Psychology of relationships with a man who is older than you

Have fun and forget

First, you need to decide why you need an adult man. If you are not planning any serious relationships, and you are only interested in earthly goods (an experienced lover and expensive gifts), then no special tricks will be required from you. Your main task is to be a “holiday woman.” Since he will simply relax with you, body and soul, you need to exclude from communication the moments that he encounters in family life. You must be constantly different, always cheerful and never mope in his presence.

The only “but” is that you should not beg expensive gifts from a man. Otherwise, the gift will lose its original meaning - to please (gift) a person you like. A man may regard requested gifts as payment for a certain type of service. And the attitude towards you will be appropriate. The man himself must want to pamper you.

“Adult” relationships through the prism of attachment

I write more and more about attachment between children and parents, but the understanding of attachment as our basic need “from cradle to grave” is true for any relationship, especially for marriage.

What do people expect from “adult” relationships? Yes, everything is the same: we hope that they will take care of us without humiliating us, and we also expect to take care of those we love; We dream that our home will be a safe haven where we can hide from the storms of life, and a reliable base from which we can explore the world without fear; We expect that our loved one will be available to us not only physically, but also emotionally, especially during difficult periods of our lives.

If it seems to us that our partner is cold and does not respond to our need for contact and intimacy, then we experience extreme stress, and either begin to get angry, protest, cling, try to forcefully get a response from our loved one, or we suppress our desire for affection and leave into ourselves, we begin to avoid emotional contact. If the situation does not change, then eventually depression and despair sets in and alienation occurs.


Below is a list of questions from Sue Johnson's book, Hold Me Tight, that provides insight into what secure attachment might look like in adult intimate relationships. Simply answer “Yes” or “No” to each of the questions. It’s good if your other half also agrees to answer these questions and then you can discuss the answers together.

So, your relationship through the prism of affection

From your point of view, how accessible is your partner to you?

1. I can easily attract my partner's attention. Not really

2. It is easy for me to establish emotional contact with my partner. Not really

3. I am sure that in the hierarchy of my partner’s priorities I occupy first place. Not really

4. I don't feel lonely in our relationship. Not really

5. I don't feel ignored in our relationship. Not really

6. I can share my deepest feelings with my partner. He/she will always listen. Not really

From your point of view, how sensitive is your partner towards you?

1. I know that when I need support and consolation, I will always receive it from my loved one. Not really

2. My partner responds to my signs that I need his/her closeness. Not really

3. I am sure that when I do not feel safe, I am restless and anxious, I can rely on my partner. Not really

4. Even when we fight or argue, I know that I am important to him/her and we will find a way to come to mutual understanding. Not really

5. I can always get confirmation from my loved one of my importance in his/her life. Not really

How emotionally engaged are you with each other in a positive way?

Intensive 1

1. Trusting my partner makes me feel very comfortable. Not really

2. I can confess almost anything to my partner. Not really

3. I am sure that even when we are far from each other, the connection between us is not broken. Not really

4. I know that my partner is not indifferent to my joys, grievances and fears. Not really

5. I can afford to take emotional risks with my partner because I feel safe enough with him/her.* Yes No

*This means that you can allow yourself some actions, words, confessions that you are sure your other half will not like, but this will not pose a threat to the severance of the relationship. If you answered “Yes” to at least 7 questions, then congratulations, you have a fairly reliable connection with your loved one, but if less, then perhaps a joint discussion of the answers to the questions will be the beginning of the path to improving the quality of your relationship. Because understanding the nature of the connection between you is the first step towards creating the relationship that you both want and need.

What does your partner think of you in terms of availability, willingness to respond to his/her needs, positive emotional involvement in his/her life? Is his/her perception of your relationship similar to how you perceive it? When discussing, remember that you are not talking about how ideal/imperfect life partners you are, but about how reliable or unreliable he/she feels in the attachment between you.

Start the discussion with the questions and answers that make you feel the most positive, and then, as you feel more comfortable, discuss more complex topics. And, again, do not criticize, do not blame, but try to convey to your interlocutor that you are not discussing what he/she is doing wrong, but are talking about what emotions you experience in your relationship. Otherwise, your loved one will simply begin to defend himself, close himself off emotionally, and your conversation will become another brick in the wall between you.

Good luck!

Olga Pisarik

Photo [email protected]

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What if this is love?

But if you are in love, then you should think carefully about how to behave with an adult man in order to win his heart.

Don't forget, your main trump card is your youth. But at the same time, you must have a certain amount of thoroughness. If an adult man is planning a relationship with a young woman, he must be sure that the girl is not frivolous. That this is all serious.

For an adult man, a relationship with you is a chance for a second youth. An opportunity to prove to yourself and others that you can always remain young and interesting! Regardless of the date written in the passport.

However, you should not often remind your man about your age difference. He himself knows about it. After all, your youth is one of the key reasons why he chose you. And by focusing on the age difference, you practically equate it with an old man. He won't tolerate this for long.

For the same reason, never intentionally provoke jealousy in your partner. In competitions, your man is your peers, he will most likely end up losing. At least externally. This will once again remind him of his venerable age and will not lead to any particular delight.

Be honest and natural. Your man has more life experience, which means he understands people well enough and will quickly notice the falsity in a relationship. Nothing discourages the desire to communicate more than deception and insincerity. It is impossible to wear a mask 24/7. Over time, you will still become yourself. And if this turns out to be not the woman he met, most likely you will break up.

However, for a strong and serious relationship with an adult man, only youth and fidelity will not be enough. If there is a big difference in your intellectual level, you will quickly become bored with each other. Therefore, develop yourself! Your man will certainly appreciate it if you discuss with him not a new handbag, but a book you just read.

Outwardly, you must also match your companion. If a man prefers business suits, and his young companion prefers miniskirts and bright sweaters, then they will look like father and daughter, and not like a full-fledged couple. Therefore, you should reconsider your wardrobe.

Any man wants to see next to him not only a socialite, but also a hospitable hostess. Don't neglect this. Ideal order and a delicious dinner will, of course, be appreciated by any man. But if young people are quite capable of preparing a simple dinner for themselves from semi-finished products, then an adult man will always give preference to home-cooked food. Do not forget that your man grew up in a different time, and the canons of behavior for women in the family were different.

Once a man has reached his second youth, it means his sexual energy has doubled. Due to the years you have lived and his experience, you will have to be a very skilled lover in order to please your chosen one. In addition, with you he will strive to realize what he previously lacked the courage to do. Be prepared for this. Try to be active and creative.

Respect your man's life experience - give him the right to make all key decisions. Listen to his opinion. He will be pleased to know that he has the opportunity to help you with wise advice and protect you from everyday troubles. Your man will be happy to take care of a fragile woman.

Three states of personality in relationships between men and women in the family

You already know that relationships between people very much depend on what personality states each of them is in. In this article I will tell you in more detail how interaction is built in the relationship between a man and a woman who are in certain ego states.

Let me briefly remind you what it is. In total, each of us has three personality states, and they are called parent, adult and child. Each of them performs an important function in the psyche. A parent tells us what we should do and how to behave, evaluates us, criticizes and encourages us, and is responsible for observing rules and laws. A child is a spontaneous part of our personality, which is responsible for desires, creativity, joy of life, as well as emotions. The adult is the most adequate part. She is responsible for independence, rationality, usefulness, makes important decisions and reasons based on facts.

You can read more about this in the following articles:

  • Three states of personality - parent, adult, child
  • Communication with others from different personality states

How harmoniously we interact with each other and how our internal states manifest themselves greatly influences the relationship between a man and a woman in the family. If there is an imbalance, conflicts are inevitable.

One of the most common situations in relationships is a woman in the state of a parent and a man in the state of a child.

Woman parent and man child
Woman-parent and man-child

The parental component is too strong in many women. This may be because they have been taught to understand love solely as caring, and they only feel right when they take care of others (and, if they're lucky, themselves). In addition, the parental part is very easily turned on when a woman’s own inner child is suppressed.

What happens then in the relationship? A woman worries a lot, worries, lisps with a man; worries whether he has eaten, whether he has slept; gives him a lot of attention if he is sick or in a bad mood. At the slightest problem, he rushes to help and support. And in doing so, she does the man a disservice.

Because of such care, a man usually becomes increasingly helpless. And the woman carries more and more things on herself and wonders why this is so. And most often, neither she nor he understands what’s going on. And the mechanism is simple.

The more excessive “parental” attention a man receives, the more often he will fall into the state of a child. This state is responsible for desires, spontaneity and creativity, but they alone are not enough to achieve success. The adult part of the personality makes decisions and earns money. It is she who is responsible for action, overcoming, willpower, and the ability to come to terms with one’s laziness. And therefore, excessive care can close a man’s path to career and financial growth and negatively affect his success.

How to work through such a situation?

To begin with, do not blame yourself and the man if you suddenly have such a desire. You were both raised a certain way and you met each other and created that kind of relationship because you had no other options at the time. Now it is important to be glad that you have received information and can change something.

First, test how much your man is, in principle, capable of showing an adult state. Is it developed? Does it appear often? Or does he behave either like a child or like a parent?

Sure signs that the childish part of a man is active is if he is constantly offended and hysterical, trying to attract attention through insults.

By the way, if you begin to react to this insult as a parent, that is, you begin to suppress the man, conflict with him, thereby you give fuel to this state. Since a man’s inner child is clogged and suppressed, he lacks attention. And he receives this attention in an unhealthy way - through insults, scandals. If you give him this attention - no matter how - it means he got what he wanted.

On the outside, this looks like a conflict, and the man most likely does not realize this, but inside the child receives great pleasure and a lot of energy. If a man becomes involved in a child, it means he is trying to include a parent in you. And he can do this in two ways: either with grievances or complaints.

What condition is your man in? Interaction with him
What condition is your man in? Interaction with him

To test what state our man is in, try asking questions more often as an adult. And keep track of what they say to you. That is, you yourself need to communicate as often as possible from the adult part of yourself: from the categories “useful - not useful”, “reasonable - unreasonable”. Adult questions usually concern expediency, adequacy, and optimality. That is, they help us make decisions in our favor. In addition, an adult is usually calm.

Here are examples of different types of communication in relationships between a man and a woman.

You say: “Please help me hang the chandelier,” and the man answers you: “Can’t you decide for yourself? Call the master! This is the response of a parent who never misses an opportunity to teach you. And if he answers “I can’t now!” I’m tired, leave me alone, I can’t take it anymore.” This is a child. But the answer of an adult: “You know, I don’t have time now (or I’m tired now), let’s do it on the weekend?” Agree, there is a difference. That is, the adult request received an adequate response. This is a healthy dialogue, and in this case there is no reason for conflict.

What can be done?

How to behave correctly to correct the situation? It’s very simple – don’t turn on. This does not mean that you do not need to take care of your husband. But it is important to give the healthy care needed. A parent's condition is not always bad. We all take care of ourselves and each other, and this is one of the most important manifestations of love. But it is important to include your parent consciously and appropriately, to understand what is happening at one time or another. Everything should be in moderation.

That is, it is one thing to cook dinner with love and care, to feed your beloved husband, and another thing to “jump” around him and lisp, react to manifestations of weakness, indulge them and provoke them.

If a man is in conflict, is offended, or tries to deceive you with emotions, there is no need to get involved either. Just remember that it is his depressed child speaking in him, which means he lacks parental love. You can give it in a healthy way, not just with care.

Remember what we often lacked from our parents - support, help, unconditional love and faith in us. You can give all this to your man, thereby helping him grow.

A healthy “parent” – is this enough for a relationship?
A healthy “parent” – is this enough for a relationship?

It is only important to remember that even the healthiest state of a parent will not replace adult interaction between you. And if you behave with your man only as a parent, there is a very high probability that the relationship will exhaust itself when he grows up and learns to be an adult. And he might just leave.

Is this ingratitude? No, you just don’t know how to communicate with him at the new level that he has reached.

A man can normally perceive a woman as a parent while he himself is in the state of a child - these two states complement each other perfectly. But as soon as he grows up, such relationships will become close to him. After all, a grown man doesn’t need a “mommy.” He reached a new state with the help of a woman, but she may never have spoken to him as an adult. And he may simply leave if the couple fails to work through the problem. For a woman, this will be an expression of black ingratitude, and for him, it will feel like leaving his parents: “he grew up and went into free swimming.” She tried, but ended up suffering. Because I didn’t take into account that it’s important not only to take care of your man. He appreciates something else about her. A healthy, adequate man values ​​the adult part of a woman most of all.

That is why it is important to maintain a balance of all three personality states. Sometimes become a parent, sometimes a child, and always an adult. A healthy relationship between a man and a woman involves transitions from one type of interaction to another.

Therefore, test not only the man, but also yourself.

How do you interact with a man?

Ask yourself a question: how am I doing with the adult part of my personality? Which state is now suppressed, and which, on the contrary, is active? From which position do you most often act and speak? In what position do you feel more confident with a man?

  • If you have good communication, you know how to negotiate, discuss difficulties and find compromises. This is an adult position.
  • If you feel comfortable when you care, invest, believe in a man, strive for him to become successful - this is the position of a parent. An unhealthy option is if you have lost faith and decided that you will take care of yourself and rely only on yourself.
  • If you want him to take care of you, give you gifts, look after you when you feel bad, pay a lot of attention. This is a child's position. An unhealthy option is if you provoke pity, demand, take offense, whine.

How to divide personality states?

Each of the three positions or personality states is a healthy and fulfilling part of you. It is only important to learn to separate and control them, to learn to negotiate with yourself. Otherwise, chaos and confusion results.

To do this, first learn to be aware of different personality states, and then turn them on and off at the right time so that they manifest themselves appropriately.

How to do this - read the article “Communicating with people around you from different personality states,” which I already mentioned at the beginning.

Vadim Kurkin

Pros of a relationship with an older man

A relationship with an adult man, like any other, has its pros and cons.

One of the main advantages is stability. By a certain age, most men have a clear understanding of what they want in life. And if he chose you, then you are the one he really needs. He will not go through several more possible options in parallel with his relationship with you.

The second plus is finances. If the expenses of young people are mainly aimed at satisfying their own ego and laying down material wealth for the future, then for an adult man this stage has already been passed. His income is stable, and his expenses are rationalized and proportional to his income. In addition, he had enough time to create a material platform for his future family.

Another plus is sex. In intimate terms, a relationship with an adult man can confidently claim to be ideal. Such men are more sensitive and caring. It is much easier for them to understand what a woman wants.

Cons of dating a man older than you

Unfortunately, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. And relationships with an adult man are no exception.

Young girls and women are attracted to men of a certain income. But life is such that high incomes require a lot of mental, emotional and time expenditure. Therefore, be prepared that your man will not be able to be with you all the time. How to behave with an adult man in such a situation?!

Do something useful. Fill your life with interesting activities. Firstly, it will help you develop and always remain interesting to your loved one. Secondly, you will have less time to miss him.

Go to the cinema and theater, to exhibitions, complete courses, go to the gym. As a last resort, just read an interesting book. After a hard day at work, he will be pleased to know that you also spent the day usefully. And every man wants to see an attractive, educated girl next to him, and not an overweight housewife.

Do not forget that every person needs rest from time to time. And your man is no exception. If he returns from work tired, then a delicious dinner and peace are the ideal end to the day. You shouldn’t rush to a man with questions and stories. Just stay close. He will be grateful to you for this.

Sooner or later, any woman begins to think about a child. And if your companion may have children in other relationships and other marriages, then you most likely do not have them. If a man is much older than you, but the relationship between you is serious, then be prepared that you probably won’t have children. Firstly, people’s reproductive functions decline with age, and secondly, he is unlikely to want to exchange a carefree existence with a young companion for a crying, peeing bundle of happiness.

You should also keep in mind that although in our society couples with a significant age difference are no longer uncommon, they still do not evoke universal approval. Therefore, you should prepare for everyone to discuss your couple. But if you really love each other, then, of course, you won’t pay any attention to this. Backbiting can never harm your relationship.

If your chosen one is an adult man, and you don’t know how to behave in a relationship so that it is always strong and filled with love, don’t be upset. Just be yourself. Make him feel that he is needed, that he is very important to you. Show that his best years are not in the past. That many more wonderful moments await him with you.

Mature people love young people. Stereotype or truth?

Scottish scientists have proven that mature men periodically require energy replenishment, which they receive through contact with a young girl. And this is not a whim, but a physiological need. Gerontologists agreed with the scientists and gave their own example.

In Edinburgh, 400 unequal marriages involving older men take place every year, which has a very positive effect on their physical and mental well-being. At least in the early stages. Although the reason may be different. A mature man wants to feel young, sexy, and desired again. Plus, he likes to teach, educate, and patronize.

Despite the number of official marriages, girls should not hope that their older sponsor will marry them. The majority of mature men already have a wife, children, and sometimes grandchildren. The young lady is an outlet for them, nostalgia for youth, a sexual fantasy that they managed to bring to life. For the same reason, they are not going to have children with their young girlfriend.

It is not difficult for a girl to fall in love with a mature man. He is caring, attentive, interesting. But it is worth remembering: in the rarest cases, a man leaves his family himself, which means he will not create a new one. If a girl has plans for marriage and children, then she will have to look for a younger partner, or at least an unmarried one.

There are exceptions to any rule, and they are created to be broken. If a spark arises between two people, regardless of their age, then it doesn’t matter at all what it will be called and what others will say about it. Even if there is benefit in a relationship and it is not for life, it has a right to exist.

VIDEO What men like. What kind of women do men like and what do men really like?

Relationships with an older man: pros, cons, risks

August 15, 2020 at 01:31 pm

In adolescence, girls very often fall in love with older men. You will ask why? Yes, all because the very physiology of the female body is such that they always mature earlier. And also because peers are not so interesting. And, as girls think, older men have more experience in everything. But relationships with an older man have their own specifics!

It's safe to say that older men are more attracted to younger girls. But how to behave at the same time, how to tell them about it, how to show them that they like the man? After all, at this age, girls are not yet experienced and shy.

How to attract an older man

It so happens that many girls are purposefully trying to figure out how to attract an older man. And all because older men seem wiser, more experienced, and more interesting to girls. And, indeed, such men are already established people in this life, with their own established principles and views, and most importantly, with a stable financial situation, which undoubtedly adds a certain charm to them.

As in any other situation, you need to think carefully before embarking on a search for a mature man. After all, generally, after 30, many males have been married for a long time and firmly, which is fraught with not entirely pleasant consequences for you. It's known. That no man would leave his family for a passing hobby. Have you thought about it? Do you really need a relationship with an older man? Then take the initiative into your fragile hands, but so that the object of your attention does not guess anything.

You should never talk about age differences - by doing this you will only achieve that you will be treated like a daughter, or, even worse, like a granddaughter.

To interest a man older than yours, you need to think about how to attract him not only with your youth, but also to become a good, interesting conversationalist. Find out about his hobbies and interests, try to study them in order to show your knowledge on occasion. Your chances of a serious relationship will be much higher if you let the object of your attention know that you might be interested in him and that you value his opinion.

Be a mystery to him. Try to look natural, relaxed and relaxed, but at the same time elegant and sensible. Be prepared to perceive your man as anyone in any situation. Recognize its importance.

What are the risks in a relationship with an older man?

Firstly, you must be fully aware that your chosen one is older than you. And it is still unknown how he may react to your actions. So, everything needs to be carefully thought out;

Secondly. The problem is that a man can be married. And this is a very big problem, since a man can simply take advantage of you only in terms of sex. You decide;

Since he is already more mature, he has certain views on life, more mature. This means that in a relationship with an older man, you need to grow up very quickly in order to match his age status. Since communication for a man over the years becomes simply necessary. Read more and develop yourself comprehensively;

Since you are still a young lady, your appearance is almost perfect. But you shouldn’t wear teenager clothes in a company where business attire is more appropriate. So you need to think carefully about this too. Change your views on fashion and change your wardrobe. Also, don't overdo it with makeup. It should be more natural;

Regarding intimacy in a relationship with an older man. In this matter, it is up to you to decide. You must understand that a lot in your relationship may depend on this.

Disadvantages of age difference6

If an adult man and a young girl are together for a long time, the former will sooner or later face the typical problems of adulthood. The partner begins to worry about his physical shape, this is especially true if there is a difference of 25 years or more.

This causes a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state. It seems to him that he can no longer give a head start to the young, which in turn causes unreasonable outbursts of jealousy.

We'll talk about all the intricacies of sex with an older man in our next article at the link.

old man and young girl

If at the age of 40-50, with proper self-care, you can still have ideal endurance and speed of thinking, then gradually these qualities will begin to deteriorate. The beloved needs to be prepared for such a turn of events and show support to her chosen one.

Overprotection may also manifest itself. When a mature husband wants to take part in every event of his beloved. This is a problem of overly responsible men, and it can manifest itself both in youth and in old age. It is treated with direct and calm conversations with an explanation of complaints.

And most importantly, do not forget that all ages are submissive to love. There are many examples of happy families in the world where the husband is a couple of times older than his wife.

The benefits of dating an older man

Young girls often fall in love with much older men. And this happens for several reasons.

  • Firstly, girls mature physiologically and psychologically faster, so at some point in time, peers seem uninteresting and immature to them.
  • Secondly, adult men can boast of a wealth of life experience, thanks to which they know how to charm a woman.
  • Thirdly, mature men take life more seriously, they can surround their chosen ones with care and give them a fairly comfortable life.

However, it is important to remember that usually it is not a matter of age, but of specific people, their temperaments and spiritual closeness. There is no guarantee that if you choose someone your age or much older, you will be absolutely happy. There are many couples of the same age who were happy for only a couple of years and then divorced, and vice versa, people with a large age difference lived a long life together.

And we will highlight only the main advantages of a relationship with an adult man:

  • The experience of the chosen one. He is an interesting conversationalist, a wonderful lover, does not seek to assert himself due to the number of conquered girls, and knows the rules of the game in an alliance.
  • Older men are more likely to notice inner beauty and value a woman not only for her appearance, but also for her character traits. They are ready to spend on her the tenderness that they could not realize before.
  • The basis of any relationship is mutual assistance and revenue. An accomplished man can support his chosen one and tell her how to act in the current situation. His life experience is much richer than hers. He inspires her with confidence and reliability, and directs her in the right direction.
  • One of the main advantages is stability. By a certain age, most men have a clear understanding of what they want in life; many manage to get established in their profession, get some exercise and realize the true values ​​of life. Most likely, he will not go through several more possible options in parallel with his relationship with you, while inexperienced guys still tend to rush from one thing to another (similarly with women).
  • Another important basis for relationships is intimate life. In intimate terms, a relationship with an adult man can claim to be ideal. Such men are more sensitive and caring. It is much easier for them to understand what a woman wants. He is sensitive to feelings and tries to preserve them.
  • Such a partner gives feelings that are associated with respect - this is the basis of the relationship. He is tolerant of the girl’s desires and habits and does not invade her personal space. A man will not make fun of her mistakes, make malicious jokes and assert himself at her expense.
  • The chosen one already has negative experiences, so he values ​​everything he has more. He is willing to compromise and solve problems. He does most of his actions consciously, and is not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility.

Even if the relationship doesn't work out, an adult man can play a big role in shaping women's preferences in men!


Your communication behavior

If a man twice your age likes you, then don’t be so sure that he is already one hundred percent yours. He is not in love yet, he is looking closely at you, and your further behavior will show whether you will develop a serious relationship with him or not, and whether you will become a couple. So take some advice.

Another interesting article: What to do if the guy is poor

Whims are tiring

Let's look at the situation honestly: first of all, your mature boyfriend is attracted to your youth and freshness.

You still have few advantages that older women have, such as:

  • life experience,
  • wisdom and intuition,
  • patience and attention,
  • the ability to understand and forgive.

An adult man understands this and can be lenient towards the behavior of a capricious girl. This is at first! But if a young girl becomes impudent and finds a reason for scandals in any situation, then a man may get tired of this: he himself is no longer so young for showdowns and passions.

If you behave arrogantly and capriciously, believe me, there will be another young woman to take your place. Maybe you won’t lose anything from this - perhaps you still want to seethe with passions in accordance with your age, and you don’t need a mature, balanced man.

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Don't ask for words of love

Experience already tells an adult man that such words should not be thrown around - they often entail consequences, and not always good ones. If declarations of love from him followed immediately after meeting, then the man is clearly rushing the events leading to bed.

But you, for your part, do not rush to reveal your feelings to him, if you have them. If a man doesn’t take you seriously, but simply sees you as an easy and tempting prey, then any confession you make will be regarded as a signal for him to flee.

Another interesting article: Meeting a guy's parents

Watch your speech

Keep in mind that you and this person are “at different poles”, you are separated by the distance between two generations, and each generation has its own concepts and its own slang. Once upon a time he was a young guy, and once upon a time his slang also shocked adults, but now these words sound old-fashioned.

There is no need to force him to memorize and understand modern youth words and communicate in them. There is a normal language that is spoken by all generations. Moreover, slang is most often needed for one’s own coolness, in order to hide one’s stupidity. But you don’t want to look like a fool in front of an intelligent man, do you?

It will also be useful: How to tie a man to you forever

Explain your behavior

The article Why Men Love Older Women describes one “oversight” of young girls when, being offended by something, they have a habit of falling silent. One should not think that an adult man, due to his age, has telepathic abilities and can guess where exactly the offense lies.

This generally infuriates all men of any generation. Any disagreement should be followed by a constructive conversation without raised voices. Men are very sensitive to a woman’s squeal, so they can repay in the same coin: disappear for a while without explanation, until his beloved calms down.

Don't flirt with others

Young girls are often flattered by attention from older men. The girls themselves are literally thrilled “under the fire” of their eyes. But if you are planning a serious relationship with some man, then stop stroking your pride through flirting with people in his social circle.

No, most likely he will not make scenes of jealousy, he will simply draw conclusions. Those with whom he communicates are his trusted friends who do not want to spoil their relationship with him. Yes, they themselves, first of all, will advise him not to get involved with a girl of easy virtue, so as not to lose his head.

Don't be an extortionist

Greed is the feminine quality that older men fear most. But this is not because they are greedy, although they understand the value of every penny they earn. First of all, they are offended that women do not notice the personality in him, but see only his wallet.

Therefore, if you start to “shake” your boyfriend, then don’t be surprised if he quickly evaporates. Men are rarely lonely, especially wealthy ones, so he will quickly find a replacement for you in the person of another charming woman.

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