All the tastes of life. How to regain the lost taste of life

Can a taste for life manifest itself through humor? Why not! The roles of the famous actor-comedian Jim Carrey prove this. Almost all of his film characters sooner or later come to happiness and an understanding of its true essence. How do they do this? Do they have any special secrets or techniques? And most importantly, is it possible to adopt their ways, ways of fighting for a happy life? Read about the signs of a sincere desire for existence, as well as methods for its development, in this article.

How does the taste for life manifest itself? Not everyone has it. Only a few cultivate it within themselves. They are brought up because this desire is not genetically determined. You might think: what about the instinct of self-preservation? However, unconscious attempts to save your life do not prove the ability to enjoy it. People who love and appreciate their age have several similar characteristics. Here are the most important of them:

  • cheerfulness, optimistic mood of thoughts;
  • the ability to overcome difficulties with dignity;
  • the desire to take advantage of the opportunities that fate provides;
  • faith in the best;
  • presence of numerous hobbies, interests, favorite work;
  • versatility, openness;
  • clear understanding of one’s own desires and goals;
  • adequate self-esteem;
  • self-love and respect;
  • a positive, friendly attitude towards others, the world in general;
  • understanding the value of every moment.

These qualities really make a person happy. If you don’t cultivate them in yourself, life can show its other, dark side. It is in closed, pessimistic people that depression, various diseases, unwillingness to live, and loss occur. That is why the listed advantages are so important.

The basis of film plots is taken from reality. Even fantasy and utopian films retain a piece of truth, let alone comedies and dramas. It is better to learn from other people's mistakes than to make your own. Therefore, you can try to take a lesson about passion for life from films starring Jim Carrey. How can they help you discover your joy of life? How to love your life?

Take the self-esteem test

Follow your heart - Ace Ventura.

Eccentric, slightly adventurous pet detective Ace Ventura is a shining example of dedication to his work. His profession is strange, rare, but why does he do it? Because it contains three signs of a “favorite thing”:

  1. benefit . Losing pets is a real tragedy for many;
  2. Love . Ace likes his job, he feels needed, recognized;
  3. skills . The detective knows his job and successfully completes cases one after another.

If you erase the veil of film fiction and humor, you can see that this is an ordinary everyday situation. If a person likes something, he knows how to do it, while bringing benefits to the world around him, then this activity should not be given up.

How does it happen in reality? Due to social pressure, dependence on money, and the race for prestige, many abandon their calling. What does this lead to? To the same depression, addictions, neuroses, diseases. Therefore, it is better to always listen to your heart. If there is no opportunity to make good money in the field of interest, let this business remain as a hobby. The main thing is to preserve it.

Ace Ventura also shows how important pets are. They themselves bring happiness, make people happy in difficult moments, and teach them to enjoy small joys.

Other people's feelings

We learn to borrow impressions over time. You can often see people arriving at a beautiful place, turning their backs to it and taking selfies. Their experience does not occur at the moment, it is delayed. People are waiting until they get to Wi-Fi, post their photos against a beautiful background, and after the first likes they finally understand that they had a good time where they “checked in.”

Receiving feedback from the world, a person tries to prove to himself that he is alive. If we do not develop the emotional sphere, it is very difficult for us to form an attitude towards anything. Borrowing opinions from other people occurs. For example, going to a play because it gets good reviews. The skill of forming one’s own impression from others’ is being formed, of appropriating and feeling the taste of someone else’s life.

“Seeing and feeling is being, thinking, living.” William Shakespeare

Allow yourself a bit of mischief - “Mask”.

Stanley Ipkiss is a polite, considerate man. And everything would be fine, but everyone around is openly taking advantage of it. How does a young man stand up to ridicule? No way, he endures it. Like millions of other people in reality.

The situation remains unchanged until one moment. Stanley accidentally finds an ancient mask that contains the power of the god of mischief and deceit, Loki. And everything immediately falls into place: a pretty girl is found, the offenders remain punished, justice triumphs. But you can’t find such a mask in real life, so what should you do?

Find this mask within yourself. A little Loki lives inside everyone, ready to break out and show how to love life. How to “free” him:

  • don’t be afraid to seem funny, be open;
  • try to participate in the general fun, and not stay on the sidelines;
  • allowing yourself to become a child sometimes;
  • Laugh more often, joke, develop a sense of humor;
  • eradicate tightness and fears;
  • express your emotions openly;
  • find a bit of fun and positivity in everything;
  • be able to entertain yourself and others, create impressions and pleasant memories on your own.

Take a sense of humor test

Attention to yourself

We all come from childhood, and we learn the taste for life from birth. First, gaining experience from our parents, we look at how they deal with their lives, how they get pleasure, what they are happy about, and what they find unpleasant. As we grow older, we learn to listen to ourselves and figure out what suits us, what people, activities and hobbies leave a pleasant “aftertaste,” and what we are allergic to. It is very important to be able to listen to yourself, otherwise we will face the fate of the poor boy from the joke:

- Petya, it's time to go home! - Mom, am I cold? - No, you want to eat!

The current boom in articles and books about absolute happiness and the surest recipe for a 146 percent ideal life, about the behavior of a “correct woman” or a “real man” seems to respond to people’s need for universal advice, mentoring, and a powerful parental figure. But, relying on the opinions of others, we support the pole of infantilism and the child’s need for parents to contain us and help us with our feelings and desires. And here you can always fall into the trap of living “someone else’s” life. It is not without reason that in psychological counseling and therapy, working with attention to yourself, your feelings and needs is one of the main things. Like muscle training, this work does not bring results immediately, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

One of the basic exercises, for example, in the Gestalt approach to developing sensitivity, is awareness of current needs.

Try listening to yourself:

  • What associations does your work evoke for you right now?
  • What feelings do you get when you think about her?
  • What is happening to your body, muscles?
  • What metaphor describes your relationship with her?

Any such questions will develop your ability to distinguish the slightest discomfort, create the prerequisites for the formation of a holistic view of yourself, and also help you feel what gives you genuine joy and pleasure. Isn’t this the perfect recipe for a tasty life, knowing what needs to be added, and which ingredient clearly spoils the whole “dish”?

Living with the truth - “Liar, liar.”

Anyone who lies to others will be tormented by his conscience or the consequences of lying. Anyone who lies to himself closes himself off from happiness. Is it possible to rejoice while living someone else's life?

Lawyer Fletcher Reed does not represent his profession without lying. He manages to screw his family too. In the end, he lies to himself, thinking that work is his main treasure. As a result, the man almost loses his son, almost ruins his career, and almost loses his only true friend - his elderly secretary Greta. As trite as it may sound, it is the truth that saves him from all troubles, even if not in a direct way. What happens to these Fletchers if they don't come to their truth? They:

  • lose loved ones, friends, remain lonely;
  • lose themselves, the real meaning of life, guidelines;
  • experience a constant obsessive feeling that something is missing;
  • suffer from neurotic disorders, outbursts of aggression, apathy;
  • become prone to depression, psychosomatic illnesses, and addictions;
  • as a result, they do not achieve anything because of fatigue, sadness, and loss;
  • soon they begin to regret the years they spent wrong.

Have time to feel

We live in a very fast world and we simply don’t have time to enjoy the taste of life. A lot of energy goes into achieving a goal. Unfortunately, when we achieve what we wanted, we do not have time to linger; a new goal immediately appears before us. If we stop, we begin to experience anxiety; it seems to us that at that moment someone is running more confidently and faster, something is passing by. Because of the fear of missing out on something, we lose the opportunity to enjoy the conquered peak.

We live too quickly and therefore we stop noticing ourselves in relationships, events, we do not distinguish between details, our life becomes insipid. But on the other hand, people develop when they do not stand still, set tasks for themselves, and face difficulties. Even if we eat the most wonderful dish every day, after a very short time we will stop feeling pleasure, the dish will become familiar. To try it again, you will have to give it up for a while.

Every second we are between two scales, one of which is safety, and the second is excitement.

Believe in yourself - Bruce Almighty.

Bruce Nolan is a typical pessimist and whiner. He has a favorite job, a loving girlfriend, even fans of his journalistic work. But that’s not enough for the guy - he’s delirious about a promotion. Apparently, for constant reproaches, higher powers decide to teach Bruce a lesson, and he loses his job. Does any realization come to him? No. Then the man will have a meeting with God himself, who will endow him with his strength and power.

But the truth is that every person has their own strength. To open it and activate it, you do not need a higher mind, cosmos, mantras or karma. You just need to want, for example:

  • dare to do what seems impossible;
  • overcome fear;
  • increase your self-confidence by going to a psychologist;
  • pay less attention to public opinion;
  • throw away all excuses and lamentations;
  • move from thoughts and ideas to active actions;
  • look for personal ways to motivate.

However, this movie has one more moral - responsibility. Every action brings its own consequences, which are better to think about in advance. And if the idea won’t harm anyone, then why hasn’t it been implemented yet?

Safety or adrenaline

Every second we are between two scales, one of which is safety, and the second is excitement. And we cannot live long at the highest point of any of these scales. Let's imagine that we managed to build a world of absolute security. Every day there is like yesterday, there are comfortable conditions and you don’t have to want something. There we communicate with understandable people from whom we do not expect any surprises. These people constantly maintain an environment of unchanging reality.

In such a world, everything is too predictable, there is nothing there that could somehow touch emotions. But even at the highest point of excitement, we also cannot enjoy all the time. If we are at the peak of emotions, after some time the body becomes exhausted and the brain switches off. All our lives we balance between these two processes. Moreover, each person is initially assembled in such a way that he prefers one of the vectors more often than the other.

Loss of sensitivity begins with the fact that we increase the number of stereotypical actions. At such moments we are simultaneously everywhere and nowhere.

Take everything from life - “Always say “Yes.”

All opinions and actions of Carl Allen add up to one big word “no”. He denies himself entertainment, personal life, self-realization, even meeting with friends. By coincidence, the main character ends up at a training session, where he promises to answer all questions with consent. What is the result? Karl meets the girl he loves, gets a promotion, the respect of his friends, the attention of his ex-wife and a busy life. What's the conclusion?

No, saying “yes” to absolutely everything is probably not the best idea. But it is advisable to agree to:

  • assistance offered;
  • an interesting, promising job, even if it requires the risk of quitting your old one;
  • various hobbies, looking for yourself in almost everything;
  • developmental activities;
  • good deeds that do not harm oneself;
  • easy adventures that help you unwind and earn new impressions;
  • something new at least occasionally.

What to do if life is no longer interesting

To anyone who has become uninterested in life and has no energy, I offer some tips on maintaining energy balance. These tips will concern all three of our components - body, emotions, thoughts. So:

  • give up negative statements and learn to Give Thanks;
  • Interact with nature more often. Anything you like to do is suitable: walk in the park, forest, petting a cat, walking a dog, watching a stream flow, admiring the starry sky, etc. By interacting with nature, we find ourselves in a space of smooth lines, which is necessary for the normal movement of energy;
  • learn to be calm. When we are tense, we hold back the movement of energy. Truly deep peace can only be achieved by understanding yourself. By getting to know yourself step by step, you can notice how worries are released, and peace comes in their place.
  • get creative. Creativity involves the right hemisphere of the brain, the area of ​​the unconscious. Creativity brings us double benefits - it fills us with peace of mind and reveals our inner potential. It's not about doing something professionally. The main thing is to do something with pleasure.
  • pamper your body. Our body also has memory and language and is able to interact with emotions and thoughts. If the body is “happy,” it transmits a signal of calm to the brain, thoughts in the head calm down, and positive emotions arise.
  • expand the boundaries of your knowledge. Direct your energy to studying and understanding both the world around us and ourselves. It's so exciting!

And I also invite you to psychological gatherings. At them, participants learn to restore contact with their body, with their feelings, learn to understand people, perform practices and are filled with energy. What communication in this format gives is difficult to convey in words. It fills. And you need to feel it. Join us!

Your psychologist, Larisa Artamonova

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Cherishing Every Moment - A Christmas Story.

Ebenezer Scrooge is the greediest old man in the world. He doesn't care about those around him, he hates holidays, considering them a waste of time and money. Grumpy and selfish. That was until meeting the ghost of an old partner and the three spirits of Christmas.

Having rethought his own behavior and outlook on life, Ebenezer improves his relationship with his nephew, gets rid of greed, and becomes a respected citizen of all. But his main achievement is his love of life and understanding of the value of time. How not to repeat the story of old Scrooge shown at the beginning of the film:

  • do not put off joy for another time;
  • live for today;
  • appreciate the little things;
  • learn to be a friendly, open person;
  • cultivate positive qualities in yourself, strive to minimize bad ones;
  • develop optimism, healthy excitement for events and activities;
  • be lenient towards other people's vices.

A taste for life is something without which happiness and its search are impossible. It is this craving that makes you rejoice, fight, enjoy, love, appreciate. Each Jim Carrey movie character proves this in their own way. Even watching films with the participation of the famous actor-comedian already charges you with positivity and inspires. Light adventurism, openness, lightness, and a sense of humor are the best qualities of his characters. Perhaps, in order to find happiness, it is worth adopting these virtues?

Take the test: optimist or pessimist

Vision is a visual channel of perception

Thanks to vision, people have the ability to see, distinguish a large number of shades, and notice everything that happens around them. As people age, their vision deteriorates, but not because they lose the ability to see. Scientists conducted many experiments and were able to prove that it can be 100% even in old age.

Visual perception of the surrounding reality depends on how ready a person is to notice and accept everything that surrounds him. Any offense, manifestation of anger and irritation “closes people’s eyes.” Diseases associated with vision loss or deterioration occur because people do not like everything they see in their lives. In children, such diseases arise because they do not want to see what is happening in their families.

How to stop blocking feelings

There are 2 options for advice from psychologists on how to regain interest in life and stop blocking feelings.

First: you need to try to look inside yourself, to understand what emotions you want to hide from others and yourself. Next, you need to accept them completely, feel them, experience them and simply let them go.

This is best done in childhood. A child can freely, without hesitation, cry if someone has offended him, and immediately forget about everything and start playing, doing his favorite thing. This way children easily let go of negative emotions.

It is much more difficult for an adult. He needs to find a place where no one will see him. Calm down and understand what emotions bother him most. When he has dealt with this, he needs to accept them, feel them completely, and in this way he can reset the negative emotions. Negative feelings will no longer be blocked, and it will become much easier.

The second option: a person needs to seek help from a psychotherapist.

Why people can’t or don’t want to live their lives - reasons

There can be many reasons for this condition. To understand why the attitude “I don’t want to live my life” arises, you need to remember the brightest (both positive and negative) moments in life and carefully work through them.

In most cases, the root of the problem must be found in childhood or adolescence, for example:

  • Your parents actively imposed their desires on you until you believed it yourself.
  • You envied your friend and unconsciously began to imitate her, adopted her desires and live like this until now, copying the values ​​of those around you.
  • Perhaps as a child, your parents often told you that you were responsible for your younger brother or sister.

The last point sounds quite fair, but only up to a certain point. Often this behavior of parents leads to the fact that an adult woman at the age of 35 devotes her entire life to other people, feeling responsible for them.

People with such a childhood at a conscious age risk becoming dependent on the lives of relatives. At the same time, they do not have the feeling that they are not living their own lives. They are so used to it, and they don’t want to live differently because they don’t know what it’s like.

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