Disappointment in people: reasons, how to cope, how to avoid, how not to disappoint

  • Typical symptoms of disappointment
  • Common reasons for disappointment in people
  • Effective ways to cope with disappointment

Life is comparable to a series of black and white time intervals, changing in accordance with the events that occur in the world around us. Occurring situations are regarded as reasons for personal self-improvement, or become prerequisites for loss of mental balance. It is not surprising that a common reason affecting the deterioration of psychological state is the negative behavior of people close to us. Often, a depressed mood knocks you out of your usual rhythm and deprives you of sleep, is accompanied by a feeling of loneliness and gives rise to a variety of negative thoughts on a subconscious level. The risk of internal and social conflicts directly depends on the scale of betrayal committed by a loved one.

How to change the current course of events? Where can I find the strength to restore spiritual harmony? Is it worth forgiving the offender? What symptoms and consequences are characteristic of individuals who are disappointed in loved ones? Are there effective ways to get out of depression? How to continue to communicate with a friend or lover? To answer the questions that arise, you need to take a responsible approach to studying the problem. Disturbances in the functioning of congenital and acquired psychological defense mechanisms can cause the emergence of intrapersonal conflict, therefore, neglecting spiritual torment, hoping for a successful combination of circumstances, is an inappropriate solution.

What is disappointment

This term, when applied to human life, is traditionally understood to mean a special emotional state that an individual experiences after a certain situation happens to him. The event that occurred allows you to soberly assess the surrounding reality and leads you into a state of disappointment.

Each person strives with all his might to suppress this feeling, not to recognize true disappointment in life, since worries and sadness about past events, when compared with other probable and more favorable outcomes, can drive one crazy. Psychologists define this state as a configuration of frustration. In this state, a person stops making any effort to achieve what he wants.

Sad man

Emotions of disappointment

First of all, in front of a person in this state, a picture of the real world is built up, with which he must come to terms and which he must accept. Many people do not know what to do with disappointment in life and how to live on, and therefore prefer to suppress this feeling and replace it with others. Mostly disappointment is replaced by anger. With this approach, it is permissible to continue to maintain an illusory picture of the world, justifying one’s own unrealizable dreams and completely abstracting oneself from the state of deep sadness and worries.

When you are very disappointed, you have to experience a not-so-pleasant range of emotions, including pain, resentment, anger and sadness. As you know, it is much easier to cope with each of these four emotions separately than with all of them at the same time. Thanks to this fact, a person subconsciously tries, if possible, to avoid the state of disappointment, as one of the most difficult emotionally.

Due to a completely disturbed emotional background, a person realizes the collapse of what was planned as a failure of his whole life: he does not get what he wants and at the same time no longer wants something else.

Disappointment in life

Meaning of the word disappointment

The philosopher is convinced that this disappointment is not disappointment in life, but only disappointment in the “interpretation of this life,” in the Christian-ethical ideal that served as the basis for the rational, harmonious view of the world, which was overthrown by the “vulgar step of the modern era.”

Success gave way to disappointment, disappointment again to success, and finally the main victory came: I found the general rhythm of aerobatics.

And my story will begin with a report from this international island in the middle of New York, from an island where the great and the funny are side by side, where representatives of the majority of humanity, divided into two worlds and many little worlds, gather under one dome, from an island where hopes give way to disappointment, and disappointment - new hopes.

After another failed attempt to publish some of his major works in Carinthia, Paracelsus experienced disappointment after disappointment, which followed him in a long train throughout the last years of his life.

All our lives we take something for granted, unable to resist anything in our youth, our ambitions go off scale to unimaginable proportions, the ceiling of which we cannot even see, we, like blind moles, move in an unknown direction in underground labyrinths in search of what we worthy, because we are the most unique of all people, we believe, but once again running into an obstacle that has arisen out of nowhere, realizing how impossible it becomes what we have erected in our heads, all our plans, goals, ideas, dreams are all invisible to us crumbles brick by brick, forming a pile of all your aerial structures, standing above it all and now realizing what a blind fool you were, why no one could tell you about something so obvious, disappointment after disappointment follows you, accompanying you through life, namely it becomes your companion, always being nearby, without which you no longer know how to live.

If she is right, if God has returned her son, she is heading towards a catastrophe even more terrible than disappointment, and disappointment, alas, is inevitable!

However, disappointment always goes hand in hand with idealism - disappointment of those who do not share the ideal, or (worse) who oppose it, or (even worse) those who pursue it.

They showed great disappointment when I explained to them how many seas I had to cross, how many mountain ranges and scorching deserts to overcome to get to these places, when I told them that the journey took years and years; They were even more disappointed when I told them how expensive, truly precious and rare the fabric from which my vest was made was, when I painted for them those miracles of courage, cunning and dexterity that were required in order to catch alive a rare and extremely careful animal, which was only then killed and very carefully first removed the skin, and then cut off the thin, delicate wool in order to process it and obtain the most valuable fabric from it; I was forced to tell the merchants that I had never heard of any of us ever selling this fabric to other countries, because it was only enough to provide waistcoats for our men, and each of them considered it his duty wear your vest day and night.

If I have anger, envy, guilt, disappointment, pity, then I attract anger, envy, guilt, disappointment, pity.

How disappointment comes

Almost always, the reasons for disappointment must be sought in the inadequate expectations placed on oneself and the desire for unrealistic dreams. Psychologists note that disappointment mainly befalls those people who knew and know exactly what they want to achieve in life. Of course, the constructed image of the expected turns out to be unattainable in the real world. Perhaps the individual wants to achieve something that does not exist in reality. The reason for the resulting disappointment in this case may be an irrational perception of the picture of the world.

People faced with a similar problem most often tend to build situations in advance in their heads, fantasize about upcoming events, and think through the outcome of their own actions. Such people try to imagine what others might feel due to any of their actions and build a whole series of illusory chains of cause and effect. But as soon as everything planned is destroyed by reality, they begin to experience deep disappointment in others and the entire world around them.

Psychologist communicates with patient

Are there benefits to being disappointed?

Interestingly, one of the features inherent in the phenomenon of disappointment can be called positive. The effect of “taking off the rose-colored glasses” can show the individual the real world and what it really is like. After people stop living in their own fantasies and learn the bitter truth, in some cases - no matter how strange it may sound - their lives change for the better.

The centuries-old life experience of our ancestors suggests that it is better to live with the knowledge of the bitter truth than to indulge oneself with sweet illusions. It is the awareness of this simple wisdom that leads to an understanding of how to change your life if something has gone wrong in it.

Sometimes people subsequently come to understand that life is indivisible solely into black and white, bad and good. The ability to live in a series of gray shades after deep disappointment, awareness of the relativity of any actions and their perception by others are huge advantages and fundamental steps for a person in building his own bright future.

The world with rose-colored glasses

— Ways to solve


1) Don’t rush to blame everyone and everything, look deep into yourself and the circumstances that happen to you and you will become less disappointed in people. Maybe they want to point out something to you, maybe it’s time to change something in your life.

2) Try to think about why this happens, and perhaps more than once. If circumstances are repeated time after time, then this is a reason to start with yourself, and not look for reasons outside.

3) If you want to speak up and you want to change your circumstances for the better, then find someone who can listen to you, but at the same time give the right advice on what to do next, and not just someone who will console you and agree with everyone your dissatisfaction caused by disappointment in this or that person.

4) Don’t accumulate emotions in yourself - know how to express them correctly and cleanse yourself internally. Here are some ways to cleanse yourself of negativity and develop inner satisfaction:

a) Cleansing with water - take a shower (preferably cool at the end) with your head, try to escape from the circumstances pressing on you and just relax.

b) Fresh air - go outside and try to walk in a quiet, pleasant place (it's excellent to walk near a body of water: water and fresh air have a positive effect, calm you down - this is a time when you can calmly reflect on yourself and your life).

c) Get rid of old unnecessary things and conduct an audit in your home. Do the cleaning, and thus, by bringing cleanliness and comfort to the house, you put your thoughts in order.

d) Exercise. Yoga classes - asanas - have a positive effect on balance for stability and balance of mind and body. e) Listen to music for relaxation.

f) Find your own ways to be inspired and develop, don’t sit still - improve and you will see how your inner state will improve and disappointment in life will go away.

5) Remember that what is inside is what is outside. If we are happy, then we pay attention to the positive around us, if we are unhappy, then we concentrate on the negative. So, appreciate what you have, rejoice in what is given to you from above and know how to correctly cope with the lessons that are given to you for personal development.

6) Try not to get attached to results, otherwise disappointments will arise in your life again and again. Set goals, do everything that is required of you, but at the same time be prepared to accept any turn of events.

7) By doing the right thing ourselves, we set an example for others. Starting with ourselves, we will change our environment. The main thing is to develop a full-fledged and harmonious personality, become self-sufficient and then you will not depend so much on the circumstances that put pressure on you, then there will be much less disappointment in life and people. Appreciate the present and believe in a wonderful future!


Why are people disappointed?

This usually happens in relation to the closest people who are, to one degree or another, important to the individual. A person always strives for the ideal in everything, and also has a tendency to idealize those around him. This is the primary mistake, because everyone has their own rather subjective view of disappointment, which means everyone has the right to condemn only themselves.

Disappointment in people occurs when expectations of their behavior or actions are given too high a priority. This mainly applies to the closest people, on whom too many expectations are often placed. Parents, for example, may have inadequate expectations for their own child, which is common in many families in the modern world.

Relationships and disappointment

In a relationship with a loved one, disappointment is one of the main reasons for a breakup. Lovers absolutely always create an idealized image of a partner, endowing him with positive qualities that do not exist or are not so developed in reality. Moreover, loving people determine a person’s behavior and manner of speech, what feelings he should experience in specific situations and how to react to them. Everyone, without exception, builds an abstract ideal model of coexistence with a loved one, without thinking about how to change their life in reality.

However, such behavior, as a rule, is inherent in lovers at the very first stage of a relationship, when everything around seems carefree, painted in bright and rich tones of positive emotions. Loving people themselves in this state try to show only the best sides of their personality and diligently hide all negative and negative character traits. Disappointment in life when a couple lives together begins immediately after this stage, since no person is able to forever keep the mask of an ideal image and hide their own flaws.

Disappointment in relationships

About disappointment in friendship

Remember the well-known saying: “An old friend is better than two new ones” - it contains the answer to disappointments in friendship. What does the above saying want to tell us? Why does an old friend become preferable to two others in return? Yes, because an old, time-tested friend is more or less known to you, you know what to expect from him. The last point of friendly qualities speaks to the same thing: “... he meets expectations...”. That's where the dog is buried! As long as a person behaves in a way that suits you, as long as he receives silent approval from you, he is a good friend. But everything becomes different with a sharp or slow change in his behavior or with the appearance of new, incomprehensible habits for you, which for unknown reasons come into conflict with your ideas and attitudes about how he should behave. There is disappointment in friendship.

Do not forget that all relationships between people in this world should be built on mutual respect, including friendship. Respect equally all people on earth, acquaintances and strangers, friends and enemies, as well as yourself. Absolutely any person is worthy and should receive the same respect. In fact, everyone is free to do what they want. This concerns you only when your immediate peace of mind, safety, and so on are disturbed.

In the meantime, an individual lives the way he wants and this does not affect you - you have no right to judge, teach, or blame him. Even if you do not understand the motives of another subject’s action, this does not mean that he owes you something, but did not do it. No one owes nothing to nobody. Let this thought prevail. Friendship should not be built on expectations and obligations, but should come from the heart, just like love. Both of these feelings are irrational and mysterious. They can be compared to creativity, with an unexpected impulse, when you don’t know why, but you start creating something, in no way expecting anything from your work, without making predictions.

What actually happens? First you have a circle of people you know. After experiencing joyful or sad events together, you single out from the “general mass” one or two people whom you liked more or with whom you already have at least something in common. A friendship begins, expressed in special regard. You may be united by rejection of other people or even hatred of someone, condemnation of someone. Joyful events and experiences, unfortunately, “glue” people together much less than hatred. It’s just that we’re usually used to expressing negative feelings more strongly than positive ones: it’s very easy to get very angry, but only children (and some “non-standard” adults) can be just as happy about an ordinary event.

The problem is that adults, unlike children, are accustomed to opening up to a friend, showing complete trust in him only along with “hanging” hopes and obligations on him. It turns out that in order not to earn another mental wound, of which adults have more than children, a person takes a kind of risk for himself, opening his soul to a friend, talking about unflattering secrets, presenting himself in a not very favorable light, which will not be seen in front of other people. do. In return, as insurance, he wants a guarantee that all secrets will remain secrets, that a friend will always prioritize you and not any other person, that he will always protect you, just as you protect him.

This is where the imbalance in relationships begins: you place your hopes on someone, take risks, opening up an inner world that is closed to others, and now any discrepancy with the “good friend” template is perceived as betrayal, deception, disappointment.

Advice from psychologists

The answer to the question of how to survive disappointment in life and become the same will be individual for each person who wants to know it. However, there are several universal recommendations for correcting behavior that psychologists use in everyday practice.

An effective way to influence the situation is to radically change your worldview. At a minimum, you should direct it in a different direction, see the world with all its imperfections, negative phenomena and shortcomings. The tendency to idealize any events that have happened in life or are yet to come should be stopped.

Under no circumstances should you dwell on the negative event that happened. It is unlikely that you will be able to forget it, but it will not be difficult to turn this event into some kind of experience that will be a kind of life lesson. And, of course, every psychologist will advise you to try to be yourself, not to create idealized images and always set yourself achievable goals and tasks.

Factors causing disappointment

Finding a solution to the problem and understanding how to cope with disappointment in life is possible by understanding the causes and factors that led to the appearance of this condition. Psychologists identify four of them as the most common:

  1. Lack of confidence in yourself and your own charm. The individual perceives himself as incapable of attracting the attention of a partner, and also believes that he is not at all worthy of anything in life. All this together leads to dependence on any other person's opinion.
  2. Expecting more from people than they can give. Idealizing partners and making them responsible for the relationship.
  3. Betrayal. A factor that occurs at all times. Leads to serious changes in the individual’s personality and becomes the cause of endless, protracted depression.
  4. Spinelessness or spinelessness. Relevant at a time when there are the most important problems in life. An individual with an underdeveloped will can set himself up in any non-standard situation, because he is not able to cope with his own fears.

All of these factors give rise to a storm of negative emotions, lead to emotional instability and disruption of the usual rhythm of life. As a result, sooner or later a person becomes completely disillusioned with life.

At an appointment with a psychologist

How to overcome disappointment with minimal losses?

Unofficial statistics among psychotherapists show that disappointment in life is behind the majority of client requests. Of course, in most cases we are disappointed in love relationships. But not only. This state is often associated with career, loss of an old point of view, or getting rid of illusions. In some cases it is experienced as a difficult moment, in others – as a long psychological process.

Waiting for it to “go away on its own” is useless. But you can use a ready-made strategy and move on.

Feel all the painful emotions.

It is necessary to become aware of your emotional reaction, even if it is traumatic. If you don’t admit it, disappointment will become more and more powerful over time and can lead to depression.

Give yourself time to grieve.

To get rid of negativity, you need to live it “to the very bottom.” You shouldn’t blame, beat yourself up, or pretend that nothing is happening. It’s better to set aside a day or a week (depending on the strength of your emotions) and worry to your heart’s content.

Understand your expectations in a specific situation.

For example, disappointment in a person could occur due to inflated standards - for him or for himself. Or because of too active idealization of a partner.

4. Allow yourself time to recover.

Think about what would be the best solution to the situation for you? What lessons can you learn from it? This way you will be able to understand that such a state is not the end, but only a period of life.

5.Switch to a resource activity.

It will be more useful if it is creativity. Anything, as long as it gives energy and leaves joy. Additional strength will be useful in order to return to your goals and move on.


  • Disappointment is an experience that comes after facing reality.
  • It becomes a resourceful state in situations where you need to slow down, reconsider your views on life, get rid of illusions, gain spiritual experience, accumulate potential, find harmony and calm.
  • It's part of life. You'll just have to come to terms with it.

Take the self-esteem test

How to deal with disappointment

Not everyone is able to cope with deep-seated experiences, because they often accumulate over a long period of time, and at one moment, under the influence of some negative event, they spill out and begin to interfere with the individual’s usual existence.

During such periods, a person simply does not want to live, disappointment in life turns out to be so critical that without professional help there is no point in hoping for a resolution of the situation.

Another difficulty is this: according to many people with real psychological problems, going to doctors is equated with a sign of weakness. However, it is not difficult to draw a logical chain and conclude that everything is exactly the opposite. A true manifestation of weakness can be called a refusal to accept help, provided that the person himself cannot solve the problems that have arisen, and those around him suffer from this.

Five stages on the path from charm to maturity.

Psychologists say that a person feels disappointed for as long as it takes to reorient the psyche and consciousness. Moreover, such experience is a mandatory step on the path to maturity.

How the completed process of disillusionment occurs:

First stage: charm.

When a person is CHARMED, it is as if he falls under the spell of: an idea, a hobby, another person, a profession, a new place of work. A very pleasant and necessary state, but also very short-lived.

Stage two: disappointment.

This is a process of disenchantment, when illusions collapse. The main symptoms of the second stage: loss of hope, indignation, attempts to drown out the pain with bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction), denial. At this stage, people either “break down” or analyze the reasons for their condition. Sometimes they go to a psychotherapist for an answer.

Third stage: recovery.

Those who managed to pull themselves together and get out of a dangerous turn reach this stage. Recovery provides inspiration for creativity and frees up strength for new relationships.

Fourth stage: maturity.

During this period, a person is at the peak of his capabilities. He becomes the Master, not the Victim: he builds comfortable relationships with others, stops complaining, and feels gratitude for any opportunities.

Fifth stage: satisfaction.

This is the satisfaction of being able to pull yourself together and enter a new stage of life. This is the pleasure that an old problem has been solved and no longer bothers you. In general, people who reach this stage become kinder. Perhaps it comes from wisdom.

This is such an interesting transformation. But to pass it, you will have to work on yourself.

Take a depression test

Ways to recover on your own

People with a sufficiently developed will are sometimes able to cope with such experiences on their own, restore peace of mind and understand what to do if they are disappointed in life. One or more of the following methods can help them with this:

  • Control over your own emotions and feelings. Trusting people and placing only adequate and justified expectations on them. Understanding your own position and the opinions of people on whom expectations are placed.
  • Awareness of the fact that you should rely only on yourself. Only its owner can fully influence the events in his own life. Perception of past events as a given and an integral part of the past.
  • Competently assessing the personalities of people around you through communication and conversations with them. The ability to speak and listen is the key to understanding the inner world of your interlocutors.
  • Accepting your own strengths and weaknesses. Commitment to personal growth and improvement. Lack of desire to be like your idol and equal to those around you.
  • Stop projecting the experience of previous relationships with a partner onto new acquaintances and potential relationships. Unlearning the use of templates when assessing personality.

Smiling people

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