How not to go crazy in quarantine Advised by an astronaut, a cook from a polar station, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and other people with extensive experience in isolation

Remote work is one of the options to earn money while in self-isolation. Remote work can be effective and productive if you follow simple rules of time management and self-organization.

A remote home office online starts with a desk and comfortable but neat clothes. Create a work schedule that is clear and understandable to all members of your family. Plan your work day, your rest, breakfast and lunch. In this article we will look at how to organize remote work .

By the end of March, 3.4 billion people are under quarantine of varying severity, which is about 40% of the global population. In the Russian Federation, surveys show about 80% have switched to remote work from home . It seems that this format has its advantages, such as no wasting time/money on travel, no need to deal with hated colleagues, but it also has its disadvantages. One of them is a modified mode that you need to get used to. Next, we’ll look at life hacks that will simplify the process of switching to remote mode. Let's start from the end of the TOP 10 life hacks.

Working atmosphere

You need to think about where you will work. If you don’t have a desk, think about where it will be convenient to sit. You need to understand that self-isolation may drag on, you need to prepare for it mentally.

You can purchase a chair or table in online stores and arrange delivery. You should not be sure that you will be able to answer calls and emails from bed for 1-2 months. You need to understand that this is harmful to your health, and there is no incentive to work better because you are in a relaxed state.

The dress code is an equally important stage; at least here, don’t work in pajamas. Nobody talks about a jacket and tie, but it’s better to choose something comfortable, get yourself in order, and even maybe the girl put on light makeup. A presentable appearance is what will make you forget about sleep and do your favorite job.

TOP 20: Ways to avoid going crazy while you're on standby

We know it's hard not to go crazy while cooped up. We are all too familiar with the words “Wait for operator response.” It's tough. There's nothing we can do. Either you wait on hold or you hang up. The worst thing about all of this is the unknown. We don't know how long we'll wait, stuck in a terrible standby mode. It can last for 15 seconds or 15 minutes (sometimes it seems like 15 years). Who can know? Fortunately, there is some good news. The precious seconds that turn into minutes can be used for something fun and productive. So, don't despair, here are ways to avoid going crazy while on standby. 20. Sign an online petition

TOP 20: Ways to avoid going crazy while you're on standby
Photo: Pixabay

Decide on your passions and sign a petition about it on the Internet. You can make a difference. At March For Our Lives, you can sign a petition to ban the sale of assault weapons like those signing in Las Vegas, Orlando, Sutherland Springs, Aurora and Sandy Hook.

19. Delete all text messages

Photo: Pixabay

Just like having too many apps, having too many text messages can slow down your phone. Clear your device memory by deleting all unnecessary text messages. If you are the type of person who likes to store everything, then you can download them to your computer.

18. Call your parents

Photo: Pixabay

Take advantage of the standby mode and call your parents! Think about how many times you didn't answer their calls over the past year. Improve their mood for the whole day just by calling. They will definitely appreciate it.

17. Make a projector out of your phone

Photo: Pixabay

All you need is a shoebox, glue and a magnifying glass. Place the magnifying glass at one end of the box, cutting a hole for it. Then place your phone in the box and enjoy!

16. Write a letter to your future self.

Photo: Pixabay

On the Future Me website you can write a letter to your future self. They will send it to you in a year, three or five years. You can also choose a specific date. Most people who wrote letters to themselves found it very moving.

15. Have a glass of wine or two

Photo: Pixabay

Everyone knows the old saying: “A glass of wine every day will keep you away from the doctor,” or was it about the apple? Either way, wine contains ingredients that strengthen the immune system. It also helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. So why not treat yourself to a glass of wine while you live life on hold. Just remember to take it in moderation.

14. Do yoga

Photo: Pixabay

Yoga is not only for advanced yogis, but also for ordinary people. The best part is that it only takes you a few minutes to start reaping the benefits. Table, chair and child poses are some of the simplest. Yoga can help with lower back pain, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

13. Make a candle

Photo: Pixabay

Collect the old wax crayons and place them in the microwave for about one minute. If you need aroma, then add half a piece of scented wax to the mixture. As soon as the wax becomes liquid, pour it into a glass container, first gluing the wick to the bottom. In a few minutes you will have a new candle.

12. Prepare instant noodles

Photo: Pixabay

Prepare a delicious meal in less than three minutes. You can enhance the flavor of instant noodles by adding onion, cilantro, soy sauce, hot sauce and fresh lime juice. If you're feeling really badass, you can also add a fried egg.

11. Wish someone a happy birthday on Facebook.

Photo: Pixabay

On Facebook, every day is someone's birthday. While you're scrolling through your news feed, take a few seconds to wish a friend a happy birthday. You never know what old relationships might be rekindled.

10. Prank your significant other

Photo: Pixabay

It only takes a few seconds to triple the draw, and then you can just watch. One fun prank is to take a rubber band and wrap it around a faucet valve.

9. Plan a trip

Photo: Pixabay

Search Google for cheap flights. You might be surprised by the low prices on some flights. Especially if there is an airport near you. For example, Atlanta, Georgia is Delta's largest hub, so its airfare tends to be cheaper there.

8. Kiss your significant other

Photo: Pixabay

Kisses are wonderful! Scientists have discovered that kissing releases chemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin, which make us feel euphoric. Put your phone on speaker and play music to set the right mood for you and your partner.

7. Clean up the inside of your car

Photo: Pixabay

Venture into the black hole between your armrest and the two front seats where fallen French fries go to die. You might be surprised how many missing items you find. Cleaning your car is a fun and necessary activity that can be done while you are in standby mode.

6. Give your grandma a foot massage.

Photo: Pixabay

Show your loved ones love by giving them a foot massage. In particular, grandmothers really like it. Foot massage has been proven to improve sleep, circulation and relaxation.

5. Sing your favorite song

Photo: Pixabay

Singing has been shown to relax the body and may even lead to a reduction in cortisol levels. So, with that said, the next time you find yourself on standby, put on your favorite tune and crank out some good songs.

4. Squat!

Photo: Pixabay

According to, if you weigh 100 pounds, you can burn 108 calories by squatting for 15 minutes. Even if you hold this position for just a few minutes, you can burn some fat!

3. Name a star after yourself or a loved one

Photo: Pixabay

Imagine giving your loved one a star. There is no other gift like this! Every time that person looks up, they will see your gift. The Online Star Register is one of many interesting sites that allow you to name a star after someone.

2. Do a photo shoot with your pet

Photo: Pixabay

What could be cuter than animals in human clothes? Nothing! So gather up your furry friends and give them the photo shoot they deserve. Get creative and make cute outfits from scrap materials. Your social media followers will thank you.

1. Make an appointment with your dentist

Photo: Pixabay Let's face it: visiting the dentist is not our favorite activity. By making an appointment while you are on hold, you will save time for yourself in the future.


Think and create a schedule, regardless of whether you have a boss or not, you need to correctly distribute your working hours. From 9.00 to 18.00 is an example. At this time, there is no need to allow personal matters or telephone calls. Ask yourself a question: if you were sitting in the office, would you be distracted by solving these issues? It is important to understand that self-isolation will be with us for a long time, so we need to keep the frame of the day. Believe me, initially it will be difficult to stick to the schedule at home, but gradually you can force yourself. Because you need to be aware that your work schedule may be delayed, and then you will have to complete the assigned tasks outside of working hours. In the evening there will be a desire to improve it.

What is madness?

how can you not go crazy

This is a purely individual question. A famous saying goes: “Everyone goes crazy in their own way.” And this is true, since every person is individual and unique. And yet, some common features of madness are common to almost all people - despite their individuality.

  1. First of all, it is a panicky and almost uncontrollable fear for one’s life. Moreover, it almost never fits in with the real situation. “In the hospital in the city of N-ska, all the wards and corridors are filled with infected people! They're dying in the hundreds! Corpses are burned every night in the city park! We will die too! Have you heard this or a similar phrase? In fact, only five were taken to that same hospital, and even those with a simple cold.
  2. The next point is committing all sorts of illogical, strange and wild acts. The feverish buying of toilet paper, buckwheat, salt, ginger, lemons is just the visible part of the iceberg.
  3. What follows is speculation. “They are hiding the real picture from us, the situation is actually much worse, they want to chip us all, turn us into zombies, destroy us,” - in general, a fairly common phrase, heard, no doubt, by every reader of these lines.
  4. All this panic fear is dangerous, because very soon it turns into hatred. And, first of all, a person begins to hate his neighbor, that is, the one who lives with him under the same roof or next door. What such hatred results in is now being discussed a lot in the press. An enduring feeling of fear, confusion, anger, mental depression - and a constant desire and desire to take it out on someone else. Hence domestic squabbles, violence and other “delights” of home confinement.
  5. Well, what happens next is even worse. In a fit of madness, a person is capable of any terrible and irreparable act: throwing himself from a balcony headfirst, going out into the street and joining a crowd with other madmen... Psychology, however! And psychiatry...

Plan your vacation

This may sound a little strange, but when you have a clear understanding that you plan to go in for sports from 12.00 to 13.00, and you love this activity, you will be more motivated to work productively in the morning, so that later you can play sports with a clear conscience. Without a clear plan, you will prolong the process.

Of course, you can’t diversify your leisure time during self-isolation, but it could be a call to a close friend or relative. Maybe it's reading a book. In this case, there is an incentive to finish faster or work better.

Separate yourself from your family

It may sound harsh, but remote work without restrictions cannot be effective. Especially when it comes to children in the family. There are two options for the development of the situation: the wife takes care of the children, and you do work, but here it is important to understand that there are barriers. For example, take a small flag and place it on your desktop. This signals that you are busy. Your family should get used to the fact that if this barrier is there, you cannot come in because you are busy with work. You have clear working hours that can be allocated and will not be a problem for those at home. It is important not to offend the other partner; you need to support each other.

The second option is when two people work at home, the children are at home. It's not easy, but a strict schedule can help. It is clear that when the children are asleep, two people can work, then responsibilities can be distributed. Children should have a schedule no less strict than yours; discipline in this case is everything to us. When there is no schedule, there will be failure and confusion in the family.

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