The main signs and character traits of the schizoid personality type

Schizoid disorders are one of the most common problems with which patients come to a psychotherapist. This condition can be treated in different ways, the main thing is to choose a method that is suitable for a particular person. This disorder is characterized by its “many faces”, versatility, and can occur in latent and pronounced forms. Timely diagnosis greatly facilitates the course and progression of the pathological condition.

The disorder has many faces

What is schizoid personality disorder?

Violations of this profile are disorders of an eccentric nature. The complexity of the dysfunction lies in the negative impact of SPD on all areas of life. Uncommunicative people, immersed in their own inner world, cannot create full-fledged families, and have a poor attitude towards fulfilling their own responsibilities. Conversation with themselves is more important to them than dialogue with others. They rarely smile and are prone to constant fantasizing.

Psychiatrists do not distinguish the concept of “schizoid” syndrome. It is often understood as Asperger's syndrome (a type of autism). While outwardly similar in the desire for isolation and avoidance of contact with the external environment, schizoid personality disorder and Asperger's disease have significant differences in symptoms and manifest themselves in different ways. While Asperger's syndrome is clearly evident in early childhood, SPD only becomes clear in adolescence.

What is schizoid personality disorder?

Accentuation has nothing to do with impaired socialization. Persons with schizoid accentuation easily adapt to the situation. They interact well with society, are successful in their careers and are quite capable of building harmonious relationships with other people. The only thing that can “bring them closer” to schizoids is stress. Under conditions of strong psychological stress, the boundaries between accentuation and disorder are blurred. Being in conditions of constant stress threatens people with accentuation of the schizoid type with the development of schizoid personality disorder.

The psychiatric department of Dr. Isaev’s clinic specializes, among other things, in the treatment of patients with SPD. Patients with a complex illness bordering on schizophrenia require special attention from doctors. It should be noted that the disease often manifests itself in people who have relatives with schizophrenia. Only experienced doctors are able to conduct a competent diagnosis, distinguish between a disorder, syndrome, accentuation and prescribe competent treatment.

Characteristics of schizoid accentuation

schizoid accentuationHow to recognize a schizoid-accented person? Such people are, first of all, distinguished by a lack of desire and inability to communicate with others. People with such a character simply do not feel the need for social contacts; they prefer loneliness, isolate themselves from the outside world, and withdraw into themselves. Their behavior and personality traits are full of contradictions. The rich inner world of such people does not manifest itself outwardly; with rational thinking, illogical behavior can be revealed. A schizoid is capable of simultaneously showing causeless antipathy and excessive affection, tactlessness and shyness, importunity and unsociability, persistence and apathy. Emotionally, such people, against the background of external coldness, may exhibit increased sensitivity; stubbornness is often combined with pliability. An important characteristic feature of schizoid accentuation is the lack of intuition and the ability to use unconscious experience. Such people are not able to empathize, feel the mood of other people and the attitude of others towards themselves. There are two subtypes of schizoid accentuation.

Sensitive type

Sensitive schizoids
These are people with a very fragile inner world, with painful sensitivity. They do not tolerate criticism or rude attitude well, they remember and replay grievances in their heads for a long time. Such people are extremely wary of the world around them, and therefore have a limited circle of attachments. They are distinguished by painful pride, daydreaming, and acutely experience their own misdeeds and failures. This type of person is characterized by a limited number of daily responsibilities and a conscientious and thorough attitude to work. Sensitive schizoids quickly become unbalanced under the influence of external factors. At the same time, they isolate themselves even more from the surrounding reality, show distrust, a depressed mood, and become lethargic.

Expansive type

Expansive schizoids
It is difficult for an expansive schizoid to win the sympathy of others; these are people with a bad character, cruel, heartless, incapable of empathy, and absolutely indifferent to the lives of other people. This type of person in a relationship shows coldness, decisiveness, demanding adherence to principles, and behaves dryly and formally. He does not particularly take into account the opinions of others, and is not inclined to hesitate and doubt when making decisions. However, under the mask of arrogance lies self-doubt, dissatisfaction and vulnerability. In critical situations, people of the expansive-schizoid type are prone to impulsive actions, angry outbursts, violent behavior, and sometimes even the manifestation of delusional experiences. In communication, such a person often falls into lengthy discussions, interferes in things that are not his own business, gives out advice left and right, because he has little sense of the boundaries of morality and always puts his “I” in the foreground. The extreme degree of expansive schizoidism is manifested by despotic tendencies.

Causes of the disease

According to statistics, 5% of the planet's population suffers from pathology. The tendency to develop the disease manifests itself in childhood. Hyperactive children are usually hypersensitive. While studying psychopathology, scientists noticed that already in infancy such children clearly define their personal boundaries, reacting rather strangely to the touch of adults. They instinctively deviate when their parents approach.

Schizoid personality organization does not mean that it is the beginning of the schizophrenic process and will contribute to the development of schizophrenia. Moreover, a large percentage of schizophrenics are people who previously had pronounced signs of SPD syndrome. A person with schizoid personality disorder is capable of self-identification: he experiences shame, guilt and perceives the world in its real manifestation. Concern for safety is the main manifestation of the disease.

There are several theories explaining the reasons for the development of the disease. A number of researchers believe that SPD is stimulated by gene mutations (mutation theory). Environmental pollution leads to “breakdowns” of the DNA code. Gene disorders are transmitted to descendants. Other scientists see the reasons in the low self-esteem of the individual himself. Still others are the lack of attention to the child from adults and his subsequent isolation. Fourth - in increased mental activity, expressed in control over every action and the simultaneous inability to express one’s own thoughts and come to conclusions.

At Dr. Isaev’s psychiatric center, research into the causes of SPD is given special importance. Treatment directly depends on what exactly contributed to the development of the pathology: inability to respect oneself, cerebral/endocrine insufficiency, abuse in childhood by parents, lack of skill in establishing emotional contact with others, the desire for self-isolation, or something else.

Appearance and demeanor

People with a schizoid character
What distinguishes a person with schizoid character accentuation? Such people are usually not friendly with fashion, so they dress differently from everyone else and use strange combinations in clothing. Appearance is usually devoid of harmony and full of paradoxical combinations. Movements and facial expressions seem unnatural and forced. Behavior looks sketchy, unemotional, such people stand out among others, they seem to maintain an invisible barrier between themselves and the outside world. As a rule, they have high intelligence, which contributes to creative development. People with a schizoid character become excellent scientists, programmers, designers, engineers, and philosophers. In leadership positions, such people make decisions without taking into account the human factor; they are incapable of leniency and compassion. Leaders with expansive-schizoid character accentuation are especially despotic and ruthless. High intelligence can contribute to the development of various kinds of perversions. Schizoids have a narrow range of hobbies and interests.

Symptoms of schizoid personality disorder

The disease is difficult to diagnose. In order not to make a mistake in prescribing treatment, the doctor must be convinced that the patient has at least four of the following symptoms:

  • inability to enjoy close relationships (relatives, family);
  • persistent desire for solitude;
  • loss of interest in sex;
  • satisfaction from a limited number of activities;
  • small social circle (preference for relatives over friends);
  • indifference to blame or praise;
  • emotional coldness.

Symptoms of schizoid personality disorder

A large number of contacts and social roles are clearly not for them. The most attractive thing is to perform responsibilities alone. However, this rule does not apply to everyone. Schizoids cannot be accused of primitivism. Many of them achieve heights in their careers and create surprisingly close and harmonious relationships.

Schizoids can be expansive or sensitive. Strong-willed people (expansivists) usually act under the influence of their own judgments. They are easily vulnerable and are responsible for violating their own boundaries with negativity and short, sharp phrases. The lack of a social environment and friends does not bother them much. Sensitive schizoids withdraw into themselves. Vulnerable people who do not strive for aggression constantly experience dissatisfaction with themselves. They are prone to various types of addictions: emotional, alcohol, drugs.

What is a schizoid like in childhood?

Every parent worries about their child from the moment he is born and, as they say, until his gray hairs. The schizoid personality type is susceptible to certain disorders. Treatment is more effective if deviations appear at an early age, starting from 3-4 years. The child unconsciously withdraws from parental affection and prefers to engage in solitary activities alone. There is an interest in everything philosophical - these can be eternal questions about life and death, and about the origin of all things, etc.

Manifestation of SPD in men

Men with schizoid personality disorder do not seek pleasure. They are not happy about holidays, art and meeting with friends. They do not go to the top of their careers. Such people show equal indifference to grief and joy. Emotionally cold natures are rarely capable of sympathy and empathy. Men tend to suffer from decreased libido. Interest in the opposite sex decreases, the need for intimate relationships is practically absent. Maintaining one's own status in society is a real problem for schizoid men. The opinions of others are of little interest to them. Indifference to praise and criticism does not at all contribute to the harmonization of relationships.

Manifestation of SPD in men

Men with SPD are not interested in politics. The lack of curiosity and sustained interest in something can be compensated for in schizoids by the emergence of a hobby. A very “childish” hobby traditionally shocks others. A grown man suddenly starts collecting butterflies, matchboxes, postcards and chocolate candy wrappers.

The result of crossing two radical types

Along with the four dominant personality types, there are also smoothly flowing ones, namely:

I. Schizoid-hysteroid personality type.

II. Hysterical-schizoid personality type.

Despite the fact that these psychotypes come from the main categories, they are fundamentally different from them. These are independently existing personality types.

The reason for the appearance of such a combination may be the crossing of different personality types of one and the second parent in their child, but only under the condition of clearly defined initial types that are of equal strength and do not drown out each other. Most often, in this combination, the schizoid type occupies the primary position, and not the hysterical one, because it is more stable.

Summarizing the above information, we can talk about identifying the main and secondary types, but without completely suppressing the second. In particular, the individual’s need for introversion, which is understood both as isolation, from the point of view of a schizoid, and as the presence of deep contact from the point of view of necessity for society, is already a trait of a hysterical personality type.

Schizoid personality disorder in women

Women's natural sociability and emotionality seem to protect the fair half of humanity from illness. Women suffer from SPD much less often than men. Motherhood also becomes a natural protection for a woman. Nature forces the mother to be emotionally contact. Otherwise, she will not be able to teach the child tender feelings, and he will grow up to be a copy of his mother.

The laws of procreation naturally eliminate all threats. If a woman still has schizoid personality disorder, it manifests itself in a less acute form. In particular, female asexuality, which is traditionally perceived by women as natural, is not so noticeable. SRD brings significantly less discomfort to women than to men.


  • If your child is taciturn, avoids company and is withdrawn, do not panic and force him to be more active. Offer to take up chess, music, support his interest in science or collecting. In general, do not push him, trying to impose your ambitions and hobbies. This way you will push him away from you, convincing him that it is better to stay away from everyone in order to avoid living in tension.
  • If you belong to this type of accentuation, choose a job with as little contact as possible with clients and colleagues. Don't force yourself to be more sociable.
  • Read the article about emotional intelligence. Perhaps it will help you better navigate the world of feelings, listen to your feelings and notice in time changes in the mood of the people around you with whom you communicate.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of SPD is made only by a psychiatrist. At the diagnosis stage, it is important to distinguish psychopathology from other mental disorders. Schizoid personality disorder is accompanied by neuroses, depression, phobias, and anxiety. A schizoid should not be confused with a narcissist. A schizoid, like a narcissist, is enough of himself, but he will never declare his merits as superiority over others. Carriers of pathology take care of their own uniqueness in a completely different way. They do not show it off, but seem to hide it, worrying that multiple contacts can destroy it.

People with SPD seem to be unable to feel. They have a very subtle mental organization. However, showing emotions is not for schizoids. Having once decided that emotions are an art of which they understand nothing, schizoids refuse to be outwardly emotional and choose coldness. Sexuality is alien to them. Rare memories of sex are confined to the need to satisfy sexual needs, nothing more.

Schizoids should not be confused with schizophrenics. The vivid fantasies of schizoids always have boundaries with the real world. This is also the cause of unbearable pain for schizoids. These people understand that their fantasies will not come true. Therefore, the inner world is closed, frankness is excluded. Why share the pain? The lack of desire for contact with the outside world leads to the fact that schizoids stop taking care of their appearance. Untidyness and sloppiness are a common manifestation of the disorder.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed classification of schizoids that can help doctors accurately diagnose the disease and choose methods for its correction. American psychologist Theodore Millon identifies the following types of schizoid personality disorder:

  • sluggish: slow, phlegmatic, apathetic;
  • distanced: tending to self-isolate;
  • depersonalized: transferring one's own states onto someone else;
  • unemotional: cold, unresponsive.

The psychiatric department of Dr. Isaev’s clinic is always a qualified diagnosis of the disease. Doctors at the center will not confuse pathology with other diseases. The diagnosis will be preceded by observation of the patient, long-term communication with him and with relatives. This is the only way to prescribe competent treatment that can return the patient to normal life.

Examples of “schizoids” among prominent figures

If we consider statistical data on individuals with a schizoid personality type, who are found among the entire population in 7.5% of cases, we can conclude that there is a significant proportion of mentally unstable people. There is no particular gender difference when identifying the frequency of manifestation of schizoid personalities, but, according to some data, the ratio tends to be 2:1, where the preponderance will be on the side of men.

It is amazingly common among famous figures to find those who have a schizoid personality type. Examples? A lot of them. These are outstanding scientists - Albert Einstein, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and famous philosophers - Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and brilliant composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the famous artist Salvador Dali, and many other.

Schizoid personality type examples

Treatment of schizoid personality disorder in Moscow

Therapy for schizoid disorder is based on a comprehensive treatment methodology. An experienced doctor competently combines neuroleptics, antipsychotics, cognitive and group therapy, a biobehaviouristic approach and psychoanalysis:

  • The acute course of the disorder is treated with haloperidol. Due to the influence of the drug on the mediators of nerve fibers, the behavior of the individual is regulated. All the doctor’s efforts are directed towards correcting thinking.
  • Antipsychotics risperidone, sulpiride, amisulpride, aripiprazole, etc. eliminate depression and apathy. The younger generation of drugs are very effective and have a mechanics of action similar to the antipsychotic Haloperidol.
  • The task of a cognitive therapist is to teach a person to recognize and manage their emotions. Together with the patient, the doctor identifies certain feelings for observation, and analysis is started. Positive emotions play a very important role in cognitive therapy.
  • Biobehavioral techniques are aimed at creating situations in which a person would experience discomfort. In the format of a role-playing game, relationships that are difficult for a person are worked out. The patient is required to show genuine feelings.
  • Psychoanalysis is based on a frank conversation with the patient. The dialogue builds the existing destructive model of behavior. Corrections are made to it, errors are sorted out. The doctor gives advice to prevent the repetition of difficult situations and the emergence of new ones.
  • Working in a group (collective/group therapy) aims to create a model of a healthy society. Group members are in search of the merits of those with whom they interact. Through self-acceptance comes acceptance of another. A person begins to understand how significant he is for society. Fears, complexes, unnecessary defensive reactions go away.

Of unconditional importance in the treatment of schizoid personality disorder in Moscow is the desire of the patient himself to be healed.

Treatment of schizoid personality disorder in Moscow

“The therapist’s task is to be a stable mirror image (double) who provides a fairly free, friendly space for “escaping” and does not get too close,” says Professor Gerhard Dammann, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychoanalyst, head of the psychiatric clinic Thurgau, Switzerland.

In addition to inpatient treatment, the psychiatric center of Dr. Isaev’s clinic offers . Treatment for schizoid personality disorder requires hospitalization in extremely rare cases. Not everyone wants to advertise a health problem. A doctor's home visit is the best solution. Qualified assistance can be obtained in a calm, familiar environment. If necessary, relatives can always be involved in the conversation.

Refusal of treatment for SPD is guaranteed to lead to its transition to schizophrenia or schizotypal disorder. Schizophrenia debuts with delusions, speech and thinking disorders, and hallucinations. A complication may be another psychopathological disorder: obsessive-compulsive, affective or addiction disease.

Timely consultation with a doctor will eliminate the risk of suicide. The problem of suicidality in patients with SPD, unfortunately, does exist. Suicides by schizoids are carefully planned and hidden. A self-absorbed person, unlike a hysterical person, is constantly looking for compelling reasons to justify his death. Stopping him in time is a great success.

If you are schizoid, the test will definitely show it

R. Cattell’s personality questionnaire, which is capable of both a quick diagnosis of a personality type and an in-depth study of it, has received widespread demand among psychologists. It will allow you to recognize, if present, a schizoid personality type. The test characterizes a personality with 16 factors that allow one to predict behavioral actions in projection onto the real world. This technique can be carried out both individually and in groups, covering various areas of application: personnel, professionally oriented, consulting, etc.


Families who have previously had cases of schizophrenia in their family should especially think about preventive activities in matters of schizoid personality disorder. The main condition is to reduce the number of stress factors that have a negative impact on the developing psyche of the child. It is important to teach a teenager the correct emotional response to the reactions and influences of the social environment.

The difficult but necessary task of parents is to accustom their child to the correct work and rest schedule and explain the value of a healthy diet. A culture of relaxation is important. Ideally, during adolescence, a child develops the habit of reading before bed. It will be great if he learns to prioritize listening to relaxing music over playing computer games and watching blockbusters. Preventing the recurrence of the disease is an equally important task in the compensation phase of the disease. It is important to prevent personal disharmony and a decrease in the degree of social adaptation.

“If you find out that your loved one or relative is schizoid, try to translate all your arguments into terms of reason, do not overload with emotional manifestations. Remember that there is always an internal logic in the decisions of such a person, even if his action seems strange. It is not so easy to understand, but if you figure it out, the person will become quite predictable for you. It’s not necessary to guess; you can simply ask why your friend acted this way and not otherwise,” Pavel Beschastnov, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

If a person, regardless of the treatment and rehabilitation therapy completed, still resumes the usual reactions: increased anxiety, deception of perception reappear, thinking is disorganized, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A psychiatrist will prescribe antipsychotic drugs and thereby prevent the disorder from transforming into a deeper mental disorder. Severe forms of psychosis will be excluded. The person will become normal again and will not interfere with the lives of others.

Schizoid character type is not always a prerequisite for illness

Every person has traits that define a schizoid character type. Thanks to them, an individual can prove himself to be an innovator, a thinker or a person with creative potential. The schizoid character type as the predominant trait of a person can result in the fact that he will devote more to theory than to the emotional aspects of real life. Average people do not always understand the hobbies of schizoid individuals; sometimes these hobbies even seem bizarre to them.

The main nuance of this behavior is the ineffectiveness of theoretical ideas. Emotional satisfaction is achieved in the process of solving a problem, and not in its practical implementation. On the contrary, there is a conscious move away from transferring the idea to the commercial sphere. The schizoid personality type has an interesting feature. She expresses her unwavering attitude towards her popularity among the masses or the influence of money.

Love with a schizoid woman. Instructions for men who love reinforced concrete barriers

Dear lovers of difficult things, learn to walk through walls. You will need these skills in a relationship with a schizoid woman.

At first, she will let you get close to you for a short while during the phase of falling in love and will show you her such a bizarre inner world that you will understand that this woman is fatal and unforgettable and you would have to be a complete idiot to lose something like that. Thin, delicate, sensitive, sometimes she seems incredibly fragile, almost like a snowflake melting in your strong male palm. ABOUT! You will feel like a knight next to her, a macho man, called into her life to protect her from the adversities of the outside world.

This closeness of Her fantastic world will intoxicate you forever and now you are ready to believe that it will always be so sweet. But this short distance is designed for a couple of weeks, in some individuals of this species for a couple of months, and in very rare representatives of the schizoid type even for a couple of years, but this is rather rare.

And then you find yourself in a complete splitting of consciousness, because suddenly, out of the blue (but it only seems so to you, and she certainly knows why and why) the gates of the heavenly inner world of a schizoid woman will close tightly and here you are you will feel like a sheep at a new gate, knocking your forehead on cold cast iron forged metal. You didn't understand what happened at all? I’ll explain, if in front of you, instead of your tender, fragile and... and as it seemed even to a warm woman, there is now a “cold reinforced concrete wall”, then congratulations: you managed to scare her with something. And the best thing you can do is to move away from the gates of this citadel and from there, almost in a whisper (or send a short letter) ask: Why did I scare you so much? She will appreciate this and perhaps after a while she will open up to you again.. But here you need not to push, but to wait. Stand still and don't move. And if you are very lucky after this, she will call you herself and ask, as if nothing had happened: “How are you?” This is where you need to squeeze all your passions and hunger for communication with her into a fist, and let her freely approach you at her own pace. Slowly.

This is also a test, dear men. I have understanding for you. But the prize is worth it. Stand there and don't move or even breathe. If you rush towards her again, everything is lost. The door will be slammed in your face again. Why? Yes, because it’s scary when something is rushing towards you with outstretched arms. What if you can strangle like that? She is most afraid of suffocation. In our language, she has severe absorption anxiety. She is afraid of invasions, invasions, penetrations, or whatever else it is called in your language... Therefore, only She can be the initiator of rapprochement. You are not allowed to do this. Because she interprets any jerks in her direction as a danger to life.

Anyone who has caught fish with a fishing rod understands what I mean... You must not twitch or shout loudly so as not to scare the fish away. Act like a fisherman. While you are waiting for the fish to be hooked, just meditate... breathe quietly and deeply... and calm... just calm.

But if you have patience and love for her, then the reward that you can receive if you earn the trust of such a woman is the highest degree of devotion, friendship and fidelity. Perhaps you cannot find a more devoted schizoid woman. And if you suddenly decide to make her jealous of the pillars, she will leave you without a second thought. She will perceive this as control and an encroachment on her personal space and her personal boundaries. Therefore, guys without personal boundaries and inclined to merge (you are me, I am you), do not waste your time, go to other women with other quirks.

Periodically, in moments of enlightenment, she will reward you with that same degree of the highest level of intimacy, subject to complete safety and guarantee of autonomy after leaving emotional intimacy.

She will never sleep with the first person she meets, she always needs a long “trick” in comparison with others (others, of course, can also gain their value in this way, but this one is sincerely afraid and studies).

In sex, everything is the same as in the emotional space. If you obsessively demand sex from her every day, she will “reduce the procreation program” to a hard “no,” although most likely she will not leave you, because it’s scary: everything new and new men is a disaster... all over again ..)). She will simply build a reinforced concrete wall in your bed and fight back for a while, and then she may say straight to the forehead: “I don’t want you anymore, leave me alone. Better yet, scratch my back or tickle me behind the ear. But no sex."

And do you know why? Because she always has too much? And she has a lot of you too. She becomes exhausted quickly in close contact, so it is very important for such a woman to be given breaks, pauses in communication, and periodically interrupt contact, leaving her in solitude. Don't remind her about sex now. Or better yet, wait until she wants you.. What’s not to like? Because how can one not want to for a long time? Come on... She can be incredibly sexy... you remember how it was at first. But something went wrong.. What? The elephant in the china shop trampled my favorite cups and crystal vases. And she sees this elephant in you.

Therefore, when approaching a schizoid woman, it is advisable to take into account the nuances of her character structure. And if you manage not to rush around in a panic, while she is there behind the Chinese wall, restoring her trust in you, after you showed her your dark side, and going to your bed, like on a first date, then it’s worth it. Moreover, you probably already got hungry. But it’s better to eat delicacies less often than to chew the same thing every time. This is her opinion about sex and intimacy.

If you managed not to become an obsessive sexually preoccupied maniac, reproaching her for every refusal of sex, if you managed to build security and trust, then you probably won’t find a better partner. But if you have shown your aggression in a form that is dangerous for her and directed at her (insults, reproaches, devaluation and assault), then you will never be able to glue this vase together. The trust of a schizoid woman is not restored, no matter how hard you try. So there is no way to “spend” here. It’s better to treat her as a woman who was very unlucky with her mother in childhood. Her basic trust in the world was undermined there even before she learned to speak. Schizoid trauma is preverbal. Therefore, she may not remember anything. But the unconscious controls its protective functions. She does not have a sense of basic security and the topics that she most often raises in a conversation with you are about her personal safety, or she remains silent and hides in a shell if she has not yet reached a psychotherapist and has not learned to talk about what is happening to her. worries. Then most likely you will get something similar to a goldfish. It shines brightly, but if you take it out of its usual environment, it will suffocate and die.

Oh, I forgot to warn you: if you suddenly cross that line when her fear begins to border on animal instinct, then this woman will show such strength of rage and become so aggressive that you cannot even suspect that a panther is hiding inside this fragile creature. Here it’s better to run away, save your skin and never come into her sight again..)

The motto of men who have thrown in their lot with a schizoid woman: patience, waiting and respect for the personal boundaries of your partner.

Author: Yulia Latunenko

What is the final result of diagnostics using R. Cattell’s method?

The methodology is represented by 105 professional questions. The questionnaire allows you to accurately diagnose the individual traits of a particular person, called “constitutional factors,” according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite for diagnosing a patient is limited time. The technique allows us to identify the emotional, intellectual, and communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate, of the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist receives the final result in the form of a psychographic profile of the individual.

This professional program is used in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

Practical significance of diagnostic results using the MMPI2 questionnaire

The second modern psychodiagnostic method, which is no less important and popular than R. Cattell’s questionnaire, is the MMPI2 questionnaire.

Its use greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting applicants based on the required personal characteristics. Further use of the technique will help track and identify employees engaged in professional activities that do not correspond to their psychographic personality profile, which will subsequently lead to increased productivity and minimization of risks. The programs allow you to establish personal characteristics, the level of intellectual and professional training, the main motivational impulses for activity, competencies, development potential, etc.

Areas of application can be various types of psychological consultation, career guidance, professional selection, harmonization of relationships in teams and much more.

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