How to stop degrading and start developing? Analysis of 10 excuses and 4 effective tips to get the ball rolling

What is personality degradation

It is generally accepted that human degradation is the gradual destruction of personality. We are social creatures and need the support of our own kind. At the same time, for the growth and development of personality, new knowledge, impressions, and events are needed. If we lose the opportunity to learn something new, we find ourselves in a limited world, and our needs are gradually narrowed to the most primitive. And aspirations and aspirations turn into a set of base instincts.

Personality is what distinguishes us from animals, and when it disappears, a person becomes a predator, a primitive mammal. He is only concerned about where to get food, but more often a dose, and sorts things out on an animal level.

The same applies to mating, sex becomes promiscuous, and partners become random. Control over actions is lost, the line between good and evil is erased. A person becomes capable of murder even without a reason.

Critical thinking disappears, as does the feeling of responsibility for one’s actions. A degraded person can be dangerous to others.

Sometimes degradation creeps up unnoticed and it can happen to anyone. It is so arranged by nature that acquiring new knowledge and skills also forms new neural connections in the brain, which contributes to its effective functioning. If interest in life is lost, due to apathy, depression or for another reason, there is a risk of becoming a degenerate. Of course, not like binge alcoholics and drug addicts, to a much lesser extent.

It has been noticed that even women who have been on maternity leave for a long time begin to degrade. Their interests are narrowed to the family circle, and new information concerns exclusively one area. If there is no diversity, we partially degrade as professionals in our field and lose valuable knowledge and skills. The same thing happens to pensioners. Leaving your job means unexpected freedom and time to occupy yourself with something. Production tasks are being replaced by TV series and alcohol.

In old age, the brain already loses some of its functions, and such “leisure” provokes its gradual decline. It has been noticed that people who are engaged in creativity and science (artists, designers, architects, scientists), even in extreme old age, maintain clarity of mind until the end of their lives and continue to develop, although according to the laws of nature it should happen differently. "Degradation" literally means moving backwards. There is no point of balance. We either move forward and develop, or we retreat and degrade.

Fighting methods

A person with degradation must realize his problem and try to change something in his life, change his attitude towards himself, change his priorities, attitudes, and worldview.

Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the consequences caused by personality degradation. Psychological assistance is mandatory, and the support of relatives is also important.

In addition to working on yourself, psychotherapy can be represented by:

  • hypnosis sessions;
  • group therapy;
  • cognitive behavioral therapy.

If this condition is a consequence of mental disorders affecting the brain, in particular the development of senile insanity, then the patient may be prescribed special drugs that maintain degradation at a certain level; atrophy is an irreversible process.

Causes of personality degradation

The reasons why a person degrades are different:

✔️ Loss of loved ones and forced loneliness. Regression most often strikes lonely people. A possible reason that serves as a trigger for moving backward is the absence of friends and relatives due to discord in relationships or due to their death. A person does not have the opportunity to “pour out his soul” and share his experiences, impressions, thoughts, and reasoning. He feels useless, which develops into indifference. Against the backdrop of a lonely existence, suicidal thoughts and depression appear.

✔️ The reasons for human degradation also lie in forced isolation from society. Loss of a job, layoff, retirement, imprisonment. A person excluded from society feels superfluous, dropped out of active life. Everyday habits lose relevance - there is no need to get up, wash, go to work, complete tasks, communicate with colleagues. Group life creates a feeling of fullness, and loneliness gives the impression of being lost. There is no goal, no incentive for development.

✔️ Apathy and inertia. Sometimes regression occurs due to character traits. A person prone to laziness and apathy does not want to strain and make efforts. Self-withdrawal and unwillingness to take responsibility is a short path to regression. Anything that requires effort - cleaning, cooking, minor repairs, hygiene procedures - is unworthy of the attention of a lazy person. Spending time idle leads to degradation. Such people often gain excess weight, become obese, and their circle of interests narrows to the sofa with a bottle of beer. Relaxation, which is beneficial for the mind and body in reasonable quantities, becomes an addiction and turns into a bad habit.

✔️ Low self-esteem and feelings of guilt can cause degradation. It happens that failures at work and in your personal life significantly undermine your sense of self-worth. Some people are able to withstand adversity and defeat serves as a springboard for them, while others can only give up and wallow in feelings of guilt and worthlessness. This leads to the gradual destruction of personality.

What is the reason for inaction?

There is an explanation for this desire to be where you are.

Dynamic balance

In nature there is such a thing as “dynamic equilibrium”. When a lot of effort is put into staying in place. That is, maintain balance.

Externally, the object is motionless, but titanic work is being done inside it. But there is no strength to move forward.

This is one option: when a person seems to be rushing about, wanting something, rushing to extremes.

  • He starts running in the morning and stops every other day because the weather is bad.
  • Leaves an unloved partner, but returns a week later, “because what would he/she do without me.”
  • He thinks about his own business, is tormented by this question, but sits in the office from 9 to 6, because “what if nothing works out?!”

When a person spends a lot of strength and energy on communicating with manipulators, on nurturing his own grievances, on “living in the past,” on everything that requires resources but does not bring anything positive. And there is no strength left to move forward.

Signs of human degradation

According to experts, there are some signs of personality degradation:

☑️ Reluctance to take responsibility for yourself, for your actions and for your own life. The so-called “pawn” psychology.

☑️ There is no need to engage in spiritual growth and intellectual development. Needs are limited to physical needs.

☑️ Such a person’s world is divided strictly into black and white, people into bad and good, their own and others.

☑️ Increased feeling of guilt. Painful self-criticism and excessive feelings of guilt can be a sign of regression.

☑️ A strict set of life rules, beyond which it is not possible. (Often observed among prisoners and those who consider themselves to be part of the AUE community).

What does personal degradation look like based on external signs:

☑️ Untidy appearance. Dirty hair, a body that has not been washed for a long time, a strong smell of sweat and dirt, unwashed and torn clothes are signs of the final stage. A person can wander the streets drunk, sleep on the road, without being ashamed of his appearance and repulsive behavior.

☑️ Loss of interest in life. Needs are narrowed down to food, drink and alcohol (drugs). The view of the world narrows to the size of a keyhole, nothing evokes emotions. The surroundings become insignificant, illusory and invisible.

☑️ Vocabulary is reduced to a few interjections, verbs and obscene language.

☑️ Shame and disgust are lost. Food from the trash becomes the norm, and the views of others, like those around them, do not exist.

☑️ Deterioration of memory, intelligence. Primitive reasoning.

☑️ Mental instability. Irritability, aggression, frivolity, tearfulness and other manifestations of unhealthy psychological reactions.

Characteristic symptoms

The first signs indicating degradation are inattention, grumpiness and selfishness.

Psychologist Maslow identified the main qualities that characterize a degraded personality:

  • presence of helplessness;
  • a person believes that nothing in life depends on his actions, he is only a pawn;
  • no goals, no aspirations;
  • basic needs for sleep, food, survival and physical comfort are maintained;
  • in rare cases, a person feels shame for his actions;
  • he divides all people into those close to him and considers them good, and into strangers who are definitely bad;
  • I am sure that only his opinion is correct;
  • in colloquial speech there are few adjectives responsible for the emotional sphere and fantasy;
  • does not enter into dialogues, as he considers it a useless exercise.

Alcohol degradation is quite common and destroys a person’s personality. Its characteristic symptoms include:

  • emotional instability;
  • strong touchiness;
  • angry outbursts followed by feelings of guilt;
  • tearfulness;
  • inability to realistically assess emerging difficulties.

Any degradation can develop sequentially:

  • the appearance deteriorates significantly, the person stops taking care of himself and does not maintain hygiene;
  • certain dependencies arise;
  • interest in life is gradually lost;
  • principles of morality are erased;
  • common sense is lost and base instincts take its place;
  • social contacts disappear;
  • the awareness of what is decent and what is not disappears.

How does personality degradation occur?

The process of personality degradation does not occur immediately. This takes time, sometimes years, and sometimes just months, depending on living conditions and the presence of the disease. The exception is those cases when, due to mechanical injury, a person loses part of the brain. Then personality degradation can occur simultaneously, along with memory loss and loss of some mental functions. This article is not about these cases; we are looking at the gradual loss of human appearance for various reasons.

Types of human degradation are usually divided into three types:

• Spiritual degradation; • Moral; • Mental regression of personality.

Spiritual degradation of personality

A spiritually degrading person is not necessarily a monk who has left the monastery, although some people think so. The spiritual world of a person should be rich and diverse. For some, religion becomes a support in life, for others, science. In any case, they fill life with experiences, impressions and provoke development. Even books, movies and sports fill the spiritual world of people. Any hobby aimed at gaining new knowledge contributes to progress.

When a person neglects to fill the inner world, it becomes impoverished and a gradual process of moving back to a primitive existence begins. Lack of hobbies, reluctance to think, inability to occupy oneself with something other than satisfying base needs leads to the disintegration of personality. It becomes primitive, thinking becomes flat, interest in life is lost.

Moral degradation of personality

The disease of all humanity in all ages is degradation in the moral sense. The decline of morals and licentiousness affect society as a whole and each person individually. When an individual crosses the boundary of what is permitted, he steps onto a shaky bridge leading to the animal world and even below.

Animals have no moral norms and rules; only one law works there - the desire to survive. People have certain moral principles and rules that allow human civilization to exist. Some of them are set out in stone tablets, religious Talmuds and other sources. Everything else is collected in the constitution of any country.

In everyday life, moral degradation is manifested by promiscuous behavior, promiscuity, and disregard for the feelings of others. On a large scale, it is more sophisticated in nature - people with power equate themselves to gods and easily transgress moral laws.

Although outwardly they look quite presentable and cause envy among ordinary people, the mechanism of degradation has already been launched in many of them. Power corrupts just like big money, if there is no inner core.

Mental degradation of personality

Occurs when a person loses mental stability. First, professional skills fade, then creativity suffers, and at the end of the path there is asocialization and loss of vital activity.

Irritability, loss of concentration on a specific task, partial memory loss can be warning signs of impending degradation.

At the same time, lack of will, carelessness and various kinds of dependence are intensifying. This disease affects people of different ages and social status.

Corruption as a factor of personality degradation

Organized crime, hiding under the guise of officials, is a powerful factor in personality distortion. It affects both those who give bribes and those who accept them. Unspoken rules that exist parallel to official legislation give rise to double standards and create the illusion of lawlessness, because any issue can be resolved with the help of money and the “right” connections.

From this state of affairs, moral principles suffer and social degradation occurs. People who give bribes gradually lose their sense of the boundaries of what is permitted, and those who accept such rewards for services become dependent. This is a kind of doping that affects the breakdown of personality in the same way as gambling, alcohol and drug addiction.

Personality degradation in alcoholism and drug addiction

Alcoholic personality degradation is the most common form of regression. It begins with a “harmless” passion for your favorite alcoholic drink, the taste of which causes pleasure. Then more and more reasons to drink appear, including minor, absurd and fictitious ones. Over time, addiction intensifies and becomes chronic.

Personality degradation in drug addiction develops in the form of the following manifestations:

✅ Reduced self-control;

✅ Increased irritability, aggression;

✅ Superficial thinking dominates;

✅ Fine and large motor skills are disrupted;

✅ A person loses social connections with his former environment;

✅ There is complete degradation of personality.

How to trick your brain and force yourself to do something?

For example, a person wants to improve their physical fitness and start running. But he can’t start right now, because there are a lot of reasons: he doesn’t have running shoes, he has them, but in the wrong color, the weather is bad, and so on.

As a result, he doesn't start at all. Running means straining. There is not enough motivation.

But if there is a beach season on the horizon, an affair with an interesting partner, some important event where you need to be in shape, motivation increases sharply. Because the difference between “want” and “have” has changed.

Personality degradation: examples from life

✔️ Examples of personality degradation can be observed quite often, and one of them is my neighbor across the wall. At one time, he was a boy from a not very prosperous, but still complete family that lived an ordinary life. An inquisitive and kind child strived for knowledge and tried to learn and develop. As a teenager, he came under the influence of his older brother, who had recently been released from prison.

From that moment on, the death sentence was signed, so to speak. He lost interest in studying and tried to follow the example of the authorities of the underworld. Parents died, they lived alone with their brother. As a result, the young man received his first sentence of 19 years, and upon returning home, six months later he closed himself off from the whole world. The eldest received a new sentence, and this young man found himself without funds, without electricity, water, but in his own apartment.

He has cut off contacts with his remaining relatives and acquaintances, and any attempt to help is met with aggression. He drives away the girl who was waiting for him and loved him. He eats from the trash heap and hates the whole world. At the same time, he makes no attempt to improve his life, although he is only 20 years old. In just a couple of years, he lost his human appearance and turned into a primitive primate, from which passersby shy away.

✔️ Another example is a retired friend who has always been distinguished by a heightened sense of responsibility. A specialist in his field, he worked extremely hard and was under constant stress. After work, I would drink a can or two of beer to relax. This happened for several years. After he decided to go on vacation, life lost its meaning.

Neither grandchildren, nor children, nor household chores caused a rush of adrenaline; everything except addiction lost its meaning and meaning. The lack of former responsibility led to the fact that the doses of alcohol began to increase. And he began to gradually descend. Domestic alcoholism had a detrimental effect on his personality. A serious illness saved the man from complete degradation. He had to abruptly stop his addiction, which also had a bad effect on his health. Now he is recovering as a person, but his health is irrevocably undermined.

What prevents a person from developing?

Fear of making mistakes

This is the disease of all perfectionists and high school students: “What if I do the wrong thing?”

In fact, mistakes are normal, without them nothing will work out at all.

Confirmation is the stories of outstanding personalities (remember Tesla, Ford, Jobs, Gates), for whom everything did not go smoothly and one failure followed another. But they did not give up - and still achieved their goal!

You can make mistakes, this is the only way to gain experience. The main thing is not to give up and try again. And don’t immediately set the bar too high for yourself, leaving no room for mistakes and imperfections. The path of development is a path of ups and downs.

How to stop personality degradation

To stop the process, you need to realize that it has begun. The brain strives to optimize its processes in order to save energy, and therefore, as we age, we choose increasingly simpler and more familiar things. Routine and habit drag you in with their well-worn rut. Curiosity and the desire to learn something new disappear.

Development is the formation of new neural connections, and this occurs especially intensively in childhood and adolescence. To stop regression, you need to “tread new paths,” make efforts and strive for new knowledge and skills. New books, new films, foods that have not been tried before, music that was previously ignored - all this is included in the recipe for age-related degradation.

Each of us has many abilities and they need to be developed. In your life you can do the following: learn to sing, master a craft, try different activities, make new acquaintances, visit places you have never been before. The birth of children, the appearance of a pet, a change of job - all these changes help to develop. Such actions will help you live to old age and maintain the freshness of the perception of an ordinary person.

Curiosity can overcome regression. The list of social tools can be endless, the main condition is not to stop developing and avoid harmful habits that destroy the brain at the chemical and physical level.

Alcohol and drugs not only affect the psyche, they disrupt life processes, becoming an integral part of metabolism. It is extremely difficult to stop the degradation of another person, especially if he himself does not want it. Specialists can help with this, but without his desire for development, all efforts will be useless.

Let's get started[edit]

So, you have definitely decided to degrade your brain and you are absolutely sure that you will succeed. Let's start simple:

  • Burn all the books you have CATASTROPHICALLY QUICKLY. Even any paper products with text on them will do. It looks something like this: aaaaaaaaakshrrrrrrzhpatschplhtsuprluibhuzklruimhtsklkkdibtsukzplkibukhzhzvalumpsadpuhihihtsvlphumbtszzvlpub


If you still haven’t figured out what text, letters and other heresy are, don’t worry (it doesn’t suit you), burn everything you don’t like!
Even books about degradation for... For... For dead ends!
Remember - Books for suckers, nerds, morons, losers, Jews, orphanages, small children, raped girls (sometimes boys), cretins, the mentally retarded, George Bush, klutzes, selyuks, assholes, forever angry and dissatisfied

. But you are a DEGENERATE! You are above this trash! Quotes from great people will support you:

  • Antoine De Saint-Exupéry “People, burn books!”
  • V. Lenin “Don’t read, don’t read and don’t read again!”
  • George Orwell “Ignorance is strength!”

Let’s summarize: how to start developing

What success is, everyone determines for themselves. But development is what everyone should strive for so as not to degrade.

This is a continuous struggle, and first of all, with yourself, but rather with your weak qualities that prevent you from living the life of your dreams.

Everyone has a choice. You can sit and whine about what a bad boss, low salary and what a brute your husband is. Or you can tear your butt off the sofa and start doing something.

What choice are you making?

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