We watch the happiness of others and dream that we too will be lucky. To do this, we read books, articles, watch motivational and inspiring videos, listen to podcasts, set goals, but still don’t see the desired result. And the whole point is that a happy life is primarily a state of your mind. You must accept all the good and bad that you have in life and stop identifying yourself with your thoughts, behavior or circumstances in which you find yourself.
Here are 16 tips for living a happy and fulfilling life:
Set precise goals
Goals like “earn more money” or “start a family” have no value. You must set yourself achievable and precise goals that you can accurately track. For example, earn 15 percent more this year than last, save a certain amount next month, completely give up sweets for 30 days. You will be able to determine when you have achieved your goal. And by doing this, you will receive a boost of motivation that will help you move on.
Don't let go of your thirst for knowledge
People who lived long and happy lives followed one rule: they tried to learn and learn as much new things as possible. Your education does not end at school. Try to learn something new every day. Indeed, in our time, self-development has become such an easy and accessible process. We are surrounded by information everywhere. We can read a book, go online and find absolutely everything there. But just don’t forget about healthy communication. Your friends can also tell you a lot of new and interesting things.
Your thoughts don't define your personality.
Thinking is changeable. If you are suffering, worried or afraid, it says nothing about you. You won't always experience these feelings, you won't constantly replay these thoughts in your head. Learn to control your mind: focus less on mistakes and negativity, think about what gives you pleasure, because a happy life is built on this.
Eating healthy never hurt anyone
It will not be a revelation to anyone that centenarians try to eat healthy. But the hamburgers are so delicious! However, if you want to live happily ever after, you will have to part with them. Just associate each sandwich you eat with a certain period of your life. If you ate a sandwich, you took a week of your life, your beloved one. I agree, the comparison may seem stupid, but in fact this statement is not so far from the truth. Try to follow this rule: make sure that 80% of the food you eat is natural. This should include vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, legumes, dairy and whole grains.
How to live long and be healthy. What to do to live long: 8 habits for longevity
Do you want to maximize your youth and improve your health? And who doesn’t want to! We have already told you what to eat to avoid aging. And today we’ll tell you what else you need to do to extend your life!
We all know that bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and junk food, do not lead to anything good. It is because of a careless attitude towards our own body and organism that we get sick, look bad and age faster. Therefore, the sooner you reconsider your attitude towards your lifestyle and change it for the better, the greater the likelihood of living to 90 years old with excellent health.
Let’s remember what good habits you need to develop for longevity!
No. 1 Walking
A day you need to walk at least 4 km in fresh air at a speed of about 100 steps per minute. Walking along the corridors of the office does not count; the lack of oxygen during such walking provokes an excess of harmful D-lactic acid. Make it a habit to get off the minibus or metro a couple of stops earlier after work and walk that distance home. By the way, the benefits for your figure and digestion are also noticeable.
No. 2 Charging
Doctors recommend doing exercises in the fresh air, but since not everyone has this opportunity, here's a plan. You wake up in the morning, open the windows wide open (at any temperature) and go brush your teeth. Come, close the windows and study for 15-20 minutes in a room full of fresh air. If getting out of bed is completely unbearable, at least do lazy exercises.
#3 Exercise
A lot of what the doctors say contradicts one another. For example, to lose weight, you need to train almost to the limit of your capabilities. On the other hand, in order to live long, you cannot overwork yourself physically. The production of D-lactic acid (krepatura) is harmful to the body. Therefore, if your figure is not an issue for you, make sure that during training your heart rate does not rise above 140 beats per minute.
No. 4 Meal schedule
Train yourself to eat 4-6 times a day, instead of 2-3. This schedule maintains stable glucose levels in the body and smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat rarely, but a lot, this causes sharp jumps in insulin in the blood, and it destroys blood vessels.
No. 5 Diet
Eat simple food: cereals, vegetables, meat. Try to avoid store-bought sauces, mixtures, cakes, and semi-finished products. Your diet should consist of 75% plant foods, incl. porridge, and 25% protein (meat, eggs, dairy products). It’s not at all necessary to pay for some expensive fruits and vegetables; pay attention to ordinary beets and celery. Not only are these products very healthy, but you can also use them to prepare a lot of non-standard and very tasty dishes.
No. 6 Nutritional features
Consume peptides and pectins. These substances improve biochemical processes in the body and help eliminate toxins. The first rich in seaweed, chicken and dairy products. The second ones are apples, bananas and persimmons. Every day - two glasses of kefir or yogurt. These drinks reduce self-poisoning by metabolic products, preventing fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing the intestinal microflora.
#7 Peace of mind
The most destructive effect on the body is not even alcohol and cigarettes, but stress. When you are often and very nervous, the work of the brain is depleted and the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functions of the entire body, is disrupted. If you feel like you can't cope with stress, make an appointment with your doctor and start taking a sedative. This will help you avoid becoming nervous and depressed.
No. 8 Dream
We are not even talking about getting enough sleep (although this is certainly important), but about the time when you go to bed. For stable functioning of the body, you need to fall asleep no later than 24.00, and preferably earlier. This way, your body will be able to produce melatonin, a hormone that regulates the functioning of the brain, immune and other systems, works as an antioxidant and slows down the aging process of cells.
Do you know what is the most important factor in longevity? Happiness and positive attitude towards life. After all, you can live up to 100 years, complaining about fate and the people around you, but such longevity will be of no use.
You need to try at every moment of your life to act in such a way that at 95, holding your great-grandchildren on your lap, you can look back and say: “What a wonderful life I have lived!” . We wish you this with all our hearts!
Remember your family and friends
Ask 100 passersby what is most important in life, and you will get the answer - family and friends. If not everyone will answer this way, then most certainly will. But we very often forget about our family. We have too much to do and not enough time. We don't have 24 hours to work. What a family this is! But this is irresponsible. Family is truly the most important thing in life. You can always find at least a couple of minutes a day to just call your family. Instead of your Twitter and Instagram feed, call your mom.
Soul without age7
This is the most important obstacle that accompanies a person throughout his life. Just think about it: when a child is small, he dreams of growing up quickly. In adolescence, faced with many problems, he strives to become independent and reach adulthood. Then he waits until he graduates, and then real life begins.
But looking for a job, gaining experience, and now the time is approaching to start a family. Understand what age you were not at if at this stage you truly want to become rich and live happily. You can achieve it, but you just have to strive. The concept of late and good age does not exist. Forget about the numbers in your passport!
What does a happy, rich life consist of?i
Besides money, there are essential components that rich people possess. According to most successful individuals, the main components are:
- Wish
Every person has a powerful force, he can achieve absolutely anything he wants. A set goal, a step-by-step action plan, a sincere great desire to achieve what you want, and then the environment will accompany an increase in wealth. But often people themselves do not want to live a beautiful and rich life. In order to become successful, you must leave your comfort zone, do something you have never done, and go towards your goal no matter what. And for this you need a real desire for change.
- Believe in yourself
The actions that a person takes to achieve goals, develop a business, have a successful marriage, anything that can help achieve a happy, rich life are not accompanied by the belief that this is possible. Therefore, you need to believe that it is possible to achieve success. You will definitely become who you want and definitely achieve what you want.
- Attitude to money
Poor people are contemptuous of the rich, they hide behind statements that money does not matter in life, the main thing is completely different (children, work). They agree to any job to earn the minimum wage for food and basic necessities. That is, despite the fact that there is a complete depreciation of money, for these small amounts, people sell their health, time and energy.
Here you need to accept money, its value in life, learn to perceive it positively and joyfully, aim to improve your health, your life and help others. Money will definitely like this attitude, and it will strive to make your life happy and rich.
- The best investment is knowledge
This is the most common statement of modern psychologists, trainers and motivators. To become successful and rich, you must first invest in your knowledge. How it works? A person learns a system of earning money, strategies, he masters skills that can lead him to earning money. If his business fails, he retains his knowledge and adds experience. Then he will get down to business with double strength and become rich faster. If you invest all your money in material things, then over time they will become outdated and simply become unnecessary.
“The philosophy of the rich differs from the philosophy of the poor in this way: the rich invests his money and spends what is left; the poor spend their money and invest what is left.” (Jeff Bezos)
- Give yourself permission to live beautifully
Every person can choose the best in all areas of their life. To do this, you need to introduce rules for a happy and rich life and strictly follow them.
Realize what this life means for you. Psychologists say that all people are divided into two groups according to their beliefs about what constitutes a happy and rich life:
- A person like one of the richest people in the world, Mark Zuckerberg, is surrounded by all the blessings that exist on earth: expensive yachts, villas, islands, the most luxurious cars, diamonds, millions of dollars in his pockets.
- A rich person is forced to achieve something all the time and work very hard. This assumption leads to the following: a person understands that he will not become a millionaire in the near future, there is nothing to be happy about, so he needs to be serious and unhappy. In order for your happy, rich life to begin, you need to allow yourself to do so.
How to find happiness
Work on yourself
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A person cannot be born with personal qualities and with a ready-made character. All these skills are developed and come to him throughout life. Therefore, with sufficient motivation, we can completely change our lives for the better.
Those qualities, most of which are inherent to us, as a rule, are our habits. After all, we could not be punctual from birth, or, for example, we got used to being late everywhere, since this became the order of things for us, just as we were not born with fear of the public or of strangers. All these qualities were acquired by us throughout life.
Beauty secrets
Most people cannot find happiness because they are very unhappy with their appearance. You need to accept and love your own body as it is, because not every person may have an ideal appearance, but you don’t have to be upset about it. It just doesn't make sense. And even more so, you shouldn’t get discouraged because of this.
Think better about how you can correct imperfections, or how to skillfully learn to disguise them with the help of clothes or some accessories. Don't deprive yourself of joy and happiness just because your figure or image is not perfect. Most likely, the shortcomings of your figure are compensated by some positive traits in your character or in your existing talents.
Don't ignore the little things
Any little things need to be treated more carefully than we are used to thinking about them, since one single small mistake, which, as a rule, is not paid any attention to, can destroy a lot.
For example, these could be our dreams, plans and plans. Big quarrels usually occur over some little things. Any little thing is always part of something larger, just like, for example, in an illness - first there are minor symptoms, and only later a serious diagnosis is made.
It's okay to make mistakes
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Any person understands that it is impossible not to make a single mistake in life. This is just unreal. Therefore, forgive yourself for them in advance and do not feel pangs of conscience.
Most likely, at that moment in life, under these circumstances, everything should have happened to you exactly as it happened. This was the most important decision at that time and it had its own meaning, even if we do not fully understand it.
If you think that at that moment you could have acted differently, completely differently, know that you could not!
Be conscious here and now
Life consists of past, present and future. The secret of happiness is quite simple - you need to live only for today, leaving all your grievances and troubles, misunderstandings and conflicts in the past.
If a person realizes the importance of his life at a given moment in time, this will make him more attentive, responsible and will allow him to significantly get rid of some worries of his past life. The past is just an experience that you need to accept and forgive both yourself and others for the mistakes and mistakes you have made.
In the future, we must constantly strive for better. The past can no longer be changed, but in the present you can lay the brick of your happy future. All in your hands.
World in harmony
According to happy people, for example, Buddhists, everything in the world is in its place: the movement of the sun, the change of day and night, the arrival of spring and winter. Everything is changeable, everything changes and is in harmony according to the laws of the Universe.
Such thoughts help a person to relax, to accept something inevitable, because it is very difficult to control everything, and there is no point in it.
Observe the beautiful, think calmly and in a positive way, this will provide you with a good life. Nervousness and haste will harm your life and reduce your work efficiency. Calmness is the highest power that helps a person in all life situations.
Find a mentor8
In every area of your life, find people who will inspire you and push you to make a breakthrough. Psychologists have long argued that the environment influences 50% of a person’s success, therefore, if you use the tips of a person who has achieved success and wealth, then the chances of repeating his story will become incredibly high. Therefore, strive to get to know each other, follow the lives of people you admire and start admiring people because they did something that you are still afraid of.
Decide to fill your life with love, joy, kindness, and smart thoughts. Follow your goals to achieve a rich and happy life. Every day you will become more confident and successful.
But you can find out how to become a happy woman in our article further on the link.