Is it possible to cheat - the positive and negative aspects of cheating on your wife or girlfriend

What is temperament

It is a collection of opinions and attitudes towards various issues, as well as traits that affect all aspects of life. Through it, values, worldview, as well as approach and implementation of intentions are formed.

Etymologically, the ancient Greek word “χαρακτήρ” had a different interpretation; it was used to determine the unique signs of coins in minting and meant “sword, brand,” but over time it passed into the everyday lexicon with the meaning “trait, sign.”

In psychology, there are several interpretations of what character is. This:

  • certain, typical behavior;
  • a set of motives and methods of action;
  • reflection of the inner world in the outer.

The last definition seems interesting, it implies that a person is trying to find a balance, to adapt to the way society works, but he does it individually, not like others, because he is guided by his own worldview.

This leads to the main feature: temperament is always unique, no two people are completely identical, although there are similar ones. Therefore, it is customary in society to talk about “good” and “bad” character, although this only means that someone behaves inappropriately to generally accepted norms, which are based on the habitual behavior of the majority. Another social cliché is “characterless,” although a healthy person cannot have no temperament at all, he is simply soft and compliant. The desire to adapt to society and meet its expectations leads to individuals wondering how to change their character for the better.

The traits that are included in this set reflect a person’s attitude towards the following:

  • To people. They distinguish between introverts and extroverts, sociable and secretive, responsive, respectful, as well as suspicious, silent and even rude.
  • To work. They talk about hard workers (workaholics) and lazy people, proactive, ambitious and down-to-earth, passive people.
  • To yourself. These are selfish, egocentric, proud, proud and modest people. Self-esteem and self-respect are considered a positive quality - this is a healthy manifestation of self-esteem without vanity and without self-flagellation, victim syndrome.
  • To things. Such characteristic features can be called sloppiness and neatness, frugality.

In addition to these four groups, the attitude towards money and consumption (greed, stinginess, squandering) remains interesting; to the beloved (romanticism), to the Motherland (patriotism).

How is it formed and when is it not too late to improve your character?

There are features that can be called innate. Of course, people are not born with characteristic features, but there are physiological prerequisites for their development. For example, if a child’s brain is very active, they say that he grasps things quickly (on the fly), they note flexibility of thinking, and a desire for knowledge. There are, on the contrary, children who are thoughtful from birth - they usually do not fall or get into trouble from the very first steps, even if they started relatively late.

But the development of temperament is largely influenced by society. In childhood, these are first parents and relatives, then kindergarten teachers and peers, and in school years - teenagers and teachers. In most cases, behavior is copied, the baby learns the rules - what is possible and what is not. That is why it is so important what kind of example relatives set for the younger generation.

The most productive time for character development is the age from 2 to 10 years. During this period, the child’s mind is the most inquisitive, he is inclined to learn new things, but is still little adapted to thoughtful analysis, so to a greater extent the child simply repeats.

Daria Milai

Psychologist Daria Milai

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But it's never too late to change. The best conditions for change are a transition to a different environment. For example, moving, entering a university, changing jobs. This is not only communication with people, but also the complexities of the new environment. Here there are different “laws” and norms, here you need to adapt to the majority. Usually, when a person finds himself in such a place, he is partially cross-pollinated over time. If he does not have flexibility, then they say about him that he is principled, uncompromising, although this just means that he does not adapt to his environment.

Some traits also appear at a later age - after marriage and the birth of children. These are two important stages when you have to get rid of selfishness and pride. Usually there is patience, a certain tolerance for the feelings of loved ones.

Another mechanism for the emergence of characteristic features is the development of habits. This is how parents act when they first force them to brush their teeth, ears, and clear the table in the morning and evening, and then they note the cleanliness of a family member, since he has been performing his usual actions for a long time and now cannot live without them.

How to find out and change your destiny?

Can you trust astrologers, palmists, oracles?

It is impossible to find out fate using the combinatorics of any mantic system (astrology, tarot, runes). Of course, an impressionable person will be able to fit events into vague, generalized answers. But this is self-deception.

If a person does not believe in these systems, not a single horoscope and not a single fortune teller will ever predict his fate with an accuracy exceeding 50%. This is as much as reading social and hidden body signals can provide.

Without communicating with the client, the accuracy on a piece of paper will drop to 15-25%. There will remain common moments that, according to the theory of probability, all people experience. Unique events will slip by.

Therefore, astrologers and fortune tellers try to communicate. They are good psychologists and, filling the heads of the gullible, find out about their past and hang self-fulfilling prophecies.

Since his youth, the author communicated with astrologers and predictors of exceptional talents. Some are known in narrow (and some in wide) circles not only in our country. These are people who are considered phenomena. So, no one could predict my fate even in general terms! They later attributed it to the individual, but in those days no internal changes occurred.

Absolutely everyone was wrong in the most fundamental moments. They just didn't see them. And these are phenomena! And many believe newspaper forecasts.

How to find out your destiny?

Finding out and changing fate is possible only as a result of analyzing the past and adequately assessing the present. Moreover, the analysis of the past should not be limited to compiling a list of different situations and sighing over mistakes and missed opportunities.

We must understand that often it is not the events themselves that are important, but our attitude towards them. Not the elections themselves, but the reasons that prompted them. Changing your destiny requires high awareness. The reasons for most of the actions of an ordinary person are prosaic. Momentary desires and whims, laziness and conceit rule us completely.

I will repeat. Often what is important is not the events themselves, but our attitude towards them, not the elections themselves, but the reasons that prompted them.

Sometimes the choices that seem important to us, the actions that leave marks in our memory, actually mean nothing. We make a mountain out of a molehill and drag it along with us for the rest of our lives.

We make mountains out of molehills

Or, on the contrary, we pass, without looking back, past the only choice that can turn our lives around and make us a successful and happy person.

Why is this happening? Because the mind keeps in focus only the momentary, plus fantasies about the present and future, memories of the past. The rest is lost. I give examples.

You are walking down the street, immersed in your own sad thoughts about loneliness. You pass by a bus stop and don’t notice a girl following you with an interested look. But it is with this girl that you could be happy.

The fifth person in a week suggests you go somewhere. You brush off this ridiculous proposal. If I had gone, I would have met there a classmate who had become very rich and was in an excellent mood, turning over candidates for possible partners in his head.

Fortunately, I have an excellent tool for comprehensively analyzing my past and calculating favorable moments. Those very days and those very places. Look at the posts “Map of Life – Periods”, “Map of Life – Cycles”, “Map of Life – Algorithms of Fate”.

What is character made of?

If a son in childhood is similar in behavior to his father, then this is only 7% of genetic predisposition, and the rest is a repetition of habits. Children strive to be “like adults”; they choose the person who evokes the greatest respect in them. So they dream of the profession that their idol has, and learn the words they pronounce. But in the course of life, many factors affect each of us.


This is one of the most difficult processes and the more natural it is, the better the result. From childhood, the basics of social norms are instilled - etiquette, patriotism, love of animals and nature, respect for older people and everyone around in general. At the moment, an awareness of other people's boundaries is developing - you should not take toys from the sandbox, you should not hit, pinch or scratch.

But there are also insidious mistakes in the educational process. An excessive desire to protect against mistakes and guardianship can lead to learned helplessness syndrome. This is the name for the behavior of an adult who is afraid to change something, to start a new business, because in childhood he was told “You won’t succeed”, “You’ll quit anyway.” An overprotected boy, especially if he was raised in a female family without a father, can become very soft and easily offended. And a girl who was told that she should be an adult and independent can grow into a woman who does not possess feminine traits - gentleness, caring.

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Culture, religion, as well as living in a city or small town matter here. Usually values, views, and norms of behavior depend on this. Comparing an Eastern woman raised in Muslim traditions and a Western one, we observe a big difference in temperament. The way your character changes when you move does not mean that your fundamental views will be shaken.

Area of ​​interest and work

When choosing a job, some people want a mobile place - communication, travel, while others like numbers and solitude. The same goes for hobbies: a pedantic and meticulous person is more likely to engage in embroidery or collecting car models, while a quick-tempered, energetic person loves sports and extreme sports.

Finding new interests is one way to influence character. If you lack perseverance, you should start weaving with beads, putting together puzzles, and try your hand at knitting.

Also, when changing jobs or finding a hobby, your social circle changes, new people appear who you involuntarily want to imitate. But, unlike childhood, an adult is able to analyze what exactly attracts me to this person, what characteristics I do not yet possess.

Is it possible to change another person?

We all find ourselves in situations when we want to change the attitude of a loved one towards us or their behavior.

What do we do most often in such cases?

We are trying to influence him so that he changes. We explain, we ask, we demand, we manipulate. Sometimes things start to change, but usually not for long.

Why is this happening?

Real changes begin only when a person himself wants it. It is impossible to change another person without his desire. You can only change yourself, then there will be a chance that he will begin to change too.

For example, a husband and wife are accustomed to interacting in a certain way (the husband, coming home in the evening, rests, and the wife, having also worked all day, prepares dinner and washes the dishes after it). There comes a moment when the wife realizes that she is no longer satisfied with this.

But this does not mean that the husband also wants changes. He is quite comfortable, and he is not going to change anything. In this case, all the wife’s attempts to change the situation will cause his resistance, since a person does not change if he is in his comfort zone.

What should a wife do? Make the husband step out of his comfort zone so that he himself wants to reconsider the division of responsibilities. Resentment and complaints will not help here. The wife will have to change herself.

To begin with, it is important for her to realize that she herself created such a situation by agreeing to take on more responsibilities in the family than her husband, and he gladly accepted this decision. If we are willing to invest more into the relationship than our partner, then so be it.

Next, it is important for her to figure out why she is investing more? What's behind this?

  • Maybe that was the way it was in her family.
  • Perhaps this is her way of earning her husband's love.
  • It is possible that this is how her desire to be a good wife or fear of conflicts manifests itself.

Having dealt with her internal attitudes and her fears, she can begin to work with them. This will mean that she is changing. And having changed, she will find a way to no longer accept the existing situation.

For my husband, this will be a way out of his comfort zone. Previously, the wife may have grumbled, but she did it. This means that she agreed with this state of affairs. And now he doesn’t grumble, but he doesn’t want to do things the old way. This means that the situation has changed, and in order for the husband to enter the comfort zone again, he needs to start acting differently - that is, he will also have to change: for example, re-negotiate with his wife about the division of responsibilities.

We change other people through ourselves . That is why attempts to influence another person while remaining the same are doomed to failure.

There is another important path to change that I would like to talk about. If you want to change another person, accept him.

Let's figure out what this means?

For example, a wife wants her husband to give her gifts more often, but gifts are not his love language. His family showed love differently. For example, through caring.

  • If the wife cannot accept this in any way, then the husband will constantly feel that she wants to get from him what he is not ready to give her. He will perceive her expectations as violence, and his desire to give gifts may disappear completely.
  • If the wife can accept her husband for who he is and allow him to show his love the way he wants, then a miracle can happen. The husband, feeling that nothing more is expected of him and is grateful for everything he does, will want to show love to his wife and in the language that she understands most.

If we are accepted for who we are, we ourselves want to become better and do something good for the one who was able to accept us.

Another paradox. We sometimes continue to stay close to a person just because we do not accept him. Having accepted, we understand that we no longer want to be with him.

Accepting does not mean agreeing with something. Acceptance means recognizing that something exists and allowing it to be.

Why is it difficult to accept?

  • It is difficult for us to allow something to be that does not correspond to our ideas about life and our internal attitudes, because we are sure that it is our ideas and attitudes that are the most correct.
  • We resist accepting what will hurt us or force us to start changing something in our lives. It’s easier for us not to accept and try to change something, but not ourselves. By making painful attempts to influence a situation or another person, we often subconsciously protect ourselves from something even more difficult.

For example, while a woman does not accept that her husband is an addict, she may try to build a normal relationship with him, hoping that he will change. But it is impossible to build a normal relationship with a dependent man. If she accepts that he is an addict, that he is not going to change, then she will have to find the strength within herself to leave and start building her life without him. Her departure may also give her husband an impetus for changes.

We change situations and other people through acceptance.

All of the above applies not only to partnerships, but also to the relationships of relatives, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. If you don’t like something in the behavior of another person or in his attitude towards you, look for the reason in yourself , realize your share of responsibility in what is happening, and change yourself or your attitude towards the situation.

Then the other person will be able to change and take his step towards you.

Is it possible to change your character on your own?

Different people deal with change in different ways. Some are more susceptible to change, others less so. But in any case, you will need to do some serious work on yourself, which includes introspection and subsequent adjustment of behavior. Remember also that habits shape our qualities; often giving up smoking and alcohol or daily exercise can significantly change your life.

An effective way to solve the problem is to contact a specialist. Sign up for my consultation and I will help you understand yourself and give advice on adjusting your personality.

Why do people want to change their destiny?

The desire to change one's fate is common to most people. Some people are not satisfied with their financial situation, some people’s personal lives are not going well, while others’ health is failing. For example, people born into a dysfunctional family may want to turn away from a fatal path. They begin to struggle with the life circumstances in which they find themselves from the moment of birth, and form a personal, independently chosen destiny in accordance with internal ideas about happiness.

In addition, a change in fate implies the discovery of natural talents and abilities, the implementation of which makes a person happier and more prosperous.

Recommendations from psychologist Daria Milai: how you can change your character

Depending on the psychological type, individual programs are selected. But if you want to start making adjustments yourself, you need to follow these tips.

For the better

  • Weigh your pros and cons, do it as frankly as possible, left alone with yourself.
  • Find a reason to change. Is laziness stopping you from finding a job? Is it rude to start a love relationship? You need to motivate yourself, find a goal.
  • Read good books thoughtfully. The classics raised their generation on novels; they contain a large share of moralizing - evil and vices are usually ridiculed or punished, virtue triumphs.
  • Develop self-control. Restrain angry impulses and negative emotions. This will be very useful in life.
  • Seek help from friends and family, ask what traits they consider unnecessary or overdeveloped in you.

To a harder one

  • Discipline yourself. Set a goal and achieve it, get into the habit of running in the morning or drinking only one mug of coffee, start taking a contrast shower, if necessary, go on a diet or play sports.
  • Write down the qualities you want to see in yourself.
  • Be resistant to manipulation and provocation.
  • Try to smile - a positive outlook on the world helps you achieve your goals.
  • Fight your complexes and fears, most of them are a figment of your imagination.
  • Learn the word “No” and use it when it is beneficial. Enough with charity at work, delays, blockages and weekends spent there, defend your point of view and rights.
  • Love yourself. This is also the ability to express yourself. Only a woman who cares about her body, health, and moral satisfaction is able to feel genuine interest from the outside.

Can a person change his character beyond recognition?

If you need to not only correct the image, but also change it altogether, literally “start from scratch,” then you should act according to the recommendations:

Ask a question

  • Perform a personality analysis. We're confident you'll find traits worth keeping.
  • Accept all your pros and cons. Only after awareness will come the opportunity to change something. It's never too late to become new.
  • Look around. Is there someone in your circle you should look up to?
  • Visualize. Imagine yourself renewed - what are you like?
  • Change your environment: wardrobe, apartment, city, friends, work.

Plan to change fate

In order for the transformation of life to take place as quickly and easily as possible, you need to create a program of clear, consistent actions that will ease the path to your goal.

Free yourself from old attachments

Friendship, love and family ties connect people not only socially, but also in the energy field. Between them, peculiar “ropes” are formed through which energy circulates. In harmonious, balanced relationships, such attachments allow people to feel the warmth and support of a partner, and to be fueled by his energy in difficult situations.

Liberation from attachments.

But when the relationship has outlived its usefulness or one of the partners clearly abuses the energy of the other, such ties must be broken in order to accumulate one’s energy for building other social connections.

There are several ways to break energy bindings:

  • with the help of cosmoenergetics;
  • using bioenergy;
  • through magical techniques;
  • through working with a psychologist.

You can do this yourself. To do this, you need to allocate free time for yourself by turning off your phone, computer and TV. It is recommended to turn on calm music and light an incense stick as a background. All this will allow you to relax and immerse yourself in your own consciousness.

You need to mentally imagine a person with whom you should break the connection. It is necessary to realize and talk through all the reasons why the image of a partner constantly pops up in memory. You can tell a virtual friend about this, this will allow you to look at the relationship from the outside, throw out your emotions and free yourself from negative experiences. In the process of such work, it will become clear to which chakras the energy cords are attached. As soon as this becomes clear, you need to mentally break them apart.

To do this, it is recommended to mentally call your Guardian Angel for help and, armed with a golden knife, cut off the bindings at a distance of 30 cm from the physical body.

To achieve the best result, you should remove from visibility all objects associated with this person, if necessary, repay debts to him and reduce communication to a minimum.

Carrying out such work on oneself helps to forgive grievances, get rid of feelings of guilt, give up bad habits and other models of destructive behavior.

Find the meaning of life

In addition to building a step-by-step life strategy, to change your destiny, you should determine the main purpose of your existence. To do this, you need to answer the question: why do I live and what will I leave behind? Formulated answers can become motivation for deep personality transformations; they will launch internal energy processes that will find a positive reflection in life.

If a person has a dream about something good and good, he should try to fulfill it and make it a part of life.

Change your perception

Anyone who wants to change their destiny must think positively. Negative thoughts destroy personality, ruin social connections and become an obstacle to the implementation of any endeavors. Briefly, this postulate sounds like this: “Thoughts are material.”

An optimistic view of what is happening and ease of perception will give a powerful energy impulse that will immediately begin to cleanse and restore karma.

Take action

Complaining about your lot is a direct consequence of giving up your own desires. It should be remembered that happiness is impossible without personal pleasure, so you need to overcome the fear of judgment and pay attention to your own needs.

Psychologists are sure that the role of the victim is a life strategy of weak-spirited people. It is much easier to justify your misfortune by a coincidence of circumstances than to admit that it is only a consequence of your own cowardice, laziness and infantilism. It's never too late to pull yourself together and start living and acting.

It's never too late to change your life.

Know yourself and the world

Working on yourself is inextricably linked with obtaining new information about the world. Philosophy helps to understand the nature of things and phenomena, reveals the mechanisms of human interaction with the Universe. Palmistry, astrology, numerology allow us to understand the mystical aspects of existence and open the door to the mysterious world of energies. Psychology and sociology talk about how the inner world of an individual works and how it interacts with society.

Make time for spiritual practice

Spiritual practices open the way to self-improvement and harmony with oneself. With their help, practitioners correct their own state and tune themselves to the subtle vibrations of the divine sphere.

If you spend time reading prayers, mantras or meditation every day, you will soon see how much brighter and happier life has become.

Be grateful

A grateful person gives more than he demands in return. However, the Universe pleases him with good luck and prosperity. He is grateful for everything, even the most insignificant, does not skimp on kind words, comes to the rescue, helps out of any situation. Such a person gives gifts for no reason and thanks fate for his home, work and loved ones. Therefore, his family is always healthy, the house is filled with warmth and comfort, and his work brings not only prosperity, but also pleasure. The main thing is that everything must be done from the heart, and not in pursuit of personal gain.

Changing character: 5 steps to success

Follow the instructions step by step, each step should be completed with the utmost honesty and thoughtfulness.


You can keep a diary for several weeks, but write down not events, but the qualities that you showed in situations. For example: “Today I was too lazy to go to the gym” or “Because of my principles, I disagreed with a colleague, and we ruined the project due to my fault.” There should be a place for positive traits here, this is very important, for example: “I prepared cupcakes for work, a programmer from the neighboring department said that I was very economical and feminine, and invited me on a date.” After a month, you can write down all the qualities in two columns - pros and cons.

View from the outside

Look at a person who behaves in a similar way. It is usually easier to evaluate others than ourselves. Remember that the same can be said about you.

Role Model

Create a collective image - self-confidence, like your sister, cheerfulness, like your college friend. These can be acquaintances or famous personalities, idols.


Set yourself goals and achieve them. The habit is reinforced within three weeks - this is your minimum when self-control is tested. To make the task easier, you can encourage yourself or make a schedule, use a calendar.

Good deeds

There is no need to look for grandmothers with packages to carry them across the road. Every person needs a good attitude. Give compliments, offer all possible help. Set a goal for yourself to collect at least 10 thanks per day.


So, we have looked at today’s topic, “ Is it possible to cheat on your husband ?” Let’s pause the story with a test with which you can find out whether you will be able to restrain such an unfortunate desire or whether you are still polygamous. To make the result more accurate, we recommend answering truthfully.

1. Your professional life

2. What motto would you choose for your future with your husband?

3. If you have a fight, who goes first to restore the relationship?

4. If you fall in love, then this is...

5. What does he reproach you with?

6. Who initiated the creation of a family?

7. How did you like his relatives?

8. His professional life

9. What worries you about him?

If you have any questions, you can write them in the comments. We wish you all the best!

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