Proud bearing or proud bearing

What is pride and arrogance?

Perhaps we should start by finding out how these concepts differ.

Pride is an emotion related to the subject. Pride is already a pathology. There can be a reason for pride in reality, for example, you can be proud of your homeland, your loved ones, if they deserve it, your own achievements. And be proud at the same time, without rising above anyone.

Pride teaches otherwise. As noted above, this is a pathological state of false superiority. Often there is absolutely no foundation. Unfortunately, these days more and more people are overwhelmed by pride.

The deceitful state of pride

Final essay: Who can be called a proud person?

(409 words) A proud person is one who is always ready to defend his honor and his dignity. Truly proud people will never make dubious compromises with their conscience and would rather suffer than allow their moral fall. This quality is usually characteristic of leaders who place themselves highly above those around them, but not without reason. To more accurately determine who can be called a proud person, you need to turn to classical literature.

For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Avdotya Raskolnikova demonstrates her feminine pride when she refuses Svidrigailov's humiliating proposal. The nobleman suggested that she flee abroad and live there without marriage, but with his impressive fortune. The heroine indignantly refused the offer, even though she was poor. But the most striking manifestation of her independent and sublime character is the refusal of the rich man Luzhin, who offered the girl an official marriage, but with the condition that she refuse to communicate with her quarrelsome brother. Rodion greatly angered the hero, because he directly accused him of wanting to “buy” Dunya. The poor bride was supposed to become Luzhin's devoted slave, since he pulled her out of poverty. Realizing this, Avdotya broke off the engagement, and the last proof of her rightness was Luzhin’s inhuman ultimatum: he or Rodion? The heroine ended up with nothing as a result of this act, but she did it out of pride. She did not want to humiliate herself to belong to such a low and vile person. Avdotya could marry without love, but not without respect.

Equally irreconcilable was Marya Bolkonskaya, the heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". When her father died, she was in a state of apathy and did not think at all about herself and her safety. But at the same time, an enemy army was approaching the estate, and it was clear to all the Bolkonsky households and even the peasants that the enemies would establish their power in the Bald Mountains, and they would have to be reckoned with. Marya alone was painfully worried about the death of her father and did not see anything around her until her French companion suggested going to the French military commanders to ask for patronage for her mistress. Then the proud spirit of the general’s daughter awoke in the princess, and she arrogantly rejected this proposal. She, the heiress of the Bolkonsky family, will not stoop to negotiate with the invaders, and certainly will not ask them for help. Despite the mortal danger, Marya did not lose her patriotic dignity. Her behavior reveals the hereditary pride characteristic of all members of this family.

Thus, those people who put their honor above material benefits and even above life can be called proud. They highly value their dignity and value it. Along with a high degree of self-esteem, such people always have moral scrupulousness: they feel what and how can influence their opinion of themselves.

Causes of pride

An overly proud person is a scourge for the people around him. You can’t even approach this again, because it’s impossible to predict what the reaction will be. What are the causes of pride?

  1. Excessive self-esteem. It's normal to love yourself. But when a person loves himself too much, for no apparent reason, this is already a pathological condition.
  2. Lack of trust in others. We all face certain challenges throughout our lives. Difficult, painful, from which it takes a long time to recover. But this is not a reason to become an embittered person who is only interested in himself. Proud people are often simply unable to pass such tests while maintaining an open soul. They become embittered, withdraw into themselves and begin to look down on this world and people.
  3. Selfishness. Who is this proud man? First of all, he is an inveterate egoist. We are talking about pride as a pathological feeling, and not about healthy self-love. An egoist does not know empathy or sympathy. He finds acts of mercy, helping others and compassion funny. He is his own light in the window.
  4. Narcissism. Not to be confused with self-esteem. An ordinary proud person can come across as hard to touch. This is difficult to approach; he doesn’t need anyone. But such a proud person does not impose his worldview on anyone. In the case of pride, its bearer strives to subordinate those around him to his own view of the world around him. He imposes his point of view on people.

I'm the queen

Clear signs of pride

signs of pride

Arrogance, arrogance, contempt

A person with all his appearance and behavior shows that he is higher and better than others, that everyone around him, compared to him, is worthless and does not deserve his attention.

Those. a person separates himself from other people and the world. He considers himself better and more worthy than everyone, and others are worse than him. Thus, he cultivates egoism in every possible way. And since he considers himself to be the best, he refuses to change himself, and therefore to develop.

Coldness, indifference

The person keeps to himself and makes no effort to build relationships with people.

His thinking: “I don’t care about anyone, I’m on my own and I’m fine as is.”

This principle is based on a person’s reluctance to invest energy and attention in others, because it is much easier to be alone. This also leads to a lack of self-development, and therefore to selfishness and pride.

Greed, stinginess, selfishness

A person is fixated on material things, he is haunted by a constant fear that “I won’t have enough.”

Thinking to justify your actions: “This is more important and necessary for me than for anyone else.”

Such a person always “rows” everything for himself and is afraid of competitors. After all, all his wealth could be taken away from him.

It turns out that the main motivator of his actions is fear. And fear is the main quality of egoism. Pride manifests itself in the fact that a person compares himself with others and always finds his needs more significant.

signs of pride

Condemnation and criticism with or without cause

A person with such behavior puts himself above others, since he allows himself to point out shortcomings, weaknesses and mistakes without permission or requests for this from people.

Its principles:

  • I am a plug in every barrel.
  • I climb where I need to and where I don’t need to.
  • Everywhere I give everyone advice on how to do it right.
  • I allow myself to express complaints and dissatisfaction, because I know what is best.

It turns out that a person, instead of paying attention to himself, his shortcomings and weaknesses in order to work through them and change, tries to force others to change. At the same time, the person is sure that he knows how best to do it, but he does not do it, he only talks.

Touchiness and capriciousness (hysterics and reproaches)

A person gets offended and puts his desires and desires above everything.

His principle of behavior: “I want it to be my way.”

By manipulating grievances and whims, a person seeks attention and satisfies his desires, without taking into account the opinions and desires of other people.

Deceit, cunning, hypocrisy, meanness

Behind these manifestations there is always the following: “I think I am smarter and more cunning. I can fool everyone to get my way.” By using lies instead of truth, a person deceives not only others, but also himself, thereby betraying his soul and conscience. This leads to illusions, distorted perceptions of oneself and others, and fosters pride.


By controlling and double-checking the actions and actions of other people, a person justifies himself by the fact that he knows what is better and more correct. He allows himself to interfere in other people's lives, thereby violating the personal space and boundaries of others.

signs of pride

Quarrelsomeness, scandalousness and nonsense

When a person constantly allows himself to speak out loudly and emotionally towards others, shouts, becomes indignant, raises his voice and turns into a brawler, then for some reason he decides that he can do this.

And therefore, he thinks that his opinion and behavior are more correct and significant than those of those to whom he makes it. At the same time, he does not take into account the state of others and their feelings.

Rigid beliefs and stereotyped thinking

This way of thinking and acting leads to the fact that a person, living in the familiar and familiar, avoids change, and therefore development. Limiting his life by the rigid fence of old beliefs and patterns, he finds himself in an illusory - stable world, which will be increasingly at odds with reality and life.

A person lives by the principle: “I am the most right, I always know what is right. My beliefs are the most correct. I don’t listen to or take anyone into account.”


A person who tries in every possible way to do the work with someone else’s hands, shifts tasks, avoids making decisions and redirects the choice to others is avoiding responsibility.

The most irresponsible people are often the most demanding and picky controllers of others. This is their way of demonstrating employment, “hard work” and “sort of responsibility.” In fact, they avoid doing anything themselves and shift responsibility for what they do to others.

Principle of thinking and behavior: “I don’t owe anything to anyone, I don’t owe anything, or Why should I do this if there is someone who...”.

signs of pride

Explicit manipulation

A person fawns, flatters, sucks up, or openly blackmails other people in order to achieve his goals.

With such behavior, he puts his “want” more important than others and does not disdain any means to get what he wants.

Common signs of pride in all these manifestations:

A person compares himself with others, finds himself: his needs, thoughts, feelings, actions, deeds and desires better and more significant than others.

Believes that he knows better than others how he and others should think, act and live correctly.

All together this leads to separation of oneself from other people and the world as a whole, cessation of development, illness, degradation, coldness, indifference and lack of spirituality.

Three ingredients for a cocktail

What kind of person is a proud person? Which consists of a cocktail called "pride". This cocktail is based on three strong components:

  1. False prestige. Pride forces a person to put his own interests much higher than anyone else's. People always place concern for their own destiny above that of others. But a proud person, with this emotion healthy, respects not only himself. He is able to understand and help his neighbor. With pride, a person is sure that he is the navel of the earth. Everyone owes her. Someone should give her their personal time, someone - ideas, and someone - to subordinate their lives. A person overwhelmed by pride does not think about the fact that he is harming people with his behavior. She just doesn't care.
  2. Feeling of inferiority. Well, the concepts of pride and inferiority somehow don’t coincide, right? However, the origins of pride lie in this feeling. A person who acutely feels his inferiority begins to delve into the shortcomings of others in order to convince himself that there are much worse inhabitants of planet Earth. And gradually, succeeding in this search, the proud man rises above others, sincerely believing in his superiority. It's stupid, to say the least. Wise and strong people begin to change themselves, rather than trying to look for negative aspects in others.
  3. Diffidence. It forces people to play other people's roles, to try on other masks. And this mask fuses with the real face to such an extent that the person begins to believe in the image he is wearing. It seems to him that no one is more important than him. But this is not so.

A trail of pride

Meaning of the word proud

Man is cruel, and only long trials tame him; a child is cruel in his ignorance, a young man is cruel, proud of his purity, a priest is cruel, proud of his holiness, and a doctrinaire, proud of his science - we are all merciless and most merciless when we are right.

And the neighbors, seeing then the proud son of a proud father, say: what a proud man such and such is; He takes after his father: his father is just as proud.

He was nervous, pressed to the last wrinkle, proud to be part of the Fleet, proud to be one of the few accepted from Old Earth, and fearful of what lay ahead.

All heroines have a proud, domineering, reserved character; to each of them, fate sends a partner with a proud, domineering, reserved character; They both cannot understand each other for a long time, they beat around the bush, suffer, get offended; on every page, either her or his face turns pale and the eyes sparkle with anger, and he or she bites their lips, turns proudly and silently leaves, not knowing, not suspecting that the offender or offender is at that very second looking after him with wet eyes , full of unspoken love, and is tormented for having so sharply scratched (or scratched) his beloved, noble, but bitter heart.

And now the proud Gordin found himself pulled in, squeezed into a Gordian knot; For no reason at all, I ended up in a cell for temporary detention at the request of these same thugs, extortionists.

Literally fifteen minutes later the entire ship was covered with blue bows, and on the deck we, proudly holding hands, shouted in unison “I remember that Vanino port”, “This train is on fire”, “Ship of freaks”, “Does not surrender to the enemy” our proud “Varyag” and something from Cave’s Ika.

Their need was rooted in the idea that no one really needed them and that the books he, Paul, liked, would be read by perhaps only a few, and therefore one should be proud, have a proud mind and in this mind nurture the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of personal book depository , a kind of book museum.

From behind the door, through the crack of which the dim light of a lamp oozed, the cries of his granddaughter could be heard measuredly, like clockwork, and his thoughts groped forward, slowly and menacingly, and for some reason, accompanied by the sound of hooves, until suddenly he burst out into the open space from the darkness. a beautiful, proud rider on a proud steed, and then his thought, advancing by groping, also burst into the open, dazzlingly clear and simple - and this was not an excuse or even an explanation, but as if the likeness of God, lonely, understandable, inaccessible to the polluting human touch : “He is higher than all these Yankees who killed his son and wife and took away the blacks and ruined his land; higher than this country, for which he shed his blood, and she, as a reward, relegated him to small shopkeepers; above this ingratitude, which he was given to drink like the bitter cup of Scripture.

will convict him of weakness, or of treason, or of humility, or of darkness, and whatever else is called all the painful states of the spirit, which in healthy days are restrained by the pride of the spirit (for as the old saying goes: “Three proud beasts share the throne - the proud spirit, peacock and horse").

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