Inappropriate behavior - what is it and how to deal with it

Conduct yourself with dignity. What is decent behavior

Conduct yourself with dignity. What is decent behavior

What does it mean to be a worthy person? Does his behavior differ from the usual accepted behavior in society? Is different. Let's try to figure out what principles promote decent behavior.

Of course, respect. Without it, it is impossible to move through life calmly and confidently. You should treat every person you meet in your life with respect. It often happens that we treat strangers with more respect than our loved ones.

This is an unforgivable mistake. Try to be respectful to everyone. After all, every person has the right to his own opinion, to his own choice. They may not coincide with our beliefs, but this does not relieve you of the need to respect other people.

Good behavior has no gender. It doesn't matter at all whether you are a girl or a guy. First of all, you are a person. And all qualities of worthy behavior apply to both sexes. Moreover, even age does not matter here. A child, a teenager, a mature person, an old man - everyone can be a worthy person.

In addition to respect, it is very important to be calm in any situation. Approach any issue soberly and judiciously, do not rush and do not get carried away. Calmness helps you look at the situation in more detail and deeply. After all, in a hurry, you can miss important details that are most important.

A worthy person is one who is not afraid to take responsibility for his actions. He does not shift the blame to someone else if something goes wrong and he made a mistake. He boldly and confidently takes responsibility not only for his actions, but also for his words.

Today words are given little meaning, and very wrongly. Try to watch what and how you say.

If you have difficulties with your emotionality, often make hasty decisions, do stupid things due to imbalance, suffer from too bright outbursts of anger, etc., I recommend that you read the article “How to become emotionally stable.”

Remember, learning to control your emotions is a very real task. You will definitely succeed if you put in the necessary effort.

Experiment #5: Be a stranger

This is the most risky experiment. Choose a place where you don't fit in, where you are in the minority. You must stand out, be noticeably out of place. Perhaps by race, gender, ethnicity, age, appearance.

Your goal is simply to observe what people do, how they react to your presence. You can try to attract attention to yourself and see what happens.

Of course, you don't want to put yourself in danger, so don't choose a location where you're likely to encounter open aggression. You may have a learning experience. But just in case, prepare yourself, as there is a chance that after this experiment you will not feel the best.

But this is an important experience in terms of empathy: you will feel for yourself how a person feels when they are not noticed or not wanted to be seen. No one wants you to experience this all the time, but when you experience it for yourself at least once, you will be able to look at the world differently.

How to behave in society to be respected. How to make yourself respected?

How often it happens that people treat each other with disrespect, “get on their heads,” insult and even humiliate! In every large team there is always someone who is not respected, whose opinion they are not interested in, and who is used in their own interests. At a younger age, such children become outcasts, they are openly bullied, in their youth they are the ones who are constantly sent to the store for the next can of beer, and in adulthood such a person is simply ignored.

If this person is you, it's time to change the situation! How can you make yourself respected? There are many options that most people resort to. And declare yourself, demonstrate your strengths, trying to evoke respect from those around you. And learn to stand up for yourself, responding with caustic remarks to their offensive phrases. And don't pay attention. But this doesn't work! Why? Because several rules come into force:

  • People treat us the way we allow ourselves to be treated.
  • People treat us the way we treat ourselves.

These two rules work in unison, so it is useless to try to work only on the first. And all the options that were listed above relate precisely to attempts to not allow people to treat us this way.

Remember, if you consider yourself unworthy, others will consider you unworthy.

If you consider yourself ugly, others will see all sorts of flaws in you and will be blind to your strengths.

If you think and speak badly about yourself, constantly criticize yourself and thereby humiliate yourself in your own eyes, then people will think badly of you, discuss, condemn and respond unflatteringly.

If you hurt yourself out of guilt or feelings of inferiority, then others will hurt you, giving you even more opportunities to torment yourself.

If you don't accept yourself for who you are, no one will accept you, people will avoid communicating with you.

If you do not love, value and respect yourself, others will not be able to love, value and respect you.

Everything you want to receive from the outer world must first be taken from the inner world. And only when you raise your bar in your own eyes, begin to take care of your body and soul, then you will notice changes in your relationships with people. This applies to peers, older people, your gender and the opposite. The answer to the question: “How to make people respect you?” - Start respecting yourself.

One of my friends suffered from a relationship with her beloved guy. He was a drug addict and lived in her apartment with her money. And he constantly stole something without admitting it. But she knew it was him, since she had seen with her own eyes more than once how he took gold out of the apartment. And she let him do it. “I love him, only I can help him,” she cried, “He will be lost without me.” Would a girl who respected herself endure such humiliation? No. Would a girl who values ​​herself even get involved with a drug addict? No. And the phrase “love is evil and you will love a goat” does not work here. Only a girl with low self-esteem can love a “goat”.

Do you want to argue? Fine. Imagine that you are walking past a trash can where a homeless person is rummaging. This homeless man is dirty, smelly, even though he is young. Can you fall in love with him? No. And why? Because it wouldn’t even occur to you to look at him, to start a dialogue with him. You simply will not give life the opportunity of this meeting. This is beneath your dignity, this is not your level. Right? The same rule applies in other cases. When a girl respects herself, she will not look at someone who can insult her.

If we are not talking about the relationship between a man and a woman, but about a team where, say, you are not respected, then the same rule applies here. Fear is born in your soul, people feel it and you become a “scapegoat” for them. A person who values ​​and respects himself does not have fear. Fear is just a consequence of dislike and disrespect for oneself. But fear is something that is felt on a non-verbal level.

Why are there children who become outcasts in any group? Because they have fear. And others feel it. Like dogs. You know that you shouldn’t be afraid of a dog, otherwise it might attack? Even if outwardly you don’t show her that you’re afraid. She just senses your fear. It's the same with children. They rush at someone who is afraid and peck and peck. And here it’s not a matter of childish cruelty, but of fear.

Fear is born from self-doubt, from low self-esteem. Therefore, you need to learn to love yourself, respect yourself, and then other people will treat you completely differently.

Why is it important for us to communicate with strangers?

We often say to our neighbors the phrases “How are you?” or "It's a beautiful day." Agree, there is no benefit from either this question or the information received. But why are we doing this?

It helps you feel part of society

Psychological research has proven that most people communicate more honestly and openly with strangers than with close friends and family. They feel that strangers understand them better.

Connecting with strangers is a special form of intimacy that gives us what we need that our friends and family cannot.

Communication with people outside of your usual circle is very important. First, it is a quick interaction that has no consequences. Let's face it, it's easy to be honest with a person you'll never see again.

Secondly, when communicating with loved ones, we always expect that they will understand us without words and guess our thoughts. With strangers you have to start from scratch: tell the whole story from the very beginning, explain who these people you are talking about, what you think about them. That's why sometimes strangers really understand us much better.

It helps to establish emotional contact with people

When communicating with strangers, you unwittingly become a participant in their emotional experiences. A casual conversation about the weather can develop into a deep interaction. It seems strange that we can establish personal contact with a stranger. But such quick interactions can create empathy, an emotional resonance in us. Sociologists call this phenomenon fleeting intimacy.

How to behave with dignity as a girl. Peculiarities

Very often we associate the word “etiquette” with how, for example, how to properly set a table, which glass to use for wine and which for water, how to dress for a particular social event. But this concept is broader; it covers all spectrums of a woman’s life.

Etiquette is also how to behave in public transport and how to organize communication in a work team. A young girl must demonstrate her manners and good manners in relations with a young man, his and her parents. This can even include friendly chat with a girlfriend, who, it turns out, must also obey special rules.

Conduct yourself with dignity. What is decent behavior 02

To take the path of “becoming a lady,” you first need to learn to monitor your emotions. Nowadays, many girls are accustomed to vigorously expressing their overwhelming feelings. Restraint and modesty are the main distinctive features that distinguish a true lady, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s the joy of meeting a friend or the indignation of an unfair incident.

Learning to hide your emotions is a very important step in the process of learning good manners. There is no need to come up with excuses for yourself that at that moment it was impossible to remain silent or outwardly remain indifferent to the situation - surely the problem will soon be solved on its own, but restoring a damaged reputation is much more difficult.

Try to be more tolerant of the shortcomings of others, do not criticize anyone in public, do not interfere in other people’s affairs, behave modestly and with dignity - these principles will pay for ignorance of the basic rules of etiquette.

Conduct yourself with dignity. What is decent behavior 03

This is a decent girl. Who is a real woman worthy of respect?

WHO IS A REAL WOMAN worthy of respect and admiration? Throughout the history of mankind, women have been looking for the answer to the question - what do you need to be to be a real woman worthy of respect and admiration?

Let's try to figure this out. “They greet you by their clothes.” Accordingly, a real woman, worthy of respect and admiration, should dress stylishly and beautifully. This is already a common truth. A haphazardly dressed woman will evoke neither respect nor admiration. Fortunately, now this is not so difficult to do. There are many shops, fashion magazines, stylists and even relevant TV programs at your service. But it also happens that a well-dressed woman does not evoke either respect or admiration. What could be the reasons? First of all, in self-love and self-confidence. If a woman loves herself and respects herself, she is filled with the bright energy of love and success. She attracts you to her. She attracts, delights, she is successful and prosperous. Everything is very simple. The energy law of correspondence works here. Law of attraction. The external world is a reflection of the internal. And therefore, a woman who wants to be successful, respected, delightful and attractive must, first of all, feel like that herself. So, where to start when embarking on the wonderful path of internal transformation? Educate yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you like about yourself, what don’t you like, what would you like to change about yourself? Try to use your hair, makeup and clothing to make your strengths in your appearance or figure more pronounced and to make your weaknesses less noticeable. Think positively. Change your thinking. Perception of yourself and the world around you. Look at everything with a new look, through the prism of love and joy. It is now popular to read about the power of thought because it really works. Thoughts are material. The more you mentally admire yourself, think about yourself calmly, respectfully, the more all this will be reflected in your outer world. Don't judge yourself or others. Try to see the positive aspects in everything. And even perceive failures as lessons or gifts of fate. Don't just think, but also act. You have already mastered positive thinking! Bravo! It's time to take action! Action is, in fact, the key to developing self-confidence. You are what you think and what you do. Keep a “Notebook of Happiness” in which you will write down gratitude, affirmations, and your dreams and plans every day. Indulge yourself with what you love - walks, chocolate, going to the cinema and theater, new books, new dresses, etc., etc. Show kindness and generosity. Showing kindness and generosity are powerful ways to improve self-esteem. You start to feel good, feeling like you have done something very good. Focus not on problems, but on solutions. If you like to complain, get upset, worry, or focus on your problems, then change that right now! Start focusing on solutions to the problem. For example. If you constantly think, “I'm lonely,” change your thinking. Say, “I’m looking for love,” and focus on where and how you can meet “Prince Charming.” Smile more often. There is always something to smile or be happy about in your life. Be joyful and positive. Smile to yourself. Smile at the world around you and the world will smile at you! Forgiveness and gratitude. Always forgive yourself for all “mistakes” (which, from now on, we learn to perceive as lessons or gifts of fate). Forgive everyone who caused any negative emotions in you. Forgive and let go. This will help you feel joy and happiness. Be grateful for everything that happens in your life. Wake up and go to sleep with words of gratitude and a smile on your face! You are beautiful! Contact. Learn to communicate, be the first to make contact, and make new acquaintances. This will help you gain more self-confidence and expand your circle of acquaintances, and therefore opportunities. Exchange positivity and kind words. If you don't hear praise, compliments, or kind words as often as you'd like, start saying them first. Praise, admire, give compliments and kind words to others and it will come back to you. Believe in your success and you will experience it in all directions, because the law of life is the law of faith. You are what you believe in! Remember this, dear women! Good luck and prosperity to you! Olga Angelovskaya

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How to behave in society as a teenager. List of rules for children's behavior outside the home

There are official rules for the behavior of children - a list of them can be found in children's and educational institutions. Requirements for the behavior of teenagers, of course, are much more complex than for kids, but the main ones, common to everyone, are given in the list:

Rules of conduct developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

  • On the street and in public places, talk without shouting, do not make noise, and do not disturb other people.
  • Show politeness to older people, patronize little ones. Be attentive to people with disabilities.
  • Maintain cleanliness in public places - do not litter, do not spit, take care of green spaces.
  • Protect public and other people's property.
  • Do not commit unworthy acts and protect your friends from them. This means: do not offend or insult others, do not take other people’s things, do not abuse animals, etc.
  • Unaccompanied by an adult, children under 16 years of age cannot be on the street after 21:00 in the evening (during the holidays, children over 12 years of age can walk until 22:00).
  • Teenagers are allowed to attend entertainment events no later than 21:30.

These teenagers are maliciously violating the rules of conduct

These basic requirements include a number of prohibitions for schoolchildren and teenagers:

  • Take part in any actions that disrupt order in public places.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking, swearing, playing cards in public places.
  • Engage in trading and resale.
  • You cannot climb into basements, onto roofs, or onto railway cars.
  • Ride on the running boards of public transport.
  • Swim independently without adult supervision.
  • Hooliganism, throwing stones at passing vehicles, placing various objects on the rails.

Children under 16 years of age are prohibited from riding a scooter on the road.

For teenagers, there is also a ban on riding a bicycle on the roads until the age of 14, and on a moped or scooter until the age of 16.

How to behave with dignity in society. How to behave in society

A well-mannered person is distinguished by tact and good manners. The ability to correctly present yourself and behave in society helps to create the best impression among others and to win over members of society.

How to behave with dignity in society. How to behave in society



Be casual and free. Just don’t confuse this with swagger and familiarity. It’s one thing when a person smiles openly and readily supports the topic of conversation, and another thing if he makes inappropriate jokes at the expense of others, behaves boorishly and does not consider it necessary to keep his negative thoughts and emotions to himself. To successfully conduct conversations with those gathered, you need to have a broad outlook and well-spoken speech. Self-education and reading quality literature will help you with this.


Be friendly. You should not discuss someone behind his back, spread gossip, speak unflatteringly about other people, or criticize everyone and everything. Try to be positive. Then it will be a pleasure to communicate with you. Of course, you shouldn't tell someone else's secrets. If a person opens up to you, he trusts you. Do not be deceived by his good disposition towards you.


Learn to listen to other people. Do not interrupt your interlocutor, do not rush to finish his sentence for him. When you, as a prompter, tell a person what he should say, it may seem that you doubt his mental abilities or value your own much higher. Avoid sensitive topics, such as religion, health, financial status. An inappropriate question can put a person in an awkward position.


Keep your distance when talking to a person. Everyone has their own limit of intimate space, which depends on personal characteristics and population density in the territory where a particular person was born and raised. Therefore, it happens that you feel comfortable standing very close to your interlocutor, but for some reason he is nervous. Take a step back, don't embarrass the person. In addition, when talking, you should not touch others, fiddle with buttons or fray your sleeves.


Observe basic rules of politeness. Call unfamiliar people by their first and patronymic names. Men should let women go ahead. But they need to enter the elevator first. The person closest to the exit exits the elevator first, regardless of gender or age.


Don't be intrusive. Be able to understand when the conversation has exhausted itself and you need to leave. To do this, you should look closely at those around you, watch their gestures and facial expressions in order to sense in time that your company has become unwanted. If you become uninterested with your interlocutors, leave under a plausible pretext, but you should not do this with a bored expression on your face.

Experiment #3: Get lost

This experiment is a sequence of requests, each requiring more active participation. Try to go through each stage. Keep a pen and paper handy and your smartphone tucked away.

  1. First, ask someone to show you the way.
  2. If a person stops and gives you directions, ask them to draw a map.
  3. If he drew you a map, ask for his phone number in case you can call him if you get lost.
  4. If he gives you a phone number, you call him.

Surprisingly, most people easily leave their number. For many years, Kio Stark conducted this exercise in her classes, and in all that time, only one student decided to call.

Be careful when choosing your starting point and destination; you may not be able to choose a pair that will work right the first time. It shouldn't be completely simple, otherwise you won't need a map. But not too complicated for a passerby to explain to you.

Stark came up with this exercise almost 10 years ago, and it’s a little more difficult to perform in our smartphone era. You must give a believable impression that you cannot navigate without a hand-drawn map or list of directions.

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