How to rest properly to be productive

Stop what you're doing and get ready for a hike!

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TEST: Which vacation is right for you? If fatigue has become a constant companion, you simply need walks. Preferably in the forest. It turns out that if you wander through a pine forest for an hour, you can improve your performance and concentration by 25%. Don't neglect going out of town on weekends. And in general, try to make the weekend as eventful as possible. After all, the best vacation is a change of scenery. If the days are similar to each other or are busy with routine housework, they fly by. Try to spend at least one day out of two useless, but interesting. However, you shouldn't overdo it. If you are tired or nervous, there is no need to turn your weekend into a mini-vacation, which is accompanied by a long journey, packing things, booking a hotel room and other hassles. Sociological studies have shown that those who go on vacation for 2-3 days have a 17% increased risk of a heart attack and a 12% increased risk of a car accident compared to those who go on vacation for a week or more. So try to organize your leisure time closer to home.

Run - march!

On weekdays, when it is not possible to go outdoors or visit people, try to find time for sports. Just 20 minutes of energetic exercise accompanied by music will relieve stress after a working day and restore vigor. Scientists from the USA conducted an experiment in which people suffering from chronic fatigue took part. Volunteers were forced to exercise for half an hour every other day. After just six training sessions, most of them noted that apathy had receded. But classes must be regular. Those who skipped going to the gym did not experience a positive effect.

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The truth is not in the wine

Many people believe that the best way to relax after a hard day at work is to drink a couple of glasses of wine or a glass or two of something stronger. Alas, this is not true. Alcohol does not relieve stress, but makes it even worse. Scientists have found that drinking in a state of nervous tension is extremely harmful. It turns out that negative emotions can reduce the effect of alcohol, therefore, in order to achieve a slight relaxing intoxication, someone who is experiencing nervous overload has to drink more than his calm drinking companion. Moreover, alcohol slows down the body's production of the hormone cortisol, which helps counter the effects of stress and adequately respond to unpleasant events.

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So, if you need to relieve stress, don't reach for the bottle. Better drink a glass of plain water. It turns out that if the body lacks fluid, the brain begins to lack oxygen and nutrients. Even in the midst of a busy workday, find time for a glass of mineral water or a cup of tea.

Why do you need rest?

Rest plays an important role in restoring your ability to work. Here are its main functions:

  • Relieving physical fatigue. During work, even if we just sit at the table, the level of energy substances (ATP and glycogen) is depleted in muscle tissue and breakdown products of lactic acid accumulate. It is with these processes that weakness and other unpleasant feelings that we experience during physical fatigue are associated. Rest allows you to bring ATP and glycogen back to normal, as well as remove lactic acid breakdown products from the body.
  • Relieving mental fatigue. Mental fatigue occurs mainly due to the fact that the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition is disturbed in the cerebral cortex. Roughly speaking, we “strain” the same parts of the brain, which is why they begin to work worse. Rest helps relieve strong sources of excitement and brings the brain back into working condition.
  • Reduced stress levels. Work, especially one involving self-force, is inevitably accompanied by stress. During rest, the cortisol (stress hormone) curve gradually returns to normal levels.

Also, proper rest normalizes blood circulation (which is especially important during sedentary work) and restores other indicators of the body.

Regime object

Try to maintain a daily routine. Go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends. After all, if you go to bed late on Saturday and sleep until lunch on Sunday, the next week will definitely start with a lack of sleep.

At work, also try to adhere to a certain schedule. For example, it is useful to dedicate the beginning of the day to simple current affairs; this will help you get into a working mood. It’s good if, when planning your schedule, you take into account your biorhythms. For example, if you are a “morning person”, it is better to do the most important and difficult tasks in the first half of the day, but for “night owls” it is easier to complete a difficult task after lunch.

Just don’t leave important matters until very late in the evening. Firstly, something could go wrong and you will be forced to work until the night. And secondly, it may prevent you from falling asleep. After you have done something difficult, it is unlikely that you will be able to calm down immediately - nervous tension will persist for some time.

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A change of activity is the best rest

November 22, 2020

Not everyone knows how to rest properly; this art needs to be learned. For what? When you try to relax for your own benefit, you will notice how quickly your strength is restored, your ability to work increases, and your mood improves.

With a conscious approach to free time, your life will become more interesting and richer, tension and apathy will go away. Learn how to rest properly and start putting these tips into practice today.

Rest homeopathic

Every schoolchild, student and office worker knows that it is necessary to take breaks during work, and very few people follow this golden rule. Preferring to sit at the computer “until you’re blue in the face” until a project or coursework is completed, and then relaxing, playing games or watching movies all on the same computer, you are harming your health. Every 1-1.5 hours you need to take a break for 15 minutes: get up from your chair, walk, bend forward and to the sides, and relieve tension.

There is no need to discuss work with colleagues or answer phone calls during a break - switch gears for a while and think about something pleasant. If weather conditions permit, spend some time outside and get some fresh air. By taking such seemingly insignificant breaks, you prevent overwork and increase your performance.

The best rest is a change of activity

Psychologists advise choosing leisure activities that are the opposite of what you usually do. Let's say, if you work in an office where most employees suffer from lack of exercise, then you need to actively rest. On weekends or after work, get out into the fresh air, ride a bike, play paintball or tennis. For those who engage in intellectual work, the best results will come from rest associated with physical exercise.

If you can’t go out into nature or at least to a park, go for a run around the neighborhood in the evening, go to the gym, or at least walk for 1.5 hours at an average or fast pace. Those whose work can be described as physical need to rest for the benefit of the mind - read books, play intellectual games, study something, for example, English.

Rest on time

On time - that means not when you collapse from overexertion or fall asleep on the move, but when you feel the first signs of fatigue. If you know you still have a lot to do today and your energy is already leaving you, take a half-hour or hour break. Drink ginger tea, go for a walk, read a magazine, or do yoga. Then return to your planned activities with fresh energy.

In order for tips on how to properly rest to work for you, you need to get enough sleep. Healthy sleep is a prerequisite for proper rest. If you have insomnia from overexertion, 20-30 minutes before bed, take a shower or a warm bath, drink an infusion of chamomile or linden flowers, and put a couple of drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow. Everyone's sleep norm is individual, it can be 5 hours or 9, but for everyone it is important to go to bed and get up at the same time every day - this is the key to regular and carefree sleep.

If in moments of fatigue you feel the urge to collapse on the sofa with a bag of chips and turn on the TV, remember what you read today, get over yourself and go for a walk. Only such rest will help restore strength and relieve stress, and passive rest with a lot of junk food will only lead to the appearance of extra pounds. Be healthy!


Nutrition education

Proper nutrition is one of the ways to combat fatigue and stress. Don't ignore breakfast - it turns out that eating in the morning helps not only cope with hunger pangs during the day, but also improves performance. Experts have found that those who are used to having a full breakfast make 30% fewer mistakes during the day compared to those who are content with only a cup of coffee in the morning.

Another commandment that all office workers must follow: never eat at their desk. Find at least half an hour for lunch in a cafe! Firstly, it will help you switch gears and give your brain a rest, secondly, it’s a short walk, but still a walk, and thirdly, it’s easy to eat more than you need in front of a computer monitor. After all, it’s not easy for the brain to simultaneously pick up signals of saturation and read text on the screen. And overeating is known to cause drowsiness and apathy.

When going out for lunch, avoid fast food establishments. Indulging in fast food can cause stress and depression. It's all about the abundance of harmful trans fats, which not only increase the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and waist size, but also have a depressing effect on the psyche.

How to rest properly: 6 ways


But let's start about sleep. Because nowadays people are so busy at work that they often neglect it. Therefore, if you are one of those people who constantly lacks sleep, then you should start with good sleep. I think everyone knows that you need to get enough sleep and sleep as much as you need, and not 8 or 9 hours, which everyone is talking about. You also need to properly prepare for bed.

Change of activity

You can often hear that rest is a change in activity. And it’s not in vain that our brain quickly gets tired from constant concentration. A new activity will quickly return him to his usual state. Such a vacation can be called the best when things are opposite. If you work at a computer all day, the best rest would be a walk or exercise.

Active activity

Active activity is the best restActive activity is the best rest
As I already said, most often we get tired mentally, so the best way out of this situation is active activity. Walking, warming up, jogging and any sport will help you cope with fatigue perfectly.

Total relaxation

But if you belong to that percentage of people who work with physical labor, then the best rest for you will be complete relaxation of the body. And lying on the couch doesn’t count here. The best rest for the body would be a massage, a bath or sauna, or yoga and meditation.

Short and constant breaks from work

Instead of pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion every working day, it's easier to think about your condition in advance. This way, you can take short and continuous breaks while working. Just get up from your desk and do a little warm-up, give your eyes a break from the computer and walk a little. If you are not yet familiar with the Pomodoro technique, you can start with it, and then choose the work and rest schedule that suits you.

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