Is it necessary to forgive people? How to forgive a person and free yourself from wounds

Lately, you can hear more and more often how important it is to forgive people who have offended you. Supposedly this is the only right step on the path to development. Is it so?

Don’t hold a grudge against your children, parents, ex-wives and husbands - and you will be happy, life will be filled with colors and love again! As if the past doesn’t matter, as if all our pain is a completely everyday thing. Forgive liars, tyrants. Long farewell, deeply, with all my heart. In the end, they didn’t just become evil, scary and cruel, they were spoiled by society, a difficult life, lack of money, and perhaps their own parents.

In order to forgive as quickly as possible, we are asked to imagine the difficult childhood of the offenders, their youthful dreams, and the difficult path of life. They say that these people are not to blame for anything, they are simply acting out their complexes and fears on others, copying the behavior of those around them. If we are wise, then we must learn compassion and love, forgive people, and enter into their position. Evil people are evil because they have experienced a lot of pain and injustice. And we are more conscious than them, which means we must find within ourselves the strength to warm everyone up. And we are led by beautiful words, we learn to let go and forgive in order to dull the inner pain, heal heart wounds, and learn to live from scratch. We forgive our offenders for broken destinies, upset nerves, humiliation, insults, not realizing that at this very moment we are betraying ourselves. That part of us that remembers everything.

forgive people

What is resentment?

Resentment is a feeling when we begin to make claims against ourselves, another person, and the whole world in general. This is a huge disappointment that some of our expectations could not be met.

Someone reacted to events not the way we wanted, but in a completely different way, and the world around us dared not fulfill our desires and did not adapt to us.

And sometimes, against our will

, you have to let go of something very dear and so necessary. And we begin to do things for which we then reproach ourselves for a very long time.

We don’t even notice what the lion’s share of time and energy we spend so that circumstances bend under us, under all our expectations, and when we receive another rebuff, we are left for a long time with a huge sense of resentment, a feeling of strong injustice and complete disappointment.

How can this benefit us?

We mentally replay our grievances in our heads over and over again, immersing ourselves in those events that have long passed, thereby poisoning our present, what is happening now. How can you let go of such pain? What does it mean to be able to forgive?

If you are asking yourself this question now, it means that you are already on the path to true forgiveness. And this is very good.

“So that the wind does not erase the good”

Psychologist's opinion: why you need to forgive people, insults and betrayals

These words from the parable will help many people understand why they need to forgive people. The meaning of this parable is this: if another person did something bad to you, then write it on the sand, let the wind erase the insult, and if he did something good to you, carve it on a stone so that neither the wind nor the waves can erase it from your memory.

Indeed, negativity sent to you by someone cannot be left in your heart, because it can destroy your health and dry out your soul. From deep resentment, oncology, cirrhosis of the liver, and all heart diseases appear. In addition to illness, resentment brings aggression, filling the entire person. She does not allow him to live, move forward, enjoy everything that life gives.

Do you need this? Most likely - no, so learn to forgive! An offended person destroys himself, and the one with whom you are offended – all this “does not matter.”

How to forgive yourself and others:

  • Do not provoke aggression towards yourself or other people.
  • Don’t feel sorry for yourself, poor thing, don’t criticize.
  • Avoid criticizing others, respect their opinions. No two people are the same.
  • Don't blame yourself or others. Everyone can make mistakes.
  • Believe that there are many good people, you can be good too, so be it!
  • Do not notice slander addressed to you, do not return evil for evil! Disarm the offender with a friendly smile; this will make him feel very bad if he is still a normal person.

What offenses are most difficult to forgive?

  • The strongest grievances
    , as a rule, are always more difficult to forgive against your family and friends, this mainly concerns husbands or wives.
  • But it all always starts with our parents.
    They are usually presented with complaints that they were little loved, poorly cared for, criticized, poorly supported, not loved, did not believe in our strengths, and so on.
  • The child places so many expectations
    on the shoulders of his parents that they, as a rule, are not able to cope with this large burden.
  • It is only later, already growing up, that we begin to understand
    that our parents loved us as best they could and knew how, but for some reason the grievances continue to remain in our hearts one way or another. And gradually they begin to take root firmly in us.
  • After this, we begin to project
    this onto our partners.
  • Usually, we begin to expect everything that we so wanted and could not get from our parents from our
    partners, and therefore we experience strong resentment and dissatisfaction towards them.
  • But we should not forget that we ourselves choose our parents
    long before we are born, and they fully comply with all our requirements, which were once concluded on subtle planes.
  • And it is parents who are the catalyst for the changes
    that occur in us. And in the most powerful grievances in life, hidden, in fact, are very important realizations and our very main tasks.
  • If we failed to learn this with our parents
    , then we, accordingly, transfer this to our husbands and wives.
  • You should take a closer look at the series of life actions
    and, starting from a very early age, you can find the very reason for which you, in fact, had to come here to this earth.

Resentment is a bad habit from childhood

I think that you have not yet forgotten our unfortunate traveler and his backpack. With this image, I wanted to show how collecting grievances steals our energy and does not allow us to easily and happily move through life towards our dreams.

Often we ourselves make a choice in favor of a bad habit from childhood and burden ourselves with unnecessary worries.

Just as tobacco and alcohol harm the body, resentment constantly reminds itself of itself, causing negative emotions. We blame everyone around us and feel sorry for ourselves.

It’s better not to feel sorry for yourself, but to love yourself. Learn to forgive and let go. Notice the beauty around you.

You will say that writing an article is easier than forgiving the offender? Agree. Therefore, I propose to move from theory to practice. Below I will share how I deal with grievances myself.

On topic: How to forgive offenses and raise your vibrations. Forgiveness Meditation

how to stop being offended

Shake the cobblestones out of your backpack: how to stop being offended by your parents

Almost all of us have complaints against our parents. Unpleasant childhood memories constantly pop up in your memory and prevent you from living happily in the present.

I also once thought that my parents could have done more for me or treated me differently when I was a child. Spoiler alert! They couldn't. They did as they saw fit. They raised them the way they knew how.

And your parents couldn't. Even if they did something that still brings tears to your eyes, still try to forgive. How do you know what their childhood was like?

Remember: it is not because of a happy life and good mental health that mothers and fathers offend their children.

How I worked through grievances with my parents

My childhood is in the past. I have the present. And a few years ago I decided to let go of childhood grievances, because it was in my best interests.

With the help of the practice of forgiving grievances, you can let go of even those situations that you do not remember.

The subconscious mind remembers all the unpleasant moments, even those that we might have forgotten about. Sometimes it seems to us that everything is fine and we let go of everything a long time ago. Or we believe that situations from childhood cannot influence our present. But it is not so.

A backpack with old grievances prevents you from moving happily through life. We may not feel how childhood experiences affect our picture of the world in the present - on health, on relationships with loved ones, on careers and much more.

Letting go of grievances against parents is very beneficial for all areas of life.

I listened to a meditation on forgiving parents for the first time, probably in 2020. It was an incredible experience that helped me look at my mom and dad differently. After practice, I literally physically felt the burden of grievances dissolve. My soul felt lighter.

A parental forgiveness meditation is something worth finding 30 minutes in your busy schedule for. I recommend the audio recording of Mirzakarim Norbekov, “Forgiveness of Parents.”

If you constantly quarrel with your loved ones and cannot forget their hurtful words or actions, you can also use Buddhist meditation for quarrels and scandals. You will find it here >>>

how to forgive

What does it mean when we forgive?

Most people naively believe that to forgive and give in means showing some kind of weakness and complete lack of will. But, in essence, this is a manifestation of great power.

You may be becoming somewhat vulnerable.

When you forgive, you gain enormous strength and completely cease to be dependent on various strong feelings that destroy you from within.

If a person continues to be angry with another for a long time, no matter how much pain he causes, then he continues to be no more and no less - in a state of victim.

When a person sincerely forgives another, he is completely freed

. And by letting go of his past for good, he can completely destroy the dam built from various claims, reproaches, anger, irritation and various grievances.

Washing away all my painful feelings

, energy will begin to pour out of your heart and it is at this time that transformation will occur to you, you will begin to embark on the right, completely new path of spiritual progress for you.

How to remove the burden from your soul

Forgiveness is not mercy to someone, not your weakness, but liberation from a burden that you absolutely do not need. An unforgiven evil is the chains with which you have bound yourself. Of course, it’s easier to accept advice, but how to forgive? It is especially difficult not to complain about fate when everything does not work out the way we would like.

Resentment against fate is a powerful force that completely absorbs human consciousness. It is often difficult for a person to cope with bitterness and hatred of the world around him. In this case, a good psychologist can help.

A psychologist’s opinion on this matter: self-flagellation, reproaches to yourself that you can’t do anything, but for people everything goes smoothly, will not bring you good luck. Complaining about fate leads to alcoholism, often to suicide.

No less terrible is hatred of a loved one who betrayed or acted wrongly. These feelings must be fought.

Advice from psychologists on how to forget unpleasant life situations will help you overcome this feeling.

  • A very effective way is to throw out all the bitterness in an imitation of a conversation with the offender, writing letters and then burning them.
  • When emotions overwhelm you, you need to switch to any little thing, for example, talk to the person standing next to you or start carefully studying the text on some stand. The method is strange, but it works.
  • To avoid beating yourself up, look at the unpleasant event from the other side. Now you can see that nothing terrible happened. Now restructure your consciousness to achieve the goal, and not to despondency, then you will see that your consciousness has cleared up, and life is not so bad.
  • Write down an action plan on the way to achieve your goal, gradually implement it. Just don’t set yourself sky-high, unattainable goals.

Practices for cleansing and letting go

We forgive in letters

  • This action must be carried out in stages.

On the first day, you should write on a piece of paper all your feelings that captivate you, as well as negative experiences and also what you have always kept deep inside yourself for quite a long time. There is no need to try to restrain yourself in any way at this time, because special feelings will wash over you.

  • On the second day, write down again all your negative feelings, those that still continue to remain with you. Just try to throw them all out onto paper without leaving a trace.
  • On the third day, try to find some improvement in your life and write down the changes you find on paper.
  • When finished, you should burn all three pieces of paper you wrote. This is what will become your excellent ritual of complete cleansing. After all, the human subconscious always accepts and loves such symbolic actions.

We give flowers to the offender

Want to break your habitual thinking pattern?

Then give your offender a bouquet of flowers and try to change your memories. This will be perhaps the most original and most effective practice.

You can close your eyes and remember the situation

, which occurred when you experienced a very strong offense. You must present it in great detail. Continue to remember all the details at the moment when resentment begins to rise from the depths of your nature.

Now mentally take out a bouquet of flowers

and present it to the one who offended you. Just imagine the bewilderment and surprise that will appear on his face at this moment. This is how the patterns of all kinds of memories are broken. You can try to talk to your offender and ask him for forgiveness, and also completely forgive him and let him go.

Be sure to try to role-play this situation in your thoughts.

and be sure to communicate with the offender. Most likely, you will certainly feel how such unusual behavior of yours will completely discourage the offender and then you will calmly lead the dialogue in the direction you need.

Practice letting out emotions

Place an ordinary chair in the middle of the room and mentally place in it the one who once offended you so much. Express in his direction all your reproaches and sorrows, everything that has accumulated in you a long time ago.

You can also use absolutely any expressions and words for this. You can even scream if you want. Moreover, this is even welcome. Stomp your feet loudly, yell, squeal, most importantly, express everything that you cannot agree with, as well as what does not suit you at all.

You can even throw some objects at this person, just to drive away absolutely all the anger and aggression that has accumulated in you.

When you can sense fatigue and great emptiness, it means that you have worked hard and freed yourself from a large share of negativity.

You can try again and continue to do so until you realize that it is time to stop and you begin to experience relief.

Letter to an offended person

There is another technique in which you should write a letter to your abuser. For most people, this method of forgiveness and healing from negative emotions is the most acceptable.

You can start a letter like this: I want to tell you something that I have never told you in my life.

And then we write it in approximately this order:

  • This is what you did to me
  • The emotions that I experienced because of you
  • It had an impact on my life in this way
  • This is what I would like from you now

And the last, fourth point will help us fully understand our essence, ourselves, what we most need now and try to accept it in some other place.

Technique using meditation

This action is suitable mainly for those people who have already been able to survive a strong attack of their resentment and are now ready to say goodbye to all negative beliefs in a planned manner.

This practice resembles a kind of affirmation. For it you need to be in a state of meditation.

Approximate text:

“Now I completely forgive (the name of the person who offended you). I forgive him just like that, unconditionally and without any restrictions, and also in any case, regardless of how he feels about it. It doesn’t matter to me whether he wants me to forgive him or not, I’ll just do it.

I completely forgive him because that’s what I decided, because I am an independent person and I no longer want to carry a large burden of some grievances within myself, because he puts a lot of pressure on me.

At the same time, as I completely free myself from negative manifestations, I feel how grievances leave me forever, and at the same time it becomes very easy, comfortable and joyful for me. I have completely freed myself from bitterness and wish my offender good health, both spiritual and physical.”

When repeating this text, try to be in a meditative state, when your consciousness is somewhat weakened, and you have a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper into it and try to completely clear it.

Louise Hay technique

You should close your eyes and remain in this state for several minutes. Then imagine that you are watching a movie in a cinema hall. And you see how the main screen shows the person towards whom you feel unpleasant feelings.

This can be either a living person or a person who has long left this world. Take a good look at his appearance and picture in your mind that something too positive and kind arises with him, something that is of great importance to him.

Now imagine him happy and smiling and hold this portrait for several minutes.

After the image of your offender disappears, try to imagine yourself in the same film. And in the same way, incredibly pleasant and wonderful things begin to happen to you. You are very satisfied and truly happy.

This kind of practice will require repetition from you.

Why is it so important to be able to forgive?

In the lives of each of us there are moments when we are offended or we are offended. In the first case we are in a worse position! Yes Yes! Remember Leo Tolstoy’s phrase that we love people because we give them joy. And at the same time, our hatred is most directed at people because we have caused them pain. So when we offend others, we are in the position of a person who needs to be forgiven. But now we will talk about what the ability to forgive is and what forgiveness gives to those who have offended us.

Every day we face stress, depression, apathy. And, of course, we feel terrible internal discomfort, and the situation literally heats up. In such a situation, it is impossible to do without rude words, actions, insults, etc. Upon returning home, out of fatigue, with accumulated negativity, we attack our loved ones. They do the same. And sometimes, without meaning to, people insult, humiliate, and deceive each other. And this is all life; it is impossible to change its course. But still, the main thing in our power is to be able to forgive and ask for forgiveness.

Someone will object that it’s no big deal – “I was rude, I was rude!” What’s the point of asking for forgiveness?!” In fact, these are not just words, deeds, actions. And a sacrament that changes a person’s life radically.

We build a life at our own discretion, surround ourselves with those who we like, do not spoil our nerves, and bring pleasant and useful emotions. But we forget that ideal people simply do not exist in the world. And we get offended for any reason, thereby increasing our importance. How educated and wise are we ourselves? Don't we have any shortcomings? How often we ourselves can “blurt out” such things that the interlocutor may simply lose the power of speech from insult.

We can be offended in response to someone’s careless phrase, then, after words of forgiveness, throw out a dry “Yes, okay, everything is forgotten.” And we don’t think at all about the one who bears remorse and cannot find a place for himself because he hurt you. Yes, we can do more - forgive the person and continue communication with him, close contacts. But every time we encounter him again, hug, an incredible amount of negativity rises inside us, caused by memories of the actions of our counterpart.

“Two bosom friends walking through the desert argued about something and in the heat of their anger, one of them slapped the other. The blow was so strong that the man felt severe pain. He said nothing in response, stepped aside and wrote in large letters in the sand: “My friend slapped me today.”

They walked on, as if nothing had happened, and reached a green place where water flowed and plants grew. The guys decided to take a dip in the cool river. And at one moment one of them, who received a slap in the face, almost drowned. He was saved by the same one who hit him in the face. And again he wrote, but only on the stone: “My friend saved my life today.”

And his friend asked a question: “When I hit you, you wrote about it in the sand, and when you saved it, on a stone. Why did you choose two different subjects?” He answered him: “When someone offends us, we must write about it in the sand, so that the violent winds will erase the inscription from the face of the Earth, and everything will be forgotten. But if they do good to us, they save us, we must knock it out, mint it on stone, so that nothing can remove or erase this inscription and everyone remembers it.”

What does history say? Yes, that we forget grievances, but always remember the good that our friends, relatives, and even strangers give us. No offense can be compared to the moments when we are given joy, love, life. But in order to learn to forgive insults, let’s first find out what an insult is.

Where do the roots of resentment come from? It all starts from childhood, when our psyche is formed. During these years, anything can harm her: a dysfunctional family, a bad attitude, or excessive adoration by adults.

In the first case, the child is constantly offended, but at the same time they are not allowed to express their emotions. So, he accumulates pain, indignation, aggression in himself and already, as an adult, having felt that after an offense he is being asked for forgiveness, he cannot completely forgive, since there are still a lot of grievances in his soul from those childhood years.

For the latter, those who were loved too much by their parents, the problem is completely different. Everything was forgiven to them, and even if they didn’t do anything wrong, they still asked for forgiveness. We didn’t buy another doll, then another expensive trinket, then an apartment, bought the wrong car, etc. Over the years, all this becomes a habit, and of course, if someone does something wrong and asks for forgiveness, he will have to wait too long. But there is a third reason that not all of us can immediately forgive another person. Why is this so difficult?

First of all, you don’t need to cherish and nurse your offense. On the contrary, you need to abstract yourself from it and stop constantly scrolling through it. Some are so carried away by their offended situation that they are ready to tell everyone they meet about it. It feels like they have got a flag in their hands, which they proudly carry in front of them and let everyone know “I was offended!”

It is important to start with your subconscious; if you fail to forgive a person, then the resentment will eat away from the inside like rust and cause damage to the psyche. Even worse, it will burst out and you will not be able to contain your emotions.

First of all, this feeling is part of our egoism. This is a negative type of emotion that does not carry anything useful for a person. Rather, on the contrary - because of resentment, we break ties, do not tell the truth, and the effect of understatement and mistrust arises. Resentment can plunge a person into depression and suffering; it literally takes away our health, strength, energy and prevents us from communicating with those who are dear to us. The culprit is self-centered behavior, at the forefront of which our pride rises royally - one of the most terrible sins of humanity, because of which all other sins arise.

Experts in human psychology are confident that resentment is a disease that needs to be treated. If you start the process, serious mental problems will arise. A touchy person is nothing compared to someone who believes that everyone is just waiting to hurt him, wants to insult him, humiliate him. That is, this state can be compared to paranoia, towards which he is moving with the right steps. But in fact, a person suffers because of a non-existent phenomenon that he invented in his fantasy.

Each individual case must be examined in detail. A full analysis of what happened and why is required. You need to understand that words or actions are not always done in order to cause pain. Sometimes this is a completely fair, valuable remark.

Marina and Katya have been best friends since 6th grade. The first was free, relaxed, the second was more modest, shy. But both were pretty, smart girls. It so happened that after graduation their paths diverged for some time. Katya got married and moved to another city. A child was born there, but family life did not work out for a long time, and now, 7 years later, tired of the tyranny of her drug-addicted husband, Ekaterina returned to her hometown.

And Marina was still alone. She graduated from medical school and began working at a local clinic. Upon returning, Katya, of course, wanted to meet her friend and spend time with her. The parents without a word let their daughter have fun - she still has the right to rest at least a little. Leaving her beloved son with his grandparents, she went to a nearby bar with a friend. Another one joined them, her name was Masha. She was a couple of years younger than them and became friends with Marina while Katyusha lived in another city.

So, in the middle of the evening, the girls sat and had a nice conversation. And as usually happens, a man approached their table and offered his company. Katya immediately snapped and made it clear that he had messed up something. He needs to sit down with others who are not against the development of events (you understand). The other two girlfriends were simply silent.

Then something stranger began to happen. Masha and Marina went to dance; they were slightly drunk. Katyusha controlled herself, after all, she had a child at home, and simply watched her friends. First one man, then another, began to approach them. And each of them was completely okay with plunging into an almost intimate dance with each of the drinking guests of the cafe.

Katya decided that Marina was simply drunk, which is why she behaved this way. I had no doubt about Masha - she was always distinguished by her dissolute disposition. She approached her beloved friend several times and asked her to step aside. She wanted so badly to stop Marina, but she wouldn’t let up. The evening ended with the girls quarreling. Moreover, Katya did not understand at all why Marina rudely drove her home and asked her to leave her and Masha alone.

Only the next morning, when her parents woke up and talked about Marina’s life, did she understand that she had begun to lead a too “free” lifestyle. Of course, she didn’t want to see the one she had missed all these years anymore. About 5 months passed, and they again found themselves in the same company, but this time a decent one. There they talked and made peace. Katya forgave Marina, although it was useless. Why? Judge further.

Marina never stopped and began to appear more and more often in conversations between men. Each one talked about what a “pleasant” time they had with her. These conversations were conveyed to Katyusha by her brother, saying that they speak very badly about your friend. Katya immediately went to her and told her everything and asked her to be more careful. She did not believe that these people were telling the truth and stood up for her friend. As a result, Marina became angry with Katya and for some reason accused her of gossip. Here, of course, the break was final. Katya never communicated with the loving girl again, although she understood that this was her personal matter. She just couldn’t forgive her for the insult.

As we see, it doesn’t always make sense to forgive a person. Although no, you need to forgive, but there is no point in entering the same river again. If a person once intentionally hurt you, he will repeat it. It is impossible to change character, much less habits, habits, and physiological characteristics of the body.

Admit your offense. Sometimes it happens that a person does not know what is bothering him. It seems like there was resentment, but it seems like there wasn’t. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully analyze what actually happened. And if there was trouble, admit it.

Release your anger. You have been offended, you are angry, you want justice to prevail - don’t keep it all to yourself, let off “steam”, fight, shout, free yourself from the burden.

An excellent way is to throw a stone, having previously mentally infused into it the image of your offender. Before doing this, moving away from people, tell the stone everything you think about it.

Nothing lasts forever - everything passes, and this too will pass... It is important to understand that in this world nothing lasts forever. Not only joys pass, but also grievances. Believe me, your unpleasant situation primarily harms you, eats you from the inside, and disrupts the rhythm of life.

Look for value. Whatever the situation, there are valuable moments in it, that is, those that give wisdom. And if something unpleasant happens, make the best of it. After all, there is an opinion that our offenders are our Teachers. Apparently they are the very souls thanks to whom we learn to forgive.

Don't blame yourself. Unpleasant situations in which pain is caused to you often become the cause of self-flagellation. If you are tormented by the fact that you allowed a problem, a conflict, to the point where you were offended. This is a really serious situation, which is why it is easier to forgive others than to forgive yourself. This should absolutely not be allowed. Well, you did a lot of business, caused a scandal, asked for insults - well, to hell with it! Forget it! It happens to everyone.

Write yourself a letter. To let go of resentment in moments when emotions surge, simply write a letter to yourself. Start with phrases such as: “I’m very sorry that this happened...”, “Forgive me for that...”, “I am grateful to you for...”. Here we risk running into rejection of these lines by readers.

Someone will say: “Excuse me, why on earth should you start lines with these words if you offended me?” It’s simple, by forgiving others, you also forgive yourself, because in such situations there is not just one culprit. At least two people are to blame - you and...

Talk to the person who hurt you. But do it when your emotions subside. There is no need to sort things out in the midst of a conflict, it will only get worse - you will say a bunch of stupid things again, after which it will be generally difficult to think about a truce. During the conversation, be honest and say how this person’s action or words hurt your soul. You don't have to pretend that you don't care about his relationship. Most likely, you will hear in response that he did not even think of hurting you, everything happened by accident, out of stupidity.

Some people accumulate grievances within themselves for many years, try to restrain and control their emotions, and of course, they have long ago lost trust in the one who hurt them. In such cases, it is quite difficult to forgive a person on your own. Therefore, it makes sense to turn to a psychologist who will help you sort out all the troubles in yourself.

Don’t expect justice from the situation; this is generally an individual concept. Some have one, some have another. Another aspect of justice is that when you forgive, you hope, even on a subconscious level, that the offender will be punished. Forgive me, but if we touch on the spiritual side of the issue, you are a natural sinner. Push this thought away from yourself, drive it away. And every time it comes to mind, repeat: “I forgive sincerely, unconditionally and am ready to love this person.”

Now let's talk about the mercantile side of the issue. It happens that we get offended over trifles. By the way, this is the most common reason. So, they offended us, asked for forgiveness, and we are in a “pose”! Time passes and we desperately need help and support from this person. What to do, because he sincerely admitted his guilt, and we behaved like an “iron block.” What to do now, how to build bridges with him, restore relations. If you had been reasonable, you would have resolved the conflict immediately. And so you will have to come up with something.

So, we have studied - what is the power of Forgiveness, how useful it is to let go of grievances and the offender. Believe me, there is a great and interesting life ahead. Negative types of emotions - resentment, anger, aggression, anger, envy, greed and others - are an extra burden, ballast that does not allow you to fly freely towards your desires and make your dreams come true. Therefore, stop living in the past, because the offense happened once. Everyone makes mistakes in this life, and you are no exception. Perhaps someday you will accidentally offend someone and ask for forgiveness. Forgive and you will be forgiven!

Letting a person go forever

In order to be able to forgive and let go of a person forever, you have to understand that nothing happens in the Universe just like that, among other things, the actions of some other people that cause in us a strong feeling of resentment, some kind of injustice, as well as other difficult emotions.

We get all this as a result of our past actions.

and now these are only certain fruits of karma, so to speak, the return of our own actions to us, that is, what a person emits is what he, accordingly, receives.

It becomes very easy for us to forgive

then, if we see that our offender, who did something bad towards us, in fact only returned a debt to us, namely, what we ourselves once did in relation to someone, to some other people .

And by understanding this relationship, we can forgive people easily

, without even applying any specific practices, since the problem will simply disappear completely on its own.

When we try to forgive a person who has somehow let us down, perhaps committed treason, deceived or betrayed us, we completely free ourselves from negative connections.

with his personality.

Letting go of a person does not at all mean letting him go; it rather means that it is letting go of the grievances within ourselves, as well as all the negative things that have accumulated in us.

How to learn to forgive insults and how to forgive the offender?

Resentment is an unproductive feeling that you need to learn to get rid of . It must be said that the ability to forgive is an entire art that requires enormous work on oneself and the expenditure of a large amount of mental resources .

Psychologists say that to develop the ability to forgive, on average, you need to work through 50 situations of grievances in your life.

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