Give yourself permission to be yourself. Or why is it so important to accept yourself?

Humanity, chasing far-fetched mythical standards of beauty, is losing the most valuable thing given by nature - itself. People lose their real selves, not realizing that moving the scales closer to the cherished number or having enlarged breasts will not make them happier. Of course, achieving a goal will give you a few happy moments, which will be replaced by emptiness inside. And all because the human subject is a stubborn creature that does not want to accept its own features without embellishment. To achieve positive changes, an individual must accept himself, which is impossible, since there are a number of characteristics that he does not like. This is what a closed “wheel” looks like. To destroy the current situation, you must first of all understand how to accept yourself, which is what this phrase implies.

How to accept yourself?

Any person is a combination of very different qualities and character traits. Hardworking, inquisitive, irritable, diligent, quick-tempered, reliable - dozens of traits coexist in one personality. They are what make us who we are. But do we like all our features? No.

Some people are not averse to getting rid of their slowness, some are dissatisfied with excessive irritability, and others with inattention or daydreaming. A separate category of dissatisfaction is appearance. These “unloved” traits become a reason for constant reproaches against oneself. They do not fit into the ideal image that every person draws for themselves. This leads to low self-esteem and self-doubt.

There are 2 ways out of this situation:

  • Continue to self-flagellate and think about how to cope with it;
  • Admit your imperfections.

The last option is about accepting yourself.

When a person accepts himself, he recognizes both his strengths and weaknesses.

“Yes, I can flare up at the wrong moment. Yes, I react too emotionally to criticism and harsh words addressed to me” - when we say this, we accept ourselves.

It seems that accepting oneself means leaving the situation as it is, that is, coming to terms with it. This is wrong.

Self-acceptance is the first step towards personal growth and internal change.

The logic here is simple:

  • When we constantly think about our shortcomings and try to fight them, we feel internal tension. The result is that instead of solving a specific problem, we retreat into negative emotions. Strong emotions make it difficult to think rationally. The problem remains unresolved.
  • When we accept ourselves, we relieve internal tension. Now nothing prevents you from approaching the problem competently and charting ways out of it.

Self-acceptance is about the desire to change, but not through fighting with oneself, but through cooperation.

How to learn to accept yourself: 6 ways

This is the second article in a series about acceptance and how to learn to accept yourself and the circumstances in life.

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