Purpose is... Definition, types, finding your calling

Growing up, we increasingly think about the meaning of life, trying to determine our place in this world. It becomes important for us to find our purpose. After all, understanding goals greatly facilitates their achievement. And the sooner the right tasks are set, the better for everyone. Especially for the surrounding world, because it is so important for it that a person realizes his mission. The purpose of a person is not only his personal responsibility to himself, but also to the entire Universe, which has endowed him with this task. This article will be devoted to the question of finding your life plan.

My history

I will tell you two stories from my life. I think that in some episodes you can recognize yourself.

I lived in a small provincial town. And always in the background throughout my days there was dissatisfaction with the way I was living.

It would seem that everything was fine. I was a little over 20 years old. I lived fully supported by my parents, I had my own room, beautifully furnished, and there was always something to eat. I didn’t spend money on food or housing.

I had a good job. I spent everything I earned on myself, on some desserts, goodies, on clothes, on cafes, and get-togethers with friends. In general, live and be happy, what else do you need.

Soon you will meet a guy, get married, move in with your husband, and here you have the normal life of a normal person in a normal city in Russia.

The work was interesting and during the working day I had no time to reflect.

But when I came home after work, I was just overcome with terrible melancholy. Nothing made me happy. I didn't enjoy going out with my friends. I was not happy watching TV series, films and the like.

I love my parents and have always been on good terms with them, but family trips to nature, fishing and the dacha did not make me happy.

Then I didn’t understand what was happening. But if any of you now tells me that you feel something similar, I will tell you what’s the matter.

But the fact is that your soul understands that you are not living your life.

You are not where you need to be. You're not doing what you were born to do.


Moreover, you can begin to feel this at different stages of life, both when you are still 18 and when you are already over 50.

Need for respect, acceptance and self-actualization

But if we do not consider higher levels, then with a high probability, after some time we will be faced with the fact that many such important needs in life will not be fulfilled.

This happened to me. After 3.5 years of working as an accountant and literally on the eve of receiving my honors diploma, I was so tired of all these pieces of paper, the circulation of numbers and endless postings that... I quit accounting at the age of 22 and never returned there again.

I must say that I was also an unimportant accountant, very mediocre and making a lot of mistakes. I felt like a small cog in a big machine that could be replaced at any moment, and no one would even notice.

I wasn't too interested in what I was doing. And I couldn’t bring myself to read professional magazines at all. Therefore, my colleagues or superiors usually told me about newly issued orders from the Ministry of Finance...

According to A. Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs, I was not satisfied with any level above the second when I worked as an accountant.

And so, after my dismissal, I set off on a “free voyage” - namely, in search of something that would be interesting to me, that would satisfy my cognitive needs and, as it turned out later, the respect and recognition of my colleagues was very important to me.

And until the moment when, 2 years after leaving the accounting department, I came to work at the Chemistry and Business magazine, I managed to try a lot: work in network marketing in Herbalife, study and work as a life insurance agent in, work in an incomprehensible positions in a company involved in the installation of plastic windows (I carried out various tasks of the manager, from recruiting installers at job fairs to interviewing various employees of companies producing window structures) to work as an administrator in a beauty salon...

By the way, while working in a window company, I managed to “write” (I put them in quotes because my supervisor wrote them for me, completely redoing my writing), but I honestly took the interviews and comments. And this was precisely the starting point for my subsequent career.

Listen to your inner voice

Many of us simply do not allow ourselves to listen to our inner voice.

In fact, each of us can feel that our destiny lies in something greater. It's not about where you work now or what you do. But in something more.

So it was with me.

And one day I boarded the Ulyanovsk-Moscow train with the feeling that I was doing what I should have done a long time ago. I understood that where I was going, something invisible was pulling me, something that we call the Universe. This is something that always invisibly guides us on our life path. This is what constantly guides you too.

Perhaps there may be some strong desire inside you right now to be someone, to do something, but most often you ignore it. Because you don't have time for this. You need to “go with the flow.” You need to earn money, you need to go to work, you need to visit your parents, you need, you need... There is no time to even think...

We are always looking for excuses for ourselves:

  • I'm too old/young
  • I do not have any special education/diploma,
  • I have a husband/wife, children, grandchildren
  • My city is too small
  • There is an economic crisis in my country,
  • People don't care and so on.

We give up our true purpose, our true destiny, which we signed up for when we appeared in this endless world.

Actually we are not just the body. We shouldn't just come and go from this world.

We are actually infinite intelligence. But we forget about this.

We forget about this infinite mind, which creates the infinite Universe.

After all, each of us has our own purpose in this Universe. We are an integral part of it.

So something pulled me to go to the big city. I had to come there, and not only to earn more money, or to walk around beautiful museums.


Something happened to me at the age of 27. Then I didn’t know what exactly happened to me. But now I know it was the Universe. It was God, it was Divine intelligence, no matter what you call it.

On topic: How my intention came true last Thursday...

Elizaveta thoughts Volkova

LYUBODAR – a portal for self-knowledge and development

Greetings, Wanderer (reader). Do you want to better understand your “Purpose”? I think the majority will answer yes. After all , when a Person is truly engaged in his own business (activity), he is Happy . And absolutely everyone wants to be Happy! However, the paradox is that this topic is almost not covered either on the Internet or in other sources. The topic “Destination” is one of the least covered. On the Internet you can find only a couple of dozen articles, less than a dozen videos and audio on this topic. As for seminars, there are only a few of them throughout the CIS. Why, given such great demand, is there so little information on this important topic for many? What is "Purpose"? Why is there no definition of the word “purpose” in most dictionaries? Why even understand (know) your “Purpose”? How to understand your Purpose? Let's try to briefly examine these and other aspects of the topic “Purpose” in this and several subsequent articles. All of the following will be a synthesis of knowledge obtained from various external sources (the Internet, the Vedas, books, videos, etc.), as well as personal experience and information obtained “directly” (internal intuitive knowledge). Let me make a reservation right away that I do not claim to be true, but only express my opinion.

To begin with, it is necessary to recognize that the question “how to understand your Purpose” is both very complex and quite simple. Simple, since Man is the creator of his own destiny and is free to choose what and when to do. Very few people understand this consciously, and a slightly larger number of people feel the above unconsciously. This is one of the reasons why there is a category of people who are not interested in finding their “destination.” Often this category of people does not believe that they have some kind of predetermined (destined) activity and often do not believe in reincarnation and much more. In other words, their idea is to simply engage in activities that you enjoy, that make you happy. In a certain sense, there is a rational grain in this. But not everything is so simple, because most people live their whole lives without understanding what their “Purpose” is.

Now let's try to figure out why the topic of “Destination” is one of the most difficult. Let's start with the understanding (interpretation) of the word “Purpose”. Why in quotes and with a capital letter? In quotation marks - since today there is no generally accepted interpretation of this word, and many understand it differently. And with a capital letter - because I have great respect for this concept (word) and consider it one of the most important (significant). It’s not for nothing that, for example, the word “Earth” is also often written with a capital letter, emphasizing its significance (importance). For the same reason, I almost always write some other words with a capital letter, such as: Man, Happiness, Love, etc. It is worth starting a deep analysis of what the “Purpose of Man” is in order to remember who “Man” is. A person is a personal multidimensional energy being that combines three main levels of energy: body, soul and spirit (consciousness). Of course, this is very conventional, but thanks to conventions it is easier for us to describe something in words and understand. We will not analyze the structure of Man in more detail now; this is the topic of another article.

What are the current definitions (options of understanding) of the word “Purpose”? In several dictionaries you can find such interpretation options as prescribed activity, fate, mission, the meaning of life of a particular Person. Alexander Palienko also said it well: “The purpose of Man is to be Happy.” The Indians say this: “Everything on earth has its purpose, every disease has a medicine that cures it, and every person has a Destination.” I agree with all these statements, since they are all different facets of the same thing. Here is my version: “Human purpose is a multidimensional concept that includes predetermined activity at three main levels: body, soul and consciousness, as well as a certain degree of Human freedom in choosing actions.”

The level of Consciousness (Higher Mind, Spirit) is the True (impersonal) aspect in the form of a single (identical) task for all People - “returning home”. Let’s call this Main Purpose – “Maha Purpose” (in Sanskrit, “Maha” means “great”). All people have one consciousness, it is like the Supreme Soul or That which is called the “Creator” (“God”). For consciousness there is no division between people. It is not part of the material world and does not depend on it in any way, it is pure Love (Light). Consciousness includes all Souls (Personalities) in the universe. The fact is that the incarnations of the soul (different lives of a Person) are games whose purpose is to gain a certain experience in the material world. And after the soul has “played enough”, it returns home - to the spiritual world. Why is it important? Because when playing different games (different types of activities during incarnations), it makes sense to remember about Mahadestination and not get too carried away, remembering who you really are. It is important to remember that We are all One and try to do actions that are filled with Love as much as possible. Montaigne said it well: “To those who have not comprehended the science of good, every other science brings only harm.” The other two levels are personal (individual, “false”). The Soul level is a certain cyclical goal, a mission of the soul for a certain cycle of incarnations (usually from 3 to 7). Let's call this level “Cyclic Purpose”. And finally, the “simplest” level of Human Destination - the level of the body - is a predestined activity for one real specific incarnation. Most often, all sources talk about this Destination. I will call this level in one word “Purpose” .

Why do we need to understand our Purpose? As I already wrote at the very beginning of the article, when a Person is truly engaged in his own business (activity), he is Happy. Moreover, by fulfilling your true Purpose, all areas of life come into harmony: the sphere of development, family relationships, health, financial sphere, etc. In other words, fulfilling your Purpose is the best Path to Harmony. Each Person is unique and unrepeatable. It is very dangerous for the System (state, corporations, etc.) for everyone to understand their Purpose. After all, healthy, happy and financially successful people are Free People who do not want to be dependent on the system. This is one of the reasons why the topic of “Destination” is very poorly developed and poorly covered. It is important to say that the main modern way to keep people under control (unfree, cogs of the system) is money, or rather, a small amount of it for most people. Since in this case, almost all of a person’s free time will be trying to earn food and shelter, and he simply will not have free time to engage in his development in order to try to understand what his Purpose is.

And by fulfilling his Purpose, as a rule, a Person will quickly begin to receive quite sufficient amounts of money for his life. After all, he will do what he really likes with enthusiasm and, of course, will quickly become a professional in his field. Malcolm Forbes said it well on this topic: “The biggest mistake people make in life is when they don’t try to make a living doing what they love best.”

So, every Person really has an individual Destination in the form of an activity pre-planned by him or herself. At the same time, Man is the creator of his own destiny and can change his Destination according to his desire (choice). However, for this you need to have a sufficient level of awareness and great willpower... (to be continued)

Look at other articles in the section “How to Understand Your Purpose”:

Be yourself! Harmony and Love!

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To My World




Who am I?

And then, leaving my quiet life, my family, I thought, who am I? What do I have to do?

From that moment my life began to change. I realized that we can all change our lives at any stage. After all, each of us sometimes feels that something is calling him, that something is moving him towards change.

When I moved to the capital, Moscow, my life could not be called good.

It turned out that the money I earn and the salary, which was twice as much as at my provincial job, is still barely enough.

Payment for a rented apartment, transportation costs and lunches in the office canteen took up half of all income. The work was just as stressful. Meetings with friends who also moved years earlier also returned.

It would seem that nothing much has changed. In the same way, I worked on weekdays and rode the bus to the office. Worked in the same company, communicated with the same people.

My parents and those who stayed in Ulyanovsk did not understand why I needed this move, because nothing had changed.

Yes, external life seemed to have not changed. But everything changed dramatically inside me. There was an absolutely strong feeling that I was in the right place. And this is exactly the city where I need to live in order to...

To realize your true
purpose .
I didn’t yet know what it consisted of, but the beginning had already been made. The melancholy left my soul, and I felt the taste of the great future to come!

At a closed meeting, I tell you how following your purpose helps you realize any desires.

And why, if a person lives someone else’s life, he is unhappy, even having a family, money, recognition >>>

It took about three more years before I felt sad again. Before that, I was busy organizing my personal life, buying my own home, working out and looking for the perfect job.

Again the routine sucked me in and I stopped listening to my soul.

But life was completely settled, work was found, and when everything settled down, I began to feel the same old unpleasant feeling again...

how to find your purpose

Trying out numerology numbers on yourself

Feedback on numerology

Take turns rereading the interpretation of each number and evaluate how similar it is to you. I will analyze the question “How to recognize yourself by date of birth” using my own example.

My Destiny Number is 7. Calculated by date of birth, my purpose is to explore the world. The main feature is curiosity and the search for truth. In general, at 31 years old, I am actively demonstrating these “talents” of fate.

I take another number - 1. Purpose - to be an organizer, to implement a creative work. I've been busy with this for the last decade. All about me. Dharma in action.

The next number is 2. Purpose is to live and instruct. Oh my God! Also similar to me. Assistant, advisor - why not. You don’t need to do chakroanalysis to understand that every grandmother at the entrance has such a purpose.

Numerology by date of birth divides a person.
Numerology by date of birth divides a person.

Numerology of the number – 3. Cheerful person, cheerful person. Exactly me! I am also an optimistic life-lover. Born on the wrong day.

Numerology – 4. Mission on earth – to run a business with a technical focus. They wrote 100% from me. I'm qualified by education and business.

Numerology – 5. Purpose – movement, travel, fantasy. 200% about me. For fun with children, I can invent the beginnings of Alice’s world of wonders, travel into the future, or invent some mythical animal - easily.

Numerology – 6. Purpose – to support and mentor people. If by the age of thirty I am already fulfilling these roles, then the older I get, the wiser I will be in fulfilling these roles and with more willingness.

Man's mission on earth is to become whole.
Man's mission on earth is to become whole.

Numerology – 8. Purpose and mission – to make money on earth. I love earning money and paying with it. I am an entrepreneur, my favorite pastime is managing finances in the morning.

Numerology – 9. Purpose – to create goodness and harmony. Kindness is one of my noticeable qualities, although it is hidden behind jokes.

All this says is that I am a whole person. I implement a full range of roles, showing different character traits. Not crippled and not oppressed by the outside world. A living and active participant in the construction of his destiny. Why find out your purpose if you can create it with your own hands.

Is this my purpose?

Months passed. And the feeling of dissatisfaction grew and grew inside me. Every day I came to work in one of the most beautiful offices in Moscow on the Garden Ring.

I inhaled the aroma of fresh flowers, which, as usual, was given to my boss. I worked with the most beautiful and successful woman from whom I learned a lot.

My salary was above average, and my bosses valued me, giving me a significant annual bonus.

But I was sad.

Do I really want to continue living like this? And continue doing what I'm doing? After all, I already know everything here. I'll do the same thing. I will be sitting in the same office.

And I asked myself the question: will I live another 60 years, or will I live the same year 60 times?

I realized that I simply couldn’t do this anymore. At this delightful moment, a feeling of freedom came to me. It was a realization.

I approached my boss and said that I would not be able to continue my work in the company.

We all know that we have some purpose. You already know that you have some kind of goal. You listen to all these impulses within you.

Most people live their lives as if under hypnosis. Most men and women do not live their lives as they were destined to. Only one person in a million feels the ability and desire to live life without going with the flow.

Most often, people obey public opinion, and not the laws of their own existence. And it turns out that a person lives under hypnosis. In some kind of hypnotic illusion.

He thinks that he is an ordinary simple person living in the material world.

But life, in fact, has other plans for us. In fact, you need to obey your own feelings, your inner instincts...

Only a life you love can bring you true happiness.

On the subject: How to become happy and why is it beneficial?

Lisa Volkova

About the numerology of purpose

Numerology is the belief that numbers carry information and influence a person. This is a system of views on the world and on the person in it, in which numbers rule us.
The branches of numerology: Pythagorean, Kabalistic, Vedic or the ancestral shaman Baba Klava have been around for many centuries, but there is still no scientific confirmation. Science is almost always a generation or two behind intuitive knowledge and discovery, but remaining unproven for millennia is too long.

Pythagoras [1] – studied the connection between a person’s purpose and the date of his birth.
Pythagoras [1] – studied the connection between a person’s purpose and the date of his birth.

Numerology of destination is not yet a science [2]. Numerologists are not scientists, but adherents and followers of this philosophical point of view on human destiny. So, it’s up to you to trust her to decide what mission you have on earth or not.

The recommendations are given too high-flying, abstract and with a million different variations and interpretations. The purpose of 7,300,000,000 people was divided into just 9 boxes. Because numerology only works with numbers: from 1 to 9. Don’t expect specifics.

How to find your purpose?

So, before we get into practical tips for finding your true purpose, I want you to understand why it may not be that easy.

The fact is, there are several factors that can make it difficult to understand your true purpose.

1 factor:

public pressure can cause you to choose a path that is not the one you really want to take.

2 factor:

misplaced priorities. People often prioritize money and prestige over what they really want to do.

Although in fact, money and prestige will come if you do what you love, i.e. focus on your true goal.

3 factor:

people may sometimes think that it is too late (or too early) for them to find their true purpose. They may think that they are already too old, that they have already taken place in their current life (or, on the contrary, they are inexperienced, young for such searches). However, this almost always turns out to be untrue.

There is no time frame. It's never too late to start doing something that truly brings you joy. The thought that it is too late to do something is just another factor that holds you back from finding your true purpose.

Once you understand the reasons that are stopping you, you will be able to pay less attention to them and listen to your inner voice, to what is really calling you to the right path.

Fortunately, you and I are all born with an innate compass that tells us whether we are doing the right thing or not.

This compass is those moments when we experience happiness or joy.

If you feel joy when you do something, it means you are on the right path. If not, then it's time to change your course.

Therefore, by listening to your inner compass and learning to ignore external influences, you will realize that finding your true purpose is actually not that difficult.

Predestination in Islam

Main article: Predestination in Islam

In Islam, there are several points of view regarding the issue of predestination.

1) Complete predestination. For example, the Jabriites claim that all our actions are predetermined by Allah, including our sins.

Koran 33:36 “It is not proper for a believer to make a choice in deciding any matter when that matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger.”

Koran 2:272 “He guides whom He pleases.”

2) Free will. For example, the Mu'tazilites believe that man is free to choose everything and is independent of Allah.

3) Intermediate between the two above. For example, the Imamites are convinced that a golden mean is characteristic of man in this regard, and they provide the following evidence for this:

Koran 10:99 “If Allah had willed, all who live on earth would have believed. After all, no one will believe against his will, and you [Muhammad] cannot force him to believe in the truth.”

A person is given a choice: to be a believer or not, to kill or not, to give alms or not to do so, but this does not mean complete independence from God. After all, if everything is predetermined, then it would be completely inappropriate to send prophets to people. Why should they divulge the truth if everything has already been decided for them?

As for the fact that sins are established by Allah, such beliefs are derived from Islam; there is a verse on this matter in the Koran:

Koran 6:148 “The polytheists, justifying their polytheism, prohibiting the food that Allah allows, and denying what you told them about Allah’s anger over them because of their wickedness, will say: “Polytheism, prohibition of what is permitted was the will of Allah. And if He wanted it to be different, neither we nor our ancestors could remain polytheists, and we would not forbid what He permitted.” Their ancestors did not believe in the Revelation transmitted to them through the messengers, just as these do not recognize you, and continued to remain in their delusion until they were punished by Us! Say (O Muhammad!) to those who do not recognize you: “Do you have true proof that Allah approves of your polytheism and prohibitions to show us? You follow only your false fabrications, which do not replace the truth. You are not telling the truth."

How to find purpose? Practical advice

So, to find your purpose, you need to follow these simple but incredibly helpful steps.


, you need to imagine your ideal life. If money wasn't your goal, what would you want to do with your life?

If you could live anywhere without any problems, what would you want to do with your life?

I want you to think about this very carefully because the answer to these questions is very important.

If you can imagine your ideal life and what you would do in it, then you will have a better understanding of your true purpose.


, do what makes you happy.

Even if you are able to imagine your ideal life, there is a chance that you will not be able to achieve it right away.

I'm not saying it's impossible. But for some people it may be a little more difficult than for others.

But the point is, if you imagine your ideal life, you will understand what makes you happy.

And once you figure out what makes you happy, start doing more of it. It really is that simple.

You can start with a new job, a new hobby, or you can choose any other new direction. But always remember that in life you should do what brings you joy.


, do what you are good at. Often, what you are good at and what brings you joy are one and the same.

It is very important to ask yourself the question: what comes easily to you, without any problems? What are you better at than everyone else?

By combining what you are good at and what brings you pleasure, you greatly increase your chances of success. Plus, it increases your chances of living a fruitful life.

human purpose

Practical exercise

Now I want to give you a little homework.

You will need to think about your true purpose. Imagine that you live in an ideal world. Answer the questions:

  • What does this world look like?
  • What kind of people are there and how do they communicate with each other?
  • How do you feel in this world?

Write your answers as present tense statements. And remember that an ideal world is one in which you experience joy.

And once you clearly set a goal for yourself, return to it every day and read. You may be able to change your world for the better with the help of a small circle of people: your family, friends and neighbors.

Then, you will need to close your eyes and begin to imagine your ideal world for a few minutes every day.

On the topic: What is visualization - we imagine, feel and realize a dream

In addition, do not forget to pay attention to the opportunities that appear before you that can help you create your ideal world.

Remember that nothing will change for the better until you start doing something yourself.

human purpose

What is purpose?

Destination is the purpose of a person’s life, laid down even before his birth. This is about the mission of each of us in this world. If you dig deeper, it turns out that gender, skin color, nationality and everything else does not happen to people by chance. It’s not even a matter of a combination of genes or a coincidence of circumstances, but rather the unique role of a person that is predetermined for him from above.

The concept of destiny can be considered in two planes : mystical and social. The first is the belief in the certainty of existence by higher powers. It is called fatalism, and fate itself is called fate. At the same time, a person always has the opportunity to choose. That is, he can go his own way or stray from it.

For example, in Indian mythology there is the concept of samsara - the wheel of life, multiple reincarnations in which a person clears his karma. He can move to a higher level only by realizing his purpose at the previous one . In Chinese philosophy, there is a widespread belief in the lot that befalls a person and according to which he must live. There are no exact recommendations for action. There is only an ultimate goal and the need to achieve it, but no one knows how this will happen.

In the case of the social interpretation of this term, we are dealing with the concept of society and harmony in it. This definition of life mission has its roots in the past, when the son of a chief became a chief, the son of a fisherman became a fisherman, and the son of a slave became a slave. This process found its manifestation especially clearly in the culture of India with its caste structure.

Fortunately, in our time, society has become more democratic, opening up wide opportunities for fulfillment in life for people from various social groups. Still, how do you find out your purpose?

Take a personality type test

It's never too late

There is no better time than now to start making the most of your life.

And it doesn’t matter whether you are 16 years old or 60. It’s never too late to find your true purpose.

If you feel like you've wasted your time before, don't worry. This means it's time to make the rest of your life better.

Moreover, your experience, and your wisdom from the past, are invaluable resources. These are the ones you can use to build a better future.

And so, to understand what your true goal is, you need:

  • Imagine your ideal life
  • Find out what you like to do
  • Do what you are good at.

Important! If you haven't downloaded my free book on how to make any wish come true in 30 days, grab it here >>>

After this everything will fall into place. And soon, you will realize that you are living the life you wanted. You realize that you are fulfilling your purpose.

Calculate your purpose online

“Life path number” is the most consistent with a person’s purpose based on Pythagorean numerology [1]. Let's write down the date of birth and sum up the numbers. For example: 27 (day), 09 (month) and 1987 (year) – 2+7 + 0+9 + 1+9+8+7 = 4+3 = 7.

Numerology cuts a person into small numbers.
Numerology cuts a person into small numbers.

Calculate destination by your date of birth online:

About types of destination

Let's try to understand how you can feel the right choice of destination. It is necessary to realize simple truths:

  • Self-observation allows you to identify the needs of the soul and take care of it in time: analyze your feelings; control your instinctive impulses; correlate your actions with moral principles, reveal love and the qualities of masculinity or femininity given to you.
  • The formation and education of our sensual side consists of translating uncontrollable emotions into conscious feelings.
  • The development of the spirit is the basis of our constructive transformation. When the spirit directs us to creation, forming a desire to improve the world, the space around us begins to change, and desires begin to be realized.
  • At birth we receive inclinations and abilities, and our task is to develop them. By performing it, we have support from a single information field. By neglecting gifts, we doom ourselves to a sad existence.

The main purposes have nothing to do with a specific profession or status: all this is only a sign that you correlate your actions with the above principles of the development of soul, spirit, feelings and talents.

By numerological number

Using numerology full name

To calculate your numerology number, use the values ​​​​presented below:

Photo 4

  • 1 - these are the letters A, K, U, B;
  • 2 - these are the letters B, L, F, E;
  • 3 - these are the letters B, M, X, Y;
  • 4 - these are the letters G, N, C, Z;
  • 5 - these are the letters D, O, C;
  • 6 - these are the letters E, P, Sh;
  • 7 - these are the letters Ж, Р, Ш;
  • 8 - these are the letters Z, S, b;
  • 9 - these are the letters I, T, Y.

Using this table, calculate the numbers of your own first name, middle name and last name, and then reduce them to a single digit number using the method indicated below.

For example:

  1. Anna 1+4+4+1=10;
  2. Vladimirovna 3+2+1+5+9+3+9+7+5+3+4+1=52;
  3. Smirnova 8+3+9+7+4+5+3+1=40.

Add up all the resulting numbers: 10+52+40=102.
We bring it to a single-valued form, which means we add up all the digits of the number: 1+0+2=3. 3 is the numerological number of the full name. Number meanings:

  • 1 - lead people . You are a born leader. If you don’t consider yourself one, then develop your abilities - this will contribute to your success and take you to a new level of life;
  • 2 - reconciliation. Your life task is to establish harmony with the world around you, help your loved ones and nature;
  • 3 - create beauty . You are a gifted person whose mission is to bring beauty into the world that can make this world brighter and kinder;
  • 4 - benefit . You work hard for the benefit of others. If this is not the case, then it is worth changing your occupation in order to take your own path;
  • 5 - good . You should give more good emotions and actions, then it will come back to you, and your life will flow in the right direction;
  • 6 - procreation . To find happiness and harmony, you should start a family and take care of it;
  • 7 - knowledge . You are destined to bring knowledge to people and enlighten them, only then will you feel happy;
  • 8 - balance . You should balance internal and external harmony - this will help you achieve what you want in life;
  • 9 - help and compassion . Your life mission is to provide free help to those who need it.

By date of birth

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There are many ways to correlate tarot card arcana with birth date and other dates. As a result, you can recognize not only your archetype, but also your talents and abilities. You should not be frightened by such designations as Death, Devil, Hanged Man - there is nothing wrong with them.

All Tarot cards have both positive and negative sides; it is only important to use their energy correctly, without harming yourself.

Follow these steps:

  1. write down the day, month, year of your birth. For example, 05/28/1995. If your birthday is from 23 to 31, then subtract the number 22 from the date. 28-22=6;
  2. sum all the numbers of the year together: 1+9+9+5=24. Subtract 22, 24-22=2;
  3. add up all the resulting values: 6+5+2=13.

We find that the number of the problem for a person born on May 28, 1995 is 13. If the sum is greater than 22, subtract 22 again.
Values ​​of the numbers:

  • 1 - Mage . You have an excellent command of words. It is with its help that you help others with advice and leave an indelible mark on their hearts. You will find yourself in business related to speech, words, information. Suitable professions: journalist, writer, translator, psychologist, esotericist;
  • 2 - High Priestess . You are a very sensitive person, understanding yourself and feeling those around you. You love nature and animals, and try to help those in need. Suitable professions: ecologist, psychologist, doctor, analyst;
  • 3 - Empress . You love not only to create beauty, but also to create it. For you, creation is life. You take care of your appearance and the decoration of your home. It is important for you that there is harmony and prosperity in the family. You will make a great parent. Suitable professions: stylist, designer, artist, jeweler, teacher;
  • 4 - Emperor . You clearly know what you want. Set goals and achieve them. It is important for you to be a professional in your field and reach heights. The main thing is to remember your true desires and not strive to achieve false ones. Suitable professions: businessman, director, administrator, military;
  • 5 - High Priest . You are very wise. You have accumulated a lot of knowledge, which you willingly share with others. You are interested in learning everything new and unknown. Suitable professions: teacher, historian, philosopher;
  • 6 - Lovers. For you, the main thing in life is to love and be loved. Without love in life, you cannot find yourself and your Self. Suitable professions: doctor, actor, confidant;
  • 7 - Chariot . Don't be shy and hide your talents. You are very talented, capable and agile, you like to work with many contacts, but you often help people to your own detriment. Suitable professions: work in transport, military, politics;
  • Photo 6
    8 - Justice

    . The main task in life is to take care of justice both for yourself and for others. You should watch your actions and think about your words before you speak them. Very self-possessed and calm, nothing can make you angry. Suitable professions: lawyer, judge, animal rights activist, human rights defender;
  • 9 - Hermit . Constantly work on yourself. Spiritual peace and balance are very important to you. You treat older people with respect and help them. Suitable professions: teacher, philosopher, scientist, historian, social worker. worker;
  • 10 - Wheel of Fortune . Money loves you, just as you love it. But you should remember that everything you do, good or bad, will come back. Do not gamble or borrow large sums under any circumstances - luck will turn away from you. Suitable professions: economist, banker, businessman, accountant;
  • 11 - Strength . You are very strong physically, but there are slight problems with spiritual strength. You should understand yourself, get rid of fears and learn to defend your point of view. People are listening to you, so watch your words and actions. Suitable professions: athlete, massage therapist, military.
  • 12 - Hanged Man . You should work on your mental balance and get rid of self-doubt. You very subtly perceive and feel the world around you, music, the human soul. You are very prone to addiction, so do not abuse alcohol, smoking or drugs. Suitable professions: science, psychologist, philosopher, art critic, artist;
  • 13 - Death . They are very attached to the past, which should have been let go long ago. Your love of helping others can help with this. You cannot pass by someone in need or disadvantaged. Suitable professions: doctor, veterinarian, firefighter, stuntman;
  • Photo 7
    14 – Moderation

    . Arcanum Moderation says that you need to find a balance between the inner and outer world. You are very impulsive, active, and want to do everything. Meanwhile, you feel people well and are able to connect their hearts. Suitable professions: social worker, tour guide, guide, healer;
  • 15 - Devil . A very busy person who knows the value of his time. You need to get rid of the bad habits that pull you to the bottom, preventing you from developing. You are endowed with healing and esoteric abilities. Suitable professions: healer, esotericist, psychologist, sexologist, businessman;
  • 16 - Tower . By nature you are a builder. For you, the main thing in life is a strong family, excellent health and your home. You completely surrender to this idea, without listening to your other desires. You should forget the past, otherwise everything built will soon collapse. Suitable professions: architect, programmer, administrator, builder;
  • 17 - Star . You are a very creative, talented person. Love everything beautiful and want to bring beauty into the world. The idea of ​​creating something of your own that descendants will remember years from now is of great importance to you, which will ensure your immortality. Suitable professions: musician, artist, art critic, astrologer;
  • 18 - Moon . You are very attached to home. You enjoy creating comfort and raising children. Great for creating atmosphere wherever you are. People around you listen to you and appreciate your actions. Suitable professions: cook, psychologist, doctor, housekeeper;
  • Photo 8
    19 – Sun

    . A very energetic person who charges with his energy not only himself, but also everyone around him. You should stop exalting yourself over others, this is absolutely useless, people already love and appreciate you. Think less about what others will say about you. Suitable professions: politics, director, presenter;
  • 20 - Court . The history of your family is significant to you, which you will pass on to your children. It is worth thinking about not imposing your thoughts and ideas on others - they do not perceive it. Justice and honesty in life are very important to you. Suitable professions: historian, psychologist, doctor, judge;
  • 21 - Peace . Very curious and impatient to learn something new. You strive for harmony in your state of mind through travel and finding your place. Suitable professions: translator, historian;
  • 22 - Jester . You love working with children, teaching them something new. Look at life cheerfully and easily, which helps you overcome various troubles. They are very naive, sincere and open to everything new. Suitable professions: traveler, educator, comedian.

Remember that only you can know yourself. You can listen to these tips, but only you can decide your destiny and find the meaning of your life. Listen to yourself, and you will be happy!

Search map

If you begin to be overwhelmed by questions about the meaning of life and the direction of your goals, it means that something has gone wrong in your life: happy people are so absorbed in their work that they do not “bother” with such questions. There is a saying: “By doing what you love, you can even miss the apocalypse.”

So, take the next step towards your life's purpose. To do this, we choose one free day, which we completely devote to answering the question: “My purpose is...”

Meditation practice

Next, divide the selected day into two parts. Before noon, we set ourselves the goal of giving ourselves maximum pleasure. Men and women have different ideas about pleasure. Therefore, the possible options are:

  • If you are a woman, then your path lies in the direction of a spa, massage, sauna, etc., ways to take care of your physical body, which will thank you in return. Dedicate time only to yourself, spend as much money on it as your capabilities allow.

Sports activities

  • If you are a man, you are likely to enjoy activities that involve thrills. However, you should not attend football matches or other competitions. It is important here that you are a participant and not a spectator.

So, it's noon and you've returned home:

  • change into something beautiful: the search for purpose is not an ordinary event;
  • Prepare a piece of paper and a pen, turn off everything that can distract you;
  • title the first sheet, for example, like this: “My purpose”;
  • Set the start time for work and set the timer for 1 hour;
  • then put the number “1” and write everything that comes to mind;
  • do not think about your thoughts, just record them, carefully add even the most “crazy” proposals to the list;
  • do not be distracted by anything for an hour;
  • when the timer goes off, stop, review your notes, and then crumple them up and throw them in the trash, because everything you wrote has nothing to do with you personally;
  • start a new list and continue it until your body reacts to a certain entry with some sign: it could be “goosebumps”, tears, an emotional explosion, etc.
  • continue the list until you run out of ideas;
  • put it aside for a while, maybe for a day or a week;
  • repeat the procedure, noting the emotional reaction of the body;
  • if at the same point you again receive a response from the body, you have found what you were looking for.
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