Adaptol, produced in tablets, is a tranquilizer; its action is aimed at relieving pain symptoms and anxiety, relieving panic attacks, mental stress, unreasonable fears, and pathological irritability.

The drug is based on tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione (in other words, mebicar), a chemical compound that acts similarly to a natural metabolite in the human body.

The active component dulls the intensity of activity of the part of the brain responsible for the emotional background.

Phenibut: analogues - what to choose?

28.02.2019 23:56

Nootropic Phenibut SNS

Fig 1. - Phenibut USA from the manufacturer SNS Smart Powders

Author: Neurologist Oleg Olegovich Torsky

  • Prescription analogues
  • Noofen
  • Phenazepam
  • Grandaxin
  • Atarax
  • Fenotropil
  • Adaptol
  • Teralijden
  • conclusions
  • Where to buy without a prescription?
  • Release Features

    Teraligen goes on sale in two forms: 5 and 10 mg of the active ingredient in one tablet. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies strictly with a prescription from the attending physician. The drug affects the human psyche, therefore it is prohibited for free sale. Teraligen is stored in a dark room away from children, at temperatures up to 25 degrees inclusive. The storage period is no more than three years. After the expiration date, the likelihood of toxic effects when using Teraligen increases. The mechanisms by which Teraligen affects the human psyche are completely reversible.

    "Teraligen" belongs to the group of drugs with a mild effect, eliminates antipsychotic conditions, and allows you to successfully overcome the life difficulties that await any modern person. Severe stress, neurosis, family problems, difficulties with work and study become much less significant if you call on Teraligen for help, however, strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. The drug is not addictive, does not affect the body irreversibly, but only alleviates the patient’s condition.


    Phenibut is a nootropic drug whose main active substance is aminophenylbutyric acid. It is an anti-anxiety agent, reduces anxiety, fear, improves sleep, increases brain activity and memory. It is fast-acting and has a long-lasting effect. In most cases, Phenibut is sold as prescribed by a doctor.

    Let's figure out what can be replaced?

    Analogues of the drug are products in which the main active substance is aminophenylbutyric acid. Substitutes are nootropic drugs that have similar pharmacological effects and similar indications for use.

    Some medications are sold only with a doctor's prescription, but there are also over-the-counter analogues. The products are presented in various forms of release - tablets, capsules, powders.

    "Adaptol": description of the drug

    "Adaptol" is a drug from the group of anxiolytics , a daytime tranquilizer.


    Has a calming effect, protects brain cell membranes from destruction. Activates and enhances the activity of the inhibitory mechanisms of the brain.

    Due to its antioxidant and cerebroprotective properties, it helps the body cope with oxidative stress of various origins.

    The medication is available in the form of tablets for oral administration.

    The tablets contain the main active substance - tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione (mebicar) and a number of auxiliary components: calcium stearate, methylcellulose.

    Indications and contraindications

    Indications for use are:

    • Neurosis-like conditions.
    • Pain in the heart (not associated with ischemic heart disease).
    • Taking antipsychotics or tranquilizers (to eliminate side effects).
    • PMS and menopausal syndrome.
    • Withdrawal syndrome in nicotine addiction (as part of complex therapy).

    Adaptol can also be prescribed in combination with other medications for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction.

    The official instructions for use clearly state all contraindications for taking this medication. They are: individual intolerance to the constituent components, lactation period, pregnancy, children under 18 years of age.

    However, despite the ban on use at an early age, pediatricians or pediatric neurologists in some cases prescribe the drug to children over 10 years of age for individual indications. In each such case, the possible risks and consequences of such an appointment must be assessed.

    Cases of side effects are very rare. Sometimes patients may experience low blood pressure, weakness, and allergic reactions.

    pharmachologic effect

    During treatment, such positive effects as:

    1. Reducing internal tension.
    2. Reduced irritability.
    3. Normalization of night sleep.
    4. Increased cognitive activity.
    5. Relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

    Experts prescribe Adaptol in short courses - up to 7 days, or long courses - up to 6 weeks, depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of the symptoms of the pathology.

    Over-the-counter analogues


    This is an over-the-counter nootropic. Stimulates brain function, thinking, memory, attention. The active substance is piracetam.

    What's better? Since Phenibut has a higher anti-anxiety effect than nootropic, it is recommended to choose this drug in the following cases:

    • anxiety and depression;
    • for sleep disorders;
    • dizziness, motion sickness;
    • nervous tics;
    • stuttering in children;
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • agitation or aggression during withdrawal from substances containing alcohol.


    Also refers to anti-anxiety drugs, the main component of which is fabomotizole. This antipsychotic is prescribed:

    • with emotional instability;
    • for anxiety conditions;
    • with asthenic syndrome (alcohol or drug);
    • for somatic diseases (ischemia or myocardial infarction, asthma, lupus erythematosus), oncological tumors.

    What's better? Although the effect of administration is similar, the drugs are not analogues; they have different compositions and active substances. The effect of Afobazole is milder and is sold without a prescription. According to patient reviews, it is noted that Phenibut is more effective.


    This is a nootropic drug, with aminobutyric acid, but in different proportions. It is prescribed for decreased mental activity, vascular diseases, dizziness and headaches.

    Let's try to compare drugs: which is better, Phenibut or Picamilon? Both improve brain function and are sedative. The difference is in the action of these drugs. For anxiety, worries, stress, and insomnia, the first drug is more effective. It is also more popular and more widely used.


    This over-the-counter nootropic dilates blood vessels in the brain, improves cerebral circulation and brain health, and also has an antioxidant, antiplatelet, psychostimulant, anti-migraine and tranquilizing effect.

    What's better? Both drugs improve memory and thought processes, but there are differences. Phenibut is more effective in treating anxiety conditions.

    How do the drugs differ?

    The differences between medications are quite significant:

    1. They belong to different pharmacological groups . “Phenibut” is a nootropic, “Adaptol” is an anxiolytic. As a result, their mechanism of action on the body differs.
    2. The release form is also different. "Adaptol" is available only in tablet form. "Phenibut", in addition to tablet form, can be produced in powders.
    3. Phenibut has a wider spectrum of action . It has an impressive list of indications for use.
    4. Adaptol is produced in Latvia. Phenibut has many different manufacturing companies. Its production is carried out in Russia, Latvia, and Belarus.
    5. The list of side effects is longer for Phenibut. But it copes better with relieving the symptoms of various nervous disorders.
    6. The difference in price is quite noticeable . The cost of Phenibut, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 80 to 400 rubles . For “Adaptol” you will have to pay 600-700 rubles .

    "Phenibut" and "Adaptol"

    Reviews from doctors

    On the World Wide Web there are many positive reviews about the impact of Teraligen on patients, not only from those who have undergone therapy with its help. Specialists who use Teraligen in their practice also speak positively about this product. Many people mention that the drug is well tolerated, effective and convenient to use, and easy to dose. In addition, the package contains dosage instructions that describe a reasonable regimen for using the medication. The patient always keeps this diagram before his eyes and knows exactly when and how much Teraligen he needs to take in order to improve his condition.

    teraligen tablets

    The antipsychotic has a strong antihistamine effect, which makes it doubly useful for the human body. The increased safety profile of Teraligen deserves special praise (including in comparison with analogues). Many also note that the quality of imported Teraligen is higher, but the medicine produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies is less effective and not so convenient to use (there is no risk of splitting tablets). At the same time, it is quite expensive and, if it is necessary to use high doses, it becomes a significant burden on the family budget, so many patients refuse it in favor of more affordable medications.

    Can I take it at the same time?

    Medicines are used for diseases accompanied by anxiety and phobias. Teraligen is prescribed for outpatient therapy in conjunction with antidepressants and tranquilizers.

    Atarax does not cause drug dependence and exhibits sedative and hypnotic effects. Teraligen is prescribed for hypochondriacal disorders; in minimal quantities it exhibits an effect similar to antidepressants. The neurologist often prescribes a neuroleptic and a tranquilizer, using a special regimen, until the symptoms of VSD disappear. If the patient has not had panic attacks, treatment with only Teraligen is allowed.

    Joint use is advisable to eliminate the patient’s subjective sensations:

    • discomfort;
    • internal tension;
    • insomnia;
    • the need to be in constant motion;
    • inability to sit or lie down.

      Atarax does not cause drug dependence, exhibits sedative and hypnotic effects
      Atarax does not cause drug dependence and exhibits sedative and hypnotic effects.

    Possible negative reactions

    Therapy with Adaptol (even at the initial stage and in minimal doses) may be accompanied by the following adverse reactions:

    • allergies due to individual intolerance of the body to the components of the drug;
    • dyspeptic symptoms;
    • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
    • decrease in body temperature.

    If an allergic reaction and/or dyspeptic symptoms develop, Adaptol therapy should be stopped immediately.

    Application of vitamins

    This includes dose selection taking into account various conditions and frequency of doses. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the release form of the drug; it is also important to take it into account when making an assessment.

    The ease of use of Teraligen is better than that of Adaptol.

    The drug ratings were compiled by experienced pharmacists who studied international research. The report is generated automatically.

    Last update date: 2019-09-19 05:59:55

    What vitamins help best with VSD? The answer to this question depends on what type of vegetative-vascular dystonia develops. In total, attending physicians distinguish mixed, hypotonic and hypertensive types of this disease.

    Vitamins E and A help with VSD quite well. They are drunk both before and after meals. For the best effect, vitamin therapy and homeopathy are combined.

    If a person with VSD also has tachycardia, then he is prescribed medications containing potassium. Many doctors believe that vitamins are the best thing they could come up with for VSD. They calm well and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. They are often prescribed for the treatment of VSD when pregnancy occurs.

    Vitamin injections may be prescribed. Combilipen is usually prescribed. This is a new domestic generic, an analogue of Milgamma.

    The patient is also prescribed the following vitamins for VSD:

    1. Nerorubin.
    2. Neurovitan.
    3. Neurobex.

    Taking prescribed vitamins for VSD is necessary for the overall health of the body.

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