Types of social norms: rules of interpersonal relationships

What are interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships refer to any type of relationship with other people . As a rule, they reflect the inner world of a person, convey his emotions and moods. Interpersonal relationships imply a complex of different types of communication: verbal and non-verbal, facial expressions, gestures, behavioral characteristics, emotional manifestations and much more.

types of interpersonal relationships

The main purpose of social connections between people is to establish contact in order to share emotions, receive certain benefits, apply their cognitive abilities, gain new knowledge and experience, and also expect support from the opponent. All types of interpersonal relationships should be based on mutual trust and understanding.

Misunderstanding always causes aggression. The degree of aggressiveness can probably be a measure of misunderstanding. © V.V. Nalimov

The formation of interpersonal relationships begins from the very birth of a person and lasts throughout his life . Initially, an individual learns to build correct interactions with society with the help of parents, educators and teachers. But over time, when the individual’s personality is finally formed, the construction of interpersonal contacts depends purely on the individual’s individual qualities and his ability to communicate.


Each concept in science has characteristic features that need to be studied so that the object of study can be analyzed in more detail.

Interpersonal interaction is... Definition, basic concepts, types and levels of communication

What features of interpersonal interaction are described by specialists in the field of social psychology?

  • Multichannel. Interaction occurs at both verbal and non-verbal levels.
  • Stages of establishing relationships.
  • Productivity.
  • Irreversibility. The emotional impact on a person is truly irreversible.
  • Another important feature for establishing relationships is having sufficient communication experience. Experience in communication is a set of ideas about successful tactics for establishing and maintaining the necessary distance in communication. Those who work in the “person-to-person” system must have such experience.

    Classification of human relationships

    The classification of interpersonal connections is quite extensive. They are divided by purpose and character, and are also differentiated into types and styles.

    • According to the purpose, there are primary and secondary interpersonal connections . Primary is the type when people interact with each other on an equal footing, without any specific need. Secondary relationships are carried out when there is a need for certain assistance, the provision of a service by one person to another.
    • By nature, interpersonal relationships can be formal or informal (unofficial) . Official interactions between people are based on adherence to strict rules and boundaries of communication. There is no right to independently choose a partner. Most often these are relationships between colleagues or business partners. In informal communication, there are no clear behavioral frameworks; the basis of informal interpersonal relationships is a broad emotional base and the right to choose an opponent. In informal relationships, personal preferences dominate, both in terms of who to communicate with and in the choice of topics and method of communication.
    • In style, social contacts can also be official (for example, interaction with a work team) or personal (this category includes friendly, friendly interpersonal connections) . Personal relationships are more pleasant and varied, richer emotionally than official ones.

    To have a human relationship with someone means to be with him on equal terms, to speak with him confidentially in addition to love; and this is also called friendship. © Françoise Sagan


    So, interpersonal interaction is communication in a group that has some purpose. Communication is built either on an emotional basis or on a rational, business basis.

    Success in interaction depends on the initial impression. If business partners subconsciously feel antipathy towards each other, they cannot agree. Conflicts and friction will arise in communication. Coordinating group communication requires a courageous and experienced leader with considerable experience in conflict resolution.

    Author: Svetlana Semak

    Types of interpersonal relationships

    The division of interpersonal relationships into types is more specific. There are five main types of human connections, interpersonal relationships are:

    1. Acquaintance . The first and most extensive type of interpersonal relationships. A very large number of people fall into this category. Even people who are familiar to you solely visually, with whom you have never entered into dialogue, belong to this type of relationship.
    2. Friendship relationships . This type is based on mutual affection and the mutual desire of people to maintain relationships, a desire to spend time together.
    3. Companionship . All participants in this category are united by the presence of a common type of activity. People who maintain friendly contacts are united by a common goal, their communication is aimed at achieving it.
    4. Friendly relations . In order to achieve them, you need to make a lot of effort and have certain personal qualities. Not all people are able to maintain friendly relations; many do not know friendship in any of its manifestations. This type of interpersonal relationship brings incredible benefits to a person, both emotionally and in the form of moral support and all kinds of assistance.
    5. Love relationships (romance, passion). Just like friendship, love requires long and hard work to create a favorable background against which such relationships would harmoniously develop. Love is one of the most powerful motivations; it is a great driving force. However, not everyone can comprehend this feeling. And the point is not only in individual qualities, but also in the fact that you may not find a worthy partner.

    types of interpersonal relationships

    It should be remembered that each person bears a certain degree of responsibility for any type of relationship : be it interpersonal relationships in the family, in love or friendship, or relationships with colleagues. The success of building relationships depends fifty percent on you; you are half responsible for the final result of communication with a person. This is especially true for such categories of relationships as love and friendship.

    A relationship without responsibility and its awareness is just a hobby, or even worse, a habit. Responsibility cannot show whether you are compatible or not, but it can show the significance of your relationship, but then it’s up to you to decide. © Nathaniel O'Farrell

    Interpersonal relationship systems

    In addition to the above types of relationships, there is also a systematic division into rational and emotional relationships, as well as parity and subordination. Let's look at them in more detail:

    • Rational relationships . It logically follows that the basis and goal of this type of relationship is the intention to receive benefit. A rational system of relations implies a certain mutual benefit for all participants in the communication.
    • Emotional social connections are based on personal preferences, based on sensory contacts, which may not always be positive. Along with friendship and love, emotional relationships also include enmity, antipathy, and hatred.
    • Parity contacts - communication between a couple or a group of people in this category is based on equality. The basis of these interpersonal relationships is complete freedom of choice.
    • Subordination relationships that have a clear hierarchy. For example, this could be communication between a boss and subordinates.

    Communication goals

    The goal is the strategic result that each participant in the interaction strives for. In essence, interpersonal relationships are the desire of both parties for a pre-thought-out outcome. Goals can be completely different

  • Getting help.
  • Self-expression.
  • Finding a partner for entertainment.
  • Seeking emotional support.
  • Training or education.
  • Introduction to cultural principles.
  • The desire to dominate a weaker partner.
  • The most popular purpose of communication for young girls is simply to share experiences. For young students, this is an exchange of thoughts and a community of interests.

    Interpersonal relationships and interactions will only be built when both find this communication mutually beneficial and consistent with their moral values ​​and goals.

    The role of feelings and emotions in social relationships

    All types of contacts between people are very closely interconnected, for this reason it is extremely difficult to distinguish between them. Also, interpersonal relationships are based on human feelings and emotions. The sensual development of relationships is characterized by both positive and negative emotional manifestations.

    When we meet any new person in our lives, we immediately evaluate him - whether he is sympathetic to us or, on the contrary, extremely antipathetic. Based on this, the foundation for future contacts begins to be laid. All types of interpersonal relationships are built on this principle.

    People who have a sense of empathy, know how to empathize and rejoice in the successes of others, are more predisposed to building harmonious relationships with others. Such individuals are conducive to communication, it is pleasant to contact them, you want to continue the connection, and also give in return those positive vibes that come from harmonious, positively minded people.

    Basics of proper communication

    The main problem of interpersonal relationships is a violation of communicative function. If a person does not know how to communicate correctly and is afraid to establish contacts with people, then any type of interpersonal relationships are unlikely to develop successfully.

    types of interpersonal relationships

    Communication is everything in a relationship. Solve any problems through dialogue. © Ekaterina Makarova

    Useful tips

    There are several effective tips on how to learn to communicate with people:

    1. Be interested in what the other person is saying. Learn to listen.
    2. Watch your facial expressions. Smile more often.
    3. Call your interlocutor by name more often. According to numerous psychological studies, the sound of one's own name is one of the most pleasant to the human ear.
    4. Get rid of filler words. They make your speech vulgar and uncomfortable to hear.
    5. Develop a culture of speech. When a person speaks correctly and beautifully, it is not only pleasant to listen to him, but also much more understandable. After all, the ability to clearly and clearly formulate your thoughts guarantees that the interlocutor will also understand them.

    There are situations when, during communication, people cannot find the right words, do not know what to talk about and how to build a constructive dialogue. As a result, misunderstandings arise in relationships.

    Communication mistakes

    What communication mistakes should you try to avoid so that types of interpersonal relationships are not at risk of unfavorable development?

    1. Watch your tone, facial expressions and gestures . Avoid an indifferent tone, a bored look, skeptical assessments - such manifestations discourage the desire to continue communication.
    2. The language barrier . This is not just a problem of people speaking different languages. Also, a language barrier can arise between people with different levels of development, age characteristics and speech culture. For example, you won’t be able to talk with children the same way as with adults, if only because most of the words and terms that adults use in conversation may be unknown to children.
    3. Manifestations of social phobia . It happens that a person, for inexplicable reasons, feels afraid of communicating with people. This is why awkward situations and pauses arise when trying to establish contact with the interlocutor. If you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to show inner willpower and resilience to work on improving your communication functions.

    The only time in a person’s life when he is objectively dependent and when he can be considered a hostage is his childhood and dependence on his parents. It doesn't last long. In other cases of being in a relationship, it is the adult’s choice. © Mikhail Labkovsky

    Every person is born and lives in society throughout his life. Complete isolation is completely impossible. There are options to trim and reduce the types of interpersonal relationships, leaving only the most necessary areas of social connection. But without successful construction of social communication connections, harmonious personal growth and development is impossible.

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