How to win a guy away from a friend and is it worth risking a friendly relationship?

The very title of the article can easily cause a completely justified wave of indignation among “correct” women brought up in the ancient ascetic manner. It is for them that such behavior is considered shameful and absolutely unacceptable.

On the one hand, they are right, since no one has yet canceled the saying that you cannot build your own happiness from someone else’s misfortune. Also, advice on how to win a guy away from another girl will cause the indignation of precisely those “others” from whom a more successful rival once stole the guy.

Probably only those who at one time experienced both roles will be able to remain silent and not enter into debates. But, whatever one may say, the question of how to win a guy away from another girl is relevant, it requires answers. To put it bluntly, there are quite a lot of ways to wage such a “cold war”. You can use one of them, or you can immediately “hit the ground” with a successful combination of several salvo guns.

Collection of a complete dossier on a rival

In order to know how to win a guy away from another girl, you first need to “get to know” her as much as possible. If personal acquaintance is unrealistic for some reason (it’s a pity, it would come in very handy), it is necessary, with the help of acquaintances, friends and relatives, to collect the most complete dossier on her. It is not a stupid person who came up with the expression that you need to know your enemy by sight.

First of all, this information will help you become better than your opponent, thus significantly increasing your chances of winning. Everything is correct, otherwise why would a guy leave his best girl in order to date a worse one. In war, all means are good, this means that you need to study it like our Father:

How to beat up another girl's boyfriend

  • Flavors;
  • Hobbies;
  • Preferences;
  • Appearance;
  • The manner of speaking and even thinking.

And this is far from the most important thing. The most important thing at this stage is to find out the guy’s reaction to each of these points. Further, by putting all the puzzles together, you can build a special line of behavior, leaving and adopting for yourself what he likes and completely discarding everything that annoys him.

And, of course, no one can cancel adding their own zest (naturally, taking into account the preferences of him, the one and only). This is where observation and the ability to compare and analyze information come in handy more than ever. If you successfully cope with the task set for yourself, you can rightly note that half the work has already been done.

Is it worth ruining a relationship?

Existing relationships should not be destroyed. Being the one who stole a friend’s boyfriend is unpleasant, and besides, trust in future relationships is in question. It will most likely be difficult for a young lady to trust a man who is in love with one woman or another.

Of course, there are times when a young man enters into a relationship only because it “happened on its own.” This happens when a girl organizes meetings, and a guy follows her lead if, for some reason, he has lost his taste for life. It is also possible that casual intimacy after the party brought them together, and now the man does not dare to break the connection so as not to hurt his girlfriend.

READ What you should never say to a man: phrases that destroy relationships

In addition, the young man could have been mistaken, mistaking an uncontrollable outburst of passion for deep feelings. Perhaps he has already realized that this is not love, but continues the relationship out of inertia.

The above examples indicate a lack of love in the couple, which means that this relationship will sooner or later cease to exist. In this case, you can try to somehow win back the man of your dreams.

Trying to make friends2

This very controversial advice is also a huge step towards the pinnacle of success. And, there are two options for the development of events:

How to beat a guy off

  1. The attempt to become a best friend was a success. This will allow you to get maximum information about your opponent and see numerous options for how best to quarrel the couple with each other (some will say that this is mean, but it works).
  2. The attempt to make friends was a complete fiasco. On the one hand, a failure, but no, another victory. There are obvious manifestations of “sincere” friendliness on your part. At the same time, the other half, conflicted and quarrelsome like a market woman, appears in a very unfavorable light for herself (and it will be very difficult for her to hold on, which is not surprising, why does she need a new “friend” if her beloved is nearby)?

Married man

Girls are very emotional creatures. They may fall in love with a married man without understanding the consequences this can lead to. To understand whether it is worth trying to take this man away from the family, you need to understand some details:

  1. Is he happy in this marriage?
  2. Having children.
  3. Your relationship with him now.

If a man is happily married, there is no need to interfere in this family. Your crush will pass very quickly if you move on to someone else. Of course, a woman in love is capable of doing any thing. However, you need to be reasonable. Try to show interest in this man and see his reaction. If he reciprocates your feelings, continue communication, but take your time. His relationship with his wife may become worse over time, and you will have a chance to achieve your goal.

The presence of children with this man is a very important factor. If they are, you need to remove all thoughts about this man from your head. By destroying this family, you will make not only his wife unhappy, but also his children, because they will be doomed to live in an incomplete family. The best option is to switch to someone else.

If you periodically date this man, despite the fact that he is married, you have a chance to take him away from his wife. He can continue his relationship with her, but it's not that important. If he cheats on her with you, this marriage does not bring him happiness. Start hinting to him that the role of a mistress does not suit you. You can voice to him your fantasies about your life together in the future. Become the best woman for him so that he cannot think about anyone but you. This can be done with care, affection and a vibrant intimate life.

All eyes on him3

Having met for some time, the couple already pays much less attention to each other. This is worth taking advantage of. The moments when you are alone are especially important. All men are outright egoists, and therefore, if you catch his every word and literally look into his mouth, waiting for the next word to come out, you can win the guy’s favor and, thereby, significantly strengthen your position. After all, one hundred percent of his companion, accustomed to these stories, has simply not been paying attention to them for a long time. Becoming a guy's friend in battle for him is very useful.

What does it take to beat a guy off?

Make him a man in his own eyes4

You should not take this advice as instructions on how to quickly get Him into bed. It's just about how to win a guy away from another girl. And for this you need to let him feel the fact that he is a real man, a protector, a helper, a provider. The most important thing here is to choose the right moment for action.

After all, if you overdo it, instead of the expected result, you can simply scare away a boy who is not ready for numerous responsibilities. You should just from time to time portray a weak and defenseless person whom he, all so strong and courageous, will certainly want to help.

How to get your beloved husband back from his mistress

If there are children in the family who are dear to the husband, then this is easier to do. A son or daughter can periodically call dad, telling him how much they miss him, sharing his successes and asking him to visit them more often. If the child is still very small, then you yourself can ask your spouse to take you to the clinic, help with transporting the crib, and the like. This way you will see your husband more often and sow the seed of discord in his relationship with his mistress.

When meeting your husband, you should always look perfect. Don’t expect that if you meet him looking lost and unkempt, he will feel sorry for you. He will be much more impressed by a woman who is happy with herself and her life. Jokes with your ex-spouse, tell funny stories about your children, be positive.

If there were no children in the marriage, then find other reasons to meet with him. You can ask your friends to invite you to one event. You can also let your husband know that you have a worthy admirer. Let there always be bouquets of flowers in your apartment or in photos on social networks (it doesn’t matter whether they are given by real admirers or you buy them yourself).

You must also eliminate the reason why your marriage fell apart. It’s naive to think that it’s just a mistress. Your husband's attention to another woman was due to something he was missing in his marriage, and you should let him know that this problem no longer exists.

Unnoticed flirting5

This is a rather dangerous weapon on the battlefield because, as a rule, it is invisible only to the chosen one. At the same time, the opponent (if she has enough intelligence for this) can easily detect maneuvers. There is a high risk of showdowns here, from damaged clothes to torn hair (it all depends on the temperament and strength of his companion). We should not forget that many ladies are fans of taking revenge on the sly, at the most inopportune moment.

How to win a guy away from someone else

You can try to quietly let your chosen one approach you, and then again leave him at a certain distance. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are attracted to such hunting and, carried away by the pursuit of game (that is, after you), he can easily become yours.

Ways to get a guy away from a girl

How to win a guy away from another girl: methods and dangerous mistakes


Initially, friendship is the only possible way that can be the first stage for seducing a guy. Through friendship you will become closer to the object. Show a sincere interest in the man's life. During communication, talk about your attractive advantages. Show the guy that he can rely on you in any matter. Always find time to communicate with your chosen one.


You should always be able to find something to praise a guy for. If he is an athlete, admire his success in sports. Musician, talk about his talent in music and so on. Show him that, in part, you are a fan of his in a certain field of activity. If the young man does not have specific hobbies, then praise him for specific actions, position in life and decisions made.


The young man must realize that you like him. Don't overdo it with showing your affection. Don't forget that he is not free yet. If he suspects something is wrong, he may begin to keep his distance when communicating with you. Proceed carefully, do not impose. Build communication through a joke, say something like this: “If you free yourself, I’ll take you for myself.” Guys store such information in their subconscious. Based on this fact, it is likely that if he breaks up with his current girlfriend, he will decide to start a new relationship with you.


A common situation is when a girl, having entered into a relationship, stops providing care and affection to her boyfriend. Over time, he begins to miss such attention. Remember, it will be a positive moment for you when you meet, to treat the guy with something, to be interested in his well-being and affairs. Show interest in the man, show your care for him.


Show your guy that you listen to his every advice and trust him completely. Ask him for advice, do not hesitate to thank the man for his participation in resolving your issues. While thanking him, tell him that this is exactly what you needed. That now you are sure what to do and all thanks to his support.

Simulation of flirting with a girl6

Yes, the recommendation is very mean, but at the same time this is one of the most effective tips on how to win a guy away from another girl. Just don’t think that you yourself will have to put on a lesbian mask and flirt with the companion of the guy you like (although, for many of our contemporaries, this scenario looks quite acceptable).

In fact, we are talking about agreeing with your friend, relative or fellow student to devote his time to courting your rival. Flirting, open advances, and what if he manages to completely win the attention of his rival and she herself goes away, leaving the guy you like free.

However, what exactly you will use is not the most important thing - imitation of seduction or real temptation. The main thing is the result. True, you shouldn’t forget that here the chances of your assistant getting hit in the face are also quite high. It is worth warning him about this in advance.

How to win someone else's boyfriend

Basic Rules

The person must be truly needed for the relationship. It is unacceptable to take a guy away just because you want to prove your feminine attractiveness or there is no one else suitable nearby. Only a deep feeling can partially justify interference in someone else's personal life.

How to get someone interested in you

To attract the interest of a young man, you need to carefully consider how to win the guy you like from your girlfriend. For your idea to be successful, you need:

  1. Look amazing.
  2. Be an interesting person.
  3. Smile more often and be positive.

Men love with their eyes, so a girl should make an effort: update her wardrobe, hairstyle, join the gym, take care of her appearance, start taking vitamins.
To attract the attention of a young man, beauty alone is not enough, because the rival does not sleep and also takes care of her appearance. It would be nice for a woman to take care of her inner world: read literature, go to study, join some community. An active life has a beneficial effect on the impression left by a person. It is advisable that the guy’s hobbies coincide with the interests of the guy, then there will be more points of contact.

A smile is the best decoration of the face. It should be natural and correspond to the inner feeling. You can practice positive thinking, because cheerfulness will make a woman more interesting. A friend who is always busy solving problems can quickly bore a guy.

A woman who has implemented these principles will be interesting to other men. After this, the problem of how to get the guy you like from another girl will be solved by itself.

How to charm yourself

To attract a boy, a girl should be sincerely interested in his life and more often provide him with support in conversation. People love those who agree with them and listen to them carefully.

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The sound of your own name is the most pleasant for men, as well as for women, so you should use it more often when addressing your loved one.

There is no point in telling negative information about your opponent. Gossipers are rarely loved and often feared. Any incriminating information should be presented under the guise of goodwill and love, for example: “And my friend bought a new shampoo. Her hair is problematic, dull, split ends - just like yours, Lilya. Nothing helped her, but after that things got better. True, I haven’t tried it myself, my hair is in perfect order, look.”

Using such techniques will allow a woman to draw the guy’s attention to her strengths and the weaknesses of her rival.

How to eliminate your rival

To eliminate a rival from the path, you need to be better than her. You should try to find out what shortcomings the young man does not like in his girlfriend, and then eliminate them in yourself. You need to work on your character and behavior, after which the task of how to take a guy away will no longer seem impossible.

Let's say that the rival has a harsh voice, which is why her man imperceptibly winces when she starts talking loudly. Then a woman who wants to build a relationship with a guy should control the volume of her speech.

A rival’s predilection for bright colors in makeup, with a man’s disapproving attitude towards them, can be balanced with a calm make-up on her face.

The virtues of his girlfriend need to be adopted and improved. This young lady is a good cook, but he loves delicious food? You can bake a signature pie and treat him. If the couple has a formal relationship, this tactic will allow you to quickly lose your rival.

Changing your own image7

There are no limits to perfection, and before you can cope with the task and beat off a guy, you need to become ideal for him - appearance, wardrobe and even the chosen perfume - absolutely everything is of great importance. Your natural beauty or pronounced sexuality (here, again, you need to build on his individual preferences) should correspond to the ideal of a girl who lives in his imagination.

Such metamorphoses will interest the guy, and he will try to pay more attention to you, looking closely and thinking about whether he has chosen the right companion for himself.

How to beat a girl off if she has another boyfriend

Imagine a situation: you like a girl very much, you want to date her, but, alas, she already has a boyfriend. Or another young man begins to take your soul mate away, and he succeeds in this. So what should I do? Punch him in the face like a real man? Such an act can only leave you in a double loss, since in addition to the departed girl, you will get yourself into serious problems with your competitor. That is why we decided to devote today’s article to the topic: “How to win a girl away from a guy?”

As already written above, in order to beat off your girlfriend, you should under no circumstances influence your competitor in any way. Even if you have more capabilities and strength. And it may not be just him - drive away the first one, the second one will come. It could be you, perhaps over the years of the relationship you have filled your belly, and your opponent has a toned, healthy body. Naturally, a girl has the right to the best, and it doesn’t matter at all who she gets the best from. So why not yours? Let's try to recapture ours.

This case is more complicated, if only because the chosen one, being in a long-term relationship with you, became acquainted not only with your good, but also with your bad traits. But for now he only knows his competitor as a cheerful and kind person. To get your princess back, you will have to seduce her again. Portray the good boy you were n years ago. You just need to do this very carefully, without falsehood or pretense.

You need to stop making scenes of jealousy, putting pressure on her and letting her know that you know about flirting on the side. Just be with her as often as possible, give gifts, remember happy moments and take her to interesting places. This way she will have neither thoughts nor time left to build something on the side.

We beat off someone else's girl

It also happens that you liked someone else’s girl who is already in a relationship. Let's try to figure out what to do in this case. First, you must interest her. And in such a way that the impression you make turns out to be stronger than what her current boyfriend made on her. You must seduce her in every possible way, give her gifts and take her to restaurants. She must understand that she is unlikely to ever be better than with you.

By the way, a situation may arise when her boyfriend finds out everything and starts threatening her. This can also be beneficial, because the girl, having seen how you got a couple of bruises, will understand what kind of animal this ex is.

And, perhaps, the most important answer to the question “how to win a girl away from a guy” is to be decisive, confident and several times better than your opponent. The girl must understand that the choice is obvious.

Forbidden fruit is always sweet8

When intriguing a man and completely drawing his attention to yourself, you must not forget about one common truth. Under no circumstances should you throw yourself on his neck at his first attempts to get closer, shouting something like “darling, I’ve been waiting for you for so long.” This behavior can completely negate all previous efforts. Don't forget - hunting! And which of the real men needs a victim that is too accessible.

Of course, no one is saying that you need to play hard to get for months, but the minimum distance should be maintained at least for the first time. This needs to be done carefully, without pushing the guy away and, at the same time, not letting him get too close to you.

Ways to beat a guy off

Is it worth hitting the guy?

Then it is worth analyzing the situation. If these two truly love each other, trying to separate the lovers will only ruin their nerves and reputation.

Even if I’m almost sure that they need to break up, it’s worth considering that such an act is definitely vile and base. You can say goodbye in advance with the respect of your friends - no one will be sure that a similar fate will not befall someone around you.

In addition to friends, there is also self-respect. Conscience may then begin to torment you and will not give you peace. And even having the man of your dreams nearby will not bring joy.

Will it be possible to trust a lover after the guy allowed himself to be beaten off? As if she herself would not have to worry about fidelity, checking every step, every message, glance, gradually turning into a jealous hysterical woman. Any person will run away from such “happiness” without looking back.

You can't brush these thoughts aside. Once you become a homewrecker, you can have consequences for many years.

Sex as a control shot9

If the fighting has already gone so far, you need to try your best to “keep the mark” and not retreat. Now it’s definitely worth playing hard to get and running around the table from him shouting “let’s wait a little longer.” You have almost achieved what you wanted and now the main thing is to consolidate the result. And it is precisely good quality sex that becomes an excellent assistant in this matter.

The only thing is that, just like in everything else, the main thing is not to overdo it, because the line between the absence of complexes and vulgarity is quite insignificant, but in no case should you cross it. If you make a mistake, you can expect that the guy will return to his girlfriend, mistaking you for an easily accessible person, and who needs such a woman (except for one single night)? You can safely demonstrate all your talents by putting the treasured wedding ring on your ring finger.

Ask for help

Asking for help works well for developing relationships. Guys love to show their importance to young women, so sometimes you need to reach out to them. What you can ask a man:

  1. Give me a ride somewhere.
  2. Help do something in the house (nailing a shelf, assembling furniture, fixing a lock).
  3. Study (English, mathematics, understand the computer).

During joint trips, ample opportunities for flirting open up, and helping around the house will allow you to advantageously demonstrate your figure and cooking skills. Joint activities will serve as a good cover for a young lady who is studying at school and decides to take a guy away from another.

Start flirting

The ancient art of flirting has contributed to the emergence of love in many couples. The main thing about him is the double bottom in every phrase and in relationships in general. For example, a girl, smiling and looking intently into a guy’s eyes, says: “I’m so tired, I’d like to go to bed now,” and leaves, and the interlocutor puzzles for a long time over the true meaning of this phrase.

A flirting woman always smiles, looks invitingly into her partner’s eyes, “accidentally” touches him, and when the young man tries to hug her, she slips away.

First touch

The first touch plays an important role in the beginning of a relationship. Skillfully organized, it can deprive a young man of peace for a long time. You can play it out something like this: when you approach a guy, you “accidentally” drop your purse, a folder with documents, or a bag of things. A well-mannered man begins to collect scattered things, the girl helps him and seems to accidentally touch his hand. Having cast a quick glance into the guy’s eyes, he looks away and withdraws his hand.

When performing this technique, it is important to feel the man well. The eyes should meet, the hand should not be removed too quickly and should not be held longer than necessary. In the first case, this can be regarded as hostility, in the second - as an imposition.

In almost the same way, you can touch your loved one without pretending to be an accident. Approach from behind, put your hand on his hand and ask an unrelated question like: “Do you know which bus can take you to the library?” When the man turns, meet his gaze, then lower his eyes.

The principle of “divide and conquer” always works flawlessly. The couple needs to quarrel, and for this it is necessary to carefully create doubt. A man needs to “accidentally” tell about his rival’s secret, for example, that she smokes secretly from him. The friend should be informed that the look with which the guy looks at a mutual friend cannot be called indifferent.

Manipulation will not help immediately if the couple has real feelings. It is unlikely that a man will immediately believe unpleasant information about the girl he loves. For a good result, they will have to talk about each other for a long time. It is worth keeping in mind that the couple can discuss the information received among themselves and stop all communication with the gossip.

Worry him

Making a man worry about a young lady who is in love with him is one of the most difficult manipulations, but it gives an excellent effect. A man should have at least warm, friendly feelings for a woman.

You should neglect one of the appointed dates, and when meeting, complain about feeling unwell. You need to try and portray paleness, a weak voice, and abrupt speech. When leaving, lean on the gentleman's hand, imitating weakness. If acting ability is not great, it is better to inform by phone. This method is best for trying to get your ex-boyfriend away from your new girlfriend.

First sex

Seducing a man is a fairly simple matter; for this you can use everything that was described earlier. If the guy helped around the house, you need to put a bottle of wine in gratitude. Usually the appearance of alcohol provokes male representatives to have sex.

If a man gave a lift to a girl, you can kiss him gratefully. The guy in love will definitely answer, and then the kisses will become increasingly hotter. You can get intimate right away or set up a date.

Remarkable acting skills are required to invite your loved one to your place in the evening because of a drunk neighbor. In this case, you can even ask one of your trusted friends to play his role. A frightened woman must meet her savior in a negligee.

It's easy to get sex from a guy, but it's more important to arrange things in such a way that he doesn't mistake it for an ordinary adventure, so you need to carefully consider your role. When it comes to sex, there should be embarrassment in the girl’s eyes: “We shouldn’t have done this, but it happened and I’m happy.” The guy needs to be praised, his high level of skill noted.

If you behave accordingly, then it will not be difficult to steal a guy from the girl he loves.

Additional variations on a free theme10

Nowadays, not all psychologists agree that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. But, nevertheless, by and large, nothing prevents you from strengthening your position and luring him with “sweets” (we are not talking about a hot dog or croissant bought at the nearest stall, but about a culinary masterpiece prepared with your own gentle hands). By the way, if you and the kitchen are completely incompatible concepts, it’s best not to embarrass yourself and completely discard this idea.

The same can be said about trying to share his hobbies. For example, your chosen one loves Rottweilers, three representatives of this formidable breed live at home, and he takes an active part in all kinds of dog competitions and exhibitions. If you get a puppy of the same breed solely to attract attention, the attempt can be considered doomed to failure in advance.

Everyone will feel the deception, from the man you like to your dog. The same can be said about faking interest in football. Even if you memorize the names of all the teams, the first and last names of their players and referees, the names of stadiums and everything else that is even remotely related to football, the boredom and disappointment of your eyes will always reveal the true state of affairs.

What to avoid

You cannot allow yourself to be caught when trying to seduce the object of passion. Until the very last moment, when the rival is confronted with the fact that she is being dismissed, the girl must play the role of a friend or a well-meaning acquaintance.

While maintaining friendship with her rival, it will not be difficult for a woman to attract the attention of her lover and start an affair with him. But relationships based on manipulation will not last long, so you should not start this game without being sure of your feelings. It is much easier to pay attention to available men and, perhaps, meet true love.

Is this necessary at all?

At the end of this conversation, it is worth dwelling on one very interesting and quite interesting fact. If you look at the situation more closely, it becomes clear that you, of course, achieved success and, for example, stole the guy from your neighbor.

Tips on how to beat off someone else's boyfriend

But, you always need to remember about the other side of the coin - where is the guarantee that his colleague at a new job won’t read an article online on the sensitive topic of how to win a guy away from another girl and in a couple of months you yourself won’t find yourself as a character famous fairy tale, sit by a broken trough? As they say from time immemorial, “he who lied once (in our case, he cheated once).”

Is it worth taking the risk and living your whole life in fear - whether he will leave or not. Maybe it will be much calmer for your own nervous system to forget about military operations and pay attention to a guy who is free from any obligations. After all, there are guaranteed to be such people even in your immediate surroundings (of course, if you don’t live on a farm of three houses).

And you shouldn’t hope that using the above recommendations will lead to 100% success of the enterprise either. True, sincere love has enormous power. That is, if a guy and a girl are truly in love with each other, even the most skillful intrigues will not be able to separate them.

On the contrary, by uniting together against the “enemy” that is interfering with their relationship, they will be able to successfully fight off your intrigues, and in addition, significantly “tarnish” your reputation by telling all their mutual acquaintances about your (you must admit, vile) actions. It is unlikely that all your former friends and acquaintances will want to continue communicating with you after this.

So, dear girls, think about whether the game is worth the candle and whether you need the risk of becoming an outcast in your own company.

But, in conclusion, we can voice the point of view of many of our contemporaries. Whether or not to beat off a guy from another girl is a purely personal matter, and here everyone must independently decide to do so or nobly move on, leaving the lovers alone.

Is it possible to take a guy away through texting?

In general, if a guy is not completely confident in his current relationship, then it will not be difficult to take him away, including through correspondence. Here the rules are approximately the same as in ordinary “real life”. Show him concern, ask for advice, pay attention to what he adds to his social networks, and share your opinion with him on this matter.

In this case, regularity is important. You should be in touch without much interruption. Share interesting posts from various groups, funny pictures, selfies from interesting places with him in private messages. You must become a part of his life, even if it is virtual.

You need to subtly sense the guy's mood. If he has relationship problems and is not in the mood, then invite him to unwind, but position it as if you are asking him on a date. You can write: “I’m going to the cinema today, you can join me, maybe it will distract you.” You can also agree to go somewhere with friends to some event. So that neither your boyfriend nor your friends have any suspicions, immediately buy one more ticket, saying that it is intended for a certain friend. A couple of days before the event, inform that your friend will not be able to go, and invite the guy to take her place. Beforehand, it would be nice to tell the young man how cool it will be at this event.

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