Life energy: where to get it and how to keep it in balance. Practical advice.

Energy. It is manifested not only by heat or light. There is also a more subtle substance, which in yoga is called by the Sanskrit word “prana”.

Prana permeates our entire body. According to the yogic text Hatha Yoga Pradipika, prana moves through 72,000 channels in our body. There are three main channels: ida, pingala and sushumna. Depending on which channel the energy flows through, a person will exhibit certain qualities. The flow of energy through one channel or another determines what “guna” (quality of material nature) a person will be in.

If energy flows through the right (solar) channel, such a person will be in the guna of passion. This often manifests itself as chaotic vigorous activity, which, as a rule, ultimately does not bring any objective benefit other than useless fuss. If the energy flows through the left (lunar) channel, the person will be in the guna of ignorance. This manifests itself as passivity, melancholy, depression, despondency, passive aggressiveness, and so on. If the energy flows through the central channel, the person will be in the guna of goodness. Being in the guna of goodness is manifested by the presence of virtuous qualities and positive altruistic activities that bring objective benefit to others.

The interweaving of energy channels in the human body form the so-called “chakras”. There are different versions of how many chakras are in the human body, but according to the most common classification, there are seven. Chakras have the ability to accumulate and expend energy. Depending on the level of his development, a person can expend energy through one or another chakra.

The higher the level of spiritual development, the higher the chakra a person uses most often. The three lower chakras are manifested by animal instincts and selfish motivations. If a person’s energy rises to the fourth chakra, and he manifests himself through this chakra, he is already a Man with a capital M. He has altruism, compassion, and strives to bring benefit to others. At this level, ignorance is still present, so a person’s actions may be inappropriate, but the motive is almost always noble.

At the level of the fifth chakra, a person manifests himself more rationally and uses his capabilities more effectively. Among the disadvantages that manifest themselves at this level is a heightened sense of justice, the desire to “do good” to everyone, often against their will.

Chakras, chakra system, human energy structure

The sixth chakra is the chakra of creative people. It is important to understand that creativity comes in different forms. If this is creativity that awakens animal instincts in a person (a striking example is “pop” songs), then such creativity manifests itself through the second chakra and does not motivate anything good. If creativity is aimed at creation and carries within it something reasonable, good, eternal, such creativity is almost always a sign of manifestation through the sixth chakra.

The seventh chakra is the highest point of perfection of a living being. At this level there are enlightened beings. This chakra has no measure in terms of describing its qualities.

Thus, a person’s energy system determines in almost everything his motivations, mental tendencies and directions of development/degradation. Deep knowledge of the structure of the energy system allows you to gradually take control of your energy and elevate your consciousness.

Sources of human energy

The principles by which the human energy system functions are more or less clear. But where does this energy come from?

There is an opinion that each of us already has all the energy that we are supposed to have throughout our lives. Whether this amount is the same for everyone or not is a moot point. Most likely, everything is determined by a person’s karma. That is, each of us comes into this life with the energy potential that was accumulated due to certain actions in past lives. And our task is only to competently realize this potential. Firstly, you need to be able to open it, and secondly, you need to use it correctly.

You can imagine that we were born into this world with a large bank account. And the first thing we need to do is remember the code from our account, and the second thing is not to spend all the accumulated funds on entertainment and partying. And yoga teaches how to accomplish these two tasks. Therefore, what is much more important is not how much energy potential each of us has, but how we can manage it correctly. Returning to the example with a bank account, another person, having ten thousand in his account, will be able to invest it wisely and achieve success, but an unreasonable person, having a million, can spend it on all sorts of stupid things.


How to learn to use it correctly?

Understanding what the energy of life is is not easy, let alone learning to sense it within yourself and use it.

There are several rules that help you discover your energy potential and use it:

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  1. stop listening to others;
  2. do not strive to follow fashion and perceive all information without filtering it;
  3. do not engage in self-deception;
  4. do not live someone else's life;
  5. learn to independently analyze life situations and make decisions.

The energy of life can be perceived in a broad sense as the totality of the Kundalini of all humanity. From this point of view, this is eternity, powerful and omnipotent, like God, which does not disappear and does not die. Most people, unfortunately, do not know how to use it correctly, and it is in free form in space.

Earthly life of the “home-work” type, monotonous days and the aimlessness of human existence are nothing compared to the strength and power of the driving energy of the world.

Human vital energy

All our actions are our energy. Everything we have is a manifestation of our energy. For example, poverty and wealth are determined only by a person’s energy level. Well, and his karma, of course, but these are interconnected concepts. If a person purchases something expensive, he spends a colossal amount of his energy. Or if any benefits simply appear in a person’s life, this also wastes his energy. There are interesting statistics that people who won very large sums in the lottery or casinos died within a year or the next few years. Why is that? Because if a person wins a large sum, it, contrary to popular belief, does not just “fall from the sky.” And in this way, a person’s good karma manifests itself, and a colossal amount of his vital energy is spent.

Imagine that a person had some kind of reserve of vital energy, which was designed for 80 years of a more or less healthy, happy life. And then all this stock falls on him in a day. That is, all his vital energy, all his “fuel” on which a person was supposed to live his 80 years, burns out in one day. And what is left is enough for several months, at best, several years. And then the energy is completely exhausted, and the person dies.

We live only because we have this vital energy. As soon as it ends, death occurs. Moreover, this is not necessarily death from illness or old age.

If a person has run out of vital energy, he can be said to lose all protection from all sorts of adversities and disasters. And crossing the first street on a red light will end very badly for him. That is why it is recommended to formulate your desires extremely carefully and spend your energy rationally. You can, of course, live large, build yourself a three-story mansion and buy seven cars, one for every day. But you shouldn’t be under the illusion that you’re just “lucky.” All that you have acquired is your life energy, which you have converted into material values. What does it mean? This means that the effectiveness of your life, its quality and duration, will noticeably decrease in numbers.

There is a law of conservation of energy - nothing comes from nowhere and disappears without a trace. Any action we take and any consumption of goods and services wastes our vital energy. And this “bank account” is far from unlimited, although for some it may be quite impressive. But this, again, is not because of “luck”, but because this is due to karma - a person’s past good merits.

Emotions, energy

What it is?

Photo 2The first energy, which is the basis for physical development, is called sexual, and in yoga - Kundalini.
Typically it accounts for 20% of a person’s total potential. A person's sexual energy is concentrated in Svadhisthana, or the second chakra. The peak of its activity occurs during puberty, at this time it is important for a person to learn how to properly manage his sexuality: to accept himself and the world around him, people, circumstances and the world as a whole.

If a teenager does not acquire such knowledge and skills, energy blocks are formed. The absence of energy blocks significantly improves the quality of life.

In particular, a person becomes creative and fulfilled, knows how to direct his energy to the outside world, lives a bright and rich life, self-realization and achieves success in all areas, from financial to personal.

Sexual energy is certainly related to sex in one way or another, but it is not limited to it. This is the energy of life, more powerful and expansive. It is the driving force of a person, helps strengthen his desires to live, create, and move forward.

Its potential is so great that it can be distributed across all energy centers, so it alone is enough for a person to live a full life.

However, negative reactions, thoughts, desires, hidden dreams and emotions each time cause damage to sexual energy, become barriers to goals and do not allow reserves to be spent wisely. The more a person lets negative things into his life, the less healthy energy he has left, which is why obstacles arise, failures arise, and strength disappears.

When sex life is reduced to zero, energy does not find an outlet outside. In this case, it is directed at its owner and moves along a destructive trajectory of the individual. This manifests itself in the form of nervousness, irritability, sensitivity, frequent mood swings, depression and compensation for energy deficiency.

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The latter can manifest itself in the form of pathological gluttony, that is, a constant desire to put something in the mouth. If the sexual center is starving, energy tends to be replenished in other ways, and this center and the mouth, according to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, are two poles of the same energy.

Sometimes compensation for sexual reserve occurs through chewing gum or frequent chatting.

When a person knows how to rationally spend sexual energy, he begins to develop, he enjoys life, builds strong interpersonal connections, has a good job and a stable income. At the same time, he positions himself in society as a creative person. It is even believed that its proper use helps achieve spiritual enlightenment.

There is a sufficient amount of knowledge about Kundalini in the world. The entrance to the energy channel through which it moves is located in the second chakra. If it is blocked by more than half, then all techniques aimed at activating this energy can be not only useless, but also destructive. For example, various diseases may occur.

Poor handling of your own energy field is dangerous: any energy can become unusable, and its absence leads to a lack of vitality.

How energy is taken from a person

Despite the fact that each person’s energy potential is different, its quantity is not so important as the ability to manage it rationally. In the modern world, a person is literally bred from birth to lose energy. Why is that? This happens for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the most profitable business is made on vices and addictions. What is addiction? This is the desire for regular loss of energy through some kind of passion. And if a person is “hooked” on some kind of addiction, he becomes an ideal consumer.

Secondly, if a person has great energy potential, he will be able to achieve a lot in life. The capabilities of such a person will be an order of magnitude higher than the capabilities of most people. And the fact is that a person with such extraordinary capabilities is more difficult to manage than an average person.

Imagine a person who is an order of magnitude superior to others in some way, be it physical, intellectual, spiritual, or even some mystical abilities. It is much more difficult to make an obedient consumer out of such a person. That is why in the modern world, from birth (sometimes, even at the hands of their parents), children are immediately hooked on the maximum number of passions: sweets, movies, computer games, and later sex. All this is a colossal energy expenditure, and it is not as harmless as it seems.

If a person already in adolescence “drains” energy in such volumes, he can completely use up all his energy potential in 20–25 years of his life. Observe modern teenagers, what interests them? Computer games, movies, junk food, pornography, sex, stupid entertainment and so on. Today it is very difficult to find a teenager who would put some kind of self-development above sensual pleasures. And the result is very sad - by the age of 25–30 we can see worn-out bodies with empty eyes and a complete lack of interest in life. Depression has become a real pandemic in our society today. According to approximate statistics, almost every third person today suffers from one form or another of depression. What is depression? This is the most striking manifestation of a lack of vital energy. When all the energy is spent on passions and entertainment, emptiness sets in.

Emptyness, depression, loss of energy

Irrational waste of energy is the scourge of modern society. This is not some area of ​​esotericism that has nothing to do with reality. Try to remember a situation when you had a good laugh at a funny comedy, or ate too much delicious food, or just had a fun time singing and dancing somewhere. Immediately after this or a few hours later, devastation, apathy, and reluctance to do anything sets in. And this condition can last from several hours to several months. Particularly striking examples are eating a lot of food or having sex. In this case, such a strong consumption of energy occurs that the person immediately falls asleep. And if a person is heavily dependent on some kind of addiction, regularly draining energy, depression will be his “normal” state, and this is not surprising.

When there is a constant leak of energy, a person simply does not have the opportunity to accumulate it in order to do something, hence laziness and apathy arise. Even regular coffee consumption or “moderate” alcohol consumption will constantly drain a person’s energy, depriving him of a full life and certain opportunities. After all, as mentioned above, any action requires energy, and if we have a lot of such “leaks”, such as coffee, alcohol, smoking, and so on, we will never be able to accumulate energy for some truly worthy cause. Or even just simply - for a full, harmonious, happy life.

Just pay attention to those who regularly use intoxicants. Their life is one continuous depression with periodic surges of euphoria while wasting energy through the use of one or another “drug”. And everything between these episodes is just meaningless, gray everyday life. And all this is explained by energy losses. And, on the contrary, if a person leads an ascetic (within reasonable limits) lifestyle, limits himself to sensual pleasures, or at least gives up the most energy-consuming pleasures, such a person rarely experiences depression, and most importantly, such people most often achieve much more in life .

The most striking example is school. Remember those cheeky kids who were the first to start smoking, drinking and indulging in other “adult” entertainment. At school they looked at them with admiration, but where are they now? Now we hear every now and then that they barely graduated from vocational schools and work in low-skilled jobs for meager wages. Why? Because all the energy potential is simply “wasted” over trifles. Now remember those who spent all their free time reading books, didn’t go for walks, and didn’t do any stupid things. And most often you can hear about how these inconspicuous “nerds” achieved success in business, career, creativity, and so on.

People, business

By the way, think about this: why did those who from an early age led an unhealthy and immoral lifestyle once have authority among their peers, while really smart and talented guys were, at best, subjected to silent contempt? Maybe these strange values ​​in the spirit of a fairy-tale Through the Looking Glass were imposed on us by someone? However, life put everything in its place and judged everyone extremely fairly. And the one who has wasted all his potential is now drinking beer in the yard, bought with his last money. And the one who limited himself in something, the one who worked on himself, improved himself, achieved success.

Energy structure of a person.

The doctrine of the spiritual realms has its roots in Hinduism. His followers distinguish between pranic, mental and body consciousness. According to Vedanta, subtle bodies are called koshas. They consist of five levels: the body itself, the vital force, the “container of the mind,” pure knowledge, and the sheath of bliss. These were the first attempts to classify human energies.

Ancient philosophical and religious teachings were further developed in the works of Helena Blavatsky, whose ideas were popularized by the writer Anne Besant. Thanks to their efforts, the world learned about seven bodies :

  • Physical – consists of familiar matter;
  • Essential – it contains the energy of life;
  • The astral body is the emotional sphere;
  • The mental body is the seat of thoughts;
  • Karmic (causal) body – level of fate;
  • Buddhic – human soul;
  • Atmic – spirit, the main goal of life.

Human energy permeates all areas of life. It passes through all his bodies, originating from both poles. On the one hand, people draw vitality from the food they consume. On the other hand, the energy of life and mind comes from space, feeding the spiritual component of the personality.

An incorrect lifestyle, negative emotions and actions destroy the subtle bodies, depleting energy potential. This manifests itself in poor health, depression, failure, illness, and suffering. A person’s internal energy depends on his mental and emotional mood, spiritual purity.

Human Energy Level

As mentioned above, seven energy centers (chakras) determine the level of spiritual and moral development of a person. And the higher the level of energy, the higher its quality, the more harmoniously a person will live. The level of energy can also be compared to the level of egoism. At the first three chakras, selfishness literally blinds the eyes and clouds the mind, forcing a person to chase only his own pleasures and personal gain. And only starting from the fourth chakra, egoism gradually fades away. And the higher the energy level, the more altruistic a person becomes, which means he is in greater harmony with the world around him. This is precisely the goal of increasing your energy level - to live a more harmonious life.

Now separately about replenishing “energy reserves”.

There are methods that are guaranteed to be shown to almost everyone and always. For example, contact with the four elements - fire, water, air and earth. Being in the fresh air , walking barefoot on the ground , swimming in natural reservoirs , looking at the flames of a fire - all this, in its original essence, very powerfully nourishes us, children of nature. Why do you think that for most people the most desirable type of vacation is still banal wallowing on the sea beach? Do you think it's a stupid pastime? Not at all! Subconsciously, people who have been worn out for a year by working in an unloved job, communicating with the “wrong” people, living far from nature in concrete apartments, find the most accessible and powerful way to passively recharge a person’s vital energy. Namely, they provide themselves, exhausted and tired, with simultaneous contact with all the elements at once - fire (sun), water (sea), earth (sand, pebbles), and air.

Turn off your smartphone

A lot of energy is wasted on distracting attention. And just because it seems like multitasking allows you to get a lot done, it takes a lot of energy. In order to get tired less, you need to regain yourself. Put down your smartphone when you have breakfast, chat with friends, play with children, do yoga, or drive a car. Put it on airplane mode when you come for a massage, or go to bed, or watch a movie. Spend an hour a day with your phone turned off to eventually understand that the world will not collapse if you are not in touch.

And if you can’t let go of your phone, hello, it’s an addiction.

Take vitamin D

Last year, for the first time in many years, I spent 10 days of vacation just to swim and sunbathe. And I got into such excellent physical shape that this year I went there to recharge for two weeks. It’s the sea + sun twice a day, like going to work. If possible, it is optimal to do this in April-May and October-November, but once a year is also good.

The rest of the time - autumn, winter and spring - I took vitamin D. You can buy liquid at the pharmacy, but I ordered capsules on iherb. And here’s the truth – I survived all this six-month horror with the weather quite cheerfully. But it is still better to consult a doctor about taking vitamins and their dosage.

Do a relaxation practice

I do this when I’m lying with a mask on my face - at home or at the cosmetologist. Sometimes I go to bed on purpose when I feel it’s time. It is necessary that no one touches you for 15-30 minutes, including on the phone.

Lower your attention to your toes and begin to relax them one by one, then your feet, legs, hips, and so rise higher throughout your body.

Slowly slide your attention and as if putting on an invisible tights, under which only silence and relaxation remain. Belly, chest, back, shoulders, arms, every finger on the hand.

Neck, head, jaw, tongue, eyebrows, forehead.

If your attention has not fled and you have completed the process, then a very pleasant moment comes - you are in the body, the body is full, and everything is fine.

Or you can go even deeper - and here is excellent advice from dance therapist Alexander Girshon: “If you want simplicity, go to the bones.” Well, that is, just remember that you have a skeleton, and stay in it - solid, reliable and solid - before returning to the bustle of the mind and the world.

Energy storage methods

Physical energy

  • Healthy sleep

I'll give you an example from my life. I am a typical night owl, and if I don't need to wake up regularly at a certain time, my schedule quickly gets lost. One day it shifted so much that I began to fall asleep in the morning and get up late in the afternoon.

To remedy the situation, I came up with a challenge for 30 days, during which I promised to get up no later than eight in the morning every day and go to bed on time. After just two weeks, I began to accomplish more and my well-being and mood improved. After a month, my productivity doubled.

And now the facts: melatonin, a hormone that enhances the functioning of the immune system and slows down aging (note to the female half of the audience), is produced mainly at night. Its maximum concentration in the blood occurs between 24 and 5 hours. This is why it is so important to go to bed before midnight.

How else to improve your sleep quality:

  1. 1-2 hours before bedtime, we put away gadgets - the “blue” radiation from screens gives the brain signals about concentration and the need to stay awake.
  2. At the same time, we dim the lights to create an atmosphere of relaxation.
  3. If you go to bed between 9 and 11 pm (“melatonin window”), your sleep will be as healthy as possible, observing all phases.
  4. We sleep at least 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep reduces the production of serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of emotional saturation.

Healthy sleep is the basis of our energy

  • Proper nutrition

The quality of food affects the state of the body and overall well-being - this is a fact. To stay energetic, you need to maintain a balanced diet, be sure to consume vegetables and fruits and drink enough clean water.

  • Movement

Movement and sports enrich the body's tissues with oxygen and also cause the brain to release endorphins (happy hormones) to neutralize stress from physical activity. That's why after training we feel a surge of energy.

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to go to the gym, introduce the habit of taking daily walks. Ideally, in a forest or park, since interaction with nature is another way to replenish energy.

  • Breathing exercises

In our normal state, we breathe reflexively and often incorrectly. Observe yourself and notice that you are not using your lungs to their full potential. Meanwhile, just a few minutes devoted to deep breathing techniques will saturate the body with oxygen and give it a surge of strength.

Emotional Energy

  • Positive emotions

Joyful feelings and thoughts charge energy in the same way that negative ones take it away. Therefore, it is in your best interests to shift your attention from the negative aspects of life to the positive. You can do this in the following ways.

  1. Keep a gratitude journal and fill it out every evening. This will teach you to focus on the positive aspects of everyday life and increase your emotional background.
  2. Make a list of what makes you happy and use it when you need to relieve stress. This could be listening to music, doing crafts or any other hobby.
  3. Communicate with positive and successful people. Choose an environment that inspires you.
  4. To have a pet. It has been scientifically proven that communicating with pets distracts you from gloomy thoughts, lifts your mood and improves your well-being. For example, while stroking a cat, our brain produces oxytocin, the hormone of love and trust.
  5. Travel more often. Even a simple trip to another city will give you an emotional reboot.
  • Mindfulness practice

A strong surge of emotions is accompanied by the release of stress hormones, resulting in an outflow of energy. Therefore, it is important to develop the ability to monitor emotions without suppressing them, and to create “space” between them and your reactions. That is, to be aware of them.

For example, anger provokes aggression. If a person is unconscious, he is completely immersed in this state. With developed emotional intelligence (the ability to track emotions), a thoughtless, blind reaction will not follow, and the release of stress hormones will be stopped.

Mental Energy

Increasing intellectual energy is the development of creative thinking on the one hand and the ability to maintain focus on the other. In addition to things like reading books and learning new things, the following will help you improve at this level.

  • Development of the right hemisphere

In most people, the left half of the brain is dominant, responsible for analytical thinking. But in order to use mental energy to its full potential, you need to develop both hemispheres equally.

Development of the right hemisphere for mental energy

Engage in any kind of creativity - drawing, writing or music. This is a simple way to activate the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creative thinking. Its development will help you perceive the world around you more holistically, increase your enthusiasm and level of intuition.

  • Meditation

Regular meditation practice improves cognitive abilities and increases productivity. There are many meditation techniques. The simplest of them are concentration on your own breathing or observation (for example, of a candle flame).

Another advantage of meditation is the ability to “reboot” and relieve intellectual and emotional stress.

  • Journaling

When we write down our thoughts and feelings, we literally unload them from our heads and stop “thinking thoughts” - endlessly scrolling and wasting intellectual resources. In addition, keeping a diary develops the ability to analyze.

This also includes the habit of written planning.

Spiritual Energy

For spiritual energy, you need to realize your values ​​and find your mission.

At this level, it is important that physical, emotional and mental energy resources are filled. Spiritual energy decides where we direct them. It gives us motivation and perseverance, as well as a sense of meaning in our own lives.

Understanding your values ​​is the main thing. Our true goals always coincide with them. And if not, then these are imposed goals. Through imposed goals, spiritual energy flows away.

How to identify your values? Observe the people who admire and inspire you and try to understand how they live. Most likely, this will resonate in your heart.

Also watch the video - you might find it useful.

To understand the truth of a goal, ask yourself the question: “If no one knows that I achieved it, will it lose its significance?”

A clear understanding of these two components - values ​​​​and mission - helps spiritual energy to grow.

Where else can one get spiritual strength from? Art, communication with nature, meditation and prayer help restore them.

Give cardio exercise

I fell in love with swimming, and to my kilometer, which I have been swimming weekly for six months now, I added a second one per week. I go for a walk with my dog ​​every day, and began to slowly add light jogging to the regular 4-6 km walk. I kept taking care of my knees after the injury, but a respected doctor said that I needed cardio exercise and that I could run at least in place for 5 minutes a day. I started running at sea, and now I continued, and it works.

I feel fantastic after my swims and races, I feel how strength comes and how this energy accumulates in me.

Creating an energy tracker

It is best and most effective to create such a tracker for at least a week on one spread of the diary, so that the cell for each specific day is large enough and can accommodate several points at different levels - from an energy decline to an energy rise, because these changes can happen several times during the day. If there are no strong changes, then you can check in the tracker only once a day.

Energy levels can be presented in different ways. It is most convenient to make three points at different levels: energy rise, balance (no changes), energy decline. During the day, it is necessary to note if there are ups and downs and if you have clearly identified the reason, write it down near the point.

The energy level can change very quickly: a meeting with a pleasant or unpleasant person, maybe a meeting with a manipulator (and you had no idea that he was a manipulator until you started the tracker), a delicious breakfast or a tiresome traffic jam, a favorite song on the radio or an annual report on work, and so on, and so on...

Most often, we do not even realize what exactly caused the energy decline or rise. That is why sudden changes need to be noted in order to then analyze them and strive exclusively for what gives energy and avoid what takes it away. Of course, you won’t always be able to escape family or work matters, but you can always come up with a way to make the process easier, make it more interesting and simpler, delegate some of the responsibilities, and so on.

It is also very important to keep an energy tracker in conjunction with your sleep, food, thoughts, mood, finance, physical activity, and overall habit trackers. Then it will be easier for you to find the dependence of energy changes on the events of your life.

Why do some foods give energy, while others take away energy?

The body “extracts” energy from two main sources – sugar and fats. All of them, through simple biochemical reactions, are ultimately transformed into the simplest carbohydrates, which are synthesized into pure energy.

However, sugar is actually a carbohydrate and its absorption requires a minimum of time and energy, but fat is a complex component. Moreover, the adult body works in such a way that simple and complex carbohydrates are absorbed immediately after consumption, but fats are stored “in reserve.”

The brain, its oxygen saturation, and the level of dopamine and serotonin produced are also directly responsible for the feeling of vigor. These same goromny are also responsible for raising the mood.

That is why there are so-called “energy drinks” and stimulants, which in fact do not increase energy, but only create the illusion of a feeling of vigor. Many drugs work on this principle. However, their use provokes a complex violation of digestive function, which will only harm health.

Accordingly, what food should be included in the diet in order not to experience a lack of energy? These are simple and complex carbohydrates , but all this must be supplemented with proteins, vitamins, minerals and clean drinking water.

One of the most important rules that nutritionists recommend adhering to is to follow a varied diet and abandon “hard” diets.

Naturally, if you constantly eat sweets (they contain the most carbohydrates), then this will not end well, since the body will begin to lack other micronutrients and nutrients.

What food makes you feel tired?

But including the following foods harmful to the brain in your diet only takes away energy and increases the feeling of fatigue:

  1. Fat meat. In principle, this includes any food rich in animal fats. These are foods that require much more energy to digest than most others. But you shouldn’t completely abandon them - meat products are the main source of proteins. It is better to give preference to lean meat dishes.
  2. Pasteurized products. This includes milk and various kinds of canned food. They contain a minimum of micronutrients and nutrients, but the body still carries out a full range of metabolic processes with them that take energy.
  3. Alcohol. Like any toxin, it quickly begins to be eliminated by the body, and alcohol also inhibits brain function. A lot of energy is spent on its removal, but ethyl alcohol brings practically no benefit - it is not commensurate with the harm.
  4. Sugar. This also includes sweets that are harmful to the brain and contain a high content of trans fats. They are practically not digestible. That is, they have minimal energy, but they take quite a long time to split. And all this time the body loses energy.

Go from the opposite

In recent years, I have not needed a lot of communication and noisy companies, and that is why rare visits to good guests and meeting new people give an incredible surge of energy. And vice versa - when I was an active girl, I needed to recuperate at home in solitude, silence and, preferably, darkness.

Singles should go out in public once a week or two to feed off others. Business extroverts should organize a day outside of society in the same way, so that a thousand little bear cubs, who are being torn apart by society, have time to gather back into a whole person.

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