Exercises for developing a person's hypnotic gaze

Hypnosis is a separate direction in psychotherapy, which involves a targeted effect on a person’s conscious and subconscious mind. But it is very difficult to influence a stranger. He will actively resist your influence simply because he does not trust you. Therefore, a hypnotist needs special skills and constant practice. And one of the most important skills is a hypnotic gaze. Let's look at what it is today.

Functions of the hypnotic gaze

In general, hypnosis should influence the subconscious. And his watchdog, that is, consciousness, needs to be neutralized. Often it is not necessary to do this completely. The main thing is that his control weakens a little and the attitude can be assimilated by the person. That is, he understands what is happening, but cannot critically perceive the attitudes that are received. To hypnotize, you need to understand what motivates a person, what possible defensive reactions are.

hypnotic gaze exercises

The weaker the person and the more he trusts you, the easier this task will be. Monotonous speech and tactile contact may be enough. If a person has built a block of psychological defenses, then it may be necessary to create additional conditions. These are lighting, music and some other subtleties. But the hypnotic gaze works with every person without exception.

Hypnosis techniques for love

Love hypnosis is carried out using neuro-linguistic programming or Ericksonian hypnosis. The impact begins with adjusting to the interlocutor. It is advisable to take the same position. Start repeating gestures, rhythm of movements. You need to try to breathe in rhythm with him. It is advisable to copy the interlocutor as much as possible with the pace of speech and timbre of the voice. At the same time, you need to try to make these changes in behavior unnoticeable to him.

Then in a conversation you can touch on a topic that will not cause disagreement and quote your interlocutor. After this, you can start using hypnotic phrases. Here are some ways:

  • the choice given to the partner is purely formal: “Shall we go to a cafe or take a walk in the park, as you want?”;
  • to get a person’s consent to something, you need to use three or four phrases implying a positive answer, subconsciously set him up for consent and then ask your main question;
  • the desired phrase, highlighted by intonation (for example, “We are made for each other”), is inserted into a very long statement;
  • a rhetorical question or platitude that prompts the desired action: “I wonder if it’s true that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? It seems so. When a woman loves a man, she always tries to please him with something tasty and special”;
  • the use of metaphors in combination with a slow, languid voice to set the partner in a loving mood (the use of words such as pleasure, pleasant, gentle, soft, etc. is important);
  • lulling the partner's vigilance in case there is a possibility of receiving a sharp refusal (relaxation with a boring, monotonous, meaningless story);
  • destroying the stereotype, causing confusion (a second trance will allow you to convey a suggestion to your partner with a look or words);
  • a sudden interruption of the conversation and leaving at the peak of the partner’s interest makes him feel a pull, a desire to see each other again.

These techniques can be used not only to evoke the right feeling in the desired partner. A woman can use similar hypnosis on her husband to get what she wants or to refresh her feelings.

Important! Manipulating the feelings and actions of another person cannot be called a good deed. But it becomes especially unethical when used by a dishonest person for nefarious purposes.

Love hypnosis does not seem natural and correct to all people. In their opinion, the choice of a partner should not be based on the establishment of artificial psychological dependence and subordination. But in some situations, the use of love hypnosis is the only way a person can create a happy couple. Many are driven precisely by the feeling of love, the desire to take care of their partner in the future.

There are cases when love manipulation, the desire to control the consciousness of a partner, has nothing to do with feelings, but is based on the desire to increase well-being and gain power. To avoid becoming a victim of such dangerous and insidious manipulations, both women and men need to be careful. Even if a person is not going to use hypnosis to love himself, it will not hurt him to have an idea of ​​its basic techniques in order to recognize a love manipulator in a stranger in time.

Features of application

In fact, preparatory work plays a big role. The extent to which the therapist managed to impress a professional, the person’s attention will be riveted to him. If the work is done correctly, then he can take his eyes off the hypnotist, but does not want to do this. It helps a lot in the following cases:

  • Unsuitable conditions, especially if the place is crowded and not suitable for this.
  • When the suggestion is superficial.
  • When is covert hypnosis performed?

Professional tool

Developing a hypnotic gaze is very important for doctors who help patients cure a mental disorder. Anyone can master this technique, but you also need to know what to do next with the patient. The method of constructing a correct suggestion must be carefully and deeply studied.

hypnotic gaze training

The easiest way to master the magical gaze technique is for a person with charisma and attractiveness. They will automatically attract attention to themselves. But only by winning over the client, it is impossible to work effectively with him. To do this, the therapist must have knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, first training, then practice. And don’t forget about the need to undergo therapy yourself.

Love Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness caused by another person, independently, spontaneously, which is expressed in a high degree of suggestibility and focusing attention on something.

The main characteristic signs of hypnosis:

  1. Trance is a state that is not like sleep.
  2. Cannot manifest itself against the will of the hypnotized person.
  3. Can form false memories in the subconscious.
  4. The influence depends on the degree of susceptibility to suggestion. There are people who are completely immune to hypnosis.
  5. In a state of hypnosis, memory, the ability to lie, and resistance to suggestion are preserved.
  6. It is impossible in a hypnotic state to force a person to say or do things that are unusual or contrary to his essence.

As a result, hypnosis is a mechanism for influencing certain ideas, and love is a complex of ideas. With the help of hypnotic influence you can influence a person’s love aspirations.

The mechanism of action of hypnosis in love affairs

Love hypnosis refers to the transformation of a sensual relationship towards a specific person. Hypnosis is used to make a person fall in love with you. It can also be used to reduce love addiction.

From the point of view of attitude to the problem of hypnosis and love, science in this area has no contradictions. With the help of suggestion, you can transform certain conscious and subconscious ideas regarding your attitude towards a specific person. Hypnosis is actively used to treat mental disorders, including those of a love nature.

The mechanism of love hypnosis includes:

  • identification of key criteria influencing the formation of feelings of sympathy or antipathy;
  • modifying these criteria using hypnotic suggestion so that the person becomes sympathetic or antipathetic.

Suggestion is carried out using speech, tactile manipulation, and behavior. Every person is capable of mastering the skills and elements of love hypnosis. This requires knowledge of the general principles of suggestion, understanding of the characteristics of the human psyche, experience and skills.

Scenarios for using hypnosis in love affairs:

  1. A woman, with the help of self-hypnosis, rebuilds her ideas about a man.
  2. A man, under the influence of feelings, strives to get rid of love addiction by changing his attitude towards the lady of his heart.
  3. The girl instills attitudes in the man, and he adjusts his behavior to suit her wishes.
  4. A lover strives to control his partner through psychological manipulation.

Hypnosis for love addiction

Love is a happy and positive feeling only when there is reciprocity. In case of refusal, the person in love begins to suffer. His feelings of attachment and beliefs in sympathy are so strong that he cannot independently get rid of emotional and sensual dependence. Failure can become a traumatic factor and lead to depression or mental illness.

Often a person cannot cope with love addiction on his own. In such situations, the use of hypnosis seems to be an effective and useful way out of the situation. The correct attitudes, which are formed by suggestion, make it possible to eliminate dependence on the object of love.


Now let's talk about how to develop a hypnotic gaze. In fact, this is just an auxiliary technique. It seems quite difficult at first, but the more you practice, the easier it is to use hypnosis in real life. Hypnotic gaze training can also be useful for people who are not directly involved in psychotherapeutic work. It is this that forms the basis of neurolinguistic programming.

developing a hypnotic gaze

Of course, this skill can also be used for selfish purposes, since it gives some power over people. Therefore, the question also arises about the ethical side of training. That is, the person who needs it to provide assistance must master the technique. On the other hand, it will require a personal investment from a person.

How to hypnotize your wife in her sleep. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Hypnosis, to see Hypnosis in a dream, what does it mean

How to hypnotize your wife in her sleep. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Hypnosis, to see Hypnosis in a dream, what does it mean

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about Hypnosis, how to understand the dream:

To see that you are under hypnosis means victory for your enemies, the collapse of everything.

If a woman dreams that she is under hypnosis, this means a warning to her of imminent danger.

If you see that you are hypnotizing someone, then you will soon receive significant support that will help you cope with the ill-wishers around you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream of Hypnosis in a night dream?

To see that you are present at a hypnosis session - this portends failures in your business.

If a young girl dreams of hypnosis, this means she is in serious danger from her peers.

To see that you are hypnotized and observe your actions in this state as if from the outside - then some important shift will occur in your consciousness and you will comprehend the meaning of your life.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why do you dream about Hypnosis in a dream:

If you dream that you feel yourself in someone’s hypnotic power, this means that in real life you should fear for your will and mind, which may be subject to harmful influence.

If in your dream you yourself hypnotize someone, then in reality some person will fall under your influence. Try not to use your power for evil.

If a girl dreams that someone has hypnotized her, then in reality she needs to be on guard, because... she is the object of close attention of some strong and powerful person.

To see that you are hypnotizing your loved ones, in life you yourself will find yourself under the great influence of your relatives, who will dictate their terms to you.

How to hypnotize your wife in her sleep. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Hypnosis, to see Hypnosis in a dream, what does it mean

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Hypnosis, what does it mean:

Being hypnotized by a loved one in a dream means that you will suffer great losses. Such dreams foreshadow all sorts of troubles and misfortunes.

To see a session of mass hypnosis is to expect mass political unrest and economic collapse in reality.

To be in a state of hypnotic sleep is to feel a very strong influence.

Hypnosis - For Women Only - For a young woman to dream that she is under some strange influence, means that she may be in danger in the very near future, and she should be on her guard.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see Hypnosis in a dream?

Hypnosis - Brief interpretation: control; sow seeds; illusions.

Popular expression: to catch the eye; to bewitch someone; that beats me; see eye to eye.

Without realizing it, we program ourselves every day to do things that we think will give meaning to our lives. Seeing that you are a hypnotist indicates your desire to have control over your mind and the way you think. If the hypnotist is another person in a dream, it means that he is trying to control you in an unfair way.

Hypnosis symbolizes the desire to change someone's way of thinking or change one's point of view. This symbol also suggests that everything can be returned to its place in the blink of an eye.

Nothing will come of it without training

Moreover, this will take quite a lot of time. It is necessary not only to choose the right ones, but also to repeat the exercises many times. The hypnotic gaze is not difficult at all. You just need to repeat simple exercises day after day. At the initial stages, you need to choose only the simplest ones. They are not so much effective as they are useful.

The first step is to master general gaze training and calmness in presence. After this, you need to learn how to transmit:

  • Sparkle in the eyes.
  • Emotional message.

hypnotic state

It sounds simple, but in fact you will have to work hard to master them to the required extent. The required skill develops gradually. The hypnotist goes deeper into training and changes not only his view of familiar things, but also his manner of behavior. That is, his mind and physiology are gradually rebuilt.

General eye training

Do you find it difficult to look another person in the eye? If yes, then you need to start training. You will soon realize how much easier it has become not only to communicate with people, but also to get what you need from them. Moreover, this is done quite gently, without pressure. First of all, come up with an anchor for yourself. It is an object or action that reminds you of something important throughout the day. It could be a bracelet, a coin in your pocket. And every time you touch her, mentally repeat the attitude “I always look into the eyes,” “I have a piercing hypnotic gaze.” In addition, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Draw a circle with a diameter of 1 cm on paper and hang it at a distance of 2 meters at eye level. Look at it for a minute without blinking. It won't work out at first, but gradually you will get there.
  • Move the sheet to the right or left 1-2 meters and continue looking at the point.
  • Walk around the room without taking your eyes off her.
  • Take two sheets of paper with dots and quickly move your gaze from one to the other. It is important not to blink.

hypnotic trance

Every day you need to increase the time a little. Gradually it will become very easy to watch without blinking for a few minutes. This creates a deep, interested look.

Eye muscle training

To enhance the effect of training, it is necessary to train the eye muscles. Warming up at home will help you quickly concentrate on the necessary details. To do this, you need to alternately concentrate on objects that are in different parts of the room: each time you select completely different things. The transition should be sharp and unexpected, but cyclical: if 4 objects are selected, then work is carried out only with them.

To train the eye muscles, it is useful to look with only one eye and temporarily close the other. Rotating the eyeball in a circle or moving up and down will increase their concentration.

Classes need to be alternated. Due to boredom, the hypnotist may quickly abandon the idea as the hypnotic gaze develops.

Your own interlocutor

To do this, take a mirror. Place it in front of you and look, without blinking, at the bridge of your nose. First one minute, then gradually increase to 5 minutes. Practice this skill on passersby or people on buses. Do not forget that it is difficult for a person to maintain his gaze at one point, so move your gaze first to the left, then to the right pupil, and then return it to the bridge of the nose. The reflection in the mirror will be an excellent training companion. A hypnotic trance also develops in this exercise, although it is very light. Don't miss the opportunity to set yourself up for good luck.

How to attract attention

Before you start using love hypnosis, you need to ensure the attention of your interlocutor. You can attract him by following several rules, and they are suitable for representatives of both sexes:

  1. Work on appearance. Even if your appearance is far from perfect, it can be improved endlessly. For example, through sports. Women's weapon is proper makeup. Clothes should be chosen carefully, emphasizing the dignity of the figure. A prerequisite is cleanliness and neatness. And finally, the conviction of one’s own irresistibility. This is read subconsciously by a member of the opposite sex and causes an appropriate reaction.
  2. Confidence and determination. If your character lacks these qualities, they can be developed through auto-training and self-hypnosis. A person who is going to resort to hypnosis for love must radiate inner strength, calmness, speak confidently and look the interlocutor in the eyes. His firm inner conviction that it is impossible not to pay attention to him will definitely work and subconsciously interest his partner.
  3. Listening skills. People love to talk about themselves. If you show attention to a person and become an ideal listener, this will be appreciated and will help create intimacy. With such an ideal “interlocutor” you will want to continue the conversation and meet again.
  4. Touching. They should be unobtrusive, as if random. Tactile contact will definitely have an effect on the interlocutor and will be etched into his memory. If you take a person by the hand and lightly press on the wrist (it is important to look straight into the eyes), you can put him into a light hypnotic trance. This disarms, deprives one of will, and paralyzes the ability to critically assess the situation.

If you adopt these techniques, you can achieve a lot on the love front, convince your chosen one or chosen one that they have met the person of their dreams.

Learning to convey the sparkle in the eyes

This skill is useful not only for psychologists. If you work with people, then it is very important to show not only your attitude, but also your essence. By your eyes, the interlocutor will quickly understand whether he can trust you and whether the joint work will take place. Dull eyes reveal your personal disinterest in the process and confusion. Never forget about this when you come to an interview or conduct important negotiations.

how to develop a hypnotic gaze

You need to spend at least 25 minutes every day. Standing in front of a mirror, learn to convey the look of an animal. At first they can be calm herbivores, and then predators. It is very important to repeat his look, his manner. The more looks the hypnotist masters, the easier it will be to transform in front of the client. After you have worked on the animals, you can move on to the psychotypes of personality. Here you can go through everyone, from cunning manipulators to sincere children. And again, the more types you master and learn to switch between them, the easier it will be later.

How trap words work in practice

To keep a person's attention, it is impossible to do without diverting his attention. There are several types of such traps. The first of these is called a truism. Let's take management as an example. We need to sell summer T-shirts. They won’t openly ask you to “buy a T-shirt.” First you need to make a distracting maneuver: “Well, it’s hot outside, but we have good inexpensive T-shirts, everyone takes them, there are no such things anywhere else.” The method allows you to show that it is not the seller who needs to sell the thing, but you who need to buy it. And that's a big difference. The client has a natural desire to purchase the item, and it seems to him that he has decided to buy it.

The illusion of choice involves affirming the purchase as an action already completed: they compliment you on your appearance, and tell you how this thing suits you, and then ask which thing you are taking.

The main thing in this technique is the use of phrases without negative prepositions.

This is roughly how teams act in questions. They don't use negatives either. The hypnotist gives a command that seems to the individual to be a natural impulse: “I ask you, close the window.”

The next trap is moral impasse. This technique involves offering to try something. They may tell you: “Try our sweets, it doesn’t oblige you to anything.” Naturally, after tasting you will be asked about the sensation. If the product is really good, you will not be able to give a negative answer, which will give your consent to the purchase in advance. And even if you don’t need sweets, you will buy them.

Conversational hypnosis, such as the Stirlitz Method, is used to activate action by using the characteristics of human memory. Usually a person does not remember the middle of a conversation, he remembers only the beginning and the end. Repeating the necessary phrases at the end of a conversation with deliberate emphasis and intonation allows you to force a person to take certain actions.

The combination “as soon as” suggests some action: “as soon as I count to three and touch your hand, you will become a completely different person.” In street hypnosis, this technique is used by a scammer to gain trust. So often maniacs lure their victims by offering to go with them: “as soon as we go outside, you will immediately understand me.”

Subconsciously, the victim perceives this signal as an agreement with all the actions of the scammer, even if they contradict common sense.

The “Three Stories” technique involves a story consisting of three parts. He does not pronounce the first part completely, and does the same with the second. The third is told in full (it contains urging, encouragement to take necessary actions, instructions). Then he finishes the second and first. A feature of human memory has already been described above: he clearly remembers only the end of the conversation. The third story is perceived as the end of the conversation and remains in the subconscious.

Dissipation of attention. It uses different techniques: changing intonation, pauses, highlighting phrases, a confidential touch on the hand, direct gaze into the eyes, attempts to concentrate the individual’s attention on certain things. All this allows you to completely subordinate the consciousness of the individual. Well-known speakers act this way. A person pronounces a speech with certain emotions, raising or lowering intonation. Changes the timbre of the voice, lowering the tone almost to a whisper, which inspires confidence on the part of the hypnotized person. At the same moment, the hypnotist performs active actions, touches the shoulder, strokes the arm. A written method of concentration involves highlighting text in a different font, increasing the size of letters, and moving to a new line.

Emotional message

This is another important skill. The client's hypnotic state directly depends on how much he trusts his therapist. This means that the latter must be able to listen and react correctly. And what better shows his involvement than glowing, living emotions in his eyes? Therefore, we learn to reflect compassion, love, care, participation, empathy and simply the warmth of your soul in your eyes. The ability to convey emotions and charge a person with certain moods is a very important skill. Without it, it will be very difficult to put a person into a trance. But you won’t be able to master it quickly. You need to practice in front of the mirror over and over again, day after day. Every day and year it will become easier.

Hypnosis as a phenomenon

Hypnosis is a process in which only the subconscious of the individual participates. In ordinary life, a person comprehends everything that happens: he analyzes for what reasons something is done, and how some actions entail others.

Such an analysis is born in the minds of an adult or a child. During hypnosis, he is put into a trance state. This is the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness. As soon as the person being hypnotized is immersed in it, consciousness turns off.

The hypnotist communicates directly with the subconscious: ideas and thoughts are born in it, which are a call to action. Hypnosis lasts from several minutes to several hours - the duration of the session directly depends on the qualifications of the hypnotist and the tools that are used to introduce a person into a borderline state.

The procedure consists of several stages, they allow you to calm down, instill trust in a person and lull the resisting consciousness. Street or therapeutic hypnosis is a big responsibility for anyone who puts another person into a trance.

Stages of hypnosis

There are myths among people that an experienced hypnotist can put a stranger into a trance with just one glance. Eye hypnosis is a special technique, but it also has several important, mandatory stages. First, the victim is determined: this is a suggestible person who believes in mysticism or a person with weak mental protection. Eye hypnosis should be used in direct contact with the person being hypnotized, since this type of suggestion does not work at a distance.

Main stages of hypnosis:

  • the person being hypnotized must be comfortable: he must take a comfortable position so that nothing distracts or disturbs him;
  • the hypnotist must evoke positive feelings in the victim;
  • they are put into a trance using a hypnotic gaze (all the attention of the hypnotized person is concentrated on it);
  • pendulums are used additionally if hypnosis with the eyes partially works;
  • suggestion is carried out as soon as the person is immersed in a trance;
  • a person is brought out of a trance after the suggestion of a certain attitude.

Regardless of the chosen technique, the person being hypnotized is carefully brought in and out of trance. Such a person does not need unnecessary stress: after the first half hour or an hour of the procedure, the person being hypnotized rests and regains strength. To understand how to hypnotize with your gaze correctly, you need to study for a long time.

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