Ergophobia - what is this fear and how to cure it?

The phrase “fear of work” is perceived by most as a joke rather than as a real phobic disorder. It is much easier for people to be labeled a “loafer” than to believe that the prospect of going to work causes genuine horror in someone, even to the point of physical illness. How to treat someone who is afraid of work? What should you do yourself if you experience such a fear?

What is the name of the phobia?

Ergophobia is an irrational fear of work, aversion to it, and fear of performing certain actions. Often a characteristic feature is the responsibility that is assigned to the employee, as well as the availability of professional skills. It can be said that sometimes ergophobia arises from the fear of not conforming. Although, besides this, there are quite a lot of other reasons.

Phobia of fear of work has a high comorbidity (the presence of concomitant disorders). Fear can arise after a long break from work, when starting a new job. Sometimes a long search for a job makes a person overly value the position he has received, while underestimating his abilities, doubting his right to hold a particular position and, as a result, experiencing fear.

man and a bunch of stickers

Interesting Facts

Some doctors believe that ergophobia is inherited, so if among your close relatives there are people who have suffered from this disease, then the likelihood of experiencing fear due to work increases significantly.

Many scientists have stated that children who have been taught to be independent since childhood have an increased chance of developing ergophobia. This is due to a feeling of increased responsibility, when a person is afraid to disappoint others with his actions, thereby spoiling his opinion of himself.


Fear of work can occur in almost everyone at some point in life, however, an ergophobe cannot control his condition. An obsessive fear prevents him from living; it imposes its own rules, sometimes forcing him to refuse decent work.

In addition to debilitating anxiety, the person experiences all the somatic symptoms typical of phobias.

  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • redness of the facial skin.

Some are characterized by increased (even noticeable to others) sweating, dizziness, nausea, trembling, and numbness.

In extreme cases, panic attacks occur. On the psychological side, a feeling is formed of the possibility of losing control over the situation, starting to behave inappropriately, doing something wrong, making a mistake, and this is scary.

girl and dizziness

Symptoms of the disease

Ergophobia, the causes of which lie on a subconscious level, is often confused with a simple reluctance to work or laziness. The main signs of the disease are:

  • acute panic attacks;
  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • severe dizziness;
  • inability to concentrate, etc.

Not knowing how to overcome the fear of a new job, ergophobics may become addicted to alcohol, drugs or toxic substances that dull anxiety. Of course, this only aggravates the situation, and another problem is added to the problem of phobias - addiction.

Causes of ergophobia

There can be a huge number of different reasons behind fear of work. Firstly, as we have already mentioned, other mental disorders can be combined with this phobia. Sometimes they are the cause of ergophobia, sometimes a consequence. For example, low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence cause depression, against the background of which the mere thought of employment causes fear.

The fear of going to an interview, presenting yourself, making an impression is very difficult when you don’t believe in yourself at all. Thoughts about failures and pessimistic forecasts automatically arise, analyzing which a person becomes more and more immersed in melancholy and anxiety.

In addition to depression, social phobia may also be a comorbid disorder against the background of low self-esteem. This is a very common combination, because a person who is afraid of society will find it extremely difficult to overcome himself and get a job in a team. General anxiety disorder, neuroses, and panic disorder also make it difficult to calmly get a job.

Fear of work can be caused by fear of responsibility and failure. A person experiences very strong negative emotions, experiencing even minor failures.

Another serious cause is post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite the fact that most people associate this disorder exclusively with people who have survived some kind of war, however, it does not only occur under such dire circumstances.

Sometimes this condition occurs in a person as a result of bullying in a team of employees, or physical injury at work, or any other negative experience experienced in certain conditions. Of course, everything depends on each individual; a certain combination of external stimuli and character can lead a person to ergophobia.

bullying in a team

Methods to combat ergophobia

How to get rid of fear? Psychologists do not recommend self-medication, since therapy depends on the characteristics of a particular case. It is important to conduct a comprehensive and differentiated diagnosis and select an individual treatment plan. It is important not only to correctly determine the prerequisites for the disease, but also to identify personality traits, manifestations of the phobia, and find optimal methods of relief.

The following psychological methods are used:

  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
  • auto-training;
  • meditation;
  • relaxation;
  • group psychotherapy;
  • taking medications.

You can cope with a mild illness on your own.

Fighting a phobia at home

What to do to get rid of a phobia yourself? As self-help, psychologists recommend listening to the following recommendations:

  1. Change your attitude towards the stress factor. Determine what exactly is bothering you. Analyze the attitude of your colleagues to the same factor. Chat with them. It is useful to gain support from loved ones and find out how other people cope with similar anxieties.
  2. Practice conscious modeling. Mentally reproduce frightening situations and come up with solutions to problems. This will help prepare for stressful situations and increase overall stress resistance.
  3. Give yourself a motivation that will help you cope with your fear. Maybe you can get promoted at work if you learn to take initiative, give reports, etc. Or you have long wanted to go on a trip, promise yourself this as a bonus for overcoming fear.
  4. Think about a negative experience that still scares you. Work on your mistakes. Think about what you did wrong, what you should have done, what you are missing, what you need to work on. Conduct a written analysis and keep the results to yourself at all times.
  5. Identify your weaknesses, make a plan to work on them. It may be worth attending communication training or personal growth courses, or taking retraining or advanced training courses.
  6. Cultivate positive thinking, learn to see advantages, opportunities, advantages.

Determine what exactly interests you in your work, what you want to achieve. You must determine your needs and desires, draw up a portrait of the ideal job in your mind. Think about what you can accept and what you can’t, what kind of team you are ready to work in, what responsibility you are ready to accept. Think about what knowledge, skills and abilities you have, and what you need to learn to get your dream job.

It is important! If you cannot cope with anxiety on your own, then consult a psychologist. Don't let fear ruin your career.


Affirmations are positive statements for self-hypnosis. They increase confidence, self-esteem, and give strength for work. For the best effect, it is recommended to repeat affirmations in the morning and evening, or during work.

Examples of affirmations:

  • I am an excellent specialist, and I will not be fired;
  • I have enough knowledge and experience for a higher paying job;
  • I love my job very much;
  • work brings me pleasure, joy and happiness;
  • my work fits my interests perfectly;
  • I am always ready to take the initiative and lead even a complex project;
  • my performances are good because I am confident;
  • I communicate well with colleagues;
  • my comrades love and appreciate me;
  • my work enriches my inner world;
  • I have set good work priorities;
  • I work hard to become a better person;
  • my boss values ​​me and considers me a unique employee.

These attitudes will help you change your attitude towards work, find something you like, and perceive work as a favorite pastime.

Breathing techniques

In those moments when you feel increased anxiety or an impending panic attack, it is recommended to use breathing exercises. How to breathe correctly:

  • Take a comfortable position lying or sitting;
  • close your eyes;
  • imagine a peaceful landscape;
  • focus on breathing;
  • take deep, long breaths (3–4 seconds) and exhales (5 seconds), hold your breath for 2–3 minutes;
  • mentally relax your muscles.

Repeat until you calm down. As you inhale, think that your body is filled with positivity. As you exhale, feel the negativity coming out of you. When you inhale, inflate your stomach, when you exhale, pull it in. When you master this method, you can try another technique: inhale from the stomach to the collarbones, exhale from the collarbones to the stomach. Feel the energy moving through your body.

As additional measures, it is useful to use art therapy, aromatherapy, listening to music, warm baths, and aromatic oils. Decorate your workplace, try to improve relationships with colleagues and management. Offer to go on vacation together.

Types of phobias

Depending on the causes and characteristics of its occurrence, different types of ergophobia can be distinguished. One way or another, behind the fear of work is a critical attitude towards oneself, distrust, and devaluation of one’s abilities, but there are characteristic features for each type.

Fear of getting a job

This fear arises most often due to the problem of leaving the comfort zone. A person is in some conditions that, on the one hand, do not suit him, but unconsciously he can be quite comfortable. We can talk about an adult “child” living with his parents, about the wife of a wealthy husband who does not have an urgent need for finances, even about a person who has a job that does not seem to suit him.

The fear of finding a new job, going for an interview, overcoming oneself is simply unthinkable for some ergophobes. Anxiety in the face of the unknown is quite logical and common to many. However, a phobia is something that goes beyond the norm, which makes you give up the idea of ​​getting a job in principle.

fear of interviews

Fear of going back to work after maternity leave

The next, one of the common fears associated with work, is the fear of leaving after maternity leave. Often women are frightened by the thought of even returning to their previous place of work, not to mention looking for a new one. Feeling trapped, they make a very serious mistake - after maternity leave, such women become pregnant again and again delay their exit for some time. And then they give birth to a third... In advanced cases, ergophobia develops into full-fledged social phobia, and maybe agoraphobia.

The woman completely isolates herself from any strangers and protects herself from any outside activities. For family life, this usually ends badly, unless, of course, you turn to a psychotherapist in time. The reasons for this behavior are usually the thoughts: “I forgot everything during maternity leave,” “I can’t cope,” “I’ve gotten fat, I don’t want my boss/colleagues to see me like that.”

housewife and children

Fear of dismissal

The fear of being fired, of failure, of making a mistake is inherent in suspicious and anxious people. Sometimes this fear is caused by a similar experience that has already been experienced (perhaps more than once). Self-confidence drops, a person begins to feel like he is good for nothing. The thought of being fired can be so unbearable that in order to protect yourself from this prospect, it is better not to get a job.

dismissed employee

Characteristics of the pathological condition

Causes of the disorder
Oddly enough, individuals who are accustomed to and know how to do everything perfectly are subject to such phobias. They know exactly how to do this or that thing, and always achieve their goals. During school years, such a person is highly valued by teachers because he is an excellent student and does not cause any problems. He is used to getting excellent grades and always strives for this. But at the same time, he is afraid of getting a bad grade, thereby causing disapproval from his mentors and ridicule from his peers. Simply put, he is afraid of disgracing himself and experiencing a feeling of shame.

Treatment of the disease
The situation gets worse with age. First, an ergophobe enters college and strives to be the best among his fellow students, then he gets his first job. Such an individual approaches his responsibilities very diligently. He is usually in good standing with his superiors and is respected among his colleagues. Few people know what is hidden inside him. A person continues to be afraid of his failures and the feeling of shame that will certainly overtake him if he fails to cope with the task assigned to him.

But as long as a person feels “at ease,” fears are dulled, and she can live quite calmly. Everything changes with the arrival of something new. Inner confidence finally leaves a person, and in its place comes ergophobia - the fear of working.


Getting rid of ergophobia is carried out with the help of psychotherapy. Any irrational fear that we have - we need it for something, tells us something. Under no circumstances should you push it into the unconscious or replace it with some other emotions: anger at yourself, shame, resentment.

It is important to acknowledge your fear and understand what it means. What secondary benefits do we have from being afraid? Perhaps there is some other unresolved internal conflict, and fear of work simply helps us shift our attention away from it? Or maybe our mother told us as children that we would never get a normal job if we behaved like this?

A psychoanalyst helps us deal with all internal unconscious problems. Psychotherapy using the method of psychoanalysis helps to clarify the deepest motives. Behavioral therapy works in a completely different way, however, it is also very effective in some cases. The technique of combining complete muscle relaxation with imagining anxious situations helps the client get used to not experiencing stress in them and learn to function normally.

Thus, the symptom - work phobia - can be quickly eliminated. In fact, the client most often does not know in what method the psychotherapist works with him and this is practically unimportant. Psychotherapy, both personal and group and in any modality will have its result.

How to get rid of ergophobia?

Help from work colleagues with ergophobia

There are many ways to get rid of a problem that has arisen that prevents you from working fruitfully. Treatment of ergophobia does not imply the prescription of drastic drug therapy. If you are hyperexcitable, you can try using sedatives. However, it should be remembered that sedatives cannot eradicate internal fears.

If you choose the “help yourself” position, you need to remember that a consultation with a psychologist may still be needed in the future. The fear of “argophobia” is an insidious thing, unless, of course, a person invented it for himself in a fit of selfish motives.

If the problem really exists, then you should take care of your well-being in this way:

  1. Obtaining complete information about the job
    . If a person is a philologist by training, this does not at all indicate his inability to perceive the language of exact numbers. If you want to try your hand at another field of activity, it is recommended that you initially fully study its specifics.
  2. Creating motivation
    . To reward yourself, you can plan your upcoming vacation as a reward for a job well done. In addition, excellent specialists are often motivated by their superiors in the form of bonuses, which cannot but become an incentive to combat ergophobia.
  3. Conducting self-analysis
    . To convince yourself, it is better to write down your conclusions rather than save them in memory. When analyzing, you should clearly state on paper your mistakes and the reason for their occurrence. Over time, a person will be surprised to understand that the origins of the formation of an imbalance with each failure have the same genesis.
  4. Change of field of activity
    . There are professions in which stressful situations are periodically repeated. We are not talking about stuntmen, predator tamers or emergency workers. People in this profession consciously chose it, and an extra surge of adrenaline cannot stop them. The situation is different if the accountant is harassed by constant checks. Due to such systematic psychological pressure, he begins to fear responsibility for his work. Therefore, it's time to just change it.
  5. Referral to a strong colleague
    . Under no circumstances should you become his “shadow,” but it is still worth learning something from a purposeful person. Trying to strike up a friendship with a successful colleague is also not recommended, because when building a career, friendly relationships fade into the background.
  6. Creating a calm environment
    . Ergophobia often occurs against the background of other fears. You should calm down and think about what exactly makes you nervous about and without it. All negative aspects must be eliminated after detailed self-analysis.
  7. Choosing to work from home
    . As already mentioned, social phobes struggle to adapt even to a friendly group. If such a problem cannot be corrected, then the Internet will come to the aid of such a person. The main thing is to carefully study all the proposed vacancies so as not to become a victim of dishonest people.
  8. Asking loved ones for help
    . In addition to friendly advice, they can provide support in a more specific way. If there is money in the family clan, you can open a joint business. As a result, the ergophobe will feel not only material, but also psychological support from loved ones. He will never stop being afraid to work outside his comfort zone, but if his family business is successful, he won’t have to leave it.

What to do if you find yourself afraid

First of all, in such a situation it is necessary to accept it, and not push it into the depths of the unconscious. In some cases, fear has not developed into a disease, and you can fight it on your own. To do this, you need to analyze all your emotions, while “allowing” them to simply be.

It is important to get rid of total pessimism in your thoughts, to get rid of ideas about your insignificance.

If your fear is more likely related to an infantile fear of responsibility, then think about what is preventing you from growing up and what terrible thing will happen if you make a mistake? Whose expectations will you not meet? And above all, don’t forget that in order to want to work, you need to be able to rest.

Make yourself happy, don’t throw your desires into the background. If you are satisfied with other areas of your life, even some difficulties in your possible job will be much easier to experience. In situations where you cannot overcome ergophobia on your own, do not agree to its rules, be sure to consult a specialist.

happy man

Fear of work: how to overcome the fear of work

There are many people who came into this world with a disgusting quality - laziness. Their lives are ruled by a moss-covered, age-old dust-covered reluctance to do anything. For such individuals, idleness, parasitism and reluctance to work are integral parts of their essence. However, there are other people who cannot work not because of laziness, but because they are simply terrified of working. These people have the best intentions and aspirations, and experience a sincere desire and urgent need to work. But they have one very serious problem - a panicky, uncontrollable, obsessive fear of work, which in the scientific community is called ergophobia. An ergophobe with all his heart desires to be a full-fledged member of society and strives to benefit society. He wants to be independent and self-sufficient, and not sit on the necks of good relatives. He makes attempts to find a job, but all his endeavors end in failure, because he is pursued on his heels by an evil maniac - the fear of work. An irrational fear of work is inherently incompatible with life. Ergophobia deprives a person of the opportunity to feel the fullness of life. She does not allow her to reveal her own talents to the world. Fear of work prevents you from realizing your potential. Fear of work prevents the feeling of satisfaction from completed tasks. Abnormal fear does not allow an individual to feel like he belongs to something larger and more significant: a prestigious profession, a successful team, solving tasks of national importance, scientific research. A person who is afraid to work cannot receive “carrots” in the form of a photograph on the honor board, special privileges, corporate sabantuy, or letters of gratitude. If work has made a man out of a monkey, then a person overcome by ergophobia simply degrades. Fear of work is an obstacle to moving forward. This phobia does not allow a person to develop, learn something new, or improve the level of his skills. Ergophobia prevents a person from becoming a creator, depriving him of the opportunity to leave a significant mark on his stay on earth. Fear of work creates obstacles to full contacts in society. A person with ergophobia cannot maintain normal relationships with colleagues, since all his thoughts are focused on how to mask his fear of work. Without working for a sufficiently long period of time, without being in the human community, an individual loses communication skills. A person gripped by fear of work does not have the opportunity to live better than she currently exists. Very often, ergophobia leads to the fact that the subject is deprived of the opportunity to satisfy his basic needs. Severe cases of the disorder are tantamount to a disaster, because the individual, without working, has no money for food, clothing, or medicine. The result of ergophobia is cold and hunger, gloomy thoughts about the meaninglessness of existence. Why fear of work occurs: causes of ergophobia

The occurrence of ergophobia is associated with traumatic experiences in personal history and long-term experience of strong negative emotions.
It is failures in the professional field, problems in the learning process, conflicts in the previous work team, incorrect parental attitudes instilled in childhood that are the cause of the appearance of an obsessive fear of work. Let us describe several situations that can trigger the onset of the disorder. A typical culprit of ergophobia is the lack of required knowledge and practical skills. Unfortunately, many higher education institutions do not provide the knowledge and skills that a person needs in his professional activity. Very often, a student who has conscientiously attended lectures for five years and successfully passed state exams has in his head a set of unsystematized and practically useless information. Moreover, this trend can be seen in different areas of education. A person who thought that he was gnawing on the granite of science in the field of computer programming turns out to be “no” specialist. He gets a job in some provincial office, because with such knowledge they simply don’t hire him to a decent company. And even in this crappy organization, he experiences a complete bummer, not understanding what needs to be done with some programs. Experienced failure and disappointment that five years wasted in vain are firmly imprinted in the memory of the young specialist. Thus, uncertainty arises in one’s own abilities, and as a result, fear of working. Another reason for ergophobia is a distorted worldview and complexes that arose due to zombies in childhood. Very often, parents constantly tell their child that he is a terrible student. The schoolchild is regularly told that he is incapable and stupid. Parents instill in the student that he cannot grow into a worthwhile and sought-after specialist. As a result, the child stops believing in himself. Having matured, such a wretched person sincerely believes that someone like him is not needed at work. The result is obvious - panic fear of work. The culprit of ergophobia is also forcing a child to go to study where his soul does not want to go. Parents methodically put pressure on the young man, choosing instead an activity “to his liking.” Unable to withstand parental pressure, the applicant enters and graduates from the university where his caring mother and father pushed him. However, since you cannot command your heart, such a person does not want to work in a sector that does not interest him. The subconscious carefully protects a person, rewarding him with fear of work. The cause of ergophobia is also an overly strict upbringing in the family, growing up in Puritan traditions. Very often, parents choose some “prestigious” professions for their daughters, seeing their heirs as lawyers, judges, and employees of secret laboratories. At the same time, they, without particularly choosing the correct expressions, condemn some professions. According to parents who lead an ascetic lifestyle, all secretaries, waitresses, and dancers are prostitutes, whose duties are to satisfy the whims of clients and management. As a result, the matured girl cannot find a “decent” job, since she has learned her parents’ attitudes well. For her, participating in an interview when it is conducted by a man is tantamount to lying in his bed. So she languishes with nothing to do, experiencing a gigantic fear of work. Ergophobia is often caused by excessive emotions that a person felt when applying for his first job. Impressionable, sensitive, shy people often experience great excitement when they first come into contact with the work atmosphere. They are afraid of the unknown and do not know what awaits them at this enterprise. They are anxious, afraid of meeting with their superiors. They are afraid that they will not be accepted in the new team. They worry that they will not be able to perform their duties efficiently. In such nervous tension, they begin their first working day with fear. By coincidence, some incident occurs during work, which the employee interprets as a catastrophic event. However, he does not take into account the fact that perhaps the boss’s hysterical scream is the result of his drinking yesterday. A heated debriefing between two colleagues is a consequence of the fact that they both like the same guy. The partners' three-hour delay and disrupted negotiations are the result of the plane's flight delay. However, the newcomer blames himself for all such excesses. And in order not to feel guilty, you need an excuse from work. And the ideal clause is the fear of working. Very often, ergophobia develops in pedantic, overly responsible, disciplined individuals. Such persistent and assiduous people perform their duties very diligently, carry out all assignments responsibly, and always deliver work on time. Such employees constantly recheck completed tasks. They are very worried that they may not be able to complete their work by the due date. They are afraid that they will make some kind of miscalculation. This condition eventually develops into a fear of work. In some cases, the cause of ergophobia is a work injury. A person who has been injured at work avoids repeating the tragic situation. He tries not to be in conditions where there is a high risk of injury and injury. The fear of being maimed turns into a fear of working. Very often, ergophobia develops in people who not only do not know how to lie, but are also unable to embellish the truth even a little. They are demanding of themselves and self-critical. They always provide truthful information about themselves, not forgetting to mention the mistakes they have made. These truth-tellers not only give themselves away, but often slander themselves, thereby driving themselves into a trap. It is quite natural that many employers, having heard such heartbreaking stories about mistakes that have taken place, turn the wretched applicant down. In addition, such people often have a fear of making some kind of mistake, so they completely refuse to perform actions, postponing a visit to the employer until later. As a result, a person develops a panicky fear of being rejected and its current companion is the fear of work. How fear of work manifests itself: symptoms of ergophobia
The fact that a person is afraid to work is not always noticeable to others. Quite a lot of people suffering from ergophobia regularly look at existing vacancies, contact recruitment agencies, call employers and go for interviews. However, even after hearing: “You are suitable for us,” such people do not get hired by the company and do not work. They can consider proposals and go through options for years. They find a lot of excuses why they did not take the offered position. They justify their refusal with various arguments:

  • small salary;
  • regular delays in wages;
  • unforeseen premiums;
  • disgusting atmosphere in the team;
  • too old/young colleagues;
  • too many responsibilities;
  • lack of prospects for career growth;
  • an overly demanding and strict boss;
  • an overly pestering womanizing boss;
  • significant distance between home and office;
  • the need to work on weekends.
  • So, they spend hours, days, weeks... However, they never find a vacancy worthy of them. Obvious symptoms of ergophobia appear at the moment when a person prepares for a meeting with a potential employer or sits in a chair opposite the HR manager. The upcoming contact causes a panic attack in the sick person. A feeling of a lump in the throat, a trembling voice, shaking hands, a flushed face indicate a person’s fear. Even if such an individual is hired by some miracle, very soon colleagues begin to notice that something is wrong with him. This includes strange behavior, avoidance of work contacts, and excessively frequent absences from the workplace. A person suffering from ergophobia often resorts to preventive measures, namely, escaping into illness. Such a subject always has pain and dizziness, threatening loss of consciousness. He constantly feels nausea and stomach pain. He regularly has digestive problems. The flu epidemic affects him not for a month, but for a year: he has endless pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and otitis. Very often, such an individual quite successfully imitates the symptoms of vascular diseases, which the local therapist cannot refute without conducting research. So the ergophobe is on an undeserved “sick” leave, having complained in time about very high blood pressure, which “dropped sharply” just before the arrival of a gullible (or bribed) doctor because of a self-administered pill. The life of an ergophobe is also darkened by the fact that he often does not meet with understanding from his relatives. Close people interpret his behavior as ordinary laziness or another whim. Because of inactivity, such a person is scolded, reproached, accused. Conditions are set for him and demands are made. And in the worst case, he is simply abandoned by his partner, who is tired of keeping an idle slacker around his neck. How to overcome the fear of work: we begin to act decisively
    How to get rid of the fear of work? The best option is to promptly seek advice from a psychotherapist. The doctor will not only develop an individual treatment program, but will also tell you what aspects need to be changed in your worldview. With the help of psychotherapy, a person will be able to understand the reasons for his fear, accept his individuality, and find the best solution to existing problems. To overcome your fear of work, you need to change your attitude towards frightening situations. To do this, you need to mentally simulate a frightening situation, feel your emotions and imagine what scenarios might be for the development of events. You should calculate what could happen in the worst case scenario and honestly tell yourself how tragic such events are. After this, you need to mentally “live” a favorable outcome of the interview, imagine how everyday work will go. Draw in your head the image of a successful, accomplished person. To get rid of the fear of work, you need to regularly work on your mistakes. Record mistakes made, record errors in behavior, analyze the facts that caused the failure. After reading your notes, you need to develop a step-by-step plan for how to behave when meeting with employers and colleagues. Think about what you will say, what words and intonation to express your thoughts. How will you defend your point of view? Clarify for yourself what concessions and sacrifices you are willing to make for the benefit of the company. Make it clear which terms are binding and unchangeable for you. Write down on paper what qualities and skills are especially important in this field. Think about where you can fill the knowledge gap. You should clearly define what goal you plan to achieve: to make a successful career in the field in which you work or to find a job according to your vocation. It is necessary to take into account the psychological “law”: a person feels more comfortable if his work is motivated by his personal goals, rather than by the desire to adapt to external demands. Therefore, you need to understand exactly what is truly your desires and needs, and what conditions are inspired from the outside. We must get rid of indoctrinated attitudes, developing our independence and self-reliance.

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