The need for communication: innate or acquired?

Need for communication

  • Why is communication necessary?
  • Types of communication needs
  • Communication deficit: consequences
  • The need for communication in children, adolescents and adults

Few people imagine their life without friends! We are constantly in a team, we strive to meet new people, join another company and expand our social circle. Loneliness is not attractive to anyone, no matter our temperament or character. But why do people have a need to communicate? How is it different in adults and children? And what types of communication are there?

Why is communication necessary?

Communication is one of the main human needs, the satisfaction of which determines our emotional state. But what role does communication play in our lives?

Emotional exchange.

Through communication, we convey our feelings, emotions, experiences and worries. During the dialogue, the other person does the same, due to which an emotional exchange occurs. How often do we notice that the mood of another is transmitted to us, and this effect is achieved solely due to the exchange of feelings and emotions, and this happens unconsciously. In the process of communication, we either increase the severity of the experience or decrease it.

Have you ever wondered why solitary confinement is one of the harshest punishments? It's all about the absence of an interlocutor.

Emotional support.

Every person needs recognition in society. It is important for us to know that we are valued, loved and respected. Such confidence gives us strength, lifts our spirits and allows us to overcome even the most difficult obstacles in life!

Evaluation support.

All people need approval and support. It is important for us to evaluate other people's actions, actions, words or behavior. Through communication, we make comparisons, conclusions, conclusions and changes in our lives.

Information support.

Through speech and means of communication, we gain knowledge about the world around us, expand our horizons, and become a harmonious and highly developed personality. Thanks to communication, we receive information that allows us to behave correctly and be prepared for different life situations.

Every person has a need for communication, and our physical and emotional state depends on its satisfaction.

Types of communication needs

In a state of anxiety and deep emotion, even uncommunicative people become talkative. Internal conflict, fears, struggle and terrible excitement - all this contributes to the rapid emergence of a new topic of conversation. Depending on what a person wants to get as a result, communication is divided into the following types:


Fear constrains and at the same time encourages a person to experience a strong need for communication. Strangers start a fascinating conversation only because of the appearance of excitement and worries. Such a need does not in every case give good results, because in this way we can say a lot of unnecessary things, which we would never do under normal circumstances!


This need to start a conversation arises in people who are powerful in character and characteristics, with strong leadership traits. It is aimed at subordinating another to your views, thoughts, tastes and feelings. Dominance in communication brings satisfaction in cases where the other person feels the need to submit. If two leaders encounter a need for dominance in a conversation, then conflict cannot be avoided. It is also difficult to communicate with two other opposites - people who need subordination.

Expression of individuality.

A person who feels the need to communicate in order to draw the attention of others to his individuality strives to express his character, his unusual mindset, his attitude to life. Such people are extremely vulnerable and vulnerable during a conversation, because denial or expression of a different position by his interlocutor causes indignation, bewilderment and even deep disappointment.


To be recognized in society, to receive praise and earn respect is the desire of many people. Often this need is clearly manifested in communication. From the conversation, it becomes clear what the person’s motives are, what he wants to say by this and why he chose this particular method of communication. If you do not control this need, you can lose friends and even ruin your relationship with them.

In order for communication to be harmonious, pleasant and bring true pleasure to both parties, it is important to first think about the interests of the other.


Thanks to communication, we gain new knowledge, information on various issues, explore topics and delve deeper into specialized topics. The need for communication often arises at the moment when we need to receive an answer to a question that has arisen. Satisfaction comes the moment we achieve a goal.


Patronage is a form of caring for other people. Some are eager to start a conversation to provide the help and support they need. However, with an immoderate desire to patronize, a desire for self-affirmation also manifests itself, so balance is important in everything.

Knowing the types of communication needs, it is easier to understand the essence of communication techniques and your role in this process.

Definition of communication and its conditions. Communication as an activity. The need for communication and its development.

(Table of contents)

Communication is the objective interaction of social individuals. Durkheim will say: the unit of analysis of society is the interaction between at least two people. Interaction is an objective fact. In economics and sociology, interaction between social individuals is also considered, but there it is objective and exists even when people do not know each other. This is the interaction of social positions. And for a psychologist, interaction requires personal contact, mutual activity of subjects. Communication is understood as a relationship between people. The need for people to understand each other. Rogers has open communication groups. Open means frank. And openness is a condition for mutual understanding between people. Rogers has a term called interpersonal knowledge. There is subjective knowledge and it may be incorrect (an opinion about some object, person, etc.). Objective knowledge according to Rogers is the aggregate opinion of experts. You can collect the opinions of experts, generalize them, and as a result, objective knowledge will emerge. But even it can be wrong, a collective mistake. And Rogers considers only interpersonal knowledge to be adequate, as a result of mutual understanding of people. There is a basic exercise in groups. One participant said something to another (opinion, attitude, etc.). The recipient of the message must repeat it. He repeats and perhaps the first will say that he didn’t mean it at all. And the first one clarifies the thought, expressing it differently. And so on until people understand each other. If communication is an activity, then it is holistic and cannot be reduced to the sum of its component actions, to the sum of the goals of individuals. Communication as an activity always has a special new quality that arises in the process. It could be the very fact of an intimate conversation, a special emotional state of the subjects, some new way of acting, a new way of understanding reality. Communication is needed not only to enter into a relationship, but also to perceive the world around us in a new way. Communication is the mutual activity of at least two individuals who understand each other, as a result of which new qualities appear. Interpersonal knowledge, emotional states, modes of behavior and, finally, a new perception and understanding of reality. Communication as an activity. The first answer: communication is a necessary condition for any human activity. And therefore communication itself is not considered an activity. The second answer: if communication is an activity, it has a special motive behind which there is a corresponding need. Of course, communication is a technological requirement for any joint activity. Let's say football or hockey players communicate with each other and this is a condition. But then one of the teams scores a goal and what do we see? Football or hockey players carry out activities that are meaningless for technology (hitting each other on the shoulders, rejoicing, etc.). The need for communication and its development. Like any need, there are two sides, objective and subjective. Two components of the complex structure were identified by James and explained by Maslow. The first aspect is the objective need of the individual to belong to his social whole. The subjective equivalent is called the feeling of belonging to a group, one's society. Levy-Bruhl: to exist for a person means to be involved. Sometimes a person belongs to society, but is not accepted by it. The second aspect is the objective need to be accepted, recognized in society, the need to be noticed (in feelings, actions, etc.). The subjective equivalent was formulated by Maslow as a sense of self-esteem. There are facts when children ended up with animals and their social and mental development was significantly slowed down. It is hardly possible for a person to live not among his own kind. This also includes facts of children's hospitalization. A lack of communication is disastrous for a person. Children in orphanages died from 50 to 90%, formally from various kinds of diseases, but the point is that the reason for susceptibility to diseases was a lack of communication. The revival complex is an emotional reaction to the face of an adult. This is the first extremely important emotional contact, usually with the mother, but maybe with another adult. What is the substantive content of the need for communication. The answer is given by Harlow's popular experiments - experiments with a cloth mother. 2 groups for control, the third main. The first group is raised in normal conditions with their mothers. The second is in complete isolation without mothers. The third is in artificial conditions, when the mother is replaced by a copy. There were dummies made of wire, cardboard, and other materials. It turned out that the newborn cub prefers certain sensory stimulation. The wire dummy should be covered with fluffy fleecy material. The need for bodily sensory contact. Of course, they developed more successfully with their mothers. The difficulties were in sensory isolation. And the pupils of the cloth mother were in an intermediate position. As they grew older, the cubs moved further and further away from their mothers, but returned from time to time to rub each other and gain an emotional charge. The older the cub, the greater the distance to which it moves. Mother is, among other things, a condition for cognition of the environment. After some time, the animals in the experimental group began to lag behind in their development even from those who were in isolation. The real mother, as it were, pushes the baby to explore, to understand the environment. The real mother is active, and the fabric mother is passive. Provides emotional support, but does not stimulate contact with others. What is a condition for development can cause its delay. Mother is a condition, a world, but this world must expand over time. If the mother does not deliver, then there will be excessive emotional care and she will become an obstacle, the cause of developmental delays. The next social entity is the child’s family. Here one could refer to the classics of psychoanalysis, where the concept of the family triad exists. The condition for mental development is the completion of this triad, so that future social life has its own specification and standards. If there are no parents in the family, then further ideas about a man or woman may become blurred. Any adult can fill in the missing space. A child in an orphanage expects any adult as his potential parent. This is the first positive aspect, which can then give way to a negative one. If the child still does not find a person who would fill the indicated places, he does not accept other people, treats them negatively, and finds himself in conditions of social isolation. For boys, the family triad is the Oedipus complex, for girls - the Electra complex. The family triad is a possible source of personal problems. This is a condition for the first birth of a person and sometimes it is not successful. For a boy, a father is a concrete example of a male social role, material for emotional identification. On the other hand, like any child, the boy strives for emotional contact with his mother. Freud reasoned to the extreme: if a boy strives to become like his father (to become a father), it means to become the husband of his mother. And then the father begins to be perceived as a rival, as an obstacle to emotional communication with the mother. Ambivalent attitude towards the father and blockade of emotional contact with the mother. If this complex is not resolved, then in the future the boss at work (teacher, any leader, senior comrade) psychologically becomes a copy of the father for a person. Sometimes an adult woman conflicts with her mother, not noticing that she behaves exactly like her mother. The family is both a condition for social development and a possible obstacle to it. You have to leave the family you were born into to create your own. According to Jung, one of the archetypes arises when a person stops fighting the shadow. Along the way we encounter the anima or animus archetype. Anima is a man’s idea of ​​a woman, animus is a woman’s idea of ​​a man. And if a person is already an adult and has been married for a long time, but according to Jung, there has not yet been contact with the anima (animus). These archetypes must express their own ideas, independent of the family in which they were born and raised. If there was no meeting with this archetype, then the man’s wife is a psychological copy of the mother. And we can say that he is under his wife’s thumb. Maybe he is very comfortable and happy there and then there is no need to touch him, but such a situation is an obstacle to social and further personal development. Well, girls can look for a psychological copy of their father - these are also remnants of unresolved family connections and identifications. The next level is where a person enters the social world and contact with peers. The first contacts with peers occur with the necessary participation of an adult. And only in adolescence, it is peers who become the social environment that contributes to a person’s personal development. Adolescence resembles two rapidly changing periods at once. A person needs to be involved in the social whole, he needs to be in the collective “we”. Here the simple laws of traditional societies “us” and “them” are modeled. Sheriff's famous experiment on children's group interactions. The children arrived at summer camp. For 2-3 days they were not divided into groups and some kind of, albeit superficial, friendly relations developed between them. After 2-3 days, the researchers do the following. The meaning of the study: what factors will influence the formation of a group, a social unit, a collective “we”, which opposes a certain “they”. So it turns out that the role of such a factor can be fulfilled by anything, any detail. The children were tested for visual acuity and informed that they were now divided according to this criterion. In fact, this was not the case; they were divided completely randomly. But the message that there is some sign of division affects the formation and consolidation of these groups. Any competition contributes to such consolidation and then mutual hostility, and a group is formed when its own symbols, its own collective name, its own subject symbols (for example, a flag) appear. The experiment was stopped when it came to destroying the symbols. And the group can also be an obstacle to personal development.

Elkonin argued about teenagers that true leading activity is not just communication with peers. And intimate and personal communication. You definitely need to be in a group and belong to it, this is necessary, but you can’t dwell on this, otherwise you will divide your whole life into yours and theirs, into ours and yours, etc. Among peers, a teenager is looking for a friend for intimate and personal communication. Against the backdrop of the collective “we”, the opportunity is created for the second birth of personality, of one’s own self. The man has left adolescence. This is one of those needs, the development of which can tell a lot about a person. The so-called communication gourmets are known. This is clearly Nozdryov in Gogol, when it is clear that there is no natural need to communicate with such intensity and no social one. We often find facts when a person, intentionally or not, seems to withdraw from communication, from social contacts. And here we distinguish between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness is probably still associated with occupying a certain social position. A social outcast, a misanthrope (like Molière or Woe from Wit), a deliberately lonely person. And solitude is something more subtle. Proust was, by social standards, a deliberate misanthrope. He spent all his days locked up and came out of the house only at night. Even with his friends (who respected his work) he communicated extremely rarely, only by correspondence. And no one had ever been in the room where he lived and worked. When friends entered this room, they saw a stack of notebooks on the table. It was the novel In Search of Lost Time. Did Marcel Proust communicate and, if so, with whom in his solitude? He communicated with humanity, with potential readers of his novel. He also communicated with us through the text he created, a cultural object. Personal communication is a dialogue through cultural objects and it is no longer necessary to be in social contact with your partner. Here it is convenient to recall Robinson Crusoe. On the one hand, this figure as a social individual seems to be deprived of any contacts, the island is uninhabited. But on the other hand, as a person, he is undoubtedly a subject of communication with the world of culture. Why did this little hero survive on a desert island. Namely because he actively communicated and worked with cultural objects. He recreated culture, as if he found new ways to use the tools and cultural objects that he managed to save and thanks to which he survived. Video Lectures on general psychology Petukhov V.V. (Lectures 1-30) Video Lectures on general psychology Petukhov V.V. (Lectures 31-54) General psychology: Lectures on general psychology. Lecture notes (Table of Contents)

Communication deficit: consequences

People lack communication for a variety of reasons. Some people are complex and shy people, others are already deeply depressed. Such social isolation is destructive for everyone, and it doesn’t matter what kind of character a person is. The main consequence of a lack of communication is a painful emotional state. It affects all areas of a person’s life, leading to apathy, a negative attitude and even self-hatred.

When such feelings arise, it is necessary to immediately take active measures. If you notice something similar in your friend’s behavior, then immediately strive to correct the situation. Take the initiative in communication!

When you yourself begin to suffer from a lack of communication due to a change of environment, moving to another city, breaking up with a boyfriend or losing a loved one, then even in such critical and difficult situations it is important not to lose heart, not to get upset and not to isolate yourself. Communication is the best way to cheer yourself up!

The need for communication in children, adolescents and adults

Children and adolescents are a category of people who have not yet reached their maturity. That is why they have a huge craving for communication. Every child strives to find a friend or girlfriend; he likes to be in a team, enjoy communication and interesting games. In the process of such communication, the development and formation of a person’s personality occurs.

For teenagers, the process of personality formation is more complicated, which means communication, especially during the transition period, becomes difficult for them. It is important that your child has a friend at this time.

If a person sometimes wants to be alone, this does not mean that he has problems or that he is immature.

Adults are mature individuals who know perfectly well what they want to achieve in life. Therefore, their communication often revolves around satisfying their main needs: recognition, prestige, expression of individuality, gaining knowledge. In the process of communication, do not forget about other people, their needs and interests, because this is the only way both parties will enjoy the conversation!

The patient's needs for communication, work and rest


A person lives and develops under the influence of society, in turn influencing his environment. Everyone has individual abilities and needs for communication; it depends on psychological characteristics, physiological state and age, environment, and social factors.

Communication at different age periods:

    Childhood - the formation of communication skills, Youth - the expansion of communication skills and relationships, Maturity - the use of various forms of communication, Old age - the fading of communication skills, the breakdown of relationships.

Psychological factor in communication:

    Intelligence, Conversation style, Self-confidence, Mood, Temperament, Perseverance.

Physiological features:

    Ability to hear (hearing loss, deafness), Visual impairment (blindness, narrowing of visual fields), Ability to speak (stuttering, speech impediments, muteness), Ability to write and read, Ability to gesticulate.

Social factors:

    Knowledge of language, Norms of behavior, education, Appearance, clothing, jewelry,


    Noise, Light, Air Temperature, Furnishings.

Problems of patients when the need to communicate is violated:

    Dependence on one's disease or condition (congenital pathology, stroke), Cognitive impairment (autism, schizophrenia, loss of self-esteem, Alzheimer's disease), Speech disorders (dry mouth, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, defects in the structure of the oral cavity, stuttering, tracheostomy, surgeries on the vocal cords), Aphasia - loss of speech function (brain tumors, strokes, head injuries), Hearing impairment (ringing in the ears, hearing loss), Visual impairment (blindness, decreased visual acuity).

Nursing interventions are aimed at providing the patient with a decent level of communication, taking into account his needs and characteristics. It is necessary to use all available means and styles of communication within the framework of professional competence and ethical standards.

Efficiency mark:

The goal can be considered achieved if the patient understands verbal or non-verbal speech and can communicate with the environment and loved ones at a level possible for him.


Labor in our usual understanding is a way of making money. However, work is not only about obtaining financial well-being for oneself and one’s family and social status, but also self-realization, recognition from colleagues and society.

Each person has his own idea of ​​relaxation. For one, relaxation is a sport, for another, walking on vacation, for a third, it is an opportunity to be alone and do handicrafts. It is important that a person’s activity changes during work and rest. If a person works physically, then rest may consist of reading books, going to the theater or to an exhibition. If our patient is engaged in sedentary intellectual work, then it is better that the rest be active - walking or cycling. Although it should be noted that there is a need for all types of recreation for representatives of any profession.

At different ages, people’s work activities are different:

Childhood - play, study - the choice of recreation depends on the wishes of the parents.

Youth - choosing and obtaining a profession - the choice of leisure depends on the mode of study, one’s own desires, the financial capabilities of parents and one’s own.

Maturity - increasing professionalism, career advancement, changing jobs, learning other specialties - the choice of recreation depends on one’s own desires and family capabilities.

Old age – retirement – ​​rest depends on physical health, financial capabilities and, to a lesser extent, on one’s own choice.

Problems of the patient when the need to work and rest is violated:

    Loss or changes in social status, Adverse effects of working conditions, Disability, Loss of ability to perform usual work, Loss of earnings, Loss of meaning in life, Inability to choose a type of recreation in a hospital setting, Inability to play sports.

Nursing interventions for violation of the need to work and rest:

    psychological assistance to the patient in the process of adaptation to his condition, providing the patient with independent choice or correction of his regimen within the prescribed physical activity, informing the patient about the possibilities of retraining and obtaining a new specialty.

Efficiency mark:

The goals set at the third stage of the nursing process can be considered achieved if the patient:

    Independent in the choice of work and rest, Adapted to the conditions of health care facilities and can choose feasible activities, Adapted to the consequences of disability and can perform feasible work, Enjoys the available rest.
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