Communication. Contents, goals and means of human communication. Types of communication in humans.

Every person who develops in social life has interaction with other people, as well as communication goals that guide him when conducting dialogue. A person is connected with nature by his biological beginning, therefore his primary needs are considered to be safety, the availability of food, water, and a roof over his head. After an individual provides himself with these vital elements, an important aspect becomes mutual understanding, feelings of love, warmth, and approval from others.

Communication concept

Not a single person in his life can avoid interaction with other members of society, since it is difficult to achieve any heights or improvement alone.
Articles on the topic

From infancy, a child learns to communicate by looking at his parents and gains skills through role-playing games, reading, drawing, modeling and other educational materials. His ability to freely enter a circle of people directly depends on how much he was taught this in childhood.

Communication in psychology is understood as a complex process, as a result of which people exchange information, receive and share emotions, perceive each other and draw conclusions about actions and behavior.

On its basis, relationships are formed or broken, contacts are established.


Operating principles of our company

Our principles, such as: personal communication, care, interest and quality , are reflected in “N.B” in absolutely everything, both in relation to guests and staff.

The main thing that guests of any establishment value is QUALITY . Quality is evident in absolutely everything: the quality of food, the quality of serving, the quality of service, clean dishes - absolutely everything that guests deal with must be at the highest level. And this does not depend on the level of the restaurant - whether it is democratic or premium. It’s just that in premium restaurants the public is more demanding and does not forgive mistakes with quality. And N.B is exactly this case. We have accepted and fixed standards for ourselves, and this is what we see as the style and quality of N.B.

INTEREST is the driving force behind any of our actions. We will not do anything of our own free will if it is not interesting to us. This rule also applies to restaurants. You will go to a restaurant as long as you find it interesting. If you are bored with the music that has not changed for six months, if the staff has stopped giving you the attention you deserve, if the menu has not changed for a year, if the dishes are no longer “soulful” - believe me, you will not have the desire to come back here. All of the above will never happen if all the restaurant employees, without exception, are interested in their work, constantly strive to do better what they do - come up with new dishes, new cocktails, welcome regular guests like family members, monitor cleanliness and comfort, tell about every dish and wine so that they themselves then want it. One big team, for whom working in N.B. is not just a must-visit place, but a state of mind.



Everything here is very simple - treat N.B. and treat all guests the way you would like to be treated personally and in your home. Anticipate their desires - don't wait for them to

will contact you. And this will be immediately noticed and celebrated by everyone around. This is a rare quality of a modern metropolis, which is valued in the same way as sincerity in people. Be sincere in your attitude towards people and what is happening around you - this is true gold.


How many people are there in your life that you don't like? How often do you communicate with those who are not interesting to you? Do you often go to restaurants with arrogant, uncaring, uncaring staff?

Personal communication is not only an opportunity to convey information, but also a unique opportunity for humanity to share its emotions. EACH OF YOU has a unique opportunity to make the morning, day or evening of each of your Guests brighter and kinder: to bring out of depression a girl who broke up with her boyfriend yesterday, to please an already cheerful company... At the time when the guests are in N.B., EXACTLY YOU ARE THE PERSON ON WHOM ANOTHER'S MOOD DEPENDS. And that’s why keep in yourself exactly those emotions that you want to share in order to inspire.

Communication goals

Interaction between people is never aimless. In any case, it is based on the motives that each of the interlocutors pursues personally for himself.

By delving into a conversation, one person can carry on a conversation with an opponent, guided by his own motive. The other will at the same time have his own interest, for the sake of which he devoted time to this conversation.

The goals of communication are:

  • desire to meet or establish relationships;
  • provide help or ask for it from the interlocutor;
  • find a partner for further interaction or conduct of activities, as well as receive sympathy and an emotional response;
  • the opportunity to self-actualize or establish yourself, express your feelings, show skills;
  • to introduce another person to beliefs, opinions, educate, train;
  • change personal intentions, views on familiar events.

An individual chooses a partner for communication based on similar interests in hobbies and activities, proximity to certain moral qualities, physical characteristics, appearance, and level of intelligence.

What motives a person pursues depends on character, temperament, family upbringing, age, and life experience.

Communication. Contents, goals and means of human communication. Types of communication in humans.

The basis of interpersonal relationships is communication - the need of a person as a social, intelligent being, as a bearer of consciousness.

Communication is a process of interpersonal interaction generated by the needs of interacting subjects and aimed at satisfying these needs. The role and intensity of communication in modern society is constantly increasing, since with an increase in the volume of information, the processes of exchange of this information become more intense, and the number of technical means for such exchange increases. In addition, the number of people whose professional activities are related to communication, i.e., who have professions of the “person-to-person” type, is increasing.

In psychology, important aspects of communication are distinguished: content, goal and means.

Contents, goals and means of human communication.

The content of communication is the information that is transmitted from one living being to another during communication. In humans, the content of communication is much broader than in animals. People exchange information with each other that represents knowledge about the world, share their experience, skills and abilities. Human communication is multi-subject and diverse in content.

The purpose of communication is what causes this type of activity to occur in a living being. In animals this may be, for example, a warning about danger. A person has many more goals for communication. And if in animals the goals of communication are usually associated with the satisfaction of biological needs, then in humans they are a means of satisfying many different needs: social, cultural, cognitive, creative, aesthetic, the needs of intellectual growth and moral development, etc.

Means of communication are ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information transmitted in the process of communication. Information can be transmitted through direct bodily contact, such as tactile contact with the hands; it can be transmitted and perceived at a distance through the senses, for example by observing the movements of another person or listening to the sound signals produced by him. In addition to all these naturally occurring methods of transmitting information, man also has others invented by himself: language, writing (texts, drawings, diagrams, etc.), as well as all kinds of technical means of recording, transmitting and storing information.

Types of communication in humans.

Types of communication by means: 1) verbal communication - carried out through speech and is the prerogative of a person. It provides a person with wide communicative opportunities and is much richer than all types and forms of non-verbal communication, although in life it cannot completely replace it; 2) non-verbal communication occurs through facial expressions, gestures and pantomimes, through direct sensory or bodily contacts (tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images received from another person). Nonverbal forms and means of communication are inherent not only to humans, but also to some animals (dogs, monkeys and dolphins). In most cases, nonverbal forms and means of human communication are innate. They allow people to interact with each other, achieving mutual understanding on emotional and behavioral levels. The most important nonverbal component of the communication process is the ability to listen.

Types of communication by purpose: 1) biological communication is associated with the satisfaction of basic organic needs and is necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body; 2) social communication is aimed at expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, and personal growth of the individual.

Types of communication by content: 1) material - exchange of objects and products of activity, which serve as a means of satisfying their current needs; 2) cognitive – transfer of information that expands horizons, improves and develops abilities; 3) conditional - exchange of mental or physiological states, influencing each other, designed to bring a person into a certain physical or mental state; 4) activity-based – exchange of actions, operations, abilities, skills; 5) motivational communication consists of transferring to each other certain motivations, attitudes or readiness to act in a certain direction.

Types of communication by indirectness: 1) direct communication - occurs with the help of natural organs given to a living being by nature: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.; 2) mediated communication - associated with the use of special means and tools for organizing communication and exchange of information (natural (a stick, a thrown stone, a footprint on the ground, etc.) or cultural objects (sign systems, recording symbols on various media, printing, radio, television, etc.); 3) direct communication is built on the basis of personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the very act of communication (for example, bodily contacts, conversations between people, etc.); 4) indirect communication occurs through intermediaries, which can be other people (for example, negotiations between conflicting parties at the interstate, interethnic, group, family levels).

Other types of communication: 1) business communication – communication, the purpose of which is to achieve any clear agreement or agreement; 2) educational communication – involves the purposeful influence of one participant on another with a fairly clear idea of ​​the desired result; 3) diagnostic communication - communication, the purpose of which is to formulate a certain idea about the interlocutor or obtain any information from him (this is the communication between a doctor and a patient, etc.); 4) intimate and personal communication is possible when partners are interested in establishing and maintaining trusting and deep contact, occurs between close people and is largely the result of previous relationships.

Depending on the participants in communication, they call personal-group, interpersonal, and intergroup communication.

In a primary group, a primary collective, a person communicates with every person. In the course of such pair communication, both personal and group tasks and goals are established. Knowledge of communities about the content of communication or the presence of a third person at the moment of communication between two persons changes the picture of communication.

Personal-group communication is more pronounced between the boss and the group or team.

Intergroup communication means contact between two communities. For example, team battles in sports. The tasks and goals of intergroup communication between teams may often coincide (communication is peaceful), or they may differ (conflict communication). Intergroup communication is by no means a faceless, amorphous influence. In this communication, each individual is a unique bearer of a collective task, defends it, and is guided by it.

Communication also differs into indirect and direct. When the term “direct” is used, it means “face to face” communication, during which each participant in the process perceives the other and makes contact.

Indirect communication is communication that involves third parties, mechanisms, things (for example, a telephone conversation). The time interval of communication has a great influence on its characteristics. It is a kind of catalyst for the methods and semantic content of communication. Naturally, it is impossible to get to know a person in detail in a short period of time, but the attempt to find out the characteristics of personality and character exists constantly. Long-term communication is not only the path to mutual understanding, but also the road to satiety. Long-term communication creates the precondition for psychological compatibility or confrontation.

Communication is also divided into completed and unfinished. Complete communication can be considered a type of communication that is equally regarded by the participants. At the same time, the assessment of communication records not only the subjective significance of the final results of communication (satisfaction, indifference, dissatisfaction), but the very fact of completeness, exhaustion.

In the course of unfinished communication, the content of the topic or joint action turns out to be not exhausted, not the result that each of the parties was pursuing. Incomplete communication can be caused by objective or subjective reasons. Objective or external reasons - separation of people in space, prohibitions, lack of means of communication, and others. Subjective - mutual or unilateral lack of desire to continue communication, awareness of the need to stop it, and others.

Levels of communication depend on the purpose of communication

A person who, after communicating with other people, conducts introspection, often asks the question - why is this interlocutor contacting me? Do I need his attention? They are quite logical, since dialogue often occurs under the influence of negative motivation. It benefits only one of the talking persons.

Levels of interaction have been formed depending on the goals of communication:

  1. At a primitive level. When one person or both do not perceive the other as a person.
  2. Manipulation. Need due to the desire to use for something. Trying to suppress, influence feelings, looking for a weak point.
  3. Under the mask. Hiding your true feelings and desires when social norms require participation, but people are not interested.
  4. Convention level. The interlocutors are on an equal footing and do not stoop to manipulation in order to appear in a favorable light. We are ready to discuss solutions to benefit each of them.
  5. Game level. Communication is based on sympathy, there is an emotional connection.
  6. Business level. The interlocutors take each other seriously and are ready to help in difficult times.
  7. Spiritual unity. Those communicating are open and do not hide their true intentions. They are ready to express their point of view and accept the opinion of another person with dignity, even if it does not suit them.

Communication in society occurs in different positions. Each individual has representatives among those around him with whom he communicates using these levels.

Types of communication in psychology and techniques used

There are various communication techniques that participants use to achieve certain goals and benefits set for them:

  1. Formal role-playing. With strict regulations on the content and means of communication, everyone makes do with only knowledge of the social role of the participants, without taking into account individual traits.
  2. Manipulative. Various motivations are used to obtain direct benefits from the partner.
  3. Subject. A technique of communicating with objects by creating an emotional background around them, with children's toys, robots and other “smart” gadgets.
  4. Masks - a formal form is typical for contact, which does not take into account the individual characteristics of the interlocutors. The process of communication is characterized by established facial expressions, a set of standard gestures and phrases.

People who are shy and unsociable, who have significant difficulty communicating with people, need to learn to use several techniques and bring them to perfection.

This will allow you to freely express your thoughts and feel confident even in a large team.

Without communication, the development of human society is impossible.

This is one of the most important social factors, thanks to which any type of activity can become real. Increasing a person’s own well-being and creating better conditions for personal growth. Thanks to communication, each individual has the opportunity to quickly learn and process the information received. Various types of communication in psychology include optimal ways of transmitting information and a number of effective signals.

The presence of sign systems ensures the interpretation of received messages during communication. All participants in the conversation have the same idea and understanding.

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