What to do if you quarreled with a friend and he doesn’t want to make peace

Don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to make peace

Is it possible to get my friends back?

You had a fight with your friend and now you want your friend back? How to do it? The ground for reconciliation must be prepared immediately after a quarrel. Break yourself from the habit of gossiping. If you had a fight with a person, this does not mean that you can now publicly insult him and give away all his secrets. Have respect for the person you have yet to deal with. Don't do things that might make you feel ashamed. If you slander a person behind his back, do not think that the person will not know about it. There will always be evil tongues that can not only convey your statement verbatim, but also multiply it with their own thoughts on this matter.

How to make peace with a friend at a distance?

Long-distance friendships are every bit as complicated as romantic relationships. And any quarrel becomes a serious threat if there are thousands of kilometers between people. In this case, it is very important to reach reconciliation as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the “out of sight out of sight” factor plays a significant role here, so there’s no point in delaying it. You can start with a simple message. And here the question arises of what to write to a friend in order to make peace and convey your emotions as clearly as possible. Psychologists advise: it should be something very simple, as personal as possible, but the banal “Forgive the fool” will do just fine. The first conciliatory message should be an incentive to at least have a telephone conversation. If, for objective reasons, even this poses a problem, it is better to give preference to writing on paper. Such a move will melt even the most durable ice between friends, especially between girls. If you start making excuses in your messages and “bending” your side, this will only lead to the opposite effect.

Don't wash dirty linen in public

how to get your ex friends back

Did you quarrel with a loved one? Don’t tell left and right the reason for your disagreement. Why would anyone know about her? The fewer people are involved in the relationship, the easier it will be to establish it. If you ask for advice on how to make peace with a friend, tell the situation, cast your friend in a bad light, then in the end you yourself will give rise to rumors. Do not do that. Are you having problems with a friend and don't know how to get your friend back? Think with your own head. People who communicate well with each other are quite aware of the habits and character of the person with whom they spend a lot of time. Think for yourself how you can resolve the quarrel. Do not bring up such a question either at a family council or at a meeting of friends.

Tips for reconciliation

  1. Give a little surprise to your friend. For example, come to a meeting with your favorite candies. It will become clear to him that you are attentive to him and are committed to reconciliation.
  2. Find a compromise. Are you or your friend to blame? In any case, you need to find a compromise, a mutually beneficial solution.
  3. A little humor will help correct the situation and make it easier. It’s just very important that your friend understands that this is a joke. It must be said with a smile.
  4. If you realize that your friend is avoiding some aspects of the discussion, then you need to listen to her wishes. Why irritate and offend her?
  5. You've discussed the situation, but your friend is still sulking? Give him time. All people are different, everyone needs their own amount of time to “cool down” from a quarrel and communicate again as before.
  6. You cannot discuss your friend with your acquaintances. When you are offended, you can say too much; after some time, these words can “reach” the person with whom you quarreled. In this case, it will be more difficult to make peace.
  7. One of the main points is that you need to learn to forgive. Look at the situation, perhaps the reason for the quarrel was completely insignificant. Is it worth ruining a good relationship because of him?
  8. There are situations when a friend has made his choice in favor of other people, he wants to stop communicating with you. In this case, you can step aside. If you have become unnecessary in the life of a former friend, you should not bother him.

How to make peace with your best friend? Now you know the answer. The most important thing is to wait a while until the strong negative emotions go away, and then start discussing the problem, listen to another opinion, find the cause of the problem and eradicate it.

Bide your time

It is impossible to heal the wounds immediately inflicted. This will take some time. Therefore, before you go to make peace, wait at least a day. Your feelings will subside, your friend will come to his senses, and then you can talk. If you go to apologize on the day of a quarrel, then any wrong word can add fuel to the fire and increase the scale of the conflict. As the famous saying goes: the morning is wiser than the evening. Don't solve your problems in the evening with a tired head. Better sleep with the problem. In the morning, a quarrel that seemed like a disaster in the evening will seem like a trifle.

How to get your friend back? After you have a fight, give each other time to cool down and think about the subject of the dispute. In a few days, you and your friend can reconsider your views and better understand your opponent's point of view.

Reasons for quarrels between friends

“And why are they fighting again?” - you think and try with all your might to help your friends find a smile on their face again. What prompted them to quarrel? There are several reasons:

  • With no reason. Girls or guys simply released stress and resentment. The person on whom this “wind blew” picked up the words and does not want to take the side of the interlocutor.
  • Life views. Are life views and values ​​as important as a best friend? Remind those who are quarreling of this.
  • Jealousy. One friend found a girl and began to devote less time to the second, but his search was not successful? The reason for the conflict is that you are afraid of losing a friend.
  • New boyfriend or girlfriend. If your company has been replenished with a new member, this can also cause a quarrel. Try to remind your new friend to give equal attention to all other guys or girls.

Understand the reason for the breakup

how to get your boyfriend's friend back

While you come to your senses at home, you will have time to figure out the cause of the conflict. Sometimes quarrels break out out of nothing, but they flare up very strongly. Remember that there is no smoke without fire. Any effect must have its own cause. If a quarrel took place, then you need to find the reason why it happened. Think about what could become a bone of contention. The reason may have arisen some time ago, but you did not eliminate the small conflict, and now it has broken your friendship like a snowball.

Is it possible to get friends back after a quarrel? Can. But before you take any action, you need to understand yourself. You must be absolutely sure that you understand the cause of the conflict. Only by recognizing the problem can it be quickly and easily eliminated.

What to do after a quarrel

If a quarrel has already occurred, then, unfortunately, the surge of negative emotions reaches its peak. It is best not to go from a list of grievances to individuals. This is not effective, the correctness will still not be proven, and a person can be hurt very strongly. The possibility of reconciliation most often exists and occurs in several stages.

Beginning: emotional intensity

After the first reproaches, the emotional background and tension are very high. This condition can last for a very long time. During this period, resentment outweighs common sense, and negative emotions interfere with an objective assessment of the situation. Everyone thinks he is right. The best recommendation during this period is not to rush to draw final conclusions. Switch to something else, calm down if possible. There is no need to call anyone, complain and try to prove you are right. Such actions can worsen the situation and reduce the chances of reconciliation. One of the friends must be wiser in this situation. Don't call, don't bother me to calm down a little.

Stage two: waiting

The most important stage that allows you to weigh all the arguments and understand your true desires. It can last as long as you like. Someone is ready to conduct a constructive dialogue in a few days. For some, a few weeks will not be enough.

Now it is necessary to understand the reasons and steps that led to the quarrel. We need to look at all the details of the situation from different angles and draw conclusions. It is necessary to proceed from the premise that if they were friends and respected each other, it means they were good and smart people. At the very least, friendship is worth taking the position of your friend and trying to understand him. It is advisable to try to simulate the situation and look at it with a cold mind. It is best to switch from offensive words to searching for possible solutions to the issue.

The final stage: reconciliation

Someone needs to take the first step. Call and make an appointment. It is necessary to conduct the conversation calmly and not allow emotions to take over. It is better not to rush to speak and throw around words. It is necessary to understand and explain that maintaining friendship is always important.

At this stage of the conversation, it is best to discuss only the most important things. Draw general conclusions.

If both are positive, the conversation will be constructive. In the future, this situation will serve as a lesson for all participants and strengthen friendship.

It is important to always remember that friendship is a daily work based on trust, mutual interest and respect. If these components are not present, then it is just an illusion of friendship.

Change your character

bring back old friends

Don't know how to get your ex-friends back? If people distance themselves from you, it means they had their reasons. Try to find them. Chances are they didn't like your personality or behavior. Reconsider your views on life and yourself. You may not be as nice a person as you think you are. If many friends suddenly turn away from you, then you should urgently take serious measures. Talk to loved ones. Ask them frankly what is wrong with you. Say that you will not be offended by criticism and that you need it to work on yourself. Listen carefully to everything they tell you and take action. Change your habits, behavior, character. This will help you soon get back the people you have lost.

Why is it dangerous to quarrel with friends ↑

US scientists (University of California) conducted an experiment on 122 boys and girls, to whom they convincingly proved that it is dangerous to quarrel with friends. Over the course of several weeks, they regularly measured the amount of proteins released into the blood, which is an indicator of inflammatory processes in the body.

It turned out that on days when the guys quarreled with friends, this figure increased sharply. This means that the risk of developing depression, cancer and cardiovascular diseases increased. Friendship has been proven to be a factor in physical health.

If we recall the well-known epicrisis “all diseases are from nerves”, such a conclusion of Californian scientists will not seem surprising at all. Any normal person, having quarreled with someone he cares about, will experience loss. And any negative feelings have a bad effect on the biological organism.

Ask for forgiveness

how to get your best friend back

People don't like to apologize. But this must be done if you want to bring back old friends. You need to approach the person you have offended or insulted and sincerely ask for his forgiveness. Say that you were wrong, mention that you realized your mistakes and are struggling with your shortcomings. There is no need to say anything about your friend in your apology. Don’t get too personal with him, because otherwise you might lose your temper and inadvertently say something personal. Don't use the pronoun "you" at all. When you apologize, you need to talk about yourself and your shortcomings. You cannot correct other people's mistakes. And if a person is truly dear to you, then you will be able to come to terms with the negative character traits of a loved one.

How to make peace with friends

How to make peace with friends
“A strong friendship will not break, will not fall apart from rains and blizzards. A friend won’t leave you in trouble, won’t ask too much, that’s what a true, faithful friend means.” Who among us doesn’t remember these wonderful words from the good old children’s cartoon “Timka and Dimka.” Friendship is something that people strive for, but sometimes they value it only when they lose it. Where does this friendship actually come from? Why do we be friends with some people and treat others coldly? The main reason for the emergence of friendly relations between two people is a commonality of interests. They say about people who have common interests: “they look in the same direction.” When two people like the same thing, they can talk about a topic that interests them for hours, completely forgetting about time. They feel good together because they see a part of themselves in the other person, as if looking at their own mirror image.

Of course, friendship is vital for every person . If you have at least once met a person who had no friends, you could probably note the gloominess, absolute lack of cheerfulness and complete apathy of such a person. Such a person, not seeing anyone next to him, decides to concentrate all his efforts on satisfying his own needs and desires, but even this does not bring him satisfaction. What can we do - man is a social creature, and communication with other people is necessary for him like air and water, otherwise his life can only be called an unsuccessful semblance of real life. Of course, friendship sometimes makes a person vulnerable to problems, but its absence makes a person even more vulnerable.

A friend is a person who has entrusted another person with an important part of his spiritual world, a piece of his own soul , and therefore this should be appreciated. A friend, like no one else, can come to the rescue if trouble happens, support with advice exactly when you need it most, and, finally, simply congratulate you on a significant date, which is also important.

However, there are situations in life when friends fight and don’t talk to each other for a long time. Moreover, their quarrels most often occur over trifles. If each of us relied solely on our own logical thinking, he would easily be able to resolve the conflict and make peace with his friend. But in each of us there is a feeling of pride that prevents us from making reconciliation. If there is a conflict between friends, and each of them considers himself right, none of the friends wants to be the first to reconcile, because, as each of them believes, this step will mean that the person admits that he was wrong. This is how days, weeks and months can pass, and not one of the friends will take the first step towards restoring friendly relations.

Since the reasons for a quarrel between friends are well known: rudeness, jealousy, lies, misunderstanding, greed, selfishness, unwillingness to see the feelings of another person and take them into account, envy, different life values, optionality, cunning, arrogance, betrayal, stupidity, anger, pride, deception, intemperance, differences in interests, intolerance, frivolity, etc., there is no point in dwelling on them in detail. Therefore, without wasting time, let’s move on to considering the rules for restoring friendly relations.

1. Detailed analysis of the cause of the conflict . First of all, before moving on to specific actions, you need to analyze the true reason for your quarrel with your friend. Remember what preceded your quarrel, what arguments you and your friend gave, was it possible to extinguish the conflict at the very beginning without leading to a quarrel. Often a quarrel between friends arises over some trifle, which in fact is not very significant for any of the parties involved in the quarrel.

Each person has his own unique and inimitable set of personal qualities, which are the basis for a person’s choice of one or another model of behavior. Moreover, often a person chooses a model of behavior unconsciously, only because he has certain qualities. A simple example: you were traveling in a vehicle and accidentally stepped on the foot of the person standing in front of you. The reaction of this person will be directly related to his inherent personal qualities - if a person is characterized by meanness, he will definitely turn to you and step on your foot; if a person has the ability to forgive, it will be enough for you to apologize in order to hear in response: “Nothing, nothing, doesn’t happen to anyone? Everything is fine"; if a person is inherently deceitful, he may tell you that everything is in order, but inside himself he will harbor resentment and a desire to take revenge on you next time. Now we understand why a person can offend a friend, even sometimes completely unconsciously.

Then, if one person offends another under the influence of personal qualities, then what makes a person take offense? As a rule, the main reason why we may be offended by another person is the discrepancy between this person’s behavior and your expectations. It's simple - let's say you know your friend as a reverent and attentive person who will never hurt his friend's feelings and will always listen to him. This is exactly what real friends should be like. However, when you came to visit him in order to share your impressions of the upcoming event, he was in a bad mood and directly told you that he had no time for you now. This is quite enough for you to be offended by your friend, because his behavior has significantly deviated from your expectations. However, the paradox is that it is you who are to blame for your offense to a greater extent, and not your friend who offended you, because it was YOUR expectations that he did not live up to. In reality, your friend should not live up to anyone's expectations, not even his own. He is who he is, and should not be judged by the patterns established in your mind. As one football player reasonably remarked after his team’s loss at the World Cup in an address to the fans of the national team: “If we did not live up to your expectations, that’s your problem.”

Sit alone in a quiet room and try to understand why your friend is offended and how you could have offended him (or vice versa), and only after realizing this, draw objective conclusions and move on to resolving the conflict.

2. Be smart - take the first step towards reconciliation . Often, quarrels between friends can continue for a long time only because a person does not want to be the first to take action to establish friendly relations. Each of the friends, realizing that the quarrel occurred over a trifle, and even having emotionally forgiven each other, simply wait for the friend to call or come in first in order to apologize and restore the relationship. However, if each of the friends remains inactive, then there will be no talk of reconciliation - someone must definitely step over their pride and take the initiative. So, if you value your friendships, don’t wait for your friend to come to you with an apology - go to him yourself, or just call him. Don’t doubt his approving reaction to your call, because he probably does what most of us do - he’s just waiting, waiting for your call.

Therefore, always take the initiative, acting according to the circumstances: if you are to blame for the quarrel, sincerely ask your friend for forgiveness. Of course, you will thereby make concessions, and of course, your friend will think that you admitted your guilt, however, if you really consider yourself guilty, then there are no problems - everything is on point. If you do not consider yourself guilty of the conflict, by taking the first step towards reconciliation, you will show not your weakness, but your intelligence and ability to get out of difficult situations. Do you think there is nothing outstanding about this? Then try to admit your guilt, while deep down being 100% confident in your own innocence. Today, not every person is capable of such an act. In the event that your friend is to blame for the quarrel, share the blame with him in a friendly way - go up to him and with a friendly smile on your face say: “We said something unnecessary to each other, didn’t we? Let’s just forgive each other and consider the conflict settled.” Of course, your friend, clearly realizing that he is to blame for the conflict, will happily accept such a way out of the conflict situation.

3. Be understanding . Every person wants to see next to him a friend who has a certain set of qualities that the person himself likes. And very often quarrels with friends happen because their behavior goes beyond the boundaries accepted by us. We want our friend to be loyal and befriend us exclusively, but suddenly he meets other people and spends a long time in their company. Or we want our friend to be sensitive, but for some reason only he understands, he shows indifference. In this situation, it seems to us that our friend is wrong, that he should not be like this - and in this we are wrong. Your friend is who he is, and the right thing to do to maintain friendly relations is to accept your friend with all his strengths and weaknesses. Believe me, you are not ideal either, and therefore do not demand others to be ideal - treat a person’s shortcomings with due understanding. When you accept a person for who he is, it will be much easier for you to take a step towards reconciliation. In addition, noticing that you treat him with understanding, your friend will also forgive you for your shortcomings, and you will not only make peace with him, but also lay a solid foundation for mutual understanding and the absence of quarrels in the future.

4. Do not delay the decision on reconciliation . To put up with a person or not to put up with a person - sometimes you have to make such a choice. However, it is worth noting that you should make this choice as soon as possible, because over time the desire to reconcile with your friend will begin to disappear. Therefore, if you have seriously decided to restore friendly relations with a person, do it not tomorrow, not next week, but right now. Of course, you should not do this if you quarreled a minute ago and were immediately overcome by the desire to make peace - your friend may be very angry and offended by you, and therefore with this attempt you will only anger him even more. Give both him and yourself some time to calm down.

5. Give your friend a gift ! Yes, you heard right. Of course you ask – why? After all, if you are to blame, the gift will look like an attempt to quickly make amends, and if a friend is to blame... then why should you suddenly give him a gift at all - let him give it to you. This is precisely the problem - this thinking is stereotyped and familiar to many people (about 99%). If you want to succeed (and this applies not only to relationships, but also to other areas of life), you need to stop thinking in patterns and start thinking outside the box. Just imagine: your friend is sitting at home and tormenting himself with reproaches that he could have prevented your quarrel with him, does not know how to make peace with you, does not dare to take the first step. And suddenly the doorbell rings, and you are standing on the threshold, and even with a gift. A few minutes of surprise for your friend will be guaranteed. Of course, after such a broad gesture of yours, not a trace will remain of your quarrel.

And the last, but very important rule, without which the efforts spent on following other rules may be in vain - think about whether your friendship is real. True friendship can only exist when the desire to maintain communication comes from both people. If you are the only one who strives to maintain friendship, and your friend “won’t lift a finger for the sake of your friendly relationship,” then this is not friendship, but ordinary affection, which you should get rid of. Why? Yes, because, being emotionally attached to another person, you become dependent on him, and can easily become an object of manipulation. Many dishonest people are well aware of this, and therefore often gain the trust of other people in order to use their feelings for selfish purposes. Therefore, if you see that your friend does not value your friendship and neglects your feelings in every possible way, the best way out for you would be to end this relationship, since it will not bring you anything good. But if your friendship is mutual, put aside your pride and resentment, and make every effort to save the friendship. Don’t wait, take the first step towards reconciliation, no matter how difficult it may be for you to do it, because friendship also has its own statute of limitations...

Author: Anton Yasyr for the website therapy.by

Don't push for pity

how to bring back the best

How to get your boyfriend back? You will need to try to regain the person's trust. When people's roads diverge, people reconsider their views on life and the people around them. Man is accustomed to blaming himself for all troubles. Don't be surprised that it will be difficult for you to ask for forgiveness. Even if you did not initiate the quarrel, you were unable to moderate the heat of the conflict, and therefore it turned into a disaster. Apologize to the person and take all the blame on yourself. Such an action will show your friend that you are ready to change and take responsibility for your actions. What should you not do? Do not push for pity under any circumstances. This is the last thing a reasonable person would do. It’s not worth it to humiliate yourself and whine that you feel very bad and you can’t live without a guy. This will not elevate you in the eyes of a friend, but, on the contrary, will lower you even lower.

Afterword ↑

Having been born and continuing to live, each of us acquires many connections with the world:

  1. The parental home is a nest from which we fly, every moment feeling its invisible support behind our shoulders. May God grant that this support inspires us for as long as possible.
  2. Family - love for a man or woman and love for children.
  3. Friendship.

Our whole life, happiness, well-being, just a sense of completeness, rests firmly on these three pillars. Nobody argues that you can balance for a long time on two or even one, but it costs too much.

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes the most unexpected turns happen in it. Without begging the price of the first two supports, do not lose the third. Don't quarrel with your friends forever.

Do something cute

Are you wondering how to get your best friend back? Do something nice for the person. For example, bake a cake and come and enjoy your culinary masterpiece. Does your friend love seafood? Then invite him to a seafood restaurant. When you appease a person’s soul, it will be much easier to forgive him. The conversation will take on a more friendly tone, and this will allow you to quickly establish old relationships.

You can do something good for a person if you know exactly how you can help. For example, if you work with someone you know in the same office, help him with some part of the task. Don't ask permission to do something, but simply do a good deed without expecting any reward for it.

Reason five - finances

Julia: “ I am a designer, my friend Dasha is a primary school teacher. I work a lot because I can’t afford to “stand idle” without doing anything, but my earnings, unlike Dasha’s, are many times greater. A friend often takes advantage of this - she asks for a ride “before payday.” And everything would be fine, but he doesn’t always repay the debt. Of course, if I persistently ask, she gives it, but at the same time she puts on such a face that I feel terribly uncomfortable - as if I’m taking away the last thing from her. She has already sworn a hundred times not to lend her money anymore, but she always finds good reasons - either she is sick, or her mother is sick. Well, how can you refuse such trouble?


If you want to lose a friend, lend him a loan, says a well-known saying. Indeed, financial issues are often the cause of serious disagreements between loved ones. Moreover, not only carelessness in debt obligations (untimely payment of a debt or repayment of not the entire amount) can cause acute displeasure. There are frequent cases when a girl openly takes advantage of her friend’s higher financial position. For example, she takes for granted situations when she pays bills for her in a cafe, expenses on joint walks and even shopping, citing the fact that “she earns more.”

What to do if friendship is important: when lending money to a friend, clearly define the terms and amount of repayment, especially if she plans to pay it back in parts. Don’t throw around phrases like “you’ll give it back when you can”, “I’m not in a hurry”, otherwise such situations cannot be avoided. If you notice that a friend is abusing your kindness financially, explain to her that money does not fall from the sky, it is payment for your work, knowledge, and qualifications. In this case, offer her entertainment within her means, so as not to put either yourself or her in a difficult situation. Don’t be afraid to offend your friend by doing so, because she offends you much more with her behavior, doesn’t she? Well, if he doesn’t understand, then maybe it’s not worth wasting your time and life on such a relationship?

If you are that good friend who wants to reconcile your friends in a quarrel, then you are wondering how to do this. When a quarrel starts again next to you, it becomes awkward and unpleasant. How to avoid endless complaints, which you often find yourself in? What to do? Maybe we should take the side of the mediator?

Don't fall out of sight

To quickly renew friendships, you should not leave your friend for a long time. After a quarrel, you may not appear at your friends' parties for some time, but such seclusion should not last longer than a week. Otherwise, your friends will think that you had a big quarrel with your friend and will start dividing you. Some of your mutual friends will have to take your side, while others will remain with your friend. This cannot be allowed. To avoid involving third parties in your problems, do not let people know that you have any problems. Try to maintain a friendly “facade”, smile at the friend with whom you had a fight, and not sort things out in public. By being in your friend's field of vision all the time, you will not let him forget about you, which means it will be much easier for you to make peace.

Your wishes

Once you look at the quarrel from a different angle, it may be enough to make peace. If such a desire does not arise, answer yourself honestly the question: do you personally want this? Understand that female friendships, like relationships with the opposite sex, can simply become obsolete. You don’t need to think that if you sat on the same potty in kindergarten, you will definitely walk hand in hand until old age. The reasons for separation may be different. That's not the point.

If you quarreled with your friend again, analyze your desires. Do you need this relationship, do you want to renew it, what connects you and does your friendship have a future. If the answers to most of these questions are negative, there is no point in reviving something that has already “died.” Talk openly with her and move on with your lives, but without each other.

Method #1: Listen, but don't take sides.

The simplest advice on how to reconcile friends is to listen to people, try to inadvertently justify each person for the other. To make this idea a success, try:

  1. Listen to each friend's version of what is happening. Ask: why did the quarrel happen? What is the reason? It is important to listen to each person individually, but so that it is just the two of you, without a second friend. Also show your friend how carefully you listen to him. Put down everything and your phone. You can take his hand or hold him close if he becomes hysterical. An important point: clarify unclear fragments.
  2. The friend doesn't want to say anything. If the other person is running away from the conversation, then start it first! Ask questions that he will definitely answer. For example: “You look depressed, is something wrong?” Do not interrupt your interlocutor if “the conversation has gone south.”
  3. Don’t tell anyone about the dialogues, especially your interlocutor! All the information you received may be shocking or untrue, but do not immediately rush to chat about it! After all, the man opened his soul to you! You don’t want to take the place of a “quarrelsome interlocutor”?

You have drawn conclusions for yourself, which means it’s time to move on to the next stage.

What causes conflict between friends?

  • constant criticism of a loved one;
  • a friendly or love triangle, in which one of the parties to the conflict lacks communication and attention. The emergence of a new passion, to which every minute of free time is now devoted, new friends;
  • different views on hobbies, life, which results in misunderstanding with a friend;
  • constant advice that no one needs, the desire to impose one’s opinion on a particular situation;
  • envy, which manifests itself in light irony and ambiguous hints. As a result, accumulated resentment leads to a strong quarrel with a friend.

In addition, the reason for the misunderstanding in the relationship between two friends may be different positions in tandem. What does this mean? Two halves, one of them is dominant, the other is suppressed. Sooner or later, the latter begins to show dissatisfaction with such inequality, but the other half cannot understand the reason for such dissatisfaction, because before the conflict everything was fine.

Is it possible to reconcile friends in an unusual way? How to do it?

A good friend is a person with imagination. That is why he wants to reconcile his friends by any means. Are there any unusual and rather creative solutions to this problem?

You can reconcile the guys in the following ways:

  1. Play on the patterned thinking of those quarreling and give one of them a gift. It is you who must help the guys take the first step. Of course, be prepared that things will happen to you too, but the first step towards reconciliation will be taken!
  2. Explain that you love them and don't want them to continue fighting. Just don’t confuse this with coercion! Gently hint to your friends that you are tired of these clarifications and swearing.
  3. How to reconcile friends? Let them tell each other everything they think about. Choose a secluded, deserted place, scream or cry to your heart's content. Most likely, the annoying quarrel will end with joy and smiles!
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