What psychological tests can you take to determine your mental state?

Physical and psychological states are two interdependent factors on which human health depends. Without a positive psychological attitude, physical recovery is impossible, and vice versa - a person with a broken arm will not enjoy life very much. In addition, an unstable psychological state can lead to nervous exhaustion, neuroses and psychoses. And if a person can assess the physical condition himself, then the psychological condition is assessed by the appropriate specialist if an accurate answer is needed. But today you can take a test online to determine your psychological state. A mental health test will help you decide whether you need more detailed counseling.

How to stop being tired and start living

Decoding test results

Your Answer:

A; IN; IN; G; B; A; IN.

A; IN; IN; G; A; A; IN.

B; A; B; B; A; A; IN.

B; A; G; B; A; IN; IN.

In this case, you need to rest, the world has “gotten” you, but your character does not allow you to hang your head down and give up. But if you continue in the same spirit, your psychological state will completely destabilize, and you may even get sick.

Your Answer:

B; A; A; A; A; B; A.

IN; A; A; A; B; B; B.

IN; A; IN; G; B; B; B.

IN; B; G; G; A; B; A.

Judging by the test results, you now have a stable psychological state, which can be disrupted by various life situations.

Your answer: B; A; B; B; B; A; IN. .

Today, according to the test, your psychological state is not alarming, but there is a possibility that your inner calm is feigned. You should contact a psychologist to help you sort out some issues.

These tests on a person’s psychological state provide only a rough estimate, but they are quite suitable for strengthening your own peace of mind.

Mental test

The famous Soviet scientist I. Pavlov argued that the higher nervous activity of choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic people is characterized by good mental strength. And only melancholic people are not very lucky in this regard. Does this mean that the latter are most prone to all kinds of mental disorders? Perhaps, however, the first three types also have their limits. Take a mental test to find out how strong your mind is and what state it is in now.

Note : When answering questions, focus more on the events and conditions of the last 3-9 weeks. The purpose of the test is to reflect the current situation rather than life in general.

1. Do you experience random tics, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, difficulty taking deep breaths, chest tightness, and/or severe finger tremors?

2. How often do you feel physical discomfort (headaches, discomfort in muscles and joints, nasal congestion, darkening of the eyes, etc.)?

3. Do you think that life is too unfair to some people (perhaps including you) that it cannot be corrected?

4. How do you feel in society, especially in a crowd? Does it ever happen that you feel “out of place”, constrained, awkward, when you are among people?

5. Do you still have energy after a normal, not too busy working day?

6. Do you experience loss of energy, physical or emotional exhaustion, weakness, lethargy or drowsiness?

7. If you have to make a choice on an issue that is important to you, what do you do?

8. Are you afraid to stay overnight alone in an apartment/house/room?

9. What can you say about your memory?

10. Do you feel like your muscles are constantly tense and sometimes become stiff, numb, tingly or sore (especially in the neck, shoulders and back)?

11. Can you characterize your performance as high? How long do you maintain the “impact mode”?

12. How often and how quickly do you become irritable/irritable?

13. Does it ever happen to you that you start crying from sadness for which there are no apparent reasons?

14. Do you often worry that you forgot to turn off the lights, water, iron, or something else at home after leaving the house?

15. How do you most often sound?

16. How is your self-esteem?

17. Are you timid? Do you easily become nervous, worry about little things, or become afraid of something completely trivial?

18. Do you have problems sleeping?

19. How do you usually cope with difficulties and failures?

20. What can you say about your activity, tone and physical coordination?

21. How often and how strongly do you experience emotional burnout, apathy, and indifference to everything that usually makes you happy?

Additional tests

Along with performing these psychological tests, we recommend that you complete the following tasks.

  1. Test for psychopathy. With its help, you can suspect a number of abnormalities that indicate mental illness.
  2. Choose a picture and find out what kind of person you are. Depending on the image you choose, you will be able to better understand the individual characteristics of your character.
  3. Test for dependence on public opinion. Using this questionnaire, you can determine how important the point of view of people around you is to you and whether you know how to make decisions on your own.

Test No. 6 “Dream Potion”

We all sometimes want to be in a fairy tale where there are wizards and fairies. Imagine for a moment that you are in a fairyland. Another interesting psychological test based on pictures is presented below. Imagine being able to choose the one potion you want the most. Which one should you choose?

Which potion will you choose?


You like consistency and don't like innovation. If you want to live a moderate life, you don't need change. At the same time, you are very afraid of losing what you have.

$1000000000000 CASH

You are a realist, you don’t fly in the clouds. You accept life as it is, with all its pitfalls. You rarely get discouraged and don’t give in to dreams.


You are a dreamer. Love to imagine yourself and your life in the future. It is difficult for you to come down to earth. If you also take action diligently, success is guaranteed.


You love new experiences and do not like boring and monotonous life. At the same time, you are constant in relationships; stability is important to you here. In addition, you love change and movement. Standing in one place is not for you!


You have certain fears in the present tense. Perhaps you are afraid of some person or simply of change. You need to look your fear in the eye. Then he will stop pursuing you.

In conclusion, we hope you liked our selection of tests! We will continue to share interesting psychological tests using pictures in future articles!

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Test what you want from life. TEST: What do you really want?

What would you love to see?

a) Strawberries. b) A red ball flying across a clear blue sky. c) Yellowed maple.

You would put purple plums on your plate today...

a) blue. b) yellow. c) black.

What color clothes do you prefer:

a) black or gray. b) red or yellow. c) blue or green.

What field would please your eyes?

a) With green sprouts. b) Field of poppies. c) Field of cornflowers.

What would you eat now:

a) orange or apricot. b) banana or piece of melon. c) cucumber or green apple.

Choose a room decorated in two of the following colors that you would find difficult to be in:

a) blue and yellow. b) purple and red. c) black and purple.

A fabulous formidable and terrifying creature could be:

a) red with green eyes. b) black with gray eyes. c) yellow with green eyes.

Count which answers you have more, under the letter “A”, “B” or “C”.

Letter “A” - you are probably tense and somewhat confused right now. You want peace. It happens that, without finding support and understanding, you withdraw into yourself. It's time to believe in yourself and realize that a lot depends not on others, but on your own thoughts and actions. Try to start enjoying every new day, because it is an opportunity to learn something previously unknown and exciting, which gives you an incentive to act.

The letter “B” - you are now ready not to sit still, but to achieve results. Stand up for your ideas! Your entrepreneurial spirit can lead to tangible success, but on the condition that you do not take hasty, uncalibrated steps and indiscriminately reject all the sound suggestions of your environment.

Letter “B” - you most likely want stability and inner harmony. You are not inclined to take active action now, but are quite determined to take stock and outline plans for the future. A good rest will help you regain your strength and feel more secure.

Psychological tests on the topic “Emotions” online

The original question that led to the creation of resilience theory was “what psychological factors contribute to successful coping with stress and the reduction (or even prevention) of internal tension?” It was suggested that this factor is what was later called resilience - a kind of existential courage that allows the individual to be less dependent on situational experiences and to overcome constant basic anxiety that is actualized in situations of uncertainty and the need for choice. Hardiness is a system of beliefs about oneself, about the world, about relationships with the world. This is a disposition that includes three relatively autonomous components: involvement, control, and risk taking. The severity of these components and resilience in general prevents the emergence of internal tension in stressful situations due to persistent coping with stress and perceiving them as less significant. Commitment is defined as “the belief that being involved in what is happening gives the greatest chance of finding something worthwhile and interesting to the individual.” A person with a developed involvement component enjoys his own activities. In contrast, the absence of such conviction gives rise to a feeling of rejection, a feeling of being “outside” of life. “If you feel confident in yourself and that the world is generous, you are engaged.” Control is the belief that struggle allows one to influence the outcome of what is happening, even if this influence is not absolute and success is not guaranteed. The opposite of this is a feeling of helplessness. A person with a highly developed control component feels that he chooses his own activities, his own path. Taking risks (challenge) is a person’s conviction that everything that happens to him contributes to his development through knowledge gained from experience, no matter whether positive or negative. A person who views life as a way of gaining experience is ready to act in the absence of reliable guarantees of success, at his own peril and risk, considering the desire for simple comfort and security to impoverish the life of the individual. Risk taking is based on the idea of ​​development through the active assimilation of knowledge from experience and its subsequent use. Thus, resilience is a personal characteristic that develops in childhood and adolescence, although theoretically its development is possible at a later age. Muddy cautions that the concept of resilience should not be confused with related concepts such as optimism, sense of connectedness, self-efficacy, resilience, religiosity, etc.

Picture No. 2

You are independent, unconventional and spontaneous. Always go your own way, not recognizing the limiting factors that prevent you from choosing your course.

You have artistic abilities, which you show at work or in your free time. You crave freedom so much that you act in a completely different way than expected of you. You will never mindlessly adopt what is currently in fashion.

“People eat” is clearly not your credo. You live according to your ideas and beliefs about life, even if it means swimming against the tide.

Projective test “Cube in the desert”

This is a projective method in which there are no right or wrong questions. It consists of your images. Here you will see what kind of person you are. This test takes a “photograph of your psyche from the inside” and reveals some of its secrets.

Important: answer the first thing that comes to mind - this is a guarantee that you will get to know yourself better. Before reading the transcript, try to draw a clear picture in your imagination, so that you don’t have to think about it later or create pictures as you decipher it.

Take the test→

Picture No. 3

Most likely, you are prone to introspection and reflection, a sensitive person. And more often than most people, you are immersed in thoughts about yourself and the world around you. You cannot stand superficiality.

You would prefer to be alone with yourself rather than endure empty chatter. However, your relationships with friends are very intense, which gives you inner peace and a sense of harmony, so necessary for good health. Long solitude does not bother you: you rarely get bored.

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