From traditional methods to conspiracies: how to treat fear in a child on your own?

Spells for fear: folk remedies for treating fear.

Strong emotional experiences and fear can disrupt the energy field of a child or adult. Meeting a person with strong negative energy can also cause fear. If there is no specialist nearby, there is no other choice but to cure the child’s fear yourself. This condition can be corrected using folk remedies, through special spells and rituals.

Let's talk about the problem

In order to understand how to get rid of it, you first need to understand what it is.
What is fear and how does it manifest itself? Severe fear or, in medical terms, shock neurosis is an instant, sudden fear caused by a strong stimulus. This reaction is a complex of fear and an orientation reflex. The danger is that if treatment is avoided, it develops into phobias, the so-called. constant obsessive fears.

Fright is treated by a psychiatrist using pharmacological agents. This type of treatment cannot be used at home. The healing process can occur through persuasion, suggestion or hypnotherapy. A person's environment plays a big role. During the treatment process, relatives are advised to behave calmly so as not to disturb the patient’s mental state. Doctors also suggest taking a vacation during treatment, spending time with loved ones, and going to nature.

The following series of drugs are used for treatment:

  • valerian;
  • bromine or its substitutes;
  • esters;
  • magnesium sulfate, diphenhydramine or aminazine (recommended for relieving acute symptoms);
  • tranquilizers and neuroparalytics.

Conspiracy from fear

How to treat fear in adults yourself

We will look at ways to get rid of fear in adults on your own, using spells and prayers. Out of fear, adults ask for help from many church images:

  • Mother of God;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • King David;
  • Venerable Mary of Egypt;
  • the holy image of the patron (patroness), chosen at baptism.

Conspiracies against fear are powerful, have a positive effect on the psychological state of the patient and lead him to divine healing.

Archangel Michael will provide protection, inspire confidence, and cure phobias. You need to turn to the archangel every time you experience a feeling of obsessive fear. The prayer is said alone and in silence, silently or in a whisper. There may not be icons around that you turn to, but the Lord is always with you, he sees and hears everything.

This Orthodox saint helps to get rid of the fear of death. During her life, she prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos to remove from her soul sorrow and anxiety about the future. A prayer is read every morning. Before the main prayer, it is necessary to recite any troparion of praise (verse) and kontakion (chorus) from the akathist glorifying the saint.

Fortune telling stomper

There is one home fortune-telling in which the spirit of the house—the brownie—participates. Have you ever heard footsteps in your house (stomp)? More often this happens at night. Or rather, the stomper also walks during the day, but at this time extraneous sounds prevent it from being heard. But at night a person gets scared by any rustle. And what is with the children running around the ceiling at night? After all, the neighbors don’t have small children (or the apartment is empty).

The presence of such a stranger in the house does not bode well. Many people know how to get along quite peacefully with him. He takes care of you, sometimes he gets angry, and sometimes he misbehaves. Here's how it shows up:

  • something falls from your hands for no reason;
  • you stumble out of the blue;
  • things disappear and are unexpectedly found where you checked a hundred times;
  • the worst thing is when the stomper wakes you up in the middle of the night and... silence, and now you just can’t sleep.

How to treat fear in adults yourself

We need to make friends with the brownie. Someone puts out a saucer of milk for him at night or leaves him candy. Someone just talks to him, asks him to stop knocking, stomping and hiding things. He also needs to be occupied with something, for example, involved in fortune telling. It will help answer many questions and even turn into an assistant.

Ask your questions either out loud or in writing. You can ask about anything:

  • Where is my item? Put it on it's place.
  • Why doesn't your friend call? Let him call.
  • How to save money? I want to buy a car.
  • Wake me up early in the morning so as not to be late for work.

You don’t have to pronounce the words out loud, but always in a stern tone. Topotun loves severity. Then he will listen. And from now on he will come only for fortune telling.

A spell against fright on a baby will help get rid of the child’s whims and unreasonable tearfulness, improve his sleep, and ease his emotional state. All words are pronounced each time in a calm, quiet voice, gently stroking the baby’s head. It is recommended that you first learn all the words by heart or write them down on a piece of paper, but at the same time pronounce everything clearly, without hesitation or confusion.

It is recommended to read similar slander or prayers to representatives of the female gender - mother, aunt, grandmother, godmother.

The Lord's Prayer can save a baby from misfortune. You need to read it while holding the baby in your arms and wiping it with holy water. It is recommended to read it three times a day. This prayer is very powerful and always helps.


You need to read the prayer three times a day

If the fear is strong

The child must be in the same room in which the ceremony is performed.

Holy water

You can treat your child yourself using holy water:

  • Wash the child in the mornings and evenings with holy water, saying “Our Father.” Drink holy water 3 times every day.
  • All babies react differently to strangers: some behave calmly, others immediately begin to cry. If a child starts crying when new people appear, you will have to prepare for leaving the house by reciting the prayer “Our Father” and to the Guardian Angel. The child must wear the cross received during baptism. Additionally, mom can attach a silver pin to the back of her clothes, which she will need to sprinkle with holy water when she returns home. By following these simple rules, you can avoid fear.
  • To prevent a frightened baby from crying and falling asleep calmly, the bed linen should be blue or white and always fresh. Mom needs to christen each corner of the child's bed, and sprinkle the middle with holy water.

Using spells to treat children

If the fear is strong

Sleeping baby
A bedtime ritual will help your child get rid of fears

Wax rituals to get rid of fears in children can be performed by any blood relative. Such a conspiracy against fright in a child requires the use of wax. With its help, you can relieve any fear and cure a child of fear at home. You need to take about 200 grams of wax; it can be obtained by melting a candle.

You can get wax from a melted candle.

Repeat this spell 9 times, gradually pouring the wax into the basin. When the wax hardens, pull it out of the water and look. If the reverse side has unevenness and different patterns, this indicates that fears still remain. Therefore, such a ritual will need to be repeated. This is how fear in a child is treated.

Confusion during fear manifests itself in every person, since it is an atypical condition. The most common manifestations of cowardice in children include:

  • periodic shuddering in sleep and constant crying of the child;
  • frequent awakenings for no reason or complete lack of sleep;
  • stuttering;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • depressed and depressed state;
  • increased blood pressure, rapid pulse;
  • stupor with development of numbness.

If you observe such symptoms, you need to contact highly qualified specialists. The disease cannot be ignored; it must be treated, because the consequences can be very serious. If your child also has a headache, you need to react quickly.

Factors that increase the degree of shock:

  • unexpectedness of the situation;
  • similar things have happened in the past that left a negative impression;
  • the internal psychological state of a person at the time of action.

The nervous system of a newborn is at the stage of formation. In the first months of life, millions of neural connections are formed. During this period, the baby’s mental activity is unstable and subject to stress. Fear is a neurosis in young children that develops after severe stress.

Neurotic fear in a baby should not be confused with fear. Fear is a normal emotional reaction to the unknown. The baby may be afraid of strangers, animals, and if this emotion does not prevail over the others, it is absolutely normal.

How can you tell if your baby is scared? The main signs of fear are:

  • restless night sleep, nightmares;
  • bed-wetting;
  • stuttering if the baby already knows how to speak;
  • anxiety, restlessness, capricious behavior;
  • causeless crying;
  • loss of appetite.

The baby is afraid to be left alone, he grabs his mother and refuses to let her go, screams when she leaves. If the fright occurs at a time when the baby is just learning to speak, he may remain silent for a long time.


A frightened child over three years of age may become:

  • apathetic;
  • lose appetite;
  • close yourself off, don’t communicate with peers;
  • be wary of strangers;
  • involuntary urination.

Symptoms of fright

Recognizing fear in a baby is much more difficult. If your baby screams for a long time, it is better to seek help from a doctor. A clear sign of a nervous condition in an infant is shuddering and trembling of the lower lip when crying, and restless sleep. Such symptoms indicate neurosis, which a pediatric neurologist will help to correctly diagnose.

Conspiracy from fear

The manifestations of fear in adults and children are quite similar. In adults, signs of fear may also include:

  • cough;
  • sleep disturbances (you often wake up during sleep);
  • increased heart rate and pulse;
  • the patient begins to stutter without the ability to stop on his own;
  • squeezing sensation, coldness in the chest, the chest may hurt;
  • hypertension, high blood pressure;
  • throbbing pain, as if electric shock is hitting the head;
  • paralytic stupor.

Have you ever wondered why a person screams in fear? This occurs due to severe emotional shock. The nervous system gives its reaction to the stimulus.

Speak water in front of the icon and sprinkle the child’s bed before bed for three days.


: Be sure to write down these conspiracies on a piece of paper, it is better if it is a blank sheet. Learn spells from sight, not from the monitor.

Sometimes it happens that a person is afraid of something so seriously that this reaction begins to prevent him from living his previous life. In medicine, this condition is called shock.

There is a special conspiracy against fear (and more than one), thanks to which you can not only remove the state of fear, but also act against melancholy, depression - everything that suddenly arises and haunts the patient for a long time.

If such symptoms are not eliminated in time, then they can have a very negative impact on the human biofield, and this can already cause serious problems in its future fate. It is curious that in our modern world such conditions are observed not only in children, but also in adults.

No matter how official medicine looks at this state of affairs, conspiracies have been and remain very effective means of healing a frightened person.

It was they who were used in ancient Rus'; conspiracies were considered to be, if not the only, then the most effective means against any fear. The most important thing was to find a diagnosis. It is clear that this first step is much easier with adults than with children.

However, it is children who get scared most often, and there can be countless reasons for their fear; however, there are also many ways to cure such a shock. We will now tell you about some effective conspiracies (including a strong conspiracy against fear).

Conspiracies for fear - treatment with folk remedies

You can recognize fear as a stable phenomenon if you observe not only regular child crying or shuddering during sleep, but also sudden jumping up in the middle of the night. Also signs of fear are depression, melancholy, depressed state. All this can clearly manifest itself in adults and children, regardless of age.

To begin with, the person being reprimanded should sit in the center of the room on a stool, and the person who will read the plot should stand behind him. After this, the reader places his hands on the top of the head of the reprimanded person and pronounces the text of the conspiracy against fear.

Conspiracy "From Fright"

“Fright-fright, come out of the hands, from the head, from the legs, from the eyes, from the shoulders, from the stomach, from the veins, from the veins, from the 70 joints, from the whole body (name). You are a fright-fright, black eyes, you will not be, don’t spin your head, don’t dry your bones, come out a fright-fright, painful, prickly, watery, windy, at the worst hour from a black eye. Get out of (name). Baptized, received communion, prayed. It’s not I who is kicking you out, but the Mother of God, the ambulance. Amen."

Sometimes it happens that a child suffers from fear from birth because he inherited it from his mother: she was carrying the child and was afraid of something, as a result he was born with such a problem.

Spell "Frightening a baby"

“Screamer, stomper, take the screamer and under the wings of the capon. Put the baby to sleep and return him to peace. Amen."

All rituals and conspiracies designed to treat fear belong to white magic remedies, which means that they cannot work either against the patient or the healer.

The vast majority of mothers in Rus' used such rituals to protect their children from the dangers of life. That’s why they are called “folk remedies.” One of the most popular and effective spells against childhood fear is the water spell. It works great when you need to calm your baby down during sleep if he cries or screams in his sleep.

In order to properly speak water before using it for treatment, it is necessary to place it in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Then the text of the conspiracy is read over the water

Pouring onto wax as one of the treatment methods

In general, wax was very popular in home treatment; it was considered to be a natural absorbent of subtle energy. That's why it's so effective. Wax candles were used to clean rooms, and it was also used to remove negative energy from a person (adult or child).

Most often, in order for the casting to occur successfully, you need to melt about five hundred milliliters of wax, take a container of water, sit the person on a chair in the center of the room, and pour the melted wax over his head into a container of water.

How to treat fear in adults yourself

The point here is that the energy of fear that a person is thinking about at this moment will be recorded and absorbed by the wax when it hardens in a liquid medium.

After this, the wax must be carefully, not allowing the patient to touch it, burned in an oven, or buried away from human habitation. As an additional means of “removing” fear from a person’s body, you can read one or another Christian prayer - please note that in all of them an appeal to the Mother of God very often appears. She is the protector and patroness of all children and women.

Consequences and effectiveness of a conspiracy against fear

Most often, the fear spell works; after some time, the image of the pathogen leaves the person’s biofield, and he returns to his normal state.

In what case might a conspiracy not work? For example, if you used a Christian technique, but your patient was not baptized. In this case, advise him to turn to another system of magical influence, where communion with Christianity is not required.

If the fear is strong

Perform for a week in the morning after waking up. Read the prayer once, do not repeat it. Then wash with water. You can also perform a ritual with an egg, during which the Lord’s Prayer is read 9 times. An egg is broken into a glass over the victim's head. If the protein is the wrong color, this is fear. Ideally, you will need to repeat these steps until the egg is completely clean and transparent.

Ritual for bread

BreadAny bread is suitable for the ritual.
Give the charmed piece of bread to the birds. Repeat this ritual for three days in a row.

Let the candles burn out, bury the remains in a deserted place, preferably under a bush, sprinkle water on your face and neck, take a few sips.

All you need is a few sips of charmed water

During pregnancy

By performing all these steps correctly, you can achieve quick results.

How can fear manifest itself?

Signs of fear in a child have both immediate and long-term signs, which in 50-60% of cases become persistent and difficult to correct.

The first include:

  • significant increase in heart rate;
  • holding your breath for a few seconds, which is followed by crying;
  • dilated pupils;
  • involuntary urination or bowel movements;
  • loss of coordination, disorientation.

But most often, parents do not have time to notice these manifestations of fear in the baby, since they are short-lived. The prolonged screaming and tears are noteworthy. This is why it is sometimes very difficult to determine the cause of the development of fear, especially in young children who are unable to talk about what happened to them.

Crying in a dream

One of the persistent residual symptoms of fear is causeless crying that occurs even during daytime or night sleep.
The fear experienced is often transformed into nightmares, which remind children of what happened, forcing the child to experience negative emotions again. At the same time, the calmly lying child suddenly begins to shudder, toss and turn, sob and moan, and may even scream and fall into hysterics without opening his eyes. In most cases, in order to calm the baby, you must first wake him up and show him where he is, explain that there are parents next to him who can protect him from everything, and only then put him to bed again.

How can fear manifest itself?


Some children, after a situation that caused fright, may develop a kind of nervous tic or an overly sharp reaction to stimuli in the form of a flinch. Symptoms of such a disorder include: rapid blinking, continuous licking of lips, folding them into a tube, sniffing, etc. Moreover, a sick child will not control his actions; he simply does not notice these movements of the facial muscles. If you attract the baby’s attention with something, the automatisms immediately stop.

Children can shudder with their whole body due to loud sounds heard nearby, or the sudden appearance of someone in the room. Sometimes it comes to the point that any movement of mom or dad can make the baby tremble.


Against the backdrop of fear, the child may experience problems in psychomotor development, which will manifest itself as a disturbance in the processes of speech formation in one-year-old children or stuttering, and sometimes a complete reluctance to speak in older children. In such patients, repetition of one or two syllables is observed. Realizing their defect, patients often withdraw and do not strive to communicate with peers.

Stuttering can be the cause of dysarthria, which is considered a symptom of organic damage to the brain, namely its stem structures. Therefore, you cannot delay consultation with a specialist.


Enuresis is involuntary urination. It is usually considered a pathology in children aged four years, because it is at this age that a child can already fully control the function of the bladder.

But if a baby, who previously asked to go potty on his own, suddenly starts peeing in the bed, then this is a reason to think: is something bothering him?

Urinary incontinence usually has more than just a psychological basis. That is, it is not a fact that the trigger was the child’s fear. The reasons may be metabolic diseases, genetic predisposition, obesity, rectal pathologies, etc. Only a qualified specialist can identify the true etiology of this condition and cope with it after a detailed examination.

Manifestations of fear

Fear of being alone

Once experiencing severe stress, especially if they had to cope with emotions on their own, children may subconsciously associate loneliness with danger. Parents create a feeling of security in the child, because these are the people who can always come to the rescue. Therefore, often a manifestation of fear in a child is the fear of being left in a room without mom or dad.

This is accompanied by screaming, crying, even hysterics, as soon as he is left on his own. But as soon as a familiar face appears nearby, the baby calms down and begins to behave completely normally, smile and play.

Communication problems

In children 4-5 years old and primary school age, the fear experienced can result in a violation of social adaptation. The child is immersed in negative emotions, is in a state of stress for a long time and does not want to make contact with either peers or adults. The situation is aggravated if, against the background of the events experienced, stuttering, nervous tics or enuresis develop, which become a reason for ridicule.

Main causes of fear

Infants in the first month of life are at risk. They adapt to their environment and are not used to loud sounds or bright lights. The peak development of neurosis occurs at the age of 2–3 years - during this period, the active development of higher nervous activity occurs, and the child’s psyche is most vulnerable.

Anything can scare a small child. The provoking factor must be eliminated immediately. However, if an older baby can explain what scared him, the parents will have to closely monitor the baby to find out the reason.

Common causes of fear:

  • natural phenomena: thunderstorm, thunder, lightning;
  • sudden sounds or flashes of light;
  • animal attack;
  • screaming, quarrel with an adult;
  • conflicts in the family.


Children under one year of age are most often frightened by loud noises or animals. Children aged 3–4 years are more sensitive to social situations. They experience a lot of stress when an adult yells at them. Constant conflicts and quarrels between parents, even if the baby is just an observer and not a participant, have a negative impact on his psyche.


Fear is a certain nervous state in a baby caused by some event.

  1. A child may be frightened by a balloon bursting: fright can occur in both an infant and an older child. It is worth understanding how to properly relieve fear; you should explain to your mother that nothing terrible happened. If there is an explosion, laugh and the child will think it is just a fun game.
  2. Fear of big dogs. A huge dog that barks can be scary. Here you should look at the situation: introduce your child to your friends’ dog. If this technique does not help, try contacting a pediatric neurologist.
  3. Fear of being alone. The baby may be afraid to go to kindergarten or be left without his mother. It should be understood that this may be a consequence of fear (parental quarrels in a raised voice).

What could be the consequences of fright?

Before choosing a treatment technique, you need to understand what the causes and consequences of fear may be. This disease is psychological, and its results can be very unpredictable. There can be any reaction to fear. It all depends on the mental state of the person. If you are very impressionable or have heart disease, then being scared can cause more severe consequences.

Being frightened, a woman causes embarrassment in the eyes of a man. By nature, the weaker sex is more timid. A slight fear most often does not lead to severe pathologies.

In childhood, the most common consequences are loss of speech and isolation. In rare cases, fear can cause speech delay for up to 5 years. In adults, fear can even lead to death. It is impossible to prevent such a disease; all that remains is to treat it comprehensively if you do encounter it.

FearYoung children are more susceptible to fear than others.
Children most often face this situation. This is due to the energy not yet strengthened, as a result of which young children are very sensitive to external negative influences. Unlike adults, they cannot fight negative influences. It must be remembered that a child can get scared not only on the street, but also at home, and parents may not even know about it. Thus, a sudden movement, a cry or unusual actions can cause emotional turmoil.

Children often develop fear and the evil eye at the same time. It is important not to ignore the traditional and obvious signs of this condition:

  • excessively restless sleep;
  • frequent body twitching;
  • appetite disorders;
  • moodiness, tearfulness for no obvious reason;
  • fear of the dark.

It is important to remember that this condition in children can occur against the background of frequent family scandals, after stress, even with a sudden change in TV volume or loud sounds. Fear can also be hereditary. For example, if during pregnancy a woman was very frightened of something. This fear may be passed on to her child.

Fright in a child

Fear or the evil eye is a serious problem that official medicine cannot always cope with. In this situation, it is possible to get rid of this condition using prayers, spells and rituals.

It is rare, but it happens that the consequences of fright go away on their own. Then they say that the child has outgrown his fear. However, it should be remembered that fear is a neurosis, and if it is not treated, the disease will progress. Gradually, it will resemble less and less the original cause of fear, but can manifest itself in different areas of the child’s life. Childhood neuroses carry over into adulthood, and an adult will have to deal with mental problems in a psychotherapist's office.

If you do nothing about fear, the following consequences may occur:

  • nocturnal enuresis;
  • stuttering;
  • retardation in mental and physical development;
  • sociopathy.

The child will begin to avoid peers, and it will be more difficult for him to study. Fear experienced at an early age can cause depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence.

Childhood problems are imprinted on the brain and make themselves felt after several decades; the symptoms of neuroses are very stable. It is much easier to find the cause and eliminate it immediately after the fear occurs than 10 to 20 years later.

Is it possible to prevent fear? A few recommendations:

  • Talk to your newborn in a calm, gentle voice, and never scream in his presence. Make sure that during infancy he is not frightened by strangers.
  • Maintain a favorable atmosphere in the family, do not quarrel in the presence of the child. Young children are very sensitive to conflicts between parents. They tend to attribute blame for what is happening to themselves.
  • Tell us about the world around you. Explain what sounds cars make, natural phenomena, say that they should not be afraid of this.
  • Instill a love for animals. Show that there is no need to be afraid of animals, but you should not touch them, because they do not like it. Get a small pet that will teach your child how to handle animals.

Parents' fears are passed on to children. Do not cultivate your own anxieties and fears in your child; there is no need to discuss in his presence how afraid you are of something.

Some parents use fear as a method of education and a way to achieve what they want. You can often hear the phrase from mothers: “If you don’t obey, your uncle will take you away, the dog will bite you.” Such words will not force the child to be obedient, but they can create irrational fear.

Prevention of fear in childhood

Prevention of fright

In order not to deal with the consequences of fear and not to look for the cause of a phobia in a child, it is better to try to prevent the occurrence of situations that can cause negative emotions in him.

In this case, preventive measures are considered:

  • creating a favorable atmosphere in the family for the growth and development of the baby, which eliminates quarrels, assault, etc.;
  • conversations on the topic of dangerous natural phenomena (thunder, lightning), training in the rules of behavior with potentially dangerous objects (iron, stove);
  • building healthy relationships with pets and street animals;
  • absence of intimidation of the baby by various monsters, bogeymen and other non-existent “horror stories”.

In 95% of cases, the appearance of fear in children is a consequence of improper upbringing on the part of their parents.

How to treat fear?

Neuroses and their consequences are treated comprehensively. The child undergoes psychotherapy, and a stable condition is maintained with the help of medications. Some parents prefer to treat their baby at home with soothing herbs and walks in the fresh air. Which method of therapy is best to choose depends on the degree of neurosis and its manifestations. It is necessary to select treatment after consultation with a neurologist and child psychologist.

Medicines are prescribed by a neurologist or child psychiatrist. They mainly contain herbal components, but for neurosis bordering on psychosis, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers and anticonvulsants.

The most effective method of treating fear is psychotherapy. In children under 6 years of age, the leading mental activity is play. In the game they live out their emotions, fears, expectations. A child, writing an object game or telling a fairy tale, models a problem and finds a solution himself.

Conversational methods of psychotherapy are practically not used in working with children. This format is not possible when working with infants. Child psychologists use the methods of art therapy, play therapy, and fairy tale therapy.

During a consultation with a psychologist, the child is in a safe space. He feels comfortable, which means he is not afraid to look inside himself and face his fears. Under the guidance of a specialist, the child will be able to draw what scared him, and then tear the sheet to destroy the danger.

Another psychotherapy technique is object play. As a rule, in a psychologist’s office there are figures of people and animals. The child models a frightening situation and finds a way out of it in a playful way.

Fairytale therapy can be active or passive. Passive is used with those children who do not yet know how to speak. An adult tells a story in which the main character finds himself in the same situation as a child and copes with it successfully. Children from 3 years old can compose such fairy tales themselves.

In order to cope with the emotional state, reduce anxiety, and get rid of fear, psychologists recommend doing breathing exercises. They are especially necessary if, as a result of fright, the baby develops a stutter.

Breathing practices allow you to remove throat constrictions and relax the diaphragm. They are an element of meditation, so they will help not only get rid of stuttering, but also calm the nervous system.

Herbal treatment

Some herbs have a good sedative effect. It is not recommended to give herbal decoctions to infants - it is difficult for them to choose the dosage, and the plants can provoke an allergic reaction. Starting from three years old, you can safely feed herbal infusions.

How can a mother cure fear herself without turning to doctors? Decoction recipes:

  • St. John's wort, angelica root, chamomile, hops, nettle leaves, heather, and lemon balm are mixed in equal proportions. A teaspoon of dried plants is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Twice a day you need to drink half a glass of broth.
  • To prepare the infusion, take 1 part valerian, 3 parts each of motherwort and cudweed, and 4 parts heather. Pour 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink five teaspoons every hour throughout the day.
  • You can give decoctions of chamomile or valerian. Dried plants are sold in every pharmacy and brewed according to the instructions.

Infants can take baths with medicinal herbs. Add pine needles, chamomile, and lemon balm to warm bathing water. It is enough to add a few tablespoons to the bath or a couple of drops of mint and lemon balm essential oil.

Heart attack from fright

There is an opinion that sudden fear can cause a heart attack. This cannot happen to a healthy person accustomed to physical activity. This will only lead to increased blood pressure, and the heart beats from fear will become more frequent. But if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, or physical activity is an unfamiliar thing to you, then a large surge of adrenaline can provoke a myocardial infarction and subsequently rupture of the middle wall of the heart.

  • The person instantly falls and loses consciousness.
  • The neck swells and the veins on it thicken.
  • The upper part of the body becomes gray-blue.

Possible consequences

Experts believe that a slight fright can be beneficial for a person. The process produces adrenaline and eustress (positive, harmless stress). But there should not be many such mild scares, because in large numbers they become just as dangerous as strong ones.

Due to severe fear, a person can withdraw into himself and remain in a depressed state for a long time. His reaction to stimuli will be neutral.

Girls suffer more from severe fright due to the characteristics of the nervous system, which is much weaker than that of men. They may even faint from overexertion.

Children most often begin to communicate worse with their parents. They prefer to be alone. If these consequences are ignored, the child will completely stop communicating with others.

Young children (under 5 years old) may have problems with speech or its complete absence as a result of fright. Some people start to stutter badly.

The development of mental disorders is possible. Main manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, anxiety, progressive mental paralysis, paranoia. Epilepsy may develop among children.

Fright is especially dangerous for people of summer age and pregnant women. Because as a result of a strong shock, death awaits them.

Heart attack

This is only possible in older people and adults with problems with the cardiovascular system. Among those who are physically healthy, actively involved in sports and have not previously complained of heart attacks, a heart attack will not subsequently occur.

After an emotional shock, strong tremors of the heart occur. Sometimes the body can withstand them, sometimes not. But according to statistics, no more than 5% of people die this way.

You can determine that a person has had a heart rupture by the following signs:

  • the frightened one instantly falls and loses consciousness;
  • after 35 minutes the neck swells, the veins on it thicken and protrude;
  • the body from head to torso gradually acquires a blue-violet color.

You can't help such a person anymore.


Occurs as a result of dysfunction of the speech apparatus. But first, the part of the brain responsible for this function is affected. In addition to disruption of the speech apparatus, the baby may stop developing. Most often this occurs in children of preschool and school age. This leads to the fact that the child may become withdrawn and consider himself different from others.

Speech defects in childhood and adolescence are often given too much attention, which makes the child feel ashamed of his problem and experience a feeling of embarrassment. He refuses to make contact with others, so as not to again hear ridicule or reproaches in his direction.

Danger for pregnant women

Doctors identify such a thing as intrauterine fright. Its essence: when the expectant mother gets scared, disruptions occur in the development of the baby’s nervous system, and it is formed incorrectly.

Due to severe emotional shocks, blood pressure increases, which can provoke placental abruption. This will negatively affect the baby's health.

The worst outcome is a miscarriage due to the fact that the pregnant girl was nervous. After which a diagnosis of infertility can be made.

Another danger of intrauterine fright is that from birth the baby is withdrawn into himself, unsociable, and protects himself from society. The most severe cases have the following consequences: a child is born with a diagnosis of autism, i.e., developmental delay.

And the woman who has given birth becomes very nervous, irritable, and overly emotional. This will negatively affect relationships with family, especially children and husband.


Sudden fear or stress leads to emotional shock, which can cause disruption of the speech apparatus. Then stuttering from fear or complete loss of speech occurs. Most often, this symptom manifests itself in children of preschool and primary school age. The reason for this may be unfair treatment of the child or excessive attention to children who began to talk early. Due to speech impairment, the child may withdraw into himself and refuse to make contact with others.

It is recommended to start treatment immediately after the first symptoms appear.

A speech therapist and neurologist will be able to select an individual treatment program for the disease specifically for your child. Stuttering cannot be cured in one session. The process will be lengthy. Correction of stuttering occurs through respiratory therapy, development of the vocal and articulatory departments. At the same time, it is necessary to visit a psychologist and try to help the child raise self-esteem. The healing process should take place during a time of emotional calm.

Fear of a child in the womb

Intrauterine fright is a consequence of mother's fright. This is where the name came from. A child who has received such stress in the womb may be born fearful after birth; he will be afraid of everything for no reason. This can manifest itself through isolation and self-doubt. The most severe form of fetal fright is autism, which manifests itself in children after birth.

How to remove fear from a child inside the womb? An expectant mother who has suffered a fright should immediately ask for water in three different houses and take three crosses from her relatives.

Light three candles, lower one cross into the water and read the “Our Father” prayer. Repeat with the remaining crosses. You need to wash your face and neck with holy water and take three sips. The remaining water should be poured outside.

You need to do this cleansing ritual for three days in a row to completely get rid of intrauterine fear.

Komarovsky's opinion on childhood fear

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that children who are surrounded by excessive attention or, conversely, left to their own devices, are most susceptible to fear. Overcontrol is just as harmful as neglecting a child.

Overly caring mothers and grandmothers instill in the baby their own anxieties and fears. The child grows up “in a vacuum”, separately from the world around him. When faced with natural manifestations of the environment, he does not know how to react to them. This causes severe stress and, as a result, neurosis.

If neglected, the opposite situation occurs. For full development, a child needs an adult who will ensure his psychological and physical safety. Under conditions of deprivation, children lag behind in development and are diagnosed with mental disorders. The child grows up anxious; any stressful situation can provoke neurosis, because he does not feel protected.

Fear during pregnancy

Among the people there is such a thing as intrauterine fright. The essence of this phenomenon is that due to the fear of a pregnant woman, her unborn baby may develop serious mental problems. Doctors advise protecting yourself from strong emotional shocks, especially negative ones. Due to the feeling of fear, blood pressure increases, and this can cause placental abruption, which is harmful for the baby.

Fright and its consequences can be very dangerous for both mother and baby. Intrauterine fright is dangerous because after birth the child becomes withdrawn and unsociable, and in the most severe cases suffers from autism. To protect against such risks, the mother is recommended to take sedatives: valerian or motherwort.

Symptoms and signs

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Mental disorders in a child in case of fright or night terror can be expressed by strong screams, hysterical crying and walking around the apartment in his sleep. This condition of the baby can be affected by his diet and the conditions in which he lives.

Frequent quarrels, scandals, an oppressive atmosphere in the family - all this affects the behavior and well-being of the baby and can lead to a nervous breakdown. Sleep disturbances, fear of the dark and fear of being alone at night, in the absence of other diseases, indicate that the child is experiencing a state of fear.

In this difficult situation, the baby, who already speaks independently, may begin to stutter and have difficulty pronouncing individual words and sounds.

Signs of fear may include:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • nightmares;
  • restless sleep behavior;
  • excessive excitability;
  • fear of darkness and loneliness;
  • the child cries in his sleep.

Gradually, the baby’s fears go away on their own, but it also happens that fear leads to severe nervous disorders, which inhibits the baby’s full development. Therefore, such situations must be approached very seriously.

Traditional methods

Another treatment method is traditional medicine. There are many conspiracies against fear. The most popular method is to pour wax onto water. Since ancient times, candles have been used to cleanse homes or remove negative energy with their help.

The pouring procedure is quite simple. You need to sit the sick person in the center of the room, melt about 500 grams of wax, take a container of water and pour the wax into it over the patient’s head. To improve the result, it is suggested to read a prayer. The patient will not immediately feel the relief of fear. This should take a short amount of time.

  • Arnica is suitable for the treatment of shock fright.
  • Belladonna is used for seizures.
  • Virginia jasmine is used for very emotional fears in children.
  • St. John's wort for shock.
  • Opium is prescribed for enuresis, fright or accident, the consequence of which is dizziness.
  • Black elderberry (black herb) is prescribed for very nervous and timid people who are afraid of another person.
  • White arsenic oxide is used for fear of death and nightmares.

Read a prayer for yourself

Despite the fact that adults are able to cope with most fears on their own, they often need the help of prayer. It is also suitable for teenagers, who often experience fear due to adolescence and lack of self-confidence.

The prayer below should be read by those who are baptized and sincerely believe in the help of holy powers.

In order to read the prayer text correctly, you will need 2 people at once. It is best if they are close relatives. Anyone who is scared should sit down on a chair in the center of the room. Another person needs to stand behind and try to “pull out” the fear through the following words of prayer:

“Fear and fear, run away from the eyes, run away from the legs, flow out of the hands. Leave your shoulders and stomach, joints, veins and chest. Get out of your head and never come back! Let go of the servant of God (name), do not fool his thoughts and do not cloud his head. Come out quickly, acute fear, prickly and very painful. And never come back again! Amen!"

The presented prayer should be read in the morning for a whole week. After each reading of the sacred words, the one who is frightened should take a shower in order to wash away all the fear. If you say words from the heart and sincerely believe in their fulfillment, help will definitely come. And get rid of the fear of getting rid of it.

Fright and fear

If we give an explanation of the concept of fear according to the theory of Sigmund Freud, then we can characterize it as a reaction to danger when a person was not ready for fear. This is why fear should not be confused with fear. Fear has nothing to do with the sensory sphere. This is not a feeling or an emotion, it is an innate reflex and is not necessarily accompanied by fear. Although the feeling of fear can be a consequence of fright.

Body reaction

The reaction to fear, accompanied by fear, manifests itself in the following forms:

  • flinch;
  • freezing in place (numbness);
  • dilated pupils;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pulling the head into the shoulders;
  • feeling of chills;
  • sweating;
  • loss of consciousness (in rare cases).

Using the fear reaction sometimes plays into the hands of the enemy. This is a very effective disarm. After all, a frightened person poses the least threat; it is easier to throw him into panic. Although such methods of influencing people can also lead to a reverse reaction, forcing them to resist, so to speak, to fight to the last.

In addition to the fear that follows fright, this reflex can have other emotions:

  • confusion;
  • panic;
  • sharp composure;
  • mobilization of forces;
  • anger;
  • aggression.

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