Problems in communicating with people: types of problems and their solutions

The basis of interpersonal relationships is communication. It is necessary, since man is a rational being living in society, and he requires constant development.

Communication is the process of interaction between people, caused by their needs and aimed at satisfying these needs. Communication is associated with huge flows of various information. There is an intensive exchange of it between people. Moreover, the number of people whose work involves communication is increasing. Communication can be different, depending on the situation, the means of communication and the opponents themselves.

Difficulties that arise during the communication process also occur. They appear suddenly, in completely different people. Often this problem occurs to those who are very shy, lack self-confidence, and live with a feeling of fear of being misunderstood and ridiculed. Often such difficulties are observed in people who are already adults, mature, with stable views on the world. People constantly live under the yoke of socially imposed standards of behavior and communication stereotypes. A communicative, relaxed person who is constantly in the center of attention and events is a new model of a successful business personality.

Communication sucks energy out of you

If socializing drains your energy reserves, then you are most likely an introvert. By the way, there is no relationship between introversion and depression. In the first case it is simply a personality type; in the second, there is a mental health problem (see point 1). Listen to yourself and understand what you need: if you need solitude, be with yourself, but do not give up communication and socialization in moderation.

Development of psychological barriers

A person begins to perceive himself as a person who does not know how to communicate, make contact, and no longer tries to change. An insecure individual with low self-esteem matures. Complexes and psychological, internal restrictions appear that prevent one from freely expressing oneself in the world and entering into normal interaction with it.

A person constantly avoids people, prefers virtual communication, tries to hide fear and complexes by resorting to alcohol and various drugs. Those, in turn, temporarily allow you to relax and get in touch with the outside world. Often, problems with communication are associated with the inability to express one’s thoughts beautifully and competently, maintain a conversation, or defend one’s word in a controversial situation. Communication loses its direct and spontaneous character. The person begins to worry and worry. He tries to communicate not when the situation requires it, but when his mind is ready for it.

People with problems of this kind have disharmony in their thoughts, feelings, and states. They don't feel like one. They stop loving themselves and perceive themselves as an outcast. Confidence in oneself as a self-sufficient person disappears. There are a lot of people who have brilliant eloquence, which often helps them out. Of course, this is an excellent ability to speak beautifully and impressively, but even this quality does not help to completely liberate oneself. The root of evil lies much deeper. The presence of physical disabilities, long-standing grievances, unpleasant situations in the past. There are many reasons why a person slams shut and stops believing in himself. All these moments are recorded in his subconscious from early childhood, when someone was called too fat, a loser, weak, ugly.

There are people who themselves do not like to communicate, prefer to remain silent, and compensate for communication with various activities. They are not interested in what is happening around them, they do not want to share their thoughts and ideas with anyone. And what is most surprising is that such people do not feel a lack of communication, since they do not feel the need for it. Such situations also pose a communication problem. A person must constantly be in the process of development. Living surrounded by people like yourself, it is very difficult to be out of touch.

You're shy

And this brings us back to the question of introversion. An introvert's brain prefers the acetylcholine pathway, while extroverts choose the dopamine pathway. In other words, extroverts need external stimulation of energy, and you need internal stimulation. Just continue to communicate with people little by little without exhausting yourself with crowded events and noisy parties.

Psychological problems with communication: an outside view

If you feel insecure in the company of new people, try an experiment: record yourself on video. At this time, you can pretend that you are communicating, tell the exam ticket, or “give out” any monologue. Then analyze your image and what you need to work on.

Perhaps your voice is too quiet, your back is hunched, or your gaze is downcast.

All “signs of an outsider” need to be changed. A person who sits with his shoulders back, laughs beautifully, but is silent, at least develops respect. I even want to talk to such a person

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