Tears of relief or why crying is good

Regardless of why you decide to cry, tears are a natural reaction of the body that promotes health. The next time tears flow from your eyes, think about how it can be for good.

Of course, tears are not a cure for diseases, and they will not help prolong youth. You cannot resort to this every day and for every reason. But if your soul is sad, or vice versa, your heart is filled with positive emotions, sometimes you don’t have to restrain yourself.

Experts told us what effect crying has on the human body, and why you shouldn’t forbid yourself to cry sometimes.

Tears affect your health

During crying, enzymes are released that are harmful to bacteria. Tears help remove toxins from the body. This is our body's natural defense mechanism against all those pesky germs that can be found in public places. Our immune system is designed to protect us, and it will take all necessary measures to prevent bacteria from entering.

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Ophthalmologists explain that tears are an ideal assistant if dust, liquid or small insects get into the eye. Don't be afraid to appear weak - just let the body's defenses do their job. Serious injuries to the organ of vision need to be dealt with by more radical methods, but the tears that appear, even in the event of damage to the eye, will help both the victim and the doctor.

So, 4 reasons why tears are not a sign of weakness

Tears mean you are not afraid of your emotions

This means you don't care what others think of you when they see you with tears in your eyes. This is a sign that you are brave enough to go deep within yourself, to face every part of your soul, including its darkest depths. This is a sign that you are not afraid to express yourself freely.

Tears help you cope with negative emotions

Trapped feelings lead to anger, frustration, and an inability to regulate your own emotional expression. However, many people choose to suppress their emotions and lock them away. Thus, such people will sooner or later explode and release all their emotions - not in the best way. This is another reason why tears are the best cleanser of all accumulated negative emotions in the soul.

Tears make you feel better

Plenty of studies have shown that crying not only helps you relax and let go of negativity, but also offers many more emotional benefits. It reduces the risk of developing certain diseases, helps you sleep, detoxifies and relieves stress, stimulates the release of harmful chemicals, fights bacteria (tears contain a liquid called lysozyme

) and improves vision.
Quite interesting, right?

Tears help cope with stress

Strong people are susceptible to stress, just like everyone else. When a person cries, stress hormones and special enzymes enter his blood. Crying is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation.

When you cry, you relieve stress. As a result, your body begins to relax. This is why you can feel relieved after crying. Many people intuitively feel this and claim that tears have a cleansing and liberating effect. Doctors completely agree with this formulation.

Tears help overcome grief

William Shakespeare also wrote that tears can reduce the depth of grief. Losing someone or something important is tragic. This feeling overwhelms you to such an extent that the only relief comes through tears and a tight hug from a close friend.

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We often hold back our tears to make others feel better, but this is not the best approach for us. Don't pretend to make others feel more comfortable. Empowerment is just the opposite: give free rein to your emotions and allow those around you to do the same, because tears can bring relief not only to you, but to everyone who shares your grief.

Focus on the fact that you need to survive this life moment. Crying can bring relief, and your tears can become your best friends who don't ask unnecessary questions, never judge or refuse help if you need it. Make them your allies if a bad streak has come in your life.

Is a tear a sign of weakness or strength?

But in fact, what are “tears”? It’s not just salty water that flows from the eyes?

Their most important function is the physiological cleansing of the eye from impurities. But in addition, they help not only to free yourself from accumulated emotions and suppressed energy, but also to reboot your perception and awaken sobriety of thought.

When children are told to stop crying, they learn to suppress their feelings. Boys are especially often forbidden to cry, as it is considered a sign of weakness. But in the end, when kids grow up, they have serious problems expressing sincere feelings, they worry that they will simply be misunderstood. In fact, only dead people do not cry.

In society, the attitude towards women's and men's tears is unequal. The tears that forgive a woman will not forgive a man. But this is just a stereotype. People do not realize that suppressing tears can lead to irreversible psychological problems. Let's try to figure it out.

1. Tears - release

It seems to me that tears should be treated more simply, because they cleanse the body. Obviously, extremes must be avoided. Holding back emotions is just as bad as not controlling their release. There are tears of joy, is this weakness? It's just how a person expresses his feelings. But if you cry over any little thing, it can be called tearfulness - it is really more characteristic of weak people.

2. Tears – powerlessness

Tears towards oneself are a release of hormones and emotions. In the end, it shows that you are a living person. Everyone wants to be loved, sometimes pitied, you want to feel like you’re a little child. This is quite natural and worthy of understanding.

3. Tears are the body’s protective reaction to stress and anxiety.

Everyone is crying. However, prejudices took their toll and eventually crying became indecent. Tears are just a reaction, and strength/weakness are abstract concepts invented by man. An abstract concept is a person’s judgment based on his attempts to understand the world. It is devoid of important details and is only a general template, but it is convenient to subsume all inconvenient objects and phenomena under it.

4. Tears – indifference, responsiveness

This is a sign of sincerity, a cry from the soul for help. No matter how strong a person is, as long as he lives and breathes, he will be weak and vulnerable. The ability to feel is a deficit of the 21st century. Many are ashamed, not understanding what gift they have been awarded, because this is a signal that his soul is still alive. Tears are a sign of mental pain, and both the weak and the strong are susceptible to it, but not the soulless!

5. Tears are pity

They pity those who are weak. By crying, a person extinguishes the negativity within himself, and if this turns into a habit, then you should think about your mental health (depression, blues) and consult a psychologist. When you feel sorry for yourself, you seem to involuntarily admit that you cannot achieve more and give up.

6. Strong tears - cleansing the soul

These are not tears from watching a melodrama. I don't consider tears a weakness. Sometimes they are simply necessary, as they bring relief.

There are also artificial tears. They are often public and aimed at manipulating others. And this is already an abomination. And in general, weakness or strength is up to you to decide. Perhaps this is a manifestation of strong weakness or weak strength?

Tears help you keep your emotions under control

Not everywhere and not always you can allow yourself to laugh heartily, sing loudly or cry. No one has canceled the norms of behavior. But to prevent your emotions from getting out of control at the most inopportune moment, you must sometimes give them free rein. In a situation where this is acceptable.

It has been scientifically proven that crying makes you feel better. The main thing is to understand that the problem is not the tears, but what made you shed them.

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Crying helps regulate the ebb and flow of emotions. Tears are important in order to overcome moments of intense passion without psychological trauma.

Therefore, if you are going through a difficult situation, you should not prohibit yourself from showing emotions. The psyche may one day fight back for such bullying. Therefore, every person who considers himself strong must accept the fact of the existence of certain biological, physiological and mental processes. Going against nature is stupidity, not a sign of strength.

Tears are a sign of character and self-confidence

Crying is a sign of strength, no matter what society says. It takes a truly strong inner core not to be afraid to show your vulnerability, tenderness and emotionality. A strong person knows how to empathize, to be imbued with someone else’s misfortune, to sympathize with the unfortunate, to be moved by the touching. There are many ways to prove your cool, but holding back tears when they are appropriate is not one of them.

Washington Irving wrote: “There is holiness in tears. They are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of all-consuming grief, deep contrition and inexpressible love.”

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The Power of Emotions

Emotions can inspire a person or push him to the edge of a bottomless abyss. A person who has experienced delight in something is capable of not only being in this state on his own, but also infecting those who live with him. From a psychological point of view, delight is a person’s ability to notice beauty in small things.

Experts in the field of psychology and psychiatry note that the energy received is transformed into the ability to see further and the desire to discover new things in order to again feel happiness inexpressible in words.

People who experience pleasure from reading a book, walking in the rain, or cleaning the house, and those who are capable of the rarest talent of seeing the positive in unpleasant situations and learning from them the lessons necessary for growth, are considered the happiest of all. They become the most successful, become leaders, become professionals in their field and, as a result, are in great demand in any field in which they are employed.

what is delight

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