Why relationships between a man and a woman fail

Are you tired of arguing with your boyfriend or can you no longer bear the constant scandals with your girlfriend? Take a closer look at easy relationships. This novel format is suitable for free people who do not want to tie a person to themselves. Two constantly busy individuals can enjoy all the benefits of a romance without the burden of any obligations. How to build an ideal open relationship, read below.

The opportunity to be yourself

Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

Are you tired of pretending that you like heavy music? Are you annoyed by romantic movies that you have to watch every weekend? You can refuse this. How to become easier in relationships? Try to be yourself. Many people are afraid that their significant other will not appreciate their true personality. After all, it’s much easier to demonstrate a perfectly invented persona. Such a person has no flaws and is considered invulnerable. But by living someone else’s life, you risk not having time to live your own. You don't have to do what you don't like. Tell your partner that you don't like romantic comedies and want to go see a horror movie. Or announce that you do not intend to go to the concert of the next visiting group. If your significant other insists, do not give in to provocation. Start defending your opinion. Yes, relationships involve concessions, but they must be made at your own request and from time to time. A person who is always inferior to his partner is playing with one goal. It is impossible to enjoy a relationship if you are the only one contributing to it. Reciprocity is essential.

Fake apologies are meaningless13

“Sorry, I can’t help it,” “I’m sorry you think that way,” and other excuses for show don’t make any sense.

the guy apologizes

Try to understand why your words or actions hurt your loved one. You’ve read the previous paragraphs and know how to listen to your partner and take his place, right?

Listen, accept, speak up, apologize. Discuss what can be done under the circumstances.

But! Don't let your partner play on your guilt. If there are problems in the relationship, but you are always the only one apologizing, there is something wrong.

Eternal love

Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

An easy relationship with a man assumes that both partners will be near each other of their own free will. And the only people nearby are those who love each other. A man and a woman are not in a serious relationship, but they still find time to go on a date? What can you call it if not falling in love? Before each meeting, the girl will preen herself, stand in front of the mirror for a long time and select an outfit. And the guy, in turn, will not wear torn socks on a date. Partners will try to present each other in the best light all the time. An open relationship is like a lover's relationship, only without the risk of being caught. The benefit of this eternal love is indescribable. Every time one of the partners gets bored, he can call the other and simply ask for a date, knowing that he will receive a positive response.

“How are you?”4

We hear this question so often that we have forgotten how to answer it sincerely. We are asked about this by friends, relatives, colleagues and people who, in general, don’t care about our “affairs.”

Such template questions lead to the same template answers. This kind of nightly exchange of pleasantries is unlikely to strengthen the bond between you.

If this works for your couple, okay, let's move on. But if you see that this phrase does not evoke much enthusiasm, try asking your partner a more original question. For example:

  • “So, what crazy happened to you today?”
  • “How many times have you smiled today?”
  • “On a scale of one to ten, how difficult was today?”

couple kissing

When your partner speaks, listen to him, looking into his eyes. Take a break from your business, go up to him and hug him. You can reply to messages later. And burnt scrambled eggs are not so scary.

the freedom of action

Why are easy relationships gaining unprecedented popularity lately? The reason for this is simple. People don't want to be tied down. Young boys and girls who are not yet ready for marriage and want to take a walk, want to take everything from this life. They are attracted to parties, night walks, building a career and interesting leisure activities. There is no room for normal relationships in such a busy schedule. But free love fits well into the format of life. A couple who practices easy relationships does not think about the future, they live in the present. People feel good together - they can move in together. If something goes wrong, you can always separate and live separately. No one will blame anyone for anything if one of the partners plunges headlong into a new romance. When the influx of emotions subsides, the partner will return to the person with whom he was in an open relationship and calmly resume it.

I want to constantly snap at a man

When a woman is mentally ready to break up a relationship, she can easily lash out at a man, without even thinking about how he will feel. A scandal may arise due to:

  • scattered socks;
  • a forgotten plate in the room;
  • constant games on the computer.

Can the desire to constantly scream at your man be called normal? Even basic habits that no one even paid attention to at the beginning of the relationship can begin to irritate.

This is a sad sign, because in the future it will only get worse, and the number of unnecessary quarrels and scandals will increase.

Lack of responsibility

Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

Relationships should be easy, otherwise they will quickly fall apart. People who practice open relationships know this well. Psychologists say that individuals who do not want to create classic couples and choose something free are not ready for responsibility. But this is precisely what people call the main advantage of their novel. There is no need to worry about whether your other half is hungry or not. There is no need to go help the guy's parents with house changes and there is no need to help the girl with renovations. Each person lives on his own. Other people's problems may not be taken seriously. Yes, it is desirable to provide all possible assistance, but it is not at all necessary.

People who prefer easy relationships to ordinary ones do not want to burden themselves with family. Persons are not ready for marriage and do not want to think about children at all. The taste of freedom is too sweet, and you don’t want to change it for something else.

Introduction. Understanding the basic principles of female behavior in intersexual relationships

Dear reader! We are confident that, before moving on to studying specific principles and methods of meeting women, it makes sense, first, to clearly imagine for yourself what principles and strategies a woman follows in intersexual relationships .

We recommend reading articles that are quite useful for understanding this topic:

  • “Two types of relationships” is a description of two main female “behavior programs” in relation to men.
  • “The main biological task of a woman”
  • “The main strategic goal of a woman”

The opportunity to leave without scandal

Have you heard a friend say: “I want an easy relationship.” Why do guys prefer romance without commitment? Relationships that are not serious are very easy to break up. Some people are afraid of affection because they have had the bitter experience of non-reciprocal love. Therefore, people do not want to repeat their mistakes. They choose the easy path of open relationships. After all, if your partner gets bored or wants new experiences, you can leave without a scandal. If there is nothing to destroy, then it is completely harmless to part. And most importantly, the partner will not be offended and make a scene.

Male psychology in relationships with women

Without a doubt, the psychological aspects of women and men are different. The majority of women think that a man, as a primitive organism, is content only with the following needs:

  • eating;
  • realization of sexual desires;
  • sleep.

This cannot be denied; a man behaves like a hunter when choosing a potential partner or life partner. At the same time, in his mind there is approximately the following thinking algorithm before trying to get acquainted:

  • understanding the first impression and assessing the external attractiveness of a woman;
  • mental comparison of your social status and the candidate;
  • assessment of age differences: the younger the woman, the greater the “hunting” excitement, the more attractive she is in the eyes of a man;
  • mental analysis of one’s material capabilities (the higher they are, the more confident a man feels).

By the way! Based on emotional sympathy, a man can deviate from generally accepted standards in relationships with women and behave completely illogically when meeting them.

No household problems

Is the relationship easy when neither partner is attached to the other? Yes. The absence of everyday problems does not ruin the romance. Why do many couples break up? Due to domestic conflicts. When people are in an open relationship, they do not live together. And even if your partner has annoying habits, you can tolerate them several times a week. And more often than not, the small weaknesses of a loved one even seem cute. Until you have to deal with them on an ongoing basis. By agreeing to an open relationship, people agree that they will not play an important role in each other's lives. This means they won’t have to make decisions about purchasing shared equipment or who to take out a mortgage for. There will be no conflicts about who will wash the car and who will refuel the car. Dividing things into yours and mine draws boundaries that people secretly do not cross.

Arguing is good

You can swear even over little things. Seriously, this is completely normal.

Scientists believe that couples who argue more often than others over the most insignificant things live long and happy lives. On the other hand, those couples who fight only over the most serious reasons are more likely to get divorced.

Of course, you shouldn't argue on the first date, but research says that if you've spent three years together and barely fought, you're probably on the verge of divorce.

Scientists believe that swearing and arguing are a way of showing feelings. Without them, your relationship becomes unhealthy.

You could say that Romeo and Juliet never argued. There is an answer to this too.

The ability to find understanding and consolation if necessary

Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

Do you want to find a best friend in the person of the opposite sex? An easy relationship between two people helps not only to find a loved one who is close in spirit, but also a best friend who will help, advise and always give the most practical advice. When a person feels bad, he will go to someone who is good. The person will always listen and help you understand the situation. Why does such support help better than the help of close friends? A person who is not directly the main character in the conflict and does not know all the participants in the scene can judge unbiasedly. You can rely on your partner’s opinion, because he wishes only the best for his soulmate. There is nothing wrong with showing not only your strengths to your partner from time to time, but also showing him your vulnerable soul.

Is it possible to predict long-term relationships?

Can. To do this, you just need to ask the couple about their relationship. Yes, it's that simple.

Psychologists from the University of Washington found that the way partners describe their relationship can predict whether they will get divorced or not with 94% accuracy. You just need to pay close attention to how spouses talk about their past together.

BAD: We had a fight.
It was terrible. To be honest, Oleg behaved disgustingly. GOOD: We had a fight. It was terrible. But we discussed this later. We seem to get along even better now than before.

Every couple faces problems. The only difference is how you are going to perceive and interpret your experience. You know, it doesn’t take much intelligence to say that a quarrel is bad and Oleg is a fool. But you need to put a lot of effort into learning to appreciate not only the good moments, but also the bad ones, and to make the most of even conflicts and problems.

No one is happy running the twentieth kilometer of a marathon. But if you stop and don’t reach the finish line, you definitely won’t be happy. The taste of victory and champagne is what will make the moment truly enjoyable.

Lack of jealousy

Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

What are the benefits of easy relationships? People prefer open relationships for the reason that they are not burdened with jealousy. People immediately agree that they do not belong only to each other. It is difficult for owners to understand this logic, but for some it is the basis of a normal life. Free people who do not want to limit their relationships to just one partner understand that jealousy can destroy a bright feeling. Well, how can you be jealous of a person who, while hanging out with many people, still comes back? This fact confirms that the partners are ideal for each other. They are free to walk anywhere and with anyone, but they still spend most of their time with the person who evokes a response in their heart.

Cooling relationships photo. Advice for a woman - how to behave during a cooling period in a relationship.

There are many tips on how to attract a man’s attention, how to start a serious relationship, but maintaining feelings and balance in the family, being a wife with whom a man wants to stay for the rest of his life is much more difficult.

In many families, spouses face a crisis in their relationship. The reasons for such a crisis, at first glance, may seem different, but the real reason often lies in the same thing: the feelings of the spouses cool down, and immediately there are many reasons for mutual reproaches.

If a man likes a woman, this does not always mean that he is serious. If for women the goal of a relationship is most often marriage, then men may also have plans for a short romance, or simply for sexual intercourse.

Statistics show that among women, frivolous intentions when dating are much less common. Despite the fact that values ​​in society today differ from those in the past, women most often value men who have traditionally masculine qualities.

Men, in turn, are attracted to femininity. The presence of traditionally masculine traits in a woman, such as authority, assertiveness, rudeness, and the desire to dominate, often scares away men who want to find a woman for a serious relationship.

Even if the relationship between a man and a woman pleases both, and there is love in them, most often, after a certain period of time, after strong feelings and passion in the relationship, a chill sets in, the passion and feelings cool down.

In the event that a man loses his previous interest, and a woman seeks to maintain the relationship, there are rules that should be followed. During this period, many women make serious mistakes that are difficult to correct, while at the same time not giving their partner what he really expects.

Noticing that the feelings of a loved one are fading away, a woman very often tries to improve the situation, constantly declaring her love, following any instructions from her partner, agreeing to what she does not want to do - all in order to show that she is the best, the most faithful and ready to do anything. At the same time, the woman feels insecure and experiences a constant fear of losing the relationship for which she is ready to do almost anything. This is the most common mistake women make when trying to bring love back into a relationship: with this behavior, a woman, on the contrary, pushes a man away.

Why is this happening? During this period, a man feels that his partner is confused in herself, she may do something that is not typical for her for the sake of a relationship. In other words, she does not value herself, and this looks extremely unattractive to a man.

There is also another extreme: a woman begins to behave rudely, reproach the man for not paying her due attention, blackmail her with a divorce if he does not “correct,” etc. How does a man feel in this case? A woman's assertiveness is also a repulsive factor for him. He doesn’t like the woman’s behavior, he may make half-hearted attempts to “change”, but in the end he will most likely let everything take its course.

Maintaining a relationship can sometimes be more difficult than it seems at first glance, but there are things to keep in mind:

— If a woman wants to maintain a relationship with her loved one, she should be herself from the very beginning, and not play the role of an ideal woman. Pretending will not work for long, and when the shortcomings “resurface”, it will harm the relationship.

“If a man fell in love with a woman, it means he saw something special in her.” A woman should value herself. A woman who does not value herself is not attractive to a man.

- In the event that a man has lost interest in relationships to such an extent that he consciously allows himself to behave disrespectfully and unacceptable towards a woman, she should under no circumstances put up with this. This will completely destroy the relationship.

— If a woman feels that she has lost herself, her energy should be spent not on fulfilling the whims of a man, but on self-realization: find an interesting job or hobby, get carried away with something. In addition to the man she loves, a woman must have other interests.

“The very thought of a woman that she will do anything for the sake of a relationship destroys it. You can do a lot, but you need to have your own boundaries that she will never cross.

In a few words, the above can be expressed as follows: men love those women who love and respect themselves. Such women will not cross certain boundaries precisely because they respect themselves. They know what is acceptable to them and what is not.

It is these women that men love and appreciate, even many years after the first meeting, after the start of a relationship.

Cooling of relationships. Advice for a woman: how to behave during a cooling period in a relationship.

Women's site: I-the-most-beautiful.rf (www.i-kiss.ru)

There's no need to prove your feelings

Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

Psychologists say that only insecure individuals need constant confirmation of love. Other people do not require constant confirmation of feelings. Couples who are in a classic relationship must surprise and amaze their partner every day. Those people who choose easy relationships meet only a couple of times a week. In such a situation, there is no need to talk about love all the time. People can discuss any topic because they always have something to talk about. You don’t have to invent or compose something. You can only confess your love from time to time. Presenting gifts and flowers does not become a routine, because a person makes beautiful gestures only when he wants to please his partner.

How to understand male psychology

The psychology of men in relationships with women has its own male secrets. To master them, girls must understand how it works. Simply put, the “instruction manual for the male psyche” consists of the following sections:

  • trust, understanding and care;
  • moments of stressful situations;
  • certainty in communication;
  • the right to make decisions.

How a man who truly loves behaves - the psychology of falling in love

Oddly enough, the concept of “female care and understanding” among married men is inextricably linked with “trust.”

Important! Trust in a man’s understanding is faith in his independence in all matters: everyday, interpersonal and professional.

A man’s perception of problematic situations is different in that he tries to discuss them as little as possible, even with his partner. There is no need to try to calm your husband down if he is having problems at work. He will be grateful to his companion for the fact that she will give him the opportunity not to be distracted by everyday problems, will not pester him with questions, but will provide him with the opportunity to relax, collect his thoughts and resolve unpleasant moments.

When communicating with women, men get lost in a mass of hints, leading questions and incomprehensible female emotions that change a hundred times a day. If you want to convey something to your chosen one, you need to speak directly and to the point.

A man should make decisions, this has been the case for centuries, and this is what men themselves think. It is useless to argue with this, but it can be managed. What prevents a woman from quietly directing her lover’s thoughts in the direction she wants?

Carefully! Responsibility for the consequences falls entirely on the shoulders of the manipulator.

Psychology of male gestures

Alan Pease, in his book Body Language, does not make much difference in the meaning of gestures based on gender. However, the psychology of guys has features hidden in gestures. The author emphasizes that the meaning of gestures must be considered in conjunction with the environment and the current situation.

Interpretation of some male gestures

Psychology of male infidelity

A wife can always figure out the appearance of her husband’s mistress by the peculiarities of his behavior. You don't have to hire a detective to do this. It is enough to pay attention to changes in daily routine, appearance and the emergence of new hobbies. Men rarely change anything in their existing way of life; there must be a good reason for change, and betrayal can become one.

Attention! The male psychology of betrayal is mainly based only on the fulfillment of sexual needs on the side. However, the search for new sensations and the desire to feel like an alpha male do not exclude divorce and leaving the family.

Cheating is often explained by the polygamy of the “stronger sex,” but psychologists note an age-related influence.

Psychology of male infidelity

Age characteristics

Before the age of 40, men cheat on their wives in order to satisfy their libido. Upon reaching the age of forty, representatives of the stronger sex experience a reassessment of values ​​and a midlife crisis. At this moment, betrayal occurs due to fatigue in family relationships, when trying to change something and unwillingness to do it with the spouse. More often, adultery is expressed in the form of protest.

Male and female psychology of infidelity has a common age period - after 50 years. This is the time when a man is able to fall in love again, and sensual emotions prevail over sexual desire. Women, on the contrary, are able to completely surrender to sexuality in order to feel more desirable and needed by someone.

Every date is like a surprise

Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

Easy relationships are a holiday. People are preparing for dates and want to look perfect in the eyes of their partner. Girls do beautiful hairstyles and try to surprise the young man with their looks. Guys present girls with gorgeous bouquets and do not demand anything in return. Romance doesn't become a chore. People give gifts to each other quite often. But these are not some valuable things, but rather pleasure and impressions. Walks under the moon, boat trips and romantic dinners. All this can ignite feelings and not let them fade away. Fantasy in an open relationship is welcome. Partners can try themselves in different roles, which means they can get to know themselves better.

How to get ready to meet a man

We have looked at a variety of ways to meet men. But before you start using them, make sure you're in the right mood. Don't worry about what the object of your attention thinks about you. He is definitely not the only man on Earth. If you don’t get to know him, there will be crowds of others. Don't be afraid to come across as arrogant or, on the contrary, insecure. When you meet someone first, you are proactive, courageous, and intriguing. Agree, it sounds much better.

The worst thing that can happen to your attempt to meet an interesting guy is his refusal. Maybe the man already has a girlfriend, for example, or he’s simply not inclined to communicate now. By the way, men refuse quite rarely - most of them are flattered by the attention of the opposite sex, and they willingly make contact. But if a person refuses to meet you, remain positive and look for someone else. As we said above, there are a lot of men around, this one is not the last.

Don’t forget that sometimes completely random, unprepared meetings lead to long-term romantic relationships.

A chance to be with your friends

Open relationships do not bind people to each other. You don’t have to ask anyone for time off and don’t have to make excuses to anyone. Partners can spend their time with friends and not expect to be reprimanded for it. A person can come home whenever he wants, and if he wants, he can’t even spend the night at home. Freedom of action helps an individual feel better. After all, when there are no restrictions, a person is free to act as he wants, and not as he is obliged by some imposed framework and prejudices. People who prefer open relationships have no disagreements with friends. After all, there is always an opportunity to meet loved ones. So friends don’t fade into the background, as happens in classic couples. Even if your significant other doesn't really like their friends, it doesn't really matter. You can spend your free time with a nice person and not be burdened by the company of unpleasant people.

How to save a relationship

Here are some tips to help you do this:

  • Change your perspective on the situation. Think about the fact that your relationship is not collapsing, but simply moving to a new level;
  • Find a good time to talk to your partner and try to talk to him. Try to make him hear you;
  • Don't ask him to change his attitude towards you. Give him what he wants from you. Take the first step, and don’t wait for your partner to “ripe”. Remember that every day you move further and further away from each other, and a moment may come when it will be impossible to save the relationship;
  • Learn to admit your mistakes and accept your partner's initiatives. In order to change something in a relationship, both need to forget about their pride and learn to give in;
  • Do not keep accumulated grievances within yourself, express them to your partner, and then forgive him and let go of the situation. Find the strength to make peace with your loved one and start over. Start building relationships in a new way, bring back the romance, give gifts, invite your partner on dates, go out on weekends to relax in nature;
  • Now that you have started a new relationship, try to avoid those mistakes that you made before and which brought your relationship to failure;
  • Every person wants his personal space and freedom to be respected. Therefore, all attacks on them will be perceived with hostility;
  • No matter how much you love, you still need to take a break from each other. In addition to your loved one, communicate with friends, take time for yourself. This will make your relationship more harmonious;
  • Take care of yourself to remain attractive in the eyes of your partner;
  • Be friendly, smile more often;
  • Don’t be silent, discuss all the nuances and, if possible, adjust your actions in order to maintain a good relationship;
  • Be tolerant of each other, learn to accept shortcomings and do not constantly point out the mistakes of your other half;
  • Appreciate your partner, respect, support, take care of him, do not betray him. Be with him in sorrow and in joy, and he will definitely reciprocate your feelings;
  • Find time for heart-to-heart conversations. They bring us together, help us discover a new side of each other, and promote mutual understanding. Your relationship will become warmer and this will avoid quarrels in the future.

Why relationships between a man and a woman fail

Advantages and disadvantages of online dating

There are several pros and cons to online dating that you should definitely consider.


  • You can meet and communicate with a potential boyfriend or girlfriend at any convenient time, without interrupting your work process. In the process of communication, we discover each other's interests and hobbies. Even before the meeting, you can understand whether this person is needed and whether it is worth continuing further communication or whether it is better to stop everything without letting it get serious.
  • During online communication, you can be yourself without feeling awkward.
  • You can exchange photos before going on your first date.


  1. There is a high probability that the person is not who he appears to be.
  2. Photos may be fake.
  3. With prolonged virtual communication, the chance of meeting in the real world is reduced to zero.

Whether or not to get acquainted on sites is a purely individual matter. It is important to remember that on such platforms there are also normal people with whom you may be able to connect your destiny. However, we should not forget that there are a lot of scammers and swindlers in the virtual world, so you need to carefully study the profile of the man you like, and under no circumstances give anyone your personal and contact information, which can be used for insidious purposes.

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