What are the signs by which you can recognize the sympathy of a guy at school?

Author: Maxim Potashev

Modest girls find it difficult to establish relationships with their peers, and even more so with the opposite sex. They spend more time with close friends and parents, but this does not prevent them from falling in love and hoping for reciprocity. Shy girls are more likely than their brave friends to ask themselves: “How can you tell if a boy likes you without asking?” – because they are usually unsure of themselves. Our article is for them.

How to know if a boy likes you

Language of gestures and glances

Small movements of the hands, tugging at clothes, hands in pockets - each, in addition to the usual speech, has a special sign language. It is individual, unique, and manifests itself in different situations in accordance with character, temperament, and thoughts.

Surely you have noticed how you lower your eyes to the floor or begin to stutter slightly when meeting a nice guy. They behave similarly.

Pay attention to his movements and behavioral features directed in your direction:

  • He tries to touch whenever possible;
  • Suitable for any occasion at school;
  • Shy to look directly in the eyes;
  • At the same time, he constantly follows with his eyes, even when talking with friends;
  • May try to attract attention in a not always pleasant way: pulling the hair, making a stupid joke, drawing a caricature;
  • If a guy is brave and not shy about his feelings, he will, on the contrary, help, communicate openly, accompany him home, and seek communication outside the educational institution.

You just need to watch for a while, assess whether he even knows that you exist.

If it becomes clear that for him you are an ordinary classmate sitting at the third desk in the middle row, you will have to attract his attention yourself


Sign language

In this video, Melissa will tell you about the signs by which you can clearly understand that a boy likes you:

Action plan

A psychologically proven strategy will help you win on the personal front:

  1. Soberly assess the chances of success. Is the lady of your heart single? Is it worth ruining someone else's family nest for the sake of a hot holiday romance? Or, let’s say, you fell in love with a girl who has had a boyfriend for a long time. Can you give her something more than her current chosen one? Does social status allow you to count on victory? Agree, it is difficult to attract the attention of a lady driving an SUV while shifting from foot to foot at a bus stop. Is there a critical age difference between you? Are you capable of playing the role of a father for a young lady who is good enough to be a daughter, or, on the contrary, turning into the pupil of a lady much older than you? If there are no insurmountable obstacles on the way to Juliet's heart, move on.
  2. Pump yourself up to the fullest. This advice is especially relevant for those who are tongue-tied and whose hands do not obey. Increase your sports training time. Excellent shape will add self-confidence, and abs and impressive biceps will be additional bonus advantages in the intense competition for the place of favorite. Remember the address of the nearest bookstore. Buy a collection of lyric poetry or aphorisms of Eastern sages. You need sources of inspiration to find the right approach to a woman who loves with her ears. Just in case, look through popular pet lovers forums or well-known cooking blogs. A ready-made set of universal topics for maintaining a conversation with a lovely young lady will not hurt you.
  3. Don't sit idly by. What to do to attract the attention of your chosen one if a guy has fallen in love with her? It’s not like a man to prop up the wall and wonder with bated breath whether he’ll notice or not. Don't trust your destiny to chance. Move to the stage of active courtship: exquisite compliments, the provision of small services, original bouquets of flowers and an invitation to a first romantic date - this is the program of action for the near future.
  4. Sketch out a pessimistic forecast. Don't cut off your escape route. Neither a million red roses nor a heart drawn with chalk on the asphalt under the window guarantee success. No one is safe from unhappy love. Minimize the negative consequences of possible disappointment. Think about what you will do if you hear a resounding “no” in response to a harmless invitation to chat over a cup of coffee.

What kind of girls do boys like?

There is an opinion that it is necessary to meet certain standards: to have a thin waist, long legs and hair, lush eyelashes. Supposedly, then you can attract the attention of a guy, and if you don’t have such eyelashes, then you’ll be an old maid all your life. This is wrong.

Model standards are formed by fashion magazines to demonstrate clothing, cosmetics, and underwear. But they have nothing to do with real life, this is only a professional indicator, it is needed to make the product on display pleasant to look at. And boys are attracted to different girls, just as boys can be different: tall, short, addicted and monogamous.

The main thing is to look after yourself


  1. Neat hairstyle, clean hair;
  2. Use deodorant regularly;
  3. It is unacceptable to wear stale clothes. It should be clean and ironed. Try to choose it harmoniously, stick to a certain style, and match the situation. The school is official, the street is comfortable;
  4. Your modesty is not a flaw, but a virtue. She prevents you from coming up and asking or telling you directly about your feelings, but at the same time she makes you stand out among your noisy friends.

Be interesting and passionate: visit theaters, museums, play sports. Intelligent people with whom it is interesting to talk and spend time have the right to external shortcomings; they are invisible behind their rich inner world.

Boy likes girl

How to show a boy that you like him?

It is a subtle skill to attract the attention of others when you need it and for a specific purpose. It’s not easy for everyone, but if you learn how to deal with people, you can get what you want from them


To do this you need:

  • Learn to listen, for example, to what he is talking about with friends. In conversations, phrases about the girls you like may slip through. Also about hobbies and interests. This is important, perhaps you are completely different people, maybe then you shouldn’t try to get closer. If your interests coincide, ask him for help: fix your bike, teach you how to skate, recommend a good fitness trainer or gym. And then act according to the circumstances;
  • Offer your help with homework if the subject is difficult. In other matters;
  • Become a mystery, stand out in the crowd. Take a look at what kind of girls are mostly around: they read few books, attend few cultural events, and perhaps smoke. This is for example. Be the exception to the rule: the good, positive exception;
  • Be positive. A person with a smile on his face and a good joke at the right moment attracts people.

The main thing is not to become annoying, respect yourself and his opinion.

The girl liked the guy

How do you know if a boy likes you?

In addition to gestures and glances, there are other signs:

  • The guy listens to your advice. Friends recommend not going to see this film, but you liked it, and it’s on too;
  • Tags your photos on social networks and leaves comments. This means he follows the updates;
  • He talks about his life, what he did yesterday, what successes he achieved, what didn’t work out;
  • Don’t forget to congratulate you on your birthday and other holidays.

But don’t forget, people are different and can see the situation differently. Some boys show attention in illogical ways: they can bully, tease, flirt with other girls in order to cause jealousy.

The boy looks with sympathy at the girl

Specifics of teenage love

At the age of 11, children begin puberty, which is characterized by a “rage” of hormones. There is a growing interest in representatives of the opposite sex, which is subsequently localized from abstract sensations to a specific person. From among many girls, a boy begins to single out one who seems more beautiful, gentler, and smarter than all of them. The girl feels that she wants to look attractive to a certain guy. This is youthful love. It is at this time that girls want to interest their classmate and hint to him about their sympathy.


What to talk about with a guy when you suddenly run out of things to talk about

During adolescence, glances, smiles and gestures play a huge role. The young man is embarrassed by his feelings and cannot tell the girl he likes about them, so communication is carried out on an intuitive level, and signs of attention are given without words. Touch is of great value - light touches of the hands, touches to the face (an eyelash has fallen out), hugs. It was during this period that girls begin to write love poems, keep diaries, and whisper with their girlfriends about boys.

It's easier to please a boy in his late teens. Sympathies are expressed more openly, with words, declarations of love, flowers and small surprises. Couples walk holding hands, kissing, hugging. Unrequited love at this age can lead to severe stress, depression, bad mood, suffering and anxiety.

Other signs of sympathy

And further:

  1. If a boy invites him to his company, introduces him to friends;
  2. Tries to look respectable next to him: straightens his shoulders, stretches his neck;
  3. Tries to make funny, original jokes;
  4. Notices changes in your appearance: new hairstyle, dress;

Most likely he is in love, you can be sure. Unless, of course, this is basic politeness and gallantry.

It happens that a girl mistakes a well-bred young man for a boyfriend and begins to respond to signs of attention, but he did not mean anything serious. Therefore, take your time, see if it is possible that he communicates with others as well. This alertness is necessary so as not to make you feel uncomfortable.

its position, do not fall into it yourself.

The guy is not indifferent and wants a relationship

Actions for unrequited love

If a child is faced with the experience of unrequited love, the situation should not be left to chance. Parents should not show they are busy and brush off their teenager. If he wants to share his own experiences, this is a great blessing.

  1. Acceptance and support. Good advice can help you perk up and discover the strength to solve the problem. Sometimes teenagers only wait for their parents' understanding. It is important for them not to remain aloof from what is happening.
  2. Formation of trusting communication. Warmth and sincerity are a significant rarity these days. If a parent sees that a child is tormented and suffering, then he should not watch all this in silence. You need to be patient, but at the same time be willing to share your own experiences.

Teenage love shows how strong the relationship between parents and children is. If the father and mother do not find the strength to support their own child, then the future interaction will not be harmonious. Every effort must be made to maintain trust.

What mistakes should you avoid?

In pursuit of their loved ones, some girls lose their minds. Keep your mind clear:

  • Don't stop communicating with friends, don't focus on the object of your adoration. No one knows whether the relationship will work out or not, but a good friend will be there if you yourself do not forget about him;
  • In case of reciprocity, do not let him get close right away. There must be limited space for the first time, let him prove his words with his actions. Do not literally demand heroic deeds from him. Just be careful, prudent and wise. In addition, unapproachable girls attract more;
  • Try to talk less about your experiences to others. You can share it with one friend, but you shouldn’t chat on every corner. Happiness loves silence.

Life does not stop, even if you are constantly tormented by doubts now. This way it even becomes more interesting, full of experiences, emotions and expectations - this is youth, which is always unique.

Everything is individual, you cannot fit all boys into one standard of behavior. And if you are still tormented by the question of how to find out if a boy likes you, read the article again. Its main goal is to make it clear: if you can’t ask directly, observe and draw conclusions


The main mistake in relationships

How to proceed

Depending on the current situation, determine your tactics for further behavior.

If the feelings are mutual

If you have determined that the boy is in love, and you also like him very much, then you need to show him that the feelings are mutual. Then he will become bolder and confess his love. Proceed in the following ways:


What to talk about with a guy and how to choose an interesting topic for conversation

  1. Give compliments. This, firstly, increases male self-esteem, and secondly, the young man will dare to give a compliment in return.
  2. Show friendly support when needed. This way you can easily win someone over.
  3. Sit at the same desk with a young man or sit on the bus to be closer.
  4. Catch the eye of the boy you like more often and smile back. This way he will feel a warm attitude.
  5. Have fun, tell jokes. Laughter not only prolongs life, but also brings people closer together.
  6. Talk, find out about his interests and hobbies. Maybe you will find something in common and agree to meet, for example, at the cinema to watch a film that both have long wanted to see.
  7. Be yourself. Guys value naturalness, and falseness will repel anyone.
  8. The most decisive ladies can express their sympathy in private and expect recognition in return.

If you are sure: I like this boy, and I know that he likes me, then go for it, because guys are very shy and indecisive.

Avoid mistakes

Some girls who want to please a boy make many mistakes, which only pushes their lover away.

You should not do the following unreasonable things:

  1. Don’t isolate yourself on your boyfriend, don’t stop meeting with your friends, don’t sit alone at home alone with your worries. This can lead to depression, which is very difficult to get out of without outside help.
  2. Don't follow around like a dog. Boys are annoyed by intrusive girls. Even if you liked him before, after such “persecution” the desire for closer communication may disappear.
  3. If you start dating, you shouldn’t immediately allow your partner close to your body. Light hugs and kisses are acceptable, but petting, too intimate stroking and sex in the very first days of communication are completely unreasonable. Don't worry that the boy will leave as soon as you refuse him. By doing this he will show his disrespect for you.
  4. You can only tell a close friend about your relationship, but you shouldn’t chat on every corner.

It’s not enough to determine whether a guy likes you or whether he wants to date you. It is important to avoid mistakes so as not to alienate your lover and remain a worthy girl who will be respected.

What to do if you don't like a boy

Another situation, which is much more complicated and sadder, is when a boy likes you, but he doesn’t like you. What to do so as not to offend the young man, not to aggravate his insecurity and not to make him suffer? Behavior tactics:

  1. Don't discuss this with your friends so that the guy doesn't feel embarrassed. It is better that no one finds out about the young man’s sympathy.
  2. Talk to the guy in a good way, promise that you will continue to communicate, but only as friends.
  3. There is no need to describe in vivid colors why you refused. The phrase “You’re not my type” or “I like someone else” will be quite enough.
  4. Do not avoid the young man, continue communication on a light wave.
  5. Find him a good girl that he might like so that he can quickly move on to someone else. But only if this girl likes him.

When you are not interested in whether he likes me because the boy does not attract you as a soul mate, be more tactful. Remember that if you do the wrong thing, the guy will be very worried, suffer, and subsequently may begin to be afraid to approach girls, make acquaintances and confess his feelings.

If you don't like the boy

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