Female aggression in the family, what are the reasons and what to do?

Why does a man show aggression towards a woman?

Aggression is a natural male energy that can be both creative and destructive. It helps a man to rely on himself if he feels confident in his abilities. In this case, aggressive energy is beneficial and serves good purposes. It is expressed in courage, boldness and determination. With its help, men defend their interests and boundaries, develop their personality and achieve their goals. But if a man cannot realize himself, his aggressive behavior manifests itself in destructive behavior, including towards women

Causes of male aggression

Psychologists call those who show moral violence towards other people abusers. Insults and humiliations of others are not a consequence of bad character or upbringing, but the result of internal complexes. Most men express aggression without using physical force, but such behavior cannot be tolerated, otherwise it will lead to deep mental trauma.

The reasons why men humiliate and morally suppress women can be different:

  • attempts to assert oneself
  • negative parental attitudes
  • mental disorders
  • troubled relationship

The active form of aggression is usually preceded by a passive one. It manifests itself in shifting responsibility onto the woman, ignoring her requests and desires, lack of initiative and lies, and failure to keep promises. When the cup of passive aggression overflows, the active phase begins.

Female aggression is the path to loneliness and self-destruction

The main difference between female aggression and male aggression is the absence of direct physical impact . Men are more likely to act with physical force, while women are more likely to attack emotionally or verbally. Typically, women shout at children, shout at men, break dishes or home decoration less often, and physically beat them even less often.

At the same time, most women justify their aggression by unfair treatment of them, lack of money, attention or time. Very often, women use obscene language or phrases like “I would kill”, “I wish you would die”, etc. to express their feelings. This does not mean that she is ready to kill physically; rather, it is a sign of aggressive impotence.

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A woman in this state is weak and vulnerable, because she cannot solve the problem and replaces its solution with an outburst of aggression. If a way to solve the problem that led to aggression is not found, such behavior can become habitual and gradually the woman herself, having become accustomed as much as possible to discomfort, begins to consider her life normal. Aggression becomes the norm of family life. Often children in such families also grow up to be aggressive.

What are the consequences of a woman’s constant aggression? There are many of them, and the first is problems in finding a life partner, since men feel the “aroma of aggression” on a subconscious level. The second is the appearance of facial wrinkles - “masks of aggression”. Third, problems with blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the increase in female aggression by any means.

How to recognize a man's tendency towards aggression?

Since a young man, when meeting someone, tries to look like the “best version of himself,” it is extremely difficult to recognize him as an abuser. Usually a partner reveals his essence much later, when the woman has already managed to get used to him and fall in love with him. But there are certain signals by which one can suspect a man has a tendency towards aggression. Here they are:

  • He does not know how and does not want to be responsible for his actions, he is constantly looking for those to blame for his failures.
  • The man had a bad family example: he was punished with a belt, the father or both parents used physical and mental violence against children.
  • Cannot suppress an outburst of rage, may throw things or tear paper when nervous.
  • Has a strong sense of ownership.
  • During a conflict, he may sharply pull a woman’s hand or grab her by the shoulders.
  • Shows aggression towards animals.
  • He rushes things, making attempts to make the girl dependent on the relationship with him.
  • Wants to constantly control the chosen one.

Common causes of aggression – in both men and women

Psychologists have formulated a model of filling with emotions, using the example of a jug. In this model, the “jug”, there are 4 layers, where the bottom layer causes the top layer above it to appear.

Reasons for Negative Behavior
The picture “Causes of negative behavior” is taken from the book by Yu. Gippenreiter

These layers appear in order from lower to upper, but you can see and then “remove” these layers only in the reverse order - from upper to lower.

The first layer of the “jug” is the topmost one, which lies on the surface and can be observed “with the naked eye.” This top layer literally splashes out of the jug, splashing over the edge.

To see the manifestations of the second and deeper layers, you need to observe yourself, your behavior, thoughts, reactions. And only then can you find in yourself those feelings, states and emotions that relate to these deeper layers.

1 layer. Anger, rage, aggression

This includes behavior such as protest, struggle, indignation, resistance, actions “out of spite”, “fighting back”, “revenge”, forcing, shouting, pressing, putting the squeeze, quarrels, confrontation, indignation, punishment, name-calling, insult, etc.

At the same time, aggressive behavior can be either pronounced, manifested externally, or only at the level of thoughts and internal state.

Causes of aggression in women

In addition, it can be directed both at another person and at oneself. If you notice that you are behaving aggressively towards others, then it is absolutely certain, at least mentally, that you are doing the same thing towards yourself, perhaps in other situations.

2nd layer. Pain, resentment, fear, shame, guilt

This is the reason why aggressive behavior occurs. This layer is the cause of what lies above, in layer 1.

Research by psychologists confirms that “anger and aggression are secondary feelings, and they come from experiences of a different kind, such as pain, fear, resentment.” (Yu. Gippenreiter)

Always, under manifestations of anger and aggression, in parallel or shortly before, a person experiences pain, fear, resentment, the cause of which may be shame, guilt, resentment, self-hatred, disappointment, “I should have,” “I couldn’t handle it.” etc.

Causes of aggression in women

Examples from consultations on the Reincarnationist method

Example 1. A woman joins a new team at work and feels an aggressive attitude from her colleagues. Inside she has a competitive attitude, “I will show you who I am, you will respect me!” Even deeper under this state - she is ashamed of herself. These two layers are easily detected in a client's state of absorption, when the client slows down in meditation and the focus of attention is directed inward. Shame for herself appeared in her childhood, and was especially pronounced during her school years. Shame about herself is an old habit, dating back to childhood, but in fact, it comes from past lives.

Example 2: A woman is on a date with a man she likes. He did something that was not part of her understanding of “how a man should behave if he likes a woman.” As a result, she felt indignant, did not say anything to him yet, but pretended that she had important work on the phone and went deeper into the phone, leaving the man to his own devices. But at the same time with indignation at the man, she had a feeling of hatred for herself - for the fact that the man behaves disrespectfully towards her, since that is how she assessed his action.

Example 3. A man is talking on the phone, the interlocutor tells him that he cannot repay the debt today. The man burst into anger at him and insulted his interlocutor. Simultaneously with anger, he began to hate himself - for being so thoughtless and lending him money, and also for having already promised to give this money to another person. Essentially, self-loathing for two wrong decisions. This self-hatred burst out at the interlocutor.

3 layer. Needs for love, attention, respect, freedom, independence, importance, significance, success

The cause of pain, fear, and resentment is the unsatisfaction of needs.

At the same time, needs are physical - the needs of the physical body for food, sleep, warmth, sex, physical safety, etc.

And also, since “man is a social animal” (Aristotle), that is, a person also has needs that are associated with expressing himself in society, in interaction with other people. And these needs are considered by psychologists to be of a higher level than physical needs.

These are the needs:

  • so that a person is loved, understood, accepted, there is a feeling of closeness
  • for a person to be recognized and respected
  • for a person to be successful in what he does
  • so that he can realize himself, develop his abilities, improve himself, respect himself

Behind any negative experience there is always some unsatisfied need from the above.

4 layer. Basic aspirations to BE good, to be loved, to feel powerful, to have the right to life and existence

If the above needs are not satisfied, then it is in your attitude towards yourself that you will find the reason. The extent to which you accept yourself, with all your merits, do you see “shortcomings” in yourself, are you afraid to realize yourself because you are afraid to make a mistake, etc.

All this affects whether you allow yourself to be successful, loved, happy. If you allow it, then you will; if not, then most likely you will look for those “to blame.”

The attitude towards oneself was formed in childhood. Based on how you were treated by your loved ones and significant people, especially your parents. But from the point of view of reincarnation, the attitude towards oneself was formed in past lives - in each, to varying degrees.

If in your current life you are afraid to express yourself, to realize yourself, because you are afraid of making a mistake, then most likely you have already done this in a past life, in one or more. It is quite possible that this was not any mistake, but you thought so, you gave yourself an “assessment”. Or there was still a mistake, but you were unable to draw the right conclusions from this experience. And instead of acting on the mistake, you abandon this activity altogether.

If you don’t accept yourself, then tension forms inside you about yourself, and the people around you subconsciously pick up on this. Even if you say, “Everything works out for me, no matter what I try,” but inside you have internal rattling and tension, your interlocutor will pick up on this. Because verbal communication gives us only 10-20% of information about a person, the remaining 80-90% of information we receive through non-verbal communication (voice intonation, pauses, facial expressions, posture, gestures, body movements, etc.).

In past lives, we have already accumulated experience, thanks to which we either allow ourselves to be successful or do not allow ourselves (“I’m bad”, “I’ll make a mistake”, “I can’t handle it”, “I won’t succeed”, etc.). After all, this is why we come into a new incarnation precisely to those parents who, through their behavior, will demonstrate to us exactly this attitude. After all, you yourself have NOT solved this problem in past lives, so now is the time to solve it!

What to do about it now

Attitude towards oneself is the basis of a person’s mental well-being, and therefore success. Read the biographies of successful people - do they criticize themselves? You might be surprised, but no, they don’t scold you! That's why they are successful - they believe in themselves.

If you were not praised in childhood, were not supported, were not told that you were loved, that you would succeed, then it’s time to start saying these words to YOURSELF. For example:

  • I definitely accept my actions! (any!)
  • I'm happy to give myself time and attention! (and do it! every day!)
  • I rejoice at my successes! (rather than taking them for granted and pretending that nothing special happened!)
  • I share my feelings with loved ones! (which means I trust them!)
  • I'm happy with myself!
  • I'm glad that I exist!
  • I'm glad that I am exactly who I already am!
  • I'm glad to see you! (every time(!) when you see yourself in the mirror, reflection in a shop window, etc.)
  • You are my good one! (YOURSELF!)
  • Of course I can handle it! I’ll still think about how I’ll do it, but I’ll definitely do it!

It is important to believe that everything will work out for you, that you are loved, that you are happy, that you have a happy future ahead of you, and that you, of course, can handle it!

How to deal with an aggressive man?

In some cases, the abuser's behavior can be corrected. In the end, a woman is treated as she herself allows. If your partner humiliates and insults you, you need to act as follows:

1 Set personal boundaries. This needs to be done at the initial stage of the relationship, so that the man can see that you cannot sit on your head. Explain to your partner that his behavior is unworthy and causes extremely negative emotions in you. Make it clear that if this happens again, you will take decisive action. The aggressor should not feel impunity. For example, if he insults you in front of your friends, you will not meet for a whole week.

2 Try to find out the reason for aggressive behavior. Carefully ask the man himself about this. There is no need to throw tantrums and reproach your partner, just talk calmly. It is very important to determine the reason for a man’s incontinence if aggression has not previously manifested itself against you. Perhaps this is due to some of your wrong actions.

3 If aggressive behavior is repeated regularly, but you want to save the relationship, advise your partner to seek help from a psychologist.

4 If the chosen one does not want to change and continues to show aggression, you will have to leave him.

How to avoid an outburst of aggression

To avoid a surge of aggression, the woman herself needs to control her emotional state, because no one will understand her feelings better than she herself. If you feel that tension is increasing, immediately analyze the reasons for this increase. Remember, a person who is satisfied with life is not enraged by a dirty cup near the computer; if such little things begin to irritate you, you need to take care of your psychological comfort.

The first thing to do is take a break. Perhaps you just didn’t get enough sleep, you’re tired, you have a lot of work. There is no need to be afraid to tell someone about your condition; sometimes you just need to tell your loved ones about your fatigue and ask for help. In addition, you can try to give yourself a couple of pleasant sensations. Ask that no one disturb you in the evening, take a bath, enjoy chocolate, listen to music. You can also take any sedative.

If it seems to you that you cannot realize yourself, this is not a reason to lash out at your loved ones, this is a reason to analyze the reasons, look for new ways to realize your needs. If emotions run high, you need to give them an outlet. At the same time, it is important to remember that family members are not to blame, there is no need to make trouble, you need to find another outlet for emotions, you can run, beat a punching bag, knock out rugs, etc.

How to deal with an abuser depending on the reasons for his aggression

If you value your relationship with a man, you should try to improve the situation, but a woman's actions will vary depending on the reason that caused her partner's negative behavior.

1 Humiliation as a way to assert oneself

In this case, hiding under the mask of an aggressor is a loser who is prevented from realizing himself in society by childhood complexes and fears. He tries to compensate for this by taking out his anger on the weaker - women, children, animals. As a rule, men with low status in society behave this way.

What to do?

All attempts at aggression must be stopped in the bud. Otherwise, they will become regular, and it will get even worse. Women with low self-esteem are most susceptible to violence from men. It’s worth working on yourself and clearly defining your personal boundaries. If this does not help, you need to break up with such a man.

2 Aggression as an example of a father

This situation is even more complicated. A man lives according to the script laid down by his parents, and it is extremely difficult to “rewrite” it. The destructive situation in the family, when a tyrant father is the norm, does not allow the boy to form a normal idea of ​​​​relationships.

What to do?

A confident girl who is committed to a harmonious relationship will most likely immediately stop communicating with such a gentleman. Such men are attracted to women with the same unhealthy family pattern.

3 Aggression as a mental illness

If a guy behaves aggressively, but there is no reasonable explanation for this, then there is a possibility that he is sick, for example, with schizophrenia. Such behavioral manifestations are also possible with alcohol or drug addiction.

What to do?

Only a specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis. The man needs medical help, and it is naive to hope that everything will work out on its own. Here the woman has a choice - to patiently wait for a complete cure or to break off relations with the problematic partner.

4 Aggression as a result of relationship problems

Often girls drive men crazy with their behavior, and they involuntarily begin to show aggression. A man can insult, scold and humiliate his partner when he loses respect and trust in her. This may be a defensive reaction to “brain drain”, eternal whims and discontent.

What to do?

Reconsider your behavior. Perhaps you yourself are to blame for the fact that the man began to behave this way. Another reason for sudden male aggression may be the appearance of a mistress. A man tries to protect personal boundaries, so he becomes rude and closed.

* * *

It is important to understand that if you do not stop rudeness or rudeness the first time, it can happen again and then become a habit. If frank conversations and a constructive approach to a man do not produce results, it is better to leave such a gentleman as early as possible. After all, such destructive relationships will not bring happiness to anyone.


On my own behalf, I would like to add that I have never hit a single man in my life, and I myself have been hit by them more than once. Some priests suspect me of being a feminist. In a sense, yes, in terms of equal rights. As for the rest, it’s unlikely. I think the clarity of a woman’s mind and disagreement with a man on some issue is sometimes perceived by a man as aggression, especially if his mother was smart and aggressive

https://og.ru/articles/2006/11/10/18347.shtml New news Women's revolt Women's struggle for equality turns into the humiliation of men: Psychologists are sounding the alarm: recently the number of men affected by female aggression has been rapidly growing. Thus, feminism imperceptibly turned from a movement for equality into a movement of oppression. In Europe, the problem has reached such proportions that authorities are forced to create assistance centers for members of the stronger sex who have suffered from domestic violence. Photo: New News Psychologists are sounding the alarm: recently the number of men who have suffered from female aggression has been rapidly growing. Thus, feminism imperceptibly turned from a movement for equality into a movement of oppression. In Europe, the problem has reached such proportions that authorities are forced to create assistance centers for members of the stronger sex who have suffered from domestic violence. For example, last week in London, a club of ex-husbands, organized like Alcoholics Anonymous, opened its doors. At the meetings, gentlemen talk about the oppression their spouses have subjected them to and try to regain their lost self-respect. There are no such clubs in Russia yet. Despite the fact that at least 5% of Russian men have suffered from domestic violence, only a few turn to helplines for help. It’s just that in Russia the stronger sex cannot admit its weakness. Residents of a village in the Nizhny Novgorod region are already making up legends about the Makarov family. Ten years ago, a frail mechanic married Polina, the daughter of a military man. During the first years, the couple lived in perfect harmony. When the love passed, quarrels began. Due to her purely physical superiority, Polina Makarova did not hesitate to regularly beat her husband. The mechanic came to work either with a black eye or with a clear bite mark on his face. Colleagues were surprised: what was happening to Makarov, he doesn’t even drink. The husband's patience ran out soon after the family celebrated their silver wedding. “It was impossible to stand it,” Anton Makarov told NI. – By nature I am a soft person, but I have self-esteem. One day I was introduced to a wonderful woman and I fell in love. First time in life. So I left my wife for the one who suited me better, including in size.” Polina Makarova could not withstand such treachery and decided to thoroughly take revenge. She agreed to the divorce and even waited until her ex-husband’s wedding. And then she simply burned the newlyweds' house to the ground. Fortunately, no one was hurt. “Where will he go from me?” Women leaders are often found in family relationships, but this usually does not cause concern, psychologists comment on the situation. However, they should not be confused with tyrant women. “If a wife and mother become tyrants, this is not normal,” psychotherapist Alexander Polev told NI. – As a rule, such women are from dysfunctional families who copy the style of their first family. Children of oppressed mothers can also be tyrants - they repeat the situation exactly the opposite.” “Wives use violence against their husbands, this is quite real and happens regularly,” family psychologist Maria Stishova comments on the situation. – Moreover, a woman is a much more dangerous and powerful opponent than a man. In addition to physical violence, she has many other ways to hurt her husband. Wives may accuse their spouse of sexual or social inferiority and thus seriously traumatize him.” Women themselves are convinced that a strong blow can take a man to a new level of development. “My common-law husband is a real weakling,” Olga Lyashenko told NI. “He wouldn’t have achieved anything without me.” Sometimes, of course, you need to give him a kick, literally, so that he gets up to work. Periodically, he goes out with friends, as he calls it, and then comes home and says that I am suppressing him. But I don't take these words seriously. Everything he has achieved after five years of our marriage has been done by me. So he won’t get away from me.” However, not only weak-willed “rags”, but also strong, mature individuals can face aggression from women. “I always choose the strongest man as a victim,” Irina Somova, head of the capital company, told NI. “And then I try in every way to break his will.” As soon as a partner becomes completely dependent on me, I immediately lose interest in him. I like to feel my power, however, such sensations quickly require recharging. I count every sacrifice as a trophy.” From under the heel Men injured by a woman's hand or a frying pan rarely seek psychological help, despite the frequency of beatings. According to experts, in Russia, out of the total number of registered cases of violence, 5% are men. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of victims of female aggression. “In fact, providing psychological assistance to husbands is greatly hampered by the secrecy of their character,” crisis coordinator Irina Matvienko explained to NI. – Admitting that a woman hit you is considered the height of shame. How is it possible, you will have to realize your weakness, your inability to cope with “just some girl.” So men prefer to digest their psychological trauma alone. But even taking into account the psychological barrier that makes it difficult for a man to recognize his subordinate position, we receive calls from men who suffer violence several times a month.” Psychologists are convinced that a husband who has fallen under the thumb of a strong woman has only one way out - divorce. But parting with a tyrant spouse does not always bring long-awaited help. Without psychological adaptation, the henpecked man, who with such difficulty escaped from the tenacious hands of a lover of command, steps on the same rake. “When we met Sergei, he was courting a terrible girl named Christina,” student Oleg Kapaev admitted to NI. “She was incredibly capricious and built it the way she wanted.” All his friends who had known Sergei for a long time were horrified by his choice. In the end, he left her after suffering for two years. Seryoga fell into depression, but after a couple of months he was consoled. When we met his new girlfriend, we were shocked - she was an exact copy of Christina in character and attitude towards her boyfriend! Soon we just gave up on him.” Aggression with mother's milk Experts attribute the increasing incidence of domestic violence against men to the fact that in recent years women have often acted as the main financial source of the family's livelihood and at the same time are gaining more and more independence. “We completely lack the institution of breadwinners,” director Svetlana Vragova, a member of the regional public organization “Women’s Forum,” told NI. – The degradation of men, including those provoked by the state, simply leaves women no choice. That’s why you have to bear the yoke of the family’s “source of income.” And husbands, instead of trying to find a job, sit comfortably on their wives’ necks.” A victim man voluntarily puts himself at the mercy of his wife, because he is convinced: “There is no other way with me, I deserve it.” Not all representatives of the fair half of humanity have the desire to rule. Whether a harmless girl will scream at men in the future depends on how her early childhood went. It is during this period that the child must choose for himself which model of behavior to adopt - male or female. “One of the conditions for the formation of a feminist character is identification with a man in childhood,” psychoanalyst Yana Dubeykovskaya explained to NI. “The role model can be the older brother, because he is strong and has status, or the younger brother, because he is loved and long-awaited by everyone.” An important reason for women's aggressive behavior towards men is the high suggestibility of the fair sex. “Girls tend to idealize male images,” psychotherapist Alexander Polev explained to NI. “Women have an idea of ​​what men don’t have.” She looks at the screen and sees Superman there. Faith in the screen image provokes women to demand from a man what he is not able to give.” Also, a psychologically favorable factor for the development of an aggressive feminist character is the formation and development of the negative Electra complex. It is characterized by the girl’s identification with her father, especially if the baby for some reason does not trust her mother. As a result, in her adult life, a grown-up girl adheres to masculine principles, for example, a craving for leadership and a thirst for power. According to psychoanalysts, girls who experienced such a complex in childhood often take leadership roles in teams in the future. In the service of a female boss Women's aggression is not limited to family life alone. The victorious march of feminism around the world ensured women the right to work. Now the violence is spilling over into offices. Moreover, more often than not, female managers treat their subordinates harsher than male bosses. The fair sex, already in their high positions, begins to recoup for the humiliations that happened during their climb up the career ladder. A woman boss skillfully disguises her natural softness of character under the masks of a harmful boss, a bitch. It is difficult for ladies to suppress what is contained in the unconscious, so in veiled forms they strive to create an analogue of a family at work. Accordingly, if the situation in her family is unfavorable, then the situation in the office will be approximately the same. “The main psychological models of behavior are laid down in the womb,” corporate psychologist Artur Garaganov comments to NI. – Let’s say a baby experienced strangulation during childbirth or survived an attempted rape at a young age. Such a girl can then become a leader only to strangle her subordinates.” A manipulative woman often tries to simply take it out on her subordinates. Men suffer first of all. “I prove to the whole society that a woman can and should be a leader,” Irina Somova admitted to NI. – We can consider this another test, a test of my strength. From early childhood, in books and on TV, I came across examples of the suppression of women’s rights by men, and now I can command them myself.” At the same time, women themselves note that actually climbing the career ladder is an incredibly difficult task. “When I first started directing, I looked like a frivolous girl,” Svetlana Vragova told NI. – My male colleagues didn’t perceive me as a person at all at first. I had to really work hard. To get the same recognition as a man, a woman needs to do two or even three times as much work.” Basically, experts note, sometimes the weaker sex goes overboard with the ideas of “freedom, equality and fraternity.” “A woman has the right to an independent life,” said Alexander Polev. “But, as they say, make a fool pray to God... Newly-minted feminists are already talking about the superiority of women over men, and this was not originally in feminism.” THE NUMBER OF VICTIMS OF FEMINISM IS GROWING IN GERMANY Since a certain student Hippel came out with the first “Feminist Manifesto” in German history, 216 years have passed. Now, as we know, it is a woman who leads the country. And in many other command posts in Germany there are representatives of the fair sex. True, some people’s passion for feminism has reached such an absurd degree that in many companies, appearing in makeup has become considered a sign of bad taste, if not a violation of labor discipline. “The typical victim of German gender equality is a determined, self-confident person in a trouser suit and almost no makeup, who does not at all resemble a woman with her masculine manners,” journalist Eva Hermann sneered in her book “The Eva Principle.” But, as facts show, it is men who are increasingly becoming victims of feminism. So, in one small town in Franconia, a certain middle manager went to court. The essence of the claim is constant nagging and harassment at work, allegedly due to the victim’s unwillingness to reciprocate lovingly with the head of the department. The meticulous German Themis never found any signs of harassment. However, the judge, who himself had recently separated from his “other half,” who had gone for a promotion to the Ministry of Justice, still sympathized with the sufferer after the trial: “If things continue like this in our country, it looks like we will have to open shelters for victims of female violence.” SWEDISH FAMILIES LOOKING FOR PARTNERS IN ACCIDENT “My ex is stalking me in full. She has already slashed 32 tires on my car, calls with threats to kill me, hammers the door lock with matches, took out dynamite somewhere and came to the police with it - she said that I threw it in her mailbox. What should I do?" “My wife constantly hits me, throws heavy objects at me, recently she even cut my hand with a knife. There is no use going to the police: she said that she would put me in prison because I was beating her. She was on the safe side by calling the Domestic Violence Center several times.” This is what typical cries from the hearts of men look like, looking for sympathy and help on Internet sites - the only meeting place for beaten heads of families, where they are not ashamed to address their troubles. In the country of victorious feminism with its main thesis “violence comes only from men,” there is no salvation from the raging Valkyries. Swedish men are afraid to report to the police or seek help from society for two reasons. Firstly, they are afraid of being ridiculed. Secondly, husbands most likely will not be able to prove that they are right: the arguments of the other side will always be stronger. The State Crime Prevention Council estimates that women are responsible for 4% of all domestic violence crimes. But these are statistics of serious crimes, when a man is maimed or killed. Less significant offenses, for example, assault on women, which results in bruises and abrasions, are not included in official statistics. A study by a group of scientists at Stockholm University, “The Battered Man,” based on individual interviews, states that 15% of men surveyed admitted that their female friends beat them. There is one more figure that shatters the feminist myth that only men give up. Police investigations into statements from battered women show that in half of the cases the victims themselves started the fight.

Powerful, strong, charismatic boss

Controlled aggression in men is an important driver for achieving any goals. Aggressive men in ancient times had a greater chance of dominance and reproduction. Genetically, an outbreak of internal aggression can force a man to do something that previously seemed completely impossible to him. In addition, man, by his evolutionary origin, is a social being and he has a highly developed instinct for the hierarchical structure of society. The reaction to it often depends on upbringing and other everyday factors. Scientists from the University of Colorado in Boulder, USA, based on many years of research, concluded that men are often forced into aggression by others. Someone with a little more power over them questions their self-respect, for example, based on professional qualities or social status. Thus, a person, wanting to prove the opposite, under the influence of the hormone testosterone, achieves his set and seemingly unattainable goal to the limit of his capabilities. Such generally dishonest tactics are often practiced by female managers. Strong, domineering and sometimes very charismatic personalities, they take advantage of male subordinates, deliberately causing controlled aggression in them with their social superiority, and often mental abilities. In this way, they force them to achieve the necessary professional or social tasks at a time when the individual himself does not have or does not see any motivation for their implementation.

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