Can an extrovert become an introvert: main features and differences, opinion of psychologists

  • September 15, 2018
  • Psychology of thinking
  • Raisa Bogacheva

Each of us is unique. However, many people share the same personality traits. And, for example, one person can have traits of both an extrovert and an introvert. Most often, one of these qualities predominates in a person. Can an introvert become an extrovert? The answer to this question follows.

Serious man

How to become an extrovert if you are an introvert?

Often a person can become an introvert for a while based on some events in his life, the same thing happens with an extrovert. Everything can depend on the mood or the people around you. Many introverts believe that they are different from other people, that life is much more difficult for them. There is also a common myth that introverts hate people and avoid interacting with them. In fact, such statements are far from the truth. In this article, we’ll look at simple tips on how to slightly change your character and acquire new qualities for yourself, and also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of introverts and extroverts.

Advantages of an Introvert

There is nothing black and white in the world. Personality types have their advantages! It is believed that for some reason introverts are bad, they say they are maniacs, quiet people, etc. From personal experience I can say that a real introvert with a healthy psyche will be able to not give up in any sense for an extremely long time; he is more thoughtful and reliable. Often these are your old friends. While extroverts light up and go out like a match. What makes an introvert different?


Identifying an introvert is not that easy. Very often, such people put on an extrovert mask in order to simply appear sociable, but as a rule they say little in large companies. Many people think that such people do not like people and resist communication. But this is not true. Introverts carefully choose their social circle and love to talk about topics that interest them.

Introverts love solitude. This definitely won't scare them. They can calmly be alone and pay great attention to their inner state. They do not like noisy places with a lot of people. Introverts love small social circles and quiet places to relax. They quickly get tired of the hustle and bustle and feel emotionally exhausted.

This is why people with such qualities spend more time alone, thus restoring their emotional state. They choose a job where there are few people, or get a job with friends. They often plan everything in advance and love predictability; they schedule their day completely.

extrovert and friends

Blood flow in the frontal lobe and anterior thalamus

frontal lobeIt has been proven that introverts have even better blood supply to these parts of the brain than ambiverts (these are those who are approximately half extroverts and introverts).
A logical question: what are these departments? It’s stupid, of course, to split the brain, that here is memory, here is attention, but there is a general direction. For the frontal lobe, this is the formation of speech, comparison of objects, social behavior (that is, not aggressive, thoughtful, tactful).

There is a known accident with railroad worker Phineas Gage, when, as a result of an injury, he lost a significant part of his frontal lobe. He survived, but his behavior changed dramatically, like 2 completely different people. Therefore, they add the function of personality formation. Note to athletes and boxers.

The anterior thalamus is part of the limbric system. Functions include attention, short-term memory, and learning (2).

Roughly, in introverts, blood circulation in the brain is tailored to the formative function. Next, we’ll look at their main trump card.

Behavior with others

Introverts do not like empty chatter, prefer to discuss only important points and do not pay much attention to strangers. From the outside it may look arrogant, but introverts are very simple by nature. They just choose their social circle carefully. Such people look like hermits.

An introvert may indeed be reserved, but he has a very rich inner world. These are the people who direct their energy inside themselves and practically do not show their emotions in front of strangers. However, among friends, these are most often very sociable people who can tell interesting and funny stories. They perceive this or that situation in life more acutely, which means they worry more than extroverts. But since they don’t show it outwardly, those around them don’t try to support them.


Now let's talk about extroverts. This is the complete opposite of introverts - very active and sociable people. They love to be in large companies and attract attention. They love making new acquaintances and do not see any obstacles to this. They find a common language with almost every person and make friends very easily.

Extroverts become mentally exhausted if they are alone for a long time, without communication. They love to work in a large team, share their experience and make new acquaintances. Such people can usually communicate all day long. Leaving the workplace, they do not feel morally tired; they can still meet with friends and spend the evening in a noisy company. Extroverts are always looking for adventure and crave innovation in their lives.

lonely man

Comfort zone

First you need to understand that their life is some kind of large comfort zone. No unnecessary acquaintances, new adventures, no spontaneity. You need to understand that some things in life cannot be familiar and it is worth, for example, making new friends or finding a new hobby that can help you develop.

The main thing is not to overdo it. It's important to start small. If, for example, in the morning an introvert likes to drink coffee and read a book alone, you should not immediately go to work in the morning and start meeting people passing by. It is better to replace morning reading with a run and say hello to your neighbor when you meet. You can read a book in the evening.

comfort zone

More seriousness

The next way to become more self-confident is to take responsibility. If at work an introvert politely refuses to perform some important task or raise funds for a colleague’s birthday, then it’s worth trying yourself in this matter. By performing some unusual tasks, you can become more confident and earn the respect of your colleagues.

It is important to understand that leaving your comfort zone may not make you feel very good. But that's the goal. You need to try yourself in something new and gradually get used to it.

We interpret the terms

Let's start, perhaps, with the brighter one. An extrovert is a person who is primarily focused on communicating with society. He never sits still, he is always in search of something new, interesting, bright. He often makes acquaintances, initiates events, and takes an active part in those started by other individuals. An extrovert easily forgets insults and even those people who caused them to him. He seems to pour out all his thoughts and emotions, without being embarrassed by anyone or anything. This point is also key in self-expression - people immediately understand what a particular extrovert is and who he is.

The definition of an introvert is the opposite of the type that was just described above. Such people are directed towards themselves, or rather, towards themselves. They constantly think, analyze, dream, think about something, doing it for a long time and constantly. At the same time, they have absolutely no need to communicate with large masses of people; moreover, social events are something that an introvert always tries to avoid. They don’t play to the audience, they don’t show at once everything that’s going on in their head - and oh, there’s so much going on there. An introvert is called upon to absorb information, listen to other people, read, learn something new, and then analyze it all alone for a long time.


Another way to become an extrovert is to do spontaneous things. There is no need to immediately buy tickets and fly to the island. You can, for example, invite a friend to go for a walk and not plan the place of the walk, but just go where you want. Or surprise your loved one, improvise. Break away from your plan for the day and do something that you have really wanted for a long time.

For girls, changing their hairstyle is suitable; such actions sometimes change their lives radically. For guys, a radical wardrobe change can be effective. Sometimes your mood and outlook on life also depend on your clothes.

Before an important meeting, you can think through the dialogue in advance and be prepared for any outcome. This will help you worry less and not say stupid things, and behave confidently. You can read books about developing social skills. People think that extroverts communicate better with other people and are more sociable than introverts. But this is not true.

An introvert who gets used to a person can talk to him for hours on end. Therefore, at a party or in a large company at work, you can chat with at least one or two people on interesting topics. Don't worry that they might not be interested. As mentioned above, you can come up with a dialogue in your head in advance so as not to feel insecure. Such a spontaneous conversation with a stranger can be the beginning of a new strong friendship.

Introvert in communication

How to turn on an introvert

As in the last video, advice, don’t try to break yourself completely! If you are an impulsive extrovert and you don't like it, then adding a couple of points to introversion will really make your life better. Or there are other time frames when you wanted to include an introvert, then look further. If you are already an introvert and you don’t really like it, watch the previous video. So let's get started!

  1. Pauses

Start speaking slowly, thinking ahead about your words. At least 5 minutes with any interlocutor, slow down your speech, choose your words better. Make your speech better! When we speak less, the value of our words is higher. Think about it!

  1. Rule of 3 ideas

Try to come up with at least three ideas to solve a problem in situations where you usually do the first thing that comes to mind.

For example, when you go home from work or school, you realize that you need to go buy bread. And usually you go in and buy. Now ask the question, is it necessary? You can make do with pasta or look for something else at home or call for another person to buy. In short, for some it sounds stupid, but it is important to simply sprinkle your head with options for solving even simple issues that no one thinks about.

  1. Weekly planning

Give special attention to free time. Find a creative way to spend your time. The goal here is twofold: on the one hand, we teach the brain to forecast, on the other hand, we expand the boundaries, get creative, and gain points of life experience, so to speak.

  1. Regularly reflect on how to do better.

It doesn't matter what's going on, watching a movie or giving a presentation. Always ask yourself the question: “How could this character have acted more effectively?” “What if we rearrange the apartment?” “How to improve physically?”, “I drive an hour to work: what have I been wanting to read there for a long time?”

  1. Practice meditation

Meditation is not just some lotus position crap that most people think it is. It's more of a way to take your mind off everything and reboot your brain. As an example, just imagine how a candle burns in the dark, how its flame plays, wax accumulates, etc. It is important not to be distracted by anything, not to happen and not to think about anything else. At the beginning you will only need a few seconds, don’t be alarmed. Convenient in queues, transport and other places where you have to wait. But over time, concentration improves a lot.

More sincerity

Be sincere with other people. Tell them directly that you are a little shy and indecisive, which is why it is difficult for you to carry on a conversation with a stranger. This will relieve tension; sincerity can be adequately appreciated by another person. Ask other people to talk about themselves more when talking, this will increase loyalty to you. Visit places where you can meet interesting people. Locations similar to your interests are perfect. When meeting a new person, there will be even more topics to talk about.

Before going out with friends, you can ask them to bring strangers with them. This will increase the chance of meeting new people and overcoming self-doubt.

Be more restrained

Extroverts, in turn, have a lot to learn from introverts. For example, how to drown out your emotions in time. Learn to understand where they should be shown and where not. Overly emotional people are not always pleasant in company; in some cases it is better to just remain silent. You need to be able to control your social circle and be able to say “no” where necessary. Many psychologists say that it is impossible to change an extrovert, but it’s worth a try.

You need to try to focus on your energy and direct it inside yourself. Think about something important, plan your future and be more serious. In large companies, don’t be an upstart and don’t try to attract attention only to yourself. Most often it looks vulgar and intrusive. It's better to talk about yourself when asked. You should attract attention with interesting stories and tact. Among the many acquaintances, there are not very good people who may not have the same interests.

comfort zone

Extroverts often boast about their many acquaintances, but there are hardly any real friends among them. Both extroverts and introverts have their pros and cons. It is important to monitor your emotions, not give in to them and at the same time live life to the fullest, enjoy every day you live.


What is the difference between an extrovert and an introvert?

The standard traits that an extrovert is given are sociability and a desire for company. An introvert, on the contrary, tends to relax alone and communicate a little less with people. Extroverts are more emotional, and more often than not, they say exactly what is on their mind. Some introverts do not know how to show their feelings at all, but for the most part they simply show them less often. This does not mean that introverts are unemotional. They are simply a little more calm compared to extroverts.

Mobile and active people who feel an inexhaustible supply of energy are, in most cases, extroverts. Introverts, on the contrary, accumulate energy, are less mobile and strive to conserve their strength. They often tend to plan their actions, and some of them do not like sudden changes.

Myths about introverts

Lack of emotion

Of course, a fairly large number of logical and rational people are introverts. But they are not dry logs. Sometimes among them there are very sensual natures. Their principle is to experience feelings within themselves, analyze them and experience them without spilling them out. Yes, they are a little secretive. But try to piss them off. You will be surprised how scary they can be when they are angry.

Misanthropic feelings

A misanthrope and an introvert are completely different concepts. Misanthropy is a misanthropic worldview. Introverts most often have a positive attitude towards people as such, but it is difficult for them to be under their close attention for a long time, which is why they avoid companies, especially large ones. An introvert prefers to communicate with one or two friends alone.


Introverts are not like this because they are shy. Shyness does not define their character; they know how to express themselves and are not afraid to be frank. They simply take decisive steps only after lengthy moral preparation. They feel uncomfortable in big society not because they are afraid of themselves, but because they need energy for reflection and inner life. They cannot waste it in large quantities on noisy parties, clubs or other energy-consuming activities.

Can an introvert become an extrovert?

It is possible to determine what kind of person will be, extroverted or introverted, through medical examinations of even a small child, because these qualities are determined by the brain. An extrovert has a positive attitude towards external stimuli and is resistant to them, while an introvert does not tolerate such interference, at least when it lasts for a long time.

Introversion is an absolutely normal trait ; it is no worse or better than extroversion. There are pros and cons to both cases. Since both of these traits are determined not so much by society as at the level of brain function, an introvert cannot become an extrovert, and vice versa. But people, basically, combine features of both types of perception of the world. Some of them are simply a little more dominant. A pronounced introvert, however, is quite capable of learning to interact a little more and better with people. Therefore, everything is in your hands.

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, value yourself for your best qualities and work on your shortcomings. It's always useful. All the best,

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08.04.2016 00:20

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