Bioenergy – Therapeutic Practice. Review of Methods

The entire world around us is permeated with constantly moving energy flows. Energy exchange occurs between all living and nonliving formations in the Universe through radiation and absorption of energy. Man, as an integral part of the Universe, is constantly among information flows, without noticing it. In order to perceive the weak information component of the world, a person needs to disconnect from the influences caused by his own senses and tune in to the perception of subtle bioenergy. This is reminiscent of tuning a radio receiver against interference. Only by disconnecting from extraneous influences can you enter the information flow . In the same way, when perceiving information from a diseased organ, one must take into account that human bioenergy connects all organs with each other through the channel-chakra system.

How to develop human bioenergy

The human body can be compared to a vessel in which energy is collected.
And he can either accumulate it or lose it. When doing some kind of work, a person spends physical strength. But the same thing happens with its bioenergy. Over time, it becomes depleted, and this happens especially quickly after various types of stress. Restoring bioenergy is simply necessary for a person if he wants to feel good. For this, there are special exercises and meditations, which, by the way, help in the regeneration of energy vampirism.

It's no secret that there are people who literally draw strength from those around them. In their presence, you begin to feel weak and apathetic, and the desire to take any action disappears. These are energy vampires. However, their life is not at all as comfortable as it might seem at first glance. Often their own field has gaping “holes” through which energy flows out in a wide stream. This happens due to illness, irritability or simply bad character. And “vampires” have to replenish their own strength at the expense of others.

It would seem like an easy option for recharging, but in reality not everything is so rosy. The bioenergy of such a person constantly needs fresh infusions, that is, he needs to be in search of “food” day and night. There is always a chance to meet a person who is ready to stand up for himself. Besides, who really wants to live the life of a parasite?

Bioenergy and human energy need to be regularly looked after. It's not as difficult as it seems: just do the following exercise every day for 10 minutes.

Find the position in which you feel most relaxed. Accept it, warm the palms of your hands and begin to move them along your body. In places where there are diseased organs, hold your hands and warm the skin with them. Clockwise circular movements will help here. The process should be enjoyable. During the exercise, try to think only about pleasant things, banishing all other thoughts.

In general, human bioenergy as a phenomenon has so far been poorly studied, and there are simply no answers to some questions. Therefore, advice: if necessary, resort to your own intuition - perhaps it will tell you the right direction to move.

Recommendations for working with someone else's biofield

A person with strong bioenergy is able to independently fruitfully influence the aura of other people. Competent influence on the human energy field allows you to effectively treat a wide range of diseases, since the biofield is closely related to the internal energy of the subtle body, which determines physical health.

Tips for working independently with human bioenergy will help beginners.

  1. Sit opposite a person with a weak biofield. Take a comfortable position, relax. Together, under your control, repeat several practices to strengthen the aura.
  2. Rub your hands together and focus on concentrating your own energy.
  3. Think about transferring your energy into your hands.
  4. By touching the hands of a sick person so that the energy strengthens his aura. If there are problems with specific areas of the biofield, energy is transferred to the corresponding areas: for example, if you have stomach pain, put your hands on your stomach.

It is worth remembering that interaction with a weak human biofield requires a lot of energy consumption. When starting work on your own, you need to be confident in your abilities, otherwise the practices will lead to negative consequences for your own health and well-being.

Human bioenergy: treatment

Treatment of various ailments with the help of bioenergy has been known since ancient times. Even today there are tribes who trust only this kind of medicine and no other. In addition, similar energy therapy exists in yoga, tantra and other eastern practices.

Every person from his very birth has three types of biofield. If any organ in the body is affected, then one of the fields is modified. It is by these transformations that people who engage in bioenergetic treatment can determine the developed illness.

This is done with the hands at a short distance from the body, the picture is formed thanks to the healer’s high sensitivity to biofields at the level of tactile sensations. Such people can feel tingling, warmth or cold, some even know how to distinguish the patient’s aura.

Treatment is carried out by controlling human bioenergy. To do this, the healer directs his own energy to the diseased organ. As a result, the patient experiences a qualitative jump in energy for some time, and the healer experiences a decrease in energy.

In principle, such a method of therapy is available to everyone if they regularly engage in a specially designed system of exercises.

Today, many manuals on human bioenergy are being published, with the help of which you can learn to restore your own field. People, without knowing it, throw away their energy to no avail, instead of trying to heal themselves, and perhaps those around them.

The essence of human bioenergy is that, if desired and skillful, one can accumulate force and then direct it to the diseased organ. Such therapy copes remarkably well with ailments such as radiculitis and migraines, various inflammations and tumors. With the correct use of bioenergy, endocrine diseases, strokes, paralysis and many other diseases cannot resist it.

Bioenergetic treatment is not a myth, and it is based on the relationship between the physical and energetic components of the body.

Real healers have a good sense of a person’s bioenergetic aura and its color palettes, and can easily determine whether the biofield is disturbed.

If a patient has an energetically weak area of ​​the body, then transferring part of the strength from the healer to it leads to an increase in the body’s defenses. When the energy density, on the contrary, is too high, then energy dissipation is necessary. This cleanses the chakras, which, in turn, has the most beneficial effect on the diseased organ.

Chakra system

  1. Muladhara. This chakra is located at the top of the coccyx and has the shape of a triangle, with the base facing upward. According to the teachings of yoga, the Kundalini snake sleeps here, coiled into three and a half turns. Huge bioenergy is concentrated here, and when it awakens, a person’s abilities increase unlimitedly. This chakra has four poles and its color is red. Muladhara is responsible for the physical body, for the instinct of self-preservation, accumulated bioenergy is stored in it. Muladhara determines the functioning of the small pelvis (except for the genital organs) and is associated with the hematopoietic system.
  2. Svadhisthana. This chakra is located approximately midway between the pubic bone and the navel. Has six poles. Its color is orange. Responsible for the etheric body, it produces human bioenergy. Svadhisthana determines the emotional sphere of a person, his mood. Responsible for sexual function, the condition of the genital organs, procreation, for the humoral regulation of metabolic processes, supplies energy to the endocrine glands and large intestine.
  3. Manipura. Located in the solar plexus area, it has ten poles (or petals). Its color is yellow. Manipura is responsible for the astral body. Distributes bioenergy among the chakras. It is the center of the Ego, power, dominance, aggression. The Manipura chakra supplies the liver, stomach, small intestine, and eyes.
  4. Anahata. It is located behind the sternum between the nipples, has twelve poles, and its energy is green. Anahata is responsible for earthly love for a specific person. Distributes energy across all overlying chakras and throughout the body supplies the heart, thymus gland, lungs, and respiratory system with bioenergy, the sense of touch depends on it.
  5. Vishuddha. Located in the neck area. Has sixteen poles. Her color is blue. Vishuddha is the center of universal love, a generator of feelings. Ensures the passage of energy flows through a person. The energy supply to the thyroid gland and larynx, hearing and voice depend on it.
  6. Ajna. Located between the eyes, just above the eyebrows. Responsible for the intuitive beginning of a person, his formation as a personality. Here the lower thinking principle arises. Color - blue.
  7. Sahasrara. Located on the top of the head, in the center of the cranial vault. Represents the highest self of a person, the highest thinking principle, the connection of a person with the cosmos. Color: purple.

Read similar: Colors of human chakras and their meaning

The influence of essential oils on human bioenergy

Essential oils are invaluable assistants in bioenergetic healing. Moreover, each of them acts in its own way.

  • Anise.

Helps awaken the true essence of a person, makes thoughts more “comfortable”. Countersacts the emergence of anger and envy. Symbolizes delicacy and general goodwill.

  • Orange is bitter.

It is a symbol of energetic leadership, responsible for nobility and glory.

  • Orange is sweet.

It is very useful for human bioenergy, as it enhances charm and optimism, and makes you believe in your own strength. Helps the aura to be charged with goodness and absorb positive emotions. Indispensable after serious illnesses and nervous stress. Satisfies the need for sympathy. In psychotherapy it is used as a remedy against nervousness and sadness, anxiety and lack of self-control.

  • Basil.

Helps fight complexes. A person begins to evaluate himself objectively and becomes more confident in his own abilities.

  • Hit.

It “darns” the aura after heavy losses and helps to overcome grief. It increases not only the bioenergy density of the aura, but also the overall immunity of the body.

  • Bergamot.

The effect on human bioenergy is to increase the brightness of the aura. Promotes creativity and cognition. Helps deal with obstacles. Protects against aggressive energy of large crowds of people. Makes the fight against nicotine addiction less tough.

  • Valerian.

Alleviates everyday problems, makes you forget about petty fuss and a tendency to external effects. Helps you go deeper into yourself and find peace. Cleanses chakras.

  • Vanilla.

Useful if you want not only to listen, but also to hear your interlocutor. Helps to take his place. Makes family energy more harmonious.

  • Lemon verbena.

In the human bioenergy system, it is responsible for good luck. Helps to act fairly in difficult situations. Gives you the opportunity to correct mistakes.

  • Vetiver.

Activates sublime thoughts, encourages you to act nobly and selflessly - and get pleasure from it. Affects the chakras responsible for politeness, a pleasant voice and oratory. The aura from vetiver becomes golden.

  • Gardenia.

It is a symbol of love and peace, happiness and harmony.

  • Carnation.

Useful for human bioenergy as a remedy for hysteria. Passion for external effects redirects to self-improvement. Makes the aura more dense, which allows you to protect yourself both from energy vampires and simply from evil and envious people. Helps to quickly recover from operations, illnesses and injuries.

  • Geranium.

It turns a person away from self-destruction, helps in the fight against an inferiority complex, and teaches not to depend on the opinions of others. Helps restore bioenergy after an unpleasant conversation or a not too serious loss. It has the most favorable effect on an honest assessment of actions and motives. With the help of geranium, the aura returns to its ideal shape.

  • Hibiscus.

Gives love, promotes successful fortune telling.

  • Grapefruit.

It has a fairly large impact on human bioenergy. In particular, it forces people to treat you objectively, promotes success in work and communication - through psychology. It successfully fights depression in the morning, makes you enjoy life and take an active interest in it. Good as a “vaccination” against all sorts of doubts. Inspires and gives slight euphoria.

  • Oregano.

Eliminates defects in human bioenergy that are associated with irritability, impulsiveness and irascibility - emotions that can lead to the commission of unseemly acts. Promotes quick and high-quality “work on mistakes.”

  • Spruce.

Clears the mind of vanity and empty thoughts. Helps in the matter of internal self-knowledge. Teaches you to accept loneliness and even enjoy it, using this time to improve yourself as a person.

  • Jasmine.

Human bioenergy owes jasmine to the development of clairvoyance. This oil enhances dexterity and gives prudence, cleanses the aura. Gives love, solves financial issues. It becomes easier for a person to dive into the Astral.

  • Ylang-ylang.

This essence attracts love, as well as positive world energy. Ylang-ylang is able to “repair” a person’s bioenergetic shell and develop high chakras.

  • Ginger.

Thanks to ginger, a person becomes whole and firm in decisions. With the help of this oil it is easier to restore the aura after contact with negative energy, operations, illnesses and injuries. Ginger guides you to the true path in love, and also removes unnecessary excess energy.

  • Hyssop.

It not only cleanses human bioenergy, but also makes it fresher. Does not allow stagnant processes in the aura. “Works” in the most positive way on charm and sociability. Responsible for life experience.

  • Kayaput.

It is an excellent shield against envious and unkind people. After contact with bad energy, it quickly restores the aura. Cleans bioenergy channels and enhances their conductivity, improves immunity. Redistributes excess energy, forcing strong chakras to share with weaker ones.

  • Atlas cedar.

Strengthens and restores human bioenergy, makes the aura denser. Helps restore strength after illness or severe nervous tension. Directs thoughts and actions towards nobility. Fights damage and the eye, bestows confidence and determination. “Solve” financial issues.

  • Cypress.

Like kayaput, it is a wonderful shield for human bioenergy. If people around are unkind, cypress is able to close the most vulnerable chakras from their emotions. Instantly senses an energy vampire and prevents the selection of vital force, making the shell protection uniform and dense.

  • Cinnamon.

Working with the aura, it warms it and promotes the rapid restoration of bioenergy. Helps you leave failures behind and move on by developing appropriate target impulses. Makes a person believe in his own strength, begin to respect himself and become more optimistic. Painting the personality in bright colors, making it more humane, helps to find love. Builds relationships with the opposite sex and brings a person closer to the Cosmos.

  • Lavender.

It is extremely important for human bioenergy, as it not only provides complete energetic relaxation, but also promotes the resorption of scars on the aura. Helps you to know your “I” and quickly restore strength. Fights initial aggression and cures envy. Useful for meditation.

  • Incense.

Incense as a means of fumigation has been known since ancient times and is extremely beneficial for human bioenergy. The aroma of incense is good for meditating, studying your own “I,” feeling all the beauty of the world and entering a state of nirvana. With the help of this essence, the bioenergy field is able to more strongly resist negativity and receive more cosmic energy, which can subsequently be transferred to loved ones. Using incense makes it easier to find love and start a family. He knows how to redistribute energy, returning flows of power to its original owner, that is, it cures vampirism. Thanks to this essential oil, a person’s faith and strength are significantly strengthened. Incense also prevents one from making unnecessarily hasty assessments of both the people around them and the events taking place. Successfully fights ugly impulses. It has a good effect on the aura, brightening it and enhancing human bioenergy. It can close an energy breakdown without any problems.

  • Lemongrass.

Directs all efforts to protect bioenergy from evil and unkind people. Able to determine not only the energetic essence of conversation partners, but also their possible lies. Repels failure and points to what is worth striving for.

  • Lemon.

Responsible for adapting to everything new: people, surroundings, etc. With its help, possible losses are perceived philosophically. Encourages creative actions of the individual - both in work and in love and family. It shelters a person’s bioenergy and makes it possible to meditate even among a large crowd of people.

  • Schisandra chinensis.

Another protector of the aura, it nullifies hatred, envy and other aggressive bioenergy coming from outside. Schisandra is so good that it will protect you almost always and everywhere, preventing it from getting dirty even in the underworld. It has the most positive effect on the energy of the individual, significantly strengthening it and allowing you to achieve your goals. Just like lemongrass, it “detects” unscrupulous interlocutors and their auras. Outlines what you need to strive for. And at the same time he puts warning signs on those roads where it is better not to go.

  • Marjoram.

In bioenergetic terms, it allows you to clear your consciousness of initially incorrect attitudes. Able to rehabilitate a person in a short time after bereavement, severe grief or serious troubles. Helps you feel the taste for life again and slowly solve the tasks you have set for yourself.

  • Mandarin.

Feeds the sick aura, restores human bioenergy. The newfound peace and tranquility in the soul is also his merit. If you scent the air with tangerine oil, it will make even the most restless children calm down a little.

  • Melissa.

Protects bioenergy from outside interference. Helps get rid of old energy tails and prevents the formation of new ones. Makes a person an optimist and attracts good luck. Stops breakdowns in the aura, helps in regulating energy.

  • Myrrh.

With its help, the aura is brightened and leveled, and bioenergy improves. Mirra encourages love and helps to gain dignity. Provides assistance in understanding the people around us – their motives and mistakes. Fights biased self-esteem. In combination with meditation it is simply magnificent.

  • Myrtle.

Awakens spirituality, resists damage and the evil eye, protects human bioenergy. Sanctifies, heals and helps to meditate.

  • Juniper.

The loyalty and integrity of a person as an individual depends on it. Myrtle does not accept lies and easily recognizes them. It is a shield for the bioenergy shell from manifestations of aggression from the outside. In difficult situations, indicates a worthy way out. With the help of myrtle, bilious people stop destroying themselves with inward irritation. Helps to gain authority through good manners and generosity.

  • Carrot.

In bioenergetics, it is responsible for the development of internal vision.

  • Nutmeg.

Promotes high-quality meditation, restores impaired human bioenergy. Sets you up for completing assigned tasks, as well as for patience in matters of love and family. It develops intuition in teenagers, which can protect them from bad influences. Gives spiritual justice.

  • Peppermint.

It has a beneficial effect on bioenergy, constantly renewing it. Helps close people understand each other better. If a person is constantly tense and expects problems to arise, mint will calm him down. She is good at treating illnesses and prevents her from projecting “black holes” into her own life.

  • Naioli.

Does not allow dark energy to harm human bioenergy. Relieves irritation and anger. Teaches you to understand and accept the stubbornness inherent in older people, and the possible oddities of everyone else. There is an opinion that a thing on which naioli oil is applied will never be lost, will not fail and will serve its owner for a very long time.

  • Neroli.

From a bioenergetic point of view, it helps a person become more attractive to others, look dignified and elegant. Does not allow low motives, eliminates envy. Using neroli oil during meditation, you can quickly forget about material problems and merge with the spiritual world.

  • Palmarosa.

With its help, they improve mood and, if necessary, calm down. Useful for relieving stress and tension, recommended for nervous diseases. Promotes self-confidence.

  • Patchouli.

Protects human bioenergy from the development of vampirism. Helps to understand a complex situation using both analytical methods and intuition. Makes you feel the whole range of goodness and love. Makes the higher chakras stronger.

  • Petitgrain.

Allows you to always remain young at heart. Makes the movement of subtle energies more harmonious. Makes the chakras and mental centers work more intensively, cleanses the nerve channels. The task of this essential oil is to prevent a person from changing his own “I”. No matter what obstacles you encounter along the way, this is a life experience that allows you to move on. Protects against any addiction, even if a decision has been made to try something. Extremely useful for human bioenergy.

  • Fir.

Thanks to it, a person can lead the simplest life without problems - if that is the case. Helps to quickly solve tasks, which means it saves time. Due to the effect of fir on human bioenergy, consciousness becomes brighter and more receptive. Fir helps you become an optimist and rejoice in the successes of other people, teaches patience and perseverance.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Very useful not only bioenergetically, but also physically. Fir contains many substances beneficial to the body. Its oil is used to treat diseases of the respiratory and urinary tract. It relieves fatigue and relieves pain in the extremities for colds and flu. Used before a massage to warm muscles and relieve rheumatic pain. Makes metabolic processes in the body proceed more harmoniously.

  • Rose.

The energy of sadness, anger and disappointment is redirected to self-improvement and development of the ability to correctly assess the difficulties that have arisen. Rose oil completely harmonizes human bioenergy. Due to the fact that the aura becomes bright and even, those around you almost instantly show sympathy. This is also facilitated by friendly and unobtrusive behavior.

  • Rosemary.

It has a good effect on human bioenergy, revitalizing the aura and strengthening the immune system. Stimulates human activity, makes you take an interest in life again. It has the most beneficial effect on the progress of the heart chakra, making intuition and the psychological component more developed.

  • Pink tree.

To make a responsible decision, you need spiritual and mental peace. The rose tree can provide just that. It also helps to relax under stress, relieves bad thoughts and, with the help of bioenergy, destroys psychological barriers.

  • Chamomile.

Also very useful for bioenergy. Destroys the inferiority complex. If difficulties arise in life, it helps to cope with them. It prevents you from becoming embittered and depressed.

  • Sandalwood.

It has a good effect on human bioenergy, restoring the aura and making the protective layer denser. Focused on creativity and talent development. Does not allow rash actions. Good for meditation.

  • Pine.

With surgical precision, it removes spots of negative energy from the aura and eliminates stagnation in bioenergy. With its help, the aura begins to breathe more freely, and an influx of new strength appears. Sandalwood helps to quickly recover from stress, teaches you to perceive troubles philosophically, and gives optimism.

  • Thyme (thyme).

A good help for human bioenergy, enhancing the brightness and glow of the aura. Destroys the internal destructive mechanisms under its outer shell. Responsible for the willingness to make decisions and willpower.

The work of thyme is directed against timidity and vanity, commercialism, snobbery and processes of self-destruction. He also uproots greed, anger and envy, nonsense, narrow-mindedness and selfishness. He strives with all his might to ensure that a person’s thoughts and feelings flow smoothly and calmly. It can help get rid of everything unnecessary: ​​for example, force you to make a decision to break up with an unloved person. Does not like groundless fantasies, preferring the harsh and at the same time sublime Reality. Thyme teaches that thought is material. And the more light energy it contains, the greater the chances that it will come true.

  • Thuja.

Protecting human bioenergy, it quickly heals scars on the aura. Helps lovers to understand each other better. Focused on overcoming difficulties, treating illnesses and achieving success on the path of life.

  • Yarrow.

Another guardian of bioenergy, protecting the aura from internal damage, external aggression and vampirism. Responsible for a person’s self-esteem and peace of mind.

  • Fennel.

Does not allow misconceptions to take up space in your head for a long time. The same applies to incorrect assessments and biased conclusions. Teaches you to accept the truth as it is.

  • Violet.

A fan of wisdom and luck, healing and love.

  • Citronella.

Plays the role of a bell, the purpose of which is to scare away evil spirits. Protects human bioenergy and does not allow ill-wishers to harm over trifles. Eliminates the “neighborly gaze” syndrome. Helps in personal activities, which has the most positive effect on spiritual development and material well-being. Our ancestors believed that anyone who wanted to harm the owners of the house simply would not be able to cross the threshold if it was sprinkled with citronella oil. On the contrary, this person will become physically ill due to suffocation, colic and dizziness. Warriors used this oil to gain invulnerability.

  • Tea tree.

Wrong life attitudes provoke the appearance of energy “tumors”. Tea tree not only gets rid of them, but also restores the aura, its density, shape and symmetry. The biofield above your head protects best. Blocks negativity coming from the environment. Has a beneficial effect on human bioenergy.

  • Clary sage.

Well heals the aura damaged as a result of deception or infidelity. Promotes the process of personal self-expression.

  • Eucalyptus.

Helps return bioenergy to a normal state after experiencing stress, illness or curse. Promotes longevity by increasing the amount of energy required for this. To reduce the intensity of passions during an argument, it is recommended to spray eucalyptus oil in the room.

Human bioenergy: exercises

Even people who do not believe in bioenergy, after regularly performing certain exercises, will be able to see how real this phenomenon is.

  1. Make sure the room is calm. Choose the most comfortable place and sit there. Start rubbing your palms together. Do this for a quarter of a minute, then move them apart by 20 cm. It’s time to use your imagination. Try to imagine how the air between your palms gradually thickens, becomes tangible, even heavy. Happened? As soon as you feel that the space between your hands has become literally tangible, spread your palms a little - and immediately bring them back. You will feel how a certain ball has appeared between them - albeit invisible, but warm. This will be the manifestation of a person’s bioenergy, or rather his hands.
  2. This exercise is designed to be performed daily for a week. Disconnect from everything external and try to relax. Concentrate on your right hand, try to imagine how it feels warm, heavy, or tingling. Your brain must perceive this bioenergetic push. Happened? Now take your right foot and do the same. Become aware of the sensations transmitted from the foot. Now it’s the turn of the leg part to the knee, then to the thigh. As soon as you finish with the right side of the body, do the same manipulations with the left - in the same sequence. After completing each such exercise to develop bioenergy, exit the state of concentration correctly. To do this, take a deep breath three times and release all sensations at once.
  3. Focus on your left leg. Monitor the flow of bioenergetic impulses first from the foot, then from the calf and finally from the thigh. Repeat this part of the exercise for three days. For the next three days, receive bioenergetic signals from both legs at once - but also in parts. This can be achieved by concentrating alternately on one leg and then on the other, doing it quickly. The pulses should be perceived over a period of two minutes or so.
  4. This exercise for the development of human bioenergy is performed in a lying position. Place your arms along your body with your palms facing the floor. Start reading signals from them, from each part of the hand in order: from the palm, pre-elbow joint, forearm and shoulder. On the first day you work in this way with your left hand, on the second day with your right, on the third with both at the same time.
  5. The first day, catch bioenergy impulses from your feet, the second - from your hands. In both cases, everything is done in parts. On the third, fifth and sixth days, get together and read the signals from your hands and feet simultaneously, but not in parts, but as a whole. On the seventh day, receive warmth from your right hand.
  6. This is a preparatory exercise before the full development of human bioenergy. Try to concentrate on your whole body for three days in a row. On the fourth, fifth and sixth days, gradually move your line of attention, starting from your feet and ending with your head (you don’t need to use it yourself). Then do everything in reverse order. The duration of each wave is approximately two minutes.
  7. Take a relaxed position and try to concentrate on your whole body. Imagine how your right palm becomes warmer. Make this heat increase sharply and begin to move up your arm to your shoulder. Move it further across your chest to your left shoulder and down to your palm. Eventually let it come down from your fingertips. Such a bioenergetic exercise may not work right away. In this case, practice with one hand first. Such classes are designed for a week.
  8. To begin this exercise, place your hands on your knees or lower them along your body. Mentally imagine the heat on one hand and transfer it to the other, then in the reverse order. This must be done for three days at least five times per session. For the next three days, “heat” both hands from palms to shoulders, then remove the heat. To do this, you need to exhale slowly and “push” the heat away from you.
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