clear the main thing - that you love her. She will understand that you need her, but as a friend nothing more, so you need to say right away: “I love you and want to be with you always.”

There are times when a guy and a girl have been dating for a long time, but shyness and lack of self-confidence in such situations prevent the young man from confessing; advice from “experienced” guys will help him declare his love to the beauty.

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