How to cheer up a girl: 17 effective ways

Ivan Vdovin

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You’re probably sitting right now, reading the article, and you’re not in the mood at all. Sad and sad at heart. Everything seems to be fine, but something is missing and the question arises, how to cheer yourself up? If you don’t go into detail about the reasons for despondency, it’s quite easy to cheer yourself up. And with an upbeat mood, you become attractive to others.

Get involved in cultural education

Want to get a dose of joy? Try going to the theater and watching some play there. Or visit a museum. Researchers from Norway collected data Patterns of receptive and creative cultural activities and their association with perceived health, anxiety, depression and satisfaction with life among adults: the HUNT study, Norway on the pastime and mood of 50,000 people and found that those who attend more cultural activities (or participates in them), suffer less from depression and anxiety and demonstrate higher levels of happiness.

We found a significant positive relationship between attending cultural events and good health, life satisfaction, and lower levels of anxiety and depression in both men and women.

Steinar Krokstad, psychiatrist, director of the HUNT Health Research Centre, Levanger, Norway

It is curious that the men who participated in the study received more pleasure from those cultural events where they only had to contemplate beauty. For example, from museum or art exhibitions, plays, concerts. And women preferred events where they had to take an active part - meeting in clubs, singing, walking in the fresh air or dancing. At the same time, you can check whether this difference is confirmed in your case.

Other ways to cheer yourself up

Besides food, there are other ways to improve your mood, such as exercise. Just take a short jog somewhere in the park or along the street, you will immediately feel in a good mood, the meaning of life and overall vigor in your body.

✅Guide to changing yourself .pdf

Straight posture

The coolest thing our body has is a signaling system. Our psyche is accustomed to the fact that if a person stands straight, stretched out towards the sun, chest forward and there is a smile on his face, then everything is fine with such a person and he is in a great mood.

Therefore, the easiest way is to stand straight, shoulders back, chest forward, look at the horizon and smile. Feel how it becomes more and more pleasant for you to be in this state, your mood improves and you gain more confidence in yourself.

Physical exercise

The more you exercise, the higher your mood. Just try doing push-ups until you get tired and see how you feel physically. Usually your soul immediately feels great and you want to live.


Turn on your favorite artist, enjoy the music that you like and enjoy, increase the level of endorphins in your blood easily and quickly.

Every person has music that gives them goosebumps, right? Just turn it on and enjoy life.

Go to a Hellinger constellation

This is a very cool type of psychotherapy based on generic dynamics. There you will cry very well, express your grievances and anger and understand a LOT of new things for yourself, realize that your life will never be the same, even if you are a skeptic, as I was at one time. More details about Hellinger arrangements.

Read more: What is assertive behavior?

I remember my first arrangement, I cried like a little child, resentment, anger and anger came out of me. But after such cleansing, flowers always bloom and the sun comes out from behind the clouds. And life acquires and is filled with meaning.

It turns out that you kill two birds with one stone and psychotherapy touches your deep-seated problems as deeply as possible and lifts your spirits. Moreover, the mood will remain for 5 days.


If you are not a fan of walking, then it is better to start walking right now for 30-60 minutes a day to maintain your tone. Better yet, try Swedish walking with poles. I have a friend who was constantly sitting still, well, that’s his job, he gained weight to 130 kg and realized that things weren’t going to work that way. I bought myself some walking sticks and have been walking with them almost every day for 2 years now. Now she weighs about 95 kilograms.

I noticed a positive way of thinking and generally stopped cursing the authorities and so on; it’s nice to look at a person when you constantly see him with a smile on his face. You can go for a walk in any weather, except for a hurricane, of course, for example, I used to walk around the park even in the cold so as not to sit at home and think about new discoveries. I recommend

Watch your favorite movie

Everyone has movies in their stash that they love to watch over and over again and get an unprecedented thrill from it. For me, such a film is “Poor Sasha” with Zbruev in the title role, I can watch it every day, but on the contrary, I do it less often in order to enjoy every moment. I especially laugh at the phrase “Uncle Venya from Alupka.”

There are a lot of comedies that give pleasure, or the series is good, I like Sherlock from foreign ones, I also get a thrill from watching the series over and over again.


Just dance to any music, you can start dancing with your present state, you express it in dance, then your mood begins to lift automatically, even if you are in deep sadness.

You can go to a club, of course, it’s more suitable for girls, especially if it’s a group of girls. Guys rarely go to clubs, which is understandable, almost all of us don’t know how to dance. If we knew how, we would go there all the time, as we received a lot of female attention.

✅Guide to changing yourself .pdf

Meet the opposite sex

This is not a good method, if you are not very communicative, but if you can start a conversation with a stranger without any problems, then I recommend doing this. I noticed that a little excitement during communication will release the hormone of happiness into the blood, and you will get a surge of good mood.

As an addition, acquaintance can be very useful; it has happened to me more than once when, when communicating even with a stranger, it turned out that they were useful to each other on mutually beneficial terms.

Call a friend

There are still people who lift your spirits. Call them, chat and have fun from the heart, telling emotional stories - it’s much nicer than being sad alone.

I understand perfectly well that among us there are introverts who have few friends, if you are like that, then of course this method will not work. Read below

A glass of cognac

A method for those who drink occasionally. If you drink just one glass, a wave of relaxation and warming will spread throughout your body. This method is not suitable if you are depressed or stressed, as alcohol will only worsen your current state.

As a good option, mix cognac with coffee and the effect will be doubled, or even tripled. And if you are in good company, the effect will not take long to arrive.

Draw your problem

Take pencils or open a graphics editor on your computer and start drawing whatever comes to mind, bright or dim, big or small, it doesn’t matter at all, just express your current mood.

You will notice that you started out with darker colors, and then more and more colorful and lighter tones appeared, giving you more mood.


It’s more suitable for girls to go shopping, try on different outfits and maybe buy something, but it’s better to buy several things at once. The main thing is that there is enough money.

Read more: How do people become happy?

Shopping is also suitable for men, but in electronic stores. It's always nice to hold a new phone or camera in your hands, or even cooler a laptop. But the most delightful thing will be going into a car dealership and getting into a brand new car and sitting behind the wheel. The sad fact is that if there is no money, then the mood will remain at the same level, and even worse it can deteriorate. Therefore, it is not recommended for everyone.

Keep a diary

Much has been written about the beneficial effects of a diary on mental balance. Indeed, writing notes helps improve your mood, as confirmed by the study A “Present” for the Future: The Unexpected Value of Rediscovery by Ting Zhang from Harvard University.

Zhang and her colleagues found that the most ordinary and ordinary events recorded in a diary began to be perceived as more meaningful and pleasant over time.

That is, if you write about something mundane, such as going to the movies or meeting a friend, and then re-read the entry a year or two later, you will remember what happened, experiencing more joy and warmth than directly at the moment of the event. You can consider journaling as a way to “invest” some happiness in the future.

Summarize the day

Take a few minutes to stop and reflect on your day. This exercise can take any form - journaling, meditation, prayer, etc. I like the simple two-step version.

  1. What could you do 1% better tomorrow? For example: be 1% more patient with children, be 1% friendlier with an unpleasant colleague, increase your workout time by 1%. I like 1% because it's a small change that seems doable, but if you improve something by 1% every day, the progress will be noticeable.
  2. One thing you are grateful for from the day. For example, praise from the manager, good weather, absence of health problems. Advice: when it comes to gratitude, it is better to be as specific as possible.

Taking stock of your day can greatly improve your mood because it puts things into perspective: yes, things may not be great today, but there is room for improvement tomorrow. And besides, there are already wonderful events in life for which I am grateful. In addition to quickly improving your mood, taking stock of your day has other benefits, such as easing your mind into a calm state before bed.


Talk to a stranger

Researchers Nicholas Epley and Juliana Schroeder from the University of Chicago conducted the Let's make some Metra noise experiment. They gave a group of passengers on a Chicago train a $5 Starbucks gift card. In exchange, they agreed to start a conversation with their fellow traveler during the trip. The other group of subjects had to travel in silence.

As a result, those who overcame shyness and chatted with others showed improved mood and mental well-being. Those who had no contact with anyone did not become happier.

A similar study, Is Efficiency Overrated?: Minimal Social Interactions Lead to Belonging and Positive Affect, was conducted by specialists from the University of British Columbia. They also gave cafeteria patrons five-dollar Starbucks cards in exchange for a promise to strike up a small conversation with the barista. And such fleeting communication, despite its apparent insignificance, also led to an increase in the mood of the subjects.

So contacts with others, even short-term ones, improve our condition.

Perfect beauty

They say she saves the world. Undoubtedly. Saves us from ourselves: unkempt, unkempt, unfashionable.

You need to look good not for members of the opposite sex, not for bosses or competitors. You always need to be beautiful and stylish, regardless of what is happening in life and the people present in it. When we like ourselves, the same hormone of joy is produced, which affects our mood. To do this, you need to watch your figure, exercise, and eat right. It is necessary to live your days fully and positively. From everything follows a close connection between an excellent psychological state and a beautiful appearance. Love yourself!

how to always be in a good mood

The human body is a vessel for his soul. What it is filled with is what pours out through relationships with others and health. In order to be happy and successful, it is important to know how to always be in a good mood, work on yourself and always strive for positivity.

Spend time with friends and loved ones

Chatting with casual acquaintances is, of course, not bad. But more meaningful conversations with those who care about us are still more important.

Scientists from the University of Arizona conducted a study, Eavesdropping on Happiness: Well-being is Related to Having Less Small Talk and More Substantive Conversations, which tracked the emotional state of 80 people over four days. And it showed that the happiest people are those who communicate more often with relatives and friends on topics that seem important to them. Those who are socially active, but prefer casual conversations about nothing, are less satisfied with life. In general, finally call your grandmother.

Send messages to loved ones just like that

We tend to feel better when we do something for others. It doesn’t have to be something big—sometimes just writing to your loved ones is enough. Try the following scheme.

  1. Make a list of 5-10 close people.
  2. Set daily reminders on your phone.
  3. When you see the reminder, take 30 seconds and send a message to the first person on the list. It can contain anything - from a declaration of love to a funny GIF.
  4. Write to the next person on the list every day.

Random acts of kindness are a great way to improve not only the quality of your relationships, but also your own mood in just 30 seconds.

Live in the countryside

According to Atlantic Media's Overall survey, Americans in the Suburbs Are Still the Happiest, the happiest people are those who live in rural areas, away from the hustle and bustle of big cities. 84% of respondents from this category reported their satisfaction with living conditions, but in cities only 75% were satisfied citizens.

Related results How Happy are Your Neighbors? Variation in Life Satisfaction among 1200 Canadian Neighborhoods and Communities was also received by happiness researchers from the Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University. They found that satisfaction levels among suburbanites were eight times higher than among those living in the concrete jungle. So consider moving to the countryside. Or at least go to the dacha to get some fresh air, and not hunch over potato plantations.

Go for a walk during lunch

Most of us spend almost the entire working day at an office desk, where everything literally screams about impending tasks. In other words, the work environment keeps us in a constant state of stress: it's felt when you see a reminder about an inconvenient email that needs to be sent, walk past your boss's office, or simply hear your phone ringing for the twelfth time in an hour. All these small moments add up to a big picture and can affect your mood.

But you can completely disconnect from them if you go for a 15-30 minute walk after lunch. This will not only allow you to warm up, but will also distract you from your work tasks thanks to the abundance of new signals around.

Sometimes a bad mood is the result of being in a stressful environment for too long. If you escape from this environment even for a short time, your condition will improve.

Listen to sad music

It would seem that melancholic songs should not improve your mood, but, on the contrary, drive you into the abyss of depression. But no. The survey, The Paradox of Music-Evoked Sadness: An Online Survey, conducted by researchers from the Free University of Berlin, showed that many people listen to sad music in moments of sadness and it helps them get rid of sadness.

There are several reasons for this, as scientists have suggested. First, sad melodies allow us to experience catharsis. Secondly, they promote empathy.

In addition, sad music creates a feeling of nostalgia and brings back pleasant memories.

Overall, the researchers summarized, listening to sad songs can reduce negative emotions and provide comfort.

Buy experiences, not things

Spending money on something material is very pleasant. But, according to the study The hidden cost of value-seeking: People do not accurately forecast the economic benefits of experiential purchases, published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, a pleasant experience brings us more positive emotions than something for the same cost .

Scientists have concluded that people are more willing to spend money on objects than on experiences because things are easier to appreciate, touch and examine. But those who did choose the experience ended up reporting that the emotions they experienced were more useful and more satisfying than material goods.

So, if you have a choice between renovating your kitchen or flying to Rome, and you want to feel happiness, choose the latter. Of course, you will then contemplate the updated interior for many years, but you will see the Colosseum only once... But who will argue that it is better than a freshly painted wall?

Get up strictly by the alarm clock

This situation is familiar to many: it’s six in the morning, the alarm clock is ringing. At this point, it seems that another 15 minutes of sleep is vital, and we turn off the sound, roll over and fall asleep until the next signal. This cycle is repeated two to three more times.

But here's the problem: spending an extra 20-30 minutes in bed may feel good from a physical standpoint, but it ends up making you feel bad. Subconsciously, we perceive “getting enough sleep” as breaking a promise to ourselves. This, in turn, hurts self-esteem.

Ignoring commitments to yourself is not a good way to start the day. It is better to feel confident in yourself by getting up strictly according to the alarm clock.

Look at the beautiful things

Smartphone manufacturer HTC conducted a study, Htc Research Reveals Good Design Makes Us Happy, showing that looking at beautiful things makes us happier. And if they are also functional, then even better. It doesn't matter whether you admire your smartphone, your designer desk, or your new kettle.

In a series of experiments, researchers showed volunteers things from three categories: beautiful, functional, and beautiful and functional at the same time. The results showed that well-designed, aesthetically pleasing and comfortable objects that are pleasant to use induce calm and tranquility. And they reduce negative feelings such as anger and irritation by almost a third.

Simply beautiful objects, while not particularly functional, reduce negative emotions by 29%, increasing the feeling of calm and ease.

In general, surround yourself with beautiful things. They lift your spirits.

What causes a girl to be in a bad mood?

A deterioration in the mood of a representative of the fair half of humanity can occur for many reasons :

  1. Increased stress levels . Men believe that it is easier for women to endure problematic situations because of the opportunity to “cry” or express their negative feelings in other emotional ways. Indeed, girls are better at letting off steam after stressful moments. But there are situations in which they are forced not to talk about problems. Not everyone bursts into tears and complains to their girlfriends in the evenings. If a girl rarely told a guy about her problems, then it’s time for him to ask about her inner experiences;
  2. Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep . If a girl has only recently gotten a job and is forced to “shovel away the rubble” from her predecessor at first, then there is a high probability that her mood will be ruined for several days in advance. It’s even worse when her boss asks her to stay late at work or she is forced to deal with documents at home until late at night. Women's workaholism is still more dangerous than men's, since guys can tolerate any load better;
  3. Conflicts with colleagues, friends or family . In this case, usually the girl still decides to share her experiences with the guy. It is important for her that someone appreciates the correctness of her position in the conflict. Also, a young man may inadvertently offend her; you can apologize to her by using one of these phrases;
  4. Disappointment in life . This can be expressed in dozens of reasons: unloved work, inability to move to good housing and a large city, etc.;
  5. Hormonal changes . Some girls become irritable during their periods, others become whiny, and some feel constantly tired.

picture for a girl's mood

Eat more fruits and vegetables

It's strange, but carrots and tomatoes can make people as happy as chocolate, a well-known source of endorphins. Researchers from New Zealand came to this conclusion. They conducted a 13-day experiment On carrots and curiosity: Eating fruit and vegetables is associated with greater flourishing in daily life, in which 405 people participated. And they came to the conclusion that those who ate more fruits and vegetables experienced more positive emotions. They also experienced increased levels of curiosity and engagement at work, and increased creativity.

These findings suggest that eating fruits and vegetables is associated with other aspects than just happiness. For example, a sense of purpose in life and the ability to be surprised.

Tamlyn Conner, PhD in Psychology, Senior Lecturer at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand

So, if you are sad and you can’t have something sweet, eat an apple.

What ways help you become happier? Share in the comments.

How to always be in a good mood if everything around you is bad

Start your own business

Given the growing crisis, this may seem like absurd advice to some. But there are a million reasons to start your own business and earn your own money. Eg,

  1. “Working for your uncle” means allowing him to tell or dictate to you how to live, what to do and when to say. This means being an “eternal” subordinate, having a bunch of bosses above you. From the smallest clerk, who has a position slightly higher than yours, to the top of the career ladder.
  2. This means constantly depending on their mood and if you try to object to anything, they will immediately show you the door. Moreover, woe if you are smarter than your boss. And also a job that you don't like. Have you given enough reasons? Will there be a normal mood in such conditions?
  3. One of our personal examples is maintaining websites and this blog. They are an outlet for us and one of the best methods of how to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. Don't you like writing or is it not your thing? Do what you enjoy. The main thing is to move in the right direction and get moving.

Be kind to yourself

The next piece of advice, but no less important, is to be kind to yourself. Don't stress yourself out with work or anything else. In this life, it is quite normal to not always experience positive emotions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sometimes your mood will want to be better.

So don't be afraid to give yourself some slack every once in a while, showing kindness to your body and giving it everything it needs to relax.

Live your own life

Living in a disorderly world, a sane person will definitely come to the conclusion: you need to live your own life, according to your own rules, so as not to be a gray mouse, and also not to follow the majority. After all, today anyone is too lazy to teach us how to live. We are not against learning, only those who teach do not know how to do it themselves.

So, let’s say goodbye to the herd feeling, “like everyone else, so am I.” Remember, shopping will not make us happy. Television will not bring satisfaction. But a new car will only please you for the first time. An updated model comes out and it's already becoming obsolete.

Do you want to know how to lift your spirit and mood and always have positive emotions?

Just don't be afraid to be different from others. Live your own life. And if you are a family man, then with the life of your family.

Moral and ethical values

We live in a crazy society with crazy ideas and low standards of morality and ethics. Black is considered white and vice versa. For example, swearing is part of the Russian language, then why not legalize it, for example, in films, literature or various shows? To clear your conscience, you only need to set age restrictions.

Or morality in the relationship between a man and a woman. How low have these standards fallen? History shows that the lower these standards, the worse people live. This will naturally make a normal person feel depressed.

Therefore, ask yourself: do you want to be better than thousands of others who do not even think about these norms, but go with the flow or not? Then set yourself the goal of living by high moral standards. After all, until you want it yourself, nothing will change in your life.

Choosing the right life partner

To always have a good mood in a marriage, you need to be happy. Good relationships are honey for the mood! And for this you should not rush to get married. It is important to choose the person with whom you will not be disappointed after a few years of marriage. Whoever you choose, that’s how you’ll live. When wanting to get married, it is important to follow the rules when choosing the most suitable candidate.

How to choose it? Observe, analyze and draw conclusions. For example, you can start from questions that should be clarified before marriage with your intended life partner. They will help you have the right idea about a person. By choosing the right life partner today, you will not remain helpless in the future, especially when you have children.

We recommend reading some of the most popular articles on this blog: What questions should you definitely ask a guy before marriage? What questions to ask a girl will help you get to know her better? What should you pay attention to when choosing a husband? What will help you choose the right life partner?

Stay out of debt

Debt is a cruel killer. In the past, his name was kabala. Now he has changed his name to "credit", but the essence remains the same. To take over your soul, your thoughts, your gaze, so that the light in your eyes goes out. Today, with a loan you can be the owner of a car, a house, anything.

But think about it, in reality you are getting full ownership of bondage. It will absorb all your thoughts, deprive you of sleep, peace of mind, health, a joyful look and, finally, crush you in depression.

Therefore, if you cannot buy something with your own money now, do not take out a loan. It’s better to refuse such a purchase, you don’t need it, believe me. The best way to cheer up is to have no debts, then you can sleep peacefully. Much better than the one who took out a loan.

Have a purpose in life

Notice the chain: a goal in life means there is a meaning to life, this = happiness. Have you noticed what comes first in this chain? Purpose is what gives life meaning. And achieving this goal brings happiness.

Everything we do as a family is done to achieve our goals. If something doesn't serve our goals, we don't do it. And we don’t waste time on unrealistic goals or illusions, so we’re in a good mood. Do you want it to be similar? Then set realistic goals for yourself?

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