How to make a wish card correctly - everything from start to finish

A wish map is a popular “tool” that is designed to realize desires in your own life. It is called differently - a wish map, a collage of wishes, a vision board, and even in the English manner - a vision board.

Those who are interested in drawing up such maps claim that a correctly executed map works very effectively, and people can really change their lives with it. Whether this is really so is up to you to decide.

In this article, we will discuss how to correctly create a wish map, what mistakes beginners make, and why knowing about the map is useful for those who do not really believe in this “magic.”

Map of Happiness - what is it?

Esotericists have proven that if done correctly, with the help of a wish card you will save yourself from many possible problems. However, this does not mean at all that you will immediately be offered some kind of magic wand, waving which you can make any dreams come true. Everything needs practice and the strength of desire to achieve what is planned. But even psychologists confirm the reliability of this method.

Leading experts in the field of psychology, esotericism and the magic of supernatural powers call this visualization of desires.

It will be interesting: What needs to be done to make a wish come true in 1 minute: the magic of magical rituals

How to make the Map work

  • A greater likelihood of their fulfillment is guaranteed if you take a piece of paper and clearly outline the goals looming before you.
  • This can be done both with text and with drawings.
  • It is advisable to do this in a beautiful form and hang it in a prominent place so that you can view the fruit of your labors every day.
  • Undoubtedly, soon your images will begin to come to life.
  • This picture also has its own name - vision board. In fact, this may be the answer to the question of how to make a wish card correctly with your own hands.

Feng Shui wish card

Many people know about the ancient art of Feng Shui, which can direct the life path of every person in the right direction. His followers believe that there is a strong connection between the worldview of the Universe and the thoughts of people. Therefore, you should send clear instructions and thoughtful signals, then success is guaranteed. They will pay attention to you and help you implement your plans.

Map creation process - basic steps

In order to organize your images and depict them correctly in the picture, you should adhere to certain rules.

  • First of all, you must clearly understand what you really want; your thoughts should not be vague and vague.
  • Then you must completely dissolve in your imagined wish and imagine that it has already come true.
  • To do this, you can use additional available methods and tools.
  • Do not forget that the atmosphere at the moment of creation should be calm and relaxing.
  • You can turn on your favorite tune and sit comfortably in a rocking chair.

How to make wishes on a Card

Now you can imagine yourself entering your office and employees running towards you to congratulate you on your new position.

  • You set the table and celebrate your promotion.
  • Try to feel all the feelings of overwhelming joy and satisfaction.
  • Walk through all the offices, understand what your workplace will now be located in, imagine its design down to the smallest detail - from stationery to paintings hanging on the wall.
  • Collect all your supposed imaginations into one clear image.

Now it’s time to transfer all this to a piece of paper, so that in the future you will be pleased with your Map of Happiness.

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What to think about when making wishes

When creating such a collage, beware of using the particle “not”. Write down everything you plan now and, if possible, more specifically. Use phrases like:

  • "I became a director,
  • “I’m driving my new foreign car” and the like.

Only in this case will your wish card, made according to all the rules, meet all the necessary requirements.

How to speak the Card of Desires

Don't expect the total time spent to be no more than ten minutes. During this period, you will not be able to create an acceptable board of cherished plans. If you make minimal efforts, she will answer you in kind, bringing more grief than joy. You simply won’t have time to formulate exactly those plans and thoughts that are truly important and necessary.

So which period is the most optimal? Many tips and tricks suggest that you should spend at least an hour formulating and constructing your life path.

Time for the ritual for wishes

  • You should have enough time to think about what you really need.
  • But even in this case it is impossible to judge the completeness of this process.
  • After setting out clear instructions on paper, at least several days should pass. They will give you the opportunity to understand and double-check whether these are the goals that are important to you.
  • As a result, you will be able to determine with one hundred percent certainty that you want exactly what you wanted.

How to make a Wish Card correctly with your own hands

Another invaluable piece of advice that should not be neglected is to carry out all of the above actions exclusively independently.

  • Do not involve friends, relatives or strangers.
  • In addition, start creating a collage only in high spirits and with positive emotions.

What you need to make your dream come true

As available means that should be used, we can recommend:

  • Whatman sheet,
  • old magazines,
  • ruler, pencil and scissors,
  • glue,
  • markers, paints or colored paper.

Alcoholic desires

Without alcohol, not a single meeting of good friends often takes place. But how can you turn ordinary drinking into real entertainment? To do this, you just need to make a wish related to alcohol in the wishing game. This kind of wish list is very long. Let's list some of them:

  1. Drink a glass of strong alcoholic drink in one gulp.
  2. You can invite the loser to drink a cocktail of beer, vodka and champagne. Of course, you need to understand that most likely your friend will not remember the end of the evening.
  3. Also, the punishment can be a task in which you need to drink 2 liters of beer without breaks.
  4. You can run a roulette with alcohol, on which various drinks will be arranged according to strength in different volumes, and the one that the roulette points to will need to be consumed by the loser in the game of wishes. It is worth noting that such punishment often outgrows the entertainment for the whole company, and the remaining alcohol should not be wasted.
  5. Another severe punishment would be to force the player to drink 100 grams of vodka or whiskey, after which he must do 20 push-ups or 30 sit-ups. This will be a very difficult punishment, so before you punish your friend this way, you need to assess his physical condition.
  6. A tough test for a friend will be the desire to drink an alcoholic drink sprinkled with hot pepper.
  7. Interesting tests will be in which you need to snack on an alcoholic drink with a product that is not at all intended for this.
  8. The losing participant is blindfolded and three glasses are placed in front of him. A strong alcoholic drink is poured into two glasses, and juice or water into the third. You need to drink one glass at random and immediately follow it with a second one. A very dangerous desire, you can lose your comrade for a long time.
  9. In the form of a wish, the loser can make a wish, either drink a glass of alcohol, or take off an item of clothing. Everyone will have a choice - get drunk or walk around naked.
  10. Drink a glass of alcoholic drink without touching it with your hands.
  11. Drunken checkers. Instead of checkers, glasses with alcoholic beverages are used. For example, they charge vodka for whites, and cognac for blacks. Each knocked down checker means that the player who lost it needs to drink that glass.
  12. Things are bad when 3 or more checkers are knocked down in one move - you have to drink one after another.

  13. The losing comrade needs to spin a hoop around his waist and at the same time drink a low-alcohol drink, for example, beer. Not many will succeed, and the beer will spill quite a lot, but the whole company will have fun, that’s for sure.
  14. Many glasses with various alcoholic drinks are placed on the table. The music turns on and all participants run around the table. When the music turns off, everyone should grab a glass and drink it in one gulp.
  15. Penalty. On a segment of 11 meters, 11 glasses of alcohol are displayed. The participant must crawl the entire distance on all fours while holding a soccer ball around his neck. Every meter you need to drink a glass of alcohol.
  16. Bottle. The meaning is the same as in a standard bottle, only instead of kissing, the one to whom the neck is pointed drinks a glass of alcohol.
  17. If you haven't decided who will go to the store next, you can arrange an endurance competition. The one who breaks down first and rushes to the toilet goes to the store.
  18. Desire for girls. An alcoholic drink is poured into a bowl and the girl must lap it up until the end. The task is not very difficult, but the cosmetics will definitely float to the delight of those around you.
  19. Beer is poured into the participants' glasses. Everyone drinks a little and tops off the rest with vodka. When there is practically only vodka in the glasses, it is necessary, on the contrary, to supplement the glasses with beer. This entertainment event continues until everyone falls asleep.
  20. Each participant in the feast pours one component (alcohol) into a glass in small doses. This cocktail will be drunk by the one who cannot add another drop without spilling the contents of the glass.
  21. The losing participant in the game needs to drink the contents of the glass using a teaspoon. It is permissible to use a straw for the same purposes.
  22. Pour and drink without hands. Can be used as a wish, or as a competition, when participants compete with each other to perform these actions. The easiest way to open a bottle is to hold it between your legs and use your teeth.
  23. Guess the drink. 15 different drinks are poured into identical glasses, including non-alcoholic ones. The participant, with his eyes closed, must taste what was poured in each glass, and must drink without interruption.
  24. An alcoholic drink is poured into corks and placed on the steps of the stairs. The loser must drink the contents of each step while climbing the stairs on all fours.

There are many such exciting desires. You can come up with them on the go, it all depends on the variety of drinks that are available and on the health of your friends. Alcoholic desires will turn any game into fun entertainment, as a result of which, perhaps, someone will even forget the outcome of the evening, but this will be a good reason to repeat the meeting.

This genre also includes tasks related to snacks. For example, they often offer drinks and snacks either from dishes not intended for this purpose or in an unusual form. There are several options when you need a snack:

  1. From a thimble.
  2. From a paper bag.
  3. From a small glass.
  4. From a plastic bag.
  5. From the palm of your hand.
  6. Taking your foot in your hand.
  7. Mouth from the surface of the table.
  8. Standing on a chair on one leg.

It is worth noting that this manner of drinking alcohol turns drinking alcohol into an entertaining event from an ordinary get-together, during which you can once again chat about problems. Such meetings with friends will be remembered for a lot of pleasant impressions and funny, absurd scenes, and perhaps even adventures.

Feng Shui wish card for 2020

The plan involves dividing a sheet of Whatman paper into nine parts.

This practice assigns each sector its own main sphere of human life and relates them to the existing cardinal points. In addition, each of them is painted in a different color.

This will be the first step in drawing up your happy future: dividing the paper into nine parts and gluing each of them in the tone that corresponds to the desired side of the world.

Visualization of your desires in real life

There are countless ways to speed up the execution of your planned thoughts. But the most famous representatives of psychology and the teachings of Feng Shui unanimously recommend the most effective of them - visualization.

This is the name of the method of presenting information in a form convenient for perception and understanding, with its further translation into reality. The dream map you created will do just that.

When to make a Feng Shui card

The most successful moments at which you should start manufacturing are identified:

  • Your birthday,
  • New moon,
  • Waxing Crescent,
  • Chinese New Year.

It is at this time that you will be able to invest the maximum possible amount of energy into your brainchild. Followers of Feng Shui say that it is best to choose one of the 14 days of the Spring Festival (New Year in Chinese) for these purposes.

Then you are guaranteed to work one hundred percent of your visualized board.

Ancient Chinese teaching about making dreams come true

These days, the entire environment is cleared of negativity, areas in life are able to renew themselves at full capacity, favorable moments for attracting prosperity and money. In ancient times, people believed that this was the time of opening the bolt between the world of people and existing deities.

Coordinate your time according to these guidelines so that you do not have long interruptions in composing your dreams.

How they told fortunes in ancient times

Ancient Chinese teaching has given us an invaluable technique that brings our goals to fruition in real life.

All you have to do is send an accurate mental message to the Universe, make every effort and use all your imagination. As a result, you will receive clearly formulated various aspects of your life, you will be able to understand them and put them into practice in the foreseeable future.

What is needed for the Happiness card to work?

You understand that one stream of thoughts wandering in our brain will not be enough for us to get what we want. A certain sequence of actions will still be required from us.

But all kinds of rituals, amulets and other magical objects can help with this. Therefore, it is important to understand what a wish card is and how to do it correctly so that it gains its magical power.

Do not forget that with its help you can attract not only our material needs, but also fulfill spiritual thoughts and feelings. All you have to do is visualize and create positive psychological energy, which will become an additional incentive.

Compilation methodology

It is better to work on a map in a good mood. Both its composition and admiration after its composition should evoke only positive emotions.

When compiling, you need to listen to the recommendations:

  • feel every desire, imagine it in detail. Understand that it is hidden. It needs to be personal and not belong to another person, even a close relative;
  • study alone, abstracting from the outside world. It is necessary to immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, forget about problems and responsibilities. It is more convenient for one to achieve harmony with oneself in silence, for another - with calm music. Any situation is possible, the main thing is comfort and tranquility;
  • Pictures, images, photographs should be liked so that one glance at them brings a smile and makes you take action.

Making an applique is the most effective way to make your wishes come true. When a person selects pictures himself, cuts them out, and adds details, they are imprinted in the subconscious. They seem more real. You can make a map using online services or buy a ready-made one printed in a printing house. Creative individuals can depict their thoughts and goals themselves, draw them using any available means, paints, felt-tip pens, pastels.

How to create a Bagua square

You already know that when preparing your treasured board, which will allow you to cope with life’s adversities and lead you to the desired path of your development, you should use the necessary material that should be at hand.

You can choose one of two directions of your actions:

Self-productionExperts agree that as a result of creating a map in this way, you have the opportunity to charge your every thought with the necessary energy, making it work for you.
  • Take whatman paper, your photo and clippings from old newspapers or magazines.
  • Choose images that are as close to your dreams as possible.
  • Pay attention to the reverse side of the cut out pictures; there should not be any negative or unpleasant information on it.
  • Match the proportions, for example, the ring should not be larger than the car and the like.
  • The maximum period you cover must be no more than three years.

Add specifics: label the images “my workplace”, “my computer”, “my car”.

  • You can write down the exact values: the amount on a wad of money or the kilograms you are aiming for.
  • Place your photo, which will directly add your energy, in the center of your board.
  • In the image, you should be smiling and reflect an extremely positive mood.
  • Arrange the selected pictures around the photo depending on your own desires, but try not to leave any free space.
Using a computerThis option turns out to be more accurate, but a little “soulless”.
  • You can use photos from websites and your image, model everything, and then print it.
  • The general principles correspond to the requirements described above.

How to correctly create a square of Desires

The Bagua Square is the starting point from which you should start when determining what it is, your wish card according to Feng Shui.

Therefore, it is important to decide on its filling and distribution into the required spaces and zones. Before the actual visualization procedure, you will think about what you want to see in your future life. As a result, you will get a certain energy that can allow dreams and plans to come true.

How to draw sectors

Divide the sheet into nine parts, each of which will have its own color, name and direction.

Don't forget about the specific cardinal directions, which looks like this:

  • east is on the left,
  • west is on the right,
  • south is from above,
  • north is from below.

More interesting things about Feng Shui: Health zone according to Feng Shui in an apartment - the secrets of Eastern longevity

The basics of correctly drawing up your Lucky Card

Sector nameColorMeaningDescription
Centralthe main objectiveIf your plans are to be a successful, prosperous person in excellent health, place in the center a photo depicting you in exactly this way.
Upper left corner
Light greenMaterial well-beingArrange pictures of financial success:
  • money, jewelry,
  • branded items,
  • cars, etc.

Below, write affirmative entries regarding the planned and expected amount of your income.

Upper Middle
RedFame, public approval, respectDefine your creative and professional ambitions and reflect them with appropriate pictures:
  • cup,
  • diploma,
  • podium, etc.
Upper right corner
BrownLoveFor a person who is in search of a soul mate, here you can place your photo as a groom or bride.
Those who have found marital happiness can strengthen their relationship with an image where both partners jointly radiate joy and happiness.
Left Center
Dark greenHealth and family relationshipsThe sector touches on the main aspects of not only a positive physical state, but also the spiritual psychological atmosphere that reigns in your home.
Place here photos of beautiful and pleasant places you have visited or are planning to visit.
Right Center
WhiteCreativity, childrenDreams about a child can be realized by depicting a newborn.
Represent the development and strengthening of your and your children’s creative potential with appropriate drawings.

At the same time, plan any creative activities - from crocheting to masterpieces when playing the piano.

Bottom left corner
Light brownKnowledge and skillWhen planning to achieve success in a new activity, reflect your aspirations in the form of certain compositions.
The field can be varied: dancing, science, singing, drawing, etc.
Lower Middle
BlueCareerUse your imagination as much as possible to explain your professional claims.
Draw a beautiful manager’s office, a career growth chart, desired achievements and other work aspects that you strive for.
Bottom right corner
GreyTravel and PatronsMost likely, your plans include visiting picturesque corners of both our country and neighboring countries.
Find pictures of islands, hotels and hotels where you dream of visiting with your family.

Do not exclude from your species important patrons, who are not only certain people, but also invisible forces that accompany you through life.

Where to hang the map

You have now sorted out the important question of how to make a wish map. Now it remains to figure out where to find the most favorable place for it.

Important places

Its performance will be expected only if it always hangs before your eyes, but envious strangers should not see it under any circumstances.

  • It would be best if your tree of Happiness was located in your office or area where you prefer to relax.
  • But in cases where you don’t have the ability to restrict others’ access to it, it’s better to put it in a nice folder and look at it periodically when you’re alone.
  • You can place your treasure on the inside of the closet door where you store your belongings.
  • In our age of developed information technologies, use them to create an electronic version of the card, which will be conveniently stored in your smartphone or tablet and flipped through at any time convenient for you.

Where to place

For the wish card to work, it needs to be hung up. You cannot hide it under the bed, on the closet or in the pantry. This will kill her energy, and there will be no hope for the fulfillment of her desires.

According to Feng Shui

You should not place the treasure board in the bath, toilet, or kitchen. It is also not recommended to hang it in the corridor if it is a passageway and people are constantly scurrying past the secret map. It must be hidden from prying eyes. This doesn't mean you can't show it to your friend or husband. It should not be seen by anyone who is capable of insulting desires, laughing at them and the board itself, doubting its strength.

The effectiveness of the card increases if the following rules are observed:

  • it hangs in the east or southeast. Don't be upset if you can't do this. The energy of the card will remain, the main thing is to believe in its powers and remember your desires. You should not place it on the window to achieve the position on the desired side;
  • The board is located in the bedroom, living room or office.

If the collage of dreams hangs in a prominent place and you don’t want guests to see it, you can simply remove it during the visit. This will not affect his work, because later he will be back in his place.

How to charge the card with energy

When creating your planned life on paper, do not forget that you are thus drawing your future Destiny. Do not approach this process if you are in a bad mood, depressed, or upset about current events. Get alone and get rid of all distractions. This procedure does not tolerate fuss and haste. Clearly trace every detail and every touch; if done incorrectly, it will not bring the expected result. Try to provide your wishes with positive thoughts and emotions as fully as possible. After achieving your goals, replace your vision board with “fresh” plans and perspectives.

Common mistakes

A wish map is a way to achieve your goals. But it doesn't work by itself. If the one who created it gives up and waits for the favor of fate, nothing will happen. The Universe is ready to help those who strive for their goals and are not afraid to go through obstacles.

Among the errors when drawing up the map are:

  • girls place famous actors or singers in the love zone. They hope that fate will bring them together. But perhaps she has other plans, and the person is meant for someone else. It turns out this is violence against his will. If there is a person you like, then you can find a photo of someone similar from the back. And place this silhouette next to your own image;
  • they place the images incorrectly, confuse the sectors, or make the images overlap one another;
  • they do not use their own desires, but think more about the dreams of their spouses, parents or children;
  • take photographs with defects, poor quality, sun-bleached, torn edges, wrinkled or dirty;
  • When dreaming of owning a house or car, they place their photo aside. If you want to combine both images, then you need to place yourself inside. When looking at the photo, it should be clear who the owner of the mansion and convertible is;
  • make a map together with friends. If this is a board of personal goals, then you need to work through them alone, ignoring the advice of others.

You need to believe in the wish card, love it and respect it. Only then will she work and help her dreams come true.

The meaning of zones and sectors of the map of Happiness

To prevent a disorderly flow of your life and eliminate the possibility of chaos, place pictures in strictly designated sectors, corresponding to certain areas, colors, with the necessary text.

ZoneColorPhraseFeatured Images
HealthYellow, gold
  • "My body is healthy"
  • “All illnesses have left me”
Own photo
  • “I achieved the position of director (manager, etc.)”,
  • “I make the most of every chance”
Logos of the companies where you want to work, career growth chart, dynamics of professional achievements, etc.
  • “The number of my followers is increasing”
  • “I have achieved everyone’s respect”
Providing popularity and success in the desired areas of photography and pictures.
ProsperityPurple, green
  • “I have enough money on my bank card”
  • “My income is growing every day”
Items that emphasize wealth and financial independence: banknotes, expensive jewelry, yachts and cars.
WisdomDark orange, brown
  • “I have a fairly developed intuition”
  • "I gain wisdom every day"
Your acquired knowledge: the name of the courses where you are thinking of learning a new line of work, diplomas, certificates, driver’s license, etc.
FamilyDark green
  • "My family is friendly"
  • "I am pregnant"
Images of an existing or planned family or children.
LovePink, red
  • "I love and I am loved"
  • “My chosen one (chosen one) is crazy about me”
Pictures of lovers' dates, romantic surprises and other manifestations of tenderness and feelings towards each other.
HobbiesSilver, white
  • “My hobby is interesting and useful”
  • “I realize myself as a creatively developed personality”
Imagine your dreams of learning to embroider, play the guitar, bake pies or much more with the appropriate photos in this sector.
TripsSilver, gray
  • “I will spend my vacation at sea”
Pictures of places where you have been and where you dream of returning, or those that you cannot even think about in your thoughts.

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Having considered such a concept as a wish map and how to make it correctly, you have already been able to come to the conclusion that you should focus on the correct arrangement of sectors on a sheet of whatman paper.

Only in this case will you be able to adjust certain areas of your life in which you are currently not entirely sure.

How to select pictures for sectors

Consider such an important point as the choice of pictures. They should be quite bright and colorful. Select certain options from glossy magazines or ask an artist you know to make a couple of sketches on paper for you.

Don't forget the following rules:

  • All photos must truly reflect what you want.
  • Don’t be lazy, spend some time searching for suitable ones, both in essence and in subject matter.
  • Images should be beautiful and convey a positive message.
  • Choose a specific photo that reflects only the desired idea.
  • Eliminate unnecessary details so that energy is not wasted.
  • Design each sector sequentially, without stopping or returning to the previous one.
  • Spend as much time as possible on each zone.
  • Select the required optimal size for your happiness screen. It doesn't have to be too big. The preferred size options are: 68x68, 69x69, 88x88.


You should carefully think through your desires in order to ultimately achieve your dream. For example, if a woman wants to become slim, she should not post photos of models on the map. To keep themselves in shape, they go on exhausting diets, deny themselves sweets and starchy foods, and live according to a strict schedule. This affects a person’s health and emotional background. Therefore, a beautiful picture is a shell. Not everyone wants to live at this pace for the sake of envious glances from friends and a bunch of fans.

If you want to look beautiful and stay healthy, photographs of athletes, people practicing yoga or martial arts are suitable for the card.

When you have to make repairs in a newly acquired apartment, your dreams of how it will be should be placed in the “Creativity” sector. At the same time, in the “Wealth” zone of the card, you can leave a message that money for renovations in a new apartment is easy to get. It is necessary to emphasize that this is a different living space, not the one in which the family has settled now. Otherwise, the Universe will interpret desires in its own way, which will cause problems in the old apartment. For example, pipes will burst and the floors will have to be re-laid. Or there will be a fire at the neighbors and you will need to re-glue the wallpaper.

If a person dreams of opening his own business, a coffee shop or pizzeria, then the images should be placed in two sectors, “Career” and “Wealth”. In the first, you need to indicate that the business is growing stronger before our eyes, new clients are constantly appearing, they leave rave reviews, and recommend the establishment to their friends. There are plans to expand or open a new cafe. In the “Wealth” zone, cards leave an affirmation confirming income growth. Revenue, as well as profit, are growing steadily.

A wish card is not a piece of paper with photographs. It should not be treated carelessly, doubt its strength, throw it into a far corner and store it under a layer of dust. It is created with love, causing a surge of joy when looking at it. The treasure board should be thanked for its help. But it is also necessary to select the material for it carefully, so that the Universe cannot interpret the plan differently.

How to put into action your own Dream Map

Proper activation of this item will help eliminate the possibility of all your work turning into an ordinary decoration located on the wall.

Main goal on the Map

If you look at the photo, the wish map, when compiled correctly in its instructions, assumes that you will achieve one of your goals already at the moment of its creation. Be sure to take this advice into account.

The image of this goal should be in the most visible place. For example, you may be dreaming of some unusual decoration, go out and buy it immediately to start the mechanism of driving other items displayed on your plan.

How to start an energy flow

Most often, the work of translating thoughts from your head into reality begins at the moment when you have just begun to transfer them to paper. In the process, you use visualization methods, imagining pasted-up pictures in reality. But the fulfillment of the first wish will also push the energy flow emanating from the card and stimulate the fulfillment of all subsequent ones.

Don't forget about affirmations. This is a small text with verbal formulation that reinforces the images and gives the necessary instructions to the Subconscious.

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Working with the visualization tool

The wish map helps you understand your own thoughts, determine what is a priority in life, and what you can refuse for now. Thanks to her, images appear before your eyes that you want to strive for. She inspires action. When you encounter difficulties along the way, you need to look at the map and doubts will dissipate. It will give you confidence that your plans will come true, that the Universe will tell you the right path, the main thing is to think positively and believe in your own strength.

A wish map is a way to fix the main goal, constantly observe it, and not let it go out of sight. So it begins to seem understandable, close, and perceived as achievable. Therefore, all elements of the card should be pleasant and make you smile. Otherwise, they will not be able to give confidence and fill them with the energy necessary for new achievements.

Spells to make things happen

We all want the thoughts hidden in the deep corners of our subconscious to suddenly come true. However, not everyone can boast of such a successful coincidence of circumstances. Even our small thoughts are not always translated into reality. What can we say about big dreams and preferences.

But anyone can take advantage of the opportunity provided by higher powers and bring even their most unusual projects to life. It is important to have appropriate intentions and believe in the reality of what is happening. Well, of course, a little luck won't hurt either.

Magic rituals for wishes

In the case when you do not rely too much on your own strengths, there is always the opportunity to turn to the help of magic. This means that your wish map, how to make it correctly and apply it, has already been prepared, but it is possible to intertwine it and supplement it with magical spells and rituals.

  • When choosing the option that suits you, be guided by the fact that it should not in any way cause harm to other people.
  • You must prepare for the ritual in advance.
  • To do this, conduct a meditation session so that your mind is tuned in the right direction.

Here, visualization of images and presentation of clear tasks that you set for yourself in the near future will also play an important role.

When performing the ceremony, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Your desires must be conscious and achievable,
  • Get rid of unnecessary thoughts and feelings from your head,
  • Clearly imagine your desire so as not to get confused in the process,
  • The time of the ceremony should be either during the full moon or during its waxing.

Rituals to make wishes come true

NameOrder of conduct
On your birthday
  • Throughout the year before the upcoming event, summarize all the dreams you plan to achieve and write them down on a piece of paper.
  • On your birthday, take it out and re-read it carefully, imagining the execution of each point.
  • Be as sincere as possible, then the powers of the higher mind will hear your wishes and try to fulfill them.
Magic braid
  • Take three red ropes of the same length.
  • Weave them into a braid with a knot at the end.
  • In the process of performing actions, only the thought of your plans should hover in your brain; repeatedly repeat “I want that...”.
  • Place the braid in a place known only to you.
  • When what you asked for is fulfilled, burn this attribute.
  • Don't forget to thank the higher Mind for your help.
With a scarf
  • Clearly formulate your request, close your eyes, and imagine that it has already been fulfilled.
  • Buy a new cotton scarf, hold it in your left hand and say magic words.
  • Then tie the handkerchief in a knot and always carry it with you until you receive what you ask for.

Cast the spell:

NameOrder of conduct
  • Wait until your birthday and buy a new mirror.
  • You can also purchase it on the date corresponding to your birth in another month.
  • Keep it under running water for half an hour.
  • Then wipe with a dry, clean cloth and watch without blinking while pronouncing the words of the spell.
  • When finished, wrap the mirror in cotton cloth and hide it under your pillow.
  • Expect your dreams to come true soon.
  • In this case, place the attribute in a secluded place until you need it again.

Funny wishes

We offer several options for truly funny wishes that will amuse the whole company:

  1. You can tell the loser to sit in hockey gloves or goalie gloves for the entire next round of the game. If you don’t have anything similar at hand, you can make “mittens” from toilet paper.
  2. A desire that will cause a lot of laughter among those around you, but will not make your friend happy - to sit through the entire game with an egg in your mouth!
  3. If you play cards, you can force the loser to stand up and say some funny phrase or phrase with a specific intonation at each trump card that appears on the field. For example, “I love cucumbers”, “it seems like mice are rustling somewhere”, “look, geese are flying!”
  4. In the game of desire, make a male player spin a hoop while singing a cheerful and cheerful song, or dance an erotic dance to the Russian folk “Kalinka-Malinka”.
  5. Put a black cloak on your friend and ask him to run around the table at every beat or every trump card and shout: “I am a horror flying on the wings of the night!”
  6. If you need to make a wish for your brutal friend, it will be cute and at the same time funny to ask him to hum children's songs throughout the next con, and even with expression!
  7. When new people join the company. Those who arrived later than the others, you can wish for the player who grants the wish to meet them and, as politely and carefully as possible, help them undress, invite them to the table, saying at the same time: “Come in, dear guests! How I’ve been waiting for you!” At the same time, you can begin to untie the guests’ shoelaces and unfasten the buttons on their coats.
  8. Provided that the fulfillment of desires is not limited to the boundaries of the apartment, invite a friend (especially funny if it is a man) to go home with a large teddy bear and act as if it were alive: fasten it with a seat belt in the car, pay for its ticket on public transport.
  9. Ask the loser to take a photo, maybe a selfie with a taxi driver, saleswoman or minibus driver. Or a selfie with a random passerby.
  10. You can suggest putting socks on your ears and going to the store like that.
  11. The loser can go to the store and confess his love to the seller.
  12. Congratulate all passers-by on Valentine's Day when it's spring outside.
  13. You can imitate the behavior of any animal.
  14. Walk down the street with a towel wrapped around your head or shop at the supermarket.
  15. Let the player take a funny photo during the game of wishing (for example, with a cat, or with a saucepan on his head), post the photo on social networks and not clean it up for several days.
  16. In the winter season, it will be very funny to see how a person brings a made snowman into the house.
  17. The loser must run on all fours along several floors of the entrance, uttering the words: “I’m in a tank.”
  18. Dress your friend with all the things found in the apartment - 5 sweaters, three pants, winter boots, several hats and gloves. Send it to the store in this form. This desire will be especially relevant in the summer.
  19. Get your friend hooked on drugs... Only instead of cocaine there will be ordinary flour, which he will have to snort in both nostrils in front of everyone.
  20. Ask the loser to do a striptease. Instead of a pole, you can use a mop, door or other objects.
  21. Go outside with the ball and, pushing it with your nose, run around the house.
  22. Order pizza or sushi to your home, and when the courier arrives, pay him with toy money.
  23. Pick flowers from the flowerbed and give one to each person you meet until all the flowers are gone.
  24. Approach the first pedestrian you meet and ask him how to get to Paris.
  25. If the loser is a guy, then you can put on women’s cosmetics and ask him to walk down the street or go to the store like that.
  26. Also, put makeup on the guy and tell him to take a selfie and post the photo on his avatar on a social network for a few days.
  27. Timidly and shyly admit your love to yourself and ask for your hand in marriage.
  28. Run up to any passerby with enthusiastic screams and ask for his autograph.
  29. If the rules of the game allow for more than one loser, then you can invite them to exchange clothes with each other and play in this form for the entire next game. If both boys and girls are losers, the effect of this desire will be even funnier.
  30. The loser takes a mouthful of water and sings some famous song.
  31. Make a wish for the loser so that, after passing a certain part of the path, he will say “Hello” to every person he meets.
  32. Ask the loser to give the winner a massage, preferably an erotic one.
  33. If you happen to have a watermelon in your refrigerator, you can use it to make a battle helmet for your losing comrade. In this form, he will have to run down the street, shouting a battle cry.
  34. Stand near a public toilet with a notepad and pen and, after each person leaves the stall, write down with an important look and say: “The 25th person went big, or the 56th went small.
  35. Turn all your clothes inside out, put them on and go to the store like this to buy condoms.
  36. The loser must spend the entire evening eating and drinking like a pet - on all fours and without using his hands.

This is just a small wish list! The rest is limited only by your imagination!

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