How to stop drinking beer every day: getting rid of beer addiction

In this article, I will present a specific plan on how to stop drinking beer every day . Let's avoid common phrases. I will give step-by-step instructions - exactly what you need to do to stop drinking beer once and for all.

Let me make a reservation right away: the article contains my personal opinion and my personal beliefs on the topic. And they may disagree with the opinion of the majority, but this does not mean at all that these beliefs are not true.

On the contrary, thanks to these principles, I myself stopped drinking beer every day. And at the moment I haven’t drunk for more than 3 years, although I’ve been pouring beer with a bang for more than 10 years almost every day.

I think this fact deserves you to read the article to the end and try to glean valuable information for yourself.

I also wrote about how to stop drinking beer in my other articles:

  • Beer alcoholism. Symptoms and signs
  • How to determine if you have a beer addiction?

And he even wrote a short book on how to stop drinking beer.

So, let's get straight to the point.

How to stop drinking beer every day. Instructions for action

Is beer a weak alcohol?

Many people justify their drinking by thinking that beer is a weak drink.
The fact that you drink beer and not vodka, for example, or cognac, does not in any way justify or protect you.

Just because beer is a low-alcohol drink does not mean that you cannot develop a strong alcohol addiction!

And the main reason why it is difficult to stop drinking beer every day is precisely because beer is considered to be a light drink. There is a false assumption that we cannot become dependent on beer.

Guys, beer really destroys the psyche. And your denial of this fact only makes it easier for this destruction to continue.

I discussed this issue in detail in another article The influence of alcohol on the nervous system and brain. I recommend reading it at your leisure.

Volume of beer consumed

Answer honestly: Personally, can you drink a glass of beer and stop?

Can you limit yourself to one bottle of beer and tell yourself “stop”?

I think the answer is no. I couldn't either.

It's all about quantity. We drink much more beer than other drinks: we drink liters of it. Therefore, beer can compete with any alcoholic drink in terms of developing addiction.

A person who sees 4% in beer and 40% in vodka forgets to multiply this by the volume of drink. I won’t do the arithmetic, do the math yourself, but I think the meaning is clear. The final figures will be comparable.

And 5 bottles of beer or 5 glasses of wine will be equivalent to half a bottle of vodka.

Awareness of this fact will make you think that it’s time to stop drinking beer every day.

Breaking down a beer binge at home

Most often, an insatiable craving for a foamy drink leads to a person drinking every day, that is, going on a beer binge. It is possible to get rid of beer addiction at home if you follow the plan:

  1. The most important thing is a person’s desire to stop drinking. Without this, no measures will help.
  2. It is necessary to reduce the amount of beer gradually - each next day, drink half as much as the previous day. Under no circumstances should you suddenly stop drinking alcohol; it is very dangerous to your health. The body, accustomed to receiving alcohol on a regular basis, suddenly deprived of its usual dose, may react with a sharp deterioration in well-being.
  3. The longer the breaks between drinking alcohol, the better. You need to show restraint and not drink the entire daily dose at once, but divide it into parts and consume it at intervals of 2-3 hours. During the day you should drink a lot of clean water, to which you can add lemon juice and a little honey. The liquid will partly help quench beer thirst, but most importantly it will help cleanse the body, flushing out toxins and alcohol residues.
  4. It is advisable to change the situation at least for a while.
  5. Gentle mode. It is very difficult for the body at this time, so you should not burden it with excessive physical or mental activity. Light films, reading, short walks - these are the things you should limit yourself to for a few days.
  6. Body support. Considering that the body has been exposed to the negative effects of alcohol for a long time, it now needs to recover. Vitamins and other beneficial substances can help with this. So, as soon as it gets a little better, you need to add a variety of “healthy” foods to the menu - vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, etc.
  7. Sedatives will help cope with periodic irritability and normalize sleep. It is good to brew tea with mint, valerian or lemon balm.

Quitting beer

These recommendations will greatly facilitate the process of breaking out of binge drinking and getting rid of beer addiction.

Master of excuses. Why do I drink beer?

There are many other excuses that prevent us from quitting beer every day.

If at one time there was a nomination “Master of Beer Excuses 2016”, I would definitely take first place in it.

How do you justify drinking beer every day?

Make your list of “ why I drink beer ” excuses and kill each excuse in your own head.

As long as there is at least one false benefit in your brain that you think you get from pouring a foamy drink, you will not be able to stop drinking beer every day.

This is what my list of excuses looked like.

TOP excuses. Why do I drink beer?

  1. Beer helps me relax
  2. Beer relaxes me and makes me happier
  3. Beer helps relieve stress after a working day,
  4. Have a fun time with friends with beer,
  5. The beer is delicious
  6. Beer is a very weak alcohol and cannot become addictive,
  7. I drink beer, not vodka, so I can’t have any problems,
  8. Beer makes me happy.

I gradually destroyed these excuses. This was not easy to do because they seem so righteous that it seems absurd to question them.

They seem like big pluses , and if you give them up, it seems like your life could become meaningless. But this is a mirage that creates fear in which we continue to believe.

Your own excuses for why you can't stop drinking beer every day serve as a powerful weapon that alcohol uses against you.

As long as you say, “This is not about me. I have no problem with beer,” alcohol continues to successfully capture your psyche abroad, cooler than Hitler with his Barbarossa plan. You and only you voluntarily open the doors to your fortress for him.

If you have moved at least one brick in your own beliefs, then continue reading. Then even more discoveries will come.

If not, it’s better to close the site; in your case, self-deception turned out to be much stronger than I expected.

The addiction control center is within us

Now you don’t choose how much and when you drink beer.

Addiction itself chooses when and in what quantity you drink beer. The psyche has long been controlled not by you, but by addiction.

I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.

The longer you deny your underlying problems caused by drinking beer, the harder it is to stop drinking beer.

You notice that in sobriety:

  • the colors of life are darkening,
  • there is an inexplicable constant fear,
  • feeling of anxiety,
  • it hinders your life activity.

The truth is not always pleasant, but it resonates with your soul. You understand that this is the fucking way it is. And maybe this is what made you look for the answer to the question, what’s going on with me? And how can you finally stop drinking beer every day?

I also recommend scrolling through the article How to Determine If You Have an Alcohol Dependence. To bring out your other false excuses.

Consequences of drinking beer

  1. The modern world leaves its mark on society. Today, advertising activities are quite widely developed. On TV they play videos of young people quenching their thirst and enjoying the tart aftertaste. As a result, the issue of refusing to drink the drink is becoming increasingly relevant. This feature is reinforced by the fact that marketers unanimously insist on the absolute harmlessness of the product. Of course, the comparison goes along with vodka or cognac, but the essence remains the same.
  2. Many people prefer to perceive this misconception as truth: “I would rather drink a bottle of beer than 50 grams. vodka! Not everyone thinks about the fact that in 2 liters. foamy drink (average dose for a large man) contains the same amount of ethyl alcohol as 0.5 liters. vodka. Initially, a person does not attach importance to his addiction, as a result of which the amount of beer drunk increases significantly each time.
  3. Experienced specialists conducted a study and found that addiction to beer develops 5 times faster than to vodka and other strong drinks. Because foam is achieved by fermenting the components, beer loses all its beneficial properties. Yes, it contains vitamin B, but to get the daily dose, you will have to drink about 8 liters. alcoholic drugs at one time.
  4. As a result of frequent drinking of beer, the heart muscle is depleted, and a lack of nutrients develops, in particular potassium. Ultimately, a person begins to experience disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the brain often suffers, and memory deteriorates. Excessive estrogen production has a detrimental effect not only on women's but also men's health.
  5. Hormonal imbalances affect potency in men, and many women develop infertility. This feature is achieved due to the fact that the body stops synthesizing hormones, receiving them from the outside. Due to the availability of beer in terms of pricing policy, people from different segments of the population get used to the drink, regardless of gender, age, or sexuality.

how to quickly quit smoking at home

The surprise that awaits you after you stop drinking beer every day

The second step is to learn to recognize the withdrawal symptoms that drinking beer causes. They make you drink again and again.

These symptoms begin to act with particular force only 4-7 days after you stop drinking beer. This delayed effect prevents you from seeing a direct connection between your bad mood and the fact that you drank beer 7 days ago.

The existence of such symptoms explains why a person who drinks beer cannot abstain for more than one or two weeks.

Even if, with incredible difficulty, you manage to hold out longer than this period, your psyche will still sooner or later force you to go to the store and buy beer again.

I wrote more in a separate article about withdrawal symptoms. This is a kind of instruction on how to remove withdrawal symptoms.


I recommend conducting an experiment to confirm this scientific nonsense.

  1. Try not drinking beer for a while;
  2. Soon you will see how your own psyche will force you to drink beer;
  3. You will be overtaken by a negative state of incredible strength;
  4. Drinking beer seems like the best solution;
  5. You will find a good reason to justify yourself and drink.

Only then, having convinced yourself of this, be sure to come back to find out what to do.

Recognizing the problem is an important step to stop drinking beer every day

Admit it, comrade, that you have lost control. Admit to yourself that addiction is controlling you. This is a necessary step towards further cleansing.

This is the only option that will help you stop drinking beer every day.

Having done this, you will see the enemy in the face.

And also:

  • Distinguish and recognize how addiction causes you to drink beer,
  • Recognize the inappropriate feelings that lead to drinking beer.

It sounds simple, but 96% of people attribute symptoms caused by addiction to external causes and circumstances. By making a fatal mistake, they continually return to their addiction again and again.

Arm yourself with knowledge.

The next step to quit drinking beer every day is that you need to arm yourself with knowledge.

Don't downplay the enemy.

You need to gain a whole arsenal of knowledge that will be your weapon in the fight against alcohol.

You must understand how alcohol addiction deceives you and does not allow you to stop drinking beer.

You must have your own effective techniques and know how to fight.

I recommend downloading my book “The Golden Guide to Sobriety”. I just recently completed it.

  1. Quitting drinking beer every day is the easiest thing to do

And in general, the very formulation of the question “How to stop drinking beer every day” is a little incorrect.

Because anyone can stop drinking beer.

But what's the point if, for example, you stop drinking beer for 1-2 weeks, and then relapse again? Why such ostentatious heroism without results?

The focus should be shifted to the goal “How not to start drinking beer after you quit?”

And for this you need:

  • learn to avoid relapse ( instructions here )
  • learn how to stay sober ( instructions here )
  1. How much beer can you drink per day? Is there a norm?

No - there is no acceptable norm for drinking beer. If there is, then it is equal to zero.

  • zero liters of beer a day,
  • zero liters per month,
  • zero liters of beer in my entire life.

Some recommendations for drinkers

  1. If you are extremely gambling, bet your loved ones a significant amount that you will stop drinking. This is a very significant motivation that will stimulate the process of weaning off beer.
  2. You can get yourself a piggy bank to put the money you usually spend on alcohol. With the money saved, and they are usually quite significant, you can treat yourself.
  3. It’s very good if you find a hobby, preferably active or even extreme. The adrenaline rush, vivid emotions and euphoria from one’s own courage far exceed the pleasure of beer. Don't forget to also add improved physical fitness and new acquaintances to the above.
  4. If the bottle was part of your evening news-watching ritual, try replacing it with fruit, seeds or vegetable snacks.
  5. Don't forget to praise yourself for your perseverance and willpower.
  6. Feel free to look into your future. After all, the decision to stop drinking will save a person from many diseases, moral degradation and loneliness. A person has the right to be proud of the choice he has made.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact a specialist (narcologist or psychologist). This is a responsible and courageous act in which there is nothing shameful.

Choose from all the recommendations the one that best suits your character. Good luck in overcoming addiction and stay healthy!


I don’t want to now destroy fictitious legends like “Doctors say that a glass of beer a day is good for you.” If you are accustomed to believing the prejudices of society, fables and gossip, driven like a granite stone into the opinions of the majority, we are not on the same path. I still hope your IQ level is high enough to independently distinguish folk fiction from the truth.

Therefore, you need to understand that you need to stop drinking beer every day completely and irrevocably.

I also recommend reading my previous article: Is it possible to drink in moderation? To finally destroy in your mind the false legends about moderate beer consumption.

Folk remedies in the treatment of beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism exists, its presence is difficult to deny. Moreover, it is no different from ordinary alcoholism. Therefore, it needs to be fought and treated.

Let's consider several folk recipes that allow you to overcome beer alcoholism.

A recipe that allows you to get rid of the desire to drink beer. Consists of mixing equal parts of plants such as:

  • St. John's wort,
  • angelica,
  • thyme,
  • juniper berries,
  • mint,
  • sagebrush,
  • yarrow.

Pour 3 cups of boiling water into the resulting mixture Then place the solution in a water bath . Cool the product and strain. Take 1 glass per day.

The recipe helps to get rid of addiction. Consists of mixed herbs :

  • marjoram,
  • bedstraw,
  • Dubrovnik,
  • valerian,
  • calendula,
  • hawthorn.

A tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Then cook for another 40 minutes. Let it brew and strain . Add 8 tbsp to the strained broth. l. honey _ Dosage – 100 g of decoction is taken 3 times a day before and after meals.

A drug that can cause aversion to alcoholic beverages. Consists of cognac infused in a warm place on birch buds and radiola . Use 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals 1 tbsp. l.

the composition of 1.5 liters of oat grains with water and cook for 1 hour after boiling. Then add 100 grams. calendula and leave for 12 hours. The dosage is 200 g. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

a collection of thyme , centaury and wormwood in a glass of boiling water for 2 hours . Strain the broth. Use when you feel the urge to drink. It is better to take the product before meals. Treatment period is 3 months.

It is impossible to list all the existing recipes aimed at combating alcoholism, but even those listed effectively help fight alcohol addiction.

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