4 scientifically proven ways to force yourself to exercise

Today we will talk to you, my dear friend, about the laziness we all know and love.

Almost every person who has the idea of ​​visiting the abode of muscular men and girls with toned buttocks sooner or later faces the fact that he becomes too lazy to lift all these heavy pieces of iron .

Now we will talk in detail about how to force yourself to start playing sports and what to do if you are too lazy to go to training.

Why are you too lazy to go to the gym?

By nature, every person is lazy, even the body itself is designed to make as little effort as possible to survive. This is not prehistoric times, where in order to survive, you had to run away from a dinosaur every day and bring animal carcasses home so that your family would have something to eat.

Now the biggest danger that can overtake you is getting short of breath while reaching for the remote control while lying on the sofa.

Accordingly, in order to force yourself to start playing sports, you need to get out of your comfort zone, overcome your laziness, and this is not so easy. After all, in essence, you are, of your own free will, exchanging a warm, soft sofa with dents for your huge sides and buttocks for hard, cold , and also heavy exercise equipment and dumbbells.

To win this unequal struggle, you just need to go to the mirror. If in the reflection you see the hero of an advertisement for a liposuction clinic, then motivation should fill every fold of your stomach and chin, and within 5 minutes you should have a subscription to the nearest fitness club in your hands.

Method 3. Think positively

Without positive thinking, it is difficult to motivate yourself to perform sports feats. It’s even better to visualize your desire to have a beautiful and healthy body so as not to give up. Imagine pumped up muscles, abs on your stomach, and the strength for a new workout will definitely appear.

Follow the structure proposed by psychologist Gabriel Ettingen :

  1. Understanding desire.
  2. Presentation of the result.
  3. Identification of possible obstacles on the way to the goal.
  4. Formation of a way to overcome obstacles.

The structure was revealed experimentally. The study involved female students who decided to give up junk food.

enjoyment of life
Think positively

Lifehacks in the fight against laziness

It’s difficult to just force yourself to do sports, especially if today is not Monday, the beginning of the month, or even the beginning of the year. Therefore, little tricks .

Find a partner

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It’s hard to overcome laziness and force yourself to train alone, so it’s better to find yourself a partner.

On days of despondency, when you become too lazy to go to the gym, your partner will tell you that you are a lazy cloud and will force you to go with him, in the same way and vice versa, you will force him to go to training.

The exception would be if you are two lazy clouds and agree that the world will accept you as such and you no longer need to force yourself to train.

Plus, you'll both be more motivated to train harder because nothing motivates you more than the other person's success. And how is it that your partner no longer rides a freight elevator, but a regular passenger elevator, and you’ve only lost one chin out of three. Naturally, you will try your best to stop this impudent person .

Find a trainer

If you don’t have a partner, then start training with a trainer. There are at least two reasons why a coach will help you overcome laziness and start playing sports.

Firstly, this is a must, if you are a beginner and don't understand anything about these instruments of torture, this will help keep you healthy.

Secondly, for every missed workout, the coach will force you to get acquainted with Dante’s theory, nine circles of hell will be provided to you, and the tenth will be a bonus.

After the first unjustified absence, you will want to either never miss training again, or move as far as possible from your city, country or even planet.


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The ideal motivation to force yourself to train would be an argument with someone you know.

Especially if this debate is not just about interest, but about some significant subject .

Believe me, although our body is lazy, it is not a fool.

If you signal to your brain that for every kilogram you lose you will get closer and closer to receiving, for example, five thousand rubles, then it will do everything possible to make you move your plump legs straight to the gym, like Forest Gap. And even laziness is not a hindrance here.

Motivational videos

To want to lose weight and play sports, just watch how huge men growl, wince and scream , how sweat flows down their muscles, how girls with huge buttocks in belt-sized shorts lift dumbbells with a concentrated look, and all this happens to unrealistically atmospheric music .

They say this should motivate you to get your butt off the couch. But it doesn't work for everyone, so try it.

Don't expect quick results

This life hack is more likely for those who can give up . Most people who go to the gym expect quick results. From three workouts, they expect dozens of lost kilograms, which they spent years eating up with titanic labor.

I can confidently say that this will not happen if you did not sell your soul to the devil.

I described the situation with the expectation of quick results and the resulting burnout in the article How to pump up a skinny guy.

The result is never quick, so even in a month, if you don’t find the body of your dreams, don’t despair, everything will happen, but not right away.

Beauty requires sacrifice

In order to start going to the gym, you need to review your regime and create a new schedule that will include training. Not all of us and do not always have time for physical education. Often we don’t even have time to pay due attention to our appearance. But I no longer have the strength to look at my fat figure. What can you do, how can you force yourself to find at least one hour a day to visit the fitness club? In this case, it is necessary to put everything important in first place, and the unimportant in second. Good health and a beautiful appearance should be a top priority.

Now let's be honest, who among us doesn't want to look attractive and be liked by the opposite sex? There probably won’t be any, especially if you are under 40 years old. Many young girls and boys who visit gyms and fitness clubs can boast of their slim figure not only in a small circle of friends, but also on social networks, where they post photos with amazing parameters. More mature people - adherents of sports activities - do not lag behind them. Thanks to beautiful photographs, many will make new friends and fans. Sports motivation can bring you closer to achieving your cherished dreams and meeting your soulmate.

How to force yourself to exercise after work?

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Most of us are working people, we all need to eat and somehow live.

Consequently, you don't have much free time to devote to training.

Most people exercise in the evening after work.

This is justified by the fact that in the morning we all look like boiled dumplings and going to the gym is clearly not what we want. Especially if you need to be at work by 8, therefore, you should come to training around 6:30, and get up at all at 5 in the morning.

It seems to me that 90% of serial killers and maniacs tried to train before work.

But here the next problem arises. If in the morning we look like a boiled dumpling, then in the evening after work, especially if it was a hard and eventful day, we look like a stale white dumpling from the station and we don’t want to train in this state either.

Only now you don’t really have a choice, if you don’t work out either in the morning or in the evening, then you will only hear a compliment in your direction from the saleswoman in the cheburek shop near your work.

To still force yourself to exercise after work, you can use all the same life hacks that I described above. You can also just take your workout bag with you to work . This, of course, will not make your laziness disappear, but a new quality of ours will appear - “why the hell did I carry it around all day?” The only thing stronger than laziness is the feeling of useless work done.

In a healthy body healthy mind

The thing is, it takes a lot of effort to force yourself to exercise. If we admit to ourselves, then each of us has a certain degree of laziness, which prevents us from achieving many goals in this life. There are people who are easy-going - they flutter like butterflies and are quickly able to do any work accurately and efficiently. It all depends on the person's temperament. It is easier for choleric people to force themselves to solve some problems at the production level or in the home environment. But what should melancholic or phlegmatic people do, who lead a slower lifestyle due to the temperament given by nature? What they are most faced with is the decision of how to motivate themselves to train to achieve many goals.

In this case, it is necessary to consider in more detail what can motivate a person to play sports. Such a decision may include:

  1. The desire to have good health.
  2. Get sick less or not get sick at all.
  3. Have a wonderful figure that meets world standards.
  4. Learn patience and develop willpower.
  5. Become more positive.

The above factors that contribute to various physical exercises give each of us the opportunity to think about our lifestyle. Moreover, this applies not only to young boys and girls, but also to people of more mature age. Strong motivation to train is, first of all, a correctly set goal.

You can play sports at home, but in this case you will have to force yourself more, and it is also worth noting that it is almost impossible to achieve good results in such conditions. Training is best done in special places: fitness clubs, gyms. Here you can exercise yourself using sports equipment or perform physical exercises under the guidance of an experienced trainer. In order to have as many positive emotions as possible during sports, it is best to come with a girlfriend or close friend, it will be more fun and interesting. Motivation for training is an example of successful people, which can be taken from your favorite movie or TV and radio show.

Sports motivation

How to start training every day, and is it necessary at all?

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Your motivation is off the charts, you have watched 40 hours of motivational videos, you have a clearly defined goal, and now you buy a gym membership and want to force yourself to exercise every day.

The only problem is that if you are a beginner, then this motivation will disappear the next morning after training. Because you definitely won’t make it to the gym the next day.

Usually, experienced athletes train every day, and, as a rule, they do not need motivation to force themselves to go to the gym.

Let's move on to practice - how to take it and go to training?

All of the above methods imply long-term motivation, but how can you start exercising today (at least tomorrow), and not on Monday, New Year or the first day of spring?

We offer several working recommendations :

  • agreement with a friend;
  • room reservation;
  • setting a specific goal that can be measured;
  • drawing up a clear plan;
  • classes in the morning, because in the evening there is no energy left;
  • train your brain to get up as soon as the alarm rings;
  • choose a beautiful uniform that is pleasant to wear.

Give yourself time to rest. If you have no strength or absolutely no desire, give yourself a rest.

relaxation with a cup of tea
Let's relax

How to force yourself to exercise at home?

Many people are probably familiar with this thing: one day, walking past a mirror, you notice a sixth crease on your side and decide that you’ve had enough, this can’t go on any longer and you urgently need to pull yourself together. But you don’t want to go to the gym , or you can’t, the circumstances are different. So you start training at home.

But a new problem arises . When you lie down on the floor to do your abs at home, your motivation suddenly subsides and you hear your inner voice singing you a lullaby.

And the soft sofa beckons you with its smooth curves, formed over the years under your curvaceous body.

How can you force yourself to exercise at home? Lifehacks with an argument, motivational videos and even a coach are suitable here. Nowadays there are many online coaches who will help you achieve your goal.

But the best motivation to force yourself to exercise at home will be your loved ones, who will tell you every day that you are a fat, lazy dumpling who can do nothing but lie on the couch in front of the TV for years.

Therefore, ask them to tell you these words more often, because the support of loved ones is our everything.

How to stay motivated?

After every successful workout, do something nice . Perhaps it will be a bath with fragrant foam, watching your favorite TV series or something delicious.

Argument helps many people maintain their spirit. Make a money bet. Don't come to training - pay your opponent.

Always notice your successes and be sincerely happy for yourself. If you experience failure, take it not as a barrier, but as a challenge. You will undoubtedly be pleased to observe your own achievements.

Let me sum it up

To summarize, I want to say that motivation on the Internet will never help you lose weight and exercise; you must decide for yourself whether you are ready for this or not.

If you decide you're ready, go all the way, don't stop halfway. If you always stop halfway and go to Google the first time you want to quit, then you will never succeed in anything .

Based on the results of the years you have lived, you will understand that you have not really achieved anything in your life. Are you ready to come to terms with this? If yes, then you are a hopeless but happy person. If not, then turn off your computer and run to the gym .

Method 1. Tangible reward

In essence, this is a specific answer to the question of what sports will give you. Various vague goals like “excellent health” or “beautiful body” are impossible to touch. To be convincing, you need to come up with a reward that you can “touch.” For example, you can promise yourself a trip to the cinema or some chocolate after a grueling hour-long workout.

This principle was described in the writings of Charles Duhigg . This is an American writer who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his excellence. He wrote a book with the eloquent title “The Power of Habit. Why do we live and work this way and not otherwise? In his work, Charles scientifically substantiated how habits are formed and described how peculiar “habit loops” are created.

workout for women
Develop a habit

In simple terms, the brain perceives a certain sign and triggers an action that has become a habit . And after that he receives a reward. The last stage is of particular importance - with its help, any action will appear for you personally in a favorable light.

Example: you change into workout clothes (sign), work out (action), and then watch your favorite TV series (reward)

How to motivate a friend to lose weight. Think over a system of punishment and rewards

The system of punishment and reward allows you to keep laziness under control, and turn the entire process of losing weight into a kind of game. The main thing is to set rewards and punishments that are effective for yourself.

How you can encourage yourself (a few examples):

  • buying nice personal items, such as jewelry;
  • visit to a beauty salon (massage, manicure, eyebrow correction);
  • going to the cinema (without popcorn!) or to another pleasant place (bowling, dolphinarium, museum);
  • monetization - for each “correct” day, invest a little money in the piggy bank, and it’s nice to spend the accumulated weekly amount;
  • An interesting way to spend a weekend - going out of town, on a visit, to nature or to another country.

Examples of how to “punish” yourself:

  • giving up shopping and entertainment for a month (or more);
  • daily cleaning;
  • daily contrast shower;
  • additional training instead of rest time;
  • donating part of your salary (to colleagues, husband, friends).

Note! Reward in the form of your favorite treats can also be a motivation for losing weight. However, this is not the best incentive for every day, and it can only be used effectively once every 1-2 weeks

The main thing is to control the possibility of failure.

Define the goal

Before you start training, decide what result you want to achieve. Becoming more resilient, losing weight and building muscle at the same time will not work.

You need to act in stages, without setting more than one goal at a time, even if you have several of them. For example, first lose excess weight, focusing on appropriate training, and only then begin to form the desired muscle definition.

To stay on track with your goal, make a plan for its implementation. Indicate in it the start and end date of working on yourself, as well as the planned frequency and types of training.

Be patient

Have you been running in the morning or going to the gym all week and haven't lost a single kilogram? Do not despair. This means you haven’t changed your diet or reviewed your diet. Eliminate fatty and sweet foods, drink more water and eat fruits. In a month you will see the fruits of your efforts. So long to wait? What did you think! People don’t become beauties and athletes overnight. It requires perseverance and constant work. But in six months, all the men will turn to look after you.

© Ilyina Natalia, BBF.RU

Be prepared for difficulties and disruptions

Let's be honest: sports training is still outside your comfort zone. And this is the case when the attitude to the situation really decides everything.

To overcome discomfort faster and easier, be prepared for it and think in advance what to do with it.

Winter running gear
Even with the right gear, running in winter can be cold and your feet get wet. To prevent this from ruining your mood, you need to accept it in advance and develop an action plan

Think about the challenges you will face when training. The most common problems are:

  • when regular exercise just begins, you want to eat and sleep more than usual;
  • It’s not always comfortable to train: the pool is cool, running in winter is wet, you have to get up early for training;
  • Muscles hurt - due to lack of habit of exercising or as a result of injury;
  • the first fuse has passed, and it’s hard and reluctant to train.

The first thing we do is accept these problems as facts. They will definitely happen. And there's nothing wrong with that. Normal working environment.

Secondly, we think through possible solutions. For example:

  • In the first weeks of training, I will try to go to bed earlier and give myself extra snacks during the day;
  • after a winter run, I’ll do some stretching indoors, and then quickly take a hot shower;
  • I will increase the load gradually, and if I get injured, I will reduce the load and consult with a sports doctor;
  • I’ll create additional motivation for myself, make a clear plan and won’t scold myself if I miss a workout.

This way, when you encounter difficulties, you will be ready for them, take them calmly and act according to a pre-prepared protocol. This will minimize both psychological and physical damage.

What is motivation for sports?

Motivation for sports is an interest in physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Even the ancients noted that in a “healthy body there is a healthy mind.” Therefore, general physical training has always been popularized among young people.

The modern world with various temptations often distracts people from true values. They are increasingly neglecting their health to gain instant gratification. Bad habits, poor lifestyle and bad examples make the issue of motivation for sports one of the most pressing. Let's talk further about what methods help cultivate a love of physical activity.

What techniques help motivate?

Stimulating physical activity can take on the opposite shape. On the one hand, people are attracted to bright pictures that describe all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Photos of beautiful and athletic people on the beach have a fairly powerful psychological effect on others.

On the other hand, the average person is intimidated by the negative consequences that occur in the case of passivity or addiction to bad habits. These may be images of unhealthy-looking people that do not evoke positive emotions. The combination of both methods has an even deeper effect on the human psyche.

The most important motivation for sports is a personal example of a motivator. Let's say parents lead an active lifestyle, perhaps even play sports professionally. From birth, a child absorbs the interests of his father and mother. It won't take much convincing to bring him into the sports section. If adults do not have time to “dry out” after another binge, or smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, then all their moral teachings about a healthy lifestyle will be perceived by children as empty chatter for show.

The only thing that can be beneficial is if the child becomes disgusted from childhood to observe the degradation of parents, who will play the role of a demotivator for bad habits. There are cases when children from disadvantaged families come to sports clubs in order to break out into the world. But this is more an exception to the rule than a general pattern.

The most important criterion that determines the effectiveness of motivation for sports is the appearance of a response in the soul. You can scroll through pictures with charming girls in swimsuits or muscular macho men for as long as you like, while drinking beer and finishing another cigarette. Until the stimulus arises at the subconscious level, all motivators will be useless.

Buy equipment and clothes

If you have already decided on a sport, but you keep telling yourself – I’ll take up this next week (month, etc.), it’s time to increase your motivation. Buy comfortable and beautiful clothes for the gym, running shoes, an exercise bike or other appropriate equipment. Another option is a membership to a good fitness club.

There is no need to skimp on purchases. The more you invest financially in your goal, the greater the chance that the desire to exercise and justify the expense will not disappear.

Curb your appetite

Exercising requires a conscious attitude towards food. Since you have decided to take care of yourself, spent money on a uniform and a gym membership, change the way you eat. If at first you feel like emptying the refrigerator after training, know that this is a temporary phenomenon. Very soon, thanks to physical activity, your body will be rebuilt, your metabolism will improve, unmotivated appetite will disappear, and you will not have to control yourself so as not to eat an extra cutlet or sandwich. Until this happens, ask your husband or partner to keep you away from the refrigerator before bed.

Features of sports psychology

Sport is a human activity aimed at achieving a certain result, such as winning a prize, losing weight, creating a beautiful athletic body, improving one’s health through sports. It is worth considering that the concept of sports psychology is a very large-scale science. Depending on what exactly a person does, motivation methods will be different.

Psychological methods of motivation in sports are of the following types:

  • independent motivation of the athlete. When a person is able to provide and maintain motivation at the proper level;
  • work of sports psychologists. Specialists help the athlete to be constantly motivated;
  • work of trainers. Motivation is gained through the work of a coach. In terms of time, motivation can be permanent or temporary. In the first case, the athlete is relatively constantly motivated. In the second - depending on the upcoming competitions.

Select a sport

If you have already tried to “make friends” with sports, but training caused you a persistent disgust, perhaps the problem is not laziness, but the wrong choice of the direction of exercise. This happens quite often.

There is a widespread belief that running is a universal way to lose weight and get healthy, which is suitable for everyone. But if you are overweight, it will be debilitating and simply dangerous for your joints. If you experience all the “delights” of such training several times, the desire to exercise yourself will disappear for a long time.

Therefore, you need to choose a sport that suits your liking and, of course, your physical capabilities. It is not always possible to find your direction the first time.

If you feel that studying is boring or very difficult, there is no need to force yourself - try another option. Fortunately, the choice is now wide - yoga, gym, aqua aerobics, race walking, etc.

Ways to powerfully motivate yourself to succeed in life

There are many known techniques that promote self-realization. All of them are inextricably linked with inspiration, thanks to which a person begins to act. In order to obtain it, you can use the following methods:

  • Wise sayings.
  • Stories of successful people.
  • Motivational tips.
  • Thinking in a positive way.
  • Visual representation of goals.
  • Affirmations.
  • Surrounded by outstanding friends and acquaintances.
  • Keeping a diary of achievements.

Wise phrases

Statements from famous people often act as an excellent motivating boost. Thus, the words of American writer and business consultant Brian Tracy are very inspiring: “You can have anything you can think about all the time.” The phrase of the great British representative Winston Churchill gives strength and inspiration: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, what matters is the courage to continue.”

Stories of great people

They motivate us not only with their statements, but also with their biographies. Not all successful people became so at the expense of their parents. Most achieved everything on their own.

Several famous personalities can be cited as examples. Francis Ngannou, who said that when he was little, there was not always food in the house. Oprah Winfrey, who was born into a poor family and did not even have her own clothes and things until 1st grade. Jim Carrey, who spent his childhood in hunger and poverty. Jackie Chan, whom his poor parents planned to give to the receiving obstetrician. And there are many such examples.

Think positively

When talking about motivation for life and achieving success, one should not miss this most important aspect. The ability to think positively is a motivating habit. The more positive a person sees in the future, the more confidently he moves along his chosen path, the more often his plans come true. And so it is in absolutely all spheres of life. People get what they believe in.

Visualization of goals

A great way to motivate yourself to succeed is to imagine in detail what it will be like. This is necessary in order to be charged with positive emotions by drawing it in your thoughts. They are the ones who give a person satisfaction, stimulate him to move on, and force him to influence his own subconscious. Logic is inextricably linked with consciousness, and emotional intelligence is inextricably linked with the psyche.


The power of self-hypnosis should not be underestimated. Even if you don’t believe in yourself, don’t understand how to motivate yourself to succeed, but at the same time you constantly repeat that everything will work out, that’s exactly what will happen. Gradually you will gain confidence, your mind will stop fighting and begin to perceive everything in a new way.

Positive environment

An appropriate social circle has a beneficial effect on the level of motivation. If a person wants to advance in any area, improve his performance, he needs to communicate with the right people. With those who are able to set goals and build effective plans to achieve

It is important to enlist the support of those who have the same values ​​in life and imagine what proper motivation and success are.

Chronicle of achievements

The journey of life consists of a series of ups and downs. Some people only collect negative things, while others collect positive experiences. It is for the second category that such a notebook was created. It is customary to record daily victories, small, big - it doesn’t matter. Systematically flipping through the diary motivates and gives strength to accomplish the next feat. Even if not too heroic.

Find a team and coach

A team is someone other than you who is going towards the same goal . At least one person. Everything is simple here: motivation works in a circle. You support your like-minded people, they support you, and together it’s easier for you not to lose track of your preparation. Usually, during the training process, the team develops into a whole sports community, which prepares for other competitions together, hangs out and continues to communicate.

The coach provides additional support and motivation, but most importantly, he structures the process. He has a clear training plan (and a timed, well-written plan is almost the most important thing in achieving the goal). He monitors your condition and adjusts your training based on it, sets the correct technique and monitors the balance between loads and recovery: in general, he does everything so that you reach the target start in the best shape, and do not get injured or burned out during the preparation process.

You can assemble a team from family and friends, or you can join a local club (for example, Nike Training Club or I Love Supersport).

Less than a year of preparation - and ordinary people ran the Jungfrau, the most difficult mountain marathon in the world. They admit that without team support and an experienced coach they would not have achieved this goal themselves. Photo: Facebook I Love Supersport Running

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