In psychology, lability is what it is, emotional, intellectual, memory, psyche. Definition, tests, methods

Any event or current situation in a person’s life is accompanied by certain emotions. Each of us, at least once in our lives, has felt an incredible state of euphoria, inexplicable sadness, the joy of meeting loved ones, or complete emptiness. The manifestation of a limitless range of emotions directly depends on our mental state and environment, which often dictates specific behavioral and emotional boundaries. After all, not every person is capable of non-standard, sometimes bordering on madness, actions. Could you stand in the middle of the street and, not paying attention to anyone, shout at the top of your voice “I’m happy”? Or any other phrase? I think it’s unlikely, because you, like many other people, have social models of behavior and expressions of emotions that do not include such eccentric actions.

Thus, personality stereotypes and limitations accumulate within us a huge amount of unexpressed emotions, be it unexpected joy or a feeling of sadness. Emotional stress grows more and more every day, plunging us into a state of mental disorder. Over time, even with a strong desire, emotions will not have a free outlet, since for a very long time a person contained them within himself and simply forgot how to express them. A disturbance in the emotional sphere is formed, which entails a breakdown of the entire psychophysical system of the body.

The importance of emotions and mood in human life

Emotion is such a subtle and intangible feeling, constantly labile and dependent on countless immanent and external factors, that it requires careful elaboration and awareness on the part of the individual. Emotions regulate the mental and physical functioning of the body, using, if necessary, methods of psychological defense and adaptation to the current situation. They are aimed at a clear expression of our inner state of mind and are able to express more than ordinary words. If you remove emotional expression from every spoken word, you will get a monotonous, uninteresting text devoid of any meaning. The emotional coloring of speech, actions, deeds makes our life brighter and more meaningful, makes it possible to better understand the immanent state of the interlocutor and find common points of contact with him. The manifestation of emotions is very typical in various soulful songs, films, and theatrical performances. Without emotional expression, art would lose all meaning.

The mood factor also directly depends on emotions, and vice versa. With a good, positive attitude, an individual expresses friendly, sincere emotions, while in a depressed state of mind our emotions change their color to the opposite. A change in mood affects a change in emotions, which can lead to conflicts with the environment, psychological discord within a family or team, or a quarrel with a loved one. This is especially true for disorders of the emotional sphere, where a person often rushes from one extreme to another, subsequently becoming emotionally impotent and acquiring various forms of mental disorders.

Intellectual lability

Responsible for the ability to adapt to the current situation, for the transition from the stage of thinking to action, for switching attention from one task to another without making mistakes. These are very valuable qualities in the modern world, where the flow of information is growing and there is a need to quickly learn and respond to what is most necessary and essential at the moment. It is very important to have creative thinking, a desire to learn quickly, and to perceive new things. Special tests have been developed to determine the level of intellectual lability. What does it mean? If the level is high enough, we can talk about the good ability of the nervous system to move from excitation processes to inhibition processes. A person can adequately respond to changing situations, make the right decisions, and acquire new knowledge.

Ways to study emotions

Facial expressions and speech coloring play a huge role in recognizing and exploring emotions. Back in Soviet times, methods were developed to determine a standard set of emotions, such as anger, sadness, joy, fear, disgust, surprise.

There are physical and psychological indicators of the expression of a person’s emotional sphere. Physiological signs include fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, skin temperature at the fingertips, and psychomotor parameters.

and excitement and a feeling of fear in a person, data can increase or decrease, depending on the type of personality. In the mid-twentieth century, an electromyographic technique for recognizing emotions from facial expressions and facial expressions was developed. According to research, it was found that when a person experiences negative emotions, 41% of the facial muscles are used. Psychologists and physiologists still disagree on whether it is correct to interpret disturbances in the emotional sphere using physiognomy, since some facial gestures can be imposed by society or be controlled by the person himself.

Psychological methods are aimed at determining the immanent state of a person and identifying violations of his emotional sphere. This includes a set of tests and questionnaires that reveal the emotional characteristics of a person, as well as portrait methods (the subjects are shown a portrait of a person, giving him a certain characteristic, and then the subject must describe his impression of the person depicted). An effective method for identifying emotional disorders is an emotion diary, where a person should write down all the emotions expressed during the day in order to analyze them later. Determining emotions using a graphic standard helps to identify a person’s mental reaction and the state of his emotional sphere.

If the emotional sphere is disturbed, physiological and psychological data will have unsatisfactory indicators. In a state of emotional discord, a person is not able to give an objective assessment of proposed situations or people; he concentrates exclusively on internal sensations and may fall into a hysterical state.

What is the danger

tired woman at the computer

The main danger of labile blood pressure is its hidden course without pronounced symptoms.

Often, lability of blood pressure is a temporary disorder that normalizes on its own, but this does not mean that this phenomenon can be ignored.

Pressure surges can be caused by serious kidney disease, diabetes mellitus or other pathological changes in the functioning of internal organs.

Labile blood pressure is also observed in adolescence, as physiological maturation begins during this period.

It is accompanied by emotional imbalance of the child (frequent mood swings), and as a result, vegetative-vascular dystonia with pressure changes.

With frequent fluctuations in blood pressure, blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases, which leads to a deterioration in their tone, decreased elasticity and disruption of oxygen supply to all vital organs.

Such changes increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and the likelihood of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Symptoms of emotional instability

The symptoms of emotional disturbances are quite extensive. Emotional fluctuations cause unfavorable stressful situations, actions that last a long time and cause irreparable harm to the human psyche. A change in the general emotional background may be the first signal of a developing mental illness. The cerebral cortex, autonomic and motor systems are responsible for the emergence and implementation of emotions.

Emotional disorders can be caused by both a malfunction of the body and the influence of external factors that aggravate a person’s mental stress. As a result, syndromes arise that contribute to further discord in the emotional sphere.

  • Depression is determined by a persistent depressed state of the individual, negative thoughts, melancholy and causeless sadness. The patient perceives all events with a feeling of hopelessness, which can lead to further suicide. Depression can occur with hypertension or hepatitis.
  • Mania (manic syndrome) manifests itself in increased mood, motor and mental agitation, expressed by rapid motor skills of speech and gestures. Characterized by the predominance of lower emotions (immoderate cravings for food, sexual pleasures), increased self-esteem up to delusions of grandeur.
  • Dysphoria carries with it a daily aggressive attitude towards the world around us, expressed in a gloomy mood, outbursts of anger, causeless irritation, discontent, and is often accompanied by manifestations of rage with destructive actions. Dysphoria occurs in temporal lobe epilepsy.
  • Euphoria is the antipode of dysphoria. It is expressed in a serene state of mind full of happiness, a passive attitude towards problems and worries, a feeling of well-being in the presence of troubles. A person sees the world around him through rose-colored glasses and perceives everything, even the most tragic situations, with optimism and even joy.
  • Ecstasy is understood as the highest degree of manifestation of delight, admiration, and has a positive connotation. This is a special state of consciousness where the boundaries between the physical and spiritual world are erased, and a feeling of enthusiasm appears, a kind of entry into nirvana.
  • Anxiety is caused by moral anxiety, the expectation of a tragic or catastrophic situation that could happen to the person himself or his loved ones. The state of anxiety can be caused by a tense life situation or diffuse, unrelated to real facts and events. It manifests itself in somatic and neurotic disorders and is one of the causes of depression.
  • Emotional lability is expressed by instability of mood. An individual can move from laughter to crying, or from anger to joy and tenderness within five minutes. The person is very sentimental, sensitive to the slightest manifestations of emotion from the environment. Weakness is one of the signs of vascular and organic diseases of the brain, asthenia.
  • Incontinence of affect manifests itself in uncontrolled external expression of emotions, disturbances in affective reactions when remembering events from the past, accepting personal impressions, and sentimentality. This type of disturbance in the emotional sphere can be attributed to individual characteristics of perception of the surrounding world. Most often, a person himself is aware of his excessive emotionality and tries to hide it from others. Incontinence of affect is typical in cases of encephalitis, cerebral atherosclerosis, and other manifestations of brain pathology.

Lability of blood pressure and pulse - what is it?

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Have you been struggling with HYPERTENSION for many years without success?

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The generally accepted norm of blood pressure for a healthy adult is considered to be 120/80 mm. rt. Art., but these figures are very arbitrary and depend on the characteristics of the patient’s body.

For this reason, there is no strict distinction between normal and high blood pressure.

Blood pressure lability should be understood as an increase in the patient’s usual blood pressure, which is temporary or permanent.

Clinical symptoms of this pathological condition are minimal, and pressure readings quickly return to normal. According to medical statistics, a third of cases of arterial hypertension are labile. That is, blood pressure constantly fluctuates from normal to elevated.

People with lability are practically healthy, but they are required to regularly monitor their health, since frequent changes in vascular tone can cause the initial stage of hypertension. To prevent the problem, you must:

  1. identify risk factors;
  2. follow the doctor's recommendations.

Labile arterial hypertension can be triggered by frequent stressful situations, nervous overstrain, and lack of normal physical activity.

The last point is inextricably linked with the rapid increase in body weight and changes in the level of low-density cholesterol (bad).

Genetic predisposition and abuse play an important role in the development of pathology:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • strong coffee;
  • cigarettes.

The mechanism for the development of lability is quite simple; it lies in the fact that from time to time spasm of the arterial bed occurs. This, in turn, causes the blood vessels to narrow, since a large volume of blood presses on their walls.

Blood pressure is characterized by the ability to return to normal values, and then change again. Lability will become a form of hypertension, which does not always require drug therapy.

If the situation rapidly worsens, arterial hypertension occurs, doctors insist on a full examination of the body and treatment with drugs.

The peculiarity of labile hypertension is that it does not manifest itself for a long time. Patients do not pay attention to changes in blood pressure or simply attribute them to overwork.

In order to start treatment on time, you need to know the symptoms of labile hypertension:

  1. soreness in the back of the head, which may appear and disappear completely unexpectedly;
  2. unreasonable irritability, sudden mood swings, nervous breakdowns for no apparent reason;
  3. sleep disturbance, insomnia, nightmares.

When these signs appear, it is important to monitor your blood pressure using a tonometer. This needs to be done several times a day for a week. You can take measurements in a hospital setting or just at home; in this case, you need to know how to measure blood pressure correctly.

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Tonometers can be mechanical or digital. The second option is much more convenient to use, since it does not require special skills and the help of others.

When lability is confirmed after all this time, you must immediately contact a therapist or cardiologist. After a visual examination, the doctor will prescribe an examination of the body and recommend appropriate therapy to stabilize the condition of the blood vessels.

Fluctuations in blood pressure, downward or upward, often depend on endocrine system disorders that affect the control mechanism of the veins and arteries. In this regard, labile hypertension is usually divided into two stages:

  • phase A (onset of the disease). Now blood pressure levels are within the acceptable norm, but can sometimes increase after emotional stress or overexertion;
  • phase B (transient). It is characterized by an increase in blood pressure and increased blood pressure on the arterial walls. Fluctuations in tone are observed more and more often, but this condition quickly stabilizes.

According to another classification, there are three stages of the pathological condition. At the first stage, the clinical picture of the disease is blurred, the majority of patients do not complain. Sometimes there may be unpleasant sensations associated with an unstable psycho-emotional state.

Jumps in blood pressure are indifferent to vital organs that undergo dangerous changes. First of all, the brain, kidneys, vascular system of the eyes, and liver are affected. Often, the first stage of blood pressure lability can last 15-20 years. This increases the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies by about 6 times, stroke by 5 times.

If a heart attack occurs during the first stage, it can be fatal. The mortality rate in this case will increase 5 times.

In the second stage of lability, the clinical symptoms are blurred. Patients may also not have any health complaints, but when diagnosing the body, a blood pressure level close to moderate arterial hypertension will be revealed. The study will show the onset of damage to important organs, which is caused by a decrease in muscle tone:

  1. left ventricle;
  2. walls of heart vessels.

At this stage, hypertensive crises may begin; a urine test in this case will show a high content of red blood cells. It is possible that the patient will be diagnosed with non-critical renal dysfunction.

The third stage is characterized by vivid symptoms and sharp jumps in blood pressure. Against this background, vascular atherosclerosis develops, which can disrupt blood circulation and significantly complicate the picture of the disease.

An environment for the development of coronary heart disease, hypoxia, and myocardial infarction is formed.

To prescribe adequate therapy, the doctor needs to establish the duration of the labile state and the frequency of surges in blood pressure levels. In addition, you need to find out the availability of:

  • concomitant diseases;
  • excess weight;
  • heart pathologies;
  • nervous disorders;
  • emotional stress.

Labile arterial hypertension requires a mandatory reduction in load and changes in unhealthy lifestyle. You will need to exercise regularly, minimize psycho-emotional stress, and follow a rational diet.

When a person’s work activity is associated with constant stress, it would not be a bad idea to change working conditions to prevent the development of hypertension.

Caffeine, strong black tea, cigarette smoke, and kitchen salt have a very bad effect on the condition of blood vessels and blood pressure. Sodium can safely be called man's worst enemy, since this product provokes:

  1. blockage of blood vessels;
  2. atherosclerosis disease.

It is extremely important to balance sleep and wakefulness, since it has been repeatedly proven that for normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, you will need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Ideally, you should sleep from 10 pm to 6 am.

For prolonged stress, taking sedatives of herbal origin is indicated, for example, Sedavit, Novo-passit, hawthorn infusion, Glycised. Such medications reduce the intensity of the supply of nerve impulses to vessels from the central nervous system.

The medications do not produce side effects and can be used to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia without restrictions.

If the blood pressure level is at 160/100 mm. rt. Art. and is constantly growing, it will need to be brought down with more serious drugs. Such treatment must be prescribed by a doctor, and on a strictly individual basis.

Drug therapy will eliminate the provoking phenomena that cause hypertension. Treatment requires the mandatory inclusion of the following medications:

  • diuretics;
  • beta blockers;
  • potassium antagonists;
  • angiotensin receptor blockers;
  • alpha-1-adrenergic receptor blockers.

If the dosages are observed, you can count on positive dynamics in blood pressure lability. A specialist will additionally tell you what labile hypertension is in the video in this article.

Unstable parameters in hypertension are dangerous due to sudden changes. Therefore, if the symptoms are ignored, the unstable condition will progress to clinical hypertension.

The main indicators of the labile parameter are:

  • sudden increase in the upper and lower limits of measurement;
  • the same sudden and spontaneous decrease in parameters.

Unstable indicators are not arterial pathology. You can understand what blood pressure lability is by looking at the following differences:

Labile blood pressureArterial hypertension
Episodic increase in indicators; The readings decrease spontaneously; sharp jumps The readings are constantly elevated; It is possible to reduce the numbers only with medications; stable, high blood pressure

To exclude the development of hypertension, if labile blood pressure is a concern, it is necessary to constantly monitor measurements and identify pathology at the initial stage of development.

An episodic increase is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • flickering before the eyes;
  • difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep;
  • headaches, usually in the back of the head;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • increased irritability;
  • sometimes there is a feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • a sharp decrease in concentration;
  • decreased performance.

If you ignore the listed symptoms, then the signs with each manifestation of labile arterial hypertension will become brighter, begin to progress, and the quality of life will noticeably decrease.

Factors that provoke unstable manifestations of arterial pathology are external in nature and are associated with lifestyle and nutrition.

Instability of indicators can be caused by the following reasons:

  • low physical activity;
  • the adrenal glands produce large amounts of renin, which causes damage to blood vessels and arterial tone;
  • changes in the body caused by age;
  • diabetes;
  • renal pathologies;
  • with alcohol abuse, smoking. Due to bad habits, blood vessels lose elasticity, the structure of the blood changes, and indicators increase;
  • food high in salt. Fatty foods with a lot of carbohydrates;
  • frequent stress, unstable emotional background, poor quality sleep.

Women may suffer from unstable blood pressure as they enter menopause. This is due to hormonal changes.

Sometimes women suffer from unstable indicators during pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the parameters not only during gestation, but also after the birth of the baby.

The following phases of indicator lability are distinguished:

  1. In the first phase, the onset of the disease occurs. Measurement indicators are normal and increase only during nervous overstrain and during periods of emotional disruptions;
  2. the second phase is characterized by increasing pressure measurements and is called transient. But, despite the increase in parameters, they return to normal on their own.

There are also 3 stages of manifestation of unstable pressure indicators:

the initial, stage 1, is practically asymptomatic. A person simply does not pay attention to slight ailments and changes of a psychological nature. Even the initial stage can cause the development of pathologies of the heart muscle, and lead to a heart attack or stroke;

The 2nd degree of instability, like the first, is characterized by vague symptoms. But, occasional increases become higher. Against the background of lability, hypertensive crises can occur, after which internal organs suffer and the structure of the vascular walls suffers. The disease can be identified by undergoing a diagnostic examination, including laboratory testing of urine. At stage 2, pathological processes in the kidneys are often detected;

the 3rd degree feature is characterized by vivid manifestations. Against the background of pressure lability, atherosclerotic damage to the vascular walls develops, and blood flow is disrupted. Stage 3 may result in ischemia or infarction.

If you notice occasional increases in parameters during measurement, you must constantly monitor the readings. If changes become more frequent, you need to seek medical help and undergo a diagnostic examination.

To prescribe treatment, the specialist first determines the frequency and duration of the changes. Next, with the help of a diagnostic examination, the reason for the jumps in indicators is determined, and whether this is really a manifestation of blood pressure lability.

Then treatment is prescribed, consisting mainly of preventive measures:

  1. it is necessary to reconsider the lifestyle, eliminating bad habits;
  2. if possible, reduce emotional stress;
  3. Every day you need to plan physical activity and sports. This could be daily exercise, walking, swimming, cycling;
  4. it is necessary to completely revise the daily menu. It is necessary to reduce salt consumption to a minimum, or completely abandon the spice. Reduce the amount of coffee, tea, fried, spicy foods;
  5. you need to control the amount of alcohol consumed, try to quit smoking;
  6. improve sleep. A good night's sleep should consist of 8 hours of rest at night, no less;
  7. it is necessary to control the indicators when measuring with a tonometer.

The environment is important. You need to protect yourself from stressful situations that negatively affect the condition of blood vessels.

Unstable indicators can be attributed to symptoms of incipient hypertension.

There are also the following diseases in which blood pressure lability is one of the main symptoms:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia. The pathology is manifested by impaired vascular function and may be accompanied by pressure changes;
  • diabetes. The vascular structure and shape changes. The vessels become susceptible to any influences, and the pressure becomes unstable;
  • problems with excess weight, obesity. Large body weight is dangerous for blood vessels. Atherosclerosis begins to develop, which means the pressure becomes unstable.

You need to understand that even episodic manifestations of lability not only worsen your well-being, but also cause vascular spasms. If sharp increases in indicators are not corrected in time, then unstable blood pressure will soon develop into hypertension.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), the description of the labile type of hypertension is as follows:

  • violations of some internal organs were identified;
  • without drug treatment, the indicators do not change.

The correct code, according to ICD 10, allows you to determine medical prognosis for the development of possible complications and prescribe the correct treatment. The code for arterial hypertension is in the range I10-I15, and refers to diseases manifested by high blood pressure.

Doctors at the appointment, when classifying, pay attention to such factors as:

  • reasons that provoked the increase;
  • degree of development of the pathological process;
  • existing disorders in the body, taking into account age;
  • gender and age;
  • cholesterol level, according to the latest laboratory tests;
  • being overweight;
  • lifestyle, including bad habits;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

To assign a code to a disease in the system associated with an increase in measured parameters, the upper limit of blood pressure is first taken into account, then the lower value.

The most accurate answer to the question of what blood pressure lability is is this: it is a temporary increase in blood pressure levels. Since the acceptable level beyond which blood pressure is considered high is 140/90, if this value is violated, a diagnosis is made: labile hypertension.

  1. The pressure rises periodically.
  2. After some time, it may decrease without any effects on the body.
  3. At the same time, the decrease occurs quite sharply, which affects a person’s well-being.

At first glance, it may seem that this disease is no different from ordinary hypertension, but in fact there are differences, and they are very important:

  1. Hypertension is characterized by a persistent (constant) state of high blood pressure, and labile arterial hypertension is characterized by temporary fluctuations.
  2. In case of hypertension, blood pressure can be stabilized if special medications are used, while labile blood pressure decreases spontaneously, without the use of drugs.
  3. Hypertensive patients rarely complain of pressure changes, while the main symptom of labile hypertension is constant changes in the indicator.

If you yourself discover a systematic increase in blood pressure, you should not diagnose yourself and start self-medicating. The fact is that blood pressure is influenced by quite a few factors, and even if the clinical picture is externally similar, the same symptoms can indicate a different form of the disease. Therefore, the only right decision would be to consult a doctor, after which you can begin correct, and therefore effective, treatment.

Labile arterial hypertension is generated by approximately the same reasons as hypertension:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, overeating);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • improper diet;
  • constant psycho-emotional stress;
  • chronic kidney disease, diabetes.

If you do not pay attention and do not take measures, the disease will begin to develop, and after some time the following symptoms will appear: sharp pain in the occipital region, which appears quite rarely and disappears completely even without taking medications;

  • insomnia, disturbing dreams that occur quite often;
  • unexplained nervous tension;
  • persistent changes in behavior: irritability, emotional outbursts and unexplained mood swings.

If you notice some or all of the above signs, try a simple experiment: measure your blood pressure with a home blood pressure monitor for 1 week, 3-4 times a day (upon waking, before bed and throughout the day at the same time) . Record all readings: If your blood pressure changes constantly throughout the day, it is very likely that you have labile hypertension. In this case, you should immediately contact a doctor, because the sooner you start treatment, the more effective it will be.

Labile hypertension develops progressively; doctors describe 3 stages of the disease:

  1. Initially, based on the symptoms that patients describe, it is quite difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis, since obvious abnormalities are not detected. The main symptom at this stage is associated not with a physiological, but with a mental state - patients often complain of nervous tension and sleep disorders.
  2. At the second stage, there are also no clearly defined health complaints, but an increased level of pressure is recorded instrumentally, which can be described as moderate hypertension. Some patients are characterized by periodically occurring hypertensive crises and renal dysfunction. However, a routine urine test gives normal results.
  3. Symptoms of the disease are pronounced, and patients often experience discomfort due to pressure surges. At this stage, the preconditions for myocardial infarction often develop, so it is quite dangerous to start the disease.

The rate of development of pathology is not the same; it largely depends on the individual characteristics of a person, his lifestyle and chronic diseases.

After a detailed diagnosis and accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. Moreover, in each specific case they are based on several important circumstances:

  1. The magnitude and frequency of pressure surges, their relationship with specific factors affecting the patient.
  2. The presence or absence of chronic diseases that may complicate the course of the disease.
  3. Features of the patient’s psycho-emotional state, his lifestyle.

The course of treatment is always complex and consists of a set of measures, both medicinal (medicines) and non-medicinal (following the rules of a healthy lifestyle).

The use of medications is aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms of hypertension, but also at the root cause of the disease. The most commonly used medications are:

Non-drug treatments are almost entirely associated with changes in the patient’s lifestyle. By following a few simple tips, patients can really help their body. Also, these rules can be successfully used to prevent heart and vascular diseases:

  1. Everyday moderate physical activity of any kind (at least 40-60 minutes). The main criterion is a complex effect on the body, and the load must be feasible, since excessive physical activity can lead to exactly the opposite effect.
  2. Nutrition correction - you should refrain from excessive consumption of salt, foods containing animal fats, fried foods, coffee and energy drinks (it is better to drink more green tea).
  3. Refusal or maximum limitation in smoking and alcohol consumption.
  4. Normalization of the psychological climate at work and at home, minimizing stressful situations.
  5. Compliance with the work and rest schedule, ensuring adequate sleep (at least 7-8 hours a day) at approximately the same time.
  6. Sufficient level of oxygen in the blood - you need to constantly ventilate the room and take daily walks in the fresh air.
  7. Finally, it is important to control your blood pressure, for which you need to take systematic measurements with a home tonometer according to the regimen recommended by your doctor.

Even minimal adherence to a healthy lifestyle will help avoid many health problems. The main thing is to want to take care of your body and monitor your health systematically, and not from time to time.

The following sources of information were used to prepare the material.


Arrhythmia when measuring pressure; High blood pressure low pulse treatment; Hypertension and sports: is it possible to run and does blood pressure increase when walking?

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Signs of emotional disturbances in children

The emotional sphere of a person develops from the moment of his birth. A small child is much more sensitive than adults, so signs of emotional disturbance may manifest themselves more intensely. However, very often parents do not notice the general depression of their children, attributing their uncontrollable behavior or reluctance to do homework at school to personality traits and laziness.

Emotional instability in an adult is usually expressed in mood lability, feelings of sadness, melancholy, sadness, unmotivated joy or tension. In children, these manifestations are hidden, most often caused by autonomic disorders. These may be appetite disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, constantly alternating diseases, decreased immunity, weight loss, inhibition of mental development, weakened memory, sleep disorders, changes in skin condition, sweating. Emotional disorders in preschoolers are expressed in anger, unmotivated aggression, painful fears, etc.

A biological indicator in the form of organic damage to the fetal brain during pregnancy, childbirth or in the first few years of a child’s life creates irreversible disturbances in the emotional and personal sphere.

The genetic basis for the development of the emotional sphere in children is temperament, balance, mobility, and adaptation of mental processes.

The child is most susceptible to the process of socialization and psychological attitudes - words or actions inherent in other children and influencing the behavior and development of the child. Children usually strive to be similar to each other, to share common interests, views, and to be similar in appearance. This psychological process is normal for growing children, but one should always watch to see if the child is becoming a conformist.

The classification of emotional disorders defines two main types of reactions:

  • pathological – personal mental reactions, expressed in changes in behavior in children, leading to disruption of social adaptation. Manifest in neurotic disorders. Behavioral and psychological factors play a huge role here: family conflicts, improper upbringing, uneducational behavior on the part of school teachers, emotional deprivation. Symptoms are expressed in the constant identification of disturbances in the emotional sphere.
  • characterological – a change in behavior in children caused by the influence of a certain microenvironment, which has a precise focus, does not disrupt social adaptation and is not accompanied by physiological disorders of the body.

Violations of the child’s emotional sphere subsequently entail mental deviations. They are expressed in low self-esteem, emotional immaturity, disorders in the cognitive and speech spheres, and general intellectual underdevelopment. Neurological symptoms also indicate the presence of mental and emotional disorders in children.

The concept of lability in psychology and physiology

Are you ready to stop thinking about your problem and finally move on to real actions that will help you get rid of your problems once and for all? Then perhaps you will be interested in this article .
Lability is a term that is translated from Latin as sliding, unstable. It is used in physiology, medicine, psychology and psychiatry in relation to human thinking and psyche.

What it is

Lability in physiology is the rate of excitation cycles in the tissues of the nervous system and muscles. The definition was introduced by N. E. Vvedensky in 1886. He considered lability to be the period during which tissues are restored after excitation. This value is not constant and is not characterized by rhythm.

Nerve cells are responsible for lability:

  1. The most excitable axons are processes that produce up to a thousand impulses per second.
  2. Synapses—the places of contact between two neurons—are less labile and transmit up to 150 excitations per second.

Thus, the nervous system regulates the vital processes of the body, determining the mental state of a person.

In psychology, lability is the speed of switching between mental processes and the rate of their occurrence. In academia, the emphasis is on emotions. The degree of manifestation and the frequency of mood swings in a person in life situations are taken into account. Lability is also characterized as a pathology, a negative phenomenon that requires correction when emotions are excessive and changeable.

Psychologists highlight intellectual lability. It involves quickly switching between sources of information and tasks that are not related to each other.

Such individuals have high intelligence, think about issues in transport, in a crowd, while the people around them and the noise do not disturb them. This is not about chaotic switching of attention, but about thoughtful adaptation.

This quality of an individual ensures survival in the modern world and is an advantage.

Lability is often characterized as a pathology, a negative phenomenon that requires correction. But it also manifests an adaptive mental mechanism. Reaction speed and quick switching ensure adaptability and survival in a changing external environment.

To summarize the definitions, lability in science is defined as:

  • in a normal situation - mobility;
  • dynamic processes;
  • in the presence of pathology - mental instability.

The opposite of lability is called rigidity. It is characterized by a stable mental state. But any external changes unsettle a person and cause a negative reaction. Moderate manifestations of lability and rigidity provide advantages. Excessive emotionality or its absence is characterized by psychologists as a pathology.


Lability is more often considered in psychology as a negative state. However, this property means mental flexibility and helps a person adapt to changing circumstances.

Unwillingness to change your behavior causes no less harm in life than changeability and emotionality. Normally, both components are present in the psyche.

The difficulties are associated with their excessive manifestation.

Increased lability is inherent in people with choleric character and temperament. By nature, they are endowed with a quick emotional reaction.

However, the symptom is also caused by disorders and weakness of the nervous system:

  • neurosis;
  • psychological trauma in childhood;
  • severe stress in the past, a traumatic situation;
  • human unpreparedness for social changes.

Physiological factors that form a labile personality type should also be taken into account:

  • brain disorders caused by trauma;
  • the influence of substances that cause narcotic intoxication and increase excitability;
  • oncology;
  • heart and vascular diseases.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, physiological causes must first be excluded. Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the border between emotionality and pathological instability is blurred.

Signs and types

Lability has several varieties, but there are signs common to all conditions.

Distinctive features of a labile personality type:

  1. Acute reaction to minor events. If something goes wrong, a person screams, cries, becomes hysterical. Sometimes he falls into deep depression.
  2. Sudden mood swings. If a person is pathologically labile, his mood is changeable. He easily moves from irritation, hysteria to joy, jubilation under the influence of an insignificant reason.
  3. Fear of difficulties. Labile individuals believe that it is impossible to overcome life's obstacles. The individual avoids them with all his might, communicates little, prefers a narrow circle of friends.
  4. Difficulties in communication. A malfunction of the nervous system makes it difficult to communicate with a person due to sudden mood swings.
  5. Emotional exhaustion. Mental disorders cause an individual to literally burn out. Mood swings lead to fatigue, weakness, and apathy.
  6. Susceptibility to influence. Individuals with mental pathologies often get carried away, find idols, and become attached to them. Sometimes passion reaches the point of absurdity.

These are general indicators that allow one to suspect a patient has mental disorders. But psychologists and psychiatrists identify a number of options for labile character accentuation:

  1. Emotional lability. Excessive expression of emotions is accompanied by paradoxical actions and reactions. Resentment is manifested by hysterical laughter, great joy - by a stream of tears. Low lability, on the contrary, makes itself felt by hypoemotionality, when a person hardly expresses feelings.
  2. Psycho-emotional lability. Along with emotional arousal, it is accompanied by motor activity. Such individuals are suspicious, frivolous, sensitive to criticism, impressionable, and overly sensitive.
  3. Affectively labile type. Negative personality traits are compensated by its good qualities. Such people are open, trusting, and easily fall under the influence of others.
  4. Conformal type. This person does not critically evaluate his own and others’ actions, does not know how to control himself, and has difficulty adapting to new conditions.

In complex cases, pathological lability is accompanied by a deterioration in physical condition. With asthenic syndrome, frequent fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and decreased activity are recorded. In this situation, treatment takes place in a hospital.


The approach to making a diagnosis against the background of negative manifestations of lability is different for children and adults. Until the age of 10, the pathology is almost invisible. Even experienced specialists have difficulty identifying suspicious conditions.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

Internal infections also affect the psyche of children. The diseases are mild, chronic in nature, attacks take a long time to pass and return after a short period of time. They may not be the main cause of mental disorders, but they make the condition worse.

In adolescents, lability is more pronounced. But the difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that emotional instability is generated by a hormonal surge and is present in every second child aged 12-17 years.

To diagnose a teenager, psychiatrists carefully interview parents, teachers, and friends. The first sign of pathology is frequent mood changes for no apparent reason.

In adolescents, lability is manifested by a reluctance to adapt to others, awareness of emotional instability, and the ability to understand what people think about you. There is no desire for leadership.

Sometimes there is hysterical accentuation, when the child shows egocentrism, but knows how to empathize with others and becomes attached. The demonstrativeness of actions decreases.

In adults, pathological lability is diagnosed based on physiological signs based on information about accompanying circumstances:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • severe stress, turmoil in childhood;
  • regular life failures;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack or excess of microelements.

Human behavior is also assessed. Socialization is difficult due to lack of self-control. There are frequent outbursts of anger and authoritarianism in the family. And although these manifestations smooth out with age, they often prevent a person from building a career and improving his personal life.

Correction and treatment

The interpretation of lability symptoms depends on the qualifications of the psychologist or psychiatrist. He evaluates the significance of the collected observations and makes a decision regarding the diagnosis.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the diagnostic result obtained. It includes:

  1. Correction of the patient's behavior is carried out using sedatives and antidepressants.
  2. Psychologists work with patients on training volitional qualities, concentration of behavior, and attention. Their influence is aimed at establishing smooth relationships in the patient’s family, minimizing the manifestation of shortcomings, and relieving emotional stress.
  3. In parallel, internal diseases, if any, and somatic diseases are treated. The tone of the nervous system decreases, which leads to calmness and concentration.
  4. For labile individuals, a regime that allows you to avoid stress and stay in a comfort zone is important. Important components of treatment are sleep, walks in the fresh air, massage, and good nutrition.
  5. In severe cases, resort to hypnosis. This is a dangerous but effective method. Hypnosis is used if the pathology is caused by severe stress in childhood or defects in upbringing.

If we are talking about an affective state, an outbreak of aggression, treatment is carried out in a hospital. When assessing the patient’s condition, the psychiatrist takes into account existing signs and the overall picture of the morbidity.

In Europe, lability treatment is carried out in sanatoriums equipped with new equipment. Medical centers are located in famous resorts, which creates a comfortable environment for the patient. Doctors monitor the condition of patients around the clock.

Self-medication for emotional lability is unacceptable. The patient cannot independently cope with mood swings, fight manifestations of aggression or causeless joy. This requires willpower, which patients lack. Self-administration of sedatives is unacceptable: they have serious contraindications and side effects.


Emotional lability is inherent in people to varying degrees. Minor mental deviations are rarely noticed by others and attribute emotional instability to temperamental characteristics.

Lability is a trait of many famous people. Thanks to her, they reach heights in creativity and science. Emotional lability is inherent in musicians, artists, and creative individuals. Scientists and writers have intellectual flexibility. Healthy lability opens up new possibilities in a person.

However, behavior correction is recommended for people with pathological deviations. According to patients' reviews, after undergoing treatment, they felt better, improved relationships with others, and learned self-control.

Dmitry 30 years old, St. Petersburg

Since childhood, he was an unbalanced person. It grew with age. The instability of the emotional state prevented the development of abilities and talents, and disrupted the normal rhythm of life. My mother advised me to see a psychologist. After several conversations, I was prescribed sedatives and attended a number of sessions with a specialist. I can’t say that the anxiety has gone away, but life has become easier.

Natalya 28 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

I had problems with communication. I was afraid to speak first, to make acquaintances, to speak in front of an audience. It got in the way. I turned to a psychologist. During the conversation, we found out the reason - fear in childhood. Thanks to sedatives and the work of a psychologist, it was possible to achieve a stable emotional state. I regularly visit a specialist for correction.

Lability is a property of a healthy psyche. But hyper-manifestations of this quality lead to the formation of pathologies that require correction and treatment.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .


Components of emotions

Emotions are a series of psychological reactions on the part of a person that express his subjective perception of certain external and internal factors in life. When certain emotional experiences arise, the autonomic nervous system comes into play. As a result, there is a change in body temperature, blood pressure, respiratory rate, skin moisture, sweat, etc.

The following components can be distinguished in emotions:

  1. Expression is a change in motor skills, making body movements.
  2. Cognition – determining the type of emotion, assessing one’s own well-being.
  3. Affect is a strong surge of emotions accompanied by hyperarousal.

Types of emotional disorders

With the help of emotions, a person expresses his subjective attitude towards the world around him. Violations of the emotional sphere are accompanied by conflict within the patient himself, which is expressed in his behavior. Experts identify several types of such disorders:

  1. Weakness – increased emotionality, low lability to provoking factors. A person exhibits increased tearfulness, irritability, and sensitivity to various stress factors.
  2. Affect is a pathological reaction due to suffering a psychological shock, and it can be both negative and positive. Often, in a state of passion, the patient is not responsible for his actions and does not remember them in the future.
  3. Depression is a syndrome accompanied by inhibition of emotional reactions, motor and mental processes, and a sad mood. Such patients often exhibit emotional dullness, limited vocabulary, and the inability to express emotions. Sudden mood swings are common.
  4. Euphoria – attacks of inadequate, elevated mood.
  5. Apathy is lack of initiative, lack of desire to engage in any activity, depressed mood, indifference to what is happening.
  6. Moriah is a psychopathic disorder characterized by foolishness, careless behavior, a tendency to make rude jokes, and inappropriate actions.
  7. Dysthymia, or mild depression. Accompanied by a deterioration in mood; if an improvement in the emotional state occurs, it does not last long.
  8. Anxiety is an attack of unreasonable fear, a strong emotional experience. Also characterized by increased nervousness, tension, and anticipation of changes for the worse.
  9. Dysphoria is an emotional disorder accompanied by sad-evil laughter, attacks of severe anger and aggression. Often observed in epilepsy, psychopathy.
  10. Emotional lability – sudden changes in mood under the influence of minor changes. Various emotional states smoothly change each other.

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Treatment of psychovegetative syndrome

Treatment with various medications is carried out only in cases where the symptoms do not recede or go away.

In order to normalize the patient’s psycho-emotional state, treatment through psychotherapy sessions will be required. This is the main method of combating the syndrome.

It is very important that the patient understands that at the current moment nothing threatens his health and life. That is, he must be convinced of the possibility of a full recovery from the disease. The main task of a specialist in this matter is to explain to a person the nature of the appearance of the symptoms that are disturbing him and tell him about ways to relieve them. For this purpose, you will need to use the techniques of psychoanalysis, persuasion and suggestion.

If the case is not advanced and the patient can do without the help of drug therapy, he is prescribed the following types of treatment:

  • Massages;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Reflexology;
  • Physiotherapy.

The patient must learn to distract himself from his painful state. Spending time in a sanatorium helps to cope with this task.

If the syndrome is characterized by a complicated course, then doctors will be forced to prescribe drug therapy to the patient. It includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Analgesics.
  2. Beta blockers.
  3. Tinctures based on natural herbs.
  4. Benzodiazepine medications.
  5. Antidepressants.
  6. Neuroleptics.

Prescription of psychotropic medications is required for patients who are not affected by more potent drugs. Their use must be supervised by the attending physician, since such drugs have a large list of contraindications. Some of them can be addictive. It is strictly forbidden to take psychotropic drugs for a long time. Otherwise, the patient may develop a fear of withdrawal syndrome, which leads to the return of the relieved symptoms of autonomic dystonia.

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