What is the reason, or what does a person’s mood depend on?

A good mood during the day, especially for residents of a metropolis, is a rarity. Returning from work, we constantly see tired, sad faces on the bus and subway. Few of us leave for work with the same attitude as when we come home. And why?

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What does our mood depend on?

Not all of us can boast of a consistently good mood. At the same time, we tend to attribute the worsening mood to anything: bad weather, hard work, misunderstanding of loved ones , high pace of life, troubles, stress, conflicts , etc. What should we ourselves know and do so that our mood is always the best?

Learn to manage stress

Have you noticed that you start to get very nervous if you oversleep your alarm clock in the morning and are late for work or school? Does it happen that you feel a strong heartbeat before a meeting with management? This is due to our “quick reactions”. Evolution has built into us a self-defense mechanism that should help us in a dangerous situation. For example, when an ancient man encountered a predatory animal, he had to react with lightning speed and run away at maximum speed.

To quickly mobilize all the body's resources, the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, and the blood instantly carries it throughout the body. You feel hot, a feeling of anxiety, nervousness and restlessness appears, muscle tone increases, your heart rate increases - all this is the result of adrenaline. You are ready to rush into battle.

Bad mood

So, when in a bad mood, we notice a person’s frown, sudden movements, outbursts of anger or rage (emotional outbursts). The person walks with his nose hanging down, slouches, and has no desire to communicate with anyone.

A bad mood causes constant stress, fear, anxiety and worry. Constant stress causes various problems (stress-related illnesses), and feelings of anxiety, fear and worry cause tension in the nervous system, which leads to stress.

However, the body cannot distinguish between levels of danger

A bison approaching you, an important meeting with your manager, being late for work, an unpleasant conversation, a scary movie or just bad thoughts - the body perceives everything as danger and begins to produce a stress hormone. As a result, you may think that you are naturally nervous and accept it. But you can and should work with this reaction consciously.

What to do

The first step is to analyze how your day is going. Are there things in your daily routine that make you nervous? If yes, then try to reduce their number. For example, set a loud alarm clock so as not to wake up and not get nervous because of the rush. If you can't remove stressful things, learn to work with them.

The simplest and most effective way is breathing. In a stressful situation, take a deep breath. Heart rate is directly related to breathing, so long inhalations and exhalations are good for calming down. With 30 seconds of deep breathing, you trigger a process in the body that is the opposite of adrenaline stimulation.

Feel the pleasure and peace

The adrenal glands produce not only the stress hormone, but also the pleasure hormone - dopamine. The body releases dopamine when we do something that the brain classifies as rewarding. For example, eating sweets (quick energy), having sex (procreation), regular exercise (body tone). This “reward system” motivates us to do these things more often. However, the reward system works not only with basic physiological things. We are able to receive satisfaction from doing what we love, from communicating with interesting people, from new experiences and the praise of others.

Another important hormone is serotonin. It is also responsible for joyful emotions, but has a slightly different effect on us. If dopamine causes a powerful surge of joy and almost euphoria, then serotonin acts more gently - it helps us feel calm and confident. Low serotonin levels can cause depression

What to do

To feel good, add activities that bring you pleasure to your daily schedule. This could be a hobby, reading or watching a good movie. A victory diary is also very helpful when you remember your big and small victories.

To increase your serotonin levels, exercise regularly, get outside more often, and monitor the light levels in your room.

What does our mood depend on?

As sad as it sounds, the “culprits” of our good mood are little hormones of happiness. It is thanks to them that we laugh, smile, and feel euphoria. You need to know our heroes by sight, so let's find out what a person's mood depends on.

As sad as it sounds, the “culprits” of our good mood are little hormones of happiness. It is thanks to them that we laugh, smile, and feel euphoria. You need to know our heroes by sight, so let's find out what a person's mood depends on.

What does our mood depend on?

Serotonin. Have you ever wondered why some people are always cheerful and cheerful, while others, like Pierrot, turn any problem into a tragedy? It turns out that it's all about the amount of serotonin in the body. Optimists have an abundance of this hormone, while pessimists, on the contrary, are extremely lacking in it. It is very important that the body has a sufficient amount of the hormone serotonin, since it is responsible not only for a good mood, but also for healthy sleep and moderate appetite. If a bad mood is your constant companion, include porridge, pasta, and chocolate in your diet. They stimulate the production of serotonin. Bananas help produce serotonin from fruits. Exercise will also help restore hormone levels.

What does our mood depend on?

Endorphin. This insidious hormone is responsible for the feeling of falling in love. If you suddenly began to see the world in a rosy light, the culprit for all this is none other than endorphin. But what to do if, on the contrary, everyone around you is fed up, your once beloved husband (wife) is disgusting?! Let's go to the gym! Exercising best promotes the production of the love hormone. Daily training will soon help you light the fire in your heart, and the world will become beautiful again!

What does our mood depend on?

Estrogen. This hormone dominates women. Processes such as menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth are under its control. Also, it is thanks to estrogen that a woman becomes attractive and remains youthful. If your body lacks estrogen, sex will help you best. With each sexual intercourse, significant portions of estrogen enter a woman’s bloodstream, which allows her to remain beautiful and young for a long time. Herbal tea will also help increase the amount of estrogen in your body. Brew equal parts of strawberries, raspberries and rose hips and arrange tea ceremonies every day - the result will not take long to wait!

What does our mood depend on?

Oxytocin. This is the ruler of affection and tenderness. It is the hormone Oxytocin that draws us to passionate and friendly hugs, kisses and touches. It also protects us from illness and stress. Once in a man’s blood, this hormone is suppressed by other male hormones, and in a woman’s body its amount increases many times over. Therefore, it is the representatives of the weaker sex who so badly need the manifestation of tender feelings. Relaxed women have much higher levels of oxytocin than reserved and constrained women. If you want to become a lovely seductress, have more sex and ask your loved one to massage you more often. These are the best helpers in the production of oxytocin.

What does our mood depend on?

Adrenalin. This is a hormone of activity, vigor, movement. A normal amount of adrenaline in the body allows you to remain energetic for a long time, to be, so to speak, on the wave. But excess amounts cause anger or fear. Exercise and a moderate diet will always help you stay in good shape. But if you really lack thrills, extreme sports will always help you produce adrenaline.

What does our mood depend on?

What about medications? It would seem that there is nothing simpler, go to the pharmacy, buy yourself a serotonin or endorphin pill, and... a miracle has happened, we are beautiful and happy. But in reality, it turns out, not everything is so simple! Only nature knows exactly what amount of hormones will be ideal, so it’s better to play sports, try correctly and enjoy life more often, just like that, for no reason, and the guardians of a good mood will come to your aid!

Monitor your body's hormonal levels

The hormonal background of the body is the concentration and relative content of hormones in our blood. Hormonal levels are cyclical and consist of several cycles. The shortest cycle is daily. It involves growth hormone, cortisol and testosterone. In the morning, cortisol activates carbohydrate metabolism, increases heart rate and gives the body a “push” to wake up. In the evening, cortisol levels decrease, our activity decreases, and we become calmer. If you sleep less than 5 hours for a long time, overwork and eat poorly, you can throw off the daily hormonal cycle. This can lead to anxiety, unreasonable fears, apathy and despondency. If you first work your butt off, then rest, and then exhaust yourself again, you may never adjust your hormonal levels and constantly experience problems because of this.

What to do

If everything is fine with you and there are no reasons for apathy, fears and despondency, then pay attention to your lifestyle. Start going to bed on time, eat well, plan your work time better. If this does not help, then consult a doctor. Tests will help you understand what is happening with your hormonal levels and find out whether it is the cause of your problems.

What kind of mood can a person have?

A person's mood can be negative and positive. The first presupposes the presence of negative emotions, and the second positive. If you are in a bad mood, it means that you have recently had too many negative thoughts that are preventing you from focusing on the good.

Perhaps you were sad a lot, missed someone, felt disdain for an enemy, or were worried about your loved ones.

The main thing is to understand in time that you need to stop the flow of bad thoughts and think about the good. You can be happy about something, admire an idol, trust your friend, love yourself and everyone around you. All human emotions can be divided into two groups, but there are many more of them. For example, everyone has experienced feelings such as sadness, irritation, joy, and simply a neutral mood when a person is calm and peaceful.

An attitude based on positive emotions is the key to a person’s absolute health, career success, family happiness and, of course, personal growth.

A good mood charges the wearer and those around him with good, positive energy, when people are having fun - this always causes delight and adds strength. In order not to ruin your mood for the whole day, you need to smile more often and surround yourself only with positive people who will always help in difficult times and cheer you up

How to find and not lose a good mood

As mentioned above, to achieve a positive attitude, it is enough to channel your emotions into positive thoughts. You can also use tips such as:

  • Stay offline. Before going to bed, put your phone away to enjoy the atmosphere of the evening. This will help you set yourself up for a productive morning and day. Moreover, not having a phone will help you fall asleep easier.
  • Sports activities. During exercise, the hormone endorphin is released. It is called the hormone of happiness. This activity will definitely help you get in the mood for the good. Moreover, a good figure also increases self-confidence, and therefore mood.
  • Be grateful. For all. And everyone. The world is grateful to you only if you are grateful to the world. Life is a reason for gratitude.

These recommendations will help you be happy and in a good mood all the time. What could be better than positive emotions?

How to get rid of a bad mood once and for all

But if you have another problem - you don’t know how to get out of depression, a depressed state?

in a bad mood
When a person is in a negative mood and constantly walks around without a mood, this can cause a number of psychological disorders. There is a high risk of falling into a state of depression. To prevent this from happening, you need to take a break from everyday problems and try to entertain yourself a little

What to do if standard advice does not help? There are a few simple steps that can help you quickly get into a positive mood, namely:

  1. Chocolate. This sweetness causes a surge of the hormone serotonin in your brain. Serotonin improves your mood and puts you in a better mood!
  2. Listen to music. The right music will help you make your routine work interesting and fun. Moreover, you can sing and dance to it to banish your bad mood forever!
  3. Draw. Just draw without meaning or purpose. It's relaxing and you end up with a positive attitude!

So, being in a good mood is very simple and within the power of every person. The main thing is not to give up and not to panic during critical situations. If you control yourself, you can quickly readjust.

Every person can control their emotions and feelings, no matter what situation they find themselves in. People are actually very strong by nature, but in order to maintain this strength, it is necessary to develop their spiritual knowledge. And this can only be done when you are in a good mood.

Monitor the circadian rhythm and lighting

Melatonin is responsible for the body's daily rhythm. It is he who controls our “biological clock”. Melatonin takes part in the production of various substances, including dopamine and serotonin. Scientific experiments have shown that melatonin injections reduce anxiety, relieve stress and help get rid of negative emotions. A lack of melatonin, as well as its excess, have a negative effect on the body. The level of melatonin production depends on lighting. If there is a lot of light, the level of melatonin production decreases; in the absence of light, it increases. Moreover, 70% of the daily secretion of melatonin occurs at night.

What to do

Make sure that you are not disturbed by light while you sleep. In the evenings, try not to turn on bright lights, use lamps with warm light. Use blackout curtains and turn off your phone, laptop, and computer 2 hours before bed.

Having a good mood every day is not difficult

Our mood depends on the coordinated work of the nervous system and brain, which is associated with the amount of neurotransmitters-mediators of chemical origin. The supply of substances necessary for the production of neurotransmitters to the brain is strictly balanced and interconnected.

This balance, intended by nature, is disrupted, in addition to stress and poor ecology, by dehydration.

In particular, less tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin and melatonin, enters the brain. And this leads not only to a bad mood, but also provokes depression, impaired performance, sleep, and even terrible diseases such as Parkenson’s and Alzheimer’s.

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Agree that each of us is capable of eliminating this important and inevitable cause of bad mood on our own! If you drink at least 2 liters of water a day!

Monitor your menstrual cycle

The hormonal cycle has a great influence on the female body. They not only prepare a woman’s body for conception (during reproductive age), but also affect the psyche. During the cycle, the female body is affected by estrogens, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. They cannot influence emotions. Bad mood and anxiety can occur due to pain, lightheadedness and weakness that a woman experiences.

What to do

To become more aware of your symptoms, keep a calendar. Identify the days of the month when you feel unwell, experience mood swings or weakness. And try to reduce your load during this period and avoid unnecessary stress.

Our mood is influenced not only by internal processes, but also by external factors. By changing our behavior and conditions, we can influence our mood.

How does the human subconscious affect stress?

Many negative events in life are forgotten over time, although the unpleasant aftertaste and impression remain. After this, negativity accompanies all further incidents, no matter what they are. Positive events can act in the same way, so it is necessary to please and fill your mental activity with positive events as often as possible, so that they, by inertia, brighten up with their brightness and positivity. When the subconscious is filled with wonderful events, even the most serious troubles are perceived differently. That is why it is necessary to pay attention more often to the positive moments in our lives, because they are present in every day, but we rarely notice them.

Our subconscious is influenced by our own actions and the responses of conscience after they have been committed. For example, when we do something good and kind, we feel some pride in our action and feel a certain satisfaction. When we commit actions that make us feel guilty, our mood begins to deteriorate, since we do not see anything good in what happened. As a result, even positive events do not seem so, since there is a feeling of heaviness in the soul.

In reality, we are not able to influence the course of absolutely all events in our lives, but we can easily learn to control our emotions and mood. Experience and practice demonstrate that it is this approach that makes people happier and more successful. Independence from events, ease of character, positive attitude, increased resistance to stress - this is not only the key to a pleasant future, it is also an excellent example for the people around, and most importantly, for our children.

Eat a variety of foods

Neurotransmitters take part in the formation of emotions. Most of them are synthesized in the body not from scratch, but from simpler components (precursor molecules). For example, the precursor molecule to dopamine is the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosine is formed from another amino acid - phenylalanine. The body is not able to synthesize phenylalanine itself and can only obtain it from food (from proteins). The precursor molecule of melatonin is tryptophan; the body also needs amino acids for its synthesis.

What to do

Make sure your diet is varied. Pay special attention to foods that contain proteins (meat, fish, eggs, beans). After all, it is their body that breaks down amino acids, which are involved in the synthesis of important substances.

Monitor your sugar levels

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate. It breaks down into fructose and glucose. It is glucose that provides energy to all processes that occur in the body (from our movements to the functioning of internal organs). When glucose levels are constantly changing, it causes not only physical but also psychological problems. If blood sugar levels are too low, the body begins to conserve energy. The most energy-consuming processes—muscles and mental activity—suffer the most. Headaches and depression also appear.

Many people know that if you eat a chocolate bar, your mood immediately improves. The thing is that sweets cause the production of dopamine. The only problem is that your blood sugar drops quickly and you feel bad again. Sugar does not work in moderation - if you eat chocolate, your sugar level will rise sharply and then drop sharply.

What to do

We feel good when our blood glucose levels remain stable, without sudden spikes or drops. A sharp drop in glucose levels causes mood swings. To avoid problems, give up bad sugar (milk chocolate cookies, candies) and replace it with healthy sugar (fruit). It is also very important not to skip meals.

How to deal with a bad mood

Basically, the struggle takes place on an emotional level. People who constantly focus on their shortcomings, problems, illnesses and the like will never become happy. That is, you should “turn a blind eye” to temporary problems. It may seem that this problem will last a lifetime, but this is not so, all problems are temporary. You can also use physical activity. Every workout is a lot of fun. The feeling of new achievements is always pleasing. And also a splash of negativity will bring a good mood.

As a result, you need to learn to manage your mood; if you don’t do this, your mood will constantly change depending on factors. A person should not allow any factor to spoil his mood.

Don't overuse coffee

Caffeine lifts your mood and doesn't do it as harshly as sugar. Therefore, a cup of coffee in the morning helps us feel good. However, regular consumption of caffeine can cause nervousness.

What to do

Don't make drinking coffee a habit. If you drink coffee in the morning to wake up, let it be only one cup and not every day (take breaks). And don't drink coffee after lunch, because the caffeine will prevent you from getting a good night's sleep.

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