Gratitude journal: how to keep it correctly to attract love, wealth and happiness

What are the benefits of keeping a Gratitude Journal?

The Gratitude Diary is one of the accessible, free and easy tools for improving your perception of life and your psychological state. So simple and effective that most people are skeptical about it. But in vain, because the benefits of this practice have been scientifically proven.

A growing body of research confirms that joy, gratitude and humor enrich our lives and strengthen our immune systems.

“Things that make us happy. For example, Gratitude: 94% of people who talk about three good things that happened to them every day feel a significant reduction in depression after 15 days. People who systematically express their gratitude feel happier and more energetic. Jim Lauer "The Happiness Strategy"

Keeping a daily Gratitude Journal is literally therapeutic. Helps get out of stress. Triggers the production of oxytocin. And you can verify this from your own experience. All you need is a notepad and pen and 15 minutes of time. Moreover, you can take notes at any time of the day, and even in notes on your smartphone.

Who needs to lead it?

A journal of luck and success is a must-have for people with low self-esteem. It records all the achievements of a person for a certain period. Subsequently, he notices that in small steps he is approaching his desires and is able to achieve success.

A gratitude diary will help the following categories of people realize their intellectual potential:

  • housewives;
  • businessmen;
  • creative people;
  • entrepreneurs, etc.

For people with mental disorders and deep depression, keeping a success diary is an excellent way to heal. This action is a preventive measure for burnout syndrome.


A success diary will help housewives avoid emotional burnout

Rules for keeping a Gratitude Diary.

A diary can be either an ordinary notebook or a diary. The main thing is that the notebook you choose is pleasant to you, and you want to write your daily gratitude lists in it.

It is important to write by hand - just thinking is not enough. When we write, we are more focused on execution - the visual channels of perception, the movement of hands and fingers are involved - the effect of practice increases.

Write down notes regularly and at least 10 points of gratitude at a time.

gratitude journal

Rules for keeping a Diary:

  1. Write at least 5-10 thanks every day or one page in a notebook. More is possible, but not less.
  2. Every sentence begins with the word “Thank you.”
  3. You should write in detail - what exactly you are grateful for, indicating the reasons for your gratitude.
  4. After writing the list, we read it, preferably out loud, and after each item we say “Thank you” three times, this enhances the effect!
  5. We celebrate the positive changes in life that will soon begin to happen to you - big and small joyful accidents!
  6. We remember - what we focus on increases. Therefore, we do not thank you for illnesses, problems and other troubles! (Read a special article about how to properly thank for life lessons)

It's important to write from the heart and from the soul —something you actually feel more grateful for. After all, it is precisely this kind of heartfelt Gratitude that will improve your life.

You can track the correctness of execution by feeling happy - this is the main sign that you are doing everything right!

What to expect

Recording your successes and achievements is especially important for women. For them it is an inexhaustible source of vital energy. You can look at the diary at any time. This should be done especially during times of stress or depression.

The benefit of journaling is commitment. A person commits himself to doing at least 5 successful, useful things every day. This is a great motivation to become better.

The diary disciplines. Especially if it contains dates in advance. This forces me to journal daily. Blank, unfilled pages will demotivate, irritate and force you to mentally return to that day and take notes.

Thanks to the journal, a person learns to plan his day, week, month. He learns the principles of time management and self-management, acquires the skills of analyzing and systematizing large amounts of information.

Other benefits of keeping a success log:

  1. Self-confidence increases every day. The realization comes that a person can become better and even achieve global goals over a certain period of time.
  2. Creative thinking develops. To make a diary interesting and varied, the entries must be different. The same news can be described in different ways. Design is also important. Positive drawings, affirmations, and funny pictures add novelty and individuality to the magazine.
  3. Enthusiasm appears. This is especially important for people with SEV who have lost interest in life. Noticing even small progress, a person wants to get higher and better results. He is inspired, full of strength and energy.
  4. Organized. To record positive moments and other events, you need to force yourself to journal every day. It will be very difficult at first. Various reasons and excuses will appear. But over time, organization skills will improve, and a person will get rid of laziness.

A person is in control of his life. By reviewing previous records, he sees what is still missing to achieve goals or what area requires more attention.

Learn to take positives from failures. Let them temper you and make you stronger, and not force you to give up and give up on your dreams. You only need to move forward!

Additional Recommendation

From personal practice, I recommend that you sum up the results - the most vivid gratitude for the best events:

  • once a week;
  • once a month;
  • once a quarter;
  • once a year.

Why is this necessary?

The fact is that our subconscious is naturally programmed to focus on the negative (perceived danger) in order to protect us from possible threats. Our lives have changed significantly since the times of the cavemen, but this function has remained. That is why it is worth making extra efforts to direct the energy of your attention to positive events in life and not devalue the good things that happen in everyday life.

It is convenient to summarize by looking through the entries for the week and choosing those gratitudes for which you feel especially grateful.

Main topics for gratitude

There are a great many topics for gratitude. However, for most people, it is a difficult task to find 10 reasons to be grateful every day. Therefore, I offer you a list of topics for gratitude to help you. You can read more about them in additional articles.

Gratitude on a variety of life topics:

  • thank yourself for being in this World and for who you are;
  • thank your family and friends for all the good things they do for you and for having each other;
  • thank the people you met during the day - for all the good things that meeting them brought you;
  • thank the objects around you for the benefits they bring to you and for the fact that you have them:
  • thank you for the blessings of life that you have - for the roof over your head, for the financial income that you have, for food and clothing;
  • thank you for all the good things that made you happy today and gave you a smile;
  • thank the world around you - nature, water, the area in which you live, and the Universe itself;
  • give thanks for the new day of your life, for Life itself.

know how to appreciate

Learn to appreciate all the good things that exist in your daily life right now. After all, we often begin to appreciate all this only when we lose it.

Recording Success: A Practical Exercise

success record

Make a list containing at least ten items that you recognize as your merits, which, in your opinion, will help in fulfilling your desire.

First example , you go on a date and are very nervous...

Make a list of your past achievements in the love field:

  • The opposite sex usually likes me.
  • I look great with this tan.
  • I have very tasty perfume.
  • My last girlfriend fell in love with me at first sight.
  • Everyone praises this dress, I’m sure he will be delighted too.
  • I'm very sweet and attentive.
  • I know how to behave like a gentleman.
  • Girls used to tell me that I was handsome and handsome.

Second example, you are going for an interview.

Make a list containing at least ten points that you recognize as your merits, which, in your opinion, will help you achieve your goal.

How to find a job using the power of thought? Answer in video

For example, when trying to get a job as a sales manager, you can make a list of qualities that would be useful to you in this job and, therefore, set you apart from other candidates for this job.

Your list might look like this:

  • I am friendly.
  • I know how to communicate with people.
  • People love me.
  • I know how to work with people.
  • I'm a born salesman.
  • I did a great job at my previous job.
  • I know how to convince people.
  • I'm talented.
  • I dress tastefully and look good.
  • I'm organized.
  • I work a lot.
  • I achieve my goals.

On topic: Make a wish to have your dream job

Nothing succeeds like success

, and you have already succeeded in many areas.

The more you feel the energy emanating from these previous victories, the more success you attract from the outside.

So make lists like this. Nourish your brain. Work energetically. Live actively. Never belittle your merits.

Never stop believing in yourself. Don't wait for manna from heaven - start creating, as John Lennon said, “the future from today.”

Keeping a Gratitude Journal

One of the most common questions I get asked is: What to do with the Gratitude Journal after it's full? It’s good if you have the opportunity to save Gratitude Diaries, because this is a storehouse of your joyful life events that will help lift your spirits, inspire and support you in difficult times.

However, if you can’t store them, don’t worry. The energy of Gratitude is not in the Diary, it is within you. A diary is just a tool. Therefore, you can burn it with gratitude for the help that it brought you, or destroy it in another way accessible and acceptable to you.

Let's sum it up

If you keep a success diary regularly, over time you will notice not only faster achievement of goals, but also your own personal development. A success diary helps a person learn from his mistakes or positive events in life. It gives us a feeling of joy, teaches us to be lenient about failures in life and appreciate every positive moment. The diary helps you develop self-confidence and your own abilities, because you visually monitor your achievements.

A notebook with your successes will perfectly motivate and improve your mood every day. As soon as you open it in a bad mood and read a couple of pages, the world will immediately appear in a completely different light, bright, full of new discoveries and achievements.

Thank you for your attention! I wish you development and prosperity!

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