How to improve your life? Setting goals and achieving them

When setting personal goals it's important to take stock of where we are. This applies to all areas of life.

Perhaps you have no problems in terms of finances, but while achieving material well-being, your personal life has suffered. Or family relationships are established and predictable, but there has been no romance in them for a long time.

The main source of goals for the year

Before setting personal goals, everyone must honestly evaluate where they failed and where they succeeded. It is possible to move forward after the assessment has been completed. Knowing yourself is the main source of goals for the next year or long-term period.

Knowing yourself is the source of goals for the next year

Many people want to work for themselves. Therefore, you need to know yourself first, you need to get honest information. This is a very important item, but there is no assistant nearby. No one teaches, but how does it feel to learn about yourself?

  • What do you really know about yourself?
  • What is important to know about yourself?
  • What makes us run away from ourselves?

There is no set method , process or strategy for self-discovery. Knowledge is achieved only by trial and error. It is ineffective, often painful and expensive. But no one has ever been you in this world.

It will take a lot of time to study yourself. But this investment is worth it. Knowing a lot of information about yourself will make it easier, faster and better for you to make decisions about the lifestyle you want.

Knowing yourself allows you to use your energy much more effectively, because your habits are consistent with your goals . Greater awareness of oneself gives greater confidence in making one’s decisions and greater variability in them.

One of the effective ways of self-knowledge is to perform various self-development exercises and experiment on yourself. Use these methods when choosing goals for the next year of your life.


Take the trip you've always dreamed of and explore this place thoroughly. At the same time, you pay for everything yourself. This way you will determine whether you can meet your social need to understand the world.

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Exercise 10 goals from Brian Tracy - for the naive

Exercise 10 goals from Brian Tracy - for the naive

Brian Tracy is a renowned consultant and self-development coach. His typical exercise goes like this: “write down a goal, make a plan, take action.” No one would ever think of doing that :)

Usually his stories are related to some American university with an incomprehensible study [1], then he voices his “expert” thoughts and gives primitive recommendations. Brief example:

Brian Tracy on the 10 Goals Method:

You need to write down 10 of your goals in life for the coming year. If you could only achieve one goal, what would it be? Make a plan, lists of future obstacles, required skills and knowledge.

They say the 10 goals technique is “simply amazing.” Sometimes people achieved 5 goals in a week.

The sight of a Macaque with a banana near the volcano is simply amazing!
The sight of a Macaque with a banana near the volcano is simply amazing!

Brian Tracy gives exercises for primitive people for primitive purposes. A little personal experience in goal setting will show you all the “expertise” of it.

This method is suitable for purposes like: “wash socks”, “call mom”, “finally take out the beer bottles”. So, of course, you can achieve even 7 out of 10 goals in a week. And for the rest of the “next year”, collect new bottles and hide dirty socks.

If you don’t have experience planning your personal life, you need to urgently develop it so as not to remain a naive victim of “experts.”

Rocking principle

Achieving life goals should never bring discomfort. Of course, you can do something for some time that brings only stress, but in this case it will be extremely difficult to overcome the feeling of your own laziness, because the body always strives to rest, and not to do boring or hard work. Therefore, you can deceive yourself with the phrase “I will do this for 10 minutes.” During work, the brain is activated and focuses only on the process of achieving the goal. Even if after 10 minutes of training you are not interested, 10 minutes is still better than nothing.

why make a plan

Also try to always keep the following thought in your head: “My actions will lead to additional opportunities in the next year (month).” Such motivation will allow you not to give up even in the most difficult situations, because you will have an incentive to work on yourself every day - “Today I don’t work, tomorrow I don’t progress. There is no progress – there is degradation.”

Personal life planning experience

The main reason most people don't set goals is the lack of experience in achieving them . They didn’t teach me at school, my mom and dad didn’t tell me. Business coaches force you to set goals, but they have developed a persistent habit of resisting development.

Then personal growth “experts” appear with magical techniques that give amazing results. And all this without leaving the computer. They can say whatever they want, because their listeners will not check a word or complete the exercises. They won't do anything. And the “expert” will become an expert.

Personal growth sorcerer
Personal growth sorcerer

Lack of confidence in their strengths and abilities makes people only talk about their goals and never write them down. It's safer to forget your goals than to see untouched lists. Living with goals is not safe for a weak psyche.

The experience of planning your personal life will help you organize it, give you a sense of your strength and strengthen your self-confidence. Planning your personal life is the best way to increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

Why you need a long-term plan

Every person has 24 hours in a day. But everyone uses them differently. What one person can accomplish in this time, another cannot accomplish even in a week. The point is the correct distribution of resources: effort and time. One will view life as a long-term project that requires attention, while the other will simply live for today, thinking little about their future, without making any plans.

Of course, the results obtained will vary. No one wants to be a failure, mired in a routine of meaningless tasks, with zero contribution to the future. Life planning is relevant for those who want to achieve a lot, are ready to work hard and treat this with full responsibility. As they say, success is determined not by lofty and beautiful initial dreams, but by the real results of what has been achieved.

Proper structuring is designed to create an optimal to-do list, a general vector of life that will allow you to determine your values. This approach does not at all exclude rest; on the contrary, sometimes it forces you to relax, even if you don’t want to, but there is a need for it. The use of this method develops self-control, promotes self-esteem, gives optimism and composure.

Your goals for the coming year

I recommend starting to plan your life with a list of 10 goals for the year. My plan has an average of 50 goals for the year and 20-30 mini-goals. Read more “How to make a plan.”

If this is your first experience and it’s difficult for you to assess your strengths, I recommend choosing easier goals . It’s better to complete them in a month, and then make a new list for the rest of the year. Each new plan will be more thoughtful and with well-chosen goals.

To create a list of goals, I recommend doing the 100 desires exercise, selecting 5-10 desires from them. It is better to set not final goals, but a series of intermediate, simple and achievable goals. Instead of “create your own business”, set goals: “choose a niche for business”, “create a website”, “write 10 articles”, “learn SEO”.

It is very important that the first attempts to live with the prescribed goals are successful. Once again, I highly recommend making a simple plan to start with, even a list of tasks.

First, a simple plan.
First, a simple plan.

To warm up your imagination and memory, study the examples below - lists of goals for the year by area of ​​life. Additionally, explore the lists: 20 goals, 25 goals, 50 goals and 100 goals. Make yourself a list of goals that will change you over the course of the year.

Why make a plan?

Living this year happier than the previous one is the main point of making a plan. First of all, writing on paper should lead us to a happy life, as well as support our self-development and growth. You must continually strive to improve your quality of life, wherever you are, by improving your self-image and increasing your self-esteem.

plan for the year

Life planning helps structure our development and constantly pushes us towards our intended goal. With the help of a plan, you can divide one large task into small components, after which it becomes much easier to achieve great results. Constantly planning our day forces us to do the most necessary things that do not seem particularly pleasant.

Developing the skill of living with goals

Developing the skill of living with goals

If you have little experience in setting goals, then it is easier to start by selecting suitable goals from a ready-made list. Therefore, a list of 100 more or less general goals is provided.

It’s best to modify each goal to suit yourself or, by analogy, create something of your own. “Fly a plane” can easily be changed to “fly a helicopter/paraglider/fighter plane/hot air balloon.”

It is important not only to choose and write down goals for yourself, but you also need to monitor their achievement. It’s not enough to write down goals on a piece of paper for the New Year. Every week you need to write down what you will work on this week, what goals you will achieve.

Develop the quality of determination - make your list of 100 goals.

Basic principles for drawing up a life plan

To develop a correct and effective life plan, you must first think carefully about your own goals and collect them into a single draft list. A person who seeks and collects goals that correspond to his internal philosophy is like an experienced mushroom picker who is never in a hurry and knows for sure that soon he will definitely find the mushroom he needs.

There are several basic principles that will make creating a life plan a joyful and exciting experience. The essence of the first principle is that life is a long enough road, so there is no point in spending all your energy on achieving in a short time those goals that require more time.

How to understand this? Let's say that you have set a specific goal for yourself. You understand perfectly well that you can achieve the desired results in 2 or 4 weeks. In 4 weeks you will solve this problem without much difficulty, but with special pleasure. If you want to achieve success in this area in 2 weeks, then you will need to make enormous efforts, forget about rest and constantly spend a lot of vital energy throughout this time. Experts advise giving preference to the first option! It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says that the quieter you drive, the further you will go.

Sometimes a drawn up annual plan becomes a cause of nervous tension and can plunge a person into a state of stress. There is nothing wrong with this if you learn to control this stress. And if you also manage your emotions, you will not only be able to achieve your goals, but will also receive various additional opportunities and a bunch of pleasant bonuses next year. This is the essence of the second principle of drawing up a life plan.

The third principle helps us realize that we cannot remain in one place, because life is constantly changing. You can either develop or degrade, and there is simply no third option, as Marcus Aurelius liked to say. If you do not develop, then you automatically begin to degrade. You need to constantly engage in self-development and self-improvement, otherwise you can wake up one fine morning and realize that you no longer have a place in this world that is developing by leaps and bounds. Don't forget this when you make your own plan for the year.

Plan your life so that you don’t have to spend a lot of energy and make extra efforts to achieve your goals. Cultivate healthy habits and learn to act systematically. It is much simpler and easier to run 3 kilometers every day than to run a full marathon once every two weeks.


4. Finally, follow the advice that psychologists from all countries and completely different views repeat - write on a piece of paper from 5 to 10 things for which you are grateful in your life every day.

5. Create a list of 20 small things you enjoy doing and make sure you do at least one of those things a day for the next 100 days. For example, eat your lunch on a bench in the park, walk in the park with the dog in the evening, 1 hour of watercolor painting, etc.

6. Keep a diary of your mental chatter—that is, write down your thoughts and feelings that arise throughout the day. For example, how many times a day have you accused yourself of something, how critical are you of others, how many times a day have positive thoughts come to your mind, etc.

7. For the next 100 days, try to have a good laugh at least once a day.

Cleansing time and space

Every day a person wastes a lot of time in vain: he “gives” it to the World Wide Web, television “zombification” and total uselessness. Meanwhile, globally it could be spent on personal growth or, if you take a separate day, on an absolute revision of the rubbish that has been accumulating for years. But it can be identified with useless information that has “cluttered” the brain in the process of irrational use of human potential. To clear free space and discipline yourself, you need to follow these tips on how to change your life for the better:

  1. Virtual reality is the main enemy of full-fledged human activity. Minimize it. Or better yet, exclude it altogether. Your success should not be the goal of your profile picture. A fictional existence on the World Wide Web slows down the functioning of the brain and leads to partial degradation of personality. Is this on the way to dreams? Online activity is not a necessary aspect of modernity, but a scourge of everyday life. Control the amount of time wasted on useless sites.
  2. Spring-cleaning. Organize all cabinets and drawers. Review every item. Be extremely objective. If it is no longer worn, even if it is not fashionable, but loved, eliminate it from your wardrobe. Sell ​​everything you don't need or do charity work. And never hoard junk again. Eliminate unnecessary rare trinkets, old notebooks, notepads, and unnecessary books from your “warehouses.” If they are very expensive and there is no purpose for them, set aside a special drawer for them on the top shelf in the largest closet. But remember: there should be a minimum number of such objects of affection.


This document provides assistance in searching for vacancies and applying for a job. It briefly indicates biographical information, education and describes work activity.

A resume is a truthful advertisement of oneself; it can be read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a budget place at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case, the human factor comes into play, and bright information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

Proper rest

It is important not to lose mutual understanding with yourself and with others:

  1. Privacy. In the hustle and bustle of daily busyness, find time to recharge. If you can’t breathe at work from the pile-up of things, and you feel like you need a time-out, go out into the fresh air for 5-10 minutes and breathe deeply, think about your dream, motivate yourself and keep working. However, upon returning home, despite household chores, find 20-30 minutes for relaxation, meditation and complete relaxation. Clear your mind and thoughts that have accumulated during the day.
  2. Be honest with yourself. Be sincere always, and especially when alone with yourself and loved ones. Choose the right path and live in such a way that when you reach any height in life, your family will always remain a quiet haven for relaxation and warmth.
  3. Have a beauty day. This is especially true for women. If Sunday is family day, then devote the entire Saturday evening to your body. Cosmetic masks, haircut, manicure, pedicure, massage are mandatory procedures for a successful and beautiful woman. Love yourself and always be on top.

Can a person change himself? Undoubtedly! You just have to realize the uselessness of your days, the unrealization of your own potential and the great desire to achieve your goals. Under such conditions, an awareness of how to improve your life almost immediately arises, although initially vague. By following the above clear instructions, within a short period of time you can again feel the taste for life and the energy to strive for your dreams.


14. Create a budget. Write down every penny you spend in 100 days.

15. Look for good financial advice on the Internet and choose 10 of them. Try to follow them for the next 100 days. For example, going to the store with a limited amount of cash and without a credit card, doing several things in one trip to save on gas, etc.

16. Pay in stores only with paper money and put the remaining change after shopping in your piggy bank. After 100 days, calculate how much you can save.

17. For 100 days, do not buy anything that you do not really need (this means fairly large purchases). Use this money to pay off a loan (if you have one) or put it in a deposit account for six months.

18. For 100 days, dedicate at least 1 hour a day to finding or creating a source of additional income.


  1. Tasks are not set for availability, but for solving them one by one and slowly moving towards the goal. Having drawn up a daily plan, at the end of daily wakefulness, determine what has been done and what has not been done. It’s even better to control yourself hourly: how that hour went, what was done, what the time was spent on, how it could have been spent differently. Analyze whether the daily routine is fully followed.
  2. Write everything down in a journal. Periodically re-read the shortcomings and eliminate them. When planning and analyzing your day, be self-critical. However, do not set too many tasks, do not be upset if something does not work out, correctly assess your abilities and capabilities.
  3. Planning and analysis of personal financial system. Learn to save. Set aside 10-20% of your income every month. Invest in your dream. Buy quality books on self-development, invest in business, pay for and attend courses and training in the area that will lead to your goal.


What wording will not attract a recruiter?

We looked at examples of achievements in professional activities that can be indicated in a resume. Below are phrases that you should not write.

  • Increased the efficiency of the department.
  • At previous places of work, I performed my work efficiently and on time.
  • After a year of work, I was one of the contenders for the position of head of the department.
  • During 3 years of service I have not received a single reprimand.
  • Resolved personal conflicts with the boss.

main professional achievement in life example

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