How to make eye contact when speaking? 5 Principles of a Strong Look

Where does a person look when he lies? How can the direction of gaze indicate that a person is lying? These two questions were previously asked by our readers in the comments on the site. The short answer to these questions is “to a certain extent.” It's not as easy as recent TV shows or movies make it out to be. There, a detective is able to determine whether a person is lying simply based on whether he is looking to the right or to the left when he speaks. In fact, it would be foolish to jump to such quick conclusions without further investigation... but a certain technique can achieve something.

So... read, think about it, and test it on your friends and acquaintances to see for yourself how reliable it is.

The look shows the strength of the soul. Paulo Coelho. Alchemist.

Where is the liar looking? See below

Visual Assessment Keys - 'Lying Eyes'

To the best of our knowledge, the first use of the term “Visual Assessment Keys” was by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in their book Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Based on their own experience, they found the following: When asked a question, a “normally organized” person (who is not left-handed) directs his gaze in one of six directions, as seen from the perspective of the person looking at him:

Up and left

Indicates visually created images (VS)

If one is asked to imagine a "purple buffalo", then while the person is thinking about the question, imagining a "visually created" purple buffalo in his mind, his eyes will turn in that direction.

Up and Right

Indicates visually recalled images (VR)

If you ask a person, “What color was the first house you lived in?”, their eyes will turn in that direction as they think about the question, “visually remembering” the color of their childhood home.


Indicates auditory created images (SS)

If someone is asked to imagine the highest sound possible,” then when he thinks about the question, “creating an auditory image” of a sound that he has never heard, his gases will turn in that direction.


Indicates auditory recalled images (ER)

If you ask a person to remember what his mother's voice sounds like, then when he thinks about the question, trying to remember the sound, his eyes will turn in that direction.

Down and left

Indicates sensations/kinesthetics (O)

If someone says, “Can you remember the smell of a fire?”, that is the direction their eyes will turn when they think about the question, remembering the smell, sensation or taste.

Down and right

Indicates own dialogue (D)

A person’s eyes turn in this direction when he “talks to himself.”

The power of your gaze: how to manage people and get your way

Each of us has had such a situation when you look into a person’s eyes and you feel bad because of the hypnotic gaze, full of emotions, feelings and information. You can learn to “speak” with your eyes.

In general, eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also an excellent way to understand a person’s character. This can be done by assessing the shape of the eyes. Take the eye shape test to get to know yourself better and learn to analyze other people. Such skills are very useful when meeting new people or in work and any interaction with people. You will be able to see a person without communication, predicting his actions. Our body can tell others a lot about us, so there are a huge number of methods for analyzing character and emotions through the eyes.

The power of a glance

Everything that we think about at any given moment is reflected by our gaze, as well as by facial expressions. This is pure psychology, known to people for about a century. Our emotions betray us: anger, hatred, embarrassment, shame, fear, love. All this can be read in the eyes and facial expressions, so you can show your feelings with your gaze. Unconsciously, we form one or another type of face, characteristic of each emotion, but you can try to emulate emotions, using the power of your gaze to awaken sympathy, fear, hatred.

The power of your gaze can be brought to such an extent that people will obey you without words. This is used in such a well-known psychological practice as hypnosis, when the doctor inspires you that there is no need to be afraid of spiders or heights, that you are happy, that you have something to live for and enjoy every day.

The power of a gaze can have not only a psychological, but also an energetic component. Human energy is an invisible aura that surrounds the body. WE feel the fear of other people or their love, but the eyes perfectly convey energy flows - almost the same way as the touch of hands. There are people who with their eyes can infect us with joy, fun, or, conversely, give us despondency. Under the gaze of some people you feel creepy, uneasy and simply awkward. Energy flows carrying information and emotions are perfectly transmitted through the eyes. Each of us has encountered a situation when you look at a person and he looks back at you, as if he knew that you were looking at him. This is direct proof that there is an energetic connection between us all, the conductor of which is the eyes.

How to control people with your eyes

The power of the mind and subconscious helps control destiny, so always control your thoughts. It is worth noting that not only people, but also animals can be controlled by their eyes alone, without words. They are even more susceptible to this, so you can practice on them.

So, there are two versions of how you need to look at a person in order to inspire him with something or influence some feelings. Some people think that you need to look into one eye, while others say that you need to concentrate your gaze on the bridge of your nose.

What’s most interesting is that both people are right. Masters of psychology say that the right hemisphere of the brain, which is connected to the human left eye, is responsible for conscious emotions and logic. The left hemisphere and, accordingly, the right eye are responsible for feelings and unconscious emotions.

Looking at the bridge of your nose or eyebrows, you seem to be putting pressure on a person. This may not work well with loved ones, but with colleagues or strangers it works perfectly. It feels like you are looking straight into the soul. It’s difficult to go through this calmly, which is why most people look away when they do.

So, if you want to awaken logic in a person, then you need to look into your right eye. This is the best way of business communication when everything suits you. If you want to know something, then you need to look into your left eye, since it is connected to the part of the brain responsible for feelings. When you are in love with a girl, then look into her left eye to awaken love and show your feelings, your emotions. This way you will make her feel them. If you are scared, then the other person's left eye will tell him this. If you hate a person, then he can feel it too. If you want to make a person fear you or obey you, then look at the bridge of the nose. This is a powerful tool for law enforcement officers. They are trained to do this.

That's not all. Remember about energy? Remember to think about what you want to send to the person. Your aura will do its job, don’t even doubt it. The difficulty is that you need to learn to control your thoughts. When thinking about what you want to send to a person to manage them and their emotions, you need to do it at ease. Looking too closely will make a person wary. It looks very strange when they look at you non-stop. Avert your eyes periodically and look at the person about 80% of the time you communicate. Don't forget about etiquette, as it is important. Moreover, a man looking too closely at another man is automatically perceived as a threat. For women, everything is much simpler. For them it is always love. Don't forget this.

Practice more and think less about negativity when you want to make a positive impression on someone. Energy flows will convey to him what you want, and over time your skills will become better. One of the laws of the Universe is at work here: the images in your head create reality, not only for you, but also for other people.

Concluding remarks

  • A forward gaze or unfocused and non-moving eyes are also considered a sign of visual evaluation.
  • Typically, a left-handed person will exhibit the opposite sense of eye direction.
  • As with other signs of lying, it is necessary to first find out and understand the basis of a person's behavior before concluding that he is lying based on the direction of his gaze.

Many critics believe that all of the above is just nonsense. However, practice shows that there is something in this. But who's stopping you from finding out for yourself? It is enough to make a list of questions like the ones above and offer them to friends and relatives who will play the role of test subjects. And then watch their eye movements and record the results.

Kvartina Daria · 20 Jul, 2016

What does the size of the pupils indicate: what is the interlocutor hiding?

During a conversation, the size of the pupils may change dramatically. This is due to the emotional attitude towards the interlocutor or the subject of conversation. Dilated pupils are a sign of strong emotional upsurge: the partner is looking at what he likes. This is how lovers look at the object of their passion or children look at a desired toy. Constricted pupils are a sign of detachment and emotional coldness.

When assessing pupil size, it is important to take into account third-party factors. So, in bright light, the pupils narrow greatly, and in semi-darkness they dilate. Some diseases, for example, increased intracranial pressure, can affect the width of the pupils.

What is the look of a man who is in love?

A representative of the stronger sex in love is so focused on the girl that at the moment of communicating with her he can “fall out” from the surrounding reality. He does not pay attention to the city noise, cars passing by, becomes a little absent-minded, but at the same time he is able to reproduce in detail all the information that she tells him. He looks carefully, listens and tries to remember everything, even if he is absolutely not interested in the topic being discussed.

What is the look of a man in love? Shining, sparkling with joy and positivity, gentle, affectionate, warm, friendly, caring. He sees the treasure before him and enjoys the charm and beauty.

His pupils are dilated, his eyebrows are slightly raised, as if he is asking: “I love. How do you feel? From time to time, a mischievous, playful light flashes in the eyes. He does not always manage to restrain the “pressure” of his gaze, to control its power. Therefore, sparks are sometimes very bright, turning into flames. They say about this look: “I would eat it with my eyes.” After all, among males, love is inextricably linked with physical desire and attraction. This explains the fact that during flirting his gaze can be flirtatious and intimate.

A flirting look is difficult to confuse with any other. It is intermittent, flirty, intriguing, promising, charming, sparkling, alluring.

An intimate look indicates sexual interest. He is slow, sliding through erogenous zones, assessing, undressing. This look lingers on the bare parts of the body and speaks more clearly than words about the man’s passionate desire.

An important element of non-verbal expression of feelings is the game of eyebrows. Fixed eyebrows indicate a lack of interest. Elevated ones convey a wide range of emotions: surprise, amazement, delight, admiration, and the desire to attract attention. Such eyebrows make the look more open, as if they “open” the eyes in order to reduce the distance between the interlocutors.

The key to many questions is a man's smile. It is believed that when a person falls in love, he experiences a feeling close to euphoria. It embraces the lover when the object of love appears. A wide, open smile is a mandatory attribute of sympathy.

The emotions in the gaze and smile should be identical. Dissonance may indicate insincerity. You should pay attention to the symmetry of the smile and the facial wrinkles that appear around it. An uneven, slightly slanted smile is a bad sign.

A man's gaze

7. Long look

Staring can be conscious or unconscious. At the same time, the man looks at you without interruption for about 5 seconds. If you don't like him, you may find this behavior strange or intrusive.

If the opposite is true, prolonged eye contact is a clear sign of attraction. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that someone is interested in you. This is how men often seduce women.

8. Stare and smile

A man who seduces with his eyes will look at you for a long time, maintain eye-to-eye contact and then smile. He will continue to stare and smile. Such signals indicate that he wants you.

Such intentions are read very clearly, so even a blind person can understand them. This is a rather cheeky look that can be accompanied by a wink. If you are not interested, just ignore him, but if you like the man, you can smile at him. The seducer, as a rule, makes the first move if he sees that he has been given the green light.

Drawing and object manipulation tasks

Draw a circle on paper, ending with an arrow. It is important which direction your arrow points. If counterclockwise, this indicates a predominance of the left hemisphere and right-handedness. If clockwise, the right hemisphere is dominant and you are left-handed.

Draw a triangle and a square for each of the arms in turn. Rate the drawings. Whichever hand turned out faster and smoother is the leading hand. Take a large box or other items that can be placed vertically on a surface. Place an arbitrary number of these items with both of them in turn. If more was delivered by your left hand, you are right-brain dominant and left-handed. If it's right, you're left-brain driven and right-handed.

The fifth task is that you must draw a straight vertical line and thereby divide a sheet of paper into two halves. Your line will inevitably shift, no matter how straight you aim. If the line is located closer to the right edge, your left hemisphere dominates, you are left-handed. If to the left edge, your left hemisphere dominates, you are right-handed.

And another task - take a pencil in your hand so that it looks vertically upward. Extend your hand and look at him without looking away. Hold your gaze on the pencil and cover each eye with your palm in turn. If the pencil visually moves when you close your right eye, your dominant hemisphere is the left, you are right-handed. If he did this while closing the left one, the leading hemisphere is the right one, you are left-handed.

How to make eye contact when speaking?

Some people always find it difficult to look into the eyes of their interlocutor. The main reason for this is fear. The person is unsure of himself and his words. Afraid of seeming funny or stupid. Looking away is even worse emotionally. A person who cannot withstand someone else’s gaze and averts his eyes shows his weakness and “subordinate position” in relation to another.

People are not so far removed from the animal world. Animals that cannot stand their gaze are dependent and defeated. Males may not even fight if one clearly lost the staring contest; both understand who is in charge and who will have to leave.

Read more: Exercises to develop the power of your gaze

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